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《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(1):67-69
There are several hypotheses which try to explain why particular plants produce just the number of flowers that they do. These hypotheses include: compromises between the attraction of pollinators and avoiding self-pollination by geitonogamy; optimal nectar production as a result of diminishing gains of nectar production; opportunity for selective abortion; or different bet-hedging strategies. In this paper, I present a hypothesis which interferes with the others concerning flower numbers in plants: nectar thieving can apply a selection force in plants which result in a portioning of nectar in many flowers. Energy saved by reducing the quantity of nectar in each flower can be directed into greater flower numbers.  相似文献   

Extensive use of chemical insecticides to control insect pests in agriculture has improved yields and production of high-quality food products. However, chemical insecticides have been shown to be harmful also to beneficial insects and many other organisms like vertebrates. Thus, there is a need to replace those chemical insecticides by other control methods in order to protect the environment. Insect pest pathogens, like bacteria, viruses or fungi, are interesting alternatives for production of microbial-based insecticides to replace the use of chemical products in agriculture. Organic farming, which does not use chemical pesticides for pest control, relies on integrated pest management techniques and in the use of microbial-based insecticides for pest control. Microbial-based insecticides require precise formulation and extensive monitoring of insect pests, since they are highly specific for certain insect pests and in general are more effective for larval young instars. Here, we analyse the possibility of using microbial-based insecticides to replace chemical pesticides in agricultural production.  相似文献   

Land‐cover change and ecosystem degradation may lead to biotic homogenization, yet our understanding of this phenomenon over large spatial scales and different biotic groups remains weak. We used a multi‐taxa dataset from 335 sites and 36 heterogeneous landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon to examine the potential for landscape‐scale processes to modulate the cumulative effects of local disturbances. Biotic homogenization was high in production areas but much less in disturbed and regenerating forests, where high levels of among‐site and among‐landscape β‐diversity appeared to attenuate species loss at larger scales. We found consistently high levels of β‐diversity among landscapes for all land cover classes, providing support for landscape‐scale divergence in species composition. Our findings support concerns that β‐diversity has been underestimated as a driver of biodiversity change and underscore the importance of maintaining a distributed network of reserves, including remaining areas of undisturbed primary forest, but also disturbed and regenerating forests, to conserve regional biota.  相似文献   

The long‐term benefit‐to‐risk ratio of sustained antipsychotic treatment for schizophrenia has recently been questioned. In this paper, we critically examine the literature on the long‐term efficacy and effectiveness of this treatment. We also review the evidence on the undesired effects, the impact on physical morbidity and mortality, as well as the neurobiological correlates of chronic exposure to antipsychotics. Finally, we summarize factors that affect the risk‐benefit ratio. There is consistent evidence supporting the efficacy of antipsychotics in the short term and mid term following stabilization of acute psychotic symptoms. There is insufficient evidence supporting the notion that this effect changes in the long term. Most, but not all, of the long‐term cohort studies find a decrease in efficacy during chronic treatment with antipsychotics. However, these results are inconclusive, given the extensive risk of bias, including increasing non‐adherence. On the other hand, long‐term studies based on national registries, which have lower risk of bias, find an advantage in terms of effectiveness during sustained antipsychotic treatment. Sustained antipsychotic treatment has been also consistently associated with lower mortality in people with schizophrenia compared to no antipsychotic treatment. Nevertheless, chronic antipsychotic use is associated with metabolic disturbance and tardive dyskinesia. The latter is the clearest undesired clinical consequence of brain functioning as a potential result of chronic antipsychotic exposure, likely from dopaminergic hypersensitivity, without otherwise clear evidence of other irreversible neurobiological changes. Adjunctive psychosocial interventions seem critical for achieving recovery. However, overall, the current literature does not support the safe reduction of antipsychotic dosages by 50% or more in stabilized individuals receiving adjunctive psychosocial interventions. In conclusion, the critical appraisal of the literature indicates that, although chronic antipsychotic use can be associated with undesirable neurologic and metabolic side effects, the evidence supporting its long‐term efficacy and effectiveness, including impact on life expectancy, outweighs the evidence against this practice, overall indicating a favorable benefit‐to‐risk ratio. However, the finding that a minority of individuals diagnosed initially with schizophrenia appear to be relapse free for long periods, despite absence of sustained antipsychotic treatment, calls for further research on patient‐level predictors of positive outcomes in people with an initial psychotic presentation.  相似文献   

Biological traits, such as body size, fecundity and fertility, of egg parasitoids are strongly influenced by host species, and the use of a single‐host species for consecutive generations has been showed to be detrimental for egg parasitoid biology. Besides biological traits, behaviour of egg parasitoids is also an important parameter for implying their performance in the field, but information about the effect of host on the behaviour of egg parasitoids is still scarce. Thus, this work aimed at determining the influence of host species on the short‐range flight capacity of three egg parasitoids Trichogrammatoidea annulata De Santis, Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman and Platner and Trichogramma bruni Nagajara reared on Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller), Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), for first, 10 and 28 consecutive generations. Trichogrammatids emerged inside a tubular dark flight chamber, under controlled conditions, and short‐range flying response was based on the proportions of adults trapped to the sticky top of the chamber and the ones found on the bottom, which were checked for defective wings. Our data clearly demonstrate that trichogrammatid short‐range flight depends on the fasctidious host species. All three egg parasitoids had their flight capacity significantly reduced when emerged from S. cerealella. The highest flying capacity of T. annulata was registered when reared on C. cephalonica, while for T. atopovirilia was on A. kuehniella and T. bruni on both C. cephalonica and A. kuehniella. Parasitoid flight capacity is affected when reared on the same host over generations; however, it was not possible to define a pattern for any of the trichogrammatids. Our findings are of great relevance for quality control of mass‐reared egg parasitoids because measuring only behavioural traits with use of flight chambers can be more practical and less time‐consuming than assessing biological parameters.  相似文献   

Can video cameras replace visual estrus detection in dairy cows?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 6-mo experiment was conducted in a dairy herd to evaluate a video system for estrus detection. From October 2007 to April 2008, 35 dairy cows of three breeds that ranged in age from 2 to 6 yr were included in the study. Four daylight cameras were set up in two free stalls with straw litter and connected to a computer equipped with specific software to detect movement. This system allowed the continuous observation of the cows as well as video storage. An observation method related to the functionality of the video management software (“Camera-Icons” method) was used to detect the standing mount position and was compared to direct visual observation (direct visual method). Both methods were based on the visualization of standing mount position. A group of profile photos consisting of the full face, left side, right side, and back of each cow was used to identify animals on the videos. Milk progesterone profiles allowed the determination of ovulatory periods (reference method), and a total of 84 ovulatory periods were used. Data obtained by direct visual estrus detection were used as a control. Excluding the first postpartum ovulatory periods, the “Camera-Icons” method allowed the detection of 80% of the ovulatory periods versus 68.6% with the direct visual method (control) (P = 0.07). Consequently, the “Camera-Icons” method gave at least similar results to the direct visual method. When combining the two methods, the detection rate was 88.6%, which was significantly higher than the detection rate allowed by the direct visual method (P < 0.0005). Eight to 32 min (mean 20 min) were used daily to analyze stored images. When compared with the 40 min (four periods of 10 min) dedicated to the direct visual method, we conclude that the video survey system not only saved time but also can replace direct visual estrus detection.  相似文献   

We calibrated and evaluated the agricultural model AquaCrop for the simulation of water use and yield of a short‐rotation coppice (SRC) plantation with poplar (Populus) in East Flanders (Belgium) during the second and the third rotation (first 2 years only). Differences in crop development and growth during the course of the rotations were taken into account during the model calibration. Overall, the AquaCrop model showed good performance for the daily simulation of soil water content (R2 of 0.57–0.85), of green canopy cover (R2 > 0.87), of evapotranspiration (ET; R2 > 0.76), and of potential yield. The simulated, total yearly water use of the SRC ranged between 55% and 85% of the water use of a reference grass ecosystem calculated under the same environmental conditions. Crop transpiration was between 67% and 93% of total ET, with lower percentages in the first than in the second year of each rotation. The observed (dry mass) yield ranged from 6.61 to 14.76 Mg ha?1 yr?1. A yield gap of around 30% was observed between the second and the third rotation, as well as between simulated and observed yield during the third rotation. This could possibly be explained by the expansion of the understory (weed) layer; the relative cover of understory weeds was 22% in the third year of the third rotation. The agricultural AquaCrop model simulated total water use and potential yield of the operational SRC in a reliable way. As the plantation was extensively managed, potential effects of irrigation and/or fertilization on ET and on yield were not considered in this study.  相似文献   

In contrast to northern temperate environments, where day length and temperature changes are obvious proximate cues for movement to resource-rich breeding habitats, the cues for movement used by birds in an often resource-poor, stochastic environment are less obvious. We recorded long-distance movements of 23 Grey Teal Anas gracilis using satellite telemetry for up to 879 days and examined the relationship between those movements and environmental factors, such as heavy rainfall and flooding, at the destination site. We identified 32 long-distance (> 150 km) movements that met our criterion for minimally interrupted flight between origin and destination. Thirteen of these flights coincided with rainfall and/or flooding events up to 1050 km from the origin. However, some ducks moved without any clear beneficial conditions at the destination onto small wetlands in regions with little surface water. The data suggest that there are two types of long-distance movement – ranging and directed. These flights occurred over distances up to 1200 km across the arid inland. The rates and distances of movement suggest that long-distance movements of Grey Teal entail high energy costs as in waterfowl elsewhere. We conclude that the proximate controls of directed movements need not be very different from those of their temperate counterparts.  相似文献   

In nest‐building species predation of nest contents is a main cause of reproductive failure and parents have to trade off reproductive investment against antipredatory behaviours. While this trade‐off is modified by lifespan (short‐lived species prioritize current reproduction; long‐lived species prioritize future reproduction), it may vary within a breeding season, but this idea has only been tested in short‐lived species. Yet, life history theory does not make any prediction how long‐lived species should trade off current against future reproductive investment within a season. Here, we investigated this trade‐off through predator‐exposure experiments in a long‐lived bird species, the brown thornbill. We exposed breeding pairs that had no prior within‐season reproductive success to the models of a nest predator and a predator of adults during their first or second breeding attempt. Overall, parents reduced their feeding rate in the presence of a predator, but parents feeding second broods were more risk sensitive and almost ceased feeding when exposed to both types of predators. However, during second breeding attempts, parents had larger clutches and a higher feeding rate in the absence of predators than during first breeding attempts and approached both types of predators closer when mobbing. Our results suggest that the trade‐off between reproductive investment and risk‐taking can change in a long‐lived species within a breeding season depending on both prior nest predation and renesting opportunities. These patterns correspond to those in short‐lived species, raising the question of whether a within‐season shift in reproductive investment trade‐offs is independent of lifespan.  相似文献   

Pollination syndromes are defined as suites of floral traits evolved in response to selection imposed by a particular group of pollinators (e.g., butterflies, hummingbirds, bats). Although numerous studies demonstrated their occurrence in plants pollinated by radically different pollinators, it is less known whether it is possible to identify them within species pollinated by one functional pollinator group. In such a framework, we expect floral traits to evolve also in response to pollinator subgroups (e.g., species, genera) within that unique functional group. On this, specialised pollination systems represent appropriate case studies to test such expectations. Calceolaria is a highly diversified plant genus pollinated by oil‐collecting bees in genera Centris and Chalepogenus. Variation in floral traits in Calceolaria has recently been suggested to reflect adaptations to pollinator types. However, to date no study has explicitly tested that observation. In this paper, we quantitatively test that hypothesis by evaluating the presence of pollination syndromes within the specialised pollination system formed by several Calceolaria and their insect pollinators. To do so, we use multivariate approaches and explore the structural matching between the morphology of 10 Calceolaria taxa and that of their principal pollinators. Our results identify morphological matching between floral traits related to access to the reward and insect traits involved in oil collection, confirming the presence of pollinator syndromes in Calceolaria. From a general perspective, our findings indicate that the pollination syndrome concept can be also extended to the intra‐pollinator group level.  相似文献   

Can filter‐feeding fishes improve water quality in lakes?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1.  In this paper we examine the potential of a cichlid fish species ( Sarotherodon galilaeus ) to both maintain positive growth rates through filter-feeding on phytoplankton and improve water quality in Lake Kinneret through suppression of dinoflagellate ( Peridinium gatunense ) blooms.
2.  Seasonal plankton consumption by S. galilaeus from Lake Kinneret was examined experimentally by monitoring changes in plankton assemblages during 24 h in 5-m3 mesocosms containing varying densities of fish. Taxon-specific grazing rates ranged from 0 to 17 mg gfish day–1, with mean total consumption of 1.6% fish body weight per day. During the spring bloom of P. gatunense , S. galilaeus consumed mostly (94%) netphytoplankton (≥20 μm). The remaining 6% consisted mostly of nanophytoplankton (<20 μm). During the summer and fall, net- and nanophytoplankton accounted for 54 and 42%, respectively, of the diet of S. galilaeus . Zooplankton and flagellated and ciliated protozoans made up the remaining 4%.
3.  Simulations using a fish bioenergetics model indicated that consumption rates ( C ) were near maximum in spring (90% C max), while consumption was reduced in summer-fall (59% C max). Sarotherodon galilaeus obtains sufficient energy through filter-feeding year-round, although most growth (≥60%) occurs during the spring P. gatunense bloom.
4.  Despite efficient feeding on P. gatunense and nanophytoplankton by S. galilaeus , estimates of instantaneous plankton mortality caused by ingestion were two orders of magnitude lower than maximum potential plankton growth rates. Thus the potential for the S. galilaeus population in Lake Kinneret to positively affect water quality through algal suppression is low.  相似文献   

Telomere length regulation is an important aspect of cell maintenance in eukaryotes, since shortened telomeres can lead to a number of defects, including impaired cell division. Although telomere length is correlated with lifespan in some bird species, its possible role in aging and lifespan determination is still poorly understood. Here we investigate telomere dynamics (changes in telomere length and attrition rate) and telomerase activity in the ant Lasius niger, a species in which different groups of individuals have evolved extraordinarily different lifespans. We found that somatic tissues of the short-lived males had dramatically shorter telomeres than those of the much longer-lived queens and workers. These differences were established early during larval development, most likely through faster telomere shortening in males compared with females. Workers did not, however, have shorter telomeres than the longer-lived queens. We discuss various molecular mechanisms that are likely to cause the observed sex-specific telomere dynamics in ants, including cell division, oxidative stress and telomerase activity. In addition, we discuss the evolutionary causes of such patterns in ants and in other species.  相似文献   

Nectarivorous birds encounter varying nectar concentrations while foraging on different food plants and must adjust their consumption to maintain constant energy intake. We determined how rapidly captive whitebellied sunbirds (Cinnyris talatala) adjust their volumetric intake and feeding patterns after changes in diet concentration. On four consecutive days, birds were fed sucrose diets alternating between a standard diet of 16% w/w and test diets of 2.5, 8.5, 16 or 30% w/w, respectively, for 1.5 h periods. Feeding events were recorded with an infrared photo-detection system and food intake and body mass were monitored continuously by electronic balances interfaced to a computer. Generally, birds demonstrated a measurable increase in feeding frequency and food intake within 10 min after a decrease in sucrose concentration. However, individuals responded differently to the most dilute diet (2.5%): while most increased their food intake, others stopped feeding for a short while, appearing to dislike this diet. Furthermore, the number and duration of feeding events increased in the first 5 min after the switch from 2.5% back to 16%, as the birds attempted to compensate for previous reduced sugar intake. Daily sugar intake was lower when birds alternated between 2.5 and 16% diets than on other test days, but birds were able to maintain body mass, presumably through behavioural adjustments.  相似文献   

Among the different methods used for semen collection from domestic cats, the pharmacological collection by urethral catheterization becomes disruptive. Medetomidine is the elected α2-adrenoceptor agonist for that, but in several countries, it is not commercially available. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of detomidine compared to medetomidine in collecting semen by urethral catheterization in domestic cats. Urethral catheterization was performed on 13 mongrel cats using a disposable semi-rigid tomcat urinary catheter. Of the 19 semen collections performed with medetomidine induction, 94.7% were successful, while with detomidine induction, only 56.3% of 16 were successful. The values semen samples variables were as follows for volume - 10.56 ± 0.4 vs 8.88 ± 0.5 mL, motility - 171.67 ± 0.79 vs 49.77 ± 3.45%, vigor – 4.1 ± 0.03 vs 3.10 ± 0.1 and concentration - 3.24 ± 0.19 vs 2.15 ± 0.13 ×109 sperm/mL respectively for medetomidine and detomidine group. The failure in semen collections with detomidine was mainly due to azoospermic samples, poor urethral relaxation, insufficient volume, or contamination of urine. The sperm concentration was also lower in the detomidine group (P <0.05) when compared to medetomidine. However, when the volume of semen collected was compared, we found no statistical differences. Despite its low performance in collecting semen from cats, detomidine may be an alternative when medetomidine is not accessible.  相似文献   

To preserve biodiversity, identifying at‐risk populations and developing conservation plans to mitigate the effects of human‐induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) are essential. Changes in diet, especially for food‐limited species, can aid in detecting populations being impacted by HIREC, and characterizing the quality, abundance, and temporal and spatial consistency of newly consumed food items may provide insight concerning the likelihood of a species persisting in a changing environment. We used Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) nesting in the Florida Everglades as a model system to study the possible effects of HIREC on a food‐limited population. We compared the diets of Wood Storks in 2013 and 2014 with those reported during the 1970s before major anthropogenic activities affected the Everglades system and prey availability. Wood Storks in our study consumed more large‐bodied sunfish species (Lepomis spp.), fewer native marsh fishes, and more non‐native fish species than during the 1970s. Large sunfish and non‐native fish are relatively rare in the drying pools of Everglades marshes where storks traditionally forage, suggesting that Wood Storks may be using novel foraging habitats such as created wetlands (i.e., canals and stormwater ponds). Although created wetlands have long hydroperiods conducive to maintaining large‐bodied fishes and could provide alternative foraging habitat when prey availability is reduced in natural marshes, additional studies are needed to determine the extent to which these wetlands are used by Wood Storks and, importantly, the quality of prey items potentially available to foraging Wood Storks in created wetlands.  相似文献   

Summary Fencing remnant native vegetation has become a widespread activity for arresting declines in biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. However, few data are available on the effectiveness of this approach. The present study investigated the short-term effects of fencing to exclude livestock on dominant tree and shrub recruitment, plant species cover, litter and soil characteristics in remnant grassy woodlands in southern NSW. Vegetation and soil surveys were undertaken at 47 sites fenced by Greening Australia (NSW) for 2–4 years. Fenced and unfenced areas at each site were compared using split-plot sampling. Woodlands sampled were dominated by Yellow Box/Blakely's Red Gum ( Eucalyptus melliodora/Eucalyptus blakelyi ), Grey Box ( Eucalyptus microcarpa ) or White Cypress-pine ( Callitris glaucophylla ). Significantly higher numbers of tree recruits were found in the fenced sites, with tree recruitment found in 59% of fenced sites compared with 13% of unfenced sites. Fenced sites also had significantly greater cover of native perennial grasses, less cover of exotic annual species and less soil surface compaction. However, outcomes varied among woodland ecosystems and individual sites. Where tree recruitment occurred, there was significantly more tree recruitment where there was greater perennial grass cover and less regeneration where exotic annual grass cover or overstorey crown cover was dense. Few shrubs recruited in fenced or unfenced areas, reflecting the lack of mature shrubs in most sites. Fencing is an important first step for conserving threatened grassy woodlands, but more active management may be needed to enhance woodland recovery, particularly in sites where few or no recruits were found.
Key words bush regeneration, fencing, grazing exclusion, rehabilitation, woodland restoration.  相似文献   

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