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Phytochromes are the red/far-red photoreceptors in higher plants. Among them, phytochrome A (PHYA) is responsible for the far-red high-irradiance response and for the perception of very low amounts of light, initiating the very-low-fluence response. Here, we report a detailed physiological and molecular characterization of the phyA-5 mutant of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which displays hyposensitivity to continuous low-intensity far-red light and shows reduced very-low-fluence response and high-irradiance response. Red light-induced degradation of the mutant phyA-5 protein appears to be normal, yet higher residual amounts of phyA-5 are detected in seedlings grown under low-intensity far-red light. We show that (1) the phyA-5 mutant harbors a new missense mutation in the PHYA amino-terminal extension domain and that (2) the complex phenotype of the mutant is caused by reduced nuclear import of phyA-5 under low fluences of far-red light. We also demonstrate that impaired nuclear import of phyA-5 is brought about by weakened binding affinity of the mutant photoreceptor to nuclear import facilitators FHY1 (for FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL1) and FHL (for FHY1-LIKE). Finally, we provide evidence that the signaling and degradation kinetics of constitutively nuclear-localized phyA-5 and phyA are identical. Taken together, our data show that aberrant nucleo/cytoplasmic distribution impairs light-induced degradation of this photoreceptor and that the amino-terminal extension domain mediates the formation of the FHY1/FHL/PHYA far-red-absorbing form complex, whereby it plays a role in regulating the nuclear import of phyA.  相似文献   

Intracellular delivery of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase beta-subunit precursor from the cytoplasm into the matrix of mitochondria is prevented by deletion of its mitochondrial import signal, a basic amphipathic alpha-helix at its amino terminus. Using a complementation assay, we have selected spontaneous mutations which restore the correct in vivo localization of the protein containing the import signal deletion. Analysis of these mutations revealed that different functional surrogate mitochondrial targeting signals formed within a narrow region of the extreme amino terminus of the import signal deleted beta-subunit. These modifications specifically replace different acidic residues with neutral or basic residues to generate a less acidic amphipathic helix within a region of the protein which is accessible for interaction with the membrane surface. The observations of this study confirm the requirement for amphipathicity as part of the mitochondrial import signal and suggest how mitochondrial targeting signals may have evolved within the extreme amino terminus of mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

The ATP2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for the cytoplasmically synthesized beta-subunit protein of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase. To define the amino acid sequence determinants necessary for the in vivo targeting and import of this protein into mitochondria, we have constructed gene fusions between the ATP2 gene and either the Escherichia coli lacZ gene or the S. cerevisiae SUC2 gene (which codes for invertase). The ATP2-lacZ and ATP2-SUC2 gene fusions code for hybrid proteins that are efficiently targeted to yeast mitochondria in vivo. The mitochondrially associated hybrid proteins fractionate with the inner mitochondrial membrane and are resistant to proteinase digestion in the isolated organelle. Results obtained with the gene fusions and with targeting-defective ATP2 deletion mutants provide evidence that the amino-terminal 27 amino acids of the beta-subunit protein precursor are sufficient to direct both specific sorting of this protein to yeast mitochondria and its import into the organelle. Also, we have observed that certain of the mitochondrially associated Atp2-LacZ and Atp2-Suc2 hybrid proteins confer a novel respiration-defective phenotype to yeast cells.  相似文献   

Copper(I) is an essential metal for all life forms. Though Cu(II) is the most abundant and stable state, its reduction to Cu(I) via an unclear mechanism is prerequisite for its bioutilization. In eukaryotes, the copper transporter-1 (CTR1) is the primary high-affinity copper importer, although its mechanism and role in Cu(II) reduction remain uncharacterized. Here we show that extracellular amino-terminus of human CTR1 contains two methionine-histidine clusters and neighboring aspartates that distinctly bind Cu(I) and Cu(II) preceding its import. We determined that hCTR1 localizes at the basolateral membrane of polarized MDCK-II cells and that its endocytosis to Common-Recycling-Endosomes is regulated by reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) and subsequent Cu(I) coordination by the methionine cluster. We demonstrate the transient binding of both Cu(II) and Cu(I) during the reduction process is facilitated by aspartates that also act as another crucial determinant of hCTR1 endocytosis. Mutating the first Methionine cluster (7Met-Gly-Met9) and Asp13 abrogated copper uptake and endocytosis upon copper treatment. This phenotype could be reverted by treating the cells with reduced and nonreoxidizable Cu(I). We show that histidine clusters, on other hand, bind Cu(II) and are crucial for hCTR1 functioning at limiting copper. Finally, we show that two N-terminal His-Met-Asp clusters exhibit functional complementarity, as the second cluster is sufficient to preserve copper-induced CTR1 endocytosis upon complete deletion of the first cluster. We propose a novel and detailed mechanism by which the two His-Met-Asp residues of hCTR1 amino-terminus not only bind copper, but also maintain its reduced state, crucial for intracellular uptake.  相似文献   

Uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (U snRNPs) are the building units of the spliceosome. These RNA and protein complexes assemble in the cytoplasm. After proper assembly and RNA maturation, mature U snRNPs are imported into the cell nucleus, where they take part in the splicing process. In this paper we review the current knowledge of how U snRNPs enter the nucleus.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial import signals have been shown to function in many steps of mitochondrial protein import. Previous studies have shown that the F1-ATPase beta-subunit precursor (pre-F1beta) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains an extended, functionally redundant mitochondrial import signal at its amino terminus. However, the full significance of this functionally redundant targeting sequence has not been determined. We now report that the extended pre-F1beta signal acts to maintain the precursor in an import-competent conformation prior to import, in addition to its previously characterized roles in mitochondrial targeting and translocation. We found that this extended signal is required for the efficient posttranslational mitochondrial import of pre-F1beta both in vivo and in vitro. To determine whether the pre-F1beta signal directly influences precursor conformation, fusion proteins that contain wild-type and mutant forms of the pre-F1beta import signal attached to the model passenger protein dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) were constructed. Deletions that reduced the import signal to a minimal functional unit decreased both the half-time of precursor folding and the efficiency of mitochondrial import. To confirm that the reduced mitochondrial import associated with this truncated signal was due to a defect in its ability to maintain DHFR in a loosely folded conformation, we introduced structurally destabilizing missense mutations into the DHFR passenger to block precursor folding independently of the import signal. We found that the truncated signal imported this destabilized form of DHFR as efficiently as the intact targeting signal, indicating that the primary defect associated with the minimal signal is an inability to maintain the precursor in a loosely folded conformation. Our results suggest that the loss of this intramolecular chaperone function leads to defects in the early stages of the import process.  相似文献   

Adenovirus, a respiratory virus with a double-stranded DNA genome, replicates in the nuclei of mammalian cells. We have developed a cytosol-dependent in vitro assay utilizing adenovirus nucleocapsids to examine the requirements for adenovirus docking to the nuclear pore complex and for DNA import into the nucleus. Our assay reveals that adenovirus DNA import is blocked by a competitive excess of classical protein nuclear localization sequences and other inhibitors of nuclear protein import and indicates that this process is dependent on hsc70. Previous work revealed that the hexon (coat) protein of adenovirus is the only major protein on the surface of the adenovirus nucleocapsid that docks at the nuclear pore complex. This, together with our finding that in vitro nuclear import of hexon is inhibited by an excess of classical nuclear localization sequences, suggests a role for the hexon protein in adenovirus DNA import. However, recombinant transport factors that are sufficient for hexon import in permeabilized cells do not support DNA import, indicating that there are other as yet unidentified factors required for this process.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain of GLUT4 contains a phenylalanine-based targeting motif that determines its steady state distribution between the surface and the interior of cells (Piper, R. C., C. Tai, P. Kuleza, S. Pang, D. Warnock, J. Baenziger, J. W. Slot, H. J. Geuze, C. Puri, and D. E. James. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 121:1221). To directly measure the effect that the GLUT4 amino terminus has on internalization and subsequent recycling back to the cell surface, we constructed chimeras in which this sequence was substituted for the amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the human transferrin receptor. The chimeras were stably transfected into Chinese hamster ovary cells and their endocytic behavior characterized. The GLUT4-transferrin receptor chimera was recycled back to the cell surface with a rate similar to the transferrin receptor, indicating that the GLUT4 sequence was not promoting intracellular retention of the chimera. The GLUT4-transferrin receptor chimera was internalized at half the rate of the transferrin receptor. Substitution of an alanine for phenylalanine at position 5 slowed internalization of the chimera by twofold, to a level characteristic of bulk membrane internalization. However, substitution of a tyrosine increased the rate of internalization to the level of the transferrin receptor. Neither of these substitutions significantly altered the rate at which the chimeras were recycled back to the cell surface. These results demonstrate that the major function of the GLUT4 amino-terminal domain is to promote the effective internalization of the protein from the cell surface, via a functional phenylalanine-based internalization motif, rather than retention of the transporter within intracellular structures.  相似文献   

CRINKLY4 is a growth factor-like plant receptor kinase designated as CR4 in Zea mays and ACR4 in Arabidopsis. Using the TOXCAT system, a genetic assay that measures helix interactions in a natural membrane environment, we have previously demonstrated that the dimerization potential of the ACR4 transmembrane (TM) domain is significantly weaker than that of CR4 TM domain, even though 13 of the 24 residues are identical. Neither of the TM domains contain the GxxxG motif that has been shown to be important for the dimerization of the TM segments of several receptors. To further investigate the relationship between protein sequence and dimerization potential, we (a) mutated each of the 11 differing residues in the CR4 TM domain to the corresponding residue of ACR4 (b) made reciprocal mutations in ACR4 and (c) made hybrids consisting of half CR4 and half ACR4 TM domains. Our results suggest that most mutations in ACR4 or CR4 TM domains have low to moderate effects on the dimerization potential and that residues in the N-terminal half of the CR4 TM domain are important for dimerization.  相似文献   

Tau polymerization: role of the amino terminus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Gamblin TC  Berry RW  Binder LI 《Biochemistry》2003,42(7):2252-2257
The abnormal polymerization of the tau molecule into insoluble filaments is a seminal event in the neurodegenerative process underlying Alzheimer's disease. Previous experimentation has shown that the microtubule-binding repeat region of the molecule is vital for its ability to polymerize in vitro into filaments similar to those found in Alzheimer's disease. However, it is becoming clear that regions outside the microtubule-binding repeat, such as exons 2 and 3 and the carboxy-terminal tail, can greatly influence its polymerization. Since it has been previously postulated that the amino terminus of tau could be involved in generating pathological conformations in the disease state, its role in the polymerization process was investigated. This report demonstrates that the removal of the amino terminus greatly inhibits the polymerization of the tau molecule, reducing both the rate and extent of polymerization. These results support the hypothesis that the ability of tau to form specific conformations involving the amino terminus is an early event in the formation of tau polymers in the disease state. Furthermore, the mutation of arginine 5 to leucine ((R)5(L)), mimicking an amino-terminal tau mutation found in a single case of FTDP-17, enhances the polymerization of the tau molecule. Therefore, the amino terminus of the tau molecule, while largely overlooked in studies of its polymerization, is a significant contributor to the polymerization process.  相似文献   

Unusual metabolism of the yeast actin amino terminus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper we have examined the post-translational modifications of the NH2 terminus of actin from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Like actins examined previously, this actin contains an acetylated NH2 terminus. Actins in other organisms undergo a unique post-translational processing event in which the initial amino acid(s) are removed by an actin-specific processing enzyme in an acetylation-dependent reaction. This is defined as actin processing. In yeast, actin retains its initiator Met in vivo and is thus not processed even though a rat liver actin processing enzyme can process yeast actin in vitro. This lack of actin processing appears to be a general property of fungi, as the actin from three other species, Aspergillus nidulans, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Candida albicans are not NH2 terminally processed either. Yeast actin is a class I actin; its initiator Met directly precedes an acidic residue. We converted yeast actin to a class II species by inserting a Cys codon between the Met-1 and Asp-2 codons. In normal class II actins the Cys residue is removed as acetyl-Cys during processing. Neither the mutant actin nor chick beta-actin (a class I actin) are processed when expressed in yeast. S. cerevisiae thus appears to be also incapable of processing exogenous actins. Further study of the mutant actin containing a Cys at position 2 shows that 30-40% of this actin is stably unacetylated. This unacetylated actin does not have a shorter half-life than the acetylated form. From these studies we conclude that 1) NH2-terminal actin-specific processing is not required for actin function in yeast and three other fungi, 2) yeast are apparently incapable of processing any type of actin precursor, and 3) the stability of a yeast pseudo-class II actin is not affected by the acetylation state of the NH2 terminus.  相似文献   

Nuclear import of viral DNA genomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Three naturally occurring variants of myosin light chain 1, type I, II, and III from avian fast-twitch muscle, have been analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC peptide mapping and amino acid sequencing. Difference peptides were absent from accompanying digests of the related protein, myosin light chain 3, indicating that the heterogeneity was located in the N-terminal 50 residues unique to light chain 1. The type II variant possessed the previous published sequence for the protein [Nabeshima Y., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., Muramatsu, M., & Ogata, K. (1984) Nature (London) 308, 333-338]. The type I variant, which migrates faster than the type II on SDS gene electrophoresis, contained a Pro----Ala substitution at residue 15, turning the Lys-Pro-(Ala)5(Pro-Ala)7 stretch in this region into Lys-Pro-(Ala)7(Pro-Ala)6. The type III variant, which migrates just faster than the type I, had an (Ala)2 deletion in the (Ala)5 run, yielding Lys-Pro-(Ala)3-(Pro-Ala)7. As indicated by the SDS gel migration rates, the type I and III variants are significantly shorter in length than the type II. The benign nature of the changes is consistent with a flexible arm function for the N-terminal region of light chain 1, with the structural changes in the variants occurring in the spacer region of the arm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

CCR5 is a functional receptor for various inflammatory CC-chemokines, including macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha and RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted), and is the main coreceptor of human immunodeficiency viruses. The second extracellular loop and amino-terminal domain of CCR5 are critical for chemokine binding, whereas the transmembrane helix bundle is involved in receptor activation. Chemokine domains and residues important for CCR5 binding and/or activation have also been identified. However, the precise way by which chemokines interact with and activate CCR5 is presently unknown. In this study, we have compared the binding and functional properties of chemokine variants onto wild-type CCR5 and CCR5 point mutants. Several mutations in CCR5 extracellular domains (E172A, R168A, K191A, and D276A) strongly affected MIP-1alpha binding but had little effect on RANTES binding. However, a MIP/RANTES chimera, containing the MIP-1alpha N terminus and the RANTES core, bound to these mutants with an affinity similar to that of RANTES. Several CCR5 mutants affecting transmembrane helices 2 and 3 (L104F, L104F/F109H/F112Y, F85L/L104F) reduced the potency of MIP-1alpha by 10-100 fold with little effect on activation by RANTES. However, the MIP/RANTES chimera activated these mutants with a potency similar to that of MIP-1alpha. In contrast, LD78beta, a natural MIP-1alpha variant, which, like RANTES, contains a proline at position 2, activated these mutants as well as RANTES. Altogether, these results suggest that the core domains of MIP-1alpha and RANTES bind distinct residues in CCR5 extracellular domains, whereas the N terminus of chemokines mediates receptor activation by interacting with the transmembrane helix bundle.  相似文献   

Helix-coil transition of the isolated amino terminus of ribonuclease   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
J E Brown  W A Klee 《Biochemistry》1971,10(3):470-476

Nuclear domains in muscle cells   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Z W Hall  E Ralston 《Cell》1989,59(5):771-772

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