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昆虫不连续气体交换   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
姚青  沈佐锐 《昆虫学报》2005,48(2):273-278
许多昆虫呼吸时气体交换是不连续的循环式进行的。根据气门开闭,一个典型的不连续气体交换循环(discontinuous gas exchangecycle, DGC)可以明显分为3个阶段: 关闭阶段,极少或没有气体交换;颤动阶段,气门迅速微开和关闭,O2进入气管,少量CO2释放;最后是开放阶段,大量的CO2释放。该文综述了DGC特征及昆虫活动、温度、体重对DGC的影响,并讨论了DGC与呼吸失水、缺氧或高CO2浓度环境有关的进化适应意义。  相似文献   

Many flightless beetles like the large apterous dung beetle Circellium bacchus, possess a subelytral cavity (SEC) providing an extra air space below the elytra which connects to the tracheal system (TS) via metathoracic and abdominal spiracles. By measuring subelytral and intratracheal pressure as well as body movements and gas exchange simultaneously in a flow-through setup, we investigated the contribution of convection on Circellium respiratory gas exchange.No constriction phase was observed. TS and SEC pressures were always around atmospheric values. During interburst phase open abdominal spiracles and a leaky SEC led to small CO2-peaks on a continuous CO2 baseline, driven by intermittent positive tracheal pressure peaks in anti-phase with small negative subelytral pressure peaks caused by dorso-ventral tergite action.Spiracle opening was accompanied by two types of body movements. Higher frequency telescoping body movements at the beginning of opening resulted in high amplitude SEC and TS pressure peaks. High frequency tergite movements caused subelytral pressure peaks and led to a saw tooth like CO2 release pattern in a burst. We propose that during the burst open mesothoracic spiracles increase the compliance of the subelytral cavity allowing big volumes of tracheal air being pulled out by convection.  相似文献   

Discontinuous gas exchange cycles are demonstrated in Omorgus radula (Erichson) (Coleoptera, Trogidae) for the first time, thus extending evidence for such cycles to another family of beetles. The closed, flutter and open phases of the cycle were clearly distinguishable in this species, and the duration of these phases was 221 ± 28, 1403 ± 148 and 755 ± 43 s (mean ± SE), respectively. No evidence for significant intraspecific mass scaling of VCO2 or any of the components of the cycle was found. Although the prolonged F‐phase recorded here is unusual for many insects, it has previously been found in other scarabaeoid beetles, especially those from xeric environments. It has been suggested that such modulation of the discontinuous gas exchange cycle may result in a reduced VCO2 and, consequently, reduced water loss. In O. radula VCO2 (15.25 ± 1.49 μl/h) was considerably lower than that predicted from its body mass (0.207 ± 0.006 g). However, the small relative contribution of respiratory transpiration (6.5%) to total water loss indicated that reduced VCO2 has little to do with water economy. Rather, it may be a consequence of generally low activity levels of these beetles. The low respiratory water loss, but distinct subterranean component in the adult life of O. radula, lend some credence to the hypothesis suggesting that regular use of subterranean habitats might have been responsible for the evolution of discontinuous gas exchange cycles. However, non‐adaptive hypotheses can still not be discounted.  相似文献   

In order to explore ontogenetic variation in leaf-level physiological traits of Betula pendula trees, we measured changes in mass- (A mass) and area-based (A area) net photosynthesis under light-saturated conditions, mass- (RSmass) and area-based (RSarea) leaf respiration, relative growth rate, leaf mass per area (LMA), total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), and macro- and micronutrient concentrations. Expanding leaves maintained high rates of A area, but due to high growth respiration rates, net CO2 fixation occurred only at irradiances >200 μmol photons m–2 s–1. We found that full structural leaf development is not a necessary prerequisite for maintaining positive CO2 balance in young birch leaves. Maximum rates of A area were realized in late June and early July, whereas the highest values of A mass occurred in May and steadily declined thereafter. The maintenance respiration rate averaged ≈8 nmol CO2 g–1 s–1, whereas growth respiration varied between 0 and 65 nmol CO2 g–1 s–1. After reaching its lowest point in mid-June, leaf respiration increased gradually until the end of the growing season. Mass and area-based dark respiration were significantly positively correlated with LMA at stages of leaf maturity, and senescence. Concentrations of P and K decreased during leaf development and stabilized or increased during maturity, and concentrations of immobile elements such as Ca, Mn and B increased throughout the growing season. Identification of interrelations between leaf development, CO2 exchange, TNC and leaf nutrients allowed us to define factors related to ontogenetic variation in leaf-level physiological traits and can be helpful in establishing periods appropriate for sampling birch leaves for diagnostic purposes such as assessment of plant and site productivity or effects of biotic or abiotic factors. Received: 29 December 1998 / Accepted: 26 July 1999  相似文献   

This study measured the respiratory patterns in the tenebrionid beetle, Onymacris multistriata, using flow-through respirometry to measure carbon dioxide emission from the mesothoracic spiracles separately and simultaneously with that from around the elytral case. 96% of the total CO(2) emitted was via the mesothoracic spiracles. These spiracles used a discontinuous gas exchange cycle similar to that measured from other tenebrionid beetles. Although the circadian rhythm of the beetles resulted in changes to the period durations and cycle frequencies in the discontinuous gas exchange cycles, the mesothoracic spiracle remained the major site for gas exchange. Thus the subelytral cavity plays a different role in respiration other than the elimination of CO(2) build-up. It is expected that other arid dwelling flightless beetles will also be shown to use the mesothoracic spiracle as the major route for CO(2) emission.  相似文献   

Patterns of gas exchange among terrestrial arthropods are highly variable from continuous to discontinuous with discretely partitioned phases. The underlying initiation and co-ordination of these patterns is relatively poorly understood. Here we present a novel method for the simultaneous measurement of central nervous system (CNS) activity of the metathoracic ganglion and VCO(2) in medium to large sized live terrestrial arthropods. Using Periplaneta americana at four oxygen levels (40%, 21%, 10% and 2% at 25 degrees C; n=6 per treatment), we present minimally invasive visualization of nervous output relative to typical resting discontinuous gas exchange (DGE) data for the first time. DGE was maintained when cockroaches were exposed to hyperoxia or moderate hypoxia, but was lost in severe hypoxia. CNS activity was manifested in three signal types: large CNS output coinciding with peak CO(2) production during a burst, moderate CNS output coinciding with CO(2) sawtoothing and fluttering, and minimal CNS activity during the closed phase of DGE in normoxia. Large and moderate CNS outputs were associated with observed abdominal pumping and congruent CO(2) peaks. At 10% oxygen, VCO(2) was significantly elevated during the inter-burst period in association with almost constant moderate CNS output between the periodic large CNS output. At 2% oxygen, DGE and large CNS output are lost to continuous CO(2) release and largely continuous moderate CNS output. As previously reported for this species, a central pattern generator for ventilation in the metathoracic ganglion is supported and we infer the presence of localized oxygen chemoreceptors based on clear CNS response to a change in oxygen tension.  相似文献   

Flightless, diurnal tenebrionid beetles are commonly found in deserts. They possess a curious morphological adaptation, the subelytral cavity (an air space beneath the fused elytra) the function of which is not completely understood. In the tenebrionid beetle Eleodes obscura, we measured abdominal movements within the subelytral cavity, and the activity of the pygidial cleft (which seals or unseals the subelytral cavity), simultaneously with total CO2 release rate and water loss rate. First, we found that E. obscura has the lowest cuticular permeability measured in flow-through respirometry in an insect (0.90 microg H2O cm(-2) Torr(-1) h(-1)). Second, it does not exhibit a discontinuous gas exchange cycle. Third, we describe the temporal coupling between gas exchange, water loss, subelytral space volume, and the capacity of the subelytral space to exchange gases with its surroundings as indicated by pygidial cleft state. Fourth, we suggest possible mechanisms that may reduce respiratory water loss rates in E. obscura. Finally, we suggest that E. obscura cannot exchange respiratory gases discontinuously because of a morphological constraint (small tracheal or spiracular conductance). This "conductance constraint hypothesis" may help to explain the otherwise puzzling phylogenetic patterns of continuous vs. discontinuous gas exchange observed in tracheate arthropods.  相似文献   

Y. Ono 《Mycoscience》2002,43(5):0421-0439
 Nine types with 11 variations of nuclear cycle and associated metabasidium development were distinguished in microcyclic rust fungi. An additional type was recognized in rust fungi with an expanded life cycle. A significant proportion of rust fungi with a reduced life cycle is assumed to have lost a sexual genetic recombination process, being either apomictic or asexual in reproduction. Most species that retain a sexual process in the microcyclic life cycle seem to have become homothallic. During life cycle evolution by the omission of spore stages, these traits might have had a selective advantage for those species that had less opportunity to encounter a genetically different but sexually compatible mate because of isolated patchy distribution or a short growing season. The findings that different populations of a morphologically identifiable species exhibit two or more distinct patterns of nuclear cycle and different metabasidium development indicate that microcyclic lineages might have evolved independently and repeatedly from a macrocyclic parental species. Those lineages are morphologically the same but would differ from each other in their genetics and biology. Received: July 5, 2002 / Accepted: August 5, 2002 Acknowledgment This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (no. 09640744) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (now the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Japan. Correspondence to:Y. Ono  相似文献   

Abstract In this study we show a link between the respiratory method and state of hydration in an arid dwelling tenebrionid beetle ( Pimelia grandis ). Dehydrated beetles use discontinuous gas exchange cycles with a flutter period consisting of several discrete bursts of CO2 release, whereas beetles given access to food and water showed a form of continuous CO2 release. These data give support to the respiratory water conservation hypothesis for the discontinuous gas exchange cycle.  相似文献   

By combining and reanalysing data from two independent field experiments we explore whether food limitation at the brood stage affects habitat selection in nesting mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). In an introduction experiment we found that, independent of treatment, some study lakes remained empty of wild mallard pairs (”empty lakes”), whereas on other lakes introduced birds attracted wild mallards (”attractive lakes”). In the other experiment we used mallard ducklings to address brood-stage food limitation by studying mass change of ducklings. We found that ducklings foraging on lakes that did not attract wild mallard pairs in the introduction experiment gained much less mass than those foraging on attractive lakes. In most cases ducklings even lost mass in the empty-lake foraging trials, providing strong evidence for food limitation. Therefore, lakes that remained empty of wild mallard pairs in the introduction experiment proved to be inferior brood habitats, particularly in terms of food. Our results give insight into the mechanisms underlying the general habitat selection hypotheses, specifically the ideal preemptive and conspecific attraction rules. The results further support our earlier conclusion that mallards do not use the ideal preemptive rule when selecting nesting lakes. However, conspecific attraction may not be generally applicable either, because, independent of the presence of introduced conspecifics, wild mallards somehow anticipated the low quality of the empty lakes as brood-rearing habitats and made their habitat-selection decision accordingly. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) perform essential ecological functions in pastures, such as dung removal, nutrient recycling and parasite control. However, the patterns of alimentary use by dung beetles in introduced Brazilian pastures are poorly known. Here, we compared dung beetle species richness, abundance and species composition in cattle and sheep dung, and identified the dung beetle species preference by each dung type. In January 2019, dung beetles were sampled with pitfall traps baited with cattle and sheep dung in 12 introduced pastures (Urochloa spp.), in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. A total of 592 individuals belonging to 14 species of dung beetles were collected. Of the 14 species sampled, nine were recorded in both dung types, five were found exclusively in sheep dung and no species was exclusive to cattle dung. Species richness and abundance were higher in sheep dung. Species composition was different between the dung types. Dichotomius bos (Blanchard), Genieridium bidens (Balthasar), Onthophagus aeneus Blanchard and Trichillum externepunctatum Preudhomme de Borre were associated with sheep dung. Our results provide evidence that sheep dung is more attractive to dung beetles with a distinct community species between the two dung types, although the studied pastures have never been used before for sheep breeding. Thus, our data shows that the introduction of a new alimentary resource (e.g. sheep dung) can be an important strategy to help to obtain a more diverse dung beetle assemblage in introduced Brazilian pastures.  相似文献   

The use of stable isotopes to study ecosystem gas exchange   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Stable isotopes are a powerful research tool in environmental sciences and their use in ecosystem research is increasing. In this review we introduce and discuss the relevant details underlying the use of carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions in ecosystem gas exchange research. The current use and potential developments of stable isotope measurements together with concentration and flux measurements of CO2 and water vapor are emphasized. For these applications it is critical to know the isotopic identity of specific ecosystem components such as the isotopic composition of CO2, organic matter, liquid water, and water vapor, as well as the associated isotopic fractionations, in the soil-plant- atmosphere system. Combining stable isotopes and concentration measurements is very effective through the use of ”Keeling plots.” This approach allows the identification of the isotopic composition and the contribution of ecosystem, or ecosystem components, to the exchange fluxes with the atmosphere. It also allows the estimation of net ecosystem discrimination and soil disequilibrium effects. Recent modifications of the Keeling plot approach permit examination of CO2 recycling in ecosystems. Combining stable isotopes with dynamic flux measurements requires precision in isotopic sampling and analysis, which is currently at the limit of detection. Combined with the micrometeorological gradient approach (applicable mostly in grasslands and crop fields), stable isotope measurements allow separation of net CO2 exchange into photosynthetic and soil respiration components, and the evapotranspiration flux into soil evaporation and leaf transpiration. Similar applications in conjunction with eddy correlation techniques (applicable to forests, in addition to grasslands and crop fields) are more demanding, but can potentially be applied in combination with the Keeling plot relationship. The advance and potential in using stable isotope measurements should make their use a standard component in the limited arsenal of ecosystem-scale research tools. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

 This research demonstrates that a leaf’s response to acid mist is dependent on the integrity of the leaf cuticle and that significant differences in the structural and physiological disturbances in leaves can be attributable to different types of wind action. Betula pubescens Ehrh. plants were located at adjacent, but contrasting, sites to create different wind treatments: (i) direct wind action, (ii) indirect wind action and (iii) shelter from wind action (control). In combination with the wind treatments, acidic (pHs 5 and 3) or neutral (pH 7) mists were applied weekly. Wind action significantly increased visible leaf injury, microscopic cuticular lesions and cuticular conductance (g c ), but reduced photosynthetic rate (P N ) and stomatal conductance (g s ) compared to shelter. Wind action combined with acid mist was more injurious than wind action alone, but leaves sheltered from wind action were highly resistant to the damaging effects of acid mist. Direct wind action combined with pH 3 mist resulted in the highest values of g c and the greatest number of cuticular lesions. By contrast, indirect wind action combined with pH 3 mist induced most visible injury, but relatively low values of g c and few microscopic cuticular lesions. Acid mist reduced P N only when leaves had been damaged by wind action. Higher values of g c were associated both with increases in the area of visible leaf injury and with the number of cuticular lesions. Compensatory increase in P N of healthy tissue was evident in leaves exposed to combinations of wind action and acid mist. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

The regulation of insect respiratory gas exchange has long been an area of interest. In particular, the reason why insects from at least five orders exhibit patterns of gas exchange that include regular periods of spiracular closure has been the source of much controversy. Three adaptive hypotheses propose that these discontinuous gas‐exchange cycles (DGCs) evolved to either limit water loss across respiratory surfaces, facilitate gas exchange in underground environments or to limit oxidative damage. It is possible that DGCs evolved independently multiple times and for different reasons, but for DGCs to be a plausible target for natural selection, they must be heritable and confer a fitness benefit. In a previous study of cockroaches Nauphoeta cinerea, we demonstrated that DGCs are repeatable and extend survival under food and water restriction. Here, we show for the first time that DGCs are heritable, suggesting that they are a plausible target for natural selection.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in the discontinuous gas exchange cycle of pupal beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), exposed or not to Cry1C Bacillus thuringiensis toxin, are examined against developmental age (1–7 days) and at different temperatures (10–25 °C) using flow through respirometry. Both exposed and nonexposed pupae exhibit discontinuous gas exchange, but only at 10 °C; the frequency of cyclic release of CO2 increases with increasing temperatures. The three phases of the discontinuous gas exchange cycle are distinct for both treatment groups. However, the duration of each phase is significantly greater for pupae exposed previously to toxin. The closed phase is 40 ± 14% longer, the flutter phase 23 ± 19% longer, and the open phase is 28 ± 12% longer when pupae were exposed to toxin. Respiratory water loss is 4.5 ± 1.3% for toxin exposed pupae and 2.1 ± 2.4% for unexposed pupae. Furthermore, the exposed pupae have significantly greater cuticular permeability (26.01 ± 1.9 µg cm−2 h−1 mmHg−1) than the nonexposed pupae (9.64 ± 0.9 µg cm−2 h−1 mmHg−1). However, in both strains, cuticular transpiration (>93%) far exceeds respiratory transpiration. Overall, total water loss is significantly greater in pupae whose larvae are exposed to toxin compared with pupae from nontreated larvae. Toxin exposed pupae have a mean cycle duration of 60 ± 2.5 min whereas that of nonexposed pupae is 42 ± 1.8 min.(ml g−1 h−1) of the open phase is greater earlier in pupal life followed by a minimum at mid-pupal stage and an increase at late-pupal development in both treatment groups. Combining all 7 days, closed, flutter and open phase (ml g−1 h−1), pupae exposed to toxin produce significantly more CO2 during each phase. On average, toxin exposed pupae produce 52 ± 12, 43 ± 10 and 15 ± 37% more CO2 than the untreated pupae during the closed, flutter and open phases, respectively. Therefore, the present study reinforces the need to use insects of similar developmental age in studies of insect respiration patterns and energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse how the dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) respond to a modified, variegated landscape, taking into account the biogeographical peculiarities of the Mexican Transition Zone. Location This study covers cloud forest (CF) of the Sierra Norte de Puebla mountain range and part of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range (Mexico). Methods We applied proportional sampling based on the landscape variegation model with Scarabaeinae as the indicator group, and using two approaches: structural units (vegetation type) and spatial units (windows). We used two measures – richness and Shannon diversity – and applied multiplicative diversity partitioning to obtain independent alpha and beta diversities for the landscape, windows and vegetation types. We grouped species by biogeographical distribution pattern for the biogeographical analysis and by whether they were originally from CF. Results The transformation of CF into secondary forest, pastures and other types of vegetation increases the Scarabaeinae diversity of the landscape, in vegetation types and windows. This increase is the result of species arriving from the tropical lowlands. However, the original dung beetle community of the CF dominates at different scales in the number of species, abundance and biomass. With increasing habitat modification, beta diversity increases in the windows, and species with the Tropical Palaeoamerican distribution pattern increase in abundance in vegetation types and windows. Main conclusions The variegated character of the landscape explains well the distribution and diversity of this dung beetle community. The peculiar characteristics of the Mexican Transition Zone have an effect owing to the overlap of fauna with different biogeographical origins. The conversion of fragmented landscapes to variegated landscapes could be a conservation goal in human‐modified mountain landscapes. Sampling proportional to the area of different types of vegetation and the use of windows offer an alternative experimental design in variegated landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The maximum size of ingested particles was determined in 15 species of adult dung beetle (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) by mixing small latex or glass balls of known diameter into the dung used as food. Twelve species (tribes Coprini, Onitini, Oniticellini, and Onthophagini) were tunnellers (making dung stores for feeding and breeding in the soil below the pat) and three species (tribe Oniticellini) were endocoprids (feeding and breeding in the dung pat itself).
2. The test species, covering a wide range of body size (fresh weights 0.05–7.4 g), ingested minute particles only (maximum diameter 8–50 µm), and there was a statistically significant but numerically small increase in particle size with body weight.
3. When the effect of body size was taken into account, taxon (tribe), ecological group (tunneller/endocoprid), and dung preference (coarse/fine) had no significant effect on the size of ingested particles.
4. Tests using two tunnelling species did not indicate that beetles use their mandibles to grind dung particles prior to ingestion.
5. The results suggest essentially the same feeding mechanism in all adult tunnelling or endocoprid scarabaeines that eat fresh dung. Larger, indigestible plant fragments are avoided by filtration, and ingestion is confined to very small particles of higher nutritional value.  相似文献   

In order to estimate photosynthetic and respiratory rates in illuminated photoautotrophic cells of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), simultaneous measurements of CO2 and O2 gas exchange were performed using 18O2, 13CO2 and a mass-spectrometry technique. This method allowed the determination, and thus the comparison, of unidirectional fluxes of O2 and CO2. In optimum photosynthetic conditions (i.e. in the presence of high light and a saturating level of CO2), the rate of CO2 influx represented 75±5% of the rate of gross O2 evolution. After a dark-to-light transition, the rate of CO2 efflux was inhibited by 50% whereas the O2-uptake rate was little affected. The effect of a recycling of respiratory CO2 through photosynthesis on the exchange of CO2 gas was investigated using a mathematical model. The confliction of the experimental data with the simulated gas-exchange rates strongly supported the view that CO2 recycling was a minor event in these cells and could not be responsible for the observed inhibition of CO2 efflux. On the basis of this assumption it was concluded that illumination of carnation cells resulted in a decrease of substrate decarboxylations, and that CO2 efflux and O2 uptake were not as tightly coupled in the light as in the dark. Furthermore, it could be calculated from the rate of gross photosynthesis that the chloroplastic electron-transport chain produced enough ATP in the light to account for the measured CO2-uptake rate without involving cyclic transfer of electrons around PS I or mitochondrial supplementation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Kd permeability coefficient The authors thank Drs A. Vermeglio and P. Thibault, Dépt. de Biologie, CEN-Cadarache, St. Paul Lez Durance, France, for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

A new model for aspects of the control of respiration in mammals has been developed. The model integrates a reduced representation of the brainstem respiratory neural controller together with peripheral gas exchange and transport mechanisms. The neural controller consists of two components. One component represents the inspiratory oscillator in the pre-Bötzinger complex (pre-BötC) incorporating biophysical mechanisms for rhythm generation. The other component represents the ventral respiratory group (VRG), which is driven by the pre-BötC for generation of inspiratory (pre)motor output. The neural model was coupled to simplified models of the lungs incorporating oxygen and carbon dioxide transport. The simplified representation of the brainstem neural circuitry has regulation of both frequency and amplitude of respiration and is done in response to partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood using proportional (P) and proportional plus integral (PI) controllers. We have studied the coupled system under open and closed loop control. We show that two breathing regimes can exist in the model. In one regime an increase in the inspiratory frequency is accompanied by an increase in amplitude. In the second regime an increase in frequency is accompanied by a decrease in amplitude. The dynamic response of the model to changes in the concentration of inspired O2 or inspired CO2 was compared qualitatively with experimental data reported in the physiological literature. We show that the dynamic response with a PI-controller fits the experimental data better but suggests that when high levels of CO2 are inspired the respiratory system cannot reach steady state. Our model also predicts that there could be two possible mechanisms for apnea appearance when 100% O2 is inspired following a period of 5% inspired O2. This paper represents a novel attempt to link neural control and gas transport mechanisms, highlights important issues in amplitude and frequency control and sets the stage for more complete neurophysiological control models.  相似文献   

A total of 8306 individuals as 29 species from 3 subfamilies (Hybosorinae, Aphodiinae, Scarabaeinae) were trapped by pitfall bait trapping. The maximum number of species of Scarabaeinae (68.97%) and number of individuals of Aphodiinae (56.84%) take part in the formation of a community. The number of species, number of individuals, diversity and dominance changes throughout the season. Seasonal prevalence of 82.76% of species and 50.81% of individuals was found in June. Aphodius campestris was found to be more attracted to the pitfall bait traps. The beetle community found in May shows the maximum Shannon's Diversity Index (2.46) but Margalef's Diversity Index was highest in August (3.06). Environmental factors play an important role in the occurrence and abundance of dung beetles. In the present study non-significant but positive correlations between temperature and species richness, abundance and diversity were found. Percent relative humidity showed a positive correlation with abundance only, and negative correlations with species richness and diversity.  相似文献   

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