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Chromosome numbers in somatic (naupliar) and germinal (adult male) cells of bisexual Artemia populations from the Yucatán Peninsula, SE México (Celestun, CEL; Chuburna, CHUB; Xtampu, XTAM; and Las Coloradas, COL), were compared to those from San Francisco Bay (SFB) and Great Salt Lake (GSL) individuals. Diploid and haploid counts permitted a double-check on results. SFB and GSL samples had low variability in number of chromosomes, with strong modal values of 2n=42 and n=21, typical for A. franciscana. Chromosome counts in the Yucatán brine shrimp samples indicated deviations from the normal 2n=42 karyotype (heteroploidy): COL had chromosome modes of 2n=42 and n=21; CEL of 2n=40 and n=20; CHUB had 2n=44 and n=22; XTAM 2n=48 and n=24. Chromocenter abundance (heterocromatic blocks of highly repetitive DNA) among populations indicated that the North American brine shrimp from SFB and GSL had a mean of 15.9 and 15.1 chromocenters, respectively. From the Yucatán brine shrimp, COL had a variable number of chromocenters, ranging from 5 to 15 with a mean value of 9.9. The other three Artemia populations had much fewer chromocenters (CEL 1–3, XTAM 1–8, and CHUB 1–4). Heteromorphic sex chromosomes were apparent in some Yucatán karyotypes preparations. The haplotype condition in the Yucatán Artemia populations, though similar to that found in some Italian A. salina populations, is reported for the first time in New World Artemia. This cytological characteristic of the Yucatán Artemia, in conjunction with their morphological and allozyme differentiation, could provide new insight for the role of chromosome rearrangements in the evolutionary process of Artemia in the New World.  相似文献   

A parasite assemblage of Sebastes miniatus from northwestern Baja California, México, was composed of a total of 12 species: five ectoparasites (two monogeneans and three parasitic copepods) and seven endoparasites (two digeneans, one cestode, three nematodes, and one acanthocephala). Five of these parasites constituted new genera records to the genus Sebastes, and nine were new geographic records. The most abundant species were the endoparasites Parabothriocephalus sagitticeps, Hysterothylacium sp., and Anisakis sp., and the specific richness ranged from 1 to 8 parasite species per host. The most important parasite species in terms of prevalence were Microcotyle sebastis (93 %) and Anisakis sp. (92 %). The mean abundance of parasites found in S. miniatus showed significant variations over the year, with maximum values (31.7 individuals/host) in August, and minimum (0.39 individuals/host) in February. P. sagitticeps showed the highest mean intensity of infection (190.4 parasites/host), followed by Anisakis sp. (127.2 parasites/host) and Hysterothylacium sp. (46.6 parasites/host). The presence of larval stages of the nematodes Anisakis, Pseudoterranova, and Hysterothylacium is particularly important due to their high abundance and prevalence and because they may represent a human health risk (anisakiasis). Rockfishes (family Scorpaenidae) of the genus Sebastes constitute one of the most important groundfish resources in the American and Mexican northern Pacific Ocean, both for recreational and for the commercial fisheries of California and Baja California. These rockfish species makes up a substantial part of the Mexican cuisine.  相似文献   

The brine shrimp, most probably Artemia franciscana occurs in the solar salt plant (`salina') of Pichilingue (24°15N and 110°20W, total area about 10 ha), Baja California Sur, México. During the periods September 1999 to March 2000 and June 2000 to March 2001, salinity and temperature were determined weekly in selected evaporation ponds, as were the biological parameters of Artemia biomass, size of adult females and males, and monthly the biochemical composition of dried Artemia biomass. An explosive growth of Artemia was observed during moderate salinity levels (80–120 g l–1), reaching a standing crop level of 300 kg wet weight ha–1. With increasing salinity, biomass production and the size, especially of the females, decreased drastically, probably due to limited availability of natural food and to environmental stress. Brine shrimp survived up to a salinity of 270 g l–1. Despite wide variations in the environmental conditions, the proximate analysis of Artemia biomass showed only small differences, with the exception of the crude fibre content.  相似文献   

Two new species of diphyllidean cestodes, Echinobothrium mexicanum n. sp., and Echinobothrium fautleyae n. sp., are described, the former from the spiral intestines of the bat rays Myliobatis californicus and Myliobatis longirostris and the latter from the spiral intestine of the cownose ray Rhinoptera steindachneri, all caught in the Gulf of California, México. Echinobothrium mexicanum is most easily distinguished from the majority of the species of the genus by the number of large apical hooks in each dorsoventral group (23) and from the remainder in the number of lateral hooklets in each group on the scolex. Echinobothrium fautleyae differs conspicuously from all other members of the genus in that the first and last lateral hooklets in each group are distinctly larger than the other hooklets in each group. Serial sections of the scoleces of these 2 new species confirm that the attachment structures on the scolex are bothria, rather than bothridia, as has been described in other species in the genus, suggesting that the attachment structures of the scolex should be examined in more detail in the genus in general. Palmate microtriches of various forms cover the proximal bothrial surfaces of both new species and are also found on the dorsal bothrial surfaces of E. fautleyae. The distal bothrial surfaces of E. mexicanum are covered with slender spiniform and short filiform microtriches. The cephalic peduncles of both species possess short filiform microtriches only. Comparison of these 2 new species with the other 3 species in this genus that have been examined with SEM suggests that the various forms and distributions of these microtriches is unique in each of these 2 species. We believe these features will prove to be taxonomically useful.  相似文献   

Species richness is one of the best indicators of biodiversity. However, there are few investigations on concordance of diversity patterns and environmental settings for marine regions. The objectives of this study were to correlate species richness of shallow water (< 200 m deep) sea stars with key oceanographic factors in the Gulf of California, México, and to predict species richness of Asteroidea using multiple regressions. In these analyses the Gulf was divided into nine sections of one degree in latitude (from 23-31 degrees N), at each section we recorded: continental shelf area (at 100 and 200 m depth), temperature mean and range at three depth levels (0, 60 and 120 m), thermocline depth, surface nutrient concentrations (nitrates, phosphates and silicates), surface photosynthetic pigment concentration, and integrated productivity. Sea star species richness at each latitudinal section was estimated from literature data, new collections and museum records. Species were assigned to one of the following feeding guilds: predators of small mobile invertebrates (I), detritivores (D), predators of colonial organisms (C), generalist carnivores (G), and planktivores (P). There are 47 shallow water asteroid species in the Gulf of California (16 I, 15 D, eight C, six G, one P and one not assigned). Total species richness and guild species richness showed strong latitudinal attenuation patterns and were higher in the southernmost Gulf, an area characterized by a narrow shelf, high temperature, and low nutrient concentrations. Species diversity for each guild was correlated to a set of oceanographic parameters: temperature, nitrate concentration, and integrated productivity were linked to richness in must cases. We detected that nutrients and surface pigments always presented negative relationships with species richness, indicating that productive environments limit asteroid diversity in the study area. Finally, the postulated regression models to estimate species richness from oceanographic data were significant and highly precise. We conclude that species richness of Asteroidea in the Gulf of California is related to oceanographic conditions and can be estimated from regional oceanographic information.  相似文献   

Cuitzeo is the second largest lake in México (ca. 425 km2). Indigenous people collect clam shrimp (locally known as `conchilla') and sell them dry as pets' food; the income is important for the local economy. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a clam shrimp fishery. Two conchilla species co-occur: Eocyzicus digueti (Richard) and Leptestheria compleximanus (Packard). They were restricted to the saline, soda-alkaline, and temporally astatic W and NW portions of the lake. E. digueti constituted 70% of the total clam shrimp abundance, and L. compleximanus the remainder. Populations were dominated by juveniles, followed by females and males, with sex ratios (male:female) of 1:1.2 to 1:1.4. E. digueti was larger (3–11 mm) than L. compleximanus (3–8.5 mm), and males were larger than females in both species. There were highly significant correlations between carapace size and the number of growth lines and carapace size and the number of eggs. Although previously reported from México, both species are new records for Lake Cuitzeo and for Michoacán state.  相似文献   

Changes in salt marsh vegetation were analyzed over a two-year period (November 1984–November 1986) following the construction of a dike in the southwest corner of Punta Banda Estuary, Baja California, México. Changes included: increased interstitial soil salinity, reduced soil moisture, increased mortality of Spartina foliosa and decreased middle marsh species diversity due to the elimination of annual and short-lived species. The sea-side edge of the middle marsh shifted its boundary to a lower elevation. By the end of 1986, dominant species were Salicornia virginica, Batis maritima and Frankenia grandifolia. By October 1988, only a few patches of S. foliosa persisted at the water edge, and it appeared that the community was not yet stable. The potential future of the estuary is evaluated.  相似文献   

Shear WA 《ZooKeys》2010,(52):9-46
The genus Trilasma Goodnight & Goodnight, 1942 is reinstated for Mexican ortholasmatines, and Cladolasma Suzuki, 1963 is reinstated for two species from Japan and Thailand, Cladolasma parvula Suzuki, comb. n. and Cladolasma angka (Schwendinger & Gruber), comb. n. Eight new species in the subfamily Ortholasmatinae Shear & Gruber, 1983 are described, as follows: Ortholasma colossussp. n. is from California, Trilasma tempestadosp. n., Trilasma hidalgosp. n., Trilasma trispinosumsp. n., Trilasma ranchonuevosp. n., Trilasma petersprouseisp. n. and Trilasma chipinquensis, sp. n. are from México, and Trilasma tropicumsp. n. from Honduras, the farthest south for a dyspnoan harvestman in the New World. A new distribution record for Martensolasma jocheni Shear 2006 is given. The recently described Upper Cretaceous amber fossil Halitherses grimaldii Giribet & Dunlop 2005 is not a member of the Ortholasmatinae, but is likely a troguloidean of an undiagnosed family.  相似文献   


Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953 is the most important species for commercial fishing in the Mexican Pacific. However, there is a lack of information regarding population structure that could have important management implications. We tested 44 microsatellite loci in O. hubbsorum by cross-amplification from O. bimaculatus.

Methods and results

Genetic diversity and structure was tested over 30 octopus sampled from Santa Cruz de Miramar (Nayarit, México). A total of 11 loci were successfully amplified. All loci were polymorphic with the number of effective alleles ranging from 2.13 to 23.14, while three loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant LD was observed between pairs of loci (P?≥?0.05). The application of the new markers in a O. hubbsorum population from Santa Cruz de Miramar Nayarit, México, did not showed Wahlund or isolate breaking effects due to the mixing of distinct populations.


The loci were useful to estimate levels of pairwise relatedness and to discard the presence of recent demographic bottlenecks in the population. We consider that eight microsatellites are adequate from the 11 amplified loci


The striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) is found in temperate and tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. It is particularly abundant in the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Specimens brought to Cabo San Lucas port (22 degrees 53' N y 109 degrees 54' W) by the sport fishery fleet that operates withing a radius of 54 km from 1988 to 1993 were sexes, measured and weighed. A total 1030 individuals were sampled. Dorsal fin spines (389) were collected for age estimation. The spines were sectioned and hyaline-opaque bands counted. The relation of length to spine radius was similar for males and females. The fourth dorsal spine reflected the growth of the fish. The rhythm of growth mark formation is yearly and related to the sea surface temperature. Ten age groups were found and the seventh group was the most abundant, followed by groups "6" and "8". The age structure of the striped marlin was stable in the study period. The observed sizes were 160-280 cm jaw length with 90% of the organisms measuring between 190 and 225 cm. The small individuals recruit to the fishery from June to December.  相似文献   

As part of a survey of parasites of elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California, a second and final report of the diphyllidean cestodes resulting from the survey is presented. Of 43 species of elasmobranchs examined for parasites, 7 (Rhinobatos productus, Rhinobatos leucorhynchus, Myliobatis californicus, Myliobatis longirostris, Urobatis halleri, Urobatis maculatus, and Rhinoptera steindachneri) were found to host diphyllidean cestodes, all belonging to Echinobothrium. No species of either of the other 2 diphyllidean genera, Dirrachybothridium or Macrobothridium, were discovered. A greater diversity of diphyllideans was found in 1996 than in 1993. Two new species, Echinobothrium hoffmanorum n. sp. and Echinobothrium rayallemangi n. sp. are described from the spiral intestines of U. maculatus and R. leucorhynchus, respectively. Echinobothrium hoffmanorum is unique in its possession of the following combination of characters: 19-21 apical hooks in each dorsoventral group, 12-22 lateral hooklets in each group, 10-17 cephalic peduncle spines per column, 4-8 testes, 4-10 segments and eggs with a single filament. Echinobothrium rayallemangi is unique in its possession of the following combination of characters: 23 apical hooks in each dorsoventral group, 20-23 lateral hooklets in each group, 2-5 cephalic peduncle spines per column, 4-6 testes, and 4-6 segments. These 2 new species, together with Echinobothrium mexicanum and Echinobothrium fautleyae, brings the total number of diphyllideans known from the Gulf of California to 4. The survey of diphyllidean cestodes of the Gulf of California has resulted in a new host record for Echinobothrium for each of the host species mentioned above, with Rhinobatos and Urobatis representing new host genera and Urolophidae a new host family for Echinobothrium.  相似文献   

Eight species of polyplacophorans have been reported from La Bahia de la Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. We add Lepidochitona beanii, Chaetopleura lurida, Stenoplax limaciformis, S. mariposa, Lepidozona clathrata, L. serrata and Acanthochitona arragonites, increasing the known number of species to 15. Ordination analysis of five chiton communities at the site suggests a correlation of wave exposure to species composition and diversity: communities with intermediate wave exposure have more species (richness) and higher diversity (Shannon's index).  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance with respect to depth and type of substratum of 20 species of gastropods and four species of bivalves of economic importance were examined in the continental shelf of Jalisco and Colima, México. These species were taken with net trawls at depths from 24 to 83 m in August, 1988. Most individuals and species of gastropods were collected in stations with sandy silt substratum. Bivalves were collected in sandy silt and medium sand substrata. The six most abundant species represented 81.2% of all gastropods and bivalves collected. These species are: Cantharus pallidus, Fusinus dupetittouarsi, Ficus ventricosa, Hexaplex brassica, Harpa conoidalis and Arca pacifica.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Mammillaria hernandezii, M. dixanthocentron and M. lanata are endemic and threatened cactus species that inhabit the Tehuacán Valley, an arid zone in southern...  相似文献   

In natural protected areas, ecotourism could provide the impetus andeconomic investment for improved conservation of species and habitats. However,few studies have attempted to characterise sustainable ecotourism and positiveexamples of ecotourism are still rare. This study conducted a series ofinterviews at the local, regional, and national level in order to identifygeneral feeling and concerns of government and non-government institutions withrespect to ecotourism. Questionnaires were used to assess the extent offulfillment of ecotourism principles by tour operators in protected areas of LaPaz Bay. Government and non-government institutions interviewed expectedecotourism to be a means for regional development, a conservation strategy andcompatible with conservation activities. Ecotourism operators surveyed were morelikely to be considered ecotourism ventures, reaching on average 10 indicators( 3, n = 14), and were found to be providing, insome way, benefits to the conservation of the area. Current ecotourismactivities may provide benefits for conservation, but are not comparable to thecosts involved in the conservation of the protected areas concerned. Hence,current ecotourism activities have not met the expectations of the protectedarea managers. The role that ecotourism can play as a conservation strategydepends on the strategies designed by protected area managers to take touroperators to share the costs and benefits of environmental services.  相似文献   


This vegetation study describes the landscape of the San Felipe Desert (Baja California, México) based on the phytosociological analysis of its major plant associations, as determined by the Braun-Blanquet method and supported by cluster analysis. Four geomorphological or phytotopographical units were identified in the landscape of the San Felipe Desert (salt marshes, playas or sandy flats, bajadas or alluvial fans, and malpaíses or badlands), each characterized by its own plant communities. Two communities and eleven associations were identified, four of which are described and typified for the first time: Atriplici linearis-Frankenietum palmeri, Parkinsonio microphyllae-Olneyetum tesotae, Errazurizio megacarpae-Ephedretum trifurcae and Pachycereo schottii-Prosopidetum torreyanae. Ecological, phytogeographical, bioclimatic, syntaxonomical and floristic data are provided for each of these new associations.  相似文献   

The teleomorphic basidiomycetous yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is important as a commercial source of astaxanthin, which is a component of feeds for mariculture. Phaffia rhodozyma is the anamorphic state of Xanthophyllomyces; however, there are conflicting reports in the literature concerning the presence of a sexual cycle in P. rhodozyma. The current study attempted to explain this enigma. Strains were obtained from the Phaff Yeast Culture Collection (University of California, Davis) and other sources in the northern hemisphere. Molecular sequences of three nuclear rDNA regions were examined: the internal transcribed spacers (ITS), intergenic spacer (IGS1) and the D1D2 region at the 5' end of the 26S gene. Different levels of genetic variability were observed in the three regions. The D1D2 differentiated major groups of strains, while an increased variability in the ITS suggested that the ITS region could be employed as an ecological marker. The greatest variability was in the IGS1 region, where strains can be defined by the presence and location of indels. Intragenomic sequence heterogeneity in the ITS and IGS1 regions led to the hypothesis that the type strain of P. rhodozyma (CBS 5905(T), UCD 67-210(T)) was derived as a mating-deficient basidiospore from the parent teleomorphic strain CBS 9090.  相似文献   

Mesalina is a widespread lacertid genus occurring throughout the Saharo-Sindian region from North Africa to Pakistan. It has been through a series of taxonomic revisions, but the phylogenetic relationships among the species remain unclear. In this study we estimate the phylogeographic structure of M. guttulata across most of its distributional range and we evaluate the relationships between M. guttulata and the sympatric species M. brevirostris and M. bahaeldini using partial mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (cyt b and 16S). M. guttulata and M. brevirostris represent species complexes, whereas M. bahaeldini considered before as M. guttulata is a recently described species with very restricted distribution. Here we present the first evidence that M. guttulata is a paraphyletic taxon with respect to M. bahaeldini, while M. brevirostris proves to be a polytypic species or even a species complex, confirming previous studies. Although mtDNA markers have several properties that make them suitable for phylogeographic studies, they are not free of difficulties. Phylogeographic inferences within and between closely related species can be mislead by introgression and retention of ancestral polymorphism (incomplete lineage sorting). However, the present distribution pattern, the estimated times of divergence and the significant variation in morphology within M. guttulata led us to accept that the paraphyletic pattern observed, is most likely due to inaccurate taxonomy. Our hypothesis is that what has hitherto been considered as intraspecific variation, actually reflects species-level variation. Furthermore, our biogeographic analyses and the estimated time of divergences suggest that the present distribution of M. guttulata was the result of several dispersal and vicariant events, which are associated with historical changes (climatic oscillations and paleogeographic barriers) of late Miocene and Pliocene period.  相似文献   

Australia has a very rich and diverse large branchiopod fauna with approximately 140 described or provisionally delimited species, but only one species of Triops, Triops australiensis (Spencer and Hall 1895), is currently recognized. Previous studies identified extensive genetic diversity within T. australiensis that suggested the presence of cryptic species. Herein, we employed an integrative approach to taxonomy to delimit putative species, integrating COI and EF1α sequence data and morphological data. Putative species were initially delimited based on COI by two computational approaches (GMYC and ABGD). The results were interpreted in the light of several species concepts, with particular emphasis on reproductive isolation. Twenty to 27 genetic lineages were delimited. Of these, up to 26 represent species following an evolutionary or phylogenetic species concept. Eighteen are biological species, though reproductive isolation could not be unambiguously established for allopatric species or species without known males. The level of co-occurrences was exceptionally high for Triops, with up to three syntopic and six sympatric species. Species delimitation was impeded by extensive overlap between intraspecific variability and interspecific variation in the genetic as well as morphological datasets. Without prior delimitation of putative species via COI, morphological delimitation would have been impossible. A potential explanation for the morphological variability is the retention of ancestral polymorphisms over long periods of time and across multiple speciation events without subsequent differentiation.  相似文献   

AMimosa remarkable for the combination of spicate inflorescences and non-articulate pods is described from the southwestern part of the state of México and figured; its known distribution is given and its relationships discussed; diagnostic characters of known sympatric species ofMimosa are listed.  相似文献   

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