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In an effort to understand how to improve student learning about evolution, a focus of science education research has been to document and address students?? naive ideas. Less research has investigated how students reason about alternative scientific models that attempt to explain the same phenomenon (e.g., which causal model best accounts for evolutionary change?). Within evolutionary biology, research has yet to explore how non-adaptive factors are situated within students?? conceptual ecologies of evolutionary causation. Do students construct evolutionary explanations that include non-adaptive and adaptive factors? If so, how are non-adaptive factors structured within students?? evolutionary explanations? We used clinical interviews and two paper and pencil instruments (one open-response and one multiple-choice) to investigate the use of non-adaptive and adaptive factors in undergraduate students?? patterns of evolutionary reasoning. After instruction that included non-adaptive causal factors (e.g., genetic drift), we found them to be remarkably uncommon in students?? explanatory models of evolutionary change in both written assessments and clinical interviews. However, consistent with many evolutionary biologists?? explanations, when students used non-adaptive factors they were conceptualized as causal alternatives to selection. Interestingly, use of non-adaptive factors was not associated with greater understanding of natural selection in interviews or written assessments, or with fewer naive ideas of natural selection. Thus, reasoning using non-adaptive factors appears to be a distinct facet of evolutionary thinking. We propose a theoretical framework for an expert?Cnovice continuum of evolutionary reasoning that incorporates both adaptive and non-adaptive factors, and can be used to inform instructional efficacy in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Finalist (teleological) implications have been described for both Darwinian and Lamarckian theories, even though finalism appears to be more commonly associated with Lamarckism. Biologists have focused on finding final causes to explain evolutionary novelties through, for example, applying the ??what for??? question to address experimental observations. Now epigenetics, together with developmental biology, may allow us to focus on the efficient causes leading to evolutionary change, asking the ??how??? question, considering environmental influences as inducers of genomic change. This is a whole under-studied dimension in evolutionary studies. In this paper, I discuss how epigenetics and developmental biology can help integrate two important ways in which the environment affects evolution: through inducing or through restricting the emergence of new phenotypes. I also discuss which aspects of both theories should be reconsidered in the face of current knowledge in epigenetics and where the emphasis of evolutionary experiments should be placed. Important goals of evolution related epigenetic studies should be: (i) to experimentally consider the separation among the origin of characters in a lineage and its further fixation, in order to address these processes in a proper dimension, (ii) to build the cause-effect relation between the factors inducing epigenetic changes and consequent changes in population parameters, and (iii) to consider that the arising of new characters is modulated by physiological and developmental constraints, and that this process is not related to a purpose or focused to solve an ecological, physiological or evolutionary challenge.  相似文献   

Alzheimer??s disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the production of ??-amyloid proteins and hyperphosphorylation of tau protein. Inflammation and apoptotic severity were highly correlated with earlier age at onset of Alzheimer??s disease and were also associated with cognitive decline. This study aims to examine whether the traditional Chinese medicine ginsennoside Rd could prevent cognitive deficit and take neuroprotective effects in ??-amyloid peptide 1?C40-induced rat model of Alzheimer??s disease. To produce Alzheimer??s disease animal model, aggregated ??-amyloid peptide 1?C40 injected into hippocampus bilaterally. Ginsennoside Rd protected their cognitive impairment and improved their memory function by daily intraperitoneal injection for 30?days consecutively. In addition, ginsennoside Rd alleviated the inflammation induced by ??-amyloid peptide 1?C40. Furthermore, ginsennoside Rd played a role in the down-regulation of caspase-3 proteins and reduced the apoptosis that normally followed ??-amyloid peptide 1?C40 injection. The results of this study showed that the pretreatment of ginsennoside Rd had neuroprotective effects in ??-amyloid peptide 1?C40-induced AD model rat.  相似文献   

Evolutionary medicine is a perspective on medical sciences derived through application of theory of evolution to aid in therapeutics. This study sought to determine the level of knowledge and acceptance of evolutionary theory in medical students along with their attitude toward teaching evolutionary medicine as a part of their undergraduate course. Factors that are likely to cause difficulty in teaching evolutionary medicine were also identified. A cross-sectional study was carried out at Army Medical College, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan in which 299 medical students were selected by nonprobability convenient sampling technique to participate in the study. Participants’ views were obtained by a structured questionnaire comprised of three sections: appreciation of evolutionary medicine, acceptance of evolutionary theory, knowledge of evolutionary theory. Medical students had a low acceptance [mean measure of acceptance of theory of evolution (MATE) = 58.32] and a low knowledge (mean score of 5.20 out of a total ten marks). Students believed that religious beliefs, lack of resources, and an existent extensive medical curriculum would cause difficulty in imparting such an education despite its potential to improve medical research and clinical practice. Only 37.2% agreed that the subject should be taught in medical schools as an individual subject.  相似文献   

Plant life on serpentine soils has been a topic of research for decades, but the evolutionary dynamics of adaptation to such a stressful habitat is still incompletely understood, especially in old-world groups. We present a study addressing this issue using Onosma (Boraginaceae) as the model system and a molecular phylogenetic approach. Original ITS sequences were generated for all the obligate endemics allopatrically distributed on the ophiolitic ??islands?? of the southeastern Euro-Mediterranean region, in addition to most of the species facultatively growing on ultramafics and a broad sample of non-serpentine species. Parsimony and Bayesian reconstructions showed that obligate endemics belonged to six distantly related clades, five continental and one insular in the Aegean sea (Cyprus). Lack of a common ancestor and of correlation between geographic and genetic distances between the endemics suggested polyphyletic and polytopic evolution on the different outcrops. Preference for non-serpentine habitats appeared as the ancestral condition, but constitutive preadaptive traits such as drought tolerance and ability to cope with high soil concentrations of magnesium have probably favoured multiple events in the colonization of ultramafics. Tree topology and absolute age estimations suggest that xerophytic Onosma underwent a rapid radiation in correspondence with the Messinian salinity crisis of the Mediterranean (6?C5.3?mya), and that the endemic lineages originated at the beginning of the Pleistocene. Serpentine ??islands?? may have acted as refugial habitats during the cold climatic phases, and then as major determinants of adaptive speciation due to isolation of populations and the selective pressure of soil constraints.  相似文献   

Michael Ruse??s new anthology Philosophy After Darwin provides great history and background in the major impacts Darwinism has had on philosophy, especially in ethics and epistemology. This review focuses on epistemology understood through the lens of evolution by natural selection. I focus on one of Ruse??s own articles in the collection, which responds to two classic articles by Konrad Lorenz and David Hull on the two major forms of evolutionary epistemology. I side with Ruse against Lorenz??s account of the necessity we think our principles of reasoning have, though I disagree with Ruse??s particular example. I also argue that Ruse??s alternative explanation is lacking. Against Hull, I side with Ruse in his doubts that a sociobiological approach to science will prove fruitful, though I point out that it has certain advantages other approaches do not have. Although I side with Ruse on the issue, I conclude that the two views do not really come into direct conflict and so one needs not reject either. Finally, I discuss Ruse??s positive view and raise questions for his conception of evolutionary epistemology. I conclude that his arguments are insufficient to overcome opposing views and his view has at least as many unintuitive conclusions as the alternatives.  相似文献   

Sequence evolution behaves in a relatively consistent manner, leading to one of the fundamental paradigms in biology, the existence of a ??molecular clock??. The molecular clock can be distilled to the concept of accumulation of substitutions, through time yielding a stable rate from which we can estimate lineage divergence. Over the last 50?years, evolutionary biologists have obtained an in-depth understanding of this clock??s nuances. It has been fine-tuned by taking into account the vast heterogeneity in rates across lineages and genes, leading to ??relaxed?? molecular clock methods for timetree reconstruction. Sequence rate varies with life history traits including body size, generation time and metabolic rate, and we review recent studies on this topic. However, few studies have explicitly examined correlates between molecular evolution and morphological evolution. The patterns observed across diverse lineages suggest that rates of molecular and morphological evolution are largely decoupled. We discuss how identifying the molecular mechanisms behind rapid functional radiations are central to understanding evolution. The vast functional divergence within mammalian lineages that have relatively ??slow?? sequence evolution refutes the hypotheses that pulses in diversification yielding major phenotypic change are the result of steady accumulation of substitutions. Patterns rather suggest phenotypic divergence is likely caused by regulatory alterations mediated through mechanisms such as insertions/deletions in functional regions. These can rapidly arise and sweep to fixation faster than predicted from a lineage??s sequence neutral substitution rate, enabling species to leapfrog between phenotypic ??islands??. We suggest research directions that could illuminate mechanisms behind the functional diversity we see today.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in animal personality because individual variation is the substrate of the evolutionary process. Despite revelations that personality traits affect key fitness variables, little is known about the proximate mechanisms generating consistent behavioural differences between individuals. Boldness, the propensity to take risks, is one of the most widely studied aspects of personality in fishes. We assessed the position of juvenile Argyosomus japonicus on the ??boldness?Cshyness?? continuum by repeatedly recording the time taken to exit a refuge and explore a novel environment. Stress-related hormone concentrations after exposure to a mild stressor were analysed 1?month before behavioural assays and found to be significantly linked to boldness scores. Shy fish had significantly higher plasma cortisol concentrations in response to handling stress than bold fish. Spontaneous switching between personality categories occurred between trials, highlighting the importance of repeated testing of personality traits over time to correctly attribute personality.  相似文献   

We examined whether a single visit to an evolution exhibition contributed to conceptual change in adult (n?=?30), youth, and child (n?=?34) museum visitors?? reasoning about evolution. The exhibition included seven current research projects in evolutionary science, each focused on a different organism. To frame this study, we integrated a developmental model of visitors?? understanding of evolution, which incorporates visitors?? intuitive beliefs, with a model of free-choice learning that includes personal, sociocultural, and contextual variables. Using pre- and post-measures, we assessed how visitors?? causal explanations about biological change, drawn from three reasoning patterns (evolutionary, intuitive, and creationist), were modified as a result of visiting the exhibition. Whatever their age, background beliefs, or prior intuitive reasoning patterns, visitors significantly increased their use of explanations from the evolutionary reasoning pattern across all measures and extended this reasoning across diverse organisms. Visitors also increased their use of one intuitive reasoning pattern, need-based (goal-directed) explanations, which, we argue, may be a step toward evolutionary reasoning. Nonetheless, visitors continued to use mixed reasoning (endorsing all three reasoning patterns) in explaining biological change. The personal, socio-cultural, and contextual variables were found to be related to these reasoning patterns in predictable ways. These findings are used to examine the structure of visitors?? reasoning patterns and those aspects of the exhibition that may have contributed to the gains in museum visitors?? understanding of evolution.  相似文献   

In this work, we demonstrate that NH?? nutrition in citrange Carrizo plants acts as an inducer of resistance against salinity conditions. We investigated its mode of action and provide evidence that NH?? confers resistance by priming abscisic acid and polyamines, and enhances H?O? and proline basal content. Moreover, we observed reduced Cl? uptake as well as enhanced PHGPx expression after salt stress. Control and N-NH?? plants showed optimal growth. However, N-NH?? plants displayed greater dry weight and total lateral roots than control plants, but these differences were not observed for primary root length. Our results revealed that N-NH?? treatment induces a similar phenotypical response to the recent stress-induced morphogenetic response (SIMRs). The hypothesis is that N-NH?? treatment triggers mild chronic stress in citrange Carrizo plants, which might explain the SIMR observed. Moreover, we observed modulators of stress signaling, such as H?O? in N-NH?? plants, which could acts as an intermediary between stress and the development of the SIMR phenotype. This observation suggests that NH?? treatments induce a mild stress condition that primes the citrange Carrizo defense response by stress imprinting and confers protection against subsequent salt stress.  相似文献   

Transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties are being developed and field-tested in various countries. Concerns regarding gene flow from genetically modified (GM) crops to non-GM crops have stimulated research to estimate outcrossing in wheat prior to the release and commercialization of any transgenic cultivars. The aim is to ensure that coexistence of all types of wheat with GM wheat is feasible in accordance with current regulations. The present study describes the result of a field experiment under the semi-arid climate conditions of Madrid, Spain, at two locations (??La Canaleja?? and ??El Encin?? experimental stations) in Madrid over a 3-year period, from 2005 to 2007. The experimental design consisted of a 50?×?50?m wheat pollen source sown with wheat cultivars resistant to the herbicide chlortoluron (??Deganit?? and ??Castan?? respectively) and three susceptible receptor cultivars (??Abental??, ??Altria?? and ??Recital??) sown in replicated 1?×?1?m plots at different distances (0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 100?m) and four directions. Outcrossing rates were measured as a percentage of herbicide-resistant hybrids using an herbicide-screening assay. Outcrossing was greatest near the pollen source, averaging 0.029?% at 0?m distance at ??La Canaleja?? and 0.337?% at ??El Encin??, both below the 0.9?% European Union regulated threshold, although a maximum outcrossing rate of 3.5?% was detected in one recipient plot. These percentages declined rapidly as the distance increased, but hybrids were detected at different rates at distances of up to 100?m, the maximum distance of the experiment. Environmental conditions, as drought in 2004?C2005 and 2005?C2006, may have influenced the extent of outcrossing. These assays carried out in wheat under semi-arid conditions in Europe provide a more complete assessment of pollen-mediated gene flow in this crop.  相似文献   

This small shrub, native to the Orient from India to Sumatra, has for centuries been used in Indian medicine. In 1952 reserpine, one of several alkaloids in the plant, was isolated from its root and has since been evaluated in western medicine as one of the most valuable dru?s for treatin? hi?h blood pressure.  相似文献   

Science teachers can use examples and concepts from evolutionary medicine to teach the three concepts central to evolution: common descent, the processes or mechanisms of evolution, and the patterns produced by descent with modification. To integrate medicine into common ancestry, consider how the evolutionary past of our (or any) species affects disease susceptibility. That humans are bipedal has produced substantial changes in our musculoskeletal system, as well as causing problems for childbirth. Mechanisms such as natural selection are well exemplified in evolutionary medicine, as both disease-causing organism and their targets adapt to one another. Teachers often use examples such as antibiotic resistance to teach natural selection: it takes little alteration of the lesson plan to make explicit that evolution is key to understanding the principles involved. Finally, the pattern of evolution can be illustrated through evolutionary medicine because organisms sharing closer ancestry also share greater susceptibility to the same disease-causing organisms. Teaching evolution using examples from evolutionary medicine can make evolution more interesting and relevant to students, and quite probably, more acceptable as a valid science.  相似文献   

This work has been initiated by the publication of a review by B.V.Kuteev et al., ??Intense Fusion Neutron Sources?? [Plasma Physics Reports 36, 281 (2010)]. It is stated that the key thesis of the above review that a spherical tokamak can be recommended for research neutron sources and for demonstration hybrid systems as an alternative to expensive ??classical?? tokamaks of the JET and ITER type is inconsistent. The analysis of the experimental material obtained during the last 10 years in the course of studies on the existing spherical tokamaks shows that the TIN-ST fusion neutron source spherical tokamak proposed by the authors of the review and intended, according to the authors?? opinion, to replace ??monsters?? in view of its table-top dimensions (2 m3) and laboratory-level energetics cannot be transformed into any noticeable stationary megawatt-power neutron source competing with the existing classical tokamaks (in particular, with JET with its quasi-steady DT fusion power at a level of 5 MW). Namely, the maximum plasma current in the proposed tokamak will be not 3 MA, as the authors suppose erroneously, but, according to the present-day practice of spherical tokamaks, within 0.6?C0.7 MA, which will lead to a reduction on the neutron flux by two to three orders of magnitude from the expected 5 MW. The possibility of the maintenance of the stationary process itself even in such a ??weakened?? spherical tokamak is very doubtful. The experience of the largest existing devices of this type (such as NSTX and MAST) has shown that they are incapable of operating even in a quasi-steady operating mode, because the discharge in them is spontaneously interrupted about 1 s after the beginning of the current pulse, although its expected duration is of up to 5 s. The nature of this phenomenon is the subject of further study of the physics of spherical tokamaks. This work deals with a critical analysis of the available experimental data concerning such tokamaks and a discussion of the potential possibility of their use in thermonuclear research.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present review is to draw attention to growing problems in the modern systematics and phylogenetics which are presently underestimated by the professional community. The dramatic reduction of the importance of ontogeny and morphology in phylogenetic studies of the second part of the 20th century is considered among the major factors of the modern taxonomic and evolutionary paradigm. The deep contradiction of modern approaches, which either merely consider systematics and phylogeny as genealogy or even in a neotypolgical manner irrespective of the evolutionary idea, is demonstrated. Thus, despite the widespread opinion that the evolutionary theory is the major basis for taxonomy, the processes, which in fact caused the origin and formation of the systematic hierarchy are often considered as redundant for the procedure of classification. In this respect, the classical, but well forgotten statement that evolution is a modification of ontogeny is specially highlighted. Tight relationships between evolution, ontogeny, systematics, and phylogenetics are prima facie obvious, but also presently underestimated, although the field of the evo-devo is continuously growing. Paradoxically, even despite the outburst of various molecular ontogenetic approaches, the commonly accepted evolutionary paradigm still lacks a general theory for changes in the shape of organisms. As a step towards the development of such a theory, a synthesis (or more exactly, resynthesis) of still largely independently developing major biological fields, i.e., ontogenetic and evolutionary studies, on the one hand, and traditional taxonomy, on the other hand, a new concept of ontogenetic systematics is proposed. The new concept is intended for integration of supposedly ??immobile?? traditional taxonomy with the dynamics, but predominantly considered as hypothetical, evolutionary field based on the process of ontogeny, which, in contrast to the evolution itself, can be observed in the real time. Therefore, it is concluded that, for instance, the evolution of the main group of living organisms Metazoa, is primarily the evolution of a very limited number of ontogenetic cycles that were formed as early as the Early Cambrian. A significant underestimation of cyclic properties of ontogeny in the evolution and systematics is shown. Using two model groups, echinoderms of the class Ophiuroidea and dorid nudibranch mollusks (Gastropoda: Doridacea), practical importance of the integrative approach developed here is demonstrated. The ??disruption?? of the ancestral ontogenetic cycle and further formation of a new descendant cycle (which implies some continuity of ancestral and descendant characters) is considered to be a major evolutionary pattern. The model proposed implies either progressive (addition of stages and characters) or regressive (reduction of already existing stages and structures) modification of ancestral taxon, the diagnosis of which corresponds to the model of its ontogenetic cycle. In the extreme cases of disruption of the ancestral ontogenetic cycle, adult characters of descendants are substituted by juvenile ancestral features, demonstrating paedomorphoses in the narrow sense. Within the framework of the approach proposed, the evolutionary and ontogenetic models of ancestral ontogenetic cycles of brittle stars and dorid nudibranchs are developed and discussed. Based on the original material of the extinct Paleozoic ophiuroid group Oegophiurida, the origin of key evolutionary novelties is discussed. A major conclusion of the present review is the high necessity of integration of new molecular data with already well-established taxonomic hierarchy and ontogenetic information as a basis for the development of the general theory of transformations of organisms, i.e., the theory of evolution in its true sense.  相似文献   

??Antonovka?? has long been recognised as a major source of scab (Venturia inaequalis) resistance useful for apple breeding worldwide. Both major gene resistances in the form of the Rvi10 and Rvi17 and quantitative resistance, collectively identified as VA, have been identified in different accessions of ??Antonovka??. Most of the ??Antonovka?? scab resistance used in apple-breeding programmes around the world can be traced back to Schmidt ??Antonovka?? and predominantly its B VIII progenies 33,25 (PI 172623), 34,6 (PI 172633), 33,8 (PI 172612) and 34,5 (PI 172632). Using genetic profile reconstruction, we have identified ??common ??Antonovka?? ?? as the progenitor of the B VIII family, which is consistent with it having been a commercial cultivar in Poland and the single source of scab resistance used by Dr. Martin Schmidt. The major ??Antonovka?? scab resistance genes mapped to date are located either very close to Rvi6, or about 20?C25?cM above it, but their identities need further elucidation. The presence of the 139?bp allele of the CH-Vf1 microsatellite marker known to be associated with Rvi17 (Va1) in most of the ??Antonovka?? germplasm used in breeding suggests that it plays a central role in the resistance. The nature and the genetic relationships of the scab resistance in these accessions as well as a number of apple cultivars derived from ??Antonovka??, such as, ??Freedom??, ??Burgundy?? and ??Angold??, are discussed. The parentage of ??Reglindis?? is unclear, but the cultivar commercialised as ??Reglindis?? was confirmed to be an Rvi6 cultivar.  相似文献   

About 400 unexplained sudden deaths have occurred in Yunnan Province in southwestern China during summers over the last 35?years. Extensive field investigations revealed that a fungus called ??little white mushroom?? or ??nail-like mushroom?? by the local people could be one of the chief causes. Fieldwork showed that this fungus is a common saprophytic species growing on rotten wood in southwestern, central, and northwestern Yunnan in subtropical mountainous areas between 1,700 and 3,000?m altitude. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that it is a new species of the genus Trogia, closely related to the palaeotropical T. infundibuliformis and its allies. Accordingly, T. venenata is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

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