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THE LAC INSECTS (HOMOPTERA: Tachardiidae), belonging to the genus Kerria, are commercially exploited for the production of lac. Kerria lacca is the most commonly used species in India. RAPD markers were used for assessing genetic variation in forty-eight lines of Kerria, especially among geographic races, infrasubspecific forms, cultivated lines, inbred lines, etc., of K. lacca. In the 48 lines studied, the 26 RAPD primers generated 173 loci, showing 97.7% polymorphism. By using neighbor-joining, the dendrogram generated from the similarity matrix resolved the lines into basically two clusters and outgroups. The major cluster, comprising 32 lines, included mainly cultivated lines of the rangeeni form, geographic races and inbred lines of K. lacca. The second cluster consisted of eight lines of K. lacca, seven of the kusmi form and one of the rangeeni from the southern state of Karnataka. The remaining eight lines formed a series of outgroups, this including a group of three yellow mutant lines of K. lacca and other species of the Kerria studied, among others. Color mutants always showed distinctive banding patterns compared to their wild-type counterparts from the same population. This study also adds support to the current status of kusmi and rangeeni, as infraspecific forms of K. lacca.  相似文献   

The lactose (lac) repressor is an allosteric protein that can respond to environmental changes. Mutations introduced into the DNA binding domain and the effector binding pocket affect the repressor's ability to respond to its environment. We have demonstrated how the observed phenotype is a consequence of altering the thermodynamic equilibrium constants. We discuss mutant repressors, which (1) show tighter repression; (2) induce with a previously noninducing species, orthonitrophenyl-β-d-galactoside; and (3) transform an inducible switch to one that is corepressed. The ability of point mutations to change multiple thermodynamic constants, and hence drastically alter the repressor's phenotype, shows how allosteric proteins can perform a wide array of similar yet distinct functions such as that exhibited in the Lac/Gal family of bacterial repressors.  相似文献   

The ovaries of female lac insects, Kerria chinensis Mahd (Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Kerridae), at the last nymphal stage are composed of several balloon‐like clusters of cystocytes with different sizes. Each cluster consists of several clusters of cystocytes arranging in rosette forms. At the adult stage, the pair of ovaries consists of about 600 ovarioles of the telotrophic‐meroistic type. An unusual feature when considering most scale insects is that the lateral oviducts are highly branched, each with a number of short ovarioles. Each ovariole is subdivided into an anterior trophic chamber (tropharium) containing six or seven large trophocytes and a posterior vitellarium harbouring one oocyte which is connected with the trophic chamber via a nutritive cord. No terminal filament is present. Late‐stage adult females show synchronized development of the ovarioles, while in undernourished females, a small proportion of ovarioles proceed to maturity.  相似文献   

The lobate lac scale Paratachardina pseudolobata Kondo & Gullan (Kerriidae) is a polyphagous pest of woody plants in Florida (U.S.A.) the Bahamas, Christmas Island (Australia) and it has been reported from Cuba. Its recent appearance as a pest in these places indicates that this scale is introduced; however, its native range is unknown. Until 2006, this pest species was identified mistakenly as Paratachardina lobata (Chamberlin) [now P. silvestri (Mahdihassan)], which is native to India and Sri Lanka. Quarantine laboratory acceptance trials with Indian P. silvestri parasitoids indicated a strong immune response from P. pseudolobata. Gregarious development of encyrtid wasps was the only observed parasitism, but parasitization levels were below 3%. Identification of the native range of P. pseudolobata would facilitate the search for natural enemies better adapted to the scale. Sequence data from the D2–D3 region of the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rRNA, 28S) and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) distinguished P. pseudolobata from the morphologically similar species P. silvestri and P. mahdihassani Kondo & Gullan, and showed P. pseudolobata to be more closely related to these Indotropical species than to an Australian species of Paratachardina Balachowsky. Paratachardina pseudolobata was genetically uniform throughout its exotic range, consistent with a single geographic origin, although lack of variation in these genes is not unusual for scale insects. Molecular identification of morphologically similar Paratachardina species was possible using the D2–D3 region of 28S, despite its length variation, suggesting that this gene region might be suitable as a non-COI barcoding gene for scale insects.  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous gibberellin A1 (GA1), GA3, GA4, GA9 and a cellulase-hydrolysable GA9-conjugate in needles and shoot stems of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] grafts with different coning or flowering histories were estimated by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry selected ion monitoring using deuterated GA3, GA4 and GA9 as internal standards. The samples were taken at the approximate time of the start of flower-bud differentiation, i.e. when the shoots had elongated approx. 95% of the final length. The needles of the good-flowering clones contained 11–12 ng per g fresh weight (FW) and 15–28 ng· (g FW) –1 of GA9-conjugate and GA9, respectively. The shoot stems of the same material contained no detectable amounts of GA9-conjugate and 11–15 ng-(g FW)–1 of GA9. The amounts of GA9-conjugate and GA9 were apparently lower in the poor-flowering clones, the needles containing 4–9 ng-(g FW)–1 and 7–17 ng·(g FW)–1, respectively. Also in this material the shoot stems contained no detectable amounts of GA9-conjugate. The amounts of GA4 were very small in both materials, ranging from 1–1.6 ng-(g FW)–1. The good-flowering clones contained no detectable amounts of the more polar gibberellins, GA1 and GA3. The poor-flowering clones, on the other hand, contained high levels of GA15 17–19ng·(gFW)–1 in the needles and 10–13 ng·(g FW) –1 in the shoot stems, and also smaller amounts of GA3, 2–3 ng·(g FW)–1 in the needles and approx. 1 ng·(g FW)–1 in the shoot stems. The results demonstrate differences in GA-metabolism between the poor- and the good-flowering clones. The higher amounts of GA9-conjugate and GA9 might indicate a higher capacity for synthesizing GA4 in the good-flowering material. This synthesis does not, however, result in a build-up of the GA4-pool, maybe because of a high rate of turnover. Gibberellin A4 was apparently neither hydroxylated to GA1 nor converted to GA3 in the goodflowering material, as was the case in the poor-flowering material. This might indicate that gibberellin metabolism in the poor-flowering material is directed towards GA1 and GA3, GAs preferentially used in vegetative growth.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - GAn gibberellin An - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Feinstruktur unterscheidet sich der Pseudoculus vonEosentomon nicht wesentlich von dem der Acerentomiden. Durch einen Endokutikulaporus treten die dendritischen Fortsätze zweier Sinneszellen, jeweils umgeben von einer Hüllzelle, in den Außenraum des Pseudoculus ein. Der Außenraum wird nach distal von einer äußeren Kutikulaschicht — vermutlich Epikutikula — abgeschlossen. Sie vermittelt durch regelmäßig angeordnete lange Spalten die Verbindung zur Außenwelt. Am Grunde der Spalten finden sich Porentubuli, die mit den Hüllzellen oder den distalen Fortsätzen der Dendriten Kontakt haben können. Aus der Feinstruktur kann geschlossen werden, daß der Pseudoculus als Chemo-, Hygro- und/oder Thermorezeptor fungiert.
Ultrastructure of the pseudoculus ofEosentomon (Protura, Insecta)
Summary Concerning its fine structure the pseudoculus of Eosentomon is quite similar to that of Acerentomide Protura. There are two sensory cells innervating the organ. From each of them one dendritic process derives, surrounded by one enveloping cell. The processes of these four cells enter the distal cavity of the pseudoculus through a pore in the endocuticular layer. The cuticular layer of the cap seems to consist of epicuticle only. It is furrowed by long clefts connecting the distal cavity of the organ with the outside. Poretubules insert at the base of the clefts and may have contact with the cell membranes of both enveloping cells and dendritic processes. According to its structure the pseudoculus may function as chemo-, hygro- and/or thermoreceptor.
Für technische Mitarbeit danke ich Frau G. Raabe, für die Anfertigung der Zeichnung Frau C. St. Friedemann.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In vergleichend autoradiographischen Untersuchungen wurde der Einbau von percutan applizierten 3H-Uridin, 3H-Histidin und 3H-Glucose in die wichtigsten Organsysteme (Epidermis, ZNS, Muskeln, Chorda, Leber, Kiemendarm, Darm) von Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Acranier) und Brachydanio rerio (Teleosteer) nach Inkorporationszeiten von 11 min bis zu 7 Tagen verfolgt. Der Stoffwechsel der markierten Substanzen in den einzelnen morphologisch miteinander zu homologisierenden Organen war bei den beiden Spezies sehr ähnlich, bei Branchiostoma allerdings (mit Ausnahme des ZNS) 4–5mal stärker als bei Brachydanio. Bei dem letzteren wurde außerdem eine zeitliche Verzögerung in der Tracer-Aufnahme (lag-Phase) beobachtet. Insbesondere der ZNS-Stoffwechsel von Acraniern zeigte ähnliche Charakteristika wie der von Vertebraten: Verbleib des Hauptanteils der neusynthetisierten RNS im Perikaryon, axonalen Protein-Transport, Vorwiegen der Glykogensynthese in den Nervenfaserendformationen. Allerdings fanden sich im ZNS von Branchiostoma niedrigere Stoffwechselraten als im ZNS von Brachydanio.
Comparative histophysiological investigations of different organs in Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Cephalochordata) and Brachydanio rerio (Teleostei)
Summary Incorporation of 3H-uridine, 3H-histidine and 3H-glucose into some organs (epidermis, CNS, muscles, spinal cord, notochord, liver, gills, intestine) of Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Acrania) and Brachydanio rerio (Teleostei) was investigated by means of comparative autoradiograms following incorporation periods of 11 min to 7 days. The metabolism of the labeled substances in the various homologous organs examined was quite similar, although it was 4 to 5 times higher in Branchiostoma than in Brachydanio; in the latter there was also a delay of tracer incorporation of about 3 hrs, a so-called lag-phase. In particular the metabolism of the CNS of Branchiostoma showed the same characteristics as the CNS of vertebrates, e. g. storage of neuronally synthesized RNA in the neuronal perikarya, axonal flow of proteins, glycogen synthesis in nerve endings. However, metabolic activity of the CNS was lower in Branchiostoma.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the renal corpuscle, the neck segment, the proximal tubule and the intermediate segment of the kidney of a South American caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) was examined by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and freeze-fracture technique. The glomerular filter apparatus consists of the podocyte epithelium, a distinct basement membrane, a subendothelial space and the capillary endothelium. Emanating from the podocyte cell body, several long primary processes encircle neighboring capillaries. The short slender foot processes originating from the primary processes interdigitate with those from other primary processes, thereby forming the meandering filtration slit. Thick bundles of microfilaments are found in the primary processes, but absent in the foot processes. The basement membrane consists of a lamina rara externa and a rather thin lamina densa (50 nm thickness). The wide subendothelial space contains abundant microfibrils, a few collagen fibrils and many thin processes of mesangial cells. The endothelium is flat and fenestrated (compared to mammals displaying relatively few fenestrations); some of the fenestrations are bridged by a diaphragm. The glomerular mesangium is made up of the mesangial cells and a prominent mesangial matrix containing microfibrils and collagen fibrils. The cells of the neck and intermediate segments display numerous cilia with their microtubules arranged in the typical 9 + 2 pattern. The basal bodies of the cilia are attached to thick filaments with a clear crossbanding pattern of 65 nm periodicity. The proximal tubule is composed of cells typical for this segment (PT cells) and light cells lacking a brush border (bald-headed cells). The PT cells measure 10-25 micron in height and 15-30 micron in width and do not interdigitate at their lateral borders with each other. Their basolateral cell membrane is amplified by many folds projecting into lateral intercellular spaces and into basal recesses. The brush border is scarce and composed of loosely arranged short microvilli.  相似文献   

According to recent immunocytochemical studies of anterior pituitary cells, it is obvious that the one cell-one hormone theory must be modified. Many pituitary morphologists have demonstrated that there are some cells that contain two hormones. In this study, we demonstrate by means of immuno-electronmicroscopy the co-existence of gonadotrophins (FSH and LH) and thyrotrophin (TSH) in the same anterior pituitary cells of the musk shrew. These cells were remarkably altered in their ultrastructural features by either gonadectomy or thyroidectomy. Double labeling for gonadotrophins and thyrotrophin was present not only in the same cells but also in the same secretory granules. Our ability to demonstrate co-existence of gonadotrophins and thyrotrophin in the same cell may be due to our selection of fixative and embedding media for electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Our conclusion that gonadotrophins and thyrotrophin are produced in a single cell type of the anterior pituitary gland in the musk shrew, i.e., thyrogonadotrophs, suggests the need to consider a modification of the classic scheme for classification of anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   

Summary Using the in situ hybridization technique, we have analysed the distribution of mobile elements in the X chromosomes of male offspring of individual mutator strain (MS) males crossed to attached-X females. The experiments demonstrate varying cytological localization of the mobile elements gypsy (mdg4) and hobo among different individuals. The other mobile elements investigated (mdgl, mdg3, 412, 297, copia, 17.6, Doc, H.M.S. Beagle, Springer, FB) display no changes in insertion sites. Such an experiment is equivalent to analysis of separate gametes of an MS individual. Thus, the ability of gypsy and hobo to transpose in germ-line cells is demonstrated directly. Transpositions occur at premeiotic stages of germ cell development, since they appear in clusters. Analysis of gypsy and hobo transposition events shows that they occur independently. The same experiment demonstrates that gypsy localization varies significantly between different salivary gland cells of an MS individual. Two types of gypsy hybridization sites can be distinguished: permanent sites, common to all cells, and additional ones varying between neighbouring salivary gland cells. These additional sites indicate gypsy transposition in somatic cells of the MS. Transposition of the hobo element in somatic cells has also been observed.  相似文献   

The title compounds, for short Ag6(tsac)6 (1) and [Cu4(tsac)4(MeCN)2] · 2MeCN (2), were prepared by the reaction of thiosaccharin with Ag(I) or Cu(II) salts in different solvents. The new complexes were characterized by FT-IR, Raman, UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy. Their crystal and molecular structures were determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The structures were solved from 1621 (1) and 7080 (2) reflections with I > 2σ(I) and refined to agreement R1-factors of 0.0261 (1) and 0.0456 (2). Ag6(tsac)6 molecule derives from the clustering of six Ag(tsac) moieties related to each other through the crystallographic 3-bar (S6) symmetry operations of the space group. This results in a highly regular molecular structure where the silver atoms are at the corners of an octahedral core slightly compressed along one of its three-fold axis [inter-metallic Ag?Ag contacts of 3.1723(4) and 3.1556(4) Å]. The six thiosaccharinate ligands bridge neighboring Ag atoms along the C3-axis through Ag-N bonds [d(Ag-N) = 2.285(2) Å] at one end and bifurcated Ag-S(thione)-Ag bonds [Ag-S distances of 2.4861(7) and 2.5014(8) Å] at the other end. In contrast, the 2 compound is arranged in the lattice as an irregular tetrameric copper complex [Cu4(tsac)4(MeCN)2] where the metals show different environments. Two copper ions are four-fold coordinated to three tsac ions through the N-atom of one tsac [Cu-N distances of 2.112(3) and 2.064(3) Å] and the thione sulfur atom of the other two [Cu-S distances in the range from 2.284(1) to 2.358(1) Å] and to a MeCN solvent molecule [Cu-N distances of 1.983(4) and 2.052(3) Å]. The other two copper ions are in three-fold environment, one trans-coordinated to two tsac ions [Cu-N distances of 1.912(3) and 1.920(3) Å] and to the thione S-atom of a third ligand [d(Cu-S) = 2.531(1) Å], the other one to the thione sulfur atom of three tsac ligands [Cu-S distances in the range from 2.229(1) to 2.334(1) Å]. The clustering renders the metals to short distances from each other, the shorter Cu?Cu distance being 2.6033(7) Å, as to presume the existence of weak inter-metallic interaction within the cluster.  相似文献   

Effects of chromium(VI) and vanadium(V) on the lifespan of fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of chromium(VI) on the lifespan of laboratory-reared guppies (Poecilia reticulata) has been studied both in the absence and in the presence of the antioxidant D-mannitol, and it has been compared with that produced by vanadium(V). The three substances used as additives exhibited either a weak (D-mannitol), a moderate (chromate) or an acute (vanadate) toxicity to fish. Vanadate, with LC50 (7 days) = 3.84 x 10(-5) mol/L, was about ten times more toxic than chromate, with LC50 (7 days) = 3.42 x 10(-4) mol/L as a single additive and 4.27 x 10(-4) mol/L in the presence of d-mannitol. An increasing effect on the maximum lifespan of males was observed when the additives studied were used at low concentrations, either alone or in a binary combination, following the sequence: vanadate (14%) < D-mannitol (41%) < chromate + D-mannitol (57%) < chromate (69%). Of these substances, only chromate increased also the maximum lifespan of females (72%). The maximum lifespan showed a strong, positive correlation with the concentration of chromate for males (P = 0.00008) and a weaker, positive correlation (P = 0.116) for females. These results suggest the existence of a chemical-hormesis phenomenon that might be subjected to sexual-genre variability. Both the toxicity and the chemical-hormetic effect provoked by chromate were substantially decreased when it was used in combination with d-mannitol, and the possible causes for this double inhibition are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Antisera specific for mammalian atrial natriuretic peptied (ANP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) were applied to examine, in immunofluorescence, the occurrence of cells immunoreactive to ANP and NPY in the adrenal organs of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and bony fish. Catecholamine-containing cells were identified using antisera against tyrosine-hydroxylase, dopamine--hydroxylase, and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase. In all vertebrates studied, immunoreactivities to ANP and NPY occurred in adrenal chromaffin cells but were absent from the cortex or its homolog, the interrenal. The majority of immunoreactivities to ANP and NPY was confined to the adrenaline cells. In mammals, the number of ANP-immuno-reactive cells (60%–80% of the total cell population) exceeded that of the NPY-immunoreactive cells (35%–45%). In birds, reptiles, and Amphibia, the numbers of ANP-immunoreactive (35%–40%) and NPY-immunoreactive (30%–35%) cells were in a similar range. The bony fish showed a density of both ANP-immunoreactive (80%–90%) and NPY-immunoreactive (35%–40%) cells. In all species studied, immunoreactivities to ANP and NPY partially coexisted. Generally, 30%–55% of the ANP-immunoreactive cells also contained NPY-immunoreactivity. In rat, coexistence amounted to almost 100% and in quail to 95%. Except for the rat, three subpopulations of chromaffin cells seemed to occur: ANP-immunoreactive non-NPY-immunoreactive, ANP-immunoreactive+NPY-immunoreactive and NPY-immunoreactive non-ANP-immunoreactive cells. Thus, adrenal ANP and NPY share a conservative history and coexist as early as at the level of bony fish. The endocrine actions of ANP and NPY derived from medullary cells on cortical cells as found in mammals might be based on an ancestoral paracrine system. In submammalians, ANP and NPY may not only act as endocrine hormones, but also influence steroid-producing interrenal cells in a paracrine manner, and act as modulators on chromaffin cells.Dedicated to Professor dr. Angela Nolte (Münster, Germany) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of her Ph.D. graduation  相似文献   

John L. Stoddart 《Planta》1984,161(5):432-438
Growth parameters were determined for tall (rht3) and dwarf (Rht3) seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant statures and leaf length were reduced by 50% in dwarfs but root and shoot dry weights were less affected. Leaves of dwarf seedlings had shorter epidermal cells and the numbers of cells per rank in talls and dwarfs matched the observed relationships in overall length. Talls grew at twice the rate of dwarfs (2.3 compared with 1.2 mm h-1). [3H]Gibberellin A1 ([3H]GA1) was fed to seedlings via the third leaf and metabolism was followed over 12 h. Immature leaves of tall seedlings transferred radioactivity rapidly to compounds co-chromatographing with [3H]gibberellin A8 ([3H]GA8) and a conjugate of [3H]GA8, whereas leaves of dwarf seedlings metabolised [3H]GA1 more slowly. Roots of both genotypes produced [3H]GA8-like material at similar rates. Isotopic dilution studies indicated a reduced 2-hydroxylation capacity in dwarfs, but parallel estimates of the endogenous GA pool size, obtained by radioimmunoassay, indicated a 12–15 times higher level of GA in the dwarf immature leaves. Dwarfing by the Rht3 gene does not appear to operate through enhanced, or abnormal metabolism of active gibberellins and the act of GA metabolism does not bear an obligate relationship to the growth response.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Summary In Drosophila melanogaster, the gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) controls the processes of sex determination, dosage compensation, oogenesis and sexual behaviour. The control of Sxl is by alternative splicing of its primary RNA. We have identified a gene, female-lethal-2-d (fl(2)d), which is needed for the female-specific splicing of Sxl RNA and which also has a vital function independent of Sxl. Here we analyse other aspects of the gene fl(2)d. Specifically, we have analysed the effect of the temperature-sensitive mutation fl(2)d 1 on the viability of adult flies homozygous for this mutation. We have found that the viability of the mutant females is reduced, while that of the mutant males is not affected. In addition, the capacity of the mutant females to be inseminated is considerably reduced, whilst all the mutant males are able to inseminate females. These effects on females are suppressed by Sxl M1. However, the fat body cells of fl(2)d 1 homozygous females are able to synthesize yolk proteins at the restrictive temperature. We have also carried out, in males, a clonal analysis of fl(2)d 2, a mutation lethal in both sexes. We have found that the clones are fully viable. We conclude that the gene fl(2)d seems to be necessary during the adult life of females for the processes that require Sxl + activity. Moreover, the Sxl-independent vital function of fl(2)d seems to be required in both sexes only during larval development. Offprint requests to: L. Sánchez  相似文献   

Reaction of 5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxy-1,10-phenanthroline (L) with Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O in methanol in 3:1 M ratio at room temperature yields light green [CuL3](ClO4)2·H2O (1). The X-ray crystal structure of the hemi acetonitrile solvate [CuL3](ClO4)2·0.5CH3CN has been determined which shows Jahn-Teller distortion in the CuN6 core present in the cation [CuL3]2+. Complex 1 gives an axial EPR spectrum in acetonitrile-toluene glass with g|| = 2.262 (A|| = 169 × 10−4 cm−1) and g = 2.069. The Cu(II/I) potential in 1 in CH2Cl2 at a glassy carbon electrode is 0.32 V versus NHE. This potential does not change with the addition of extra L in the medium implicating generation of a six-coordinate copper(I) species [CuL3]+ in solution. B3LYP/LanL2DZ calculations show that the six Cu-N bond distances in [CuL3]+ are 2.33, 2.25, 2.32, 2.25, 2.28 and 2.25 Å while the ideal Cu(I)-N bond length in a symmetric Cu(I)N6 moiety is estimated as 2.25 Å. Reaction of L with Cu(CH3CN)4ClO4 in dehydrated methanol at room temperature even in 4:1 M proportion yields [CuL2]ClO4 (2). Its 1H NMR spectrum indicates that the metal in [CuL2]+ is tetrahedral. The Cu(II/I) potential in 2 is found to be 0.68 V versus NHE in CH2Cl2 at a glassy carbon electrode. In presence of excess L, 2 yields the cyclic voltammogram of 1. From 1H NMR titration, the free energy of binding of L to [CuL2]+ to produce [CuL3]+ in CD2Cl2 at 298 K is estimated as −11.7 (±0.2) kJ mol−1.  相似文献   

Summary The haemocytes of larvae and young pupae of Calliphora erythrocephala are studied by phase contrast and electron microscopy and three cell lineages are distinguished: plasmatocytes, thrombocytoids and oenocytoids. The plasmatocytes show important modifications during larval development and at the time of histolysis, which are described and discussed in relation to the function of these cells in the physiology of Calliphora. The thrombocytoids, haemocytes which had not been recorded so far, are characterized by a strong tendency to fragmentation, this process leading to the formation of the anucleated cytoplasmic fragments and the naked nuclei referred to by earlier authors. The ability of the cell fragments, which retain normal cytological characteristics, to agglutinate and form intricate networks, is discussed in relation to haemostasis in Calliphora.The ultrastructural study of the haemocyte accumulations in the vicinity of the posterior part of the dorsal vessel reveals the basic organization of haemocytopoetic tissue, as described recently in orthopteran insects. The functional importance of this tissue in the production of haemocytes is demonstrated by X-irradiation and ligation experiments in larvae of Calliphora.
Résumé L'étude en microscopie en contraste de phase et au microscope électronique permet de distinguer dans le sang circulant de larves et de jeunes pupes de Calliphora erythrocephala trois lignées cellulaires: les plasmatocytes, les thrombocytoïdes et les oenocytoïdes. Les plasmatocytes, numériquement les plus importants, présentent au cours du développement larvaire et chez les pupes des modifications considérables, qui sont décrites et discutées en rapport avec la fonction évidente de ces hémocytes chez Calliphora. Les thrombocytoïdes, inconnus dans la littérature, se caractérisent par une forte tendance à la fragmentation, qui aboutit à la formation des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés» et des «noyaux nus» signalés par divers auteurs. Les phénomènes d'agglutination des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés», dont les caractères cytologiques restent normaux, sont discutés en rapport avec le problème de l'hémostase chez cet insecte.L'étude ultrastructurale des accumulations hémocytaires autour du vaisseau dorsal dans la partie postérieure de l'abdomen montre une organisation de base comparable à celle décrite dans les organes hématopoïétiques des Insectes Orthoptères. L'importance fonctionelle de ce tissu hématopoïétique de Calliphora dans la production des hémocytes au cours de la vie larvaire est démontrée par des irradiations de ce tissu et par des ligatures de la partie postérieure de l'abdomen.

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