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Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients are highly sensitive to sunlight, and they suffer from a high incidence of skin cancers. The variant form of XP results from mutations in the hRAD30A gene, which encodes the DNA polymerase in humans, hPol(eta). Of the eukaryotic DNA polymerases, only human Pol(eta) and its yeast counterpart have the ability to replicate DNA containing a cis-syn thymine-thymine (T-T) dimer. Here we measure the fidelity of hPol(eta) on all four nondamaged template bases and at each thymine residue of a cis-syn T-T dimer. Opposite all four nondamaged template bases, hPol(eta) misincorporates nucleotides with a frequency of approximately 10(-2)-10(-3), and importantly, hPol(eta) synthesizes DNA opposite the T-T dimer with the same accuracy and efficiency as opposite the nondamaged DNA. The low fidelity of hPol(eta) may derive from a flexible active site that renders the enzyme more tolerant of geometric distortions in DNA and enables it to synthesize DNA past a T-T dimer.  相似文献   

DNA lesion bypass is an important cellular response to genomic damage during replication. Human DNA polymerase η (Polη), encoded by the Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) gene, is known for its activity of error-free translesion synthesis opposite a TT cis-syn cyclobutane dimer. Using purified human Polη, we have examined bypass activities of this polymerase opposite several other DNA lesions. Human Polη efficiently bypassed a template 8-oxoguanine, incorporating an A or a C opposite the lesion with similar efficiencies. Human Polη effectively bypassed a template abasic site, incorporating an A and less frequently a G opposite the lesion. Significant –1 deletion was also observed when the template base 5′ to the abasic site is a T. Human Polη partially bypassed a template (+)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene-N2-dG and predominantly incorporated an A, less frequently a T, and least frequently a G or a C opposite the lesion. This specificity of nucleotide incorporation correlates well with the known mutation spectrum of (+)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene-N2-dG lesion in mammalian cells. These results show that human Polη is capable of error-prone translesion DNA syntheses in vitro and suggest that Polη may bypass certain lesions with a mutagenic consequence in humans.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) functions in error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and in vitro it efficiently bypasses a cis-syn T-T dimer by incorporating two adenines opposite the lesion. Steady state kinetic studies have shown that both yeast and human Poleta are low-fidelity enzymes, and they misincorporate nucleotides with a frequency of 10(-2)-10(-3) on both undamaged and T-T dimer-containing DNA templates. To better understand the role of Poleta in error-free translesion DNA synthesis, here we examine the ability of Poleta to extend from base mismatches. We find that both yeast and human Poleta extend from mismatched base pairs with a frequency of approximately 10(-3) relative to matched base pairs. In the absence of efficient extension of mismatched primer termini, the ensuing dissociation of Poleta from DNA may favor the excision of mismatched nucleotides by a proofreading exonuclease. Thus, we expect DNA synthesis by Poleta to be more accurate than that predicted from the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation alone.  相似文献   

The XPV (xeroderma pigmentosum variant) gene encodes human DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), which is involved in the replication of damaged DNA. Pol eta catalyzes efficient and accurate translesion synthesis past cis-syn cyclobutane di-thymine lesions. Here we show that human pol eta can catalyze translesion synthesis past an abasic (AP) site analog, N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF)-modified guanine, and a cisplatin-induced intrastrand cross-link between two guanines. Pol eta preferentially incorporated dAMP and dGMP opposite AP, and dCMP opposite AAF-G and cisplatin-GG, but other nucleotides were also incorporated opposite these lesions. However, after incorporating an incorrect nucleotide opposite a lesion, pol eta could not continue chain elongation. In contrast, after incorporating the correct nucleotide opposite a lesion, pol eta could continue chain elongation, whereas pol alpha could not. Thus, the fidelity of translesion synthesis by human pol eta relies not only on the ability of this enzyme to incorporate the correct nucleotide opposite a lesion, but also on its ability to elongate only DNA chains that have a correctly incorporated nucleotide opposite a lesion.  相似文献   

We describe here the error specificity of mammalian DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), an enzyme that performs translesion DNA synthesis and may participate in somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes. Both mouse and human pol eta lack intrinsic proofreading exonuclease activity and both copy undamaged DNA inaccurately. Analysis of more than 1500 single-base substitutions by human pol eta indicates that error rates for all 12 mismatches are high and variable depending on the composition and symmetry of the mismatch and its location. pol eta also generates tandem base substitutions at an unprecedented rate, and kinetic analysis indicates that it extends a tandem double mismatch about as efficiently as other replicative enzymes extend single-base mismatches. This ability to use an aberrant primer terminus and the high rate of single and double-base substitutions support the idea that pol eta may forego strict shape complementarity in order to facilitate highly efficient lesion bypass. Relaxed discrimination is further indicated by pol eta infidelity for a wide variety of nucleotide deletion and addition errors. The nature and location of these errors suggest that some may be initiated by strand slippage, while others result from additional mechanisms.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase eta (hPoleta) functions in the error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and mutations in hPoleta cause cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. However, in spite of its key role in promoting replication through a variety of distorting DNA lesions, the manner by which hPoleta is targeted to the replication machinery stalled at a lesion site remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence for the physical interaction of hPoleta with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and show that mutations in the PCNA binding motif of hPoleta inactivate this interaction. PCNA, together with replication factor C and replication protein A, stimulates the DNA synthetic activity of hPoleta, and steady-state kinetic studies indicate that this stimulation accrues from an increase in the efficiency of nucleotide insertion resulting from a reduction in the apparent K(m) for the incoming nucleotide.  相似文献   

Altered oxidative metabolism is a property of many tumor cells. Oxidation of DNA precursors, i.e., dNTP pool, as well as DNA is a major source of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Here, we report the remarkable nature of human DNA polymerase eta that incorporates oxidized dNTPs into a nascent DNA strand in an efficient and erroneous manner. The polymerase almost exclusively incorporated 8-hydroxy-dGTP (8-OH-dGTP) opposite template adenine (A) at 60% efficiency of normal dTTP incorporation, and incorporated 2-hydroxy-dATP (2-OH-dATP) opposite template thymine (T), guanine (G), or cytosine (C) at substantial rates. The synthetic primers having 8-hydroxy-G paired with template A or 2-hydroxy-A paired with template T, G, or C at the termini were efficiently extended. In contrast, human DNA polymerase iota incorporated 8-OH-dGTP opposite template A with much lower efficiency and did not incorporate 2-OH-dATP opposite any of the template bases. It did not extend the primers having the oxidized bases at the termini either. We propose that human DNA polymerase eta may participate in oxidative mutagenesis through the efficient and erroneous incorporation of oxidized dNTPs during DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Kusumoto R  Masutani C  Iwai S  Hanaoka F 《Biochemistry》2002,41(19):6090-6099
The XP-V (xeroderma pigmentosum variant) gene product, human DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), catalyzes efficient and accurate translesion synthesis (TLS) past cis-syn thymine-thymine dimers (TT dimer). In addition, recent reports suggest that pol eta is involved in TLS past various other types of lesion, including an oxidative DNA damage, 8-hydroxyguanine. Here, we compare the abilities of pol alpha and pol eta to replicate across thymine glycol (Tg) using purified synthetic oligomers containing a 5R- or 5S-Tg. DNA synthesis by pol alpha was inhibited at both steps of insertion of a nucleotide opposite the lesion and extension from the resulting product, indicating that pol alpha can weakly contribute to TLS past Tg lesions. In contrast, pol eta catalyzed insertion opposite the lesion as efficient as that opposite undamaged T, while extension was inhibited especially on the 5S-Tg template. Thus, pol eta catalyzed relatively efficient TLS past 5R-Tg than 5S-Tg. To compare the TLS abilities of pol eta for these lesions, we determined the kinetic parameters of pol eta for catalyzing TLS past a TT dimer, an N-2-acetylaminofluorene-modified guanine, and an abasic site analogue. The possible mechanisms of pol eta-catalyzed TLS are discussed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

In humans, inactivation of the DNA polymerase eta gene (pol eta) results in sunlight sensitivity and causes the cancer-prone xeroderma pigmentosum variant syndrome (XP-V). Cells from XP-V individuals have a reduced capacity to replicate UV-damaged DNA and show hypermutability after UV exposure. Biochemical assays have demonstrated the ability of pol eta to bypass cis-syn-cyclobutane thymine dimers, the most common lesion generated in DNA by UV. In most cases, this bypass is error-free. To determine the actual requirement of pol eta in vivo, XP-V cells (XP30RO) were complemented by the wild type pol eta gene. We have used two pol eta-corrected clones to study the in vivo characteristics of mutations produced by DNA polymerases during DNA synthesis of UV-irradiated shuttle vectors transfected into human host cells, which had or had not been exposed previously to UV radiation. The functional complementation of XP-V cells by pol eta reduced the mutation frequencies both at CG and TA base pairs and restored UV mutagenesis to a normal level. UV irradiation of host cells prior to transfection strongly increased the mutation frequency in undamaged vectors and, in addition, especially in the pol eta-deficient XP30RO cells at 5'-TT sites in UV-irradiated plasmids. These results clearly show the protective role of pol eta against UV-induced lesions and the activation by UV of pol eta-independent mutagenic processes.  相似文献   

E Glick  K L Vigna  L A Loeb 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(24):7303-7312
Human DNA polymerase eta (hPol eta) is one of the newly identified Y-family of DNA polymerases. These polymerases synthesize past template lesions that are postulated to block replication fork progression. hPol eta accurately bypasses UV-associated cis-syn cyclobutane thymine dimers in vitro and contributes to normal resistance to sunlight-induced skin cancer. We describe here mutational analysis of motif II, a highly conserved sequence, recently reported to reside in the fingers domain and to form part of the active site in Y-family DNA polymerases. We used a yeast-based complementation system to isolate biologically active mutants created by random sequence mutagenesis, synthesized the mutant proteins in vitro and assessed their ability to bypass thymine dimers. The mutability of motif II in 210 active mutants has parallels with natural evolution and identifies Tyr52 and Ala54 as prime candidates for involvement in catalytic activity or bypass. We describe the ability of hPol eta S62G, a mutant polymerase with enhanced activity, to bypass five other site-specific lesions. Our results may serve as a prototype for studying other members of the Y-family DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Pol(eta), xeroderma pigmentosum variant, or Rad30) plays an important role in an error-free response to unrepaired UV damage during replication. It faithfully synthesizes DNA opposite a thymine-thymine cis-syn-cyclobutane dimer. We have purified the yeast Pol(eta) and studied its lesion bypass activity in vitro with various types of DNA damage. The yeast Pol(eta) lacked a nuclease or a proofreading activity. It efficiently bypassed 8-oxoguanine, incorporating C, A, and G opposite the lesion with a relative efficiency of approximately 100:56:14, respectively. The yeast Pol(eta) efficiently incorporated a C opposite an acetylaminofluorene-modified G, and efficiently inserted a G or less frequently an A opposite an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site but was unable to extend the DNA synthesis further in both cases. However, some continued DNA synthesis was observed in the presence of the yeast Pol(zeta) following the Pol(eta) action opposite an AP site, achieving true lesion bypass. In contrast, the yeast Pol(alpha) was able to bypass efficiently a template AP site, predominantly incorporating an A residue opposite the lesion. These results suggest that other than UV damage, Pol(eta) may also play a role in bypassing additional DNA lesions, some of which can be error-prone.  相似文献   

This study investigated the requirement for ubiquitylation of PCNA at lysine 164 during polymerase eta-dependent translesion synthesis (TLS) of site-specific cis-syn cyclobutane thymine dimers (T (wedge)T). The in vitro assay recapitulated origin-dependent initiation, fork assembly, and semiconservative, bidirectional replication of double-stranded circular DNA substrates. A phosphocellulose column was used to fractionate HeLa cell extracts into two fractions; flow-through column fraction I (CFI) contained endogenous PCNA, RPA, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1, and ubiquitin conjugase Rad6, and eluted column fraction II (CFII) included pol delta, pol eta, and RFC. CFII supplemented with purified recombinant RPA and PCNA (wild type or K164R, in which lysine was replaced with arginine) was competent for DNA replication and TLS. K164R-PCNA complemented CFII for these activities to the same extent and efficiency as wild-type PCNA. CFII mixed with CFI (endogenous PCNA, E1, Rad6) exhibited enhanced DNA replication activity, but the same TLS efficiency determined with the purified proteins. These results demonstrate that PCNA ubiquitylation at K164 of PCNA is not required in vitro for pol eta to gain access to replication complexes at forks stalled by T (wedge)T and to catalyze TLS across this dimer.  相似文献   

Aberrant oxidation is a property of many tumor cells. Oxidation of DNA precursors, i.e., deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs), as well as DNA is a major cause of genome instability. Here, we report that human DNA polymerase eta (h Poleta) incorporates oxidized dNTPs, i.e., 2-hydroxy-2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (2-OH-dATP) and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (8-OH-dGTP), into DNA in an erroneous and efficient manner, thereby inducing various types of mutations during in vitro gap-filling DNA synthesis. When 2-OH-dATP was present at a concentration equal to those of the four normal dNTPs in the reaction mixture, DNA synthesis by h Poleta enhanced the frequency of G-to-T transversions eight-fold higher than that of the transversions in control where only the normal dNTPs were present. When 8-OH-dGTP was present at an equimolar concentration to the normal dNTPs, it enhanced the frequency of A-to-C transversions 17-fold higher than the control. It also increased the frequency of C-to-A transversions about two-fold. These results suggest that h Poleta incorporates 2-OH-dATP opposite template G and incorporates 8-OH-dGTP opposite template A and slightly opposite template C during DNA synthesis. Besides base substitutions, h Poleta enhanced the frequency of single-base frameshifts and deletions with the size of more than 100 base pairs when 8-OH-dGTP was present in the reaction mixture. Since h Poleta is present in replication foci even without exogenous DNA damage, we suggest that h Poleta may be involved in induction of various types of mutations through the erroneous and efficient incorporation of oxidized dNTPs into DNA in human cells.  相似文献   

Most types of DNA damage block replication fork progression during DNA synthesis because replicative DNA polymerases are unable to accommodate altered DNA bases in their active sites. To overcome this block, eukaryotic cells employ specialized translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases, which can insert nucleotides opposite damaged bases. In particular, TLS by DNA polymerase eta (poleta) is the major pathway for bypassing UV photoproducts. How the cell switches from replicative to TLS polymerase at the site of blocked forks is unknown. We show that, in human cells, PCNA becomes monoubiquitinated following UV irradiation of the cells and that this is dependent on the hRad18 protein. Monoubiquitinated PCNA but not unmodified PCNA specifically interacts with poleta, and we have identified two motifs in poleta that are involved in this interaction. Our findings provide an attractive mechanism by which monoubiquitination of PCNA might mediate the polymerase switch.  相似文献   

The yeast RAD30 gene functions in error-free replication of UV-damaged DNA, and RAD30 encodes a DNA polymerase, pol eta, that has the ability to efficiently and correctly replicate past a cis-syn-thymine-thymine dimer in template DNA. To better understand the role of pol eta in damage bypass, we examined its fidelity and processivity on nondamaged DNA templates. Steady-state kinetic analyses of deoxynucleotide incorporation indicate that pol eta has a low fidelity, misincorporating deoxynucleotides with a frequency of about 10(-2) to 10(-3). Also pol eta has a low processivity, incorporating only a few nucleotides before dissociating. We suggest that pol eta's low fidelity reflects a flexibility in its active site rendering it more tolerant of DNA damage, while its low processivity limits its activity to reduce errors.  相似文献   

Sequence of human DNA polymerase beta mRNA obtained through cDNA cloning   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
A cDNA library from polyA+ RNA of a human teratocarcinoma cell line in phage lambda gt11 was screened with a fragment of the rat beta-polymerase cDNA, lambda pol beta-10, as probe. Five positive phage were identified and plaque purified. The cDNA of one positive clone selected for detailed study was 1257 bp. This insert was sequenced and found to contain the coding region for beta-polymerase, as well as 163 bp and 137 bp from the 5' and 3' untranslated regions, respectively. The primary structure of human beta-polymerase (318 amino acids, Mr = 36, 133) deduced from the cDNA was similar to rat beta-polymerase (95% matched residues). The greatest difference between the sequences of the human and rat cDNAs was in the 3' untranslated regions (64% matched base residues). These results provide necessary sequence information for study of the human beta-polymerase gene.  相似文献   

Telomerase-immortalized lines of diploid xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP-V) fibroblasts (XP115LO and XP4BE) were complemented for constitutive or regulated expression of wild-type human DNA polymerase eta (hpol eta). The ectopic gene was expressed from a retroviral LTR at a population average of 34- to 59-fold above the endogenous (mutated) mRNA and high levels of hpol eta were detected by immunoblotting. The POLH cDNA was also cloned downstream from an ecdysone-regulated promoter and transduced into the same recipient cells. Abundance of the wild-type mRNA increased approximately 10-fold by addition of ponasterone to the culture medium. Complemented cell lines acquired normal resistance to the cytotoxic effects of UVC, even in the presence of 1mM caffeine. They also tolerated higher levels of UVC-induced template lesions during nascent DNA elongation when compared to normal fibroblasts (NHF). UVC-induced mutation frequencies at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) locus were measured in the XP115LO+XPV cell line overproducing hpol eta constitutively (E. Bassett, N.M. King, M.F. Bryant, S. Hector, L. Pendyala, S.G. Chaney, M. Cordeiro-Stone, The role of DNA polymerase eta in translesion synthesis past platinum-DNA adducts in human fibroblasts, Cancer Res. 64 (2004) 6469-6475). Induced mutation frequencies were significantly reduced, even below those observed in NHF; however, the average mutation frequency in untreated cultures was about three-fold higher than in the isogenic vector-control cell line. In this study, spontaneous HPRT mutation frequencies were measured at regular intervals, as isogenic fibroblasts either lacking or overproducing hpol eta were expanded for 100 population doublings. The mutation rates estimated from these results were not significantly increased in XP115LO cells expressing abnormal levels of hpol eta, relative to the cells lacking this specialized polymerase. These findings suggest that diploid human fibroblasts with normal DNA repair capacities and intact checkpoints are well protected against the potential mutagenic outcome of overproducing hpol eta, while still benefiting from accurate translesion synthesis of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers.  相似文献   

Platinum anticancer agents form bulky DNA adducts which are thought to exert their cytotoxic effect by blocking DNA replication. Translesion synthesis, one of the pathways of postreplication repair, is thought to account for some resistance to DNA damage and much of the mutagenicity of bulky DNA adducts in dividing cells. Oxaliplatin has been shown to be effective in cisplatin-resistant cell lines and less mutagenic than cisplatin in the Ames assay. We have shown that the eukaryotic DNA polymerases yeast pol zeta, human pol beta, and human pol gamma bypass oxaliplatin-GG adducts more efficiently than cisplatin-GG adducts. Human pol eta, a product of the XPV gene, has been shown to catalyze efficient translesion synthesis past cis, syn-cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. In the present study we compared translesion synthesis past different Pt-GG adducts by human pol eta. Our data show that, similar to other eukaryotic DNA polymerases, pol eta bypasses oxaliplatin-GG adducts more efficiently than cisplatin-GG adducts. However, pol eta-catalyzed translesion replication past Pt-DNA adducts was more efficient and less accurate than that seen for previously tested polymerases. We show that the efficiency and fidelity of translesion replication past Pt-DNA adducts appear to be determined by both the structure of the adduct and the DNA polymerase active site.  相似文献   

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