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Murine protease inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) proteins are encoded by a multigene family which has undergone recent duplication. It has been suggested that the evolution of diversity within this gene family may be driven by unusual selection for novel function at the reactive site of the duplicated members (1,2,3). In an attempt to use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to generate and sequence clones spanning the polymorphic reactive site region, a PCR artifact was identified and determined to result from heteroduplex formation during the co-amplification of the related sequences in this multigene system. This artifact results in sequences which are combinatorial mosaics of the template sequences. We present a simple and general method (PCR + 1) for overcoming this artifact and demonstrate its application in delineating five distinct alpha 1-PI reactive site sequences in C57BL/6 mice, thus providing sequence information to generate gene-specific probes. The significance of the reactive site diversity in this protease inhibitor gene family is discussed as well as the general applications and limitations of the PCR + 1 technique.  相似文献   

Exchangeable gene trap using the Cre/mutated lox system.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The gene trap technique is a powerful approach for characterizing and mutating genes involved in mouse development. However, one shortcoming of gene trapping is the relative inability to induce subtle mutations. This problem can be overcome by introducing a knock-in system into the gene trap strategy. Here, we have constructed a new gene trap vector, pU-Hachi, employing the Cre-mutated lox system (Araki et al., 1997), in which a pair of mutant lox, lox71 and lox66, was used to promote targeted integrative reaction by Cre recombinase. The pU-Hachi carries splicing acceptor (SA)-lox71-internal ribosomal entry site (IRES)-beta-geo-pA-loxP-pA-pUC. By using this vector, we can carry out random insertional mutagenesis as the first step, and then we can replace the beta-geo gene with any gene of interest through Cre-mediated integration. We have isolated 109 trap clones electroporated with pU-Hachi, and analyzed their integration patterns by Southern blotting to select those carrying a single copy of the trap vector. By use of some of these clones, we have succeeded in exchanging the reporter gene at high efficiency, ranging between 20-80%. This integration system is also quite useful for plasmid rescue to recover flanking genomic sequences, because a plasmid vector sequence can be introduced even when the pUC sequence of the trap vector is lost through integration into the genome. Thus, this method, termed exchangeable gene trapping, has many advantages as the trapped clones can be utilized to express genes with any type of mutation.  相似文献   

A one-tube synthesis scheme for coupling EDTA residue to the 5'-terminus of unprotected oligonucleotides via propylenediamine linker is described. The EDTA derivative of oligonucleotide d(pTGACCCTCTTCCC)A forms a kinetically stable complex with Fe2+ ion. In the presence of ascorbic acid with O2 limiting, this complex modifies single-stranded DNA (a 302-mer) in a site-specific way near the target complementary nucleotide sequence. The DNA fragment can be then cleaved predominantly at modified pyrimidine nucleotides (hidden breaks) by hot piperidine treatment, whereas few direct breaks (i.e. without piperidine) occurs at this site. No autocleavage of the [Fe.EDTA]-oligonucleotide derivative is observed under the experiment's conditions.  相似文献   

The Cre-lox system is an important tool for genetic manipulation. To promote integrative reactions, two strategies using mutant lox sites have been developed. One is the left element/right element (LE/RE)-mutant strategy and the other is the cassette exchange strategy using heterospecific lox sites such as lox511 or lox2272. We compared the recombination efficiencies using these mutant lox sites in embryonic stem (ES) cells, and found that the combination of the LE/RE mutant and lox2272 showed high recombination efficiency and stability of the recombined structure. Taking advantage of this stability, we successfully integrated the cre gene into the mutant lox sites by Cre-mediated recombination. Germ line chimeric mice were produced from the cre-integrated ES cell clones, and Cre-expressing mouse lines were established. The inserted cre gene was stably maintained through the generations. This cre knock-in system using the LE/RE-lox2272 combination should be useful for the production of various cre mice for gene targeting or gene trapping.  相似文献   

A Mack  B Sauer  K Abremski    R Hoess 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(17):4451-4455
The site-specific recombinase Cre from bacteriophage P1 binds and carries out recombination at a 34 bp lox site. The lox site consists of two 13 bp inverted repeats, separated by an 8 bp spacer region. Both the palindromic nature of the site and the results of footprinting and band shift experiments suggest that a minimum of two Cre molecules bind to a lox site. We report here experiments that demonstrate the absolute stoichiometry of the Cre-lox complex to be one molecule of Cre bound per inverted repeat, or two molecules per lox site.  相似文献   

The entire rabbit beta-casein-encoding gene and 400 bp upstream were sequenced. Eight introns, located essentially at a position similar to the corresponding gene in other species, were found. Strong homology with several casein-encoding genes from rabbit and from other species was observed in the upstream region of the gene. Repeated sequences of unknown function were also located within introns.  相似文献   

The growth and ultrastructure of Vaucheria sessilis, a siphonaceous alga, were studied during simulated weightlessness using a clinostat and during hypergravity on a centrifuge. Observations, including abnormalities in sporulation and changes in the distribution of nuclei, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Six test subjects were subjected to lateral (+Gy) and longitudinal-lateral (+Gz/+Gy) accelerations in a centrifuge with a rotation radius of 6.55 m. During rotation, test subjects were instructed to indicate the position of subjective visual vertical. Results of this study demonstrated that during exposure to +Gy and +Gz/+Gy accelerations, the direction of the indicated subjective vertical approached the direction of the resultant acceleration vector when the lateral component increased. This observed effect decreases with an increase of the longitudinal component of the acceleration. It was suggested that exposure to (i.e. "pulling") high lateral acceleration (up to 2-3 Gy) in highly maneuverable aircraft can hinder spatial orientation of a pilot due to this persistent illusory spatial position as reported above. Our analysis showed that the process of spatial orientation under the conditions of G-load influence becomes more difficult and it is depending on the compromise between visual and vestibular-proprioceptive inputs. On account of this finding, it may be proposed that under conditions of G-load influence, pilots that rely primarily on visual perception may be exposed to higher risk of spatial disorientation.  相似文献   

The execution of appropriate gene expression patterns during immune responses is of eminent importance where CpG methylation has emerged as an essential mechanism for gene silencing. We have charted the methylation status of regulatory elements in the human IFNG gene encoding the signature cytokine of the Th1 response. Surprisingly, human naive CD4(+) T lymphocytes displayed hypermethylation at the IFNG promoter region, which is in sharp contrast to the completely demethylated status of this region in mice. Th1 differentiation induced demethylation of the IFNG promoter and the upstream conserved nucleotide sequence 1 enhancer region, whereas Th2-differentiated lymphocytes remained hypermethylated. Furthermore, CD19(+) B lymphocytes displayed hypomethylation at the IFNG promoter region with a similar pattern to Th1 effector cells. When investigating the methylation status among tumor-infiltrating CD4(+) T lymphocytes from patients with colon cancer, we found that tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes cells are inappropriately hypermethylated, and thus not confined to the Th1 lineage. In contrast, CD4(+) T cells from the tumor draining lymph node were significantly more demethylated than tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. We conclude that there are obvious interspecies differences in the methylation status of the IFNG gene in naive CD4(+) T lymphocytes, where Th1 commitment in human lymphocytes involves demethylation before IFNG expression. Finally, investigations of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and CD4(+) cells from tumor draining lymph node demonstrate methylation of regulatory regions within key effector genes as an epigenetic mechanism of tumor-induced immunosuppression.  相似文献   

A Poupon  J P Mornon 《FEBS letters》1999,452(3):283-289
Understanding the mechanism of protein folding would allow prediction of the three-dimensional structure from sequence data alone. It has been shown that small proteins fold in a small number of kinetic steps and that significantly populated intermediate states exist for some of them. Studies of these intermediates have demonstrated the existence of specific interactions established during the initial stages of folding. Comparison of the amino acids participating in these specific and essential interactions and constituting the folding nucleus with conserved hydrophobic positions of a given fold shows a striking correspondence. This finding opens the perspective of predicting the folding nucleus knowing only a set of divergent sequences of a protein family.  相似文献   

6-Hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene cleaved phi X174 supercoiled DNA to open circular DNA in the presence of heavy metal ions. It induced an alkali-labile modification in DNA via an oxygen-radical-mediated reaction; the most frequent alkali-labile sites were on the 3' side of the pyrimidine residues of the pyrimidine cluster.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of the Bos taurus beta-casein gene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The expression of casein genes in the mammary cells is regulated by peptide and steroid hormones. To investigate the controlling mechanisms we have isolated and characterized the bovine beta-casein gene. The gene has the size of 8.6 kb, which is 7.8 times longer than the corresponding mRNA composed of nine exons. The genomic clones include additional 8.5-kb and 4.5-kb sequences of the 5'- and 3'-flanking regions. We have determined the sequences of the 5' and 3' ends of the gene and compared them with the respective sequences of the rat beta-casein gene. Conserved sequences are identical or homologous to the potential binding sites for nuclear factors and for glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors. The regulatory region contains two different TATA signals and a repeat sequence between them.  相似文献   

Isolation and structural analysis of the mouse beta-casein gene   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
M Yoshimura  T Oka 《Gene》1989,78(2):267-275

Pestonjamasp VK  Huttner KH  Gallo RL 《Peptides》2001,22(10):1643-1650

Antibiotic and herbicide resistance genes have been used in transgene technology as powerful selection tools. Nonetheless, once transgenic events have been obtained their presence is no longer needed and can even be undesirable. In this work, we have developed a system to excise the selectable marker and the cre recombinase genes from transgenic banana cv. ‘Grande Naine’ (Musa AAA). To achieve this, the embryo specific REG-2 promoter was isolated from rice and its expression pattern in banana cell clumps, somatic embryos and regenerated plantlets was characterized by using a pREG2::uidA fusion construct. Subsequently, the REG-2 promoter was placed upstream of the cre gene, conferring Cre functionality in somatic embryos and recombination of lox sites resulting in excision of the selectable marker and cre genes. PCR analysis revealed that 41.7 % of the analysed transgenic plants were completely marker free, results that were thereafter confirmed by Southern blot hybridization. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using developmentally controlled promoters to mediate marker excision in banana. This system does not require any extra handling compared to the conventional transformation procedure and might be useful in other species regenerating through somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The distribution of selenate and selenite selenium in C57L/J mice during the progression of BW7756 murine hepatoma was investigated using intra-ocular injection with the oxyanions labeled with 75Se radioisotope. Comparison is made with the normal distribution of selenium studied by the RIXRF method. The trace elemental profiles, TEP, for the two oxidation states are compared in healthy and disease states. It has been found that the presence of tumor significantly changes the level of tracer in various uninvolved organs. These changes are prominent in the early growth phase of the tumor. The two oxidation states show differences in the TEP for kidney, spleen, stomach and testes.  相似文献   

An on-chip electrochemical flow immunoassay system for the detection of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was developed using anti-human hemoglobin (Hb) IgG labeled with ferrocene monocarboxylic acid (Fc-COOH) and boronate-affinity chromatography. An on-chip column packed with boronate-activated agarose beads was used for the separation of HbA1c from both non-glycated Hb and free antibody. Anti-human Hb IgG conjugated to Fc-COOH (Fc-IgG) was used for the electrochemical detection of HbA1c. The assay procedure included immunoreactions with Fc-IgG and HbA1c, separation of immunocomplexes by boronate affinity, and electrochemical detection of Fc-IgG-HbA1c immunocomplexes. The immunoreaction mixtures were injected onto a boronate-affinity column. HbA1c-antibody complexes were then trapped onto the column by the affinity of HbA1c to boronic acid. Subsequently, elution buffer containing sorbitol was applied to elute HbA1c-antibody complexes and a current was detected by applying 600 mV versus Ag/AgCl. The elution signal was an estimation of the HbA1c amount. A linear correlation between the increase of current and HbA1c concentration was obtained up to an HbA1c concentration of 500 microg/ml. The HbA1c flow immunoassay was successfully achieved using hemolysates. This electrochemical flow immunoassay system enabled us to construct a novel point-of-care testing device for the monitoring of glycated proteins including HbA1c.  相似文献   

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