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Effective pollinators in Fabaceae species with papillionaceous flowers should have sufficient force to open the petals and expose the stamens and pistils from the keel petals. Here, we assessed the force that is required (operative force) to open the petals of the mammal‐pollinated Mucuna macrocarpa, in parallel with estimating the force of bee species. The operative force of M. macrocarpa was quantified by a digital force gauge and the force of three bee species that frequent these flowers was estimated from body mass. The operative force was 1.635 ± 0.146 (mean ± SD) newton (N). This force was far larger than that estimated for the largest bee in the study area. In addition, the operative force of M. macrocarpa was 16–409 times greater than that of bee‐pollinated plants. Our results demonstrate that the operative force of M. macrocarpa flowers is adapted to mammalian openers, preventing potential nectar robbers.  相似文献   

This work describes the antiparasitic and cytotoxic activities of three plant species from the Cerrado biome, Northeastern Brazil. Significant antiparasitic inhibition was observed against Trypanosoma cruzi (63.86%), Leishmania brasiliensis (92.20%) and Leishmania infantum (95.23%) when using ethanol extract from leaves of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. (Malvaceae), at a concentration of 500 μg/mL. However, low levels of inhibition were observed when assessing leishmanicidal and trypanocidal (Clone CL-B5) activities of crude ethanol extracts from leaves and bast tissue of Luehea paniculata (Malvaceae) and leaves and bark of Prockia crucis (Salicaceae) at a concentration of 500 μg/mL. The extracts revealed the presence of phenolic acids such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid, as well as flavonoids such as rutin, luteolin, apigenin and quercetin – the latter detected only in G. ulmifolia. G. ulmifolia extract displayed higher leishmanicidal activity probably due to the presence of quercetin, a potent known leishmanicidal compound. A cytotoxicity test indicated values over 50% at the highest concentration (1000 μg/mL) for all natural products, which were considered cytotoxic. This points out the need for further tests to enable future in vivo trials, including antineoplastic activity on human tumor cells.  相似文献   

Fruit set is pollen‐limited in the self‐incompatible tree Heterophragma quadriloculare (Bignoniaceae), pollinated by long‐distance flying carpenter bees, and in the self‐compatible shrub Lasiosiphon eriocephalus (Thymdeaceae), pollinated by weak‐flying, sedentary beetles. We studied a single H. quadriloculare population over high and low flowering years and found no difference in bee visitation rates between these years. For H. quadriloculare, neighborhood floral display did not make a significant contribution to reproductive success. We investigated dense and sparse L. eriocephalus populations in the same year. In the low density L. eriocephalus population, individual floral displays were higher than in the dense population, yet reproductive success was low, indicating that plant isolation was a major factor influencing fruit set. This result was due to the extremely low number of beetles per plant and per flower in this population. In the dense L. eriocephalus population, although the displays of individual neighbors were smaller and plants were closer, neighborhood floral display did not contribute significantly to reproductive success, whereas the effect of individual floral display was ambiguous. Species with self‐incompatible rather than self‐compatible breeding systems are expected to experience neighborhood effects on reproductive success; however, at the spatial scale and floral display levels of plants in this study, only individual floral display affected fruit set in H. quadriloculare, whereas neither individual nor neighborhood display influenced fruit set in L. eriocephalus. Therefore, pollinator type, pollinator behavior, and plant and population isolation, rather than breeding system alone, will determine if neighborhood floral display affects fruit set.  相似文献   

Fire is a natural factor maintaining biodiversity and several ecological processes. The Brazilian Cerrado, considered the savanna with the highest biodiversity, is characterized by climatic seasonality, vegetation mosaics and topographic variations that together with fire determine its different plant physiognomies. The Chapada das Mesas National Park (CMNP), located in the south of the state of Maranhão (Brazil), has different savanna plant physiognomies with high ecological potential and archaeological and water wealth. The aim of the present study was to reconstruct the fire history over 28 years for the park and its surroundings (20 km buffer area), endeavouring to understand the impact of the creation of this National Park on its fire regime. Landsat satellite images were used from the TM, ETM + and OLI sensors to map the fire scars, which were identified and vectorized manually. The database created was used to analyze the total annual burned area, burned area percentage, density ignition, mean burn scar area and fire frequency during the mapped period. In total, 86 % of the CMNP was burn at least once between 1990 and 2017, while 72 % of the buffer area was burn. The creation of the park had significant effects on the density ignition when the periods before (1990–2005) and after (2006–2017) its creation were compared, and showed no significant effects on total annual area burned and average burn scar area. Despite the amount of burned area over time did not change significantly between the years before and after, the main change was observed in the fire seasonality after the creation of the park. In the park, 38 % of the area had a frequency of burn areas higher than ten times in the 28-year interval while 13 % of the buffer area was burn more than 10 times. In contrast, 23 % and 15 % had a fire frequency of 2 to 4 times on the buffer and the park respectively. Although the park was created to mitigate the human impacts of fire, the geographic isolation, the current occupation of the park by local populations and the pressure from agricultural expansion in the surroundings are influencing these conservation measures. Understanding the spatial–temporal distribution of fire in protected areas of the Cerrado contributes to improving management, preservation and conservation actions, so that in future studies other factors can be included to better understand the dynamic of fire occurrence in the region of the CMNP and in other protected areas of the Cerrado.  相似文献   

Araucaria angustifolia Bert. (O. Ktze), also known as the “Brazilian pine”, is native to the South of Brazil. This species has a long reproductive cycle, taking about 29–34 months. Its cones begin to develop in early January and remain dormant from March to July. In August, they become active again and microsporogenesis occurs, which proceeds until September. From September to October, microgametogenesis is established and pollination occurs from October to November. Meiosis is asynchronous, with simultaneous cytokinesis, and the tetrads are of the tetrahedral and isobilateral type. During gametogenesis, microgametophytes gradually develop an axial row of cells that are isolated by internal callose and undergo four mitotic cycles until pollen dispersal. In mature pollen grains, the vegetative cells do not possess a cell wall, but maintain strong internal polarization. The pollen of A. angustifolia is suboblate, without apertures or air sacs. Histochemical analysis of the sporoderm was also performed and when compared to other conifer families, showed the most simplified intine structure among the group. Embryological characteristics analyzed during the phenological phases of this species showed certain peculiarities, knowledge about which may be helpful contributing to the management and conservation of A. angustifolia.  相似文献   

Salinity in soil affects about 7 % of the land’s surface and about 5 % of cultivated land. Most importantly, about 20 % of irrigated land has suffered from secondary salinisation and 50 % of irrigation schemes are affected by salts. In many hotter, drier countries of the world salinity is a concern in their agriculture and could become a key issue. Consequently, the development of salt resistant crops is seen as an important area of research. Although there has been considerable research into the effects of salts on crop plants, there has not, unfortunately, been a commensurate release of salt tolerant cultivars of crop plants. The reason is likely to be the complex nature of the effect of salts on plants. Given the rapid increase in molecular biological techniques, a key question is whether such techniques can aid the development of salt resistance in plants. Physiological and biochemical research has shown that salt tolerance depends on a range of adaptations embracing many aspects of a plant’s physiology: one of these the compartmentation of ions. Introducing genes for compatible solutes, a key part of ion compartmentation, in salt-sensitive species is, conceptually, a simple way of enhancing tolerance. However, analysis of the few data available suggests the consequences of transformation are not straightforward. This is not unexpected for a multigenic trait where the hierarchy of various aspects of tolerance may differ between and within species. The experimental evaluation of the response of transgenic plants to stress does not always match, in quality, the molecular biology. We have advocated the use of physiological traits in breeding programmes as a process that can be undertaken at the present while more knowledge of the genetic basis of salt tolerance is obtained. The use of molecular biological techniques might aid plant breeders through the development of marker aided selection.  相似文献   

Plant species in fire‐prone environments possess specific traits which allow them to survive fire. Species are commonly classified according to whether they survive fire and resprout or whether they are killed by fire and regenerate from seed. However, different populations of the same species have been shown to vary in their responses. Therefore, the classification of a species into a single category based on fire‐response traits may not necessarily be representative of every population under every circumstance. This study examined the extent of within‐species variation in fire‐response traits of woody plants in south‐eastern Australia after the 2003 fires. Species were then classified using two approaches: (i) using data from a field survey of fire‐response traits, taking into account within‐species variation; and (ii) using species' fire responses listed in a pre‐existing fire‐response database compiled from a variety of primary sources. Field data showed that the majority of species in the study area resprouted after fire with around one in 10 species variable in their resprouting response. Almost half of all species varied from site to site according to whether they regenerated from seed, either solely or in addition to resprouting. The numbers of species classified as resprouters and seed regenerators varied according to the classification method used. Differences were also found between the classification method when calculating the mean proportion of resprouters and seed regenerators across sites. The fire‐response traits for some species from the database were found to differ from the observed field responses. This study demonstrated that the application of a fire‐response trait, reported in a trait database, to an entire species, may not adequately represent the actual fire responses of the populations of interest. Rather than considering the fire‐response traits of a species, accurate prediction may be better achieved by considering how different populations of plants will respond to fire.  相似文献   

The present investigation primarily focussed on evaluating the efficacy of exogenous proline on the flower longevity of Dianthus chinensis L. Floral buds were harvested at the paint brush stage (i.e., a day prior to anthesis) and divided into 6 sets, with one set of buds (i.e., control) held in distilled water and rest of the 5 sets were supplemented with various concentrations of proline, viz., 10 mM, 20 mM, 30 mM, 40 mM and 50 mM. The application of proline at 40 mM concentration proved out to be most effective in improving the longevity of the flowers by about 4 days as compared to the control. The ameliorated longevity coincided with enhanced floral diameter, fresh mass, dry mass and water content. The flowers with delayed senescence also maintained higher soluble proteins, sugars and phenols. The results suggest that exogenous proline effectively alleviates oxidative stress in the petal tissue, as evident by a relatively lower maloendialdehyde content, which is manifested in the form of reduced lipid peroxidation (LPO). Reduced LPO was commensurate with increased membrane stability, quantified by membrane stability index. Moreover, the flowers with improved longevity exhibited a decline in lipoxygenase activity and significant augmentation of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase.  相似文献   

The pollination of the non-rewarding Orchis pauciflora was studied. The most abundant visitors of O. pauciflora were B. terrestris queens. The fragrance of O. pauciflora inflorescence was dominated by a sesquiterpene (E)-β-farnesene. (E,E)-α-Farnesene, (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesol, geranylcitronellol, and the monoterpenes limonene and 1,8-cineol were found among less abundant constituents. The sesqui- and diterpenes detected in O. pauciflora fragrance are frequent constituents of male marking pheromones of many bumble bee species. Enantioselective analysis of O. pauciflora scent and B. terrestris male marking pheromone revealed the presence of the (S)-isomer of (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesol in both samples, and electrophysiological experiments showed that mainly the (S)-isomer activated the antennal receptors. In field experiments, O. pauciflora inflorescences were enriched with the main compound (E)-β-farnesene resulting in significantly increased pollinia export. We here discuss the chemical similarities between orchid and bumble bees and whether the presence of bumble bee male pheromone components in O. pauciflora fragrance increases its fitness. Dedicated to the late Professor Emeritus Bertil Kullenberg for his fundamental contribution to the research in the field of chemical ecology  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. To determine whether rarity and decline is linked to organism ecology, associations have been examined between butterfly larval host‐plant competitive, stress‐tolerant, ruderal (C‐S‐R) strategies and butterfly biology. 2. Associations have been sought between mean C‐S‐R scores for larval host plants with butterfly life history, morphology and physiology variables, resource use, population attributes, geography, and conservation status. Comparisons are carried out across species and controlled for phylogenetic patterning. 3. Butterfly biology is linked to host‐plant strategies. An increasing tendency of a butterfly's host plants to a particular strategy biases that butterfly species to functionally linked life‐history attributes and resource breadth and type. In turn, population attributes and geography are significantly and substantially affected by host choice and the strategies of these host plants. 4. The greatest contrast is between butterfly species whose host plants are labelled C and R strategists and those whose host plants are labelled S strategists. Increasingly high host‐plant C and R strategy scores bias butterflies to rapid development, short early stages, multivoltinism, long flight periods, early seasonal emergence, higher mobility, polyphagy, wide resource availability and biotope occupancy, open, areally expansive, patchy population structures, denser distributions, wider geographical ranges, resistance to range retractions as well as to increasing rarity in the face of environmental changes. Increasing host‐plant S strategy scores have reversed tendencies, biasing those butterfly species to extended development times, fewer broods, short flight periods, smaller wing expanse and lower mobility, monophagy, restricted resource exploitation and biotope occupancy, closed, areally limited populations with typical metapopulation structures, sparse distributions, and limited geographical ranges, range retractions, and increased rarity. 5. Species with S strategy host plants are species vulnerable to current environmental changes and species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Since its original formulation by Janzen in 1966, the hypothesis that obligate ant‐plants (myrmecophytes) defended effectively against herbivores by resident mutualistic ants have reduced their direct, chemical defence has been widely adopted. We tested this hypothesis by quantifying three classes of phenolic compounds (hydrolysable tannins, flavonoids, and condensed tannins) spectrophotometrically in the foliage of 20 ant‐plant and non‐ant‐plant species of the three unrelated genera Leonardoxa,Macaranga and Acacia (and three other closely related Mimosoideae from the genera Leucaena, Mimosa and Prosopis). We further determined biological activities of leaf extracts of the mimosoid species against fungal spore germination (as measure of pathogen resistance), seed germination (as measure of allelopathic activity), and caterpillar growth (as measure of anti‐herbivore defence).
Condensed tannin content in three of four populations of the non‐myrmecophytic Leonardoxa was significantly higher than in populations of the myrmecophyte. In contrast, we observed no consistent differences between ant‐plants and non‐ant‐plants in the Mimosoideae and in the genus Macaranga, though contents of phenolic compounds varied strongly among different species in each of these two plant groups. Similarly, among the investigated Mimosoideae, biological activity against spore or seed germination and caterpillar growth varied considerably but showed no clear relation with the existence of an obligate mutualism with ants. Our results did not support the hypothesis of ‘trade‐offs’ between indirect, biotic and direct, chemical defence in ant‐plants.
A critical re‐evaluation of the published data suggests that support for this hypothesis is more tenuous than is usually believed. The general and well‐established phenomenon that myrmecophytes are subject to severe attack by herbivores when deprived of their ants still lacks an explanation. It remains to be studied whether the trade‐off hypothesis holds true only for specific compounds (such as chitinases and amides whose cost may be the direct negative effects on plants’ ant mutualists), or whether the pattern of dramatically reduced direct defence of ant‐plants is caused by classes of defensive compounds not yet studied.  相似文献   

In the present work, we provide compelling evidence for the expression of a ghrelin-like peptide hormone that has only been associated with animals, in various plant tissues. Ghrelin, the appetite stimulating hormone, has been identified from a number of different species including humans, rat, pig, mouse, gerbil, eel, goldfish, bullfrog and chicken. The study here was conducted using an immunohistochemistry assay to screen whether plants have any ghrelin immunoreactivity. In this respect, Prunus x domestica L. and Marus alba were examined. Immunohistochemistry results showed that there is a strong human ghrelin immunoreactivity substance in the parenchyma cells of these plants. This was entirely unexpected since this hormone was considered to be present solely in animals. Thus, this study is the first to report the presence of a peptide with ghrelin-like activity in plants, a finding that has only been observed in the animal kingdom. RIA analysis confirmed that these plants contain significant amounts of this substance. Furthermore, reverse-phase HPLC analyses of plant extracts showed an elution characteristic of the peptide identical to that of human ghrelin. In general, fruit from both plants had higher levels of the peptide than the vegetative parts.  相似文献   

Scale-free network models describe many natural and social phenomena. In particular, networks of interacting components of a living cell were shown to possess scale-free properties. A recent study((1)) compares the system-level properties of metabolic and information networks in 43 archaeal, bacterial and eukaryal species and claims that the scale-free organization of these networks is more conserved during evolution than their content.  相似文献   

Bottom‐up control is a fundamental structuring force in food webs. Food webs of ocean‐exposed sandy beaches are predicted to be bottom‐up controlled systems, underpinned by imported organic matter rather than in situ primary production. This ecological model of resource‐based regulation of biological assemblages is juxtaposed against a prevailing paradigm built around a dominance of physical drivers in sandy beach ecosystems. Surprisingly, given the apparently ubiquitous energetic subsidies of beach food webs, the central premise of bottom‐up control has not been tested. Here we experimentally manipulated in situ nutrient levels on a sandy beach to test food web responses at the levels of primary producers (benthic microalgae) and their grazers (meiofauna). The meiofauna community as a whole appeared most strongly influenced by the local physical environment, particularly changes in sediment grain size – this supports the traditional ‘environmental control paradigm’. We also detected a significant, positive response of two consumer groups of the meiofauna (nematodes, ostracods) to nutrient enrichment that supports a model of biological, bottom‐up control. Although the predicted response of elevated producer biomass following nutrient enrichment was not detected, intense grazing pressure on new, stimulated production may have masked positive responses by the primary producers. Multichannel regulation of food webs is likely for many exposed sandy beaches, albeit an often lower importance of in situ bottom‐up forces compared with stronger environmental control.  相似文献   

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