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在低温吸胀阶段,经PVA(聚乙烯醇)和PEG(聚乙二醇6000)预处理的大豆胚轴蛋白质合成和ATP含量均比对照高。在萌发阶段,胚轴生长增快,蛋白质合成明显加快,ATP迅速被消耗,而对照胚轴则相反。试验结果表明,预处理大豆种子萌发和生长与其蛋白质合成、ATP水平和消耗能力有密切关系。  相似文献   

用饲喂蛋白质和核酸合成的放射性前体[3 H]-Phe、[3 H]-尿嘧啶和[3 H]-胸腺嘧啶证实了油菜素内酯(BR)能促进绿豆上胚轴的生长和蛋白质、RNA 及DNA 的合成。用蛋白质和核酸合成抑制剂(CH、Act.D、5-Fu)进一步探讨它们对上胚轴伸长的抑制作用与蛋白质、RNA、DNA 和m RNA 合成之间的关系。证明了上胚轴的伸长依赖于蛋白质和核酸的合成,尤其是依赖于m RNA 的合成。说明BR是在转录水平上调节基因的表达,进而促进上胚轴的伸长  相似文献   

为了揭示牡丹切花能量调控规律及其与切花瓶插品质的关系,以发育至二级状态的‘洛阳红’切花为试材,研究高能荷水平(大田自然生长,FNG)和低能荷水平(自然生长采后5~6 ℃贮藏15 d,PCS)状态下切花瓶插品质与能荷以及能量代谢的敏感基因SnRK1表达的关系。结果表明:(1)与FNG(高能荷)相比,PCS(低能荷)明显加快瓶插过程中牡丹切花开放和衰老进程,显著缩短瓶插寿命和减小最大花径,并提早呼吸跃变峰值,提高呼吸速率,加快蔗糖降解,导致花瓣琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)和线粒体复合体Ⅳ(CCO)活性下降加快,造成ATP和EC水平快速下降,引起PsSnRK1的表达水平上调时间提前,表达水平提高。(2)PsSnRK1 基因能够对牡丹花瓣能量匮乏快速响应,能荷水平下降可诱导 PsSnRK1基因表达上调。研究发现,冷藏后花瓣能荷水平下降是导致牡丹切花瓶插过程中花朵快速衰老的重要因素之一,花瓣能量状况在调控牡丹切花瓶插品质过程中起着重要作用,并为通过调节牡丹切花能量水平提高切花瓶插品质提供一种新策略。  相似文献   

通过对若干个玉米杂交及其亲本自交授粉后1天、3天、7天、10天胚中ATP酶活性、RNA酶活性及蛋白质变化的比较来探讨杂种优势产生的生化机理。结果表明,30个组合的玉米授粉后一天,有90%组合杂交胚中ATP酶活性超过双亲或母本自交胚中ATP酶活性。授粉后3天杂交胚中ATP酶活性多数低于双亲自交胚中的ATP酶活性,看来这一表现与自交授粉后胚中合子细胞分裂较迟缓有关。以上四个时期授粉后,杂交胚中RNA酶活性介于双亲之间或低于双亲,这可能与杂交胚中核酸分解的速度较慢有关。杂交胚中蛋白质含量变化不同时期各组合间表现不同,杂交后胚胎发育初期胚中蛋白质的变化不一定是总的数量的增加,而是某些蛋白质或酶的变化。  相似文献   

The increase in ATP and E.C. in the mung bean axes during imbibi- tion was accompanied by an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. When the axes were treated with 5×l0-5 M, and 5×10-4M 2,4-Dinitrophenol at the first 4 hours of imbibition respectively, the production of ATP was inhibited, and the E.C. value decreased; at the same time, the incorporation of 3H-leucine into the trichloroacetic acidinsoluble protein was inhibited also. CCCP (1×10-5M and 1×10-4M) had a similar effect as DNP on mung bean axes. Incubated with 0.2 μg. ml-1 cycloheximide for 4 hours, the protein synthsized reduced by 69% compared to the control, the ATP and E. C. were slightly higher than the untreated one; while incubated with 1 μg and 5 μg cycloheximide, the protein synthesis almost stopped, the content of ATP decreased slightly, and E. C. value remained constant. When the mung bean axes were incubated with 1 μg, and 10 μg. ml-1 of actinomycin D for 4 hours, the protein synthesis was inhibited 23%, and 48% respectively. On the other hand, ATP, E. C. and the adenylate pool were not affected. These results showed that protein synthesis in mung bean axes during im- bibition was highly sensitive to the changes of ATP level and E. C. value. In contrast, adenylate pool was not affected by the actinomycin D.  相似文献   

本文研究了绿豆子叶线粒体发育过程中腺苷酸能荷(AEC)的变化及其和细胞能量状态的关系。观察到吸胀2小时的绿豆子叶线粒体发育不完全,吸胀12小时线粒体内膜出现明显的内嵴。随着线粒体完整性的增加,H~ -ATPase 的活性明显增大,细胞的 ATP 水平也明显提高,AMP 水平下降,AEC 值剧增,但此时线粒体本身的腺苷酸水平及 AEC 值变化不大。经1×10~(-4)mol/1和5×10~(-4)mol/1 DNP 处理的子叶,细胞中 ATP 含量大大降低,AMP 增多,AEC 随之下降,而线粒体的腺苷酸及 AEC 仍然保持衡定,腺苷酸激酶(AK)的活性不但不受 DNP 的抑制,反比对照增加约50%。线粒体能量状态的维持可能受 AK 的调节。  相似文献   

酪氨酸对hCG诱导兔离体卵泡蛋白质及RNA合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入探讨酪氨酸抗hCG致孕酮生成作用的机制,本文利用~3H-亮氨酸和~3H-尿嘧啶掺和入兔离体卵泡的方法,观察了酪氨酸对蛋白质及RNA合成的影响。结果显示,酪氨酸对hCG诱导的蛋白质、RNA合成具有明显的抑制作用,但同剂量的多巴胺或苯丙氨酸却无效。酪氨酸还抑制cAMP的生成,并可拮抗外源cAMP诱导蛋白质及RNA的合成。上述结果表明,酪氨酸可通过使cAMP生成减少和进入细胞内直接发挥作用两种方式抑制hCG诱导的兔卵泡蛋白质及RNA的合成。酪氨酸的这一作用可能与其抑制孕酮生成有密切的关系。  相似文献   

The diel pattern of cell division, cell carbon, adenine nucleotides and vertical migration was determined for laboratory cultures of the photosynthetic marine dinoflagellate, Ceratium furca (Ehr.) Clap. & Lachm., entrained on an alternating 12:12 LD schedule at 20 C. Cell division was initiated during the latter portion of the dark period with ca. 30% of the population undergoing division. Cell C increased during the light period and exhibited a linear decrease with a loss of 33% during the dark period. ATP · cell?1 increased during the light period and decreased by ca. 40–50% during the dark period. The diel patterns of cell C and ATP tended to “buffer” the magnitude of the change in C:ATP ratios around an overall mean value of 89. There was no obvious trend in the concentration of [GTP + UTP] · cell?1 over the cell cycle. The cellular adenylate energy charge was maintained at values between 0.8 to 0.9 throughout the 24 h LD cycle, despite a ca. 40% decrease in total adenylates (AT= ATP + ADP + AMP) during the dark period on 12:12 LD, and over a 68% decrease in ATP during 42 h of continuous darkness. These data lend experimental support to the theory of cellular metabolic control by the adenine nucleotides. With lateral illumination on 12:12 LD cycles, the cells began to concentrate at the surface of the experimental tubes shortly before the lights were turned on, and at the bottom of the tubes shortly before the lights were extinguished. This pattern continued for 6 days in continuous darkness, suggesting that the vertical migration pattern is independent of a phototactic response and may be under the control of an endogenous rhythm.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白代谢过程中Hela细胞热耐受性的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HeLa细胞受热应激后,可产生一组热休克蛋白(HSP),其中HSP73/70产量最高,其合成呈现一定的规律性,受热后4h为其合成速率高峰,10h后明显减少,24h恢复正常。随着HSP合成的消失,正常蛋白质合成逐渐恢复。HSP73/70在细胞内分解遵循指数规律,其半衰期为49.9h。HSP合成及分解规律与细胞热耐受性的增加与消退基本吻合,提示二者之间存在着伴随关系,但是否存在量效关系乃至因果关系有待今后进一步探讨。  相似文献   

小麦根尖细胞分化过程中DNA,RNA和蛋白质含量变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)种子在25℃条件下萌发3d,根生长至1~2cm长时,于双筒解剖镜下严格切取根分生区、伸长区和成熟区。用专一性荧光染料Hochest33258、Pyronin G和FITC分别染细胞核DNA、RNA和蛋白质,并用自动图像分析技术和细胞荧光测定术分别测定三个区中各125个细胞核DNA的相对含量和各100个细胞中RNA和蛋白质的相对含量。核DNA相对含量随着根尖细胞分化的进程,DNA含量递增,成熟区细胞中含量最高。RNA的相对含量则与之相反,在分生区细胞中含量最高,成熟区细胞中含量最低。蛋白质的相对含量则在伸长区细胞中最高,分生区细胞中最低。讨论了根尖细胞分化过程中DNA、RNA和蛋白质三者之间变化的一些内在联系。  相似文献   

红豆草(Onebrychis viciaefolia Scop.)下胚轴切段在含有1mg/IBA、1mg/1 KT 的 LS培养基上培养,两周后产生愈伤组织,通过筛选、克隆得到大量的具有胚胎发生潜力的非胚性愈伤组织,当将其转移到含1mg/1BA 的 LS 培养基上后可诱导体细胞胚胎发生。应用放射性同位素液体闪烁技术测得在胚性培养的前2天,RNA 合成速度迅速上升,随后下降,第五天后又呈缓慢上升趋势,尔后平稳。蛋白质合成速度在胚性培养的第三天达到高峰,升高很快。而 DNA 合成速度变化平缓,只是在胚性培养的第五天出现一较小的峰。胚性培养过程的 DNA、RNA 蛋白质合成速度均高于非胚性培养。  相似文献   

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