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Forest passerine birds and their ectoparasites: Ixodes ricinus ticks and Syringophilidae quill mites were surveyed for infection with Anaplasma phagocytophilum in west-central Poland. Of 126 birds captured from May to June of 2002, 71 (56.3%) comprising eight species, hosted immature I. ricinus ticks. A total of 383 ticks and 71 blood samples collected from tick-infested birds were investigated by PCR. The pathogen was not detected in either bird-derived ticks or in blood samples. Among the captured birds, a total of 14 individuals representing four species hosted quill mites from the family Syringophilidae. Three of the 14 mite pools recovered from the 14 mite-infested birds harbored A. phagocytophilum DNA by amplifying both the epank1 and p44 gene. The PCR-positive pools originated from one blackbird and two starlings. The specific biology of syringophilid mites, which parasitize exclusively inside the quill of feathers, feeding on host subcutaneous fluids, implies that they must have acquired the pathogen from a bacteremic bird. These results provide the first indirect evidence that at least some passerine hosts are prone to develop systemic infection with A. phagocytophilum under natural conditions. Consequently, the infected quill mites may serve as a "biological marker" of past or current infection with the agent within birds.  相似文献   

A new quill mite species Syringophiloidus hirundinis (Acari: Syringophilidae) is described from the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica. The species Syringophiloidus hirundinis had a prevalence of 17.1% in the two outermost tail feathers (N = 208 adult Barn Swallows) during the breeding season of the Barn Swallow host. Intensity of infestation was 9.7 adult mites per pair of infested tail feathers. The sex ratio was highly biased towards females, with only 7.5% of all individuals being males (20:3).  相似文献   

The distribution of feather mites (Astigmata) along the wing of passerine birds could change dramatically within minutes because of the rapid movement of mites between feathers. However, no rigorous study has answered how fine-tuned is the pattern of distribution of feather mites at a given time. Here we present a multiscale study of the distribution of feather mites on the wing of non-moulting blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in a short time period and at a single locality. We found that the number and distribution of mites differed among birds, but it was extremely similar between the wings of each bird. Moreover, mites consistently avoided the first secondary feather, despite that it is placed at the centre of the feathers most used by them. Thus, our results suggest that feather mites do precise, feather-level decisions on where to live, contradicting the current view that mites perform "mass", or "blind" movements across wing feathers. Moreover, our findings indicate that "rare" distributions are not spurious data or sampling errors, but each distribution of mites on the wing of each bird is the outcome of the particular conditions operating on each ambient-bird-feather mite system at a given time. This study indicates that we need to focus on the distribution of feather mites at the level of the individual bird and at the feather level to improve our understanding of the spatial ecology of mites on the wings of birds.  相似文献   

The distribution of feather mites (Astigmata) along the wing of passerine birds could change dramatically within minutes because of the rapid movement of mites between feathers. However, no rigorous study has answered how fine‐tuned is the pattern of distribution of feather mites at a given time. Here we present a multiscale study of the distribution of feather mites on the wing of non‐moulting blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in a short time period and at a single locality. We found that the number and distribution of mites differed among birds, but it was extremely similar between the wings of each bird. Moreover, mites consistently avoided the first secondary feather, despite that it is placed at the centre of the feathers most used by them. Thus, our results suggest that feather mites do precise, feather‐level decisions on where to live, contradicting the current view that mites perform “mass”, or “blind” movements across wing feathers. Moreover, our findings indicate that “rare” distributions are not spurious data or sampling errors, but each distribution of mites on the wing of each bird is the outcome of the particular conditions operating on each ambient‐bird‐feather mite system at a given time. This study indicates that we need to focus on the distribution of feather mites at the level of the individual bird and at the feather level to improve our understanding of the spatial ecology of mites on the wings of birds.  相似文献   

A process of infecting the chaffinch nestlings Fringilla coelebs with three analgoid feather mites, Analges passerinus L., 1758, Monojoubertia microphylla (Robin, 1877), and Pteronyssoides striatus (Robin, 1977), commonly occurred on this bird species was investigated. 15 nests contained totally 65 nestlings, from 2 to 6 individuals in a brood, have been examined from the day of hatching till 11th day. Observations were held in the neighbourhood of the bird banding station "Rybachy" (Russia, Kaliningrad Province) in June of 1982. Number of mites on alive nestlings taken temporarily from their nest was counted by means of binocular lens under the magnification x12.5 and x25. The nestlings receive the mites from the chaffinch female during the night time, when the female sits together with the young birds and heats them. In the condition of this prolonged direct contact the mites migrate from the female onto the nestlings. As it was shown in our study of seasonal dynamics of mites on the chaffinch (Mironov, 2000), the chaffinch female only gives its mites to young generation and looses about three quarter of its mite micropopulation during the nesting period (June), hile in the chaffinch males the number of mites continues to increase during all summer. The infections with three feather mite species happen in the second part of the nestling's stay in the nest. The starting time of this process, its intensity, and sex and age structure of mite micropopulations on the nestlings just before their leaving the nest are different in the mite species examined. These peculiarities of feather mite species are determined by the biology of examined species, and first of all by their morphological characteristic and specialisation to different microhabitats, i.e. certain structural zones of plumage. Pteronyssoides striatus (Pteronyssidae) is rather typical mite specialised to feathers with vanes. In adult birds with completely developed plumage this species occupies the ventral surface of the big upper coverts of primary flight feathers. This species appears on the chaffinch nestlings in a significant number on 7th day. The mites occupy the basal parts of primary flight feathers represented in that moment by the rods only. They sit on practically open and smooth surface of this microhabitat, which is uncommon for them, because the vanes of the big upper coverts are not yet open and also represented by thin rods. During the period of the last 5 days (from 7 to 11th day) the mean number of mites per one nestling increases from 2.3 +/- 0.5 to 17.1 +/- 1.8 mites. Just before the day, when the nestling leave the nest, the tritonymphs absolutely predominate (82.4%) in the micropopulation of P. striatus. Analges passerinus (Analgidae) is specialised to live in the friable layer formed by numerous not-engaged thread barbles of the down feathers and basal parts of the body covert feathers. Mites have special hooks on legs used for hard attaching to the barbles and for fast moving in the friable layer of feathers. On the chaffinch nestlings, these mites appear usually on 8th day, when the rod-like body covert feathers begin to open on apices and form short brushes; however some individuals occur on the skin of nestlings even on 6th day. The mean number of mites per nestling on the 11th day reaches 16.5 +/- 1.4 individuals. The micropopulation of A. passerinus is represented on the nestlings mainly by the females (45.5%), tritonymphs (23.6%) and males (11.5%). Monojobertia microphylla (Proctophyllodidae) is a typical dweller of feathers with large vanes. Mites of this species commonly occupy the ventral surface of primary and secondary flight feathers and also respective big upper covert feathers of wings. M. microphylla appears on the nestlings in a significant number (7.1 +/- 1.2 mites) on 9th day, only when the primary flight feathers already have short vanes about 10 mm in length. In next three days the number of mites increases very fast and reaches on 11th day 60.3 +/- 5.7 mites per nestling. In the micropopulation of this species, the tritonymphs count 38.3%, and the quota of males and females is 25.3% each. The migration of this species goes most intensively, than in two other species. An analitic selection of logistic curves shows, that the increasing of mite number during the process of infection with three mite species may be most adequately described by the sigmoid curves with clearly recognizable levels of saturation, which can be theoretically reached. Indeed, the number of mite individuals being able to migrate onto the nestlings is limited by their number on a respective chaffinch female. In a contrast, the increasing of plumage indices, for instance the length of flight feathers, has almost linear character during the period of observation. The beginning of mite migration is determined by the development of respective microhabitats in the plumage of nestlings, or at least by the development of certain structure elements of plumage, where mites are able to attach for a while, before that moment, when the nestlings will develop the plumage completely and begin to fly. In three mite species examined, the process of infection was performed by older stages, namely by the imago and/or tritonymphs. This can be explained by two reasons. On the one hand, the older stages are most active in their movement, resistible and able to survive successfully on new host individuals. On the other hand, the older stage are ready for the reproduction or will be ready after one moulting. The older stages of mites can quickly create a large and self-supporting micropopulations on the birds, therefore this strategy ensures a successful subsequent existence of the parasite species. In cases, when mites (A. passerinus, M. microphylla) migrate into the respective microhabitats structurally corresponding to their normal microhabitats on adult birds, the micropopulations of these mite species include a significant or dominant quota of females and males. When the normal microhabitat is not yet formed, feather mites migrate into neighboring structure elements of plumage, where they can survive and wait for the development of normal microhabitat, to which they are well adapted. Therefore, in the case of P. striatus, its micropopulations on the chaffinch nestlings are represented mainly by the tritonymphs.  相似文献   

A new monotypic genus Colisyringophilus n. g. is established for C. tanzanicus n. sp., quill mites parasitising two mouse bird species from Tanzania, Colius striatus Gmelin and Urocolius macrourus (Linnaeus). This new genus is closely related to Neoaulobia Fain, Bochkov & Mironov, 2000, but differs from it by the following features: the stylophore is rounded posteriorly, the propodonotal shield is reduced to triangular sclerite bearing bases of setae vi and ve, the hysteronotal shield is absent, legs I are longer than legs II, and apodemes I are distinctly elongated. This is the first record of syringophilid mites from hosts of the order Coliiformes.  相似文献   

Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2007,41(6):428-458
The external morphological adaptations to parasitism in acariform mites (Acari: Acariformes), permanently parasiting mammals, are briefly summated and analyzed. According to several external morphological criteria (structures of gnathosoma, idiosoma, setation, legs and life cycle), the following six morphoecotypes were established: skin mites (i)-- Cheyletidae, Chirorhynchobiidae, Lobalgidae, Myobiidae, Myocoptidae (the most part), Rhyncoptidae, Psoroptidae; fur mites (ii)--Atopomelidae, Clirodiscidae, Listrophoridae, Myocoptidae (Trichoecius only); skin burrowing mites (iii)--Sarcoptidae; intradermal mites (iv) - sorergatidae and Demodicidae; interstitial mites (v) - pimyodicidae; respiratory mites (vi) - reynetidae, Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, Pneumocoptidae. In the case of prostigmatic mites, the detailed reconstruction of the origin and evolution of "parasitic" morphoecotypes is possible due to the tentative phylogenetic hypotheses, which were proposed for the infraorder Eleutherengon, a, including the most part of the permanent mammalian parasites among prostigmatic mites (Kethley in Norton, 1993; Bochkov, 2002). The parasitism of Speleognathinae (Ereynetidae) in the mammalian respiratory tract arose independently of the other prostigmats. It is quite possible that these mites switched on mammals from birds, because they are more widely represented on these hosts than on mammals. The prostigmatic parasitism on mammalian skin seems to be originated independently in myobiids, in the five cheyletid tribes, Cheyletiellini, Niheliini, and Teinocheylini, Chelonotini, Cheyletini, and, probably, in a cheyletoid ansector of the sister families Psorergatidae-Demodicidae (Bochkov, Fain, 2001; Bochkov, 2002). Demodicids and psorergatids developed adaptations to parasitism in the skin gland ducts and directly in the epithelial level, respectively in the process of the subsequent specialization. Mites of the family Epimyodicidae belong to the phylogenetic line independent of other cheyletoids. These mites possess the separate chelicerae and, therefore, can not be included to the superfamily Cheyletoidea. It is not quite clear whether they were skin parasites initially or they directly switched to parasitism from the predation. The phylogeny of sarcoptoid mites (Psoroptidia: Sarcoptoidea) is not developed, however, some hypotheses about origin and the following evolution of their morphoecotypes can be proposed. We belive that astigmatic mites inhabiting the mammalian respiratory tract transferred to parasitism independently of other sarcoptoids. The idiosoma of these mites is not so much flattened dorso-ventrally and has proportions which are similar to hose of free-living astigmatids. Moreover, in the most archaic species, the legs are not shortened or thickened as in the most parasites. The disappearance of many morphological structures in these mites, probably, happened parallely with some other sarcoptoids due to their parasitic mode of life. The skin inhabiting sarcoptoids belong to the "basic" morphoecotype, and all other sarcoptoid morphoecotypes, excluding respiratory mites, are derived from it. Some mites of this morphoecotype live on the concave surfaces of the widened spine-like hairs of the rodents belonging to the family Echimyidae (mites of the subfamily Echimytricalginae), in the mammalian ears (some Psoroptidae) or partially sink into the hair follicles (Rhynocoptidae). Finally, mites of the family Chirorhynchobiidae live on the bat wing edges attaching to them by their "ixodid-like" gnathosoma. The fur-sarcoptoids, probably, originated from the skin mites. This morphoecotype is divided onto two subtypes: mites with the dorso-ventrally flattened idiosoma (subtype I) and mites with the teretial idiosoma (subtype II). Each "fur-mite" family includes mites of the both subtypes. All mites of the first subtype belong to the early derivative lineages in their families. Among listrophorids such early derivative lineage is represented by the subfamily Aplodontochirinae (Bochkov, OConnor, 2006), and among Chirodiscidae--by mites of the subfamilies Chirodiscinae, Schizocoptinae, and Lemuroeciinae. Among the "fur" astigmatid families, the family Atopomelidae. probably, is the most archaic, and the most part of atopomelids belongs to the first subtype. However there are several more specialized atopomelid genera belonging to the second subtype, Atopomelus, Dasyurochirus, Lemuroptes, Murichirus, Metachiroecius etc. We believe that mites of the first subtype are represented by the "intermediate" forms between skin mites and mites of the second subtype. Some skin sarcoptoids transferred from skin parasitism to burrowing of the host skin (Sarcoptidae). The established morphoecotypes are partially corresponding to some morphoecotypes established by Mironov (1987) for feather mites. Our morphoecotypes of skin and skin burrowing mites perfectly correspond to Mironov's epidermoptoid and knemidocoptoid morphoecotypes, respectively. The proctophylloid morphoecotype (mites living on the wing feathers), which is the most widely represented within feather mites, has an analogy among mammalian mites - the subfamily Echimytricalginae. The analgoid (mites living in the down feathers) and dermoglyphoid (mites living in the feather quills) morphoecotypes have no analogues among mammalian mites for the obvious reasons. It is interesting why some microhabitats on the host body are not still occupied by prostigmatic or astigmatic mites. We believe that the nutrition is the main limitative factor here. The parasitic prostigmates evolved from predators and, therefore, feed on content of the living cells. They need the direct contact with the live tissues of the host and they belong, therefore, to the morphoecotypes represented by the respiratory, skin, gland duct, intradermal, and interstitial mites. Whereas, the most part of the skin inhabiting astigmats feed on the dead epithelial scales. For this reason these mites, so easily colonized fur of their hosts and feed on the hair grease there. On the other hand, some sarcoptoids transferred to the true parasitism and feed on the cambial cells of the skin epithelium. More over we do not know exactly about nutrition of rhyncoptids yet.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of feather mites, Alloptes (A.) sp. and Laronyssus martini, coexisted on the flight feathers of kittiwakes, while Alloptes (C.) sp. occurred alone on murres. All three species were found mostly on the ventral surface of mid-wing regions. On individual feathers, the mites were attached to the distal sides of barbs on the trailing vanes. The two species coexisted on kittiwakes but occupied different portions of feathers. The results suggest that the two species compete for the attachment site on the feather and Alloptes (A.) sp. is excluded by L. martini from the preferred microhabitat.  相似文献   

Feather mites are arthropods that live on or in the feathers of birds, and are among the commonest avian ectosymbionts. However, the nature of the ecological interaction between feather mites and birds remains unclear, some studies reporting negative effects of feather mites on their hosts and others reporting positive or no effects. Here we use a large dataset comprising 20 189 measurements taken from 83 species of birds collected during 22 yr in 151 localities from seven countries in Europe and North Africa to explore the correlation between feather mite abundance and body condition of their hosts. We predicted that, if wing‐dwelling feather mites are parasites, a negative correlation with host body condition should be found, while a mutualistic interaction should yield positive correlation. Although negative relationships between feather mite abundance and host body condition were found in a few species of birds, the sign of the correlation was positive in most bird species (69%). The overall effect size was only slightly positive (r =0.066). The effect of feather mite abundance explained <10% of variance in body condition in most species (87%). Results suggest that feather mites are not parasites of birds, but rather that they hold a commensalistic relationship where feather mites may benefit from feeding on uropygial gland secretions of their hosts and birds do not seem to obtain a great benefit from the presence of feather mites.  相似文献   

Three new species of quill mites of the subfamily Picobiinae Johnston & Kethley, 1973 (Acari: Syringophilidae) are described from African flycatchers (Passeriformes: Muscicapidae): Picobia cichladusa n. sp. on Cichladusa arquata Peters and P. myrmecocichla n. sp. on Myrmecocichla arnotti (Tristram), both from Tanzania, and P. echo n. sp. on Cossypha heuglini Hartlaub from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(3):727-738
Male satin bowerbirds use feathers to decorate their bowers and often steal feathers and other decorations from the bowers of other males. Decorations are a key element in sexual display and tracking their movement between bowers provides the first detailed information about this unique pattern of sexual competition. For two field seasons the movement of marked feathers was followed. Males varied greatly in stealing activity. The most active feather thieves were often from areas where bowers were close together and they were involved in reciprocal stealing with males at adjacent bowers. The rate of stealing by males was significantly correlated with the number of feathers on their bowers. This suggests that stealing is important in determining the level of bower decoration and mating success. Patterns of stealing behaviour support models of sexual selection which suggest that male interactions are important in influencing female choice through their effect on the quality of male display.  相似文献   

The results of a 4 year project investigating species of mites infesting wing primary feathers on 21 species of Passeriformes are reported. The majority of species were identified as belonging to the genus Proctophyllodes Robin, 1877 with one new host record. In addition Pteronyssoides obscurus Berlese 1884 was found on European swallows, also a new host record. A novel method to enable quantification of mite intensities without causing harm to the birds was devised and evaluated. This relied on visual inspection of wing primary feathers and assignment of subjective infestation scores to individual feathers, the sum of the individual scores comprising the primary feather total mite infestation score (PTMIS). Comparisons between species revealed that birds could be grouped into four categoris depending on their infestation intensity with mites. Swallows, sand martins and greenfinches showed the highest prevalence and most intense infestations (mean PTMIS 6.8). Blackbirds, blackcaps, serins, goldfinches, Cetti's warblers, great tits and house sparrows showed moderate levels of infestation with prevalence in the range 60–90.9% but a mean PTMIS lower than in the former group (1.6–5.8). The third group comprised Sardinian warblers, nightingales and short-toed tree creepers and was characterized by a prevalence of mites 40% and a mean PTMIS of 0.6–1.4. The final group, representing wrens, chiffchaffs, fan-tailed warblers and waxbills were without detectable mites, the only exception being wrens on which mites were identified in only three birds of the 32 sampled. These results are interpreted in the light of published information and possible explanations for the observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunoblotting with defined antigens and antisera revealed extensive and nearly complete antigenic cross-reactivity between Psoroptes spp. mites from a bighorn sheep, a mule deer, a cow, and a rabbit. Antigenic differences were not detected between mites from the sympatric bighorn sheep and mule deer. However, minor antigenic differences between mites from the cow and rabbit suggested that these mites were distinct from each other, as well as from the mites from the bighorn sheep and mule deer. These results are consistent with earlier morphologic studies of these populations of mites and provide additional support for the hypothesis that putative populations and/or species of Psoroptes mites may not be reproductively or ecologically isolated, particularly when their hosts are sympatric.  相似文献   

A new species of quill mite of the family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata), Peristerophila nestoriae sp. nov. from New Zealand Kaka, Nestor meridionalis (Gmelin) (Psittaciformes: Strigopidae) is described. This new species is morphologically similar to Peristerophila falcophila [Skoracki M, Hromada M, Kaszewska K, Unsoeld M. 2018. Peristerophila falcophila sp. nov., a new species and first record of quill mites (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) parasitizing birds of the order Falconiformes. Acta Parasitologica. 63:744–749. https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2018-0088], and differs from it as follow: the stylophore is 130–140 long (vs. 150–160 long); the propodonotal shield bear bases of setae ve, si, and c1 (vs. only ve and si on the propodonotal shield); fan-like setae p′ and p″ of legs III and IV with 11–13 tines (vs. 10 tines); the lengths of setae ag2 40–50 (vs. 55–70). Our finding is the first record of the presence of syringophilid mite on host of the family Strigopidae and first report of the member of Peristerophila on psittaciform birds. So far, the syringophilids mites have not been found in New Zealand.

LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FB0C5B37-DF42-428C-8C81-8FA56EA67504  相似文献   

Our own and previous data concerning the findings of parasitic gamasid mites (Mesostigmata: Gamasina) on bats (Chiroptera), which are not a principal host for them, are analyzed. The gamasid mites under study belong to the following families: Laelapidae Berlese, 1892; Hirstionyssidae Evans, Till, 1966; and Haemogamasidae Oudemans, 1926. In total, 27 species of parasites of the analyzed groups were found on bats. Among them, two species were described for bats for the first time. The medicinal value of this exchange is considered. Possible places where bats have contact with other mammals are discussed.  相似文献   

The "condition-specific competition hypothesis" proposes that coexistence of 2 species is possible when spatial or temporal variations in environmental conditions exist and each species responds differently to those conditions. The distribution of different species of feather mites on their hosts is known to be affected by intrinsic host factors such as structure of feathers and friction among feathers during flight, but there is also evidence that external factors such as humidity and temperature can affect mite distribution. Some feather mites have the capacity to move through the plumage rather rapidly, and within-host variation in intensity of sunlight could be one of the cues involved in these active displacements. We analyzed both the within- and between-feather spatial distribution of 2 mite species, Trouessartia bifurcata and Dolichodectes edwardsi , that coexist in flight feathers of the moustached warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon. A complex spatial segregation between the 2 species was observed at 3 spatial levels, i.e., "feather surfaces," "between feathers," and "within feathers." Despite certain overlapping distribution among feathers, T. bifurcata dominated proximal and medial regions on dorsal faces, while D. edwardsi preferred disto-ventral feather areas. An experiment to check the behavioral response of T. bifurcata to sunlight showed that mites responded to light exposure by approaching the feather bases and even leaving its dorsal face. Spatial heterogeneity across the 3 analyzed levels, together with response to light and other particular species adaptations, may have played a role in the coexistence and segregation of feather mites competing for space and food in passerine birds.  相似文献   

Haematophagous mites were collected from the vent region and plumage of chickens in six hobby flocks of ornamental breeds in Sweden, one of which included turkeys. Soiled vent skin and feathers, dermatitis, hyperkeratosis, skin necroses and ulcers were observed in 12 necropsied birds from two of the flocks. The mites were identified as the northern fowl mite Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae). This was supported by sequence analysis of a 642‐bp region in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene (COI) in mites collected from five flocks, which showed 97–99% sequence similarity to O. sylviarum by blast analysis. Pairwise sequence comparisons revealed nucleotide variations in the range of 0–2.8%, whereas amino acid sequences were highly conserved. This paper represents one of very few records of O. sylviarum in European poultry, and is the first to report COI sequence data for O. sylviarum from poultry in Europe.  相似文献   

A new genus and four new species of the quill mites are described. Galliphilopsis gen. n. (G. francolinus sp. n., type species) differs from the closely related Dissonus Skoracki, 1999 by loss of leg setae dGII, the slightly divergent tips of epimeres I and the stylophore constricted posteriorly. Three new species of the genus Galliphilopsis gen. n. and one new species of the genus Mironovia Chirov and Kravtsova, 1995 are described from galliform birds (Phasianidae) collected at the Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University (Poland): G. lophurus sp. n. from Lophura leucomelanos, G. bochkovi sp. n. from Tragopan sp. and Alectoris barbara, G. francolinus sp. n. from Francolinus levalliantoides, and Mironovia rouloul sp. n. from Rollulus rouloul.  相似文献   

Infestations with ectoparasitic poultry red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae) pose an increasing threat to poultry health and welfare. Because of resistance to acaricides and higher scrutiny of poultry products, alternative and environmentally safe management strategies are warranted. Therefore, we investigated how volatile cues shape the behavior of D. gallinae and how this knowledge may be exploited in the development of an attract-and-kill method to control mite populations. A Y-tube olfactometer bio-assay was used to evaluate choices of mites in response to cues related to conspecific mites as well as related to their chicken host. Both recently fed and starved mites showed a strong preference (84 and 85%, respectively) for volatiles from conspecific, fed mites as compared to a control stream of clean air. Mites were also significantly attracted to ‘aged feathers’ (that had remained in the litter for 3–4 days), but not to ‘fresh feathers’. Interestingly, an air stream containing 2.5% CO2, which mimics the natural concentration in air exhaled by chickens, did attract fed mites, but inhibited the attraction of unfed mites towards volatiles from aged feathers. We conclude that both mite-related cues (aggregation pheromones) and host-related cues (kairomones) mediate the behavior of the poultry mite. We discuss the options to exploit this knowledge as the ‘attract’ component of attract-and-kill strategies for the control of D. gallinae.  相似文献   

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