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Results from a wide variety of recent studies on the architecture and innervation of skeletal muscles, the neuromechanical characteristics of motor units, and the properties and spinal reflex actions of muscle proprioceptors present a number of challenges to conventional views of the functional organization of the segmental motor system. To illustrate the nature of these challenges, studies directed toward several specific issues are reviewed. These include the functional subdivision of single muscles into two or more neuromuscular compartments; the patterns of synaptic input from peripheral afferent fibers to motoneurons innervating muscle units of different "type;" and the convergence in the segmental reflex pathways from muscle spindles and tendon organs to motoneurons.  相似文献   

Muscle spindles and tendon organs occur in most somatic musclesof the mammal and are particularly concentrated in muscles subservingfine movements, including postural muscles and small musclesof the distal extremities. In those mixed muscles in which thedifferent fiber and motor unit types are "compartmentalized,"the spindles, and perhaps tendon organs also, are virtuallylimited to those compartments predominated by "oxidative" musclefibers. These morphological observations based on a broad arrayof muscles in many species, complement electrophysiologicalstudies which have emphasized that (1) the "oxidative" motorunits have low reflex thresholds and (2) segmental proprioceptivereflexes may be primarily concerned with the control of finelygraded contractions. Consideration of the functional anatomyof the association between motor units and muscle receptorssuggests the need for detailed structural-functional analysesof those muscles with specializations in architecture, fiber-typecomposition and distribution, and in the number and distributionof their muscle spindles and tendon organs. An electrophysiologicalanalysis of the relationship between the spinal cord and suchmuscles might also reveal certain strategies and mechanismsunderlying segmental motor control which are either absent orobscured in the analysis of that select number of "homogenously-mixed"muscles conventionally used in the study of the mammalian segmentalmotor control system.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Crustacean muscle fibers, like those of higher vertebrates,are diversified in physiology, morphology, and biochemical attributes.However, unlike motor units of mammals, those of crustaceansusually do not contain fibers of uniform type. Motor neuronactivity acts as a unifying force for the motor units of mammalianmuscles, but its role in determining properties of crustaceanmotor units is less well defined. In certain crustacean muscles,differential activity of sensory-motor systems is importantfor establishing muscle fiber properties during early development.In freshwater crayfish, neuromuscular junctions of a phasicmotor neuron are altered physiologically and morphologicallyby chronic stimulation; the adapted junctions release less transmitterper impulse and are more fatigue-resistant than naive junctions.The muscle fibers may also adapt to chronic stimulation, butless dramatically and at a slower rate. The adaptive responsesof the neuromuscular junction can be achieved through manipulationof sensory input and with little increase in motor impulse activity.This suggests that altered protein synthesis is triggered centrallyby synaptic input to the motor neuron. In general, present evidencesuggests that long-term adaptation of neuromuscular junctionsand muscle fibers of crustaceans can occur in response to alteredactivity in the nervous system, in spite of the fact that certainmuscle fiber properties appear to be genetically predetermined.Some aspects of matching between neuromuscular junction andmuscle fiber appear to be determined in response to growth ofthe muscle fiber; other features are activity-dependent; andsome may result from expression of inherent neuronal properties.  相似文献   

We investigate the stability of Lotka-Volterra (LV) models constituted by two groups of species such as plants and animals in terms of the intragroup effective competition matrix, which allows separating the equilibrium equations of the two groups. In matrix analysis, the effective competition matrix represents the Schur complement of the species interaction matrix. It has been previously shown that the main eigenvalue of this effective competition matrix strongly influences the structural stability of the model ecosystem. Here, we show that the spectral properties of the effective competition matrix also strongly influence the dynamical stability of the model ecosystem. In particular, a necessary condition for diagonal stability of the full system, which guarantees global stability, is that the effective competition matrix is diagonally stable, which means that intergroup interactions must be weaker than intra-group competition in appropriate units. For mutualistic or competitive interactions, diagonal stability of the effective competition is a sufficient condition for global stability if the inter-group interactions are suitably correlated, in the sense that the biomass that each species provides to (removes from) the other group must be proportional to the biomass that it receives from (is removed by) it. For a non-LV mutualistic system with saturating interactions, we show that the diagonal stability of the corresponding LV system close to the fixed point is a sufficient condition for global stability.  相似文献   

A population stochastic model based on the differing properties and the independent activation of motor units is used to describe the production of force in the contracting skeletal muscle. Detailed force predictions of the model concerning a hand muscle are obtained by computer simulation. General features of the force signal are established analyticaly on the basis of the general properties of the neuromuscular system which the population model takes into account. The results show that the asynchronous activity of motor units and the distribution of their filtering and firing properties at various levels of muscle contraction are esponsible, at least partially, for the main features of the muscle force waveform, including tremor.  相似文献   

Golgi tendon organs are encapsulated mechanoreceptors present at the myo-tendinous and myo-aponeurotic junctions of mammalian skeletal muscles. Within the tendon organ capsule, the terminal branches of a large diameter afferent fibre, called Ib fibre, are intertwined with collagen bundles in continuity with tendon or aponeurosis at one end. The other end is connected with a fascicle of 5-25 muscle fibres, contributed by several motor units. The contraction of these fibres, exerting strain on the collagenous bundle and causing deformation of sensory terminals, is the adequate stimulus of the tendon organ. For this stimulus, the tendon organ has a very low threshold, so that a single fibre twitch can elicit a discharge from the receptor. A tendon organ can thus signal the contraction of a single one of the 10-15 motor units which contribute fibres to the fascicle connected with the receptor. The number of tendon organs present in a muscle, taken together with the fact that a given motor unit can activate several tendon organs, strongly suggests that the contraction of every motor unit in this muscle is monitored by at least one tendon organ. The exact nature of the information provided by tendon organs to the central nervous system remains an open question because no simple relation could be established between the discharge frequency of a receptor and the contractile forces of its activating motor units. It is known, however, that, due to their dynamic sensitivity, tendon organs are efficient in signaling rapid variations of contractile force. The dynamic parameters of muscle contraction prevail in the information carried by afferent discharges from tendons organs.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of a neuromusculoskeletal system results from the complex mechanical interaction between muscle visco-elasticity resulting from (co-)contraction and afferent feedback from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. As a result of the multiple interactions the individual effect of each of the structures to the overall dynamics is hard to recognize, if not impossible. Here a neuromuscular control (NMC) model is developed to analyze the functional contribution of the various physiological structures on the mechanical behavior of a limb. The dynamics of a joint are presented in admittances, i.e. the dynamic relation between input force (or torque) and the output displacement, which can be represented by either frequency or impulse response functions. With the model it can be shown that afferent feedback reduces, while muscle visco-elasticity increases, the stability margins. This implicates that there is a delicate balance between muscle co-contraction and afferent feedback, which depends on the joint specific physiological properties. The main application of the model is educational; it is implemented in a graphical user interface allowing users to explore the role of the various physiological structures on joint dynamics. Other applications of the model are more experimental, e.g. to elucidate experimentally measured admittances and to compare the quantified parameter values with the theoretically optimal ones. It is concluded that the NMC model is a useful and intuitive tool to investigate human motor control, in a theoretical as well as an experimental way.  相似文献   

Fuglevand, Andrew J., and Steven S. Segal. Simulationof motor unit recruitment and microvascular unit perfusion: spatial considerations. J. Appl. Physiol.83(4): 1223-1234, 1997.Muscle fiber activity is the principalstimulus for increasing capillary perfusion during exercise. Thecontrol elements of perfusion, i.e., microvascular units (MVUs), supplyclusters of muscle fibers, whereas the control elements of contraction,i.e., motor units, are composed of fibers widely scattered throughoutmuscle. The purpose of this study was to examine how the discordantspatial domains of MVUs and motor units could influence the proportion of open capillaries (designated as perfusion) throughout a muscle crosssection. A computer model simulated the locations of perfused MVUs inresponse to the activation of up to 100 motor units in a muscle with40,000 fibers and a cross-sectional area of 100 mm2. The simulation increasedcontraction intensity by progressive recruitment of motor units. Foreach step of motor unit recruitment, the percentage of active fibersand the number of perfused MVUs were determined for several conditions:1) motor unit fibers widely dispersed and motor unit territories randomly located (whichapproximates healthy human muscle),2) regionalized motor unitterritories, 3) reversed recruitmentorder of motor units, 4) denselyclustered motor unit fibers, and 5)increased size but decreased number of motor units. The simulationsindicated that the widespread dispersion of motor unit fibersfacilitates complete capillary (MVU) perfusion of muscle at low levelsof activity. The efficacy by which muscle fiber activity inducedperfusion was reduced 7- to 14-fold under conditions that decreased thedispersion of active fibers, increased the size of motor units, orreversed the sequence of motor unit recruitment. Such conditions aresimilar to those that arise in neuromuscular disorders, with aging, orduring electrical stimulation of muscle, respectively.


The hyperneural muscle of Periplaneta americana is striated with an A-band at least 2 μm long. Z-bands were discrete units, but arranged with some order in the myoplasm. The sarcoplasmic reticulum was reduced and 1 thick was surrounded by 10 to 12 thin myofilaments. The muscle is innervated from the median nerves by axons containing electron-dense granules which may be opaque near the neuromuscular junction amid numerous synaptic vesicles. Depolarizing intracellular current injection produces an ohmic voltage response of the membrane potential and neurally evoked contraction is effected by summated excitatory postsynaptic potentials. All contractal activity ceases when the innervation is removed. The muscle appears to be electrically inexcitable and to be under obligatory control of central motor units. By virtue of attachments along the ventral nerve cord in the abdomen, the hyperneural muscle, when activated, moves the nerve cord unidirectionally. In effect, the hyperneural muscle is called upon by the central nervous system to move the ventral nerve cord presumably into a greater mix with the haemolymph in response to as yet unknown stimuli.  相似文献   

Henneman's size principle relates the input and output properties of motoneurons and their muscle fibers to size and is the basis for size-ordered activation or recruitment of motor units during movement. After nerve injury and surgical repair, the relationship between motoneuron size and the number and size of the muscle fibers that the motoneuron reinnervates is initially lost but returns with time, irrespective of whether the muscles are self- or cross-reinnervated by the regenerated axons. Although the return of the size relationships was initially attributed to the recovery of the cross-sectional area of the reinnervated muscle fibers and their force per fiber, direct enumeration of the innervation ratio and the number of muscle fibers per motoneuron demonstrated that a size-dependent branching of axons accounts for the size relationships in normal muscle, as suggested by Henneman and his colleagues. This same size-dependent branching accounts for the rematching of motoneuron size and muscle unit size in reinnervated muscles. Experiments were carried out to determine whether the daily amount of neuromuscular activation of motor units accounts for the size-dependent organization and reorganization of motor unit properties. The normal size-dependent matching of motoneurons and their muscle units with respect to the numbers of muscle fibers per motoneuron was unaltered by synchronous activation of all of the motor units with the same daily activity. Hence, the restored size relationships and rematching of motoneuron and muscle unit properties after nerve injuries and muscle reinnervation sustain the normal gradation of muscle force during movement by size-ordered recruitment of motor units and the process of rate coding of action potentials. Dynamic modulation of size of muscle fibers and their contractile speed and endurance by neuromuscular activity allows for neuromuscular adaptation in the context of the sustained organization of the neuromuscular system according to the size principle.  相似文献   

Prolonged skeletal muscle disuse, during space flights and on Earth, produces distinct adaptive changes in the neuromuscular system of human subjects. There is a significant decline in muscle mass and strength, exercise capacity, fatigue resistance, integrated EMG (IEMG) output and time-dependent alterations in the behavior of Hoffman (H) and deep tendon reflexes. The objective of this study was to examine the changes in excitability of segmental motoneuronal network and its influence upon gastrocnemius-soleus (G-S) function in healthy male and female subjects, who underwent either 6 degrees head-down bedrest (HDB) or unilateral cast-immobilization (CIM) for a period of 30 days.  相似文献   

A mouse model of the devastating human disease "spinal muscular atrophy" (SMA) was used to investigate the severe muscle weakness and spasticity that precede the death of these animals near the end of the 2nd postnatal week. Counts of motor units to the soleus muscle as well as of axons in the soleus muscle nerve showed no loss of motor neurons. Similarly, neither immunostaining of neuromuscular junctions nor the measurement of the tension generated by nerve stimulation gave evidence of any significant impairment in neuromuscular transmission, even when animals were maintained up to 5days longer via a supplementary diet. However, the muscles were clearly weaker, generating less than half their normal tension. Weakness in 3 muscles examined in the study appears due to a severe but uniform reduction in muscle fiber size. The size reduction results from a failure of muscle fibers to grow during early postnatal development and, in soleus, to a reduction in number of fibers generated. Neuromuscular development is severely delayed in these mutant animals: expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms, the elimination of polyneuronal innervation, the maturation in the shape of the AChR plaque, the arrival of SCs at the junctions and their coverage of the nerve terminal, the development of junctional folds. Thus, if SMA in this particular mouse is a disease of motor neurons, it can act in a manner that does not result in their death or disconnection from their targets but nonetheless alters many aspects of neuromuscular development.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) induces a variety of physiological and behavioral effects in crustaceans. However, the mechanisms employed by 5-HT to effect behavorial changes are not fully understood. Among the mechanisms by which these changes might occur are alterations in synaptic drive and efficacy of sensory, interneurons and motor neurons, as well as direct effects on muscles. We investigated these aspects with the use of a defined sensory-motor system, which is entirely contained within a single abdominal segment and consists of a ‘cuticular sensory neurons–segmental ganglia–abdominal superficial flexor motor neurons–muscles’ circuit. Our studies address the role of 5-HT in altering (1) the activity of motor neurons induced by sensory stimulation; (2) the inherent excitability of superficial flexor motor neurons; (3) transmitter release properties of the motor nerve terminal and (4) input resistance of the muscle. Using en passant recordings from the motor nerve, with and without sensory stimulation, and intracellular recordings from the muscle, we show that 5-HT enhances sensory drive and output from the ventral nerve cord resulting in an increase in the firing frequency of the motor neurons. Also, 5-HT increases transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction, and alters input resistance of the muscle fibers  相似文献   

This paper attempts to combine (and thereby briefly review) various sets of physiological data in order to outline a qualitative model of the different states of stochastic neural activity underlying different forms of physiological tremor. Particular emphasis in put on spatial distributions of the properties of neural elements and their interconnexions, and on discharge characteristics of motor units and muscle spindle afferents including so-called early discharges and nonlinearities. It is argued that the wide variety of internal anatomical and functional structures of skeletal muscles and of their reflex organization must be considered when dealing with stability problems. Computer simulations of stochastic population models of the involved neuromuscular elements are advocated as means to investigate the relative importance of the many factors possibly contributing to stabilizing or de-stabilizing neuromuscular systems.  相似文献   

The short-range stiffness (SRS) of skeletal muscles is a critical property for understanding muscle contributions to limb stability, since it represents a muscle's capacity to resist external perturbations before reflexes or voluntary actions can intervene. A number of studies have demonstrated that a simple model, consisting of a force-dependent active stiffness connected in series with a constant passive stiffness, is sufficient to characterize the SRS of individual muscles over the entire range of obtainable forces. The purpose of this study was to determine if such a model could be used to characterize the SRS-force relationship in a number of architecturally distinct muscles. Specifically, we hypothesized that the active and passive stiffness components for a specific muscle can be estimated from anatomical measurements, assuming uniform active and passive stiffness properties across all muscles. This hypothesis was evaluated in six feline lower hindlimb muscle types with different motor unit compositions and architectures. The SRS-force relationships for each muscle type were predicted based on anatomical measurements and compared to experimental data. The model predictions were accurate to within 30%, when uniform scaling properties were assumed across all muscles. Errors were the greatest for the extensor digitorum longus (EDL). When this muscle was removed from the analysis, prediction errors dropped to less than 8%. Subsequent analyses suggested that these errors might have resulted from differences in the tendon elastic modulus, as compared to the other muscles tested.  相似文献   

Human primary muscle cells cultured aneurally in monolayer rarely contract spontaneously because, in the absence of a nerve component, cell differentiation is limited and motor neuron stimulation is missing1. These limitations hamper the in vitro study of many neuromuscular diseases in cultured muscle cells. Importantly, the experimental constraints of monolayered, cultured muscle cells can be overcome by functional innervation of myofibers with spinal cord explants in co-cultures.Here, we show the different steps required to achieve an efficient, proper innervation of human primary muscle cells, leading to complete differentiation and fiber contraction according to the method developed by Askanas2. To do so, muscle cells are co-cultured with spinal cord explants of rat embryos at ED 13.5, with the dorsal root ganglia still attached to the spinal cord slices. After a few days, the muscle fibers start to contract and eventually become cross-striated through innervation by functional neurites projecting from the spinal cord explants that connecting to the muscle cells. This structure can be maintained for many months, simply by regular exchange of the culture medium.The applications of this invaluable tool are numerous, as it represents a functional model for multidisciplinary analyses of human muscle development and innervation. In fact, a complete de novo neuromuscular junction installation occurs in a culture dish, allowing an easy measurement of many parameters at each step, in a fundamental and physiological context.Just to cite a few examples, genomic and/or proteomic studies can be performed directly on the co-cultures. Furthermore, pre- and post-synaptic effects can be specifically and separately assessed at the neuromuscular junction, because both components come from different species, rat and human, respectively. The nerve-muscle co-culture can also be performed with human muscle cells isolated from patients suffering from muscle or neuromuscular diseases3, and thus can be used as a screening tool for candidate drugs. Finally, no special equipment but a regular BSL2 facility is needed to reproduce a functional motor unit in a culture dish. This method thus is valuable for both the muscle as well as the neuromuscular research communities for physiological and mechanistic studies of neuromuscular function, in a normal and disease context.  相似文献   

Neural control of aging skeletal muscle   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Delbono O 《Aging cell》2003,2(1):21-29
Functional and structural decline in the neuromuscular system with aging has been recognized as a cause of impairment in physical performance and loss of independence in the elderly. Alterations in spinal cord motor neurones and at the neuromuscular junction have been identified as evidence of denervation in skeletal muscles from aging mammals, including humans. However, the reciprocal influences of neurones on gene expression in muscle and of muscle on age-related neurodegeneration are poorly understood, and, as a result, interventions aimed at delaying or preventing degeneration of the neural component in aging muscle have been largely unsuccessful. The present article discusses the evidence for neural influence on age-related impairments of skeletal muscle, including a role in excitation-contraction uncoupling. The role of nerves in regulating the trophic actions of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and other neurotrophic factors is considered as a novel influence on the effects of aging on the neuromuscular junction. A better understanding of nerve-muscle interactions will allow for more rational interventions in the aging neuromuscular system.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore relationships among constants used in musculo-skeletal models predicting torque generated about the knee by the quadriceps muscles. A model was developed and matched to data collected from individuals with spinal cord injury performing quadriceps contractions evoked using neuromuscular electrical stimulation. After fitting tendon slack lengths to the quadriceps muscles, the model was able to accurately match experimentally measured knee extension torques using previously reported values for the moment arm-knee angle and force-velocity relationships. Fitting new constants to these relationships did not improve the match between measured and modelled knee extension torques. There was significant interaction between variables used within the model. Using a narrower active force-length relationship for the muscles required the model to have smaller moment arms about the knee to accurately match measured torque across the full range of motion. Reduced moment arms, however, lowered the model's linear velocity of muscle shortening for each angular velocity of the knee, requiring different constants within the force-velocity relationship to predict the appropriate amount of torque decline. The present study demonstrates that, when a model does not fit the observed data, it is difficult to determine exactly which components are responsible because of the interdependent nature of parameters.  相似文献   

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