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In this paper, both the empirical and theoretical genetic aspects of human-mediated introgressive hybridization are reviewed in terms of their association with the breakdown of postzygotic isolating mechanisms. I also compare several simulation models with an ecological or genetic focus that are relevant to the prediction and risk assessment of genetic extinction due to hybridization. One barrier to devising comprehensive risk assessment frameworks is a lack of sufficient population genetic studies that associate introgressive hybridization with specific isolating mechanisms. A gametic model based on multilocus underdominant fitness is one of the best genetic models for introgressive hybridization because it explicitly incorporates the postzygotic isolating mechanism known as Dobzhansky–Muller genetic incompatibility.  相似文献   

Variability of HXT2 at the protein and gene level was investigated among Saccharomyces sensu stricto and other yeast species. Results showed that the HXT2 gene is probably present in yeast genera other than Saccharomyces, suggesting that this gene is widely distributed in the yeast world. Chromosomal analyses indicated the stable location of HXT2 on the same chromosome and with the same copy number throughout the entire sensu stricto group. Results of the immunoblotting assay demonstrated that all strains tested (with the exception of S. cerevisiae DBVPG 6042) exhibited a lower level of Hxt2p expression than that shown by laboratory wild-type. Moreover, Hxt2p expression seems to reinforce the taxonomical differences between the two pairs of species (S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus vs. S. pastorianus and S. bayanus) within the sensu stricto group of the genus of Saccharomyces that also reflect their different ecological niche.  相似文献   

Hybridization, polyploidization, and crop‐to‐wild gene transfer within the agriculturally important tribe Triticeae are well explored experimentally, but the true consequences of both phenomena under natural conditions remain understudied. The present paper reports on an investigation of three species of couch grasses (Elymus hispidus, E. repens, and E. caninus) examining the ploidy levels and absolute genome sizes (1081 plants from 302 natural populations in Central Europe, verified by chromosome counts) and their morphological delimitation. In the present study, the hexaploid level prevailed in E. hispidus and E. repens whereas E. caninus was exclusively tetraploid. Introgressive hybridization between hexaploid species, unidirectionally shifted towards E. hispidus, was indicated by a continual pattern of genome size values. We did not find any evidence for heteroploid hybridization involving tetraploid E. caninus; however, we detected minority cytotypes among both E. caninus plants (hexaploid) and E. repens–E. hispidus hybrids (heptaploid and nonaploid) suggesting the formation of unreduced gametes. Morphometric results (367 plants, redundancy analysis, principal component analysis, and correlation analysis) mirrored the continual homoploid pattern of absolute genome size (including the unidirectional shift), and a significant correlation between absolute genome size and morphology was confirmed. Moreover, morphometric analyses detected additional characteristics for the delimitation of the Elymus taxa under study. Considering the crossability of E. hispidus with Triticum aestivum (bread wheat), the revealed extent of introgressive hybridization has implications for assessing the potential risk of gene flow between crops and troublesome weeds.  相似文献   

Abstract. Males of the Beffa form of Simulium soubrense Vajime and Dunbar were successfully crossed with female S.squamosum V. & D. and S.sanctipauli V. & D. Fertile eggs from both crosses were reared to larvae and, in the case of the BeifaXsquamosum cross, to adults.
Larval chromosomes from the Beffa x sanctipauli cross had normally paired homologues but those of the Beffa xsquamosum cross showed extensive asynapsis and large heterozygous loops. The morphology of the larval and adult hybrids from the BeftaXsquamosum cross were more characteristic of squamosum , but the adult males had scutal patterns typical of the Beffa form and retained this form's laboratory-mating propensity.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization among Hawaiian species ofCyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) was investigated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Thirty-three different primers were used to investigate interspecific hybridization for 17 different putative hybrids based on morphological intermediacy and sympatry with putative parental species. RAPD data provided evidence for the hybrid origin of all putative hybrid taxa examined in this analysis. However, the patterns in the hybrid taxa were not found to be completely additive of the patterns found in the parental species. Markers missing in the hybrid taxa can be attributed to polymorphism in the populations of the parental species and the dominant nature of inheritance for RAPD markers. Unique markers found within hybrid taxa require further explanation but do not necessarily indicate that the taxa are not of hybrid origin. The implications suggest that these interspecific hybridization events had, and continue to have, an effect on the adaptive radiation and conservation biology ofCyrtandra.  相似文献   

The new technique of interspecific hybridization was created in Gossypium, which could remarkably overcome abortion of interspecific hybridization and hybrid sterility of F1. A large number of germplasm resources were obtained from seventy cross combinations among the cultivated species and between the cultivated and the 14 wild species, respectively. 8 varieties have been developed, of which 4 were from the cross combination of G . hirsutum×G . arboretum and the other are the first breed from the hybrids between G . hirsutum and 4 wild species, respectively. Of them Shiyuan 321 (jimian 24) is a new variety which had the highest increase in the national Yellow River Valley Regional test, with planting area added up to 933333 ha in the recent three years. The breeding system of interspecific hybridization was established.  相似文献   

The new technique of interspecific hybridization was created in Gossypium, which could remarkably overcome abortion of interspecific hybridization and hybrid sterility of F1. A large number of germplasm resources were obtained from seventy cross combinations among the cultivated species and between the cultivated and the 14 wild species, respectively. 8 varieties have been developed, of which 4 were from the cross combination of G. hirsutumXG. arboretum and the other are the first breed from the hybrids between G. hirsutum and 4 wild species, respectively. Of them Shiyuan 321 (jimian 24) is a new variety which had the highest increase in the national Yellow River Valley Regional test, with planting area added up to 933333 ha in the recent three years. The breeding system of interspecific hybridization was established.  相似文献   

Hybridization between different taxa is likely to take place when adaptive morphological differences evolve more rapidly than reproductive isolation. When studying the phylogenetic relationship between two land snails of different nominal genera, Ainohelix editha and Ezohelix gainesi, from Hokkaido, Japan, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer and mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA, we found a marked incongruence in the topology between nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies. Furthermore, no clear association was found between shell morphology (which defines the taxonomy) and nuclear or mitochondrial trees and morphology of reproductive system. These patterns are most likely explained by historical introgressive hybridization between A. editha and E. gainesi. Because the shell morphologies of the two species are quite distinct, even when they coexist, the implication is that natural selection is able to maintain (or has recreated) distinct morphologies in the face of gene flow. Future studies may be able to reveal the regions of the genome that maintain the morphological differences between these species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 77–95.  相似文献   

We studied two Corbicula morphotypes in a syntopic population in the Rhine River in order to reveal their taxonomic, reproductive and phylogenetic relationship, using morphometrics, DAF‐fingerprinting, mitochondrial COI and nuclear ITS1 sequence variation. Morphometric analysis showed that two statistically distinguishable morphotypes with few intermediates were present.Mitochondrial sequence analysis detected two divergent clades. DAF‐fingerprinting revealed three highly distinctive multilocus genotypes. Two of the multilocus genotypes were significantly associated with different morphotypes and mitochondrial lineages. The third genotype B, however, was found in both morphotypes, intermediates and mitochondrial lineages. Conclusive evidence for hybridization came from RFLP analysis of the nuclear ITS1 locus. We interpret the hybrids as F1 hybrids between different evolutionary lineages. Integration of Corbicula sequences from all over the world into Maximum Parsimony analysis suggested a simultaneous radiation resulting in several evolutionary lineages whose species status remained doubtful. An unequivocal taxonomic assignment of the two evolutionary lineages in the Rhine population was therefore not possible.  相似文献   

Interspecific gene flow is pervasive throughout the tree of life. Although detecting gene flow between populations has been facilitated by new analytical approaches, determining the timing and geography of hybridization has remained difficult, particularly for historical gene flow. A geographically explicit phylogenetic approach is needed to determine the overlap of ancestral populations. In this study, we performed population genetic analyses, species delimitation, simulations and a recently developed approach of species tree diffusion to infer the phylogeographic history, timing and geographic extent of gene flow in lizards of the Sceloporus spinosus group. The two species in this group, S. spinosus and S. horridus, are distributed in eastern and western portions of Mexico, respectively, but populations of these species are sympatric in the southern Mexican highlands. We generated data consisting of three mitochondrial genes and eight nuclear loci for 148 and 68 individuals, respectively. We delimited six lineages in this group, but found strong evidence of mito‐nuclear discordance in sympatric populations of S. spinosus and S. horridus owing to mitochondrial introgression. We used coalescent simulations to differentiate ancestral gene flow from secondary contact, but found mixed support for these two models. Bayesian phylogeography indicated more than 60% range overlap between ancestral S. spinosus and S. horridus populations since the time of their divergence. Isolation–migration analyses, however, revealed near‐zero levels of gene flow between these ancestral populations. Interpreting results from both simulations and empirical data indicate that despite a long history of sympatry among these two species, gene flow in this group has only recently occurred.  相似文献   

Sixty Pinus cembroides and P. discolor trees from two mixed stands and eight pure stands were analysed for the composition of their wood monoterpenes, number of abaxial and adaxial stomatal rows and the number of needles per fascicle. While by far the majority of the characters analysed showed highly significant differences between the two species, only the sum of thujene, sabinene, γ-terpenene, terpinolene and p-cymene percentages, the sum of myrcene and cis-ocimene percentages, the number of abaxial stomatal rows, and the number of needles per fascicle could be used to evaluate the potential intermediacy of trees from the common sites. The results indicated the absence of any hybridization in the Sierra de la Catarina Mountains of Chihuathua (Mexico) and either a possible minute introgression of P. cembroides into P. discolor in the San Miguelito Mountains of San Luis Potosi (Mexico) or a slightly different genetic composition of the trees from this site. The results strongly support the proposal of Bailey and Hawksworth to regard P. discolor as a distinct species.  相似文献   

The three members of the Montastraea annularis complex (M. annularis, M. franksi, and M. faveolata) are dominant reef builders in the western Atlantic whose species status has been controversial for over a decade. Although differences in colony morphology and reproductive characteristics exist, interspecific fertilizations are possible in the laboratory and genetic differentiation is slight. Here we compare the three taxa genetically and morphologically in Panama and the Bahamas, widely separated locations spanning most of their geographic ranges. In Panama, analyses of three AFLP loci, a noncoding region of the mitochondrial genome, and ITS sequences reveal that M. faveolata is strongly differentiated genetically. Discriminant function analysis also indicates no overlap with the other two species in the fine structure of the corallites that comprise the colony. Genetic analyses of larvae from interspecific crosses between M. faveolata and the other two taxa confirmed the hybrid status of the larvae, but no examples of the most probable F1 genotype were observed in the field. Although M. annularis and M. franksi were more similar, they also exhibited strong frequency differences at two AFLP loci and in the mitochondrial noncoding region, as well as distinct corallite structure. In the Bahamas, in contrast, the three taxa exhibited overlapping morphologies. Montastraeafranksi and M. annularis were indistinguishable genetically, and M. faveolata was distinct at fewer genetic loci. Once again, however, the most probable F1 genotype involving M. faveolata was not observed. Geographic differences between Panama and the Bahamas explain why past studies have come to different conclusions concerning the status of the three species. In general, the genetic and morphological data suggest a north to south hybridization gradient, with evidence for introgression strongest in the north. However, reproductive data show no such trend, with intrinsic barriers to gene flow comparable or stronger in the north.  相似文献   

Twenty‐one allozyme loci in samples of wild‐caught and hatchery‐reared Indian major carps from Bangladesh were analysed. Bayesian model‐based clustering analysis revealed the presence of four taxa, corresponding to the three known species along with a fourth unknown taxon present in two hatchery samples. Individual admixture coefficients showed that 24% of all hatchery‐reared fishes were hybrids, whereas a single hybrid was observed in the wild‐caught samples. Only catla Catla catla × rohu Labeo rohita and mrigal Cirrhinus cirrhosus × rohu hybrids were observed, the vast majority of which were F1 hybrids, though five individuals represented putative backcrosses. Mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that catla × rohu hybridization primarily involved catla males and rohu females, whereas mrigal × rohu hybrids primarily resulted from rohu males and mrigal females. Despite the high percentage of F1‐hybrids in hatchery samples, reproductive barriers among species have so far precluded widespread introgression. Continued hybridization may eventually lead to a breakdown of species barriers, thereby compromising the genetic integrity of the species in the wild, and leading to production losses in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic and population genetic studies using sequence information are frequently used to infer species boundaries and history; and to assess hybridization and population level processes. In this study, partial mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (423 bp) and cytochrome b sequences (666 bp) of Oryx beisa sampled from five isolated localities in its entire current range in Africa were analyzed to investigate the extent of genetic variation and differentiation between populations. We observed high nucleotide diversity at the control region in the total sample (6.3%) but within populations, it varied considerably ranging from 1.6% to 8.1%. Population pairwise genetic differentiation was generally significantly high (ranging from F ST = 0.15, P<0.01 to F ST = 0.54, P<0.001). In the total sample, 29 and 12 haplotypes were observed in the control region and the cytochrome b data sets respectively. For both data sets, the haplotypes cluster into three distinct clades (sequence divergence ranged from 6.0%–12.9% to 0.8%–1.0% for the control region and cytochrome b sequences, respectively) that do not correspond to sampling locations. Two of these clades are found in the same localities (Samburu and Marsabit), which represent the O.beisa beisa subspecies, whereas the last clade represents the fringe-eared oryx (O. beisa callotis). We interpret these findings in terms of an ancient hybridization and introgression between two formerly isolated taxa of Oryx beisa.  相似文献   

The degree of genetic differentiation between European shads, Alosa alosa and A. fallax , was studied in populations from different Portuguese hydrographic basins. Using isoelectric focusing, polymorphic variation was detected in a haemoglobin (HB) chain and in adenosine deaminase (ADA). These polymorphisms are shared by the two species but show significant differences in their gene frequency distributions. Individuals with intermediate morphological characteristics were found to exhibit intermediate allele frequencies. While not completely excluding introgression, our results strongly support the existence of two distinct species that can hybridize.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA homologies and the thermal stabilities of rRNA/DNA hybrids among ten species of the Centrospermae (including three from the family Caryophyllaceae and seven from five betalain-producing families), three other angiosperms, and one fern, suggest that the betalain-producing families are phylogenetically closer to each other than to the anthocyanin-producing families which are examined.  相似文献   

Monoterpenoids from wood of Pinus quadrifolia and Pinus monophylla from south of the San Jacinto Mountains in southern California were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The number of needles per fascicle, the number of resin canals, and the number of abaxial and adaxial stomatal rows in the needles were determined. Percentages of mycrene, α-pinene, and to a minor extent of camphene, β-pinene, limonene, and β-phellandrene, the above mentioned morphological characteristics and previously obtained data were all used for identification and characterisation of species intermediacy in the San Jacinto area. It was concluded that many P. quadrifolia trees in the mixed Buck Ridge stand and some trees in two pure stands of the same area were hybrids and that sympatric and to a lesser extent allopatric introgression of P. monophylla into P. quadrifolia takes place in the San Jacinto region. Introgression of P. quadrifolia into P. monophylla could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Decorin binding proteins DbpA and DbpB act as Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi) adhesins to decorin, and are able to elicit a persistent antibody response in the mouse; accordingly DbpA protein would seem to be promising in immunoprofilaxis of Lyme borreliosis (LB). This study examines the distribution of Dbp epitopes in European strains of B. burgdorferi, of different genospecies and the presence of antibodies to Dbps in human sera from patients suffering from early and late LB, as revealed by immunoblotting. Different levels of expression of Dbp epitopes were found both among and within genospecies; data from human sera indicate that Dbps are expressed during infection though not as strongly as in the mouse infection.  相似文献   

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