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Two new species of Epigonus are described from the South Pacific. Epigonus chilensis is described on the basis of five specimens (166.3–208.3?mm standard length) collected from off Chile. It closely resembles Epigonus?lenimen (Whitley 1935), but differs in the presence of a minute tubercle on symphysis of lower jaw, body depth, orbital diameter, and lower-jaw length. Epigonus machaera is described on the basis of eight specimens (157.2–174.3?mm standard length) collected from the Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand. It closely resembles Epigonus?robustus (Barnard 1927), but differs in the shapes of tongue and two nub-like structures on symphysis of lower jaw and second dorsal-fin spine length. Besides the two new species, 14 species of the genus are characterized by having a pungent opercular spine, more than 40 pored lateral-line scales to end of hypural, and dorsal-fin rays VII-I, 8–10. These species belong to the Epigonus constanciae group, defined in this study. A key to the species in the group is provided.  相似文献   

Two new Indo-Pacific species of deepwater cardinalfish, Epigonus lifouensis and E. tuberculatus are described based on the specimens collected from the Loyalty Islands and Cocos-Keeling Islands, respectively. These species belong to the Epigonus pandionis group defined as lacking an opercular spine, having more than 43 pored lateral-line scales to the end of the hypural and dorsal-fin rays VII-I, 9–11. Epigonus lifouensis is distinguished from other members of the group by a combination of the following characters: ribs present on the last abdominal vertebra; tongue toothless; tubercle absent on inner symphysis of lower jaw; eye elliptical; total gill rakers 24–25; pectoral-fin rays 18–19; pyloric caeca 10–13; body depth 17.0–17.1 % SL; and posterior half of oral cavity and tongue black. Epigonus tuberculatus is distinguished from other members of the group by a combination of the following characters: ribs on the last abdominal vertebra reduced or absent; tongue toothless; tubercle present on inner symphysis of lower jaw; total gill rakers 21–22; pectoral-fin rays 19–20; pyloric caeca 8–10; orbital diameter 14.5–15.4 % SL; and lower-jaw length 16.0–17.6 % SL. A key to the species and some comments on the group are provided based on examination of all members (nine species, including two new species) of the group.  相似文献   

A new epigonid fish, Epigonus mayeri, is described on the basis of two specimens (109.7–113.8 mm in standard length: SL) from off Angola, and Epigonus heracleus Parin and Abramov 1986 is redescribed on the basis of 12 additional specimens with type specimens from off eastern New Zealand. These species belong to a subgroup of Epigonus, known as the “Epigonus robustus group,” which have a pungent opercular spine and VII-I, 9 dorsal-fin rays. The new species differs from other species of the group by having a sharp-pointed mustache-like process, presence of a rib on the last abdominal vertebra, vertebrae 10 + 15, tongue toothless, pyloric caeca 5, pectoral fin reaching to vertical line from anus (length 22.2–23.6% SL), orbital diameter 16.4–17.0% SL, head length 37.8–38.0% SL, and lower jaw length 16.7–17.0% SL.  相似文献   

A new species of soldierfish, Ostichthys spiniger, from off northern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, is described on the basis of a single specimen collected with a trawl at 180-181 m depth near Kavieng. The new species is characterised by the following characters: scales above lateral line to mid-base of spinous portion of dorsal fin 31/2; no half-scale present anterior to first lateral-line scale; dorsal profile of head nearly uniformly convex; anterior end of each nasal bone with a sharp, forwardly directed spine; a strong spine at the corner of preopercle, which is significantly larger than other serrations; pectoral-fin rays 17; lateral-line scales 29; gill rakers 8 + 13; last dorsal-fin spine shorter than penultimate spine; body depth 2.2 in SL; HL 2.4 in SL; snout very short, 6.6 in HL; least depth of caudal peduncle 4.9 in HL. The new species is compared with other species in the genus. A revised key to the species of Ostichthys is presented. The new species is most similar to O. acanthorhinus.  相似文献   

The poorly known scorpionfish, Scorpaena taeniophrys, originally described from two specimens from the Philippines, is redescribed as a valid species of Sebastapistes. Sebastapistes taeniophrys differs from all other congeners in having a combination of 15 pectoral-fin rays, 31–33 scale rows in longitudinal series, 11–14 pored lateral-line scales, 3 predorsal scale rows, 12 gill rakers, 3 suborbital spines, absence of coronal spines, lower opercular spine with a median ridge and not covered with scales, ctenoid body scales, several dark transverse bands on ventral surface of mandible, a distinct elongate black blotch distally between the second or third and seventh dorsal-fin spines, and no black blotch on the nape.  相似文献   

A new platycephalid,Thysanophrys papillaris, is described on the basis of six specimens (78–121 mm SL) collected from the Andaman Sea and off northern Australia (Timor and Arafura Seas). This new species can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: presence of a single short papilla on upper surface of eye, longer snout, smaller body scales. 11 second dorsal-fin rays and 12 anal-fin rays, presence of four or more suborbital spines usually, branched short iris lappet, ctenoid lateral-line scales and interopercle not extended posteroventrally.  相似文献   

A new sparid Rhabdosargus niger is described on the basis of three type specimens collected from off Kalimantan, Indonesia. The species can be differentiated from all known congeners by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays XI, 13, anal-fin rays III, 11, scale rows below lateral line 11½–12½, scale rows between the fifth dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line 5½, pored lateral-line scales 53–55, head and body silvery-black, pelvic and anal fins dusky gray, and no golden longitudinal lines on the body. Partial sequences of mitochondrial COI gene (571 bp) strongly supported the distinctiveness of R. niger within the genus. Taxonomic status of the nominal species synonymized under Rhabdosargus sarba (Forsskål 1775) is discussed and the key to the species of Rhabdosargus is provided.  相似文献   

A new deepwater species, Enneapterygius velatus sp. nov. (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae), is described from two male specimens from Ryukyu Island, southern Japan, the holotype having been collected at a depth of 55 m and an underwater photograph taken between 30 and 41 m depth. The new species is characterized by an extremely long first dorsal-fin spine (length 31.6–34.0 % of SL), the first dorsal-fin spine bases close together, first dorsal-fin base length less than half the distance between the base of the third spine of the first dorsal-fin and origin of second dorsal-fin, first dorsal-fin spine base with developed inclinator muscles, long pelvic fins (tip of second ray extending beyond anal-fin origin), large body scales (8 circumpeduncular scales), the supratemporal sensory canals deeply U-shaped in dorsal view, snout profile weakly rounded, abdomen from between pelvic-fin bases to anal-fin origin covered by cycloid scales, body lacking significant blackish blotches and caudal-fin base with scattered melanophores in preserved specimens.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Chromis xanthura species group, defined here as having 13 dorsal-fin spines, three upper and three lower procurrent caudal-fin rays, two black bands at the preopercular and opercular margins, and a yellow caudal fin when juvenile, resulted in the recognition of three species, Chromis xanthura (Bleeker 1854), Chromis opercularis (Günther 1867), and Chromis anadema sp. nov. Chromis xanthura and C. opercularis, the Pacific and Indian Ocean paired sister species, respectively, are redescribed, with confirmation of two color types of C. xanthura (having a white or black caudal peduncle and fin) as a single species on the basis of morphological and molecular analyses. Chromis anadema sp. nov., described from the oceanic islands of the Pacific Ocean on the basis of 21 specimens, is characterized by having 28–33 gill rakers; longest dorsal-fin soft ray length 20.0–24.7% of standard length (SL); first anal-fin spine length 5.0–6.1% of SL; caudal-fin length 33.4–43.8% of SL; posterior tips of caudal-fin lobes not filamentous in adults; broad black bands along preopercular and opercular margins, sum width of two bands 28.9–38.7% of head length; distal half of soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin transparent in adults; triangular black blotches at upper and lower caudal-fin base in adults; caudal peduncle and fin bluish black in adults; and body grayish, and all fins (except for pectoral fin) bright yellow in juveniles.  相似文献   

Alburnoides manyasensis, sp. n., is described from the Koca Stream (Lake Manyas drainage, Marmara Sea basin) in Anatolia. It is distinguished from all species of Alburnoides in Turkey and adjacent regions, Alburnoides tzanevi (Rezovska [Rezve], Istranca and Terkos streams in the western Black Sea drainage), Alburnoides cf. smyrnae (Banaz Stream, a drainage of Büyük Menderes River, Aegean Sea basin), Alburnoides fasciatus (streams and rivers in the eastern Black Sea drainage) and Alburnoides eichwaldii (Kura and Aras rivers [a drainage of Kura River], Caspian Sea basin) by a combination of the following characters (none unique to the species):marked hump at nape, especially in specimens larger than 60 mm SL; partly developed ventral keel between pelvic fin and anal fin, scaleless 1/2 to 2/3 its length; body depth at dorsal-fin origin 29−32% SL; caudal peduncle depth 11−12% SL; 45–52+ 2–3 lateral-line scales; 9–12 scale rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 4–5 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin, 10½–12½ branched anal-fin rays; 40–42 total vertebrae.  相似文献   

Chelidoperca tosaensis is described as a new species based on 84 specimens from Japan and the Philippines taken from depths of 60–302 m. The species can be distinguished from all known congeners by having the following combination of characters: scale rows between lateral line and base of spinous dorsal fin 3; pored lateral-line scales 37–42 (modally 39); scale rows in longitudinal series 39–43 (modally 40); no longitudinal dark stripe or row of dark blotches on body side. The new species is additionally characterized by having a combination of numerous, scattered, yellow spots on dorsal and anal fins with red streak or cluster of reddish spots over bases of about 4–6th dorsal-fin spines; large ocellated red spot with pinkish white border present on membrane between opercular spines; pelvic fin with middle area yellow with whitish spine, and whitish first, second and fifth soft rays; caudal fin with about three transverse rows of yellow spots centrally and posteriorly, two fan-shaped rows of red blotches on basal third, and a pair of white blotches with a pair of yellow blotches between white blotches on the base. Diagnostic characters of Chelidoperca stella, previously known only from its type locality in the Andaman Sea, are updated based on 12 specimens from Taiwan, the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam and the Philippines. These specimens represent the first records of the species from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Psilorhynchus ngathanu, a new psilorhynchid species, is described from the Dutah River, Chindwin Basin in Manipur, India. The new species is distinct from its congeners in the absence of scales from the midventral region between the pectoral fins, the presence of two rows of spots on the dorsal-fin rays and two black bars on the caudal fin, v–vi unbranched pectoral-fin rays, and 10 + 9 principal caudal-fin rays.  相似文献   

A new species of damselfish, Abudefduf nigrimargo (Pomacentridae), is described on the basis of six specimens (91.8–119.5 mm standard length; SL) from Taiwan. Although similar to A. caudobimaculatus Okada and Ikeda 1939, A. saxatilis (Linnaeus 1758), A. troschelii (Gill 1862) and A. vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard 1825) in having five dark bands on the lateral surface of the body with yellowish interspaces dorsally, the new species can be distinguished from the others by the following combination of characters: 18–19 (mode 19) pectoral-fin rays; 20–23 (22) tubed lateral-line scales; 7–8 (7)?+?14–16 (16)?=?21–24 (23) gill rakers; relatively greater body depth and longer pectoral-fin length [57.3–60.8% (mean 59.0%) of SL and 36.8–40.8% (38.5%) of SL, respectively]; 5 scale rows on cheek; scales on suborbit, usually continuous over basal area of lacrimal; many scales on anteroventral region of head; scale covering on preopercle and interopercle continuous; scales on dorsal and lateral body surfaces with blackish margin (indistinct in subadult), second and third black bands on body not extending dorsally onto membranes of spinous dorsal fin; anterior and upper margins of fourth black band usually level with sixth dorsal-fin soft ray base and not extending onto small scales on the dorsal-fin base, respectively; and caudal-fin base without black spots.  相似文献   

A new perchlet, Plectranthias ryukyuensis, is described on the basis of four specimens (41.2–61.6 mm standard length: SL) from the Okinawa Islands, Japan. Plectranthias ryukyuensis can be distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: X, 15 or 16 dorsal-fin rays; 14 pectoral-fin rays, all unbranched; lateral line complete, with 29 or 30 pored scales; 3 scale rows above lateral line; 5 or 6 diagonal rows of large scales on cheek between eye and corner of preopercle; preopercle with two antrorse spines on ventral margin, 20–29 serrae on posterior margin; margins of subopercle and interopercle with a few serrae (weak in large individuals); minute flaps at tips of first to ninth dorsal-fin spines; caudal fin shallowly emarginate, with some ray branches distinctively elongated past fin margin; fourth dorsal-fin spine longest, its length 110.6–128.6% that of third spine; body pinkish-white with two longitudinal rows of irregular orange-red blotches on upper half of lateral surface when fresh (rows close together in smaller than ca. 50 mm SL), blotches interconnecting anteriorly on upper and lower rows, and posterior half of lower row; four faint orange-red vertical bands below lateral line on posterior half of body and two distinct yellow blotches on cheek in fresh specimens; body uniformly yellowish-brown with two longitudinal rows of irregular dark blotches on upper half of lateral surface in preserved specimens (faint in small specimens). A key to the Japanese species of Plectranthias is given.  相似文献   

Four lizardfishes of Saurida (family Synodontidae), S. undosquamis, S. umeyoshii sp. nov., S. macrolepis, and S. longimanus, are described. All are recognized here as the Saurida undosquamis group, characterized by having dark dots on the upper margin of the caudal fin, pectoral fin exceeding origin to pelvic fin, anterior rays of dorsal fin neither elongate nor filamentous, predorsal length greater than distance between dorsal-fin and adipose-fin origins, 46–55 pored lateral-line scales, and vomer with 0–8 teeth. Saurida undosquamis, from northern West India and West Pacific, excluding East Asia, differs from others in having lateral-line scales ridged on the caudal peduncle, conspicuously concave posterior margin of the pectoral fin, 51–55 pored lateral-line scales, and 50–53 vertebrae. Saurida umeyoshii sp. nov., from southern Japan and the East China Sea, is defined by three rows of indistinct dark blotches on, above, and below the lateral line, distribution of scale pockets with melanophores on their posterior part extending over the entire abdominal region from the lateral line in specimens over ca. 130 mm SL, lateral-line scales not ridged on caudal peduncle, 49–52 pored lateral-line scales, and 48–50 vertebrae. Saurida macrolepis, from the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 46–49 pored lateral-line scales and 45–48 vertebrae. Saurida longimanus, from northern West India, northwest Australia, and southern Indonesia, differs from the others in having a long pectoral fin extending past the origin of the dorsal fin. Some geographic variations are found in S. macrolepis. Saurida grandisquamis is confirmed as a junior synonym of S. undosquamis, based on examination of the type specimens. A key to species in the S. undosquamis group is included.  相似文献   

Abudefduf caudobimaculatus Okada and Ikeda 1939, having long been regarded as a junior synonym of Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard 1825), is herein redescribed as a valid species on the basis of the holotype and 77 additional specimens. Abudefduf caudobimaculatus can be distinguished from A. vaigiensis in having 11–13 (modally 12) dorsal-fin soft rays, 4 scale rows above the lateral line, 2½ scale rows between the middle of the spinous portion of the dorsal-fin base and lateral line, 3–4 (4) scale rows on the cheek, scales always present on the anteroventral region of the head, eleventh and last dorsal-fin spines and pectoral-fin length 15.5–18.4%, 17.1–20.6%, and 33.5–39.9% of SL, respectively, two black spots on the caudal-fin base, anteriormost bar descending to behind the pectoral-fin base, 0–1 tubed lateral-line scales on the fourth vertical bar, and third to seventh (usually fifth or sixth) dorsal-fin soft ray base at the anterior margin of the fourth vertical bar. Synonymies of A. vaigiensis are discussed with designations of lectotypes for Glyphisodon vaigiensis and Glyphisodon rahti.  相似文献   

Platygobiopsis akihito is described from 12 specimens 63.4-95.9 mm SL. It is most closely related toGobiopsis Steindachner, based on the presence of a pair of chin barbels and two horizontal, fleshy, papillae-bearing folds on the cheek, and the absence of vertical papillae-bearing folds on the sides of the anterior half of the head.Platygobiopsis differs most obviously from all the species Lachner and McKinney (1978, 1979) included inGobiopsis in having an exceedingly depressed head and body (both the most depressed of any gobioid), an elongate form (depth 4.5-5.8% SL), and in its dorsal- and anal-fin formulae: D. VI-I, 12, A. I, 12, which include at least one more segmented dorsal-fin ray and two more segmented anal-fin rays than is known to occur in any species ofGobiopsis.  相似文献   

Three new species of Acropoma are described from the Indian Ocean. These species have been identified as “A. japonicum Günther 1859” by many authors, but clearly differ from A. japonicum in the shape and length of the luminous gland, counts of pectoral-fin rays and scales between first dorsal-fin base and lateral line, and other diagnostic characters. Acropoma heemstrai sp. nov. is described on the basis of 17 specimens (53.1–121.0 mm standard length: SL) collected from South Africa and Mozambique. It is distinguished from other congeners by its unique moderate Y-shaped luminous gland, extending from the throat to midway between the origins of the pelvic and anal fins, (luminous gland length 23.1–27.0% SL) and a pointed protrusion on the symphysis of lower jaw. Acropoma lacrima sp. nov. is described on the basis of 6 specimens (64.1–77.9 mm SL) collected from the Arabian Sea. Also, this species has been previously reported as “A. argentistigma Okamoto and Ida 2002” from the Bay of Bengal. It is characterized by having a vertical line on the cheek, short U-shaped luminous gland (luminous gland length 15.0–16.0% SL), and weakly ctenoid and cycloid scales on the side of the body. Acropoma neglectum sp. nov. is described on the basis of 5 specimens (105.3–168.5 mm standard length: SL) collected from the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea. It is similar to A. japonicum in having a short U-shaped luminous gland, but differs in having a shorter luminous gland (12.0–13.4% SL vs. 17.0–20.8% SL in A. japonicum), 3 scales between first dorsal-fin base and lateral line (vs. 4 scales in A. japonicum), and 16–17 pectoral-fin rays [vs. 14–16 (modally 15) in A. japonicum].  相似文献   

Schindleria parva, a new species of the family Schindleriidae, is described from two specimens collected from the central Red Sea of Saudi Arabia. The new species is characterized by lack of pigmentation on the body, possession of an inconspicuous gas bladder and the presence of small teeth on the premaxillae. The holotype is a female of 11 mm standard length (SL) (11.9 mm total length) and the paratype is a male of 9 mm SL. Dorsal fin rays 10 (9) anal fin rays 9 (7). The body depth at pectoral-fin origin 5% (4%) of SL, depth at anal-fin origin 8% (7%) SL, predorsal length 63% (65%) SL, preanal length 72% (72%) SL, the first anal-fin ray situated below the fourth dorsal-fin ray), a total of 23 + 16 myomeres. The female contained a series of 30 rectangular eggs in a single row, whereas the male is characterized by a short rod-like urogenital papilla. Species of the genus Schindleria are likely the smallest marine vertebrates on the planet and S. parva is likely the smallest Schindleria species in the Red Sea. The global diversity of Schindleria is likely underestimated due to the paedomorphic features of this genus. Its fast generation times make it a species-rich genus of high turnover rates, thus potentially highly important for the trophic food webs of coral reefs. Thus, this finding advances knowledge on the biodiversity of the Red Sea, highlights its conservation significance, and contributes towards the understanding of the complexity of the coral-reef fish community.  相似文献   

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