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Serial sections 10 mm. in length taken from the tip towardsthe base of the bean root have been cultured on 2 per cent,sucrose. At various time-intervals, length, invertase, phosphatase,and protein content of the sections have been determined. Alterationsin the enzyme complement of the sections have been related togrowth and protein content. The relation of changes occurringin excised fragments to those in the intact root have been discussed.  相似文献   

Incubation of excised Avena leaves in a wet chamber in darkness resulted in an increase in both soluble and particle-bound Rnase activities. Illumination promoted the increase in the total RNase which occurred upon leaf excision. The light-induced increase in total RNase was due to an increase in soluble RNase. The increase in RNase activity in the particulate fraction was inhibited by illumination. Feeding 2 per cent sucrose to the tissues in the dark increased the level of soluble RNase and decreased the activity found in the particulate fraction. Treatment of the illuminated tissues with 10?4M dichlorophenyldimethylurea (DCMU) inhibited the effects of light on the RNase level. It is concluded that the light-effect is explained at least in part by the photosynthetic production of sugars. In excised leaves kept in darkness the RNA content rapidly decreased. Feeding sugars to or illumination of the tissues lowered the rate of RNA breakdown due to leaf excision. DCMU counteracted the light effect. In general, the decrease of RNA was repressed by all treatments leading to an inhibition of the increase of particulate RNase. On the other hand, the observed changes of the soluble RNase were not related with the variations of RNA. Treatment with 3 M urea increased the RNase activity both in the particulate and the soluble fractions. The RNase activity of soluble preparations, partially purified on a Sephadex G-50 column or by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, was also stimulated by 3 M urea. Treatment with 10?5M kinetin repressed the increase in RNase activity due to leaf excision both in the soluble and the particulate fractions.  相似文献   

Avena seedlings were imbibed and germinated in the presence of inhibitors of carotenoid biosynthesis. After excision and defoliation, the coleoptiles were cultured in the presence of these basally supplied inhibitors and their growth, phototropic behavior and pigment content were subsequently measured. Total carotenoids could be reduced to ca. 20 percent of the control value without marked influence on the dose-response curve for the first positive curvature. Chromatographic analysis of extracted carotenoids on alumina columns revealed that the inhibitors produced both qualitative and quantitative changes, reducing one fraction and virtually eliminating two others. The total riboflavin content of the coleoptiles was almost completely unaffected by these treatments. The data are applied to an analysis of the nature of the photoreceptor in phototropism of the Avena coleoptile.  相似文献   

In excised Avena leaves, depending on the duration of treatment,abscisic acid (10–5 M) had two distinctly different effectson the level of individual nucleases. In short-term experiments(3-h treatment, abscisic acid increased the level of a relativelypurine (guanine)-specific ribonuclease, in comparison with thewater control. Accumulation of the abscisie acid-induced ribonuclease,however, levelled off rapidly during incubation and the amountof the enzyme approached a plateau in about 6 h. As the accumulationof this ribonuclease became retarded, abscisic acid induceda striking increase in the level of another nuclease, an enzymenon-specific in relation to the sugar moiety but exhibitinga relative adenine specificity. This latter nuclease also wasshown to accumulate slowly in intact Avena leaves during ‘natural’senescence. The Avena leaves contain, in small concentrations,a chromatographic variant of the sugar non-specific nuclease.This minor variant, despite its identical enzymological properties,was found to be physiologically different from the main componentin that its concentration did not depend on the age of the tissuesand was not affected by abscisic acid.  相似文献   

Properties of nuclease P1-malonogalactan complex (P1-MG) were compared with those of the polysaccharide-free nuclease P1. Significant difference was not observed between them in phosphomonoester splitting activity, but marked differences were observed in nucleolytic activity as follows: (1) The pH optima of P1-MG for RNA and heat-denatured DNA were lower than those of nuclease P1. (2) At lower than 0.001 of ionic strength, RNA and heat- denatured DNA were attacked hardly by P1-MG, but attacked well by nuclease P1. (3) The increase in hydrolysis rate of RNA or heat-denatured DNA with an elevation of temperature from 37°C to 70°C was not so marked in P1-MG as compared with nuclease P1. (4) P1-MG hydrolyzed polynucleotides, especially native DNA, much slower than nuclease P1.

Influence of ionic strength, pH and temperature on the nucleolytic activity of nuclease P1-galactan (P1-G), which was prepared by demalonylating P1-MG enzymatically, was similar to that of nuclease P1, except that the activity of P1-G for native DNA was much lower than nuclease P1.  相似文献   

金黄色葡萄球菌核酸酶A基因在大肠杆菌中的高效表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
这篇文章报道了金黄色葡萄球菌核酸酶A的克隆和在温控启动子PRPL调控下在E.Coli中的高效表达。SDS—PAGE分析表明,核酸酶A的含量可占E.Coli细胞总蛋白含量的60%。经有效的增溶和复性处理后,重组酶具有与天然酶相同的活力;N-末端氨基酸分析的结果指出,fMet在转译后被加工去除;对重组SNaseA在构象上的同一性也通过Phenyl—Su—perose疏水柱层析进行了分析。  相似文献   

D. E. Fosket  J. G. Torrey 《Plant physiology》1969,44(6):871-873,875-880
The relationship between tracheary element differentiation, cell proliferation and growth hormones was examined in agar-grown soybean callus. The time course of cell division and tracheary element formation in tissues grown on a medium containing 5 x 10(-7)m kinetin and 10(-5)m NAA was determined by means of maceration technique. After a slight lag period, a logarithmic increase in cell number was observed through the twelfth day of the culture period. Cell numbers increased at a considerably slower rate after the twelfth day. The rate of tracheary element formation varied with the rate of cell proliferation. Tracheary elements increased logarithmically during the log phase of growth. As the rate of cell division decreased after the twelfth day of culture, the rate of tracheary element formation also decreased. In the presence of 10(-5)m NAA, cell number increased as the kinetin concentration was increased between 10(-9) and 10(-6)m. However, tracheary element formation was not initiated unless the kinetin concentration was 5 x 10(-8)m or above. When the Biloxi callus was subcultured repeatedly on media containing 10(-8)m kinetin, a tracheary element-free population of cells was obtained. This undifferentiated tissue produced tracheary elements upon transfer to a medium containing 5 x 10(-7)m kinetin. In the presence of 5 x 10(-7)m kinetin, NAA stimulated cell proliferation between 10(-7) and 10(-5)m, but no tracheary elements were formed without auxin, or with 10(-7)m NAA. Neither NAA nor kinetin at any concentration tested stimulated tracheary element formation in the absence of an effective level of the other hormone. However, 2,4-D at 10(-7) or 10(-6)m promoted both cell proliferation and tracheary element differentiation in the absence of an exogenous cytokinin.  相似文献   

Proton-Peptide Co-Transport in Broad Bean Leaf Tissues   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Jamai A  Chollet JF  Delrot S 《Plant physiology》1994,106(3):1023-1031
The transport of [14C]glycyl-glycine (Gly-Gly) has been characterized in leaf discs from mature exporting leaves of broad bean (Vicia faba L.). In terms of glycine (Gly) equivalents, the rate of transport of Gly-Gly was similar to that of Gly uptake. Uptake of Gly-Gly was localized mainly in the mesophyll cells, with little accumulation in the veins. It was optimal at pH 6.0, sensitive to thiol reagents and metabolic inhibitors, and exhibited a single saturable phase with an apparent Michaelis constant of 16 mM. Gly-Gly did not inhibit the uptake of labeled Gly. Addition of Gly-Gly induced a concentration-dependent pH rise in the medium, showing that peptide uptake is mediated with proton co-transport. Gly-Gly also induced a concentration-dependent transmembrane depolarization of mesophyll cells with an apparent Michaelis constant of 15 mM. This depolarization was followed by a transient hyperpolarization. When present at a 10-fold excess, various peptides and tripeptides were able to inhibit Gly-Gly uptake with the following decreasing order of efficiency: Gly-Gly-Gly = leucine-Gly > Gly-tyrosine > Gly-glutamine = Gly-glutamic acid > Gly-phenylalanine > Gly-threonine > Gly-aspartic acid = Gly-asparagine = aspartic acid-Gly. Gly inhibited the uptake of Gly-Gly only slightly, whereas tetraGly and the tripeptide glutathione were not inhibitory. The dipeptides inhibiting Gly-Gly uptake also induced changes in the transmembrane potential difference of mesophyll cells and were able to affect in a complex way the response normally induced by Gly-Gly. Altogether, the data demonstrate the existence of a low-affinity, broad-specificity H+/peptide co-transporter at the plasma membrane of mesophyll cells. The physiological importance of this transporter for the exchange of nitrogenous compounds in mature leaves remains to be determined, as do the details of the electrophysiological events induced by the dipeptides.  相似文献   

Leaves from tobacco and peanut were sampled for cytophotometricstudy from young to senescent stages. Differences in nucleibetween tissues developed during aging. Tobacco epidermal cellsshowed an average loss of approximately one-third of their DNAand peanut epidermis lost more than one-fourth. Mesophyll nuclearDNA declined more slowly than epidermal. These results implythat leaf aging may begin in the epidermis. (Received March 6, 1982; Accepted August 23, 1982)  相似文献   

The phosphorus compounds, nuclease, and phosphatase activitiesin healthy and tumorous stem tissues of Datura were compared. The very high level of P in the tumours comes from increasedamounts of acid-soluble phosphorus, lipid-phosphorus, ribonucleicacid phosphorus, and deoxyribonucleic acid phosphorus. The activities of ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease, and glycerophosphatasewere all considerably higher in the tumours than in the stemtissue.  相似文献   

In vitro Regeneration from Excised Leaf Discs of Three Brassica Species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Excised leaf discs of three Brassica species, B. oleracea, B.napus, and B. campestris were induced to produce adventitiousbuds and subsequently entire plants by culture on media withspecific combinations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and -naphthylaceticacid (NAA). Each species required a particular hormone concentrationfor optimum growth and differentiation: B. oleracea, BAP 10mg–1 and NAA 1 mg 1–1; B. napus, BAP 10 mg 1–1and NAA 10 mg 1–1; B. campestris, BAP 1 mg 1–1 andNAA 10 mg 1–1. In a more detailed study on one of these species, namely B.oleracea, the relative influence of other media components suchas amino acids and other organic additives was examined. Itwas also found that the source and size of the explant greatlyaffected the growth response, as did the size of the culturevessel. The regenerated plants dislayed a range of ploidy as well asphenotypic abnormalities. Findings are discussed in relation to results from other tissueculture systems.  相似文献   

Nuclease P1 cleaved substantially all phosphodiester bonds in rRNA, tRNA, poly(I), poly(U), poly(A), poly(C), poly(G), poly(I)·poly(C), native DNA and heat-denatured DNA to produce exclusively 5′-mononucleotides. Single-stranded polynucleotides were much more susceptible than double-stranded ones. Influence of pH and ionic strength on the hydrolysis rate significantly varied with the kind of polynucleotides. The enzyme also hydrolyzed 3′-phosphomonoester bonds in 3′-AMP, 3′-GMP, 3′-UMP, 3′-CMP, 3′-dAMP, 3′-dGMP, 3′-dCMP and 3′-dTMP. Ribonucleoside 3′-monophosphates were hydrolyzed 20 to 50 times faster than the corresponding 3′-deoxyribonucleotides. Base preference of the enzyme for 3′-ribonucleotides was in the order of G>A>C≧U, whereas that for 3′-deoxyribo-nucleotides was in the order of C≧T>A≧G. The 3′-phosphomonoester bonds in nucleoside 3′, 5′-diphosphates, coenzyme A and dinucleotides bearing 3′-phosphate were hydrolyzed at a rate similar to that for the corresponding 3′-mononucleotides. Adenosine 2′-monophosphate was highly resistant, being split at less than 1/3,000 the rate at which 3′-AMP was split.  相似文献   

The molecular conformation of nuclease P1 in aqueous solution was investigated by measuring the optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and circular dichroism (CD). The optical rotatory dispersion constant, λ was 281 nm. The Moffit-Yang parameters, a0 and b0, were ?2 and ?195, respectively. The ORD spectrum showed a minimum at 234 nm and the reduced mean residue rotation at 233 nm, [m]233, was ?5880. The CD spectrum showed a double minimum at 213 and 226 nm and the molecular ellipticity at 222 nm, [θ]22, was -11,900. From these data, the α-helix content was calculated to be 29 to 31 %. The computer fit of CD suggests that the α-structure is about 6% and the random coil is about 63%. The helical structure was found to be quite stable to denaturing reagents such as urea and guanidine hydrochloride. However, removal of zinc atoms from the enzyme resulted in disruption of the helical structure with inactivation.  相似文献   

Mesophyll cells differentiated into tracheary elements whenZinnia leaf disks were cultured in media containing sufficientauxin and cytokinin. Moderate increases in the levels of phytohormonesinduced the recruitment of adjacent cells into the preexistingvasculature, resulting in the "expansion" of leaf veins. Higherhormonal concentrations induced unpatterned differentiationinto tracheary elements throughout the mesophyll and epidermis.This novel system should facilitate the study of organized vasculardifferentiation. (Received July 30, 1988; Accepted October 31, 1988)  相似文献   

The Role of Endogenous Auxin in the Elongation of Avena Leaf Sections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ethylene enhanced chlorosis and levels of 33-kilodalton cationic peroxidase (33-CPO) in excised cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv `Poinsett 76') cotyledons. Compared to other hormones, such as kinetin, indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid, and abscisic acid, ethylene was the only effective promoter of 33-CPO synthesis. The hypothesis that peroxidase plays a role in chlorophyll degradation was tested by comparing levels of 33-CPO in cotyledons treated with compounds thought to either retard (kinetin, indoleacetic acid and gibberellic acid), or promote (abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate [MJ]) senescence. It was concluded that 33-CPO did not play a role in senescence since no direct correlation between chlorophyll content and 33-CPO was observed. MJ was as effective as ethylene in inducing senescence. However, ethylene did not appear to be involved in the action of MJ. Using immunocytochemistry, 33-CPO was found to be located primarily around starch grains and near the plasmalemma. High levels of 33-CPO were also found in cells destined to be vascular tissue.  相似文献   

Development of starfish oocytes is blocked at the prophase stage of the first meiotic division. The resumption of meiotic divisions occurs under the effect of the maturation hormone 1-methyladenine (1-MeA), which binds to a specific receptor of the oocyte cell surface. New data in the literature on endocellular signal mechanisms taking part in conduction of the regulatory signal modulated by 1-MeA are adduced in the review. Data on the properties of the 1-MeA receptor are presented and mechanisms of biosynthesis of 1-MeA are considered. The main focus is on processes occurring in the oocyte during the first minutes after the impact of the hormone, before the destruction of the germinal vesicle. A hypothetical pattern of transduction of the hormonal signal is proposed.  相似文献   

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