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Chang JY 《Biochemistry》2011,50(17):3414-3431
The pathway of oxidative folding of disulfide proteins exhibits a high degree of diversity, which is manifested mainly by distinct structural heterogeneity and diverse rearrangement pathways of folding intermediates. During the past two decades, the scope of this diversity has widened through studies of more than 30 disulfide-rich proteins by various laboratories. A more comprehensive landscape of the mechanism of protein oxidative folding has emerged. This review will cover three themes. (1) Elaboration of the scope of diversity of disulfide folding pathways, including the two opposite extreme models, represented by bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) and hirudin. (2) Demonstration of experimental evidence accounting for the underlying mechanism of the folding diversity. (3) Discussion of the convergence between the extreme models of oxidative folding and models of conventional conformational folding (framework model, hydrophobic collapse model).  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, the introduction of disulfide bonds into folding proteins occurs in the periplasm and is catalyzed by donation of an energetically unstable disulfide from DsbA, which is subsequently re-oxidized through interaction with DsbB. Gram-positive bacteria lack a classic periplasm but nonetheless encode Dsb-like proteins. Staphylococcus aureus encodes just one Dsb protein, a DsbA, and no DsbB. Here we report the crystal structure of S. aureus DsbA (SaDsbA), which incorporates a thioredoxin fold with an inserted helical domain, like its Escherichia coli counterpart EcDsbA, but it lacks the characteristic hydrophobic patch and has a truncated binding groove near the active site. These findings suggest that SaDsbA has a different substrate specificity than EcDsbA. Thermodynamic studies indicate that the oxidized and reduced forms of SaDsbA are energetically equivalent, in contrast to the energetically unstable disulfide form of EcDsbA. Further, the partial complementation of EcDsbA by SaDsbA is independent of EcDsbB and biochemical assays show that SaDsbA does not interact with EcDsbB. The identical stabilities of oxidized and reduced SaDsbA may facilitate direct re-oxidation of the protein by extracellular oxidants, without the need for DsbB.  相似文献   

The rate and yield of oxidative renaturation of reduced RNase A has been studied as a function of [-S-S-]/[-SH]. The principal conclusion of these studies is that rates and yields of oxidative renaturation are strongly dependent on the low mol. wt disulfide/thiol ratio. The relationships are complex and do not parallel the redox potential of the system. The present results are consistent with earlier findings on other proteins, and lead us to believe that the above conclusion is general. Kinetic studies of oxidative renaturation should recognize and account for the dependence of reaction rate and extent on the disulfide/thiol ratio. This ratio can change substantially over the course of a reaction, either due to stoichiometric transfer of disulfide to protein, and/or adventitious air oxidation of thiols. Failure to account for changes in the disulfide/thiol ratio may compromise the interpretation of such experiments.  相似文献   

DsbA is the major oxidase responsible for generation of disulfide bonds in proteins of E. coli envelope. In the present work we provided the first detailed characterization of disulfide exchange between DsbA and its natural substrate, HtrA protease. We demonstrated that HtrA oxidation relies on DsbA, both in vivo and in vitro. We followed the disulfide exchange between these proteins spectrofluorimetrically and found that DsbA oxidizes HtrA with a 1:1 stoichiometry. The calculated second-order apparent rate constant (kapp) of this reaction was 3.3x10(4)+/-0.6x10(4) M-1s-1. This value was significantly higher than the values obtained for nonfunctional disulfide exchanges between DsbA and DsbC or DsbD and it was comparable to the kapp values calculated for in vitro oxidation of certain non-natural DsbA substrates of eukaryotic origin.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of the active-site CXXC central dipeptides of DsbA and DsbC in disulfide bond formation and isomerization in the Escherichia coli periplasm. DsbA active-site mutants with a wide range of redox potentials were expressed either from the trc promoter on a multicopy plasmid or from the endogenous dsbA promoter by integration of the respective alleles into the bacterial chromosome. The dsbA alleles gave significant differences in the yield of active murine urokinase, a protein containing 12 disulfides, including some that significantly enhanced urokinase expression over that allowed by wild-type DsbA. No direct correlation between the in vitro redox potential of dsbA variants and the urokinase yield was observed. These results suggest that the active-site CXXC motif of DsbA can play an important role in determining the folding of multidisulfide proteins, in a way that is independent from DsbA's redox potential. However, under aerobic conditions, there was no significant difference among the DsbA mutants with respect to phenotypes depending on the oxidation of proteins with few disulfide bonds. The effect of active-site mutations in the CXXC motif of DsbC on disulfide isomerization in vivo was also examined. A library of DsbC expression plasmids with the active-site dipeptide randomized was screened for mutants that have increased disulfide isomerization activity. A number of DsbC mutants that showed enhanced expression of a variant of human tissue plasminogen activator as well as mouse urokinase were obtained. These DsbC mutants overwhelmingly contained an aromatic residue at the C-terminal position of the dipeptide, whereas the N-terminal residue was more diverse. Collectively, these data indicate that the active sites of the soluble thiol- disulfide oxidoreductases can be modulated to enhance disulfide isomerization and protein folding in the bacterial periplasmic space.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase: the structure of oxidative folding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cellular functions hinge on the ability of proteins to adopt their correct folds, and misfolded proteins can lead to disease. Here, we focus on the proteins that catalyze disulfide bond formation, a step in the oxidative folding pathway that takes place in specialized cellular compartments. In the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotes, disulfide formation is catalyzed by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI); by contrast, prokaryotes produce a family of disulfide bond (Dsb) proteins, which together achieve an equivalent outcome in the bacterial periplasm. The recent crystal structure of yeast PDI has increased our understanding of the function and mechanism of PDI. Comparison of the structure of yeast PDI with those of bacterial DsbC and DsbG reveals some similarities but also striking differences that suggest directions for future research aimed at unraveling the catalytic mechanism of disulfide bond formation in the cell.  相似文献   

The burial of native disulfide bonds, formed within stable structure in the regeneration of multi-disulfide-containing proteins from their fully reduced states, is a key step in the folding process, as the burial greatly accelerates the oxidative folding rate of the protein by sequestering the native disulfide bonds from thiol-disulfide exchange reactions. Nevertheless, several proteins retain solvent-exposed disulfide bonds in their native structures. Here, we have examined the impact of an easily reducible native disulfide bond on the oxidative folding rate of a protein. Our studies reveal that the susceptibility of the (40-95) disulfide bond of Y92G bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) to reduction results in a reduced rate of oxidative regeneration, compared with wild-type RNase A. In the native state of RNase A, Tyr 92 lies atop its (40-95) disulfide bond, effectively shielding this bond from the reducing agent, thereby promoting protein oxidative regeneration. Our work sheds light on the unique contribution of a local structural element in promoting the oxidative folding of a multi-disulfide-containing protein.  相似文献   

The oxidative folding of proteins consists of conformational folding and disulfide-bond reactions. These two processes are coupled significantly in folding-coupled regeneration steps, in which a single chemical reaction (the "forward" reaction) converts a conformationally unstable precursor species into a conformationally stable, disulfide-protected successor species. Two limiting-case mechanisms for folding-coupled regeneration steps are described. In the folded-precursor mechanism, the precursor species is preferentially folded at the moment of the forward reaction. The (transient) native structure increases the effective concentrations of the reactive thiol and disulfide groups, thus favoring the forward reaction. By contrast, in the quasi-stochastic mechanism, the forward reaction occurs quasi-stochastically in an unfolded precursor; i.e., reactive groups encounter each other with a probability determined primarily by loop entropy, albeit modified by conformational biases in the unfolded state. The resulting successor species is initially unfolded, and its folding competes with backward chemical reactions to the unfolded precursors. The folded-precursor and quasi-stochastic mechanisms may be distinguished experimentally by the dependence of their kinetics on factors affecting the rates of thiol--disulfide exchange and conformational (un)folding. Experimental data and structural and biochemical arguments suggest that the quasi-stochastic mechanism is more plausible than the folded-precursor mechanism for most proteins.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of the disulfide catalysts DsbA and DsbB   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In prokaryotes, disulfides are generated by the DsbA-DsbB system. DsbB functions to generate disulfides by quinone reduction. These disulfides are passed to the DsbA protein and then to folding proteins. To investigate the DsbA-DsbB catalytic system, we performed an in vivo selection for chromosomal dsbA and dsbB mutants. We rediscovered many residues previously shown to be important for the activity of these proteins. In addition, we obtained one novel DsbA mutant (M153R) and four novel DsbB mutants (L43P, H91Y, R133C, and L146R). We also mutated residues that are highly conserved within the DsbB family in an effort to identify residues important for DsbB function. We found classes of mutants that specifically affect the apparent K(m) of DsbB for either DsbA or quinones, suggesting that quinone and DsbA may interact with different regions of the DsbB protein. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that the residues Q33 and Y46 of DsbB interact with DsbA, Q95 and R48 interact with quinones, and that residue M153 of DsbA interacts with DsbB. All of these interactions could be due to direct amino acid interactions or could be indirect through, for instance, their effect on protein structure. In addition, we find that the DsbB H91Y mutant severely affects the k(cat) of the reaction between DsbA and DsbB and that the DsbB L43P mutant is inactive, suggesting that both L43 and H91 are important for the activity of DsbB. These experiments help to better define the residues important for the function of these two protein-folding catalysts.  相似文献   

The heat capacities (DeltaC(p,f)) for the temperature-induced folding of proteins: barnase, lysozyme T4, papain, trypsin, ribonuclease T1, chymotrypsin, lysozyme and ribonuclease A have been calculated from the change in solvent accessible surface area between the native state and extended polypeptide chain. To visualize the effect of disulfide cross-links on molar heat capacity, loops of varying number of alanine residues and extended alanine chains with terminal cystein are modeled. The difference in DeltaC(p) values between the extended state and the loop conformation of proteins is linearly related to the number of residues in the loop. Corrections to the heat capacity of folding (DeltaC(p,f)) are applied for proteins with cross-links based on this observation. There is good correlation between corrected values of DeltaC(p,f) and experimental values.  相似文献   

Ruoppolo M  Vinci F  Klink TA  Raines RT  Marino G 《Biochemistry》2000,39(39):12033-12042
The eight cysteine residues of ribonuclease A form four disulfide bonds in the native protein. We have analyzed the folding of three double RNase A mutants (C65A/C72A, C58A/C110A, and C26A/C84A, lacking the C65-C72, C58-C110, and C26-C84 disulfide bonds, respectively) and two single mutants (C110A and C26A), in which a single cysteine is replaced with an alanine and the paired cysteine is present in the reduced form. The folding of these mutants was carried out in the presence of oxidized and reduced glutathione, which constitute the main redox agents present within the ER. The use of mass spectrometry in the analysis of the folding processes allowed us (i) to follow the formation of intermediates and thus the pathway of folding of the RNase A mutants, (ii) to quantitate the intermediates that formed, and (iii) to compare the rates of formation of intermediates. By comparison of the folding kinetics of the mutants with that of wild-type RNase A, the contribution of each disulfide bond to the folding process has been evaluated. In particular, we have found that the folding of the C65A/C72A mutant occurs on the same time scale as that of the wild-type protein, thus suggesting that the removal of the C65-C72 disulfide bond has no effect on the kinetics of RNase A folding. Conversely, the C58A/C110A and C26A/C84A mutants fold much more slowly than the wild-type protein. The removal of the C58-C110 and C26-C84 disulfide bonds has a dramatic effect on the kinetics of RNase A folding. Results described in this paper provide specific information about conformational folding events in the regions involving the mutated cysteine residues, thus contributing to a better understanding of the complex mechanism of oxidative folding.  相似文献   

Chang JY  Li L 《Biochemistry》2002,41(26):8405-8413
The pathway of oxidative folding of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha LA) (four disulfide bonds) has been characterized by structural and kinetic analysis of the acid-trapped folding intermediates. In the absence of calcium, oxidative folding of alpha LA proceeds through highly heterogeneous species of one-, two-, three-, and four-disulfide (scrambled) intermediates to reach the native structure. In the presence of calcium, the folding intermediates of alpha LA comprise two predominant isomers (alpha LA-IIA and alpha LA-IIIA) adopting exclusively native disulfide bonds, including the two disulfide bonds (Cys(61)-Cys(77) and Cys(73)-Cys(91)) located within the beta-sheet calcium binding domain. alpha LA-IIA is a two-disulfide species consisting of Cys(61)-Cys(77) and Cys(73)-Cys(91) disulfide bonds. alpha LA-IIIA contains Cys(61)-Cys(77), Cys(73)-Cys(91), and Cys(28)-Cys(111) disulfide bonds. The underlying mechanism of the contrasting folding pathways of calcium-bound and calcium-depleted alpha LA is congruent with the cause of diversity of disulfide folding pathways observed among many well-characterized three-disulfide proteins, including bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and hirudin. Our study also reveals novel aspects of the folding mechanism of alpha LA that have not been described previously.  相似文献   

包含体蛋白质的复性研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
包含体的形成是异源蛋白质在大肠杆菌中高效表达的必然结果,也是目前产生重组蛋白质最有效的方法之一。不可溶、无生物活性的包含体必须经过变性、复性才能获得天然结构,完整特定的生物学功能。聚集是造成重组蛋白质复性产率低下的主要因素,因此理解蛋白质聚集机制,减少和防止聚集的发生是建立高效、高产率复性方法的关键。分子伴侣、低分子量添加物等在复性过程中的应用及新的复性方法的建立都大大提高了重组蛋白质复性产率。  相似文献   

It is believed that the critical step in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is a transition of prion protein (PrP) from an alpha-helical conformation, PrP(C), to a beta-sheet-rich form, PrP(Sc). Native prion protein contains a single disulfide bond linking Cys residues at positions 179 and 214. To elucidate the role of this bridge in the stability and folding of the protein, we studied the reduced form of the recombinant human PrP as well as the variant of PrP in which cysteines were replaced with alanine residues. At neutral pH, the reduced prion protein and the Cys-free mutant were insoluble and formed amorphous aggregates. However, the proteins could be refolded in a monomeric form under the conditions of mildly acidic pH. Spectroscopic experiments indicate that the monomeric Cys-free and reduced PrP have molten globule-like properties, i.e. they are characterized by compromised tertiary interactions, an increased exposure of hydrophobic surfaces, lack of cooperative unfolding transition in urea, and partial loss of native (alpha-helical) secondary structure. In the presence of sodium chloride, these partially unfolded proteins undergo a transition to a beta-sheet-rich structure. However, this transition is invariably associated with protein oligomerization. The present data argue against the notion that reduced prion protein can exist in a stable monomeric form that is rich in beta-sheet structure.  相似文献   

In vitro folding of alpha-helical membrane proteins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
For large-scale production, as required in structural biology, membrane proteins can be expressed in an insoluble form as inclusion bodies and be refolded in vitro. This requires refolding conditions where the native form is thermodynamically stable and where nonproductive pathways leading to aggregation are avoided. Examples of successful refolding are reviewed and general guidelines to establish refolding protocols of membrane proteins are presented.  相似文献   

For large-scale production, as required in structural biology, membrane proteins can be expressed in an insoluble form as inclusion bodies and be refolded in vitro. This requires refolding conditions where the native form is thermodynamically stable and where nonproductive pathways leading to aggregation are avoided. Examples of successful refolding are reviewed and general guidelines to establish refolding protocols of membrane proteins are presented.  相似文献   

Small-molecule diselenides show considerable potential as catalysts of oxidative protein folding. To explore their scope, diselenide-containing redox buffers were used to promote the folding of proteins that varied in properties such as size, overall tertiary structure, number of disulfide bonds, pI value, and difficulty of in vitro folding. Diselenides are able to catalyze the oxidative folding of all proteins tested, providing significant increases in both rate and yield relative to analogous disulfides. Compared to the disulfide-linked dimer of glutathione (the most commonly used oxidant for in vitro protein folding), selenoglutathione provided markedly improved efficiencies in the folding of biotechnologically important proteins such as hirudin, lysozyme, human epidermal growth factor and interferon α-2a. Selenoglutathione also enhances the renaturation of more challenging targets such as bovine serum albumin, whose native state contains 17 disulfide bonds, and the Fab fragment of an antibody. In the latter case, micromolar amounts of selenoglutathione are able to match the modest yield provided by a previously optimized redox buffer, which contains millimolar levels of glutathione. Taken together, the folding reactions of these diverse proteins exemplify the advantages and limitations of diselenide catalysts.  相似文献   

BiP and PDI cooperate in the oxidative folding of antibodies in vitro   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein (BiP), a member of the Hsp70 chaperone family, and the oxidoreductase protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) play an important role in the folding and oxidation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. However, it was not clear whether both cooperate in this process. We show here that BiP and PDI act synergistically in the in vitro folding of the denatured and reduced Fab fragment. Several ATP-dependent cycles of binding, release, and rebinding of the unfolded antibody chains by BiP are required for efficient reactivation. Our data suggest that in the absence of BiP unfolded antibody chains collapse rapidly upon refolding, rendering cysteine side chains inaccessible for PDI. BiP binds the unfolded polypeptide chains and keeps them in a conformation in which the cysteine residues are accessible for PDI. These findings support the idea of a network of folding helper proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum, which makes this organelle a dedicated protein-processing compartment.  相似文献   

The insertion and folding of proteins in biological membranes during protein synthesis in vivo is fundamental to membrane biogenesis. At present, however, certain molecular aspects of this process can only be understood by complementary studies in vitro. We bring together in vitro and in vivo results, highlighting how the studies inform each other and increase our knowledge of the folding and assembly of polytopic membrane proteins. A notable recent advance is the high-resolution crystal structure of the protein machinery responsible for membrane protein insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum. This provides an opportunity to combine in vitro and in vivo studies at a more sophisticated level and address mechanistic aspects of polytopic protein insertion and folding. Quality control is another important aspect of membrane biogenesis, and we give an overview of the current understanding of this process, focusing on cystic fibrosis as a well-studied paradigm. Mutations in the associated membrane protein, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), can cause the quality control mechanisms to prevent the mutant protein reaching its normal site of action, the cell surface. In vitro studies of CFTR shed light on the possible origins of other clinically relevant folding mutants and highlight the potential synergy between in vitro and in vivo approaches.  相似文献   

Disulfide bridges are one of the most important factors stabilizing the native structure of a protein. Whereas the basis for their stabilizing effect is well understood, their role in a protein folding reaction still seems to require further attention. We used the constant domain of the antibody light chain (C(L)), a representative of the ubiquitous immunoglobulin (Ig)-superfamily, to delineate the kinetic role of its single buried disulfide bridge. Independent of its redox state, the monomeric C(L) domain adopts a typical Ig-fold under native conditions and does not retain significant structural elements when unfolded. Interestingly, its folding pathway is strongly influenced by the disulfide bridge. The more stable oxidized protein folds via a highly structured on-pathway intermediate, whereas the destabilized reduced protein populates a misfolded off-pathway species on its way to the native state. In both cases, the formation of the intermediate species is shown to be independent of the isomerization state of the Tyr(141)-Pro(142) bond. Our results demonstrate that the internal disulfide bridge in an antibody domain restricts the folding pathway by bringing residues of the folding nucleus into proximity thus facilitating the way to the native state.  相似文献   

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