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The glandular layer constitutes the greatest bulk of the human soft palate and is composed of individual compound tubulo-acinar salivary glands. Connective tissue partitions of the submucosa divide the glandular layer into lobules of irregular shapes and sizes. The glands are interwoven and bound firmly together by a connective tissue stroma rich in elastic fibers. The secretory units consist of elongated, branched, and sometimes convoluted tubules lined by a single layer of pyramidal mucous cells. Mucous secretion by acini is supplemented to some degree by mucous acinar cells, which were found as epithelial components of all ducts except the main excretory ducts, suggesting a diffuse distribution of progenitor cells. Some mucous acini communicate with highly convoluted intercalated ducts which occupy partially isolated positions within inter- and intralobular connective tissue septa. These ducts follow the connective tissue septa and eventually join the main duct system. The significance of this system of intercalated ducts is not known. A supplemental functional role is hypothesized.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of ureter peristalsis have been carried out in the past to understand both the flow field and ureter wall mechanics. The main objective of the current investigations is to have a better understanding of the urine transport due to the peristalsis in the ureter, thus making the information helpful for a better treatment and diagnosis of ureteral complications like urine reflux. In the current study, a numerical simulation is performed using a finite-element-based solver with a two-way fully coupled fluid structure interaction approach between the ureter wall and urine. For the first time, the ureter wall is modeled as an anisotropic hyper-elastic material based on experiments performed in previous literature on the human ureter. Peristalsis in the ureter is modeled as a series of isolated boluses. By observing the flow field it is clear that the peristalsis mechanism has a natural tendency to create a backflow as the isolated bolus moves forward. As a result, the urine can flow back from the bladder to the ureter at the ureterovesical (ureter-bladder) junctions, if the one-way valve starts to malfunction.  相似文献   

Collapse of the soft palate in the upper airway contributes to obstructive sleeping apnea (OSA). In this study, we investigate the influence of the adhesion from the tongue on the soft palate global response. This is achieved using a cohesive zone finite element approach. A traction-separation law is determined to describe the adhesion effect from the surface tension of the lining liquid between the soft palate and the tongue. According to pull-off experimental tests of human lining liquid from the oral surface of the soft palate, the corresponding cohesive properties, including the critical normal traction stress and the failure separation displacement, are obtained. The 3D patient-specific soft palate geometry is accounted for, based on one specific patient’s computed tomography (CT) images. The calculation results show that influence of the adhesion from the tongue surface on the global response of the soft palate depends on the length ratio between the cohesive length and the soft palate length. When the length of the cohesive zone is smaller than half of the soft palate length, the adhesion’s influence is negligible. When the adhesion length is larger than 70 percent of soft palate length, the adhesion force contributes to preventing the soft palate from collapsing towards to the pharynx wall, i.e. the closing pressure is more negative than in the no adhesion case. These results may provide useful information to the clinical treatment of OSA patients.  相似文献   

A new biomechanical three-dimensional (3D) model for the human mandible based on computer-generated virtual model is proposed. Using maps obtained from the special kinds of photos of the face of the real subject, it is possible to attribute personality to the virtual character, while computer animation offers movements and characteristics within the confines of space and time of the virtual world. A simple two-dimensional model of the jaw cannot explain the biomechanics, where the muscular forces through occlusion and condylar surfaces are in the state of 3D equilibrium. In the model all forces are resolved into components according to a selected coordinate system. The muscular forces act on the jaw, along with the necessary force level for chewing as some kind of mandible balance, preventing dislocation and loading of nonarticular tissues. In the work is used new approach to computer-generated animation of virtual 3D characters (called "Body SABA"), using in one object package of minimal costs and easy for operation.  相似文献   

We address the issue of what proprioceptive information, regarding movement of the human arm, may be provided to the central nervous system by proprioceptors located within muscles of this limb. To accomplish this we developed a numerical simulation which could provide estimates of the length regimes experienced by a set of model receptors located within some of the principal muscles of the human arm during planar movement of this limb. These receptors were assumed to have characteristics analogous to those associated with a simple model of muscle spindle signalling of movement. To this end each spindle had proprioceptive ‘channels’ associated with it. These corresponded to primary and secondary spindle afferent fibers which could provide independent afferent output regarding the parent muscle the spindle monitored. The angles of the shoulder and elbow joints attained by subjects performing a task requiring movement of the right arm in a horizontal plane to a static visual target were recorded. For this angular data the lengths and rates of change of lengths experienced by muscle fascicles, and hence the model spindles, during movement were calculated by means of the numerical simulation. The discharge rates of the simulated spindles during the movement were calculated to derive a measure of the depth of modulation, induced by the movement, for each spindle. These values were then summed for all spindles to provide a first-order approximation of spindle ensemble coding of the movement. Significant correlations (0.0001, Spearman's rank order) were found between the resulting ensemble encodings and, in order of significance, the angular velocity of the shoulder joint (), the tangential velocity of the hand (), and the angular velocity of the elbow joint (). Correlations between the angular positions of the shoulder () and elbow () were lower. These findings indicate that the ensemble profiles of the simulated muscle spindles, encode information regarding kinematic parameters of movements related to both intrinsic and extrinsic coordinate systems. This suggests that motor structures capable of deriving such an ensemble encoding would be in a position to perform the sensory-motor transformations between intrinsic and extrinsic frames of reference necessary for controlling movements planned in extrinsic coordinates. Received: 12 August 1994 / Accepted in revised form: 17 June 1996  相似文献   

Passive mechanical behavior of human neutrophils: power-law fluid.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
M A Tsai  R S Frank    R E Waugh 《Biophysical journal》1993,65(5):2078-2088
The mechanical behavior of the neutrophil plays an important role in both the microcirculation and the immune system. Several laboratories in the past have developed mechanical models to describe different aspects of neutrophil deformability. In this study, the passive mechanical properties of normal human neutrophils have been further characterized. The cellular mechanical properties were assessed by single cell micropipette aspiration at fixed aspiration pressures. A numerical simulation was developed to interpret the experiments in terms of cell mechanical properties based on the Newtonian liquid drop model (Yeung and Evans, Biophys. J., 56: 139-149, 1989). The cytoplasmic viscosity was determined as a function of the ratio of the initial cell size to the pipette radius, the cortical tension, aspiration pressure, and the whole cell aspiration time. The cortical tension of passive neutrophils was measured to be about 2.7 x 10(-5) N/m. The apparent viscosity of neutrophil cytoplasm was found to depend on aspiration pressure, and ranged from approximately 500 Pa.s at an aspiration pressure of 98 Pa (1.0 cm H2O) to approximately 50 Pa.s at 882 Pa (9.0 cm H2O) when tested with a 4.0-micron pipette. These data provide the first documentation that the neutrophil cytoplasm exhibits non-Newtonian behavior. To further characterize the non-Newtonian behavior of human neutrophils, a mean shear rate gamma m was estimated based on the numerical simulation. The apparent cytoplasmic viscosity appears to decrease as the mean shear rate increases. The dependence of cytoplasmic viscosity on the mean shear rate can be approximated as a power-law relationship described by mu = mu c(gamma m/gamma c)-b, where mu is the cytoplasmic viscosity, gamma m is the mean shear rate, mu c is the characteristic viscosity at characteristic shear rate gamma c, and b is a material coefficient. When gamma c was set to 1 s-1, the material coefficients for passive neutrophils were determined to be mu c = 130 +/- 23 Pa.s and b = 0.52 +/- 0.09 for normal neutrophils. The power-law approximation has a remarkable ability to reconcile discrepancies among published values of the cytoplasmic viscosity measured using different techniques, even though these values differ by nearly two orders of magnitude. Thus, the power-law fluid model is a promising candidate for describing the passive mechanical behavior of human neutrophils in large deformation. It can also account for some discrepancies between cellular behavior in single-cell micromechanical experiments and predictions based on the assumption that the cytoplasm is a simple Newtonian fluid.  相似文献   

The veins distributing oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetal body have been given much attention in clinical Doppler velocimetry studies, in particular the ductus venosus. The ductus venosus is embedded in the left liver lobe and connects the intra-abdominal portion of the umbilical vein (IUV) directly to the inferior vena cava, such that oxygenated blood can bypass the liver and flow directly to the fetal heart. In the current work, we have developed a mathematical model to assist the clinical assessment of volumetric flow rate at the inlet of the ductus venosus. With a robust estimate of the velocity profile shape coefficient (VC), the volumetric flow rate may be estimated as the product of the time-averaged cross-sectional area, the time-averaged cross-sectional maximum velocity and the VC. The time average quantities may be obtained from Doppler ultrasound measurements, whereas the VC may be estimated from numerical simulations. The mathematical model employs a 3D fluid structure interaction model of the bifurcation formed by the IUV, the ductus venosus and the left portal vein. Furthermore, the amniotic portion of the umbilical vein, the right liver lobe and the inferior vena cava were incorporated as lumped model boundary conditions for the fluid structure interaction model. A hyperelastic material is used to model the structural response of the vessel walls, based on recently available experimental data for the human IUV and ductus venous. A parametric study was constructed to investigate the VC at the ductus venosus inlet, based on a reference case for a human fetus at 36 weeks of gestation. The VC was found to be \(0.687\,\pm \,0.023\) (Mean \(\pm \) SD of parametric case study), which confirms previous studies in the literature on the VC at the ductus venosus inlet. Additionally, CFD simulations with rigid walls were performed on a subsection of the parametric case study, and only minor changes in the predicted VCs were observed compared to the FSI cases. In conclusion, the presented mathematical model is a promising tool for the assessment of ductus venosus Doppler velocimetry.  相似文献   

In the movement analysts community, the assessment of the displacement of skin photogrammetric markers relative to the underlying bone (soft tissue displacement, STD) is considered to be a priority. The aim of this study is to present a non-invasive method that allows for the characterization of STD for any marker location, subject, and motor task. In particular, this method provides an estimate of the STD vector in a bone-embedded frame. The body segment under analysis is endowed with the largest possible number of skin markers located over all areas of interest. Any given STD vector is observed from all the marker cluster frames that can be built by suitably combining all the available markers. A subset of the latter frames is identified that is made of frames endowed with uncorrelated local movements. The estimate of a given STD vector is determined through the coherent average of the vectors reconstructed using the above-mentioned independent frames. This estimate is affected by a 180° phase indeterminacy.The proposed method and the underlying hypotheses were validated using markers located on the thighs of two female subjects treated for a total knee replacement. The relevant STD estimates, STDm, were compared with those directly observed using photogrammetry combined with 2D fluoroscopic projections and the prosthesis CAD model (STDf). Recordings were made while the volunteers performed step up/down motor tasks.The root mean square value of STDm was found in the range 2.5–23.0 mm and was consistent with the RMS values of STDf and with other results reported in the literature and obtained in similarly unconstrained conditions. Moreover, STDm and STDf showed a pattern similarity measured by a correlation coefficient equal to 0.83 (±0.13) and by a normalised root mean square distance equal to 27% (±16%).The described estimate of the STD pattern and magnitude, even with the above-mentioned indeterminacies, constitutes valuable information when aiming at optimal marker placement and is an indispensable prerequisite for bone pose estimator design and assessment.  相似文献   

Cartilage destruction is a central pathological feature of osteoarthritis, a leading cause of disability in the US. Cartilage in the adult does not regenerate very efficiently in vivo; and as a result, osteoarthritis leads to irreversible cartilage loss and is accompanied by chronic pain and immobility (1,2). Cartilage tissue engineering offers promising potential to regenerate and restore tissue function. This technology typically involves seeding chondrocytes into natural or synthetic scaffolds and culturing the resulting 3D construct in a balanced medium over a period of time with a goal of engineering a biochemically and biomechanically mature tissue that can be transplanted into a defect site in vivo (3-6). Achieving an optimal condition for chondrocyte growth and matrix deposition is essential for the success of cartilage tissue engineering. In the native joint cavity, cartilage at the articular surface of the bone is bathed in synovial fluid. This clear and viscous fluid provides nutrients to the avascular articular cartilage and contains growth factors, cytokines and enzymes that are important for chondrocyte metabolism (7,8). Furthermore, synovial fluid facilitates low-friction movement between cartilaginous surfaces mainly through secreting two key components, hyaluronan and lubricin (9 10). In contrast, tissue engineered cartilage is most often cultured in artificial media. While these media are likely able to provide more defined conditions for studying chondrocyte metabolism, synovial fluid most accurately reflects the natural environment of which articular chondrocytes reside in. Indeed, synovial fluid has the advantage of being easy to obtain and store, and can often be regularly replenished by the body. Several groups have supplemented the culture medium with synovial fluid in growing human, bovine, rabbit and dog chondrocytes, but mostly used only low levels of synovial fluid (below 20%) (11-25). While chicken, horse and human chondrocytes have been cultured in the medium with higher percentage of synovial fluid, these culture systems were two-dimensional (26-28). Here we present our method of culturing human articular chondrocytes in a 3D system with a high percentage of synovial fluid (up to 100%) over a period of 21 days. In doing so, we overcame a major hurdle presented by the high viscosity of the synovial fluid. This system provides the possibility of studying human chondrocytes in synovial fluid in a 3D setting, which can be further combined with two other important factors (oxygen tension and mechanical loading) (29,30) that constitute the natural environment for cartilage to mimic the natural milieu for cartilage growth. Furthermore, This system may also be used for assaying synovial fluid activity on chondrocytes and provide a platform for developing cartilage regeneration technologies and therapeutic options for arthritis.  相似文献   

This study uses the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) method to investigate the fluid flow in dental pulp. First, the FSI method is used for the biomechanical simulation of dental intrapulpal responses during force loading (50, 100 and 150 N) on a tooth. The results are validated by comparison with experimental outcomes. Second, the FSI method is used to investigate an intact tooth subjected to a mechanical stimulus during loading at various loading rates. Force loading (0–100 N) is applied gradually to an intact tooth surface with loading rates of 125, 62.5, 25 and 12.5 N/s, respectively, and the fluid flow changes in the pulp are evaluated. FSI analysis is found to be suitable for examining intrapulpal biomechanics. An external force applied to a tooth with a low loading rate leads to a low fluid flow velocity in the pulp chamber, thus avoiding tooth pain.  相似文献   

Left-ventricular (LV) remodelling, associated with diastolic heart failure, is driven by an increase in myocardial stress. Therefore, normalisation of LV wall stress is the cornerstone of many therapeutic treatments. However, information regarding such regional stress–strain for human LV is still limited. Thus, the objectives of our study were to determine local diastolic stress–strain field in healthy LVs, and consequently, to identify the regional variations amongst them due to geometric heterogeneity. Effects of LV base movement on diastolic model predictions, which were ignored in the literature, were further explored. Personalised finite-element modelling of five normal human bi-ventricles was carried out using subject-specific myocardium properties. Model prediction was validated individually through comparison with end-diastolic volume and a new shape-volume based measurement of LV cavity, extracted from magnetic resonance imaging. Results indicated that incorporation of LV base movement improved the model predictions (shape-volume relevancy of LV cavity), and therefore, it should be considered in future studies. The LV endocardium always experienced higher fibre stress compared to the epicardium for all five subjects. The LV wall near base experienced higher stress compared to equatorial and apical locations. The lateral LV wall underwent greater stress distribution (fibre and sheet stress) compared to other three regions. In addition, normal ranges of different stress–strain components in different regions of LV wall were reported for five healthy ventricles. This information could be used as targets for future computational studies to optimise diastolic heart failure treatments or design new therapeutic interventions/devices.  相似文献   

We extend the analysis developed in the preceding paper in which we correlated kinematic parameters of planar movements of the human arm made by subjects moving to a visual target with numerical estimates of the ensemble encoding of muscle spindles within some of the muscles of this limb. Three possible models for the inclusion of noise in the calculations of the ensemble encodings are considered: (i) random errors in the angular coordinates from which muscle fascicle, and hence spindle length are calculated, (ii) variability of spindle discharge rates, and (iii) variability in the calculation of the ensemble encoding. In each case the correlations between kinematic variables of the movements and the resultant ensemble encodings decrease as the contribution of the noise term to the calculation of the encodings increases. Subject to the constraint that the magnitude of the noise term remains within physiologically realistic limits, however, the observed correlations persist at statistically significant levels. We also investigate the dependence of the observed correlations on the choice of model parameters, namely (i) the absolute and relative contributions made by simulated spindle primary and secondary afferents to the ensemble encoding, (ii) the inclusion of explicit length-related terms in the model of muscle spindle discharge, and (iii) the fractional power of velocity experienced by the model spindles during movement. The resulting correlations are approximately independent of both the fractional power of velocity and absolute firing levels of both the primary and secondary afferents of the spindle model. The inclusion of explicit length-dependent terms in the model does result in differences in the observed correlation coefficients. In this case, however, the magnitudes of the differences are small. On the basis of these findings we conclude that the correlations between kinematic variables of movement and the associated ensemble encodings are robust with regard to both the choice of model parameters and noise inherent at all stages of the transduction and processing of proprioceptive information. The findings of the present study provide further evidence, therefore, to support the hypothesis that motor structures capable of deriving such an ensemble encoding would be provided with information regarding ongoing movements in both intrinsic (body-centered) and extrinsic (Cartesian) coordinate systems. Received: 17 November 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 17 June 1996  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to compare the thermal stress changes in the tooth microstructures and the hydrodynamic changes of the dental fluid under hot and cold stimuli. The dimension of the microstructures of eleven cats’ teeth was measured by scanning electron microscopy, and the changes in thermal stress during cold and hot stimulation were calculated by 3D fluid–structure interaction modeling. Evaluation of results, following data validation, indicated that the maximum velocities in cold and hot stimuli were ??410.2?±?17.6 and +?205.1?±?8.7 µm/s, respectively. The corresponding data for maximum thermal stress were ??20.27?±?0.79 and +?10.13?±?0.24 cmHg, respectively. The thermal stress caused by cold stimulus could influence almost 2.9 times faster than that caused by hot stimulus, and the durability of the thermal stress caused by hot stimulus was 71% greater than that by cold stimulus under similar conditions. The maximum stress was on the tip of the odontoblast, while the stress in lateral walls of the odontoblast and terminal fibril was very weak. There is hence a higher possibility of pain transmission with activation of stress-sensitive ion channels at the tip of the odontoblast. The maximum thermal stress resulted from the cold stimulus is double that produced by the hot stimulus. There is a higher possibility of pain transmission in the lateral walls of the odontoblast and terminal fibril by releasing mediators during the cold stimulation than the hot stimulation. These two reasons can be associated with a greater pain sensation due to intake of cold liquids.  相似文献   

The recent accumulation of large amounts of 3D structural data warrants a sensitive and automatic method to compare and classify these structures. We developed a web server for comparing protein 3D structures using the program Matras (http://biunit.aist-nara.ac.jp/matras). An advantage of Matras is its structure similarity score, which is defined as the log-odds of the probabilities, similar to Dayhoff's substitution model of amino acids. This score is designed to detect evolutionarily related (homologous) structural similarities. Our web server has three main services. The first one is a pairwise 3D alignment, which is simply align two structures. A user can assign structures by either inputting PDB codes or by uploading PDB format files in the local machine. The second service is a multiple 3D alignment, which compares several protein structures. This program employs the progressive alignment algorithm, in which pairwise 3D alignments are assembled in the proper order. The third service is a 3D library search, which compares one query structure against a large number of library structures. We hope this server provides useful tools for insights into protein 3D structures.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interaction networks (PPINs) are a powerful tool to study biological processes in living cells. In this review, we present the progress of PPIN studies from abstract to more detailed representations. We will focus on 3D interactome networks, which offer detailed information at the atomic level. This information can be exploited in understanding not only the underlying cellular mechanisms, but also how human variants and disease-causing mutations affect protein functions and complexes’ stability. Recent studies have used structural information on PPINs to also understand the molecular mechanisms of binding partner selection. We will address the challenges in generating 3D PPINs due to the restricted number of solved protein structures. Finally, some of the current use of 3D PPINs will be discussed, highlighting their contribution to the studies in genotype–phenotype relationships and in the optimization of targeted studies to design novel chemical compounds for medical treatments.  相似文献   

Most of the researchers attribute amniotic fluid stem cells (AF SCs) to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). However, AF SCs express both mesenchymal and epithelial markers, which distinguishes them from postnatal MSCs. Cultivation in the three-dimensional (3D) matrix provides a different look at the nature of the cells. We showed that in 3D collagen gel AF SCs form epithelial structures (tubules and cysts). The active contraction of the gel during the first days of cultivation, which is characteristic of mesenchymal cells, does not occur. Electron microscopic study showed that adherent junctions typical to epithelial cells are formed between AF SCs. On the other hand, during culturing in the gel AF SCs continue to express MSCs markers. Thus, AF SCs may be not true mesenchymal cells because they can display properties of epithelial cells. Perhaps these cells undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition, a process which actively takes place during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Lamin A/C is a major component of the nuclear lamina. An intact nuclear lamina has been proposed to be necessary for muscle differentiation. Cyclin D3 is known to be upregulated in differentiated muscle cells and to form insoluble complexes with cell-cycle regulatory factors in these cells. We have examined the possibility of direct binding interactions between lamin A/C and cyclin D3 by in vitro binding assays and co-immunoprecipitation studies with muscle cells. Our results indicate that cyclin D3 binds specifically to amino acid residues 383-474 of lamin A/C and associates with lamin A/C in muscle cells. The identification of cyclin D3 as a novel binding partner of lamin A/C has important implications for a role for lamin A/C in muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

One of the essential causes of disk disorders is the pathologic change in the ligamentous attachments of the disk-condyle complex. In this paper, the response of the soft components of a human temporomandibular joint during mouth opening in healthy and two pathologic situations was studied. A three-dimensional finite element model of this joint comprising the bone components, the articular disk, and the temporomandibular ligaments was developed from a set of medical images. A fiber reinforced porohyperelastic model was used to simulate the behavior of the articular disk, taking into account the orientation of the fibers in each zone of this cartilage component. The condylar movements during jaw opening were introduced as the loading condition in the analysis. In the healthy joint, it was obtained that the highest stresses were located at the lateral part of the intermediate zone of the disk. In this case, the collateral ligaments were subject to high loads, since they are responsible of the attachment of the disk to the condyle during the movement of the mandible. Additionally, two pathologic situations were simulated: damage of the retrodiscal tissue and disruption of the lateral discal ligament. In both cases, the highest stresses moved to the posterior part of the disk since it was displaced in the anterior-medial direction. In conclusion, in the healthy joint, the highest stresses were located in the lateral zone of the disk where perforations are found most often in the clinical experience. On the other hand, the results obtained in the damaged joints suggested that the disruption of the disk attachments may cause an anterior displacement of the disk and instability of the joint.  相似文献   

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