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    Было подтверждено, ч т о в дрожжах образцов, используемых Stickland (1956) Помимо глюкозы не вы зывает уменьшение в общей сложности ки слотно-извлекаемые ф осфат уровня, которы й находится в несогл асии с другими автор ы которые найдены со кращение примерно Параллельно с этим н еорганических фосф атов.  相似文献   

Anatomical-histological investigations of slide series revealed that the secondary vascular formations appearing scattered in callus tissue culture derived from a stem piece containing mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO) (potato witches’ broom agent) have no connection with the vascular tissues of the original stem piece. 77% of reconstituted tobacco plants (Nicotiana glauca Grah.) from these callus cultures were infected with MLO. When diseasedNicotiana glauca scions are grafted on healthy tomato plants as stocks, MLO transmigration into the stocks is realized in all cases ten days after grafting; at that time, the scions and stocks are united only by a zone of a few layers of parenchymatous cells without any indication of vascular tissue union between the two components. In both cases, the MLO transmigration could not be realized by passage through sieve pores in sieve tubes. Our results bring indirect evidence of MLO transmigration through parenchymatous cells and thus support the hypothesis of MLO passage through the plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

We studied the time course of volume and protein reabsorption of a 2-ml hydrothorax using whole (WP) or diluted (DP) homologous plasma injected into the right pleural cavity in anesthetized spontaneously breathing supine rabbits. Animals were killed at 5 (WP, n = 4; DP, n = 3), 36 (WP, n = 3; DP, n = 4), 55 (WP, n = 4), 90 (WP, n = 8; DP, n = 4), and 150 (WP, n = 4; DP, n = 5) min after the injection. The volume and protein content of the pleural liquid in control conditions (n = 12) amounted to 0.35 +/- 0.015 (SE) ml/kg and 1.8 +/- 0.27 g/100 ml, respectively, which are not significantly different at 90 min (n = 7). Pleural liquid volume decreased at a similar rate during WP or DP reabsorption according to the equation V = 0.84 +/- 0.05 X e-0.02t, with net reabsorptive flow expressed as dV/dt. The globulin quantity (Q) of the pleural liquid for WP and DP, respectively, decreased according to the equations Qwp = 1 + 1.5 X e-0.04t and Qdp = 0.7 + 0.6 X e-0.03t. Assuming a major lymphatic globulin clearance and no filtration into the cavity, we obtained lymph flow using the equation VL = dQ/dt X l/C where dQ/dt is calculated from the equations for Qwp and Qdp and C represents globulin concentration. The Starling flow (Vs) was then calculated by the equation Vs = dV/dt-VL. With increasing time, lymph flow was found to decrease progressively and was not significantly different from net flow with DP, which implied a Starling flow value of zero. During WP reabsorption, lymph flow initially exceeded the net flow, with the difference disappearing at approximately 60 min; accordingly, Starling filtration flow decreased progressively, becoming zero at the same time.  相似文献   

The paper considers the short history of the problem of the unconscious in the aspect of evolutionary physiology and the role in its formation of the outstanding Russian physiologist Natalya Nikolaevna Traugott. There are traced the main approaches and stages of development of the problem of the unconscious, with analysis of difficulties in the pathway of its formation. N.N. Traugott was the first to put forward an original hypothesis that activity at the level of the first signal system, i.e., nonverbalized unrecognized components of behavior, are controlled by the right hemisphere and probably are subordinated to modulating influences of deep structures to the greater degree than the conscious activity.Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2004, pp. 394–399.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Nikolaenko.To the 100-Anniversary of N. N. Traugott  相似文献   

The blood-to-lymph recirculation of lymphocytes is required for the maintenance of immune surveillance and the dissemination of memory. Although the ability of lymph-borne cells to recirculate has been well documented, relatively less is known about the migration capacity of PBLs. We have found a clear preference for PBLs to recirculate through s.c. rather than intestinal lymph nodes. This preference could be directly attributed to the migratory characteristics of gammadelta-T cells. gammadelta-T cells were found to express significantly higher levels of L-selectin than other subsets, suggesting that at least some of this preferential migration could be attributed to their interaction with ligands on vascular endothelium. More detailed experiments showed that gammadelta-T cells migrated through lymph nodes with greater efficiency than alphabeta T cells or B cells, which clearly indicated an enhanced ability of gammadelta-T cells to exit lymph nodes in the efferent lymph independent of entry from the blood. This hypothesis was supported by histological examination, where gammadelta-T cells were found almost exclusively in the interfollicular traffic areas within lymph nodes. These data indicate that gammadelta-T cells are the most active recirculating lymphocyte subset in ruminants and suggest new mechanisms to regulate the traffic of lymphocyte subsets through normal lymph nodes.  相似文献   

A case of plasmocytosis treated and observed for more than 4 years was characterized by an extraordinarily strong tendency to extramedullary manifestations and by a nearly asecretory course of disease. Its histomorphological explanation with regard to a differential diagnosis towards a possible secondary neoplasia was connected with many problems at the beginning of the disease when it had to be localized in the scull-face area as well as in the final stage. It may be assumed that this is one of those pictures of disease developing in the limiting area of the maturation zone ranging from the lymphoplasmacytoid cell type to the finally differentiated plasma cells and their systemic neoplasia. The term "plasmocytoma with an extra-osseous tumour expansion" will certainly correspond to its clinical picture in the best way.  相似文献   

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