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1. As species are often considered discrete natural units, interspecific sexual interactions are often disregarded as potential factors determining community composition. Nevertheless reproductive interference, ranging from signal jamming to hybridization, can have significant costs for species sharing similar signal channels. 2. We combined laboratory and field experiments to test whether the coexistence of two congeneric ground-hopper species with overlapping ranges might be influenced by sexual interactions. 3. In the laboratory experiment the number of conspecific copulations of Tetrix ceperoi decreased substantially in the presence of Tetrix subulata. Males of T. ceperoi performed more mating attempts with heterospecific females, whereas females of T. subulata rejected these heterospecific approaches more often than those of conspecifics. Although no heterospecific matings occurred in the laboratory, the reproductive success of T. ceperoi was reduced substantially in field experiments. Negative effects on T. subulata were found only at high densities. 4. Our results suggest that reproductive interference could have similar consequences as competition, such as demographic displacement of one species ('sexual exclusion'). As reproductive interference should be selected against, it may also drive the evolution of signals (reproductive character displacement) or promote habitat, spatial or temporal segregation.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is a pervasive evolutionary force that can reduce female fitness. Experimental evolution studies in the laboratory might overestimate the importance of sexual conflict because the ecological conditions in such settings typically include only a single species. Here, we experimentally manipulated conspecific male density (high or low) and species composition (sympatric or allopatric) to investigate how ecological conditions affect female survival in a sexually dimorphic insect, the banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens). Female survival was strongly influenced by an interaction between male density and species composition. Specifically, at low conspecific male density, female survival increased in the presence of heterospecific males (C. virgo). Behavioral mating experiments showed that interspecific interference competition reduced conspecific male mating success with large females. These findings suggest that reproductive interference competition between con‐ and heterospecific males might indirectly facilitate female survival by reducing mating harassment from conspecific males. Hence, interspecific competitors can show contrasting effects on the two sexes thereby influencing sexual conflict dynamics. Our results call for incorporation of more ecological realism in sexual conflict research, particularly how local community context and reproductive interference competition between heterospecific males can affect female fitness.  相似文献   

Similar to resource competition, reproductive interference may hamper the coexistence of closely related species. Species that utilize similar signal channels during mate finding may face substantial fitness costs when they come into contact and demographic displacement of the inferior species (sexual exclusion) is a likely outcome of such interactions. The two ground‐hopper species Tetrix ceperoi and Tetrix subulata broadly overlap in their ranges and general habitat requirements, but rarely co‐occur on a local scale. Results from laboratory and field experiments suggest that this mosaic pattern of sympatry might be influenced by reproductive interference. Here, we examine the significance of sexual interactions for these species in the field and test hypotheses on mechanisms of coexistence. Our results show that heterospecific sexual interactions also occur under field conditions, but in contrast to the experiments T. ceperoi was not the inferior species. The number of male mating attempts of both species was strongly correlated with encounter frequencies. Males discriminated between the sexes but not between the species, suggesting an incomplete mate recognition system in both species. The analysis of microhabitat preferences and spatial distribution revealed that habitat partitioning is not a suitable mechanism of coexistence in this system. Instead, the costs of reproductive interference are substantially mitigated by different niche breadths leading to different degrees of aggregation. Despite a considerable niche overlap T. ceperoi displayed a stronger preference for bare ground and occurred more aggregated than T. subulata, which had a broader niche. These differences may reduce the frequencies of heterospecific encounters and interactions in the field. Our results demonstrate that coexistence in the presence of reproductive interference is comparable to resource competition, being strongly influenced by ecological traits of the involved species, such as niche breadth and dispersion pattern.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference, interspecific sexual interactions that affect reproductive success, is found in various taxa and has been considered as a fundamental source of reproductive character displacement (RCD). Once RCD has occurred, persistent interspecific sexual interactions between species pairs are expected to diminish. However, reproductive interference has been reported from some species pairs that sympatrically coexist. Thus, the question arises, can reproductive interference persist even after RCD? We modeled the evolutionary dynamics of signal traits and mate recognition that determine whether interspecific sexual interactions occur. Our models incorporate male decision making based on the recognition of signal traits, whereas most previous models incorporate only female decision making in mate selection. Our models predict the following: (1) even when male decision making is incorporated, males remain promiscuous; (2) nevertheless, the frequency of interspecific mating is maintained at a low level after trait divergence; (3) the rarity of interspecific mating is due to strict female mate recognition and the consequent refusal of interspecific courtship by females; and (4) the frequency of interspecific mating becomes higher as the cost to females of refusing interspecific courtship increases. These predictions are consistent with empirical observations that males of some species engage in infrequent heterospecific mating. Thus, our models predict that reproductive interference can persist even after RCD occurred.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference is any interspecific sexual interaction that reduces the reproductive success of females through promiscuous reproductive activities of heterospecific individuals. This phenomenon is ubiquitous in nature in both plants and animals, and is frequently observed in biological invasions. However, its effects on interspecific competition remain incompletely understood despite growing concern. To study the interactive effects of resource competition and reproductive interference on species coexistence and exclusion, we analyzed a unified competition model including both processes in symmetric and asymmetric scenarios. The results of our model showed that resource competition and reproductive interference act synergistically to promote competitive exclusion. We also found that when the two processes are asymmetric, the species that is superior in reproductive interference can coexist with or even exclude the species that is superior in resource competition. Therefore, coexistence is possible via an unbalanced trade-off between resource use and reproduction. Our results suggest that integration of reproductive interference and resource competition will contribute to a better understanding of interspecific competition and to more effective biodiversity conservation against management of biological invasions.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference is any interspecific sexual interaction that adversely affects female fitness through indiscriminate reproductive activities. It can be a driving force of resource partitioning in conjunction with resource competition. We previously showed that the bean beetle Callosobruchus maculatus is superior in larval resource competition, but vulnerable in reproductive interference, compared with its congener C. chinensis. We hypothesized that these two species might use two resources differently if one of the resources modified the intensity of reproductive interference or resource competition. We observed that C. maculatus females often enter gaps between beans to avoid mating attempts of heterospecific males, and hypothesized that removing bean gaps would strengthen reproductive interference. Therefore, we provided normal beans with gaps and split beans without gaps to females of the two species housed with conspecific or heterospecific males or no males and compared the number of eggs on each bean type among treatments. Callosobruchus maculatus females housed with heterospecific males were more likely to oviposit on normal beans than C. chinensis females. As a result, more C. chinensis adults hatched from split beans and more C. maculatus hatched from normal beans when females and males of both species were housed together. Thus, oviposition resource partitioning resulted from the combination of female avoidance of reproductive interference and resource competition.  相似文献   

1.?Closely related species often differ greatly in the quality and breadth of resources exploited, but the actual mechanisms causing these differences are poorly understood. Because in the laboratory specialized species often survive and perform as well or better on host species that are never utilized in nature, negative ecological interactions restricting host range must exist. Here, we focused on reproductive interference, which has been theoretically predicted to drive niche separation between closely related species with overlapping mating signals. 2.?We examined the interspecific sexual interactions in relation to ecological specialization and generalization in two sibling ladybird species, Harmonia yedoensis and Harmonia axyridis. Harmonia yedoensis is a specialist predator that preys only on pine aphids, which are highly elusive prey for ladybird hatchlings, whereas H.?axyridis is a generalist predator with a broad prey and habitat range. 3.?We experimentally showed that conspecific sperm fertilized the vast majority of eggs regardless of mating order (i.e. conspecific sperm precedence) when a female of H.?yedoensis or H.?axyridis mated with both a conspecific and a heterospecific male. Moreover, we demonstrated that mating opportunities of H.?yedoensis females strongly decreased as heterospecific density increased relative to conspecific density. In contrast, in H.?axyridis, female mating success was high regardless of conspecific or heterospecific density. 4.?Our results suggest that the generalist H.?axyridis should be dominant to the specialist H.?yedoensis in terms of reproductive interference. Our results support the hypothesis that asymmetric reproductive interference from the dominant species may force the non-dominant species to become a specialist predator that exclusively utilizes less preferred prey in nature.  相似文献   

Negative interspecific mating interactions, known as reproductive interference, can hamper species coexistence in a local patch and promote niche partitioning or geographical segregation of closely related species. Conspecific sperm precedence (CSP), which occurs when females that have mated with both conspecific and heterospecific males preferentially use conspecific sperm for fertilization, might contribute to species coexistence by mitigating the costs of interspecific mating and hybridization. We discussed whether two species exhibiting CSP can coexist in a local environment in the presence of reproductive interference. First, using a behaviorally explicit mathematical model, we demonstrated that two species characterized by negative mating interactions are unlikely to coexist because the costs of reproductive interference, such as loss of mating opportunity with conspecific partners, are inevitably incurred when individuals of both species are present. Second, we experimentally examined differences in mating activity and preference in two Harmonia ladybird species known to exhibit CSP. These behavioral differences may lead to local extinction of H. yedoensis because of reproductive interference by H. axyridis. This prediction is consistent with field observations that H. axyridis uses various food sources and habitats whereas H. yedoensis is confined to a less preferred prey item and a pine tree habitat. Finally, by a comparative approach, we observed that niche partitioning or parapatric distribution, but not sympatric coexistence in the same habitat, is maintained between species with CSP belonging to a wide range of taxa, including vertebrates and invertebrates living in aquatic or terrestrial environments. Taken together, it is possible that reproductive interference may destabilize local coexistence even in closely related species that exhibit CSP.  相似文献   

Abstract There is accumulating evidence that sexual interactions among species (reproductive interference) could have dramatic effects for species’ coexistence. It has been shown that the fitness of individuals can be substantially reduced as a consequence of reproductive interference. This might subsequently lead to displacement of a species (sexual exclusion). On the other hand, some evolutionary and ecological mechanisms might enable species to coexist, such as the divergence of mate recognition systems (reproductive character displacement), habitat partitioning, clumped dispersion patterns or different colonization capabilities. We have previously shown that the two ground‐hopper species Tetrix subulata and Tetrix ceperoi interact sexually in the laboratory as well as in the field. At sites where both species co‐occur niche overlap was high, suggesting that coexistence is maintained by different niche breadths rather than by habitat partitioning. To test the hypothesis that habitat partitioning does not contribute to species’ coexistence, we examined whether allotopic and syntopic populations of these two species differ in niche overlap (competitive release). Our results show that niche overlap is higher in syntopic than in allotopic populations, suggesting that the site‐specific habitat structure (heterogeneity) has a stronger influence on microhabitat utilization than the presence of heterospecifics. Hence, our data do not support the hypothesis that habitat partitioning plays a substantial role for the coexistence of these sexually interacting species.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference is interspecific sexual interactions that are costly to at least one species involved. Although many studies have reported a substantial fitness cost associated with reproductive interference, suggesting its ecological significance, others have not observed reproductive interference in study species. Reproductive interference that incurs a large fitness cost is more likely to occur during secondary contacts than between long-coexisting species. I first explain the rationale underlying this prediction using existing literature. Next, I present a conceptual framework to classify pairs of interacting species into one of four states, defined by the ecological and evolutionary stabilities of the species pairs. I discuss how the stability states of species pairs are likely to change over time, along with changes in the demographic and evolutionary role of reproductive interference. I then perform literature survey to test the prediction that reproductive interference should be more prevalent in secondary contact. Finally, I discuss the implications of the proposed conceptual framework and literature survey result.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference arises when individuals of one species engage in reproductive activities with individuals of another, leading to fitness costs in one or both species. Reproductive interference (RI) therefore has two components. First, there must be mis-directed mating interactions. Second, there must be costs associated with these mis-directed interactions. Here we consider RI between four species of true bug in the family Lygaeidae, focusing in particular on the fitness consequences to Lygaeus equestris. The species we consider vary in their relationships with each other, including species in the same or different genus, and with or without natural overlap in their geographic ranges. First we show that inter-specific mating interactions, although not a certain outcome, are common enough to perhaps influence mating behaviour in these species (arising in up to 10 % of inter-specific pairings). Second, we show that reproductive interference can seriously reduce female fitness in L. equestris. Importantly, different species impose different costs of RI on L. equestris, with interactions with male Spilostethus pandurus inflicting fitness costs of similar magnitude to the costs of mating with con-specifics. On the other hand, mating interactions with male Oncopeltus fasciatus appear to have no effect on female fitness. In a follow-up experiment, when we allowed competition amongst just females of S. pandurus and L. equestris, the fitness of the latter was not reduced, arguing more strongly for the role of reproductive interference. However, in our final experiments under mass mating conditions with extended ecological interactions (including scope for competition for resources and cannibalism), the costs of RI were less apparent. Our data therefore suggest that the costs of RI will be context-specific and may act in concert with, or be swamped by, other ecological effects. We suggest that comparative studies of this sort that both mimic naturally occurring reproductive interference events, and also artificially generate new ones, will be necessary if we are to better understand the ecological and evolutionary significance of reproductive interference.  相似文献   

Research in community ecology has tended to focus on trophic interactions (e.g., predation, resource competition) as driving forces of community dynamics, and sexual interactions have often been overlooked. Here we discuss how sexual interactions can affect community dynamics, especially focusing on frequency-dependent dynamics of horizontal communities (i.e., communities of competing species in a single ecological guild). By combining mechanistic and phenomenological models of competition, we place sexual reproduction into the framework of modern coexistence theory. First, we review how population dynamics of two species competing for two resources can be represented by the Lotka–Volterra competition model as well as frequency dynamics, and how niche differentiation and overlap produce negative and positive frequency-dependence (i.e., stable coexistence and priority effect), respectively. Then, we explore two situations where sexual interactions change the frequency-dependence in community dynamics: (1) reproductive interference, that is, negative interspecific interactions due to incomplete species recognition in mating trials, can promote positive frequency-dependence and (2) density-dependent intraspecific adaptation load, that is, reduced population growth rates due to adaptation to intraspecific sexual (or social) interactions, produces negative frequency-dependence. We show how reproductive interference and density-dependent intraspecific adaptation load can decrease and increase niche differences in the framework of modern coexistence theory, respectively. Finally, we discuss future empirical and theoretical approaches for studying how sexual interactions and related phenomena (e.g., reproductive interference, intraspecific adaptation load, and sexual dimorphism) driven by sexual selection and conflict can affect community dynamics.  相似文献   

Knowledge of species interactions is vital to understand ecological and evolutionary patterns in nature. Traditional species interactions (e.g., competition, predation, symbiosis) have received a great deal of deserved attention and their general importance in shaping the evolution of populations and structure of communities is unquestioned. Recently, reproductive interference has been receiving attention as an important species interaction. Reproductive interference is defined as interspecific reproductive activities that decrease the fitness of at least one of the species involved in the interaction. Reproductive interference has the potential to affect the evolutionary trajectories of populations and structure of communities. Here, I comment on seven papers that make up this special feature on reproductive interference. Along the way I highlight key discoveries of these studies and areas of research that may contribute to our understanding of the causes and consequences of reproductive interference.  相似文献   

Abstract Character displacement has long been considered a major cause of adaptive diversification. When species compete for resources or mates, character displacement minimizes competition by promoting divergence in phenotypes associated with resource use (ecological character displacement) or mate attraction (reproductive character displacement). In this study, we investigated whether character displacement can also have pleiotropic effects that lead to fitness trade-offs between the benefits of avoiding competition and costs accrued in other fitness components. We show that both reproductive and ecological character displacement have caused spadefoot toads to evolve smaller body size in the presence of a heterospecific competitor. Although this shift in size likely arose as a by-product of character displacement acting to promote divergence between species in mating behavior and larval development, it concomitantly reduces offspring survival, female fecundity, and sexual selection on males. Thus, character displacement may represent the "best of a bad situation" in that it lessens competition, but at a cost. Individuals in sympatry with the displaced phenotype will have higher fitness than those without the displaced trait because they experience reduced competition, but they may have reduced fitness relative to individuals in allopatry. Such a fitness trade-off can limit the conditions under which character displacement evolves and may even increase the risk of "Darwinian extinction" in sympatric populations. Consequently, character displacement may not always promote diversification in the manner that is often expected.  相似文献   

The Allee effect is a positive causal relationship between any component of fitness and population density or size. Allee effects strongly affect the persistence of small or sparse populations. Predicting Allee effects remains a challenge, possibly because not all causal mechanisms are known. We hypothesized that reproductive interference (an interspecific reproductive interaction that reduces the fitness of the species involved) can generate an Allee effect. If the density of the interfering species is constant, an increase in the population of the species receiving interference may dilute the per capita effect of reproductive interference and may generate an Allee effect. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of heterospecific males on the relationship between per capita fecundity and conspecific density in Callosobruchus chinensis and C. maculatus. Of the two species, only C. maculatus females suffer reproductive interference from heterospecific males. Only C. maculatus, the species susceptible to reproductive interference, demonstrated an Allee effect, and only when heterospecific males were present. In contrast, C. chinensis, the species not susceptible to reproductive interference, demonstrated no Allee effect regardless of the presence of heterospecific males. Our results show that reproductive interference in fact generated an Allee effect, suggesting the potential importance of interspecific sexual interactions especially in small or sparse populations, even in the absence of a shared resource. It may be possible to predict Allee effects produced by this mechanism a priori by testing reproductive interference between closely related species.  相似文献   

理解入侵生物的繁殖策略是阐明生物入侵机制的一个重要方面。入侵植物常表现出一些共同的繁殖特征, 如以两性花为主的性系统、自动自交为主的繁育系统或不依赖传粉媒介的无融合生殖和无性繁殖以及高生殖投资的资源配置策略等。成功入侵的外来植物通过影响本土的传粉者, 在种群和群落水平上影响本土植物的有性繁殖, 甚至促使某些本土植物在繁殖对策和表型性状上发生快速转变。目前, 入侵植物繁殖策略及其生态效应的研究多侧重于入侵种的快速演化, 而有关外来植物与本土植物间的相互影响及其可能存在的协同适应研究还较为缺乏。探讨本土植物在外来种入侵压力下的繁殖对策和响应机制, 将丰富人们对物种间竞争、共存及群落构建等机制的深入了解。从繁殖和适应的角度探求入侵植物与本土植物之间的复杂关系, 将有助于解析生物入侵的机制及人类干扰下的物种演化规律, 也为预测和防控入侵植物提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Communication is in phytophagous stink bugs of the subfamily Pentatominae related to mating behavior that among others includes location and recognition of the partner during calling and courting. Differences in temporal and frequency parameters of vibratory signals contributes to species reproductive isolation. Chinavia impicticornis and C. ubica are two green Neotropical stink bugs that live and mate on the same host plants. We tested the hypothesis that differences in temporal and spectral characteristics of both species vibratory signals enable their recognition to that extent that it interrupts further interspecific communication and copulation. To confirm or reject this hypothesis we monitored both species mating behaviour and recorded their vibratory songs on the non-resonant loudspeaker membranes and on the plant. The level of interspecific vibratory communication was tested also by playback experiments. Reproductive behavior and vibratory communication show similar patterns in both Chinavia species. Differences observed in temporal and spectral characteristics of female and male signals enable species discrimination by PCA analyses. Insects that respond to heterospecific vibratory signals do not step forward to behaviors leading to copulation. Results suggest that species isolation takes place in both investigated Chinavia species at an early stage of mating behavior reducing reproductive interference and the probability of heterospecific mating.  相似文献   

Reproductive character displacement--the evolution of traits that minimize reproductive interactions between species--can promote striking divergence in male signals or female mate preferences between populations that do and do not occur with heterospecifics. However, reproductive character displacement can affect other aspects of mating behaviour. Indeed, avoidance of heterospecific interactions might contribute to spatial (or temporal) aggregation of conspecifics. We examined this possibility in two species of hybridizing spadefoot toad (genus Spea). We found that in Spea bombifrons sympatric males were more likely than allopatric males to associate with calling males. Moreover, contrary to allopatric males, sympatric S. bombifrons males preferentially associated with conspecific male calls. By contrast, Spea multiplicata showed no differences between sympatry and allopatry in likelihood to associate with calling males. Further, sympatric and allopatric males did not differ in preference for conspecifics. However, allopatric S. multiplicata were more variable than sympatric males in their responses. Thus, in S. multiplicata, character displacement may have refined pre-existing aggregation behaviour. Our results suggest that heterospecific interactions can foster aggregative behaviour that might ultimately contribute to clustering of conspecifics. Such clustering can generate spatial or temporal segregation of reproductive activities among species and ultimately promote reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference through mating between related species can cause fitness reduction and affect population dynamics of the interacting species. In experimental matings between two seed beetles, Callosobruchus chinensis and Callosobruchus maculatus, C. maculatus females, but not C. chinensis females, suffer from significant loss of fecundity when conspecific mating is followed by heterospecific mating. We hypothesized that male traits associated with sexual conflict, which are often harmful to females, pleiotropically affect fitness of heterospecific females through interspecific mating. We examined the effect of ejaculate of C. chinensis males on C. maculatus females as the cause of the fecundity loss in C. maculatus females due to interspecific copulation. We found that frequent interspecific copulation occurred between C. maculatus females and C. chinensis males, but not between C. chinensis females and C. maculatus males, resulting in frequent interspecific ejaculate transfer from C. chinensis males to C. maculatus females. However, injection of the extract from C. chinensis male reproductive organs into C. maculatus females did not significantly affect C. maculatus fecundity compared with saline injection, indicating that the effect of the heterospecific ejaculate transfer on fecundity is negligible. We suggest that other harmful male traits such as genital spines of C. chinensis males are mainly responsible for the fecundity reduction in C. maculatus females that have experienced interspecific mating.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement caused by reproductive interference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We carried out a theoretical investigation of whether ecological character displacement can be caused by reproductive interference. Our model assumes that a quantitative character is associated with both resource use and species recognition, and that heterospecific mating incurs costs. The model shows that ecological character displacement can occur as a consequence of evolution of premating isolation; this conclusion is based on the premise that resource competition is less intense between species than within species and that the ecological character also contributes to premating isolation. When resource competition between species is intense, extinction of either species may occur by competitive exclusion before ecological character divergence. Some observational studies have shown that character displacement in body size is associated with not only resources use but also species recognition. We propose that body size displacement can occur as a consequence of evolution of premating isolation. Our results suggest that ecological character displacement results from reproductive character displacement.  相似文献   

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