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Several hummingbird‐pollinated plant lineages have been demonstrated to show increased rates of diversification compared to related insect‐pollinated lineages. It has been argued that this pattern is produced by a higher degree of specialization on part of both hummingbirds and plants. We here test an alternative hypothesis: The often highly territorial hummingbirds may on average carry pollen over shorter distances than other pollinators and drive diversification by reducing gene flow distances. We present experimental data from pollen analogue tracking showing shorter dispersal distances in hummingbird‐pollinated than in bee‐pollinated species among ten Neotropical species of Justicia (Acanthaceae). Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology, reward production and pollination mechanism of Trichocentrum pumilum were studied in a gallery forest in the interior of the State of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. The floral visitors and pollination mechanism were recorded, and experimental pollinations were carried out in order to determine the breeding system of this species. Trichocentrum pumilum blooms in spring. Each paniculate inflorescence bears an average of 85 flowers that present a central yellow callus and finger‐like trichomes on the lateral lobes of the lip. A lipoidal substance is produced and stored among these trichomes. In the studied population, T. pumilum is exclusively visited and pollinated by two bee species (Tetrapedia diversipes and Lophopedia nigrispinis). Pollinaria are deposited on mouthparts of bees during collection of the lipoidal substance from the lateral lobes of the labellum. Trichocentrum pumilum is self‐incompatible and pollinator‐limited. Natural fruit set was low (9%, compared to 45% in experimentally cross‐pollinated flowers). Potentially viable seed exceed 97% in fruits obtained through cross‐pollination and in natural conditions (open pollination).  相似文献   

  • The incredible pollination mechanisms displayed by orchid flowers has inspired biologists over the centuries. Based on the intriguing flower structures, the relationship among orchid species and their pollinators has been frequently regarded as very specialised.
  • Given that visits on flowers pollinated by oil‐collecting bees are regularly rare, and in Oncidiinae the flowers frequently attractexclusively species that act as effective pollinators, the comparative reproductive biology and pollinator specificity of two sympatric Gomesa (G. varicosa and G. montana; Oncidiinae) were analysedbased on records of floral morphology, production of floral rewards, pollinators and pollination mechanisms. Furthermore, experimental pollinations were carried out in order to examine the breeding systems.
  • The results have show that in the studied population, both Gomesa are visited by several bee species, but these orchids present a specific pollination system.Pollinaria are deposited on the head of Centridini (G. varicosa and G. montana) and Epicharitini (G. varicosa) bees when landed on the central callus of the labellumto collect lipoidal substances produced by glandular elaiophores on lateral lobes of the labellum. Both species are dependent on a biotic pollen vector to set fruits. Gomesamontana is completely self‐incompatible, while G. varicosa is partially self‐compatible.
  • Our results indicate that although the occurrence of self‐sterile species seems to be common in Oncidiinae, in partially self‐incompatible species, as is the case of G. varicosa, self‐compatibility has been considered as an important factor favouring reproductive assurance in populations with low visitation frequencies, despite occurrence of inbreeding depression.

Recent empirical work on cloud forest‐adapted species supports the role of both old divergences across major geographical areas and more recent divergences attributed to Pleistocene climate changes. The shrub Moussonia deppeana is distributed in northern Mesoamerica, with geographically disjunct populations. Based on sampling throughout the species range and employing plastid and nuclear markers, we (i) test whether the fragmented distribution is correlated with main evolutionary lineages, (ii) reconstruct its phylogeographical history to infer the history of cloud forest in northern Mesoamerica and (iii) evaluate a set of refugia/vicariance scenarios for the region and demographic patterns of the populations whose ranges expanded and tracked cloud forest conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum. We found a deep evolutionary split in M. deppeana about 6–3 Ma, which could be consistent with a Pliocene divergence. Comparison of variation in plastid and nuclear markers revealed several lineages mostly congruent with their isolated geographical distribution and restricted gene flow among groups. Results of species distribution modelling and coalescent simulations fit a model of multiple refugia diverging during interglacial cycles. The demographic history of M. deppeana is not consistent with an expanding–contracting cloud forest archipelago model during the Last Glacial Maximum. Instead, our data suggest that populations persisted across the geographical range throughout the glacial cycles, and experienced isolation and divergence during interglacial periods.  相似文献   

Floral traits are adapted by plants to attract pollinators. Some of those plants that have different pollinators in different regions adapt to each pollinator in each region to maximize their pollination success. Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) limits the pollinators using its floral structure and is pollinated by different mammals in different regions. Here, we examine the relationships between floral traits of M. macrocarpa and the external morphology of mammalian pollinators in different regions of its distribution. Field surveys were conducted on Kyushu and Okinawajima Island in Japan, and in Taiwan, where the main pollinators are the Japanese macaque Macaca fuscata, Ryukyu flying fox Pteropus dasymallus, and red‐bellied squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus, respectively. We measured the floral shapes, nectar secretion patterns, sugar components, and external morphology of the pollinators. Results showed that floral shape was slightly different among regions and that flower sizes were not correlated with the external morphology of the pollinators. Volume and sugar rate of nectar were not significantly different among the three regions and did not change throughout the day in any of the regions. However, nectar concentration was higher in Kyushu than in the other two regions. These results suggest that the floral traits of M. macrocarpa are not adapted to each pollinator in each region. Although this plant limits the number of pollinators using its flower structure, it has not adapted to specific mammals and may attract several species of mammals. Such generalist‐like pollination system might have evolved in the Old World.  相似文献   

Floral nectary structure and nectar sugar composition were investigated in relation to other floral traits and flower visitors in contrasting species of Nyctaginaceae from southern South America, representing four tribes (Bougainvilleeae, Colignonieae, Nyctagineae, Pisoneae). Our comparative data will aid in the understanding of plant–pollinator interactions and in the development of hypotheses on the origin of floral and reproductive characters in this family. The nectaries are located on the inner side of the staminal tube. The nectariferous tissue is composed of an epidermis and three to ten layers of secretory parenchymal cells, supplied indirectly by the filament vascular bundles. Stomata appear to be associated with nectar secretion. For the first time in Nyctaginaceae, nectary ultrastructure is described in Boerhavia diffusa var. leiocarpa. Nectary parenchyma cells are densely cytoplasmic and contain numerous starch grains. Plasmodesmata connect the nectariferous cells. Flowers of Nyctaginaceae secrete a small volume of nectar of variable concentration (10–47%). Nectar is dominated by hexoses, but Mirabilis jalapa showed a balanced proportion of sucrose and hexoses. Hymenoptera are the most common visitors for most species; nocturnal Lepidoptera are the most common visitors for M. jalapa and Bougainvillea stipitata. We found relatively low variation in the nectary characteristics of Nyctaginaceae compared with broad variation in flower structure, shape, colour and nectar traits. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The genus Cyrtopodium comprises about 42 species distributed from southern Florida to northern Argentina. Cyrtopodium polyphyllum occurs on rocks or in sandy soils, in restinga vegetation along the Brazilian coast. It flowers during the wet season and its inflorescences produce a high number of resupinate yellow flowers. Cyrtopodium polyphyllum offers no rewards to its pollinators, but mimics the yellow, reward-producing flowers of nearby growing Stigmaphyllon arenicola (oil) and Crotalaria vitellina (nectar) individuals. Several species of bee visit flowers of C. polyphyllum , but only two species of Centris ( Centris tarsata and Centris labrosa ) act as pollinators. Visits to flowers of C. polyphyllum were scarce and, as a consequence, low-fruit set was recorded under natural conditions. Such low-fruit production contrasts with the number of fruits each plant bears after manual pollination, suggesting deficient pollen transfer among plants. C. polyphyllum is self-compatible and has a high-fruit set in both manual self- and cross-pollinated flowers. Furthermore, fruits (2%) are formed by self-pollination assisted by rain. This facultative self-pollination mechanism is an important strategy to provide reproductive assurance to C. polyphyllum as rainfall restricts the foraging activity of its pollinating bees. Fruits derived from treatments and under natural conditions had a similar high rate of potentially viable seed. Moreover, these seeds had a low polyembryony rate, which did not exceed 5%. C. polyphyllum acts by deceit involving optical signals and exploits other yellow-flowered species within its habitat by attracting their pollinators. The low capsule production under natural conditions was expected, but its reproductive success is assured through self-pollination by rain and high seed viability.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and pollination mechanisms of Govenia utriculata (Sw.) Lindl. were studied in a mesophytic semideciduous forest at Serra do Japi, south-eastern Brazil. The floral visitors and pollination mechanisms were recorded, and experimental pollinations were carried out to determine the breeding system of this species. Populations of G. utriculata growing at Serra do Japi are exclusively visited and pollinated by two species of hoverflies in the genus Salpingogaster (Diptera: Syrphidae) that are attracted by deceit to the flowers of this orchid species. The lip apex and the column base present small brownish and yellow to orange spots that mimic pollen clusters. Govenia utriculata is self-compatible, but pollinator dependent. Natural fruit set was low (10%), but similar to that of other non-obligatorily autogamous sympatric orchid species that occur at Serra do Japi and of other fly-pollinated orchid species pollinated through deceptive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Phenotypic matches between plants and their pollinators often are interpreted as examples of reciprocal selection and adaptation. For the two co‐occurring plant species, Heliconia bihai and H. caribaea in the Eastern Caribbean, we evaluated for five populations over 2 years the strength and direction of natural selection on corolla length and number of bracts per inflorescence. These plant traits correspond closely to the bill lengths and body masses of their primary pollinators, female or male purple‐throated carib hummingbirds (Eulampis jugularis). In H. bihai, directional selection for longer corollas was always significant with the exception of one population in 1 year, whereas selection on bract numbers was rare and found only in one population in 1 year. In contrast, significant directional selection for more bracts per inflorescence occurred in all three populations of the yellow morph and in two populations of the red morph of H. caribaea, whereas significant directional selection on corolla length occurred in only one population of the red morph and one population of the yellow morph. Selection for longer corollas in H. bihai may result from better mechanical fit, and hence pollination, by the long bills of female E. jugularis, their sole pollinator. In contrast, competition between males of E. jugularis for territories may drive selection for more bracts in H. caribaea. Competitive exclusion of female E. jugularis by territorial males also implicates pollinator competition as a possible ecological mechanism for trait diversification in these plants.  相似文献   

  • In sexually dimorphic species, hermaphrodite flowers in gynodioecious species or male flowers in dioecious species are often larger and produce more nectar than their conspecific female flowers. As a consequence, hermaphrodite or male flowers frequently receive more pollinator visits.
  • Sex ratio, flower size, floral display, nectar production and floral visits were evaluated in two natural populations of Fuchsia thymifolia, a morphologically gynodioecious but functionally subdioecious insect‐pollinated shrub.
  • Sex ratio did not differ from the expected 1:1 in the two studied populations. As expected, hermaphrodite flowers were larger than female flowers, but in contrast to the general pattern, hermaphrodite flowers did not produce nectar or produced much less than female flowers. Flower visitors were flies (68%) and bumblebees (24%), both of which showed a preference for female flowers. No sex difference was detected in either flower longevity or floral display across the flowering season.
  • Higher nectar production by females may attract more pollinators, and may be a strategy to enhance female reproductive success in this species. Finally, floral dimorphism and insect preferences did not seem to hamper the maintenance of sub‐dioecy or prevent the evolution of dioecy in F. thymifolia.

  • Genlisea violacea is a Brazilian endemic carnivorous plant species distributed in the cerrado biome, mainly in humid environments, on sandy and oligotrophic soil or wet rocks. Studies on reproductive biology or pollination in the Lentibulariaceae are notably scarce; regarding the genus Genlisea, the current study is the first to show systematic and standardised research on reproductive biology from field studies to describe the foraging of visiting insects and determine the effective pollinators of Genlisea.
  • We studied two populations of G. violacea through the observation of flower visitors for 4 months of the rainy and dry seasons. Stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability, and breeding system were evaluated together with histochemistry and morphological analyses of flowers.
  • The flowers showed stigmatic receptivity of 100% in open buds and mature flowers, reducing to 80% for senescent flowers. Nearly 80% of pollen grains are viable, decreasing to 40–45% after 48 h. Nectar is produced by glandular trichomes inside the spur. Two bee species are effective pollinators: one of the genus Lasioglossum (subgenus Dialictus: Halictidae) and the other of the genus Ceratina (subgenus Ceratinula: family Apidae). Moreover, bee‐like flies of the Syrphidae family may also be additional pollinators.
  • Genlisea violacea is an allogamous and self‐compatible species. The differences in flower‐visiting fauna for both populations can be attributed to factors such as climate, anthropogenic effect, seasonal factors related to insects and plants, as well as the morphological variation of flowers in both populations.

  • Research into the influence of stress factors, such as drought, different temperatures and/or varied light conditions, on plants due to climate changes is becoming increasingly important. Epiphytes, like many species of the Bromeliaceae, are particularly affected by this, but little is known about impacts on nectar composition and nectary metabolism.
  • We investigated the influence of drought, different temperatures and light–dark regimes on nectar and nectaries of the epiphytic bromeliad species, Aechmea fasciata, and also the influence of drought with the terrestrial bromeliad, Billbergia nutans. The content of sugars, amino acids and ions in nectar and nectaries was analysed using HPLC. In addition, the starch content and the activities of different invertases in nectaries were determined.
  • Compositions of nectar and nectaries were hardly influenced, neither by light nor dark, nor by different temperatures. In contrast, drought revealed changes in nectar volumes and nectar sugar compositions in the epiphytic bromeliad as well as in the terrestrial bromeliad. In both species, the sucrose‐to‐hexose ratio in nectar decreased considerably during the drought period. These changes in nectar sugar composition do not correlate with changes in the nectaries. The total sugar, amino acid and ion concentrations remained constant in nectar as well as in nectaries during the drought period.
  • Changes in nectar composition or in the production of floral pollinator rewards are likely to affect plant–pollinator interactions. It remains questionable how far the adaptations of the bromeliads to drought and diverse light or temperature conditions are still sufficient.

Geographic variation in the reproductive traits of animal‐pollinated plants can be shaped by spatially variable selection imposed by differences in the local pollination environment. We investigated this process in Babiana ringens (Iridaceae), an enigmatic species from the Western Cape region of South Africa. B. ringens has evolved a specialized perch facilitating cross‐pollination by sunbirds and displays striking geographic variation in perch size and floral traits. Here, we investigate whether this variation can be explained by geographic differences in the pollinator communities. We measured floral and inflorescence traits, and abiotic variables (N, P, C, and rainfall) and made observations of sunbirds in populations spanning the range of B. ringens. In each population, we recorded sunbird species identity and measured visitation rates, interfloral pollen transfer, and whether the seed set of flowers was pollen limited. To evaluate whether competition from co‐occurring sunbird‐pollinated species might reduce visitation, we quantified nectar rewards in B. ringens and of other co‐flowering bird‐pollinated species in local communities in which populations occurred. Variation in abiotic variables was not associated with geographical variation of traits in B. ringens. Malachite sunbirds were the dominant visitor (97% of visits) and populations with larger‐sized traits exhibited higher visitation rates, more between‐flower pollen transfer and set more seed. No sunbirds were observed in four populations, all with smaller‐sized traits. Sunbird visitation to B. ringens was not associated with local sunbird activity in communities, but sunbird visitation was negatively associated with the amount of B. ringens sugar relative to the availability of alternative nectar sources. Our study provides evidence that B. ringens populations with larger floral traits are visited more frequently by sunbirds, and we propose that visitation rates to B. ringens may be influenced, in part, by competition with other sunbird‐pollinated species.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the magnitude of inbreeding depression (ID) in plants and its association with phenotypic traits may have important consequences for mating system evolution. This association has been investigated only scarcely, and always considering traits functionally related to autogamy. Here, we explore the association between individual variation in ID and plant traits associated with pollinator attractiveness (related to plant size, corolla size and corolla shape) in two populations of Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae). ID was calculated along the entire life cycle of the plants. In addition, we also explored the relationship between phenotypic traits and the individual levels of heterozygosity. We found significant associations between ID and corolla diameter and stalk height, being taller plants with larger corollas those undergoing a lower intensity of ID. Furthermore, we found a negative relationship between corolla diameter and heterozygosity, suggesting that plants with large flowers have purged their genetic load. Finally, we found a significant effect of corolla diameter on the intrapopulation genetic structure. All these findings suggest that plants with large flowers have secularly suffered frequent inbreeding in the study populations. Because corolla diameter is a trait frequently selected by pollinators in E. mediohispanicum, we believe that the observed relationship between this trait and ID could be mediated by pollinators, probably throughout an increasing in biparental inbreeding, geitonogamy or autogamy.  相似文献   

Dioecy, a breeding system where individual plants are exclusively male or female, has evolved repeatedly. Extensive theory describes when dioecy should arise from hermaphroditism, frequently through gynodioecy, where females and hermaphrodites coexist, and when gynodioecy should be stable. Both pollinators and herbivores often prefer the pollen‐bearing sex, with sex‐specific fitness effects that can affect breeding system evolution. Nursery pollination, where adult insects pollinate flowers but their larvae feed on plant reproductive tissues, is a model for understanding mutualism evolution but could also yield insights into plant breeding system evolution. We studied a recently established nursery pollination interaction between native Hadena ectypa moths and introduced gynodioecious Silene vulgaris plants in North America to assess whether oviposition was biased toward females or hermaphrodites, which traits were associated with oviposition, and the effect of oviposition on host plant fitness. Oviposition was hermaphrodite‐biased and associated with deeper flowers and more stems. Sexual dimorphism in flower depth, a trait also associated with oviposition on the native host plant (Silene stellata), explained the hermaphrodite bias. Egg‐receiving plants experienced more fruit predation than plants that received no eggs, but relatively few fruits were lost, and egg receipt did not significantly alter total fruit production at the plant level. Oviposition did not enhance pollination; egg‐receiving flowers usually failed to expand and produce seeds. Together, our results suggest that H. ectypa oviposition does not exert a large fitness cost on host plants, sex‐biased interactions can emerge from preferences developed on a hermaphroditic host species, and new nursery pollination interactions can arise as negative or neutral rather than as mutualistic for the plant.  相似文献   

The flow of energy within an ecosystem can be considered either top‐down, where predators influence consumers, or bottom‐up, where producers influence consumers. Plethodon cinereus (Red‐backed Salamander) is a terrestrial keystone predator who feeds on invertebrates within the ecosystem. We investigated the impact of the removal of P. cinereus on the detritivore food web in an upland deciduous forest in northwest Ohio, U.S.A. A total of eight aluminum enclosures, each containing a single P. cinereus under a small log, were constructed in the deciduous forest. On Day 1 of the experiment, four salamanders were evicted from four of the eight enclosures. Organic matter and soil were collected from the center of each enclosure at Day 1 and Day 21. From each sample, DNA was extracted, fungal‐specific amplification performed, and 454 pyrosequencing was used to sequence the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region and partial ribosomal large subunit (LSU). Changes in overall fungal community composition or species diversity were not statistically significant between treatments. Statistically significant shifts in the most abundant taxonomic groups of fungi were documented in presence but not absence enclosures. We concluded that P. cinereus does not affect the overall composition or diversity of fungal communities, but does have an impact on specific groups of fungi. This study used a metagenomics‐based approach to investigate a missing link among a keystone predator, P. cinereus, invertebrates, and fungal communities, all of which are critical in the detritivore food web.  相似文献   

  • Triplaris gardneriana (Polygonaceae) is a dioecious pioneer tree reported as insect‐pollinated, despite possessing traits related to anemophily. Here, we analyse the possible roles of insects and wind on the pollination of this species to establish whether the species is ambophilous.
  • We carried out observations of floral biology, as well as on the frequency and behaviour of pollinators visiting flowers in a population of T. gardneriana in the Chaco vegetation of Brazil. We conducted experimental pollinations to determine the maternal fertility of female plants and whether they were pollen‐limited, and we also conducted aerobiological experiments to provide evidence of how environmental factors influence atmospheric pollen dispersal.
  • The population comprised an area of approximately 152.000 m2 and was composed of 603 female and 426 male plants (sex ratio = 0.59:0.41). We observed 48 species of insects visiting flowers of Tgardneriana, of which the bees Scaptotrigona depilis and Apis mellifera scutellata were the most effective pollinators. We recorded pollen grains dispersed by wind on 74% of the glass slides placed on females, located at different distances (1–10 m) from male plants.
  • Airborne pollen concentration was negatively correlated with relative humidity and positively correlated with temperature. Our observations and experimental results provide the first evidence that T. gardneriana is an ambophilous species, with pollen dispersal resulting from both animal and wind pollination. This mixed pollination strategy may be adaptive in T. gardneriana providing reproductive assurance during colonisation of sites with different biotic and abiotic conditions.

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