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Heterosquilla tricarinata was laboratory-cultured through itscomplete larval development and found to have one propelagicand two pelagic larval stages prior to metamorphosis to thejuvenile. These larval stages, the first juvenile, and relevantportions of the second juvenile stage, are described and figured.Individual larvae do not change in size during intermoult periods.Larvae occurring in the plankton show a progressive decreasein mean size between early (September) and late (November) springtime.Reasons for this are suggested. The first pelagic stage of H.tricarinata is anatomically very advanced in development, andthe number of pelagic stages very few, in comparison with otherknown stomatopod life-histories. Ecological implications ofthis are discussed in relation to the high-latitude distributionof the species. Comparison is made between the final pelagicstage of H. tricarinata and that of its congenor H. brazieri. *Permanent address: Zoology Department, University of Queensland,Brisbane, Australia  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the sesarmid crab Perisesarmafasciatum (Lanchester, 1900) from Singapore was obtained fromlaboratory culture. All four zoeal stages, the megalopa andthe first crab stage are described and illustrated. The morphologicalcharacteristics of the larvae of P. fasciatum are compared withthose of other known larvae of the genera Perisesarma and Parasesarma.The larval morphology of P. fasciatum clearly presents the typicalcombination of features that characterize sesarmid larvae. Overall,larval stages are very similar in Perisesarma and Parasesarmaand it is impossible to distinguish these two genera by larvalmorphology.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the grapsid crab Brachynorusgemmellari (Rizza, 1839) was obtained by culture in the Iabomtoiy.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Larval development from hatchingto first crab took 26 days at 20C. The morphological charaeiarsof the larvae of B.gemmellari are compared with those of otherknown larvae of the genus Brachynosus.  相似文献   

The genus Hexapanopeus Rathbun, 1898 contains eight species,of which three are found in the Brazilian coast. The larvaldevelopment of two of these species has already been studiedin the laboratory. This article describes in detail the morphologyof the complete larval stages of Hexapanopeus caribbaeus rearedunder laboratory conditions, and the morphology is comparedwith that of the larvae of the other species of the same genus.  相似文献   

Metapenaeus ensis was spawned and laboratory cultured untilthe post-larval stage to illustrate and describe its embryonicand larval development. Fecundities ranged between 454 000 and689 000 eggs, and {small tilde}99.2% of spawned eggs hatchedafter 12 h and 40 min at 33.5 p.p.t. and 29.0-29.1°C. Sixnaupliar, three protozoeal, three mysis and one post-larvalstages were noted. A minimum of {small tilde}10 days (249 h20 min) from the time of hatching were required to completethe larval stages by subsisting only on Chaeioceros gracilisand Tetraselmis tetrathele at varying temperature and salinityof 28.1-29.8°C and 33.5—34.5 p.p.t., respectively.The embryonic and larval developmental stages of M.ensis aregenerally similar to those of other known penaeid species, exceptfor the size and structure of diagnostic characters, setationof appendages and duration of metamorphoses.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the Eastern Atlantic grapsidcrab, Brachynotus atlanticus, was obtained in the laboratory.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Under laboratory conditions at 23°Cthe first crab appeared on the 25th day. This is the first speciesof the genus for which the complete larval development is known.Larval features are compared with those of other members ofthe subfamily Varuninae.  相似文献   

The six naupliar instars of the two alpine species Aconthodiaptornusdenticornis and Arctodiaptomus alpinus are described and illustrated.Their external morphology is compared with that of all presentlyknown diaptomid nauplii in an attempt to provide usehl taxonomiccharacteristics to identify larval diaptomids. The larval stagesof the two species are remarkably similar in size and overallappearance, and show an identical pattern of limb setation throughoutthe whole development. Diagnostic characters are mainly relatedto the differentiation of antennules and caudal armature.  相似文献   

Larval development from the early stages to metamorphosis ofthe Pleuronectiform Citharus linguatula is described and illustratedfor the first time; until now only its eggs and newly hatchedlarvae were known. The specimens used in this study were collectedon plankton samples taken from the Catalan continental shelf(western Mediterranean) on two surveys made in September andOctober 1983. The descnption of larval development includesmorphological and morphometnc characters and pigmentation. Relationshipsbetween various parts of the body and standard length duringdevelopment are also considered. Information of their seasonaland spatial distribution along the studied area is provided.  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of decapod crustaceans were collected monthlyfrom July 1991 to June 1992 by pumping during nocturnal floodand ebb tides to establish seasonal larval abundance patternsin an inlet of the Bay of Cdiz. Additional 24 h series of sampleswere collected seasonally (July 1991, October 1991, January1992 and May/June 1992) during spring and neap tides to analyselarval abundance in relation to the main environmental cycles(diel, tidal and lunar phases) and vertical position in thewater column. First zoeae were the most abundant stage for mostspecies, representing 97.6% of all individuals collected. ZoeaI abundance was higher in spring and swmner and, on most samplingoccasions, there was a net output from the inlet to the bay.Five species (Liocarcinus arcuatus and Liocarcinus vernalis,Uca tangeri, Diogenes pugilator and Panopeus africanus) represented60% of total individuals caught. The seasonal occurrence offirst zoeae of the most abundant species indicated two differentreproductive patterns: species with a short reproductive periodand species spawning year round. Zoea I of several species (Panopeusafricanus, Uca tangeri, Pachygrap sus marmoratus, Processa spp.)were significantly more abundant during ebb tides and theirlater larval stages were scarcely collected, suggesting thatthese larvae are released in the inlet and exported to the bay.Conversely, a net input of first zoeae was observed for otherspecies (D.pugilator and Pinnotheres pinnotheres), but theirlater larval stages were also scarcely collected. Such importationcould be a larval rhythm artifact due to release of larvae inthe bay that drifted into the inlet by tidal currents. The crabIlia nucleus, whose later larval stages were collected frequently,was the only species that seemed to complete its life cyclewithin the bay. These results suggest that the studied inletwas primarily used by decapods as an adult habitat and spawningground, while larval development occurred in open sea. Sincevertical migration was not observed for exported larvae, thetidal synchronization of female release seemed to be the mostprobable mechanism of larval exportation. There were no significantdifferences between larval release during spring and neap tides.  相似文献   

P. semisulcatus is a commercially important species of the ArabianSea. In the present studies the mature females were broughtfrom the sea to the laboratory for spawning. The spawned eggswere reared in laboratory conditions up to the post larval stage.Five naupliar, three protozoeal, three mysis and first postlarval stages were described. The diagrams were made with thehelp of camera lucida. The measurements were made with a micrometer.  相似文献   

The present state of knowledge concerning Portunus larvae isreviewed, and the three zoeal and the megalopa stages of P.rubromarginatus are described and figured. Details of appendagesetation are tabulated. This species is unusual amongst knownPortunus spp. in having only three zoeal stages and, like otherPortunus spp. but in contrast with other Portuninae, it has4 + 4, or 4 + 1 + 4, setae on the posterior telson border. When compared with larvae of the five other Indo-West PacificPortunus species whose larvae are known P. rubromarginatus zoeaeare readily distinguished from all, except P. hastatoides, usingthe key features given by Kurata (1975). Comparison was madebetween first zoeae of these two species, and also of P. pelagicusand P. sanguinolentus, using larvae reared by the authors. Itwas found telson characters alone allow distinction betweenlarvae of these four species. These characters are tabulated. P. rubromarginatus megalopae differ from those known for congenitorsin having a large spine on the uchium of the first pereiopod,but not on the carpus, and in having relatively very small sternalcornuae. Several of these features disagree with those previously thoughtto characterise larval Portuninae or Portunus species.  相似文献   

Eleven species of larval digeneans are reported for the firsttime in the UK from the freshwater snail Lymnaea (Radix) auricularia.The latter replaced its congener L. peregra in a gravel pitnear Wraysbury, Berkshire in the Lower Thames Valley and hostedan assemblage of larval digeneans similar to that previouslytransmitted by L peregra. The larval digeneans of L. peregrain small bodies of water in the area were also similar to thosefound in L. auriculania in the gravel pit. This replacementin the role of the host is explained on the basis of morphological,physiological and ecological similarities of the two lymnaeidspecies. (Received 19 February 1992; accepted 27 April 1992)  相似文献   

The first-stage zoeas of Carpilius convexus (Forskål,1775) and Carpilius maculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) are describedand fully illustrated. Both these Indo-West Pacific speciesexhibited a unique xanthoidean character for the basis of thesecond maxilliped, which possesses five (arranged 1,1,1,2) setaeinstead of the expected four (arranged 1,1,1,1). A comparisonwith the zoeal stages of Carpilius corallinus (Herbst, 1783)as reported by Laughlin et al. (Laughlin et al., 1983) revealedmarked differences including the possession of carapace lateralspines (v. absent in C. convexus only), the subterminal setationof the distal maxillule endopod segment with two subterminalsetae (versus one subterminal seta in Indo-West Pacific species),the terminal setation of the distal maxillule endopod segmentwith four setae (versus three setae in C. convexus only), twolateral spines on the telson (versus three in Indo-West Pacificspecies) and the number of zoeal stages. The first-stage zoeasof the two Indo-West Pacific species appear to have hatchedin a more advanced state of development than those of C. corallinus,and the expression of a number of characters has been accelerated(early onset). In fact, the zoeal stages of both Indo-West Pacificspecies and carpiliid species appear to be abbreviated becausethe first zoeas are considered to be equivalent to the third-stagezoeas of C. corallinus.  相似文献   

Some unidentified planktonic larval stages have been assignedto the Calappidae using Rice's key of Brachyura families. Zoeastage I from the eastern region of the Algerian coast (westernMediterranean Sea) has been attributed, according to Manningand Holthuis (1980), to Calappa granulata (L.), the only recordedrepresentative of the family from the Mediterranean Sea. Zoealstages 1-lV from the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, NorthernRed Sea, have been reported to the subfamily Matutinae. Comparisonsof larvae of Calappa and of Hepatus and then, of larvae of Hepatusand of Matuta, show that Hepatus larvae are more closely relatedto those of Calappa, while those of Matuta are clearly distinct.It s suggested to place the genus Hepatus with the Calappinae.Guinot (1966. 1978) placed some genera, including Hepatus. ina 'unit parthenoxystomienne, lea Aethrinae'. Larval developmentis unknown for Aethra, Actaeomorpha. Hepatella andOsachila.However, comparison of Hepatus larvae with those of Parthenopidaeshows that larval characters, particularly the setation of theendopod of the first maxilliped, are not conclusive for supportingsuch a regrouping. Moreover, the Calappidae have a combinationof primitive and advanced features which suggest that theirgrouping in the Oxystomata seems more likely to be an adaptationto a similar way of life. The morphotypal taxon Oxystornatahas been definitively rejected by Guinot (1978).  相似文献   

The larval development of populations initially composed ofnauplii Nl of Euterpina acurifrons (Copepoda: Harpacticoida)is studied in the laboratory. A first experiment in which temperatureis the only varying parameter allows an assessment of inherentvariability of development. A simple mathematical model thenaccounts for the effect of temperature on development. We findresidence times to be almost identical for all developmentalstages, and higher mortality rates in the case of stages N6and Cl. The model also accounts for latency times observed inthe development of populations including larval stages. A secondexperiment, run at constant temperature, shows that a deficientfood supply increases the average residence time of early stages,as well as their variance. Data obtained on a population bredin tanks under unregulated trophic and temperature conditionsshow that the variation with time of the stage composition ofthe population modulates the effect of external factors on thegrowth of the population.  相似文献   

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