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Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like superfamily, encodes two RNA replication factors. Membrane-associated 1a protein contains a helicase-like domain and RNA capping functions. 2a, which is targeted to membranes by 1a, contains a central polymerase-like domain. In the absence of 2a and RNA replication, 1a acts through an intergenic replication signal in BMV genomic RNA3 to stabilize RNA3 and induce RNA3 to associate with cellular membrane. Multiple results imply that 1a-induced RNA3 stabilization reflects interactions involved in recruiting RNA3 templates into replication. To determine if 1a had similar effects on another BMV RNA replication template, we constructed a plasmid expressing BMV genomic RNA2 in vivo. In vivo-expressed RNA2 templates were replicated upon expression of 1a and 2a. In the absence of 2a, 1a stabilized RNA2 and induced RNA2 to associate with membrane. Deletion analysis demonstrated that 1a-induced membrane association of RNA2 was mediated by sequences in the 5'-proximal third of RNA2. The RNA2 5' untranslated region was sufficient to confer 1a-induced membrane association on a nonviral RNA. However, sequences in the N-terminal region of the 2a open reading frame enhanced 1a responsiveness of RNA2 and a chimeric RNA. A 5'-terminal RNA2 stem-loop important for RNA2 replication was essential for 1a-induced membrane association of RNA2 and, like the 1a-responsive RNA3 intergenic region, contained a required box B motif corresponding to the TPsiC stem-loop of host tRNAs. The level of 1a-induced membrane association of various RNA2 mutants correlated well with their abilities to serve as replication templates. These results support and expand the conclusion that 1a-induced BMV RNA stabilization and membrane association reflect early, 1a-mediated steps in viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that messenger activity for a protein of Mr = ca. 30k exists in RNA fractions extracted from particles of either native or alkali stripped U1 TMV, or from cowpea strain TMV, that are smaller than full genomic length. Analysis of sucrose gradient fractions containing this activity reveals a number of slightly smaller template activities directing synthesis of proteins between 18.5k and 29k in size. All of these messenger activities, including that for the 30k protein, respond to cap analogues in anomalous ways. Discrete RNA species that include active mRNAs for these proteins can be demonstrated in the same fractions by labelling with preparations of vaccinia capping enzyme and [alpha-32P] GTP without prior beta-elimination. Detailed analysis of three of these proteins (of Mr's ca. 30k, 29k and 23k) by peptide mapping and translation of purified vaccinia-labelled RNA demonstrates that all three are unrelated to the large early TMV proteins, but are related to each other in such a way as to form a nested set with staggered N termini and identical C termini. mRNAs of chain lengths ca. 1900 and 1500 bases direct synthesis of the 30k and 23k proteins respectively, an mRNA of about 1850 bases directs both 29k and (perhaps because of cross-contamination) 30k synthesis. Initiation codons for the 29k and 23k proteins have been mapped at positions 4960-4962 and 5191-5193 respectively on TMV RNA. Since all three encapsidated templates have similar properties we conclude that either there is a family of 30k-related proteins with unusual mRNAs, or that none of these in vitro translation products are directed by physiological templates.  相似文献   

Packaging of the segmented RNA genome of Brome mosaic virus (BMV) into discrete particles is an essential step in the virus life cycle; however, questions remain regarding the mechanism of RNA packaging and the degree to which the viral coat protein controls the process. In this study, we used a plant-derived glycosidase, Pokeweed antiviral protein, to remove 14 specific bases from BMV RNA3 to examine the effect of depurination on virus assembly. Depurination of A771 within ORF3 and A1006 in the intergenic region inhibited coat protein binding and prevented RNA3 incorporation into particles. The disruption of interaction was not based on sequence identity, as mutation of these two purines to pyrimidines did not decrease coat protein-binding affinity. Rather, we suggest that base removal results in decreased thermodynamic stability of local RNA structures required for packaging, and that this instability is detected by coat protein. These results describe a new level of discrimination by coat protein, whereby it recognizes damage to specific viral RNA elements in the form of base removal and selects against incorporating the RNA into particles.  相似文献   

For various groups of plant viruses, the genomic RNAs end with a tRNA-like structure (TLS) instead of the 3' poly(A) tail of common mRNAs. The actual function of these TLSs has long been enigmatic. Recently, however, it became clear that for turnip yellow mosaic virus, a tymovirus, the valylated TLS(TYMV) of the single genomic RNA functions as a bait for host ribosomes and directs them to the internal initiation site of translation (with N-terminal valine) of the second open reading frame for the polyprotein. This discovery prompted us to investigate whether the much larger TLSs of a different genus of viruses have a comparable function in translation. Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a bromovirus, has a tripartite RNA genome with a subgenomic RNA4 for coat protein expression. All four RNAs carry a highly conserved and bulky 3' TLS(BMV) (about 200 nucleotides) with determinants for tyrosylation. We discovered TLS(BMV)-catalyzed self-tyrosylation of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase but could not clearly detect tyrosine incorporation into any virus-encoded protein. We established that BMV proteins do not need TLS(BMV) tyrosylation for their initiation. However, disruption of the TLSs strongly reduced the translation of genomic RNA1, RNA2, and less strongly, RNA3, whereas coat protein expression from RNA4 remained unaffected. This aberrant translation could be partially restored by providing the TLS(BMV) in trans. Intriguingly, a subdomain of the TLS(BMV) could even almost fully restore translation to the original pattern. We discuss here a model with a central and dominant role for the TLS(BMV) during the BMV infection cycle.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is a positive-strand RNA virus that encodes two RNA replication proteins, the helicaselike 1a and the polymeraselike 2a. 1a and 2a share extensive sequence similarities with proteins encoded by many other members of the alphaviruslike superfamily. While further purifying enzymatically active RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from plants infected by BMV, we observed that 1a, 2a, and the polymerase activity all cofractionated through multiple independent purification steps. Moreover, using immunoprecipitation, we found that BMV 1a and 2a proteins synthesized in rabbit reticulocyte lysates or insect cells can form a specific complex in vitro. Complex formation was more efficient when 1a and 2a were cotranslated than when they were mixed after independent synthesis. In an antibody-independent assay, in vitro-translated 1a protein was also found to bind to 2a protein fixed on a nylon membrane. A three-amino-acid insertion in 1a that blocks BMV RNA replication in vivo also blocked in vitro interaction with 2a, while another two-amino-acid insertion that renders the 1a protein temperature sensitive for RNA replication interacted in vitro with 2a at 24 degrees C but not at 32 degrees C. These results and previous genetic data suggest that the 1a-2a interaction observed in vitro is required for BMV RNA replication and may have direct implications for other members of the alphaviruslike superfamily.  相似文献   

Determination of RNA quality is a critical first step in obtaining meaningful gene expression data. The PCR-based 3′:5′ assay is an RNA quality assessment tool. This assay is a simple, fast, and low-cost method of selecting samples for further analysis. However, its practical applications are unexploited primarily because of the absence of an experimental threshold. We show that, by anchoring the 5′ assay a specific distance from the 3′ end of the sequence and by spacing the 3′ at a distance of a number of nucleotides, a cutoff determines whether a sample is suitable for downstream quantification studies.  相似文献   

The enzymatic characterization of GDP-d-mannose 3',5'-epimerase (GME), a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of vitamin C in plants is described. The GME gene (Genbank Accession No. AB193582) in rice was cloned, and expressed as a fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Reaction products from GDP-d-mannose, as produced by GME catalysis, were separated by recycling HPLC on an ODS column, and were determined to be GDP-l-galactose and GDP-l-gulose, based on their NMR spectra and sugar analysis. The reaction catalyzed by GME was inhibited by GDP, and was strongly accelerated by NAD(+) in contrast to the case of GME from Arabidopsis thaliana. This difference in the effect of NAD(+) on GME activity can be attributed to the NAD binding domain which is conserved in the rice gene, but not in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene. The apparent K(m) and k(cat) were determined to be 1.20x10(-5)M and 0.127s(-1), respectively, in the presence of 20microM NAD(+). The fractions of GDP-d-mannose, GDP-l-galactose and GDP-l-gulose, at equilibrium, were approximately 0.75, 0.20 and 0.05, respectively.  相似文献   

Expression of brome mosaic virus (BMV) coat protein and internal genes of many other positive-strand RNA viruses requires initiation of subgenomic mRNA synthesis from specific internal sites on minus-strand genomic RNA templates. Biologically active viral cDNA clones were used to investigate the sequences controlling production of BMV subgenomic RNA in vivo. Suitable duplications directed production of specifically initiated, capped subgenomic RNAs from new sites in the BMV genome. Previously implicated promoter sequences extending 20 bases upstream (-20) and 16 bases downstream (+16) of the subgenomic RNA initiation site directed only low-level synthesis. Subgenomic RNA production at normal levels required sequences extending to at least -74 but not beyond -95. Loss of an (rA)18 tract immediately upstream of the -20 to +16 "core promoter" particularly inhibited subgenomic RNA synthesis. The -38 to -95 region required for normal initiation levels contains repeats of sequence elements in the core promoter, and duplications creating additional upstream copies of these repeats stimulated subgenomic RNA synthesis above wild-type levels. At least four different subgenomic RNAs can be produced from a single BMV RNA3 derivative. For all derivatives producing more than one subgenomic RNA, a gradient of accumulation progressively favoring smaller subgenomic RNAs was seen.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV) requires the coat protein (CP) not only for encapsidation but also for viral cell-to-cell and long-distance movement in barley plants. This suggests that BMV infection is controlled by interactions of CP with putative host factors as well as with viral components. To identify the host factors that interact with BMV CP, we screened a barley cDNA library containing 2.4 x 10(6) independent clones, using a yeast two-hybrid system. Using full-length and truncated BMV CPs as baits, four candidate cDNA clones were isolated. One of the candidate cDNAs encodes a unique oxidoreductase enzyme, designated HCP1. HCP1 was found predominantly in the soluble fractions after differential centrifugation of BMV-infected and mock-inoculated barley tissues. A two-hybrid binding assay using a series of truncated BMV CPs demonstrated that a C-terminal portion of CP is essential for its interaction with HCP1. Interestingly, experiments with CP mutants bearing single amino acid substitutions at the C-terminus revealed that the capacity for mutant CP-HCP1 binding correlates well with the infectivity of the corresponding mutant viruses in barley. These results indicate that CP-HCP1 binding controls BMV infection of barley, interacting directly with CP, probably in the cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated frequent homologous crossovers among molecules of the RNA3 segment in the tripartite brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) RNA genome (A. Bruyere, M. Wantroba, S. Flasinski, A. Dzianott, and J. J. Bujarski, J. Virol. 74:4214-4219, 2000). To further our knowledge about mechanisms of viral RNA genome variability, in this paper we have studied homologous recombination in BMV RNA1 and RNA2 components during infection. We have found that basal RNA-RNA crossovers could occur within coding regions of both RNAs, although recombination frequencies slightly varied at different RNA sections. In all cases, the frequencies were much lower than the rate observed for the intercistronic recombination hot spot in BMV RNA3. Probability calculations accounted for at least one homologous crossover per RNA molecule per replication cycle. In addition, we have demonstrated an efficient repair of mutations within the conserved 3' and 5' noncoding regions, most likely due to error-prone BMV RNA replication. Overall, our data verify that homologous crossovers are common events a during virus life cycle, and we discuss their importance for viral RNA genetics.  相似文献   

The translation efficiency of an mRNA molecule is typically determined by its 5'- and/or 3'-untranslated regions (UTRs). Previously, we have found that the 3'-UTR of Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) RNA enhances translation synergistically with a 5' cap. Here, we use a luciferase reporter system in cowpea protoplasts to show that the 5' 217 nucleotides from TYMV genomic RNA enhance expression relative to a vector-derived 17-nucleotide 5'-UTR. Maximum expression was observed from RNAs with a cap and both 5' and 3' TYMV sequences. In paired reporter constructs, the 5' 217 nucleotides harboring the UTR and the first 43 or 41 codons of the two overlapping TYMV open reading frames (ORFs), ORF-69 and ORF-206, respectively, were fused in frame with the luciferase gene. This allowed expression from the initiation codon of each ORF (AUG69 and AUG206) to be monitored separately but from the normal sequence environment. Expression from both AUG codons was heavily dependent on a 5' cap, with a threefold-higher expression occurring from AUG69 than from AUG206 in the presence of the genomic 3'-UTR. Changes that interrupted the cap/3'-UTR synergy (i.e., removal of the cap or TYMV 3'-UTR) resulted in a higher proportion of initiation from AUG206. Mutation of the 3'-UTR to prevent aminoacylation, as well as deletion of 75% of the 5'-UTR, likewise resulted in a lower ratio of expression from AUG69 relative to AUG206. Mutation of each AUG initiation codon increased initiation from the other. Taken together, these results do not fully conform to the expectations of standard leaky ribosomal scanning and leave open the precise mechanism of ribosome commitment to AUG69 and AUG206. However, our observations do not support a recent proposal based on in vitro studies in which the 3'-UTR is proposed to direct cap-independent initiation specifically at AUG206 and not at AUG69 (S. Barends et al., Cell 112:123-129, 2003).  相似文献   

Replication of viral RNA genomes requires the specific interaction between the replicase and the RNA template. Members of the Bromovirus and Cucumovirus genera have a tRNA-like structure at the 3' end of their genomic RNAs that interacts with the replicase and is required for minus-strand synthesis. In Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a stem-loop structure named C (SLC) is present within the tRNA-like region and is required for replicase binding and initiation of RNA synthesis in vitro. We have prepared an enriched replicase fraction from tobacco plants infected with the Fny isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus (Fny-CMV) that will direct synthesis from exogenously added templates. Using this replicase, we demonstrate that the SLC-like structure in Fny-CMV plays a role similar to that of BMV SLC in interacting with the CMV replicase. While the majority of CMV isolates have SLC-like elements similar to that of Fny-CMV, a second group displays sequence or structural features that are distinct but nonetheless recognized by Fny-CMV replicase for RNA synthesis. Both motifs have a 5'CA3' dinucleotide that is invariant in the CMV isolates examined, and mutational analysis indicates that these are critical for interaction with the replicase. In the context of the entire tRNA-like element, both CMV SLC-like motifs are recognized by the BMV replicase. However, neither motif can direct synthesis by the BMV replicase in the absence of other tRNA-like elements, indicating that other features of the CMV tRNA can induce promoter recognition by a heterologous replicase.  相似文献   

Diges CM  Uhlenbeck OC 《Biochemistry》2005,44(21):7903-7911
Previous work has demonstrated that Escherichia coli DbpA is a nonprocessive RNA helicase that can disrupt short RNA helices on either the 5' side or 3' side of hairpin 92 of 23S rRNA. Here the directionality of the helicase activity of DbpA was determined by using substrates containing a short reporter helix in the presence of a second adjacent helix of varying stability placed either 5' or 3' of the reporter helix. When the second helix was on the 5' side of the reporter helix, it had no effect on the dissociation rate of the reporter helix. However, when the second helix was on the 3' side of the reporter helix, its dissociation rate determined the dissociation rate of the reporter helix. This defines DbpA as a 3' --> 5' helicase. Like other helicases, DbpA requires a single-stranded RNA loading site on the 3' side of the duplex for disruption to be observed. Since the loading site could be on either strand of the helix that was disrupted, hairpin 92 does not influence the directionality of the helicase but only aids in targeting RNA substrates.  相似文献   

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