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The hindbrain and pharyngeal arch-derived structures of vertebrates are determined, at least in part, by Hox paralog group 2 genes. In sarcopterygians, the Hoxa2 gene alone appears to specify structures derived from the second pharyngeal arch (PA2), while in zebrafish (Danio rerio), either of the two Hox PG2 genes, hoxa2b or hoxb2a, can specify PA2-derived structures. We previously reported three Hox PG2 genes in striped bass (Morone saxatilis), including hoxa2a, hoxa2b, and hoxb2a and observed that only HoxA cluster genes are expressed in PA2, indicative that they function alone or together to specify PA2. In this paper, we present the cloning and expression analysis of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Hox PG2 genes and show that all three genes are expressed in the hindbrain and in PA2. The expression of hoxb2a in PA2 was unexpected given the close phylogenetic relationship of Nile tilapia and striped bass, both of which are members of the order Perciformes. A reanalysis of striped bass hoxb2a expression demonstrated that it is expressed in PA2 with nearly the same temporal and spatial expression pattern as its Nile tilapia ortholog. Further, we determined that Nile tilapia and striped bass hoxa2a orthologs are expressed in PA2 well beyond the onset of chondrogenesis whereas neither hoxa2b nor hoxb2a expression persist until this stage, which, according to previous hypotheses, suggests that hoxa2a orthologs in these two species function alone as selector genes of PA2 identity.  相似文献   

The Hox code of jawed vertebrates is characterized by the colinear and rostrocaudally nested expression of Hox genes in pharyngeal arches, hindbrain, somites, and limb/fin buds. To gain insights into the evolutionary path leading to the gnathostome Hox code, we have systematically analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox gene complement in an agnathan species, Lethenteron japonicum (Lj). We have isolated 15 LjHox genes and assigned them to paralogue groups (PG) 1-11, based on their deduced amino acid sequences. LjHox expression during development displayed gnathostome-like spatial patterns with respect to the PG numbers. Specifically, lamprey PG1-3 showed homologous expression patterns in the rostral hindbrain and pharyngeal arches to their gnathostome counterparts. Moreover, PG9-11 genes were expressed specifically in the tailbud, implying its posteriorizing activity as those in gnathostomes. We conclude that these gnathostome-like colinear spatial patterns of LjHox gene expression can be regarded as one of the features already established in the common ancestor of living vertebrates. In contrast, we did not find evidence for temporal colinearity in the onset of LjHox expression. The genomic and developmental characteristics of Hox genes from different chordate species are also compared, focusing on evolution of the complex body plan of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Sea urchin Hox genes: insights into the ancestral Hox cluster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe the Hox cluster in the radially symmetric sea urchin and compare our findings to what is known from clusters in bilaterally symmetric animals. Several Hox genes from the direct-developing sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma are described. CHEF gel analysis shows that the Hox genes are clustered on a < or = 300 kilobase (kb) fragment of DNA, and only a single cluster is present, as in lower chordates and other nonvertebrate metazoans. Phylogenetic analyses of sea urchin, amphioxus, Drosophila, and selected vertebrate Hox genes confirm that the H. erythrogramma genes, and others previously cloned from other sea urchins, belong to anterior, central, and posterior groups. Despite their radial body plan and lack of cephalization, echinoderms retain at least one of the anterior group Hox genes, an orthologue of Hox3. The structure of the echinoderm Hox cluster suggests that the ancestral deuterostome had a Hox cluster more similar to the current chordate cluster than was expected Sea urchins have at least three Abd-B type genes, suggesting that Abd-B expansion began before the radiation of deuterostomes.   相似文献   

Two burgeoning research trends are helping to reconstruct the evolution of the Hox cluster with greater detail and clarity. First, Hox genes are being studied in a broader phylogenetic sampling of taxa: the past year has witnessed important new data from teleost fishes, onychophorans, myriapods, polychaetes, glossiphoniid leeches, ribbon worms, and sea anemones. Second, commonly accepted notions of animal relationships are being challenged by alternative phylogenetic hypotheses that are causing us to rethink the evolutionary relationships of important metazoan lineages, especially arthropods, annelids, nematodes, and platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

The conserved homeobox (Hox) gene cluster is neither conserved nor clustered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Instead, C. elegans has a reduced and dispersed gene complement that is the result the loss of Hox genes in stages throughout its evolutionary history. The roles of Hox genes in patterning the nematode body axis are also divergent, although there are tantalising remnants of ancient regulatory systems. Hox patterning also differs greatly between C. elegans and a second 'model' nematode, Pristionchus pacificus. The pattern of Hox gene evolution may be indicative of the move to deterministic developmental modes in nematodes.  相似文献   

Cho SJ  Vallès Y  Kim KM  Ji SC  Han SJ  Park SC 《Gene》2012,493(2):260-266
Annelida is a lophotrochozoan phylum whose members have a high degree of diversity in body plan morphology, reproductive strategies and ecological niches among others.Of the two traditional classes pertaining to the phylum Annelida (Polychaete and Clitellata), the structure and function of the Hox genes has not been clearly defined within the Oligochaeta class. Using a PCR-based survey, we were able to identify five new Hox genes from the earthworm Perionyx excavatus: a Hox3 gene (Pex-Hox3b), two Dfd genes (Pex-Lox6 and Pex-Lox18), and two posterior genes (Pex-post1 and -post2a). Our result suggests that the eleven earthworm Hox genes contain at least four paralog groups (PG) that have duplicated. We found the clitellates-diagnostic signature residues and annelid signature motif. Also, we show by semi-quantitative RT-PCR that duplicated Hox gene orthologs are differentially expressed in six different anterior-posterior body regions. These results provide essential data for comparative evolution of the Hox cluster within the Annelida.  相似文献   

Group B SOX genes, the closest relatives to the sex-determining gene SRY, are thought to have evolved from a single ancestral SOX B by a series of duplications and translocations. The two SOX B genes SOX2 and SOX14 co-localize to chromosome 3q in humans. SOX2 and SOX14 homologues were cloned and characterized in the platypus, a monotreme mammal distantly related to man. The two genes were found to co-localize to chromosome 1q in this species. Proximity of the two related genes has therefore been conserved for 170 Myr, since humans and platypus diverged. The sequence similarity and conserved synteny of these group B genes provide clues to their origin. A simple model of SOX group B gene evolution is proposed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that the ancestral osteichthyan Hox paralog group 2 gene complement was composed of two genes, Hoxa2 and b2 , both of which have been retained in tetrapods, but only one of which functions as a selector gene of second pharyngeal arch identity (PA2). Genome duplication at the inception of the teleosts likely generated four Hox PG2 genes, only two of which, hoxa2b and b2a , have been preserved in zebrafish, where they serve as functionally redundant PA2 selector genes. Evidence from our laboratory has shown that other telelosts, specifically striped bass and Nile tilapia, harbor three transcribed Hox PG2 genes, hoxa2a, a2b , and b2a , with unspecified function(s). We have focused on characterizing the function of the three Nile tilapia Hox PG2 genes as a model to examine the effects of postgenome duplication gene loss on the evolution of developmental gene function. We studied Hox PG2 gene function in tilapia by examining the effects of independent morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)-induced knockdowns on pharyngeal arch morphology and Hox gene expression patterns. Morphological defects resulting from independent MO-induced knockdowns of tilapia hoxa2a, a2b , and b2a included the expected PA2 to PA1 homeotic transformations previously observed in tetrapods and zebrafish, as well as concordant and unexpected morphological changes in posterior arch-derived cartilages. Of particular interest, was the observation of a MO-induced supernumerary arch between PA6 and PA7, which occurred concomitantly with other MO-induced pharyngeal arch defects. Beyond these previously unreported morphant-induced transformations, a comparison of Hox PG2 gene expression patterns in tilapia Hox PG2 morphants were indicative of arch-specific auto- and cross-regulatory activities as well as a Hox paralog group 2 interdependent regulatory network for control of pharyngeal arch specification.  相似文献   

New insights into the evolution of metazoan tyrosinase gene family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tyrosinases, widely distributed among animals, plants and fungi, are involved in the biosynthesis of melanin, a pigment that has been exploited, in the course of evolution, to serve different functions. We conducted a deep evolutionary analysis of tyrosinase family amongst metazoa, thanks to the availability of new sequenced genomes, assessing that tyrosinases (tyr) represent a distinctive feature of all the organisms included in our study and, interestingly, they show an independent expansion in most of the analyzed phyla. Tyrosinase-related proteins (tyrp), which derive from tyr but show distinct key residues in the catalytic domain, constitute an invention of chordate lineage. In addition we here reported a detailed study of the expression territories of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis tyr and tyrps. Furthermore, we put efforts in the identification of the regulatory sequences responsible for their expression in pigment cell lineage. Collectively, the results reported here enlarge our knowledge about the tyrosinase gene family as valuable resource for understanding the genetic components involved in pigment cells evolution and development.  相似文献   

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