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We investigated a possible role for testosterone-induced cell proliferation in the development of sexual dimorphism in the larynx of South African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis. Androgen-induced cell proliferation was studied using [3H]thymidine autoradiography. Nuclei of cartilage, perichondrium, and muscle were labeled in the larynx of sexually immature frogs of both sexes but not in adults. Cell proliferation did not occur with estradiol treatment nor was it seen in nonlaryngeal muscle or cartilage. Electron microscopic/autoradiographic studies of laryngeal muscle indicate that testosterone stimulates satellite cell division which later results in formation of myonuclei. We conclude that testosterone induces both chondrogenesis and myogenesis in juvenile larynx and that this process may contribute to the pronounced sexual dimorphism of the adult vocal organ.  相似文献   

The release vocalizations of four nominal neotropical toad taxa ( Bufo achalensis , Bufo limensis , Bufo spinulosus , Bufo arenarum ) which compose three sympatric species pairs, were quantitatively analysed and homologous call types statistically compared. The first three taxa are closely related members of the mainly Andean Bufo spinulosus species group in which advertisement calls are absent. The specific vocal repertoire consisted of a uniform, unpulsed release call and one (in B. arenarum, two) pulsed release trill(s) which were given either singly or in series of up to three single calls. The uniform call was similar in structure and dominant (= basic) frequency in all taxa and probably represents an unspecific acoustic signal which is used to avoid heterospecific amplexus between sympatric toads. The release trills significantly differed in most call features among the taxa and, using discriminant analyses, even single calls were correctly assigned to sympatric pairs of species. In contrast, calls of allopatric pairs of species were confounded at rates of up to 36% indicating that selection towards species-specific signals increases when different species live in sympatry. The release trills of two allopatric populations (Perú, Argentina) assigned to B. spinulosus were similar in structure, but nevertheless features of pulse train permitted an unequivocal distinction, suggesting a long-lasting independent evolution. The taxonomic significance of this finding remains to be evaluated in further investigations. The complex vocal repertoire also offered the opportunity to assess phylogenetic relationships among the taxa. The extra-Andean B. achalensis seems to be closer related to the Andean B. spinulosus than this species is to the widely sympatric B. limensis – a species with several primitive character states indicating an early separation from the ancestral stock.  相似文献   

Temporal constraints on androgen regulated masculinization of three sexually dimorphic laryngeal properties--tension, fiber type, and fiber recruitment--were examined in Xenopus laevis frogs. Endocrine state was manipulated at PM0 when the larynx is similar in males and females, at PM2 when the larynx begins sexual differentiation, and at PM6 when sexual differentiation is complete. Removing the testes in developing males (PM0 or PM2) completely arrests laryngeal masculinization. Masculinization resumes when testosterone is replaced later in development (PM2 or PM6, respectively). Thus, testicular secretions, in particular androgens, are required for laryngeal masculinization. The ability of androgens to masculinize tension, fiber type, and fiber recruitment in developing and adult larynges was also determined. Five weeks of testosterone treatment in PM0 or PM2 males and females completely masculinizes laryngeal tension and fiber type, but only partially masculinizes fiber recruitment. However, fiber recruitment can be fully masculinized in PM6 males castrated at PM2. We conclude that androgen induced masculinization of tension and fiber type are not temporally constrained but that androgen induced masculinization of fiber recruitment is. Prolonged androgen treatment can override the temporal constraints on masculinization of the larynx. Testosterone treatment for more than 6 months fully masculinizes fiber recruitment in developing (PM0 or PM2) females. In addition, prolonged treatment (greater than 9 months) completely masculinizes tension, fiber type, and fiber recruitment in adult females; these properties were not fully masculinized by shorter (1-3 months) treatments in adult females. Testosterone induced masculinization in females is maintained for up to 8 months following testosterone removal; thus androgen effects are long lasting and possibly permanent.  相似文献   

The action of inhibitors of protein synthesis on the structure of cytoplasmic inclusions found in the male germ cell line of the anuran, Xenopus laevis, has been studied by light and electron microscopy. Results indicate that one such inclusion, the chromatoid body, is sensitive to treatment with either chloramphenicol or puromycin. These drugs administered in vivo or in vitro cause up to a thirty-fold increase in the volume of the chromatoid body in all stages where it is normally present. Maximum size increase obtainable is the same for either drug, but is different and characteristic for each germ cell stage. Drug action is dose dependent, with "chromatoid body syndrome" occurring over a relatively narrow concentration range. Cyclohexamide, in contrast to chloramphenicol or puromycin, does not produce a clear increase in the size of chromatoid bodies, and is capable of blocking the action of the other drugs at normally effective concentrations. Results obtained in this investigation suggest that primary spermatogonia contain enough chromatoid body material to account for the total amount present in all subsequent germ cell stages. This fact, coupled with other studies where chromatoid-like bodies have been observed, suggests the hypothesis that the chromatoid body represents at least in part an aggregation stage of materials associated with the microtubule population of the germ cell line. Alternately, or in addition, ribonucleoprotein may contribute to the structure of the chromatoid body.  相似文献   

Androgens regulate the physiology of motor neurones both during development and in adult life. In particular, androgens increase the rate of axonal regeneration after axotomy, an effect correlated with the up-regulation of tubulin. In order to determine whether this was the result of a direct hormone action on neurones, we examined the effect of testosterone on microtubular proteins in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Treatment of proliferating SH-SY5Y cells with testosterone resulted in an up-regulation of alpha- and beta-tubulin. By contrast, no change in tubulin was observed either in cells differentiated into a neuronal phenotype by retinoic acid or in adrenal SW13 cells. We also show that an up-regulation of the ubiquitous beta(II)-tubulin and of the neurone-specific beta(III)-tubulin isoforms contributes to the overall increase in tubulin in response to androgen treatment. The increase in tubulin levels following testosterone treatment was abolished by co-incubation with antiandrogens, indicating that this effect is mediated through a classical mechanism of steroid action. The two microtubule-associated proteins, tau and MAP2b, remained unchanged following testosterone exposure. Thus, these results demonstrate that tubulin is a direct neuronal target of androgen regulation and suggest that dysregulation of tubulin expression may contribute to the pathogenesis of some motor neuronopathies.  相似文献   

A wide range of behaviors exhibited by paired, neonatally androgenized (NA) female mice after castration and treatment with testosterone, testosterone and progesterone, or neither steroid was compared with behaviors of similarly treated males. Behaviors shown by NA females and males in aggressive contexts were quite similar. In particular, progesterone inhibited aggressiveness in NA females as it did in males. The data provide further support for the idea that progesterone is antiandrogenic “centrally” to a greater extent than it is antiandrogenic “peripherally.”  相似文献   

G. Peters 《Mammal Review》2002,32(4):245-271
The terms purr and purring have been used for vocalizations produced by a variety of mammalian species in different orders. A few other mammalian vocalizations that are structurally somewhat similar to felid purring but have been given another term have also been described in the literature. Because use of the same term implies ‘sameness’, which in an evolutionary sense can only mean that the vocalizations so named are homologous (= share the same ancestral vocalization type), the terms purr and purring ought to be restricted to vocalizations homologous with felid purring, and any mammalian vocalization homologous with felid purring ought to be named accordingly. According to present knowledge ‘true’ purring is established only in the families Viverridae and Felidae of the Carnivora. Vocalizations very similar in structure occur in matching behavioural contexts in other families of the Carnivora and several other mammalian orders. Most of these vocalization types are likely to have evolved convergently.  相似文献   



Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is an infrequent disease with a variety of causes. Pregnancy, puerperium, contraceptive pills and intracranial infections are the most common causes. The patient may present with headache, focal neurological deficits and seizures.  相似文献   

鼠类的超声通讯已有报道,并且在实验室深入研究了小鼠和大鼠接受和释放这些叫声的能力。由于对不同刺激的反应和出自不同的目的,幼鼠和成年鼠都释放超声。发出者的年龄/性/品系以及自然和社会环境的不同,导致这些超声的频率和持续时间也不同。在社会隔离和操作处理时,未成年个体可释放超声波。作为成熟程度以及对环境信号和药物处理时反应的指标,这些叫声得到了广泛研究,表明超声在调节出生后早期的母幼联系中起相应的作用。随着幼鼠的长大及体温调节和感觉能力的增强,发生的数量大大减少。然而,成年小鼠和大鼠在不同的社会条件下,释放出的超声有种间差异:大鼠的超声与正面和负面的社会作用有关,而在小鼠中,这些叫声主要与领域有关.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins (OMP) are generally porins, functioning as molecular sieves assisting in the transmembrane transportation. Heat modifiable characteristics of OMP from P. multocida B: 2 have been explored to know their basic characteristics on event of temperature rise. A major band of 32 kDa and two minor bands of approximately 39 and approximately 28 kDa were found to be heat modifiable. It is suggested that boiling at 100 degrees C in presence of beta mercaptoethanol for 5 min is sufficient for characterisation of OMP by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Adult mice are highly vocal animals, with both males and females vocalizing in same sex and cross sex social encounters. Mouse pups are also highly vocal, producing isolation vocalizations when they are cold or removed from the nest. This study examined patterns in the development of pup isolation vocalizations, and compared these to adult vocalizations. In three litters of CBA/CaJ mice, we recorded isolation vocalizations at ages postnatal day 5 (p5), p7, p9, p11, and p13. Adult vocalizations were obtained in a variety of social situations. Altogether, 28,384 discrete vocal signals were recorded using high-frequency-sensitive equipment and analyzed for syllable type, spectral and temporal features, and the temporal sequencing within bouts. We found that pups produced all but one of the 11 syllable types recorded from adults. The proportions of syllable types changed developmentally, but even the youngest pups produced complex syllables with frequency-time variations. When all syllable types were pooled together for analysis, changes in the peak frequency or the duration of syllables were small, although significant, from p5 through p13. However, individual syllable types showed different, large patterns of change over development, requiring analysis of each syllable type separately. Most adult syllables were substantially lower in frequency and shorter in duration. As pups aged, the complexity of vocal bouts increased, with a greater tendency to switch between syllable types. Vocal bouts from older animals, p13 and adult, had significantly more sequential structure than those from younger mice. Overall, these results demonstrate substantial changes in social vocalizations with age. Future studies are required to identify whether these changes result from developmental processes affecting the vocal tract or control of vocalization, or from vocal learning. To provide a tool for further research, we developed a MATLAB program that generates bouts of vocalizations that correspond to mice of different ages.  相似文献   

Individually distinct vocalizations are widespread among social animals, presumably caused by variation in vocal tract anatomy. A less-explored source of individual variation is due to learned movement patterns of the vocal tract, which can lead to vocal convergence or divergence in social groups. We studied patterns of acoustic similarity in a social call produced by 14 female Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana) in two free-ranging groups. Calls showed variability in fundamental frequency contours owing to individual identity and external context. Vocal divergence increased significantly between females during poor visibility and tended to increase in the presence of neighbours. In contrast, vocal convergence increased significantly between females during vocal interactions, because females matched the frequency contour of their own call with another female's preceding call. Our findings demonstrate that these primates have some control over the acoustic fine structure of their most important social vocalization. Vocal convergence and divergence are two opposing processes that enable callers to ensure spatial proximity and social cohesion with other group members.  相似文献   

Mental illness can include impaired abilities to express emotions or respond to the emotions of others. Speech provides a mechanism for expressing emotions, by both what words are spoken and by the melody or intonation of speech (prosody). Through the perception of variations in prosody, an individual can detect changes in another's emotional state. Prosodic features of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), indicated by changes in frequency and amplitude, also convey information. Dams retrieve pups that emit separation calls, females approach males emitting solicitous calls, and mice can become fearful of a cue associated with the vocalizations of a distressed conspecific. Because acoustic features of mouse USVs respond to drugs and genetic manipulations that influence reward circuits, USV analysis can be employed to examine how genes influence social motivation, affect regulation, and communication. The purpose of this review is to discuss how genetic and developmental factors influence aspects of the mouse vocal repertoire and how mice respond to the vocalizations of their conspecifics. To generate falsifiable hypotheses about the emotional content of particular calls, this review addresses USV analysis within the framework of affective neuroscience (e.g. measures of motivated behavior such as conditioned place preference tests, brain activity and systemic physiology). Suggested future studies include employment of an expanded array of physiological and statistical approaches to identify the salient acoustic features of mouse vocalizations. We are particularly interested in rearing environments that incorporate sufficient spatial and temporal complexity to familiarize developing mice with a broader array of affective states.  相似文献   

The presence of divergent and independent research traditions in the gestural and vocal domains of primate communication has resulted in major discrepancies in the definition and operationalization of cognitive concepts. However, in recent years, accumulating evidence from behavioural and neurobiological research has shown that both human and non‐human primate communication is inherently multimodal. It is therefore timely to integrate the study of gestural and vocal communication. Herein, we review evidence demonstrating that there is no clear difference between primate gestures and vocalizations in the extent to which they show evidence for the presence of key language properties: intentionality, reference, iconicity and turn‐taking. We also find high overlap in the neurobiological mechanisms producing primate gestures and vocalizations, as well as in ontogenetic flexibility. These findings confirm that human language had multimodal origins. Nonetheless, we note that in great apes, gestures seem to fulfil a carrying (i.e. predominantly informative) role in close‐range communication, whereas the opposite holds for face‐to‐face interactions of humans. This suggests an evolutionary shift in the carrying role from the gestural to the vocal stream, and we explore this transition in the carrying modality. Finally, we suggest that future studies should focus on the links between complex communication, sociality and cooperative tendency to strengthen the study of language origins.  相似文献   

SC-3 cells derived from mouse mammary carcinoma (Shinogi carcinoma 115) exhibit remarkable growth enhancement and cell morphology change in response to androgen stimuli. These events are mediated through an androgen-induced growth factor (AIGF). Amino acid sequence deduced from cDNA reveals that AIGF has 215 amino acids with a signal peptide and scattered regions homologous to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family proteins. The biological ability of AIGF to stimulate SC-3 cell growth is inhibited by heparin or suramin. More importantly, antisense oligodeoxynucleotide of AIGF can block androgen-induced growth of SC-3 cells. Upon synthesis under the control of androgen, AIGF is immediately secreted into the extracellular space without intracellular accumulation. At the early phase (18–24 h) of androgen stimulation, however, AIGF is mainly associated with the glycosaminoglycan on the cell surface or extracellular matris. In addition, treatment of SC-3 cells with sulfation blocker (chlorate) or heparitinase results in the abolishment of their ability to respond to androgen or AIGF, indicating that heparan sulfate has important roles for condensing AIGF on or near cell surface as well as potentiating the biological activity of AIGF. Then, AIGF can bind to the FGF receptor. Northern blot analysis and cDNA cloning indicate that SC-3 cells predominantly express the FGF receptor 1 with some altered amino acid sequences. Transfection of expression vectors of AIGF and this variant from of FGF receptor 1 into FGF receptor-negative myoblast cells (L 6 cells) confirms that a variant from of FGF receptor 1 is a receptor of AIGF. These results clearly demonstrate that an autocrine mechanism is operating in androgen-induced growth of SC-3 cells.  相似文献   

The outer membrane fraction from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was isolated by isopycnic density centrifugation. The purity of this fraction was assayed by several methods. When the outer membrane fraction obtained after French press lysis of cells was compared with the outer membrane fragments released during spheroplast formation, the polypeptide profiles were identical. Detergent solubilization of membrane fractions showed that Triton X-100 nonselectively solubilizes both the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane, whereas Deriphat 160 selectively solubilizes the cytoplasmic membrane. Several outer membrane polypeptides, including the major outer membrane protein, exhibited changes in electrophoretic mobility that depended upon the temperature of solubilization in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Solubilization at room temperature in the presence of ions reproduced the effect of thermal denaturation on the major outer membrane polypeptide.  相似文献   

House mice emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) during courtship, which are sexually dimorphic and function to attract mates. Spectrographic analyses of laboratory mice show that USVs are surprisingly complex and have features of song. In this study, we conducted the first spectral and temporal analyses of recordings from wild house mice (F1 from wild-caught Mus musculus musculus). Inspection of the spectral shape of syllables shows that the USVs from wild mice can be classified by both frequency and duration, and the most apparent distinction is between low- versus high-frequency calls. High-frequency calls of wild mice seem to be emitted at a much higher frequency range than previously found in some laboratory mice. Interestingly, we found that 20% of males do not vocalize at all, though the reason for their behaviour is unclear. Future studies are needed to determine what kind of information is conveyed in these complex vocalizations, and why some males appear to be non-vocalizers.  相似文献   

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