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Effects of temperature and precipitation on spring dispersal patterns of Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) caught on yellow sticky traps were estimated in central and eastern North Carolina and eastern Virginia, USA, from 1997 to 2001, and in 2004 and 2007. Data were collected from 44 sites within 14 locations over 7 years, resulting in 30 location‐year data combinations. The following independent variables were examined to determine their relationship to the number of F. fusca caught on sticky traps during specified time intervals: cumulative degree days (base 10.5 °C) from 1 November to the start of each trapping interval (DD), number of days with temperatures favorable for flight during each trapping interval (DTFF), and an index of rainfall during specific intervals prior to and during the trapping interval (RI). Regression models that contained various combinations of these variables explained 62, 79, 74, and 68% of the variation in the number of dispersing F. fusca captured during 1–15 April, 16–30 April, 1–15 May, and 16–31 May, respectively. The results provide strong evidence that the suppressive effects of precipitation on growth of local populations developing during late winter and early spring are subsequently manifest at the landscape scale as reductions in the populations of dispersing adults that may persist for as long as 5–6 weeks after the precipitation occurs.  相似文献   

Aims We examine the relationships between the distribution of British ground beetle species and climatic and altitude variables with a view to developing models for evaluating the impact of climate change. Location Data from 1684 10‐km squares in Britain were used to model species–climate/altitude relationships. A validation data set was composed of data from 326 British 10‐km squares not used in the model data set. Methods The relationships between incidence and climate and altitude variables for 137 ground beetle species were investigated using logistic regression. The models produced were subjected to a validation exercise using the Kappa statistic with a second data set of 30 species. Distribution patterns for four species were predicted for Britain using the regression equations generated. Results As many as 136 ground beetle species showed significant relationships with one or more of the altitude and climatic variables but the amount of variation explained by the models was generally poor. Models explaining 20% or more of the variation in species incidence were generated for only 10 species. Mean summer temperature and mean annual temperature were the best predictors for eight and six of these 10 species respectively. Few models based on altitude, annual precipitation and mean winter temperature were good predictors of ground beetle species distribution. The results of the validation exercise were mixed, with models for four species showing good or moderate fits whilst the remainder were poor. Main conclusions Whilst there were many significant relationships between British ground beetle species distributions and altitude and climatic variables, these variables did not appear to be good predictors of ground beetle species distribution. The poor model performance appears to be related to the coarse nature of the response and predictor data sets and the absence of key predictors from the models.  相似文献   

Measurements of maize (Zea mays L.) root distribution with depth in the soil for nine years in a 11-year period revealed significantly different distribution patterns. Weather variations were expected to be related to the amount of roots found in each of the five 15-cm soil layers. The objective of this study was to attempt to explain root distribution in the field on the basis of precipitation and temperature data for the nine growing seasons. Growing degree days (GDD), accumulated in daily increments from planting to silking, were used to describe temperature effects. Correlations were calculated for weekly time increments of GDD versus root length densities at silking in all soil layers. Root length density below 30 cm was correlated (P=0.05) with GDD for two weeks following planting, whereas no relation was found between GDD and root length density in the topsoil. Amount of precipitation was accumulated in weekly increments from silking to planting and correlated with root length density in the soil layers at silking. This procedure evaluated the relation between precipitation and root growth during the vegetative growth period. Root length density in the 0 to 15 cm layer was found to be related significantly (P=0.05) to precipitation. The period 3 weeks prior silking gave the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.79). Journal Paper no. 10,629. Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., W. Lafayette, IN 47907. Contribution from the Dep. of Agronomy. The research was supported in part by BARD, United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

  1. Studying the geographical distribution of species can reveal conditions and processes that may drive species presence and abundance. Organism distribution has frequently been explained by climate, but the relative role of local environmental predictors is not fully understood. Moreover, in the freshwater realm, intrinsic differences existing between different categories of water bodies can lead to significant differences in species–environment relationships. Here, we tested the relative importance of broad-scale climate and local environmental predictors in explaining plant species distributions in freshwater lakes and streams.
  2. We built species distribution models to investigate which predictors best explain aquatic plant distribution in two categories of water bodies. We used species inventories and records of three climate and eight local environmental predictors for 150 lakes and 150 streams in Finland.
  3. We found that sets of predictors that explain the distribution of macrophyte species are unique depending on if species are in a lake or a stream. Overall, air temperature and ecosystem size were essential to predict aquatic plant species presence in both water body categories. Broad-scale climate predictors were always very important in explaining species distribution, while local environmental conditions such as water chemistry were of variable influence, depending on species and water body category.
  4. These results are probably due to high spatial and temporal variability and range of water physico-chemical parameters, especially in streams. Nonetheless, despite a lower relative importance than climatic factors, local environmental predictors also strongly affected species distributions.
  5. Our findings highlight that incorporating local environmental conditions to species distribution models in addition to climate predictors is necessary to improve predictions, particularly for distribution of stream flora. Considering the species-specific responses of aquatic plants to their environment, studying species individually with species distribution models represents a useful analysis.

The complex influence of baro-, photo- and thermo-gradients on distribution and behaviour of young physostomous Leuciscus leuciscus L., leaciscus idus L. and physoclistous fish Perca fluviatilis L. was investigated. 40 different combinations consisting of 4 types of photogradients, 3 types of termo gradients and 4 types of baro-gradients were tested. All considered factors influenced the distribution of physostomous and physoclistous fish with high degree of significance. Under a multi-factorial experiment fish behaviour and distribution are determined not only by a separately taken environmental factor but by the presence of other accompanying factors. Under different combinations of imposed factors, the reaction of fish to an individual factor and the character of the response (positive or negative) may change. Hydrostatic pressure is one of the strongest factors which influence fish distribution. The presence of its gradient may change the character of response of perch Perca fluviatilis to light (a changing of a sign of its photoreaction). Water temperature influences fish distribution more than illumination. However, the definite value of water temperature at which most fish prefer to stay may be changed depending on both the intensity of illumination and the value of hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

The food, growth and abundance of five co-existing cyprinid fish species in the eutrophic Lake Hiidenvesi were studied. The diet overlaps within the cyprinid community in shallow lake basins were compared with those in a deep basin, where littoral resources are less available. Roach, bleak and white bream inhabited both the shallow and the deep parts of the lake. Their growth rate was slow, probably due to the low availability of animal food, indicated by the increasing proportion of detritus and plant material in the diets towards the end of the summer. In the deep basin, roach and bleak, contrary to white bream, did not forage on the very abundant invertebrate Chaoborus flavicans, explained by the migration behaviour of C. flavicans. Blue bream, unlike other cyprinids, utilized copepods and had a relatively fast growth rate, but was mostly restricted to the shallow areas. The condition of the bream stock was weak both in terms of growth and abundance. The availability of zoobenthos was low and bream was not able to compete for zooplankton with the more specialized planktivores.  相似文献   

伴随着城市热岛问题的日益显现,关于不透水面与地表温度的关系研究成为热点。在遥感技术的支持下,以乌鲁木齐市主城区为研究对象,从不透水面出发,分别对不透水面类型、变化强度进行研究,探讨不透水面的时空变化特征。引入景观生态学理论,分析不透水面景观类型的空间格局及规律。以反演的地表温度为基础,分析了不透水面相关变量与地表温度的关系。结论如下:(1)研究区不透水面指数主要集中在0.3—0.7之间,占总面积的90%以上;(2) 2000年以来,15.89%的区域不透水面指数连年下降,分布在主城区,20.07%的区域不透水面指数连年上升,分布在城市的郊区,增长区域的幅度主要集中在10%以下;(3)不透水面的景观类型多样性减弱,以中、高覆盖区为主,其中高覆盖区的聚集指数最高,高达87.71,不透水面类型斑块形状由复杂向规则化推移;(4)研究区地表温度,增温明显,2000年地表温度均值25.94℃,2016年地表温度的平均值高达35.51℃;(5)不透水面对地表温度影响,存在阶段性、正负相关的交替性特征,整体表现为"M"形状;(6)不透水面类型面积百分比、不透水面类型景观指数对地表温度的影响相对复杂、差异明显,不能从单一的不透水面覆盖分析对地表温度的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of fish kill and different fish stocks on the phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics were studied in a shallow hypertrophic reservoir system. When fish stock was below 100 kg ha−1, nutrient availability was not the main limiting factor for growth of phytoplankton. Consequently top‐down forces controlled phytoplankton. In the years with high fish stock (>100 kg ha−1) the bottom‐up forces dominated as nutrient availability was the main limiting factor for growth of phytoplankton. We can conclude that significant water quality improvement can be achieved in the reservoir system by decreasing fish stock below 100 kg ha−1. Although clear‐water phase could be stabilised temporary by macrophytes, stabilisation of good water quality requires continuous regulation of fish community. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has successfully detected organisms in various aquatic environments. However, there is little basic information on eDNA, including the eDNA shedding and degradation processes. This study focused on water temperature and fish biomass and showed that eDNA shedding, degradation, and size distribution varied depending on water temperature and fish biomass. The tank experiments consisted of four temperature levels and three fish biomass levels. The total eDNA and size‐fractioned eDNA from Japanese Jack Mackerels (Trachurus japonicus) were quantified before and after removing the fish. The results showed that the eDNA shedding rate increased at higher water temperature and larger fish biomass, and the eDNA decay rate also increased at higher temperature and fish biomass. In addition, the small‐sized eDNA fractions were proportionally larger at higher temperatures, and these proportions varied among fish biomass. After removing the fish from the tanks, the percentage of eDNA temporally decreased when the eDNA size fraction was >10 µm, while the smaller size fractions increased. These results have the potential to make the use of eDNA analysis more widespread in the future.  相似文献   

小五台山亚高山草甸物种分布与温度关系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过转化糖方法、植物群落野外调查和实验室分析,分别测得生境效应温度、物种盖度和生物量,应用该数据分析小五台山亚高山草甸植物物种分布与温度的关系.结果表明,在记录到的97种维管植物中,约36%的物种分布受生境温度条件影响,约20%物种的相对盖度与温度变化呈显著相关.生物量或相对盖度与温度呈正相关的有11种植物,相对盖度与温度呈负相关的有8种植物.在物种分布与温度关系的研究中,对频度为90%~20%的物种,采用盖度指标进行分析通常可行,对频度大于90%的物种,采用生物量数据比盖度更为有效.  相似文献   

Aims (1) To define the physical correlates of indigenous forest in KwaZulu-Natal province and develop a model, based on climatic parameters, to predict the potential distribution of forest subtypes in the province. (2) To explore the impact of palaeoclimatic change on forest distribution, providing an insight into the regional-scale/historical forces shaping the pattern and composition of present-day forest communities. (3) To investigate potential future shifts in forest distribution associated with projected climate change. Location KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Methods A BIOCLIM-type approach is adopted. Bioclimatic ‘profiles’ for eight different forest subtypes are defined from a series of grid overlays of current forest distribution against nineteen climatic and geographical variables, using ArcInfo GIS grid-based processing. A principal components analysis is performed on a selection of individual forests to identify those variables most significant in distinguishing different forest subtypes. Five models are developed to predict the distribution of forest subtypes from their bioclimatic profiles. Maps of the potential distribution of forest subtypes predicted by these models under current climatic conditions are produced, and model accuracy assessed. One model is applied to two palaeoclimatic scenarios, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (≈18,000 BP ) and the Holocene altithermal (≈7000 BP ), and to projected future climate under a doubling in global atmospheric carbon dioxide. Results Seven variables; altitude, mean annual temperature, annual rainfall range, potential evaporation, annual temperature range, mean annual precipitation and mean winter rainfall, are most important in distinguishing different forest subtypes. Under the most accurate model, the potential present-day distribution of all forest subtypes is more extensive than is actually observed, but is supported by recent historical evidence. During the LGM, Afromontane forest occupied a much reduced and highly fragmented area in the mid-altitude region currently occupied by scarp forest. During the Holocene altithermal, forest expanded in area, with a mixing of Afromontane and Indian Ocean coastal belt forest elements along the present-day scarp forest belt. Under projected climatic conditions, forest shifts in altitude and latitude and occupies an area similar to its current potential and more extensive than its actual current distribution. Main conclusions Biogeographical history and present physical diversity play a major role in the evolution and persistence of the diversity of forest in KwaZulu-Natal. It is important to adopt a long-term and regional perspective to forest ecology, biogeography, conservation and management. The area and altitudinal and latitudinal distribution of forest subtypes show considerable sensitivity to climate change. The isolation of forest by anthropogenic landscape change has limited its radiation potential and ability to track environmental change. Long-term forest preservation requires reserves in climatically stable areas, or spanning altitudinal or latitudinal gradients allowing for forest migration, along with innovative matrix management strategies. Dune, sand, swamp, riverine and lowland forest subtypes are most at risk. Scarp forests are highlighted as former refugia and important for the future conservation of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The abundance and distribution of carnivores and their habitat are key information needed for status assessment, conservation planning, population management, and assessment of the effects of human development on their habitat and populations. We developed a habitat quality rating system, using existing wolverine (Gulo gulo) distribution, wolverine food, ecosystem mapping, and human development data. We used this and empirically derived estimates of wolverine density to predict wolverine distribution and abundance at a provincial scale. Density estimates for wolverines in high-quality habitat averaged 6.2 wolverines/1,000 km2 (95% CI = 4.2–9.5). We predicted mean densities ranging from 0.3/1,000 km2 in rare-quality habitat to 4.1/1,000 km2 in moderate-quality habitat. Our predicted population estimate for wolverines in British Columbia was 3,530 (95% CI = 2,700-4,760). We predicted highest densities of wolverines in interior mountainous regions, moderate densities in interior plateau and boreal forest regions, and low densities in mainland coastal regions and drier interior plateaus. We predicted that wolverines would be rare on Vancouver Island, along the outer mainland coast, and in the dry interior forests, and absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands, interior grassland environments, and areas of intensive urban development.  相似文献   

气候变化是影响物种分布和多样性的主要原因之一,越来越受到人们的关注。本研究从世界气候网站下载了19个气候因子数据,通过网上查阅和实地考察获取檫木(Sassafras tzumu Hemsl.)分布数据共233个,使用ArcGIS 10.2和MaxEnt 3.3.2对檫木不同时期分布格局进行模拟,推测檫木末次冰期和2070年分布格局。研究结果显示,檫木当前分布主要受最干季度降水量、最湿月降水量、温度季节变化和最湿季度平均温度影响。此外,横断山脉、武夷山、天目山和大巴山周边是檫木末次冰期的4个主要分布地区。对当前和2070年模拟结果表明,檫木的适生区整体缩小并向北方移动。表明随着当前气候变化及工业快速发展,在短短几十年时间内对檫木分布格局的影响与过去两万年的相当。  相似文献   

1. Assuming that recruitment variation is one of the main sources of fish population and assemblage changes, it is necessary to understand how natural variations in the environment influence 0+ fish abundance. Temperature regimes play an important role in enhancing both spawning activity and survival during early larval fish development. Flow regime variation, which is a powerful source of stream disturbance, is another factor to be taken into account. 2. Responses to these variables need to be assessed using long‐term datasets, since standard statistical approaches fail to provide a causal structure or to quantify the different effects. We therefore used a 26‐year dataset to evaluate the respective effects of seven derived independent variables describing the effects of temperature and flow regimes on the 0+ juvenile abundance of eight fish species in the River Rhone. 3. A clustering procedure using the Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient was implemented and identified three groups of fish according to their synchronic variations in juvenile abundance; i.e. varying with decreasing juvenile abundance, slightly increasing juvenile abundance and increasing juvenile abundance. These clusters provided the basis for building hierarchical log‐Poisson generalized linear models. The Bayesian paradigm gives a reliable framework for model selection, and the best model was determined using the Bayes Factor. 4. The posterior distribution of the regression parameters was coherent with what was expected based on knowledge of the biology of the different species. It indicates that temperature regime drives 0+ juvenile abundance but that flow regime also plays an important regulating role. The models thus detected evidence of the consequences of specific flow events such as larval drift and an increase in available habitat during higher flow discharges. 5. Our study illustrates the advantages of using a hierarchical modelling approach to quantify ecological effects by improving discrimination between the different sources of uncertainty, leading to better precision when estimating regression parameters.  相似文献   

We analysed the spatio-temporal distribution of zooplankton along a profile of 10 stations from the shore to the pelagic zone from April to September 1988, the period when the larvae and juveniles Rutilus rutilus, the most abundant species in the Lake, are in the littoral zone. The digestive tracts of the young roach were analysed. They fed essentially on rotifers and on cladocerans. For comparison, zooplankton was also analysed at one littoral area without fish fry. There was an increase of cladoceran density from the vegetated nearshore zone to the offshore zone. Considering the density of Bosmina longirostris, Daphnia longispina, Chydorus sphaericus and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, we observed a different distribution pattern in the course of the year. In the nearshore zone, the relative abundance of small species, Bosmina and Chydorus, was much higher than that of the larger Daphnia. From April to September, predation pressure mainly affected the smallest species: in contrast to the inshore station without fish fry, the density of Bosmina decreased in May in the littoral with fish. Chydorus was concentrated in the littoral between February and April, then grew into the pelagic zone, where predation pressure obviously was low during the warm season. The number of Daphnia, which was eaten by the fish fry at any time, remained low in the nearshore zone, which suggests that the presence of fish may cause Daphnia to avoid this zone. Ceriodaphnia which was not affected by this predation, was scarce in the nearshore zone during mid-summer. The low density of the cladocerans in the nearshore zone is likely associated with vertebrate predation by roach fry and juveniles, the result of such a process being either a depletion in density of the prey, or an avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

An annual life-cycle of three over-lapping generations was found for Biomphalaria pfeifferi in a perennial stream on the eastern Transvaal escarpment. The 2nd of these generations appeared during the hottest months of the year—late January and February.This generation sequence was confirmed in a completely different environment, a permanent pond in a climatically different area, the coastal peneplain of north-eastern Zululand though the density of the 2nd generation here was much reduced. The species is moreover absent from certain types of shallow, permanent waterbody (pans) on this plain. In these habitats the thermal regime rose above those in other types during spring and early summer—the maturation period of the 1st generation. A negative partial-correlation, significant at a 1% level, was found between decreasing fecundity of the 1st generation and increasing periods of above-optimal temperatures (> 27°C) during its maturation period. This temperature effect accounts for the species' absence from pans in the area and the critical duration of these above-optimal temperatures appears to lie between mean weekly levels of 120 and 179 deg.h. > 27°C.The discontinuous distribution of B. pfeifferi in the Lake Sibaya area of the Zululand coastal plain corresponds to an ecological succession amongst waterbodies associated with the lake's fluctuating water level. The separation of sheltered bays from the lake was followed by further lowering of their levels and a spread of emergent vegetation. This is believed to have contributed to an increasingly high thermal regime, especially during spring when temperatures rise rapidly. The pans from which B. pfeifferi is absent constitute the present end point of this succession.  相似文献   

Pacific herring Clupea pallasi spawn in shallow and intertidal areas. Larval distributions and abundance of three major and several minor stocks were examined to determine if larvae mix among different spawning locations. The surveys were short, intensive, and occurred mainly within the first 30 days of larval life. Each major stock had a discrete larval distribution with continuous larval distributions within stock boundaries. Some overlap of distributions occurred among smaller stocks. Most larvae were found in inshore waters but there were no obvious oceanographic factors, such as fronts or eddies, to explain all the distributions. Estuarine circulation in inlets could promote larval retention in some areas. The results support the present geographic definitions for local herring stocks. The results are generally consistent with the concept of discrete larval distribution, including retention areas, as the basis for herring Stock Structure.  相似文献   

Water temperature and flow velocity directly affect the fish swimming capacity, and thus, both variables influence the fish passage through river barriers. Nonetheless, their effects are usually disregarded in fishway engineering and management. This study aims to evaluate the volitional swimming capacity of the northern straight-mouth nase (Pseudochondrostoma duriense), considering the possible effects of water temperature, flow velocity and body size. For this, the maximum distance, swim speed and fatigue time (FT) were studied in an outdoor open-channel flume in the Duero River (Burgos, Spain) against three nominal velocities (1.5, 2.5 and 3 m s−1) and temperatures (5.5, 13.5 and 18.5°C), also including the changes between swimming modes (prolonged and sprint). Results showed that a nase of 20.8 cm mean fork length can develop a median swim speed that exceeds 20.7 BL s−1 (4.31 m s−1) during a median time of 3.4 s in sprint mode, or 12.2 BL s−1 (2.55 m s−1) for 23.7 s in prolonged mode under the warmest scenario. During prolonged swimming mode, fish were able to reach further distances in warmer water conditions for all situations, due to a greater swimming speed and FT, whereas during sprint mode, warmer conditions increased the swim speed maintaining the FT. In conclusion, the studied temperature range and flow velocity range influence fish swimming performance, endurance and distance travelled, although with some differences depending on the swimming mode. The provided information goes a step forward in the definition of real fish swimming capacities, and in turn, will contribute to establish clear passage criteria for thermo-velocity barriers, allowing the calculation of the proportion of fish able to pass a barrier under different working scenarios, as well designing of the optimized solutions to improve the fish passage through river barriers.  相似文献   

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