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Nitrate and nitrite was reduced by Escherichia coli E4 in a l-lactate (5 mM) limited culture in a chemostat operated at dissolved oxygen concentrations corresponding to 90–100% air saturation. Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activity was regulated by the growth rate, and oxygen and nitrate concentrations. At a low growth rate (0.11 h–1) nitrate and nitrite reductase activities of 200 nmol · mg–1 protein · min–1 and 250 nmol · mg–1 protein · min–1 were measured, respectively. At a high growth rate (0.55 h–1) both enzyme activities were considerably lower (25 and 12 nmol mg–1 · protein · min–1). The steady state nitrite concentration in the chemostat was controlled by the combined action of the nitrate and nitrite reductase. Both nitrate and nitrite reductase activity were inversely proportional to the growth rate. The nitrite reductase activity decreased faster with growth rate than the nitrate reductase. The chemostat biomass concentration of E. coli E4, with ammonium either solely or combined with nitrate as a source of nitrogen, remained constant throughout all growth rates and was not affected by nitrite concentrations. Contrary to batch, E. coli E4 was able to grow in continuous cultures on nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen. When cultivated with nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen the chemostat biomass concentration is related to the activity of nitrate and nitrite reductase and hence, inversely proportional to growth rate.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-starved sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovic) cannot absorb NO 3 or NO 2 upon initial exposure to these anions. Ability of the plants to take up NO 3 and NO 2 at high rates from the beginning was induced by a pretreatment with NO 3 . Nitrite also acted as inducer of the NO 2 -uptake system. The presence of cycloheximide during NO 3 -pretreatment prevented the subsequent uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 , indicating that both uptake systems are synthesized de novo when plants are exposed to NO 3 . Cycloheximide also suppressed nitrate-reductase (EC and nitrite-reductase (EC activities in the roots. The sulfhydryl-group reagent N-ethylmaleimide greatly inhibited the uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 . Likewise, N-ethylmaleimide promoted in vivo the inactivation of nitrate reductase without affecting nitrite-reductase activity. Rates of NO 3 and NO 2 uptake as a function of external anion concentration exhibited saturation kinetics. The calculated Km values for NO 3 and NO 2 uptake were 45 and 23 M, respectively. Rates of NO 3 uptake were four to six times higher than NO 3 -reduction rates in roots. In contrast, NO 2 -uptake rates, found to be very similar to NO 3 -uptake rates, were much lower (about 30 times) than NO 2 -reduction rates. Removal of oxygen from the external solution drastically suppressed NO 3 and NO 2 uptake without affecting their reduction. Uptake and reduction were also differentially affected by pH. The results demonstrate that uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 into sunflower plants is mediated by energy-dependent inducible-transport systems distinguishable from the respective enzymatic reducing systems.Abbreviations CHI cycloheximide - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - NiR nitrite reductase - NR nitrate reductase - pHME p-hydroxymercuribenzoate This research was supported by grant PB86-0232 from the Dirección General de Investigatión Científica y Técnica (Spain). One of us (E.A.) thanks the Consejeria de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucia for the tenure of a fellowship. We thank Miss G. Alcalá and Miss C. Santos for their valuable technical and secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

Batch cultures of Chlorella fusca excreted nitrite into the medium if gassed with air (0.03% CO2), but they did not if supplied with air containing 5% CO2. After a change from high to low CO2 concentration in the gas stream, nitrite excretion started immediately. After an increase in CO2 concentration to 5%, nitrite uptake started within only 30 min. Changes of in-vitro activities of nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase and glutamine synthetase did not correspond to changes of nitrite concentration in the medium and therefore could not explain these observations. A nitrite-binding site, whose activity corresponded with both nitrite excretion and uptake, was detected at the chloroplast envelope. From these data an additional regulatory step in the assimilatory nitrate-reduction sequence is suggested. This includes an envelopeprotein fraction probably regulating the availability of nitrite within the chloroplast.Abbreviations FMN riboflavin 5-phosphate - GS glutamine synthetase - NIR nitrite reductase - NR nitrate reductase  相似文献   

A new, accurate, fast and simple method has been implemented by which nitrite and nitrate ions, as stable forms of nitric oxide production were studied. A study of these two ions was carried out by a sensitive and accurate HPLC method with two detectors. The most important advantages of the reported method are: short time of analysis, minimal sample pre-treatment, long life of the analytical column and stable eluent solution. The photodiode array UV-Vis detector detected nitrite and nitrate ions at an absorbance of 212 nm. Much more sensitive electrochemical detection with a WE (glassy carbon) electrode was used for the detection of nitrite ions. An analytical chromatographic column was formed by a sorbent, containing strong base anion-exchange groups bound in Cl(-) form in the hydrophilic hydroxyethyl methacrylate matrix. The anions were analysed in human plasma without deproteinization using 0.02 M sodium perchlorate monohydrate as eluent solution at pH 3.9. At this pH organic substances do not affect the analysis. The retention times for nitrite and nitrate were 3.62 and 3.72 min (by electrochemical detection) and 4.44 min, respectively. The method was linear (r=0.9992, 0.9998, 0.996) within a 1-100 (nitrate), 1-20 micro mol/l (nitrite) concentration range.  相似文献   

Abstract Accumulation of high levels of intracellular glutamate was a common response of a variety of bacteria to osmotic stress. We characterized the NADPH-dependent glutamate synthase (GOGAT) in Bradyrhizobium sp. strain WR1001. This enzyme had a pH optimum in the region of 8.3, as compared to 7.6 for most other Rhizobium strains reported in the literature. The enzyme was not inhibited by the end product, glutamate, in the range 50–200 mM.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in human saliva. Nitrite and nitrate present in the human saliva were determined after 10- to 100-fold dilution with ion chromatography (IC) using suppressed conductivity detection. Recoveries of nitrite and nitrate were found to be ranged between 95% and 101%. The method was linear (r2=0.9991) over the concentration working range. The detection limits were found to be 15.0 μg/l and 33.5 μg/l, for nitrite and nitrate, respectively. Ions that are present in human saliva and several other ions that are suspected to affect nitrite and nitrate determination were checked. It was found that most of the ions did not cause any interference in the determination. The method allows simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in human saliva.  相似文献   

Anaerobic induction of nitrate reductase in subcellular fractions of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain USDA 3045 showed fivefold increase of the enzyme activity in spheroplasts, considered as the source of intact-membrane-bound nitrate reductase, within a 3 h time frame after nitrate addition. Such a dynamics was confirmed at the protein level, with antibodies specific to membrane-bound nitrate reductase. Nitrate reductase activity in the periplasm was one order of magnitude lower and significant only at initial 3 h of induction, within a narrow range of nitrate added. Nitrite induced the membrane-bound nitrate reductase at least 70% as effectively as nitrate, as judged from its activity pattern and Western blot analysis. The limited ability of Bradyrhizobium sp. to dissimilate ≥5 mM nitrate is not due to direct inhibition of respiratory nitrate reductase by accumulated nitrite. Moreover, a synergistic induction of membrane-bound nitrate reductase by nitrate and nitrite was indicated due to a twofold higher protein synthesis after simultaneous addition of these N oxyanions than when they were given separately.  相似文献   

We developed a simple capillary electrophoresis (CE) method to measure nitrite and nitrate concentrations in sub-microliter samples of rat airway surface liquid (ASL), a thin (10–30 μm) layer of liquid covering the epithelial cells lining the airways of the lung. The composition of ASL has been poorly defined, in large part because of the small sample volume (1–3 μl per cm2 of epithelium) and difficulty of harvesting ASL. We have used capillary tubes for ASL sample collection, with microanalysis by CE using a 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 3), with 0.5 mM spermine as a dynamic flow modifier, and direct UV detection at 214 nm. The limit of detections (LODs), under conditions used, for ASL analysis were 10 μM for nitrate and 30 μM for nitrite (S/N=3). Nitrate and nitrite were also measured in rat plasma. The concentration of nitrate was 102±12 μM in rat ASL and 70±1.0 μM in rat plasma, whereas nitrite was 83±28 μM in rat ASL and below the LOD in rat plasma. After instilling lipopolysaccharide intratracheally to induce increased NO production, the nitrate concentration in ASL increased to 387±16 μM, and to 377±88 μM in plasma. The concentration of nitrite increased to 103±7.0 μM for ASL and 138±17 μM for plasma.  相似文献   

luxAB基因标记是一种新型基因标记技术,在很多研究领域都有着良好的应用前景。研究通过三亲本杂交将luxAB基因成功地向慢生型花生根瘤菌进行了转移,并获得了一株带LuxAB基因标记的菌株Cspr7-1。对Cspr7-1进行性状、标记基因的遗传稳定性检测,结果表明,LuxAB基因不仅能有效表达,而且性状稳定。在无氮水培条件下进行标记菌株与土著根瘤菌的竞争结瘤试验。结果证实,Cspr7-1在植物根系上的占瘤率平均达到61.3%,比土著根瘤菌的竞争结瘤能力强,而且Cspr7-1在主根上的侵染能力远较侧根上的强,平均高出22.3%-39.6%。  相似文献   

Nitrate and nitrite reduction centers in non-nodulated and symbiotic yellow lupine were analyzed. In young seedlings, nitrate was exclusively accumulated in roots, which also was shown as the main nitrate reduction center. In contrast, leaves were shown to play a key role in nitrite reduction. A similar distribution of nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase was found in nodulated plants. However, in field conditions characterized by low nitrate content, a disproportionately high level of NR activity in nodules was also observed during all stages of symbiotic growth. This feature was confirmed in nitrate-fed hydroponic cultures. Nodule NR activity was one order of magnitude higher than in roots, in spite of the small stored nitrate pool found inside nodules. This suggests that nodule NR activity had been induced not by nitrate itself but indirectly. Since bacteroids were shown to be responsible for the vast majority of nodule NR activity, the plausible explanation of this effect seems to be a dissimilatory nature of rhizobial NR. Considering that environmental nitrate could cause hypoxia inside nodules, this is the proposed way of the observed nodule NR induction.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) of nitrite as its pentafluorobenzyl derivative in the negative-ion chemical ionization mode is a useful analytical tool to quantify accurately and sensitively nitrite and nitrate after its reduction to nitrite in various biological fluids. In the present study we demonstrate the utility of GC–tandem MS to quantify nitrate in human plasma and urine. Our present results verify human plasma and urine levels of nitrite and nitrate measured previously by GC–MS.  相似文献   

Nitrites and nitrates are widely used reporters of endogenous activity of nitric oxide synthases (NOS), an important group of enzymes producing the gaseous signal molecule nitric oxide (NO). However, due to the great chemical heterogeneity of neuronal tissues, standard analytical protocols for evaluation of neuronal nitrite/nitrate concentrations are inefficient. We optimized a high-performance capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) technique to analyze nitrite/nitrate concentrations in submicroliter samples from mammalian neuronal tissues. The measurements were made using a PrinCE 476 computerized capillary electrophoresis system with a Crystal 1000 contact conductivity detector. Isotachophoretic stacking injection of 1000- to 10000-fold diluted samples, which had been pretreated with a custom-designed solid-phase microextraction (SPME) cartridge, was employed to assay micromolar and nanomolar nitrite and nitrate levels in the presence of the high millimolar chloride concentrations characteristic of many biological samples. In the presented technique, a 10-microl volume of diluted ganglionic sample was used for chloride removal and sample cleanup. The method yields high analytical performance, including good reproducibility, resolution, and accuracy. The limits of detection relative to undiluted sample matrix were 8.9 nM (0.41 ppb) and 3.54 nM (0.22 ppb) for nitrite and nitrate, respectively. In addition, this technique resolves other anions that are present in neuronal tissues at sub-nanomolar concentrations and can be broadly applied for high-throughput anionic profiling. In rat dorsal root ganglia, endogenous levels of nitrate (231+/-29 microM; n=6) and nitrite (24-96 microM) were found. These concentrations exceeded those previously found in neuronal tissue homogenates using different techniques.  相似文献   

Nitrite and nitrate levels in physiological fluids are commonly used as an index of nitric oxide production. We developed simple and rapid method for the determination of these anions by capillary zone electrophoresis employing borate buffer (pH 10, 100 mmol/l) as running electrolyte. The anions were analyzed in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) without deproteinization of the samples. Electrophoresis was carried out in a capillary (36.5 cm×75 μm) at a potential of 15 kV, with on-column UV detection at 214 nm. Mean retention times for nitrite and nitrates were 4.631 and 5.152 min, respectively. The method was linear (r=0.999) within a 1–500 μmol/l concentration range. Physiological levels of nitrate in plasma (40.2 μmol/l) and CSF (15.3 μmol/l) could be determined with good precision (coefficients of variation <6%) and accuracy (recoveries of added nitrate to plasma and CSF were 97.4 and 104.5%, respectively). Measurements of the physiological levels of nitrite in plasma (6.1 μmol/l) and CSF (0.9 μmol/l) were less precise and accurate.  相似文献   

The filamentous, non-heterocytous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. strain 23 (Oldenburg) showed cycling of acetylene reduction in light-dark cycles. Under aerobic conditions nitrogenase activity is exclusively present during the dark period. However, if anaerobic conditions were applied during the dark period, two activity maxima were observed. A relatively small activity peak occurred during the first few hours of the dark period and a high peak as soon as the light was switched on. A low activity remained during the second half of the dark period. This pattern of acetylene reduction in Oscillatoria agrees well with the field data on nitrogen fixation [Stal, L.J. and Krumbein, W.E. (1984), Mar. Biol. 82, 217–224].  相似文献   

When nitrate was added to anaerobic resting cultures of Escherichia coli, two different profiles of NAD(P)H fluorescence were observed. E. coli is known to reduce nitrate to ammonia via nitrite as an anaerobic respiration mechanism. The profile showing single-stage response corresponded to situations where the nitrite formed from nitrate reduction was immediately converted to ammonia. The other profile showing two-stage response resulted from a much slower reduction of nitrite than nitrate. Nitrite thus accumulated during the first stage and was gradually reduced to ammonia when nitrate was depleted, i.e. in the second stage. An undamped oscillation of NAD(P)H fluorescence was also observed in the cultures showing the two-stage response. The oscillation was always detected during the second stage and seldom during either the first stage or the recovered anaerobic stage (after complete nitrite reduction). It never occurred in the cultures showing the single-stage response. The period of oscillation ranged from 1 to 5min. The possibility of the common glycolytic oscillation being responsible is low, as judged from the current knowledge of the nitrate/nitrite reductases of E. coli and the observations in this study. This is the first report on the occurrence of oscillatory NAD(P)H fluorescence in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary Three tobacco nitrite reductase (NiR) cDNA clones were isolated using spinach NiR cDNA as a probe. Sequence analysis and Southern blot hybridization revealed four genes in tobacco. Two of these genes presumably derived from the ancestral species Nicotiana tomentosiformis, the other two from the ancestor N. sylvestris. Northern blot analysis showed that one gene from each ancestral genome was expressed predominantly in leaves, whilst RNA from the other was detected mostly in roots. The accumulation of both leaf and root NiR mRNAs was induced by nitrate and repressed by nitrate- or ammonium-derived metabolites. In addition, the expression of the root NiR gene was detectable in leaves of a tobacco nitrate reductase (NR)-deficient mutant. Thus, the regulation of expression of tobacco NiR genes is comparable to the regulation of expression of barley NR genes.  相似文献   

Various methods suited for the measurement of nitrate require its reduction to nitrite by cadmium under acidic or alkaline conditions. NG-Nitroarginine analogs have been shown to interfere with the measurement of nitrate by such assays. In the present work we show by gas chromatography−mass spectrometry that under alkaline reduction conditions the S-nitroso compounds S-nitrosoglutathione and S-nitrosohomocysteine but not S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine can considerably contribute to nitrate and thus interfere with its measurement. Our results suggest that S-nitroso compounds may interfere with the measurement of nitrate in methods requiring cadmium-catalyzed reduction of nitrate to nitrite.  相似文献   

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