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The synthesis of proteoglycans was measured in normal equine articular cartilage of ages 9 months to 20 years and the effect of TGF-beta1 on this activity was investigated. The rate of incorporation of [(35)S]Na(2)SO(4) decreased with age as did the responsiveness of the tissue to the growth factor. The enhanced synthesis of proteoglycan induced at all ages by TGF-beta1 was down-regulated by IL-1 beta and retinoic acid. The expression of mRNA for TGF-beta1, 2, and 3 was also measured, and although the level of TGF-beta1 was highest at all ages, the expression of each growth factor decreased with age.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1), added alone to bovine cartilage organ cultures, stimulated [35S]sulfate incorporation into macromolecular material but did not investigate the fidelity of the stimulated system to maintain synthesis of cartilage-type proteoglycans. This paper provides evidence that chondrocytes synthesize the appropriate proteoglycan matrix under TGF-beta 1 stimulation: (i) there is a coordinated increase in hyaluronic acid and proteoglycan monomer synthesis, (ii) link-stable proteoglycan aggregates are assembled, (ii) the hybrid chondroitin sulfate/keratan sulfate monomeric species is synthesized, and (iv) there is an increase in protein core synthesis. Some variation in glycosylation patterns was observed when proteoglycans synthesized under TGF-beta 1 stimulation were compared to those synthesized under basal conditions. Thus comparing TGF-beta 1 to basal samples respectively, the monomers were larger (Kav on Sepharose CL-2B = 0.29 vs 0.41), the chondroitin sulfate chains were longer by approximately 3.5 kDa, the percentage of total glycosaminoglycan in keratan sulfate increased slightly from approximately 4% (basal) to approximately 6%, and the unsulfated disaccharide decreased from 28% (basal) to 12%. All of these variations are in the direction of a more anionic proteoglycan. Since the ability of proteoglycans to confer resiliency to the cartilage matrix is directly related to their anionic nature, these changes would presumably have a beneficial effect on tissue function.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of short (<1–4 years) and long-term (22 years) nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P) addition on the foliar CO2 exchange parameters of the Arctic species Betula nana and Eriophorum vaginatum in northern Alaska. Measured variables included: the carboxylation efficiency of Rubisco (Vcmax), electron transport capacity (Jmax), dark respiration (Rd), chlorophyll a and b content (Chl), and total foliar N (N). For both B. nana and E. vaginatum, foliar N increased by 20–50 % as a consequence of 1–22 years of fertilisation, respectively, and for B. nana foliar N increase was consistent throughout the whole canopy. However, despite this large increase in foliar N, no significant changes in Vcmax and Jmax were observed. In contrast, Rd was significantly higher (>25 %) in both species after 22 years of N addition, but not in the shorter-term treatments. Surprisingly, Chl only increased in both species the first year of fertilisation (i.e. the first season of nutrients applied), but not in the longer-term treatments. These results imply that: (1) under current (low) N availability, these Arctic species either already optimize their photosynthetic capacity per leaf area, or are limited by other nutrients; (2) observed increases in Arctic NEE and GPP with increased nutrient availability are caused by structural changes like increased leaf area index, rather than increased foliar photosynthetic capacity and (3) short-term effects (1–4 years) of nutrient addition cannot always be extrapolated to a larger time scale, which emphasizes the importance of long-term ecological experiments.  相似文献   

The effects of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and insulin on placental lactogen production (hPL) by term human placental explants were studied. The hPL content in medium and explant decreased rapidly after first 24 hours of culture. The decrease thereafter was gradual and reached a plateau by day 4 of culture. The decrease of HPL content in placental culture has previously been suggested being due to the depletion of a rapidly secreting preformed pool of hPL. Addition of IGF-I (0.1-10 micrograms/ml) and insulin (1-20 micrograms/ml) stimulated the decreased level of hPL in tissue and medium after 24 hours in culture. IGF-I was 10 times more potent than insulin in stimulating hPL. These findings suggest that IGF-I and insulin effects the production of hPL by placenta. The lower potency of insulin may indicate that the effect of insulin on hPL production is via IGF-I receptor.  相似文献   

The translocation of occupied surface insulin receptors to the nuclei of isolated hepatocytes was studied using the biologically active photosensitive insulin derivative, B2(2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)-des-PheB1-insulin (NAPA-DP-insulin). When hepatocytes were photolabeled at 4 degrees C, extensively washed, and then further incubated at 37 degrees C for 1 h, photolabeled insulin receptors, which were initially localized to the cell surface, accumulated in the subsequently isolated nuclei. When the isolated nuclei were solubilized and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and radioautography, labeled proteins with Mr identical to the cell surface insulin receptor were detected. Light microscopic radioautography of nuclei isolated from cells incubated for 1 ha at 37 degrees C demonstrated that 28% of these nuclei were specifically labeled with one or more grains. Electron microscopic radioautography of intact cultured hepatocytes, incubated 60 min at 37 degrees C, revealed that 26% of the thin-sectioned nuclei contained at least a single grain and 8.3% of the total cell-associated associated grains were located over the nuclei. Only 1.6% of grains were localized to lysosomes. In contrast, if photolabeled hepatocytes were incubated at 4 degrees C for up to 2 h, negligible accumulation of nuclear radioactivity was observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on light or electron microscopic radioautography. Conclusions are as follows. Occupied cell surface insulin receptors can internalize and translocate to the nucleus of intact hepatocytes by a time- and temperature-dependent mechanism. Accumulation and possible degradation of insulin receptors in lysosomes involves only a small percentage of the receptors internalized. Nuclear translocation of occupied cell surface insulin receptors may be a mechanism which mediates insulin's long term effects.  相似文献   

Load-bearing cartilages regularly experience changes in fluid content as the result of changing load. It has been found that these changes in fluid content influence proteoglycan synthesis. The mechanism for this effect is not known. We have measured the influence of changes in cartilage hydration on the [35S]sulphate incorporation rate in both bovine nasal and human articular cartilage in medium whose concentration varied over the range 0.2-2-times physiological strength. In physiological medium the incorporation rate fell in proportion to fluid loss with a 10% fall in cartilage hydration resulting in a 30-50% decrease in 35S-incorporation rates. However, in medium of 0.5-times physiological strength, where the incorporation rate was only 40% of control values, the incorporation rate increased initially rather than falling as the cartilage lost fluid. These changes in hydration and hence proteoglycan content resulted in changes in the extracellular ionic composition of cartilage. When this was monitored in terms of [Na+]c, the internal sodium concentration, as a marker for changes in cartilage ionic composition, we found that incorporation rate varied with [Na+]c rather than directly with hydration.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cultures derived from megagametophytes of Larix decidua were maintained for up to 17 years. A few lines were divided into sub-lines, which were maintained in the same manner as the others. Embryogenic tissue was grown on 1/2 strength LM medium supplemented with glutamine and casein hydrolysate at constant temperature and light regimes. Chromosome counts were conducted at various times. DNA content was assessed by flow cytometry. Embryogenesis was monitored with each transfer and records of all appearances of green mature embryos were kept. Chromosome number was found to vary. DNA content and chromosome number, both of which had doubled a number of years after initiation, stabilized around 24 chromosomes for most cultures. A few lines showed substantial increases in chromosome number. One of these lines lost vigour and died. Another line showed a further doubling of DNA content. No lines were embryogenic over the entire period. Embryogenicity was lost completely in some lines, but in others the loss was temporary, as periodic restoration of embryogenesis was observed.  相似文献   

Human, blood-derived mononuclear cells (MC), stimulated with Concanavalin A (Con A), synthesized a chondroitin sulfate (CS) proteoglycan (PG), which was elaborated largely by T-cells. Following Con A stimulation, the majority of MC adhered to the culture dish by day 2; but as incubation progressed to day 10 the proportion of non-adherent (NAd) MC increased in a fashion which approximately paralleled the accumulation of PG in the medium. Cell kinetic studies suggest that, following Con A stimulation, there was an inverse relationship between the amount of newly synthesized cellular PG and adherence, which appears to be related to a reciprocal effect on PG synthesis of the declining adherent (Ad) cell density with time of culture. In the stimulated cultures, NAd cells contained much more newly synthesized CS/cell than Ad cells up to day 6 of incubation. Cell type analysis, using monoclonal antibodies against specific cell surface markers, suggested that the higher PG synthesis in the NAd population may, at least in part, be due to a greater proportion of T-helper cells.  相似文献   

1,9-Dideoxyforskolin inhibits proteoglycan synthesis and xyloside-initiated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis in chick embryo chondrocytes. Dideoxyforskolin does not affect the length of xyloside-initiated GAG chains secreted into the medium but chains from the dense proteoglycan secreted into the medium appear slightly longer. Incorporation of labeled serine into the dense proteoglycan and subsequent digestion with Pronase revealed a dramatic decrease in percent of total radioactivity associated with GAG chains in the proteoglyean from cultures treated with forskolin or dideoxyforskolin. These observations suggest that these diterpenes have a specific inhibitory effect on chain initiation reactions and thus may be useful tools in the study of proteoglycan synthesis and processing.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan subunit isolated from the growth cartilage of rachitic chicks is of much smaller size than the corresponding preparation from vitamin D-treated chicks. The size change can be related to differences in plasma calcium concentration and not to the vitamin D status of the chicks.  相似文献   

Behavioural effects of the use of a shock collar during guard dog training of German shepherd dogs were studied. Direct reactions of 32 dogs to 107 shocks showed reactions (lowering of body posture, high pitched yelps, barks and squeals, avoidance, redirection aggression, tongue flicking) that suggest stress or fear and pain. Most of these immediate reactions lasted only a fraction of a second. The behaviour of 16 dogs that had received shocks in the recent past (S-dogs) was compared with the behaviour of 15 control dogs that had received similar training but never had received shocks (C-dogs) in order to investigate possible effects of a longer duration. Only training sessions were used in which no shocks were delivered and the behaviour of the dogs (position of body, tail and ears, and stress-, pain- and aggression-related behaviours) was recorded in a way that enabled comparison between the groups. During free walking on the training grounds S-dogs showed a lower ear posture and more stress-related behaviours than C-dogs. During obedience training and during manwork (i.e. excercises with a would-be criminal) the same differences were found. Even a comparison between the behaviour of C-dogs with that of S-dogs during free walking and obedience exercises in a park showed similar differences. Differences between the two groups of dogs existed in spite of the fact that C-dogs also were trained in a fairly harsh way. A comparison between the behaviour during free walking with that during obedience exercises and manwork, showed that during training more stress signals were shown and ear positions were lower. The conclusions, therefore are, that being trained is stressful, that receiving shocks is a painful experience to dogs, and that the S-dogs evidently have learned that the presence of their owner (or his commands) announces reception of shocks, even outside of the normal training context. This suggests that the welfare of these shocked dogs is at stake, at least in the presence of their owner.  相似文献   

Prolonged ethanol administration to rats increased the rates of glycerolipid synthesis from added [U-14C]palmitate in fasted hepatocytes; this increase was more than 2-fold in triglyceride synthesis. Prolonged ethanol administration to rats completely eliminated the acute ethanol-induced increase in triglyceride synthesis from palmitate in hepatocytes from fasted rats. This adaptive change occurred in a short initial period of about 10 days of ethanol feeding. In hepatocytes from fasted control rats, addition of ethanol produced a rapid and strong increase in the concentration of glycerol 3-phosphate. By contrast, this acute effect of ethanol disappeared in hepatocytes from fasted alcoholic rats after a prolonged--5 weeks--administration of ethanol in a liquid diet.  相似文献   

Explant loading experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of load duration on proteoglycan synthesis. A compressive load of 0.1 MPa applied for 10 min was found to stimulate proteoglycan synthesis, while the same load applied for 20 h suppressed synthesis. This bimodal response suggests that the cells are responding to different mechanical stimuli as time progresses. A theoretical model has therefore been developed to describe the mechanical environment perceived by cells within soft hydrated tissues (e.g. articular cartilage) while the tissue is being loaded. The cells are modeled, using the biphasic theory, as fluid-solid inclusions embedded in and attached to a biphasic extracellular matrix of distinct material properties. A method of solution is developed which is valid for any axisymmetric loading configuration, provided that the cell radius, a, is small relative to the tissue height, h (i.e. h/a 1). A closed-form analytical solution for this inclusion problem is then presented for the confined compression configuration. Results from this model show that the mechanical environment in and around the cells is time dependent and inhomogeneous, and can be significantly influenced by differences in properties between the cell and the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) has been shown to play a prominent role in controlling proteoglycan synthesis and breakdown as measured following addition to organ cultures of calf articular cartilage (Morales, T. I., and Roberts, A. B., J. Biol. Chem., 263, 12,828-12,831, 1988). In this study, we compare two closely related TGF-beta isoforms, TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2, both by assessing the effects of exogenous peptide as well as by analyzing the biosynthesis and total amount of these two isoforms in cartilage explants. Added exogenously, TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 induce a comparable increase in proteoglycan synthesis over basal controls with saturation at approximately 5 ng/ml. Synthesis of TGF-beta by basal calf cartilage cultures is demonstrated by (i) immunolocalization of intracellular TGF-beta, (ii) Northern blot analysis of steady-state mRNA levels, and (iii) immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled TGF-beta from tissue extracts and conditioned culture medium. The net amount of extractable TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 in the basal cartilage cultures was assessed by a functional assay involving inhibition of proliferation of CCL-64 mink lung epithelial cells and by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The predominant isoform was TGF-beta 1 (60-85%) and the total TGF-beta 1 + TGF-beta 2 was in excess of the amount required for maximal activation of proteoglycan synthesis. The level of both isoforms was maintained relatively constant between Days 2 and 7 of culture despite a sharp (approximately two to fourfold) drop in proteoglycan synthesis. This suggests that cartilage contains a large pool of TGF-beta which is not readily accessible to the chondrocyte. We propose that much of the polypeptide is sequestered in the matrix awaiting release upon demand.  相似文献   

Organotypic cultures of fetal type II epithelial cells were incubated in media containing insulin at concentrations ranging from 10 to 400 microunits/ml. Exposure to insulin resulted in increased glucose uptake from the media and in the rate of glucose conversion to CO2. Furthermore, both glucose uptake and CO2 production were dependent on the glucose concentration in the media. Surfactant and residual phosphatidylcholine fractions were isolated from the organotypic cultures by sucrose density centrifugation. The presence of low doses of insulin (10-25 microunits/ml) caused a significant increase in the incorporation of glucose into both surfactant and residual phosphatidylcholine. Insulin at levels of 100 microunits/ml or higher resulted in a significant decrease in glucose incorporation into both phosphatidylcholine fractions. Increasing the media glucose concentration from 5.6 to 20 mM caused a 2- to 2.5-fold increase in glucose utilization for surfactant and residual phospholipid synthesis, but did not produce any significant changes in choline incorporation into either surfactant or residual phosphatidylcholine. The addition of 400 microunits/ml of insulin to media containing 20 mM glucose, however, resulted in a 20% decrease in choline incorporation into surfactant phosphatidylcholine but had no effect on choline incorporation into residual phosphatidylcholine. These results suggest that insulin is an important hormone regulating fetal lung maturation and that hyperinsulinemia may be responsible for the delayed lung development in infants of diabetic mothers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To measure the safety and efficacy of antenatal treatment with anti-D immunoglobulin. DESIGN--Open study with historical controls. SETTING--Multicentre study in 17 hospitals in West Yorkshire. PATIENTS--1238 Rh negative women who delivered Rh positive infants after 34 weeks in their first pregnancy in 1980-1 (group 1) and 2000 similar primigravidas from 1978-9 (group 2). Obstetric data were collected for 616 women in group 1 who had a subsequent pregnancy, 536 similar women in group 2, and 410 Rh positive but otherwise similar primigravidas who delivered in the same hospitals in 1978-81 (group C). INTERVENTIONS--Anti-D immunoglobulin 100 micrograms intramuscularly was given at 28 and 34 weeks to the mothers in their first pregnancy who delivered in 1980-1. END POINTS--Detection of anti-D antibody in the first or any subsequent pregnancy in groups 1 and 2. For all three groups having subsequent pregnancies gestation at delivery, birth weight, fetal survival at one month, pre-eclampsia defined as blood pressure greater than 140/90 on two occasions more than 12 hours apart, and proteinuria greater than 0.25 milligram. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Antenatal immunisation to Rh(D) occurred in six mothers in group 1 and 32 group 2. Most immunisations occurred in the first or second pregnancy. The rates of abortion, gestation at delivery, birth weight, and fetal survival were not significantly different among the three groups. The incidence of pre-eclampsia was lower in mothers given antenatal anti-D immunoglobulin, but the difference was not significant. CONCLUSIONS--Antenatal prophylaxis with anti-D immunoglobulin is effective, and the effect of giving it in the first pregnancy persists into at least the second pregnancy. It seems to be safe for the fetus in the index and subsequent pregnancies.  相似文献   

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