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Seafaring in the Contemporary Pacific Islands: Studies in Continuity and Change, Richard Feinberg. ed. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1995. 237 pp.
Guardians of the Marovo Lagoon: Practice, Place and Politics in Maritime Melanesia. Edvard Hviding. Pacific Islands Monograph, 14. Honolulu; University of Hawaii Press, 1996.473 pp.  相似文献   

The genetic origins of the Andaman Islanders   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Mitochondrial sequences were retrieved from museum specimens of the enigmatic Andaman Islanders to analyze their evolutionary history. D-loop and protein-coding data reveal that phenotypic similarities with African pygmoid groups are convergent. Genetic and epigenetic data are interpreted as favoring the long-term isolation of the Andamanese, extensive population substructure, and/or two temporally distinct settlements. An early colonization featured populations bearing mtDNA lineage M2, and this lineage is hypothesized to represent the phylogenetic signal of an early southern movement of humans through Asia. The results demonstrate that Victorian anthropological collections can be used to study extinct, or seriously admixed populations, to provide new data about early human origins.  相似文献   

DNA mapping studies in Fijians have enabled the identification of rearrangements and RFLPs involving the alpha-, zeta-, and gamma-globin genes. Comparisons of these data with corresponding gene markers in Polynesians and Melanesians of Papua New Guinea show considerable overlap between the three population groups. The utility of globin genes as population markers is further confirmed.  相似文献   

Various Pacific Island populations have experienced a marked increase in the prevalence of obesity in past decades. This study examined the association of a promoter polymorphism of the leptin gene (LEP), G-2548A (rs7799039), and two non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of the leptin receptor gene (LEPR), K109R (rs1137100) and Q223R (rs1137101), with body weight, body mass index (BMI) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30) in Pacific Islanders. A total of 745 Austronesian (AN)-speaking participants were analyzed after adjusting for age, gender, and population differences. The results revealed that carriers of the 223Q alleles of LEPR had significantly higher body weight (P = 0.0009) and BMI (P = 0.0022) than non-carriers (i.e., 223R homozygotes); furthermore, the 223Q carriers also had a significantly higher risk of obesity in comparison to non-carriers (P = 0.0222). The other two polymorphisms, G-2548A and K109R, were associated with neither body weight, BMI, nor obesity. The 223Q allele was widely found among the AN-speaking study subjects, thus suggesting that the LEPR Q223R polymorphism is one of the factors contributing to the high prevalence of obesity in the Pacific Island populations.  相似文献   

At small spatial and temporal scales, genetic differentiation is largely controlled by constraints on gene flow, while genetic diversity across a species' distribution is shaped on longer temporal and spatial scales. We assess the hypothesis that oceanographic transport and other seascape features explain different scales of genetic structure of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. We followed a hierarchical approach to perform a microsatellite‐based analysis of genetic differentiation in Macrocystis across its distribution in the northeast Pacific. We used seascape genetic approaches to identify large‐scale biogeographic population clusters and investigate whether they could be explained by oceanographic transport and other environmental drivers. We then modelled population genetic differentiation within clusters as a function of oceanographic transport and other environmental factors. Five geographic clusters were identified: Alaska/Canada, central California, continental Santa Barbara, California Channel Islands and mainland southern California/Baja California peninsula. The strongest break occurred between central and southern California, with mainland Santa Barbara sites forming a transition zone between the two. Breaks between clusters corresponded approximately to previously identified biogeographic breaks, but were not solely explained by oceanographic transport. An isolation‐by‐environment (IBE) pattern was observed where the northern and southern Channel Islands clustered together, but not with closer mainland sites, despite the greater distance between them. The strongest environmental association with this IBE pattern was observed with light extinction coefficient, which extends suitable habitat to deeper areas. Within clusters, we found support for previous results showing that oceanographic connectivity plays an important role in the population genetic structure of Macrocystis in the Northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic structure and gene flow can elucidate the mechanisms of diversification and adaptation in seabirds and help define conservation and management units. From 2012 to 2016, we collected blood and feather samples from 156 Red-billed Tropicbirds (Phaethon aethereus) from seven colonies distributed along the Gulf of California and Mexican tropical Pacific to estimate genetic diversity, genetic structure, and gene flow using microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; control region) sequences. Nuclear and mtDNA data revealed relatively low or null levels of genetic diversity, respectively, possibly the result of a founder effect in the eastern Pacific followed by a subsequent population expansion. Nuclear data revealed significant genetic structure among the colonies, but the differences were not associated with regional grouping (i.e., Gulf of California vs. Tropical Pacific). Greater gene flow was observed from the tropical Pacific toward the Gulf of California, possibly related to shared dispersal patterns during the non-breeding season (individuals traveling north to reach warm currents with abundant prey). With the exception of one colony in the Mexican tropical Pacific, we found no evidence of recent bottleneck events. Nonetheless, the overall reduced genetic diversity suggests a high intrinsic vulnerability and risk of extinction for this species.  相似文献   

The recent development of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) SNP genotyping arrays has allowed detailed characterisation of genetic diversity and population structure within and between oyster populations. It also raises the potential of harnessing genomic selection for genetic improvement in oyster breeding programmes. The aim of this study was to characterise a breeding population of Australian oysters through genotyping and analysis of 18 027 SNPs, followed by comparison with genotypes of oyster sampled from Europe and Asia. This revealed that the Australian populations had similar population diversity (HE) to oysters from New Zealand, the British Isles, France and Japan. Population divergence was assessed using PCA of genetic distance and revealed that Australian oysters were distinct from all other populations tested. Australian Pacific oysters originate from planned introductions sourced from three Japanese populations. Approximately 95% of these introductions were from geographically, and potentially genetically, distinct populations from the Nagasaki oysters assessed in this study. Finally, in preparation for the application of genomic selection in oyster breeding programmes, the strength of LD was evaluated and subsets of loci were tested for their ability to accurately infer relationships. Weak LD was observed on average; however, SNP subsets were shown to accurately reconstitute a genomic relationship matrix constructed using all loci. This suggests that low‐density SNP panels may have utility in the Australian population tested, and the findings represent an important first step towards the design and implementation of genomic approaches for applied breeding in Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the population genetic structure of the corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) Acanthaster planci in the Pacific Ocean showed high levels of gene flow that were assumed to reflect a high dispersal potential. However, the phylogeographic analyses of the Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish species of this study, using the highly variable mitochondrial control region and the most complete geographic coverage to date, contradict this view. Results show high levels of overall genetic structure (ΦST = 0.198), suggesting a complex history of range restrictions and expansions, a pattern that we hypothesize results from changes in topography and oceanography associated with sea-level changes. However, results also show signatures of ongoing gene flow between populations isolated in the past and high levels of genetic connectivity even among distant populations. Combined, these results indicate that while there are significant limits to genetic exchange among populations among Pacific Ocean populations of the crown-of-thorns starfish, the high larval dispersal potential of this species is often achieved as well.  相似文献   

Although most eastern North Pacific (ENP) gray whales feed in the Bering, Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas during summer and fall, a small number of individuals, referred to as the Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG), show intra‐ and interseasonal fidelity to feeding areas from northern California through southeastern Alaska. We used both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 12 microsatellite markers to assess whether stock structure exists among feeding grounds used by ENP gray whales. Significant mtDNA differentiation was found when samples representing the PCFG (n = 71) were compared with samples (n = 103) collected from animals feeding further north (FST = 0.012, P = 0.0045). No significant nuclear differences were detected. These results indicate that matrilineal fidelity plays a role in creating structure among feeding grounds but suggests that individuals from different feeding areas may interbreed. Haplotype diversities were similar between strata (hPCFG = 0.945, hNorthern = 0.952), which, in combination with the low level of mtDNA differentiation identified, suggested that some immigration into the PCFG could be occurring. These results are important in evaluating the management of ENP gray whales, especially in light of the Makah Tribe's proposal to resume whaling in an area of the Washington coast utilized by both PCFG and migrating whales.  相似文献   

The Finnish gene pool derives primarily from a relatively homogeneous Finno-Ugric population established during the Iron Age (100 B.C.-800 A.D.) in the southwest and southeast of Finland. Gene flow from Sweden to the southwest coastal areas, dating from prehistoric times, as well as the patterns of settlement and migration throughout Finland during the past 1000 years, appear to have been the major biosocial factors underlying the genetic structure of the contemporary population. Analysis of genetic variation and covariation at nine polymorphic loci in a large random sample of rural Finns, partitioned into either 8 countries or 27 geographic districts, showed that all of the essential features of the genetic structure suggested by the archaeological and historical data could be distinguished. Procedures for obtaining inference on the genetic structure of such a population are reviewed, including coefficients of similarity and (genetic) distance among subpopulations, the relation between linear or planar geographic structure and genetic covariation, and the methods for describing allelic differentiation. Bias resulting from the inappropriate assumption of a simple phylogenetic model can be substantial, expecially for the analysis of isolation by distance; procedures for avoiding misleading inference on the genetic structure are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic structure and diversity are largely mediated by a species’ ecological niche and sensitivity to climate variation. Some species with narrow ecological niches have been found to exhibit increased population differentiation, limited gene flow across populations, and reduced population genetic diversity. In this study, we examine patterns of population genetic structure and diversity of four bumble bee species that are broadly sympatric, but do not necessarily inhabit the same ecological niche in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Testing for the effect of isolation by geographic distance (IBD) with linearized F st and D est found that Bombus sylvicola and B. mixtus exhibited significant IBD across populations. In contrast, both B. melanopygus and B. flavifrons, two species that are distributed across a broad elevation gradient, exhibited no IBD, a result further corroborated by Bayesian a priori population assignment tests. Furthermore, we discovered that B. sylvicola populations distributed on the Olympic Peninsula have significantly less average allelic diversity than populations distributed in the Cascade Mountains. Our results suggest that populations distributed in the Olympic Mountains represent a distinct genetic cluster relative to the Cascade Mountains, with B. sylvicola and B. mixtus likely experiencing the greatest degree of population genetic differentiation relative to B. flavifrons and B. melanopygus. While bumble bees are known to co-exist across a diversity of habitats, our results demonstrate that underlying population genetic structure and diversity may not necessarily be similar across species, and are largely governed by their respective niches.  相似文献   

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