Five different cysteine-containing mutants of the lysozyme from bacteriophage T4 were used to explore the feasibility of using site-directed mutagenesis to generate isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives for protein crystallography. Cysteines 54 and 97, present in wild-type lysozyme, can be readily reacted with mercuric ion to produce an excellent isomorphous heavy-atom derivative. Mutants with an additional cysteine at position 86, 146, 153 or 157, or with Cys 97 replaced by Val, were engineered by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant lysozyme Thr 157----Cys reacts with mercuric chloride to give an excellent new derivative although Cys 157 is only approximately 60% substituted with the heavy atom. The cysteine at position 146 is largely buried but reacts readily with mercuric chloride. In this case the isomorphism is poor and the resultant derivative is of marginal quality. Cys 153 reacts rapidly with mercuric ion but the derivative crystals do not diffract. The mutant Pro 86----Cys does not yield a particularly good heavy-atom derivative. This is due in part to a loss of isomorphism associated with the mutation. In addition, Cys 86 shows very little reactivity towards mercurials even though it is fully exposed to solvent. The mutation Cys 97----Val was used to explore the possibility of creating an independent derivative by deleting a heavy-atom site already present in wild-type lysozyme. In all cases that were tested, the quality of the heavy-atom derivative was improved by using as an isomorphous pair mercury-substituted mutant versus non-substituted mutant rather than mercury-substituted mutant versus (non-substituted) wild-type lysozyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
We consider the application of infrared spectroscopy to protein crystals, with particular emphasis on exploiting molecular orientation through polarization measurements on oriented single crystals. Infrared microscopes enable transmission measurements on individual crystals using either thermal or nonthermal sources, and can accommodate flow cells, used to measure spectral changes induced by exposure to soluble ligands, and cryostreams, used for measurements of flash-cooled crystals. Comparison of unpolarized infrared measurements on crystals and solutions probes the effects of crystallization and can enhance the value of the structural models refined from X-ray diffraction data by establishing solution conditions under which they are most relevant. Results on several proteins are consistent with similar equilibrium conformational distributions in crystal and solutions. However, the rates of conformational change are often perturbed. Infrared measurements also detect products generated by X-ray exposure, including CO(2). Crystals with favorable symmetry exhibit infrared dichroism that enhances the synergy with X-ray crystallography. Polarized infrared measurements on crystals can distinguish spectral contributions from chemically similar sites, identify hydrogen bonding partners, and, in opportune situations, determine three-dimensional orientations of molecular groups. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Structure and Function in the Crystalline State. 相似文献
Mass-produced automated piezoelectric driven picoliter delivery systems (printer heads) are fast, inexpensive, and reliable devices that are capable of delivering a very large range of volumes and are ideally suited for high-throughput protein crystallography studies. We used this technology to set up under-oil crystallization experiments with drop sizes from the 200-nL to 3-microL volume range, commonly used in protein crystallography, and show its application in setting ultra-small (2 nL) drops, the smallest drop volume reported to date for this type of assay. 相似文献
The replaceability of amino acids as reflected in their neighbourhood selectivity is analyzed in this paper. Neighbourhood selectivity was found to be more characteristic of the individual amino acids than the other commonly used parameters. The residue replacement rank obtained was compared with other proposed ranks and was tested on naturally accepted point mutations in homologous proteins. 相似文献
Advances in synchrotron radiation technology have allowed exposure times from protein crystals of the order of milliseconds to be used routinely, and in exceptional circumstances exposure times of 100 ps have been obtained. However, many data sets take seconds to record because of the slow time scale of film change or crystal reorientation or translation when more than one exposure is required. This problem has been addressed by Amemiya et al. (1989). There has been considerable progress in methods to initiate reactions in protein crystals, especially the development of photolabile caged compounds but also temperature jump, pH jump, and diffusion. Although flash lamps deliver pulses of 100 mJ/ms, often several pulses are required to release sufficient product, and reaction initiation can take several seconds. Laser illumination can provide more powerful input, but the laser must be accommodated within the restricted space at the synchrotron station. The requirement to maintain synchrony among the molecules in the crystal lattice as the reaction proceeds and to ensure that the lifetime of intermediates is longer than data collection rates emphasizes the need for chemical characterization of the reaction under study. As Ringe advocated in the studies with chymotrypsin, it may be more profitable to devise conditions under which certain intermediates along the reaction pathway accumulate in the crystal and to record these in a series of discrete steps rather than continuous monitoring of the reaction. The Laue method is limited to those proteins that give well-ordered crystals and problems of transient disorder on initiation of reaction and problems of radiation damage need to be overcome or avoided by suitable experimental protocols.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Recent advances in ab initio direct methods have enabled the solution of crystal structures of small proteins from native X-ray data alone, that is, without the use of fragments of known structure or the need to prepare heavy-atom or selenomethionine derivatives, provided that the data are available to atomic resolution. These methods are also proving to be useful for locating the selenium atoms or other anomalous scatterers in the multiple wavelength anomalous diffraction phasing of larger proteins at lower resolution. 相似文献
A general model is derived to describe the rate of radiation damage in protein crystals. This model and some of its special cases are tested against the Blake and Phillips data on X-irradiation effects in myoglobin crystals. The results point to a sequential process of damage and suggest an improved method for correcting diffraction data for the effects of radiation damage. 相似文献
Determination of crystal structures of membrane proteins is often limited by difficulties obtaining crystals diffracting to high resolution. Co-crystallization with Fab fragments of monoclonal antibodies has been reported to improve diffraction of membrane proteins crystals. However, it is not simple to generate useful monoclonal antibodies for membrane protein crystallography. In this report, we present an optimized process for efficient screening from immunization to final validation of monoclonal antibody for membrane protein crystallography. 相似文献
To increase the efficiency of diffraction data collection for protein crystallographic studies, an automated system designed to store frozen protein crystals, mount them sequentially, align them to the X-ray beam, collect complete data sets, and return the crystals to storage has been developed. Advances in X-ray data collection technology including more brilliant X-ray sources, improved focusing optics, and faster-readout detectors have reduced diffraction data acquisition times from days to hours at a typical protein crystallography laboratory [1,2]. In addition, the number of high-brilliance synchrotron X-ray beam lines dedicated to macromolecular crystallography has increased significantly, and data collection times at these facilities can be routinely less than an hour per crystal. Because the number of protein crystals that may be collected in a 24 hr period has substantially increased, unattended X-ray data acquisition, including automated crystal mounting and alignment, is a desirable goal for protein crystallography. The ability to complete X-ray data collection more efficiently should impact a number of fields, including the emerging structural genomics field [3], structure-directed drug design, and the newly developed screening by X-ray crystallography [4], as well as small molecule applications. 相似文献
In cryocrystallography, rapid sample cooling is generally deemed essential to prevent solvent crystallization and associated sample damage. We show that by carefully and completely removing all external solvent, many protein crystals can be successfully cooled to T = 100 K at only 0.1 K/s without additional penetrating cryoprotectants. Slow cooling provides an alternative when flash cooling fails, and enables diffraction studies of protein structure and function at all temperatures between T = 300 K and T = 100 K. 相似文献
China has a strong background in X-ray crystallography dating back to the 1920s. Protein crystallography research in China was first developed following the successful synthesis of insulin in China in 1966. The subsequent determination of the three-dimensional structure of porcine insulin made China one of the few countries which could determine macromolecular structures by X-ray diffraction methods in the late 1960s and early 1970s. After a slow period during the 1970s and 1980s, protein crystallography in China has reached a new climax with a number of outstanding accomplishments. Here, I review the history and progress of protein crystallography in China and detail some of the recent research highlights, including the crystal structures of two membrane proteins as well as the structural genomics initiative in China. 相似文献
To understand the role of water in life at molecular and atomic levels, structures and interactions at the protein-water interface have been investigated by cryogenic X-ray crystallography. The method enabled a much clearer visualization of definite hydration sites on the protein surface than at ambient temperature. Using the structural models of proteins, including several hydration water molecules, the characteristics in hydration structures were systematically analysed for the amount, the interaction geometries between water molecules and proteins, and the local and global distribution of water molecules on the surface of proteins. The tetrahedral hydrogen-bond geometry of water molecules in bulk solvent was retained at the interface and enabled the extension of a three-dimensional chain connection of a hydrogen-bond network among hydration water molecules and polar protein atoms over the entire surface of proteins. Networks of hydrogen bonds were quite flexible to accommodate and/or to regulate the conformational changes of proteins such as domain motions. The present experimental results may have profound implications in the understanding of the physico-chemical principles governing the dynamics of proteins in an aqueous environment and a discussion of why water is essential to life at a molecular level. 相似文献
Membrane protein structural biology is still a largely unconquered area, given that approximately 25% of all proteins are membrane proteins and yet less than 150 unique structures are available. Membrane proteins have proven to be difficult to study owing to their partially hydrophobic surfaces, flexibility and lack of stability. The field is now taking advantage of the high-throughput revolution in structural biology and methods are emerging for effective expression, solubilisation, purification and crystallisation of membrane proteins. These technical advances will lead to a rapid increase in the rate at which membrane protein structures are solved in the near future. 相似文献