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Mutations in cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBPC) are a major cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). In particular, a single amino acid substitution of tyrosine to serine at residue 237 in humans (residue 235 in mice) has been linked to HCM with strong disease association. Although cMyBPC truncations, deletions and insertions, and frame shift mutations have been studied, relatively little is known about the functional consequences of missense mutations in cMyBPC. In this study, we characterized the functional and structural effects of the HCM-causing Y235S mutation by performing mechanical experiments and molecular dynamics simulations (MDS). cMyBPC null mouse myocardium was virally transfected with wild-type (WT) or Y235S cMyBPC (KOY235S). We found that Y235S cMyBPC was properly expressed and incorporated into the cardiac sarcomere, suggesting that the mechanism of disease of the Y235S mutation is not haploinsufficiency or poison peptides. Mechanical experiments in detergent-skinned myocardium isolated from KOY235S hearts revealed hypercontractile behavior compared to KOWT hearts, evidenced by accelerated cross-bridge kinetics and increased Ca2+ sensitivity of force generation. In addition, MDS revealed that the Y235S mutation causes alterations in important intramolecular interactions, surface conformations, and electrostatic potential of the C1 domain of cMyBPC. Our combined in vitro and in silico data suggest that the Y235S mutation directly disrupts internal and surface properties of the C1 domain of cMyBPC, which potentially alters its ligand-binding interactions. These molecular changes may underlie the mechanism for hypercontractile cross-bridge behavior, which ultimately results in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and in vivo cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

We report here the biochemical characterization of the deafness-associated mitochondrial tRNASer(UCN) T7511C mutation, in conjunction with homoplasmic ND1 T3308C and tRNAAla T5655C mutations using cybrids constructed by transferring mitochondria from lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from an African family into human mtDNA-less (ρ°) cells. Three cybrids derived from an affected matrilineal relative carrying the homoplasmic T7511C mutation, exhibited ~75% decrease in the tRNASer(UCN) level, compared with three control cybrids. This amount of reduction in the tRNASer(UCN) level is below a proposed threshold to support a normal rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis in lymphoblastoid cell lines. This defect is likely a primary contributor to ~52% reduction in the rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis and marked defects in respiration and growth properties in galactose-containing medium. Interestingly, the T5655C mutation produces ~50% reduction in the tRNAAla level in mutant cells. Strikingly, the T3308C mutation causes a significant decrease both in the amount of ND1 mRNA and co-transcribed tRNALeu(UUR) in mutant cells. Thus, mitochondrial dysfunctions caused by the T5655C and T3308C mutations may modulate the phenotypic manifestation of the T7511C mutation. These observations imply that a combination of the T7511C mutation with two mtDNA mutations accounts for the high penetrance of deafness in this family.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to attached cross-bridges in chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers and the effect of that binding on the cross-bridge detachment rate constants. Cross-bridges with ADP bound to the active site behave very similarly to cross-bridges without any nucleotide at the active site. First, fiber stiffness is the same as in rigor, which presumably implies that, as in rigor, all the cross-bridges are attached. Second, the cross-bridge detachment rate constants in the presence of ADP, measured from the rate of decay of the force induced by a small stretch, are, over a time scale of minutes, similar to those seen in rigor. Because ADP binding to the active site does not cause an increase in the cross-bridge detachment rate constants, whereas binding of nucleotide analogues such as adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) and pyrophosphate (PPi) do, it was possible, by using ADP as a competitive inhibitor of PPi or AMP-PNP, to measure the competitive inhibition constant and thereby the dissociation constant for ADP binding to attached cross-bridges. We found that adding 175 microM ADP to 4 mM PPi or 4 mM AMP-PNP produces as much of a decrease in the apparent cross-bridge detachment rate constants as reducing the analogue concentration from 4 to 1 mM. This suggests that ADP is binding to attached cross-bridges with a dissociation constant of approximately 60 microM. This value is quite similar to that reported for ADP binding to actomyosin subfragment-1 (acto-S1) in solution, which provides further support for the idea that nucleotides and nucleotide analogues seem to bind about as strongly to attached cross-bridges in fibers as to acto-S1 in solution (Johnson, R.E., and P. H. Adams. 1984. FEBS Letters. 174:11-14; Schoenberg, M., and E. Eisenberg. 1985. Biophysical Journal. 48:863-871; Biosca, J.A., L.E. Greene, and E. Eisenberg. 1986. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 261:9793-9800).  相似文献   

The hemochromatosis C282Y mutation is present in up to 12.5% of people in populations of northern and central European origin. The prevalence of this mutation suggests that it may confer some type of epidemiologic advantage. One hypothesis has proposed that female heterozygotes have enhanced dietary iron absorption during their reproductive years, but evidence in support of this concept is not available. A second hypothesis is based on the observation that macrophages in iron-loaded C282Y homozygotes are very low in iron. These persons would be predicted to have increased resistance to pathogens that require iron for growth in macrophages. Notable examples of such pathogens are S. typhi and M. tuberculosis, the bacteria that cause typhoid fever and tuberculosis. Several cellular models that provide evidence for the low-iron macrophage hypothesis have recently been described.  相似文献   

Bao H  Kasten SA  Yan X  Hiromasa Y  Roche TE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(42):13442-13451
Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 (PDK2) activity is stimulated by NADH and NADH plus acetyl-CoA via the reduction and reductive acetylation of the lipoyl groups of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase (E2) component. Elevated K(+) and Cl(-) were needed for significant stimulation. Stimulation substantially increased both k(cat) and the K(m) for ATP; the fractional stimulation increased with the level of ATP. With an E2 structure lacking the pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) binding domain, stimulation of PDK2 was retained, the K(m) for E1 decreased, and the equilibrium dissociation constant for ATP increased but remained much lower than the K(m) for ATP. Stimulation of PDK2 activity greatly reduced the fraction of bound ADP. These results fit an ordered reaction mechanism with ATP binding before E1 and stimulation increasing the rate of dissociation of ADP. Conversion of all of the lipoyl groups in the E2 60mer to the oxidized form (E2(ox)) greatly reduced k(cat) and the K(m) of PDK2 for ATP. Retention over an extended period of time of a low portion of reduced lipoyl groups maintains E2 in a state that supported much higher PDK2 activity than short-term (5 min) reduction of a large portion of lipoyl groups of E2(ox), but reduction of E2(ox) produced a larger fold stimulation. Reduction and to a greater extent reductive acetylation increased PDK2 binding to E2; conversion to E2(ox) did not significantly hinder binding. We suggest that passing even limited reducing equivalents among lipoyl groups maintains E2 lipoyl domains in a conformation that aids kinase function.  相似文献   

The main hereditary hemochromatosis mutation C282Y in the HFE gene was recently described, and the C282Y frequencies were reported for various European populations. The aim of this synthesis is to compile the Y allele frequencies of the C282Y mutation for 40 European populations. The most elevated values are observed in residual Celtic populations in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and France, in accordance with the hypothesis of Simon et al. (1980) concerning a Celtic origin of the hereditary hemochromatosis mutation.  相似文献   

N.C. Millar  M.A. Geeves 《FEBS letters》1983,160(1-2):141-148
The ATP-induced dissociation of actoS1 has been studied at temperatures between −10°C and +30°C in a stopped-flow apparatus using ethylene glycol as antifreeze. At temperatures at and below 0°C the observed rate of the dissociation of actin shows a hyperbolic dependence on ATP concentration. This is interpreted in terms of a rapid binding of ATP followed by an isomerisation of the ternary complex which results in actin dissociation. Ethylene glycol weakens ATP binding but the rate of the isomerisation is unaffected. The second order rate constant for the dissociation shows a break in the Arrhenius plot.  相似文献   

Huss M  Wieczorek H 《FEBS letters》2007,581(29):5566-5572
Although the reversible dissociation of the V(1)V(O) holoenzyme into its V(1) and V(O) complexes is a general mechanism for the regulation of V-ATPases, important aspects are still not understood. By analyzing the endogenous nucleotide content of the V(1)V(O) holoenzyme and of the V(1) complex, both purified from Manduca sexta larval midgut, we found that the V(1) complex contained 1.7 molec. of ADP, whereas only 0.3 molec. of ADP were bound to the V(1)V(O) holoenzyme. By contrast, both proteins contained only negligible amounts of ATP. Incubation of the V(1)V(O) holoenzyme with various adenine nucleotides revealed that ATP hydrolysis, leading to a state containing tightly bound ADP is necessary for its dissociation.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a condition of excessive and uncoupled bone turnover, in which osteoclastic resorption exceeds osteoblastic bone formation, resulting in an overall net bone loss, bone fragility, and morbidity. Although numerous treatments have been developed to inhibit bone loss by blocking osteoclastic bone resorption, understanding of the mechanisms behind bone loss is incomplete. The purinergic signaling system is emerging to be a pivotal regulator of bone homeostasis, and extracellular ADP has previously been shown to be a powerful osteolytic agent in vitro. We report here that deletion of the P2Y(13) receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor for extracellular ADP, leads to a 40% reduction in trabecular bone mass, 50% reduction in osteoblast and osteoclast numbers in vivo, as well as activity in vitro, and an overall 50% reduction in the rate of bone remodeling in mice in vivo. Down-regulation of RhoA/ROCK I signaling and a reduced ratio of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand/osteoprotegerin observed in osteoblasts from P2Y(13)R(-/-) mice might explain this bone phenotype. Furthermore, because one of the main causes of osteoporosis in older women is lack of estrogen, we examined the effect of ovariectomy of the P2Y(13)R(-/-) mice and found them to be protected from ovariectomy-induced bone loss by up to 65%. These data confirm a role of purinergic ADP signaling in the skeleton, whereby deletion of the P2Y(13) receptor leads to reduced bone turnover rates, which provide a protective advantage in conditions of accelerated bone turnover such as oestrogen deficiency-induced osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Lousie Cramer 《Genome biology》2000,1(1):reports405.1-reports4052
A report on work presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Washington DC, December 11-15, 1999  相似文献   

A calorimetric titration method was used to study ADP binding to native myosin. Data were analyzed by assuming that the myosin molecule has n independent and identical sites for ADP binding. The enthalpy change (deltaH), the binding constant (K), and n were determined. In 0.5 M KCl, 0.01 M MgCl2, and 0.02 M Tris/HCl (pH 7.8), we found: at 0 degrees, deltaH = -57.1 +/- 3.2 kJ-mol-1, log K = 6.42 +/- 0.13, n = 1.49 +/- 0.07; at 12 degrees, deltaH = 73.1 +/- 3.2 kJ-mole-1, log K = 6.08 +/- 0.13, and n = 1.74 +/- 0.07. The average heat capacity change on ADP binding to myosin between 0 and 12 degrees is thus -1.4 +/- 0.4 kJ-mol-1-K-1. Reasonably consistent results were obtained at 25 degrees, suggesting ADP binding to myosin is as strongly exothermic as at lower temperatures, although further interpretation of this result seems unwarranted, mainly because of the instability of myosic at this temperature. The number of protons released on binding of ADP to myosin was determined in separate experiments. The value was 0.19 +/- 0.02 at both 0 and 12 degrees. The reaction of protons with Tris thus contributes about -9.5 kJ-mol-1 to the observed heat on ADP binding.  相似文献   

Bao H  Kasten SA  Yan X  Roche TE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(42):13432-13441
Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 (PDK2) activity is enhanced by the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase core (E2 60mer) that binds PDK2 and a large number of its pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) substrate. With E2-activated PDK2, K(+) at approximately 90 mM and Cl(-) at approximately 60 mM decreased the K(m) of PDK2 for ATP and competitive K(i) for ADP by approximately 3-fold and enhanced pyruvate inhibition. Comparing PDK2 catalysis +/- E2, E2 increased the K(m) of PDK2 for ATP by nearly 8-fold (from 5 to 39 microM), increased k(cat) by approximately 4-fold, and decreased the requirement for E1 by at least 400-fold. ATP binding, measured by a cold-trapping technique, occurred at two active sites with a K(d) of 5 microM, which equals the K(m) and K(d) of PDK2 for ATP measured in the absence of E2. During E2-aided catalysis, PDK2 had approximately 3 times more ADP than ATP bound at its active site, and the pyruvate analogue, dichloroacetate, led to 16-fold more ADP than ATP being bound (no added ADP). Pyruvate functioned as an uncompetitive inhibitor versus ATP, and inclusion of ADP transformed pyruvate inhibition to noncompetitive. At high pyruvate levels, pyruvate was a partial inhibitor but also induced substrate inhibition at high ATP levels. Our results indicate that, at physiological salt levels, ADP dissociation is a limiting step in E2-activated PDK2 catalysis, that PDK2.[ADP or ATP].pyruvate complexes form, and that PDK2.ATP.pyruvate.E1 reacts with PDK2.ADP.pyruvate accumulating.  相似文献   

The rates of two processes in alkaline (pH 10.5–11.5) myosin solutions at 0 °C have been investigated: production of ionized tyrosine residues and production of light subunits. The progressive absorbance change is shown to result from a first-order irrevocable exposure to solvent and subsequent ionization of 40% of the tyrosine residues. Extrapolation to zero time gives the spectrophotometric ionization curve for native myosin; the pK of the abnormal tyrosines exceeds 12. Similarly, extrapolation to infinite time gives the curve for denatured myosin; the pK of the normal tyrosines (and of all tyrosines after denaturation) is 11.0–11.6. From the pH dependence of the rate, it is found that activation requires ionization of six residues and that their pK is much greater than 11.3. The rate of production of subunits was determined by fractionating the reaction mixture and determining the weight of light subunits produced. The process is also first order. Within experimental error, the rate constants for these two processes are equal. We conclude that they have the same rate-determining step. The data are consistent with either of two simple possible mechanisms. These are a rapid conformation change, followed by rate-determining subunit dissociation, followed by a rapid, irrevocable conformation change; or, a rapid conformation change, followed by a rate-determining, irrevocable conformation change, followed by rapid subunit dissociation.  相似文献   

This study examines the steady state activity and in vitro motility of single-headed (S1) and double-headed (HMM) myosin VI constructs within the context of two putative modes of regulation. Phosphorylation of threonine 406 does not alter either the rate of actin filament sliding or the maximal actin-activated ATPase rate of S1 or HMM constructs. Thus, we do not observe any regulation of myosin VI by phosphorylation within the motor domain. Interestingly, in the absence of calcium, the myosin VI HMM construct moves in an in vitro motility assay at a velocity that is twice that of S1 constructs, which may be indicative of movement that is not based on a "lever arm" mechanism. Increasing calcium above 10 microm slows both the rate of ADP release from S1 and HMM actomyosin VI and the rates of in vitro motility. Furthermore, high calcium concentrations appear to uncouple the two heads of myosin VI. Thus, phosphorylation and calcium are not on/off switches for myosin VI enzymatic activity, although calcium may alter the degree of processive movement for myosin VI-mediated cargo transport. Lastly, calmodulin mutants reveal that the calcium effect is dependent on calcium binding to the N-terminal lobe of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Light chain phosphorylation is the key event that regulates smooth and non-muscle myosin II ATPase activity. Here we show that both heads of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) bind tightly to actin in the absence of nucleotide, irrespective of the state of light chain phosphorylation. In striking contrast, only one of the two heads of unphosphorylated HMM binds to actin in the presence of ADP, and the heads have different affinities for ADP. This asymmetry suggests that phosphorylation alters the mechanical coupling between the heads of HMM. A model that incorporates strain between the two heads is proposed to explain the data, which have implications for how one head of a motor protein can gate the response of the other.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological effects of genetic testing for hemochromatosis. Study participants included cases discovered through a population screening study in 5211 voluntary blood donors (n = 25) and patients referred for diagnostic evaluation for hemochromatosis (n = 117). Participants completed questionnaires (Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Index, Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form 36) before and after genetic testing. A subset of participants from the screening study was also interviewed 1 year after testing (Feelings About Test Results Measure). Additional questions included data on insurance applications, time off from work, and family issues. Anxiety significantly decreased in homozygotes and heterozygotes after genetic testing and remained constant in C282Y mutation-negative cases. Vitality and physical composite scores improved after genetic testing. There were no significant deleterious psychological effects of genetic testing on anxiety and on mental and physical health status. There were no negative effects discovered on insurance or time off work. This study has not demonstrated deleterious effects of genetic testing for hemochromatosis on anxiety, mental health and physical health status, insurance, or time off from work. Genetic testing for hemochromatosis is well accepted and should not be discouraged on the basis of potential adverse psychosocial effects.  相似文献   

Post-embryonic shoot development in plants can be divided into a juvenile vegetative, an adult vegetative, and a reproductive phase, which are expressed in different domains on the shoot axis. The number and position of the phytomers in each phase are determined by the time at which a plant begins and ceases making phytomers of a particular phase and the rate at which phytomers are made during that phase. The viviparous8 (vp8) mutation of maize increases the number of juvenile vegetative phytomers and decreases the number of adult vegetative phytomers by affecting both of these processes. vp8 increases the number of juvenile vegetative phytomers by increasing the rate of leaf initiation early in shoot development and delaying the juvenile-to-adult transition (vegetative maturation). It reduces the number of adult phytomers because the delay in vegetative maturation is not matched by a corresponding delay in flowering time; vp8 plants produce a tassel at the same time as wild-type plants. Thus, Vp8 normally controls the production of a factor that functions both to repress the rate of growth early in shoot development and to promote vegetative maturation, but which has no major role in floral induction. vp8 dramatically enhances the phenotypes of the dwarf and Teopod mutants and requires a functional Glossy15 gene to prolong the expression of juvenile epidermal traits. Evidence suggesting that vp8 does not affect phase change by reducing the level of abscisic acid is discussed.  相似文献   

Myosin VI, found in organisms from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans, is essential for auditory and vestibular function in mammals, since genetic mutations lead to hearing impairment and vestibular dysfunction in both humans and mice. Here, we show that a missense mutation in this molecular motor in an ENU-generated mouse model, Tailchaser, disrupts myosin VI function. Structural changes in the Tailchaser hair bundles include mislocalization of the kinocilia and branching of stereocilia. Transfection of GFP-labeled myosin VI into epithelial cells and delivery of endocytic vesicles to the early endosome revealed that the mutant phenotype displays disrupted motor function. The actin-activated ATPase rates measured for the D179Y mutation are decreased, and indicate loss of coordination of the myosin VI heads or ‘gating’ in the dimer form. Proper coordination is required for walking processively along, or anchoring to, actin filaments, and is apparently destroyed by the proximity of the mutation to the nucleotide-binding pocket. This loss of myosin VI function may not allow myosin VI to transport its cargoes appropriately at the base and within the stereocilia, or to anchor the membrane of stereocilia to actin filaments via its cargos, both of which lead to structural changes in the stereocilia of myosin VI–impaired hair cells, and ultimately leading to deafness.  相似文献   

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