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Background and Aims

Silene dioica and S. latifolia experience only limited introgression despite overlapping flowering phenologies, geographical distributions, and some pollinator sharing. Conspecific pollen precedence and other reproductive barriers operating between pollination and seed germination may limit hybridization. This study investigates whether barriers at this stage contribute to reproductive isolation between these species and, if so, which mechanisms are responsible.


Pollen-tube lengths for pollen of both species in styles of both species were compared. Additionally, both species were pollinated with majority S. latifolia and majority S. dioica pollen mixes; then seed set, seed germination rates and hybridity of the resulting seedlings were determined using species-specific molecular markers.

Key Results

The longest pollen tubes were significantly longer for conspecific than heterospecific pollen in both species, indicating conspecific pollen precedence. Seed set but not seed germination was lower for flowers pollinated with pure heterospecific versus pure conspecific pollen. Mixed-species pollinations resulted in disproportionately high representation of nonhybrid offspring for pollinations of S. latifolia but not S. dioica flowers.


The finding of conspecific pollen precedence for pollen-tube growth but not seed siring in S. dioica flowers may be explained by variation in pollen-tube growth rates, either at different locations in the style or between leading and trailing pollen tubes. Additionally, this study finds a barrier to hybridization operating between pollination and seed germination against S. dioica but not S. latifolia pollen. The results are consistent with the underlying cause of this barrier being attrition of S. dioica pollen tubes or reduced success of heterospecifically fertilized ovules, rather than time-variant mechanisms. Post-pollination, pre-germination barriers to hybridization thus play a partial role in limiting introgression between these species.  相似文献   

Serpentine soils are hostile to plant life. They are dry, contain high concentrations of nickel and have an unfavorable calcium/magnesium ratio. The dioecious plant Silene dioica (L.) Clairv. (Caryophyllaceae) is the most common herb on serpentine soils in the Swedish mountains. It also commonly grows on non-serpentine soils in the subalpine and coastal area. I have compared the germination frequency, plant establishment and growth of serpentine and subalpine non-serpentine populations in serpentine soil under greenhouse conditions. Further more I have studied the specific effect of nickel on root and shoot growth of serpentine and non-serpentine plants from the subalpine and coastal area in solutions with different concentrations of nickel. Plants from serpentine and non-serpentine populations grew well and in a similar fashion in serpentine soil. Moreover, S. dioica plants, irrespective of original habitat, tolerated enhanced concentrations of nickel when grown in solutions. An analysis of metal content in serpentine plants from natural populations shows that S. dioica has a higher nickel concentration in the roots than in the shoots. The growth studies show that S. dioica is constitutively adapted to serpentine, and that all populations have the genetic and ecological tolerance to grow on serpentine.  相似文献   

Reproductive and somatic biomass, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) pools were compared between females and males in 1st-year plants of Silene dioica. We estimated irretrievable resources allocated to seeds, pollen, flowers, and unrecovered summer leaf investment by collecting plant parts at abscission throughout the season. At the end of the season, we determined resources lost through senescent stems and autumn leaf turnover and resources stored in perennial roots and overwintering buds. Sexual differences in allocation patterns depended on the resource used for comparison, and whether absolute or proportional resource pools were assessed. Total resource pools in terms of biomass and N were similar for females and males. However, male plants acquired relatively more P. The proportional reproductive investment, i.e., reproductive effort, was similar for males and females in terms of biomass and N. In terms of P, male reproductive effort was higher. There was no difference between sexes in the proportional and relative biomass allocated to perennial roots and overwintering buds. However, in terms of absolute and relative N allocation to below-ground parts, females had larger reserves than males. Females, moreover, had a larger proportion of their P in below-ground parts. However, as male total P pools were larger, absolute P reserves did not differ between sexes. The high reproductive effort and N depletion of below-ground parts in males resulted largely from higher flower production compared to females. In females, seeds were the major component of reproductive effort. These results show that if biomass and nutrient allocation are assessed in parallel for dioecious plants, we obtain a more complete view of their sexual differences. Received: 07 May 1998 / Accepted: 30 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary Experiments and observations conducted during the past 90 years have provided conflicting evidence concerning the existence of a size difference between pollen grains containing an X chromosome (female-determining) and those containing a Y chromosome (maledetermining) in dioecious Silene latifolia. Were such a size difference to exist, this might explain, at least in part, the observation that X-bearing pollen tubes reach the ovary more quickly, on average, than Y-bearing pollen tubes. We tested for such a size difference by separating pollen collected from single anthers into three size classes: small, large, and random. Fruit set (number of pollinated flowers that set fruit) and seed set (number of seeds per capsule) did not differ for these three pollination treatments. Progeny sex ratios resulting from these three pollen size classes also did not differ significantly. Thus, pollen grain size is not affected by which of the two sex chromosomes is present. Our experiment is the first direct test of this relationship. Based on our results, size differences should not be invoked to explain competitive differences in male- and female-determining microgametophytes.  相似文献   

Vierheilig  Horst  Iseli  Beatrice  Alt  Monica  Raikhel  Natasha  Wiemken  Andres  Boller  Thomas 《Plant and Soil》1996,183(1):131-136
Roots of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) were sampled at different sites around Basel (Switzerland) and examined under the microscope. They were completely devoid of mycorrhizal structures. Similarly, stinging nettle plants grown in the greenhouse in the presence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungusGlomus mosseae did not show any signs of mycorrhiza formation. Spread ofG. mosseae through the rhizosphere of stinging nettle plants was inhibited, and application of extracts of stinging nettle roots and rhizomes to hyphal tips ofG. mosseae reduced hyphal growth.Urtica dioica agglutinin, an antifungal protein present in the rhizomes of stinging nettle, inhibited hyphal growth in a similar way as the crude root extract. The possibility thatUrtica dioica agglutinin is at least partially responsible for the inability of stinging nettle to form the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis withG. mosseae is discussed.  相似文献   

Differences in reproductive demands between the sexes of dioecious plants could cause divergence in physiology between the sexes. We found that the reproductive effort of female Silene latifolia plants increased to more than twice that of male plants or female plants that were prevented from setting fruit by lack of pollination after 4 weeks of flowering. Whole-plant source/sink ratios of pollinated females were significantly lower than those of males or unpollinated females because of investment in fruit. We hypothesized that these differences in source/sink ratio between the sexes and within females, depending on pollination, would lead to differences in leaf photosynthetic rates. Within females, we found that photosynthetic capacity was consistent with measurement of whole-plant source/sink ratio. Females that were setting fruit had 30% higher light-saturated photosynthetic rates by 28 days after flowering than females that were not setting fruit. Males, however, had consistently higher photosynthetic rates than females from 10 days after flowering onwards. Males also had approximately twice the dark respiration rates of fruiting females. We found that female reproductive structures are longer-lived and contribute more carbon to their own support than male reproductive structures. Despite the higher rates of leaf dark respiration and lower calyx photosynthetic rates, males fix more carbon than do females. We conclude that females have a sink-regulated mechanism of photosynthesis that allows them to respond to variations in fruit set. This mechanism is not, however, sufficient to explain why male S. latifolia plants have higher rates of photosynthesis, higher source/sink ratios, and lower reproductive allocation, but fail to grow larger than female plants.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of resource allocation in the dioecious Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella were investigated. Males were found to allocate more to reproduction during flower production than females, whereas females invested considerably more in reproduction during seed production. Altogether, females allocated both a higher total amount and a higher proportion of energy to reproduction than did males. By regression analysis, the influence of plant size on reproductive effort was examined separately for males and females. The results indicated that while reproductive effort is sometimes lower for tall plants than for small plants, size-independent effects have a greater influence on reproductive effort than size distribution. An analysis of variance was conducted to investigate the effects of population, season, sex and their interactions on plant size, and an analysis of covariance was used to study differences in resource allocation patterns. Different interaction effects were found to be most important in the two species of Rumex.  相似文献   

Summary The response to a single defoliation was studied on three clones of Themeda triandra collected in the short, mid, and tall grassland regions of the Serengeti National Park (Tanzania). These sites represent a gradient of decreasing grazing intensity. Growth, allocation pattern, and several morphometric traits were monitored during an 80-day period. Clipped plants of the short and medium clones fully compensated for the reduction of biomass, while plants of the tall clone showed overcompensation. During the first two weeks after clipping, clipped plants showed lower relative growth rates than unclipped ones, whereas the opposite was observed later on. Clipped plants compensated for the removal of leaf area by producing new leaves with lower specific weights and higher nitrogen content. They also produced more, smaller tillers. Although clipped plants mobilized nonstructural carbohydrates from roots and crowns, this did not account for a significant amount of growth. Relative growth rates of unclipped plants of the short clone were higher. The relative growth rate of the short clone diminished less after clipping, but also exhibited the lowest increase later. The tall clone was the most negatively affected early, but showed the highest compensation later. Compared to the other clones, the short ecotype showed many of the characteristics that defoliation induced in each individual of any clone: higher allocation to leaf area production, higher relative growth rate, higher number but smaller size of tillers, and lower leaf specific weights.  相似文献   

Summary Baccharis halimifolia (Compositae) is a dioecious shrub which grows on the upland fringe of tidal marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America. We examined the responses of the two sexes to variation in nutrient and moisture availability plant density, and defoliation. By growing plants from seedlings to flowering adults under various combinations of soil type, fertilization rate and plant density, we were able to establish different rates of plant growth and mortality. Plants grown at high density and low nutrient and water supply grew the least, incurrent the most mortality and showed a male-biased sex ratio (73% male). At low density with abundant nutrients and water, plants grew more, survived well, flowered frequently, and were female-biased (75% female). Changes in sex ratio were probably the result of sex-related mortality rather than sexual lability of the seedlings. While changes in sex ratio occurred under experimental conditions in the green-house, no evidence for differences in habitat utilization between the sexes were found in the field and the sex ratio (59% female) did not vary across habitats. In the marsh habitats we sampled where water and nutrients were apparently available, there was no evidence for differential mortality between the sexes. When defoliated (75% of leaf tissue), both sexes showed similar reductions in reproductive effort (number of flower heads/shoot). Our results indicate that differences between the sexes of Baccharis in their response to environmental growing conditions is an important ecological factor associated with the separation of male and female function into separate individuals.  相似文献   

Summary The spermatozoon of Oikopleura dioica is about 30 m long, with a spherical head, about 1 m wide, a 3 m long and 1 m wide midpiece, and a 25 m long tail with a tapered end piece. The head contains a nucleus with the chromatin volume limited to about 0.1 m3. A small acrosome is found in an anterior inpocketing, and a flagellar basal body in a posterior inpocketing of the nucleus. The midpiece contains a single mitochondrion with the flagellar axoneme embedded in a groove along its medial surface. The flagellar axoneme has the typical 9 + 2 substructure, and the basal body the typical 9+0 substructure. A second centriole and special anchoring fibres are absent.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction between the anther smutMicrobotryum violaceum and its hostSilene dioica was studied during 1985–1990 in 47 populations of different ages, sizes and densities, in an archipelago area in northern Sweden. The sizes of these populations had also been surveyed in the early 1970s. Our results indicate that establishment ofMicrobotryum violaceum is host-size and density dependent. Firstly, young populations ofSilene dioica that became diseased during the study were larger and tended to be more dense than young populations that remained healthy. Secondly, populations diseased in both 1985 and 1990 were found to be larger and tended to be more dense than populations healthy in both years. We were able to document that the pathogen actually failed to establish in two small young populations (diseased plants died shortly after they appeared) and did go extinct in one small old population. Disease incidences within populations did not show large fluctuations between years. The highest increases in disease incidence during the study were found in three relatively young populations that were disease-free at the start of the study. Older populations highly diseased at the start showed less of an increase. Our study indicates thatMicrobotryum violaceum acts as a regulatory factor influencing the rate of increase inSilene dioica populations, once they are sufficiently large to maintain the pathogen. Firstly, seedling density decreased with increased incidence of disease and a seed addition experiment indicated seed-limited recuritment in highly diseased populations. Secondly, those populations that reached very large sizes or densities were either healthy or had very low incidences, indicating the potential for populations that for one reason or another escape an epidemic. However, in the comparison of changes in population size over 16–18 years there was no simple correlation between expansion rate and disease incidence.  相似文献   

Isofemale lines of D. simulans were examined to determine the age of sexual maturity of males with conspecific females, and for the frequency of hybridization with D. melanogaster females. Males started to mature sexually on the first day after eclosion but their ability to mate slowly increased during the following day. The estimates of both the age sexual maturation started and the switch from immature to mature males were strongly dependent on the female genotypes used in the tests. No clear differences in speed of maturation were apparent between male lines. In contrast, differences in frequency of hybridization with D. melanogaster females did occur. From the above results it is concluded that the differential hybridization success of male D. simulans lines is not related to the speed at which males mature sexually.
Résumé Des lignées isofemelles de D. simulans ont été examinées pour déterminer l'âge de la maturité sexuelle des mâles avec des femelles conspécifiques et pour établir la fréquence de l'hybridation avec des femelles de D. melanogaster. Les mâles ont commencé à être sexuellement mûrs le premier jour après l'émergence, mais leur aptitude à la copulation a augmenté lentement pendant le jour suivant. Les estimations, tant de l'âge du début de la maturation sexuelle que de l'âge du passage de mâle immature à mâle sexuellement mûr dépendaient étroitement des génotypes des femelles utilisées dans les expériences. Il n'y avait pas de différences nettes entre les lignées de mâles. Par contre, des différences dans les fréquences d'hybridation avec les femelles de D. melanogaster ont été observées. De ces résultats, on peut conclure que les différences dans la réussite des hybridations des lignées de mâles de D. simulans n'étaient pas dues à la vitesse de maturation sexuelle des mâles.

Adaptation to shade of the light-harvesting apparatus in Silene dioica   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract. The physiological characteristics and photo-system composition of the photosynthetic apparatus of Silene dioica , a woodland plant, grown in sun and natural shade are examined. As expected, shade leaves exhibited lower chlorophyll a/b ratios, light saturated rates of CO2 assimilation (Asat), dark respiration (Rd,) and light compensation points ( Г ), with both sun and shade leaves having similar absorptances and quantum yields of CO2 assimilation (φ). Shade leaves were able to utilize far-red light for electron transport and carbon assimilation and reach the compensation point. Sun leaves in far-red light had a rate of carbon assimilation equivalent to their dark respiration rate. Chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics from leaves at 77 K together with analyses of thylakoid contents of photosystems (PS) I and II and the light-harvesting cholorphyll a/b protein complex associated with PSII (LHCII) demonstrated that the antenna size of PSII was similar in thylakoids of sun and shade leaves, but shade leaves contained ca. 20% more PSII and ca. 12% less PSI complexes. The increased PSII/PSI ratio in shade leaves accounted for their ability to achieve the compensation point in far-red light. An important feature of photosynethic shade adaptation in S. dioica is an increase in the PSII/PSI ratio and not an increase in the antenna size of PSII. The adaptive response of sun leaves when placed in a shade environment was rapid and had a half-time of ca. 18h.  相似文献   

Thonat C  Boyer N  Penel C  Courduroux JC  Gaspar T 《Protoplasma》1993,176(3-4):133-137
Summary The distribution of membrane-bound calium, activated calmodulin, and callose synthesis was visualized inBryonia dioica internodes before and after mechanical stimulus, using fluorescent probes, respectively, chlorotetracycline, fluphenazine, and aniline blue. Bright chlorotetracycline fluorescence remains localized in the plasma membrane of control cells, 30 s after stimulation calcium left the plasmalemma. A delocalization of activated calmodulin was observed after wounding and deposition of callose, which could not be detected before, appeared in the same times in most cells. The callose formation and the decrease in membrane-associated calcium suggest a rapid influx of calcium in the cytosol and an intervention of this ion in the cascade of the early events underlyingBryonia dioica thigmomorphogenesis.Abbreviation CTC chlorotetracycline  相似文献   

Summary We derived an index of reproductive effort (g reproductive tissue per g leaf) from data collected over two seasons on 28 males and 28 females of the dioecious shrub Oemleria cerasiformis. Males produced an average of three times as much flower and flower-stalk tissue as females, but because of their large fruits, females produced four times as much total reproductive biomass. Reproductive effort of both sexes was related to light. Fruit set in females (% carpels producing drupes) averaged 11.2% and was related to spring light levels. Male-biased sex ratios in this species may be related to the greater reproductive effort of females.  相似文献   

Infraspecific variation among European populations of Silene alba and S. dioica was analysed by non-metric multidimensional scaling, which was applied to K-dissimilarity matrices based either on 16 seed characters or on 34 seed, flower and capsule characters. The material used for analysis consisted of 167 collections of wild seed, largely obtained from European botanic gardens, and 97 sets of mature greenhouse-grown progeny. S. alba was found to show topoclinal variation, primarily along an axis from the Iberian peninsula through central Europe to Romania. This pattern is not reflected in current taxonomic treatments. N. and N.W. European S. alba is morphologically heterogeneous and has probably been introduced from various southern sources. S. dioica shows less total variation between populations than S. alba , and consists of local ecogeographic races that intergrade at their margins. The two species are completely discriminated by seed, flower and capsule characters when used in combination, but S. alba populations from the eastern end of the cline closely approach S. dioica in seed morphology. This convergence is unlikely to be an effect of recent introgression.  相似文献   

Summary The dwarf shrub Indigofera spinosa Forsk. (Papilionacea), a native forage species of arid Northwest Kenya, was propogated from seed, grown in a controlled environment, and subjected to three treatments of defoliation and watering frequencies in a factorial experimental design. Biomass production and nitrogen accumulation in tissue components were measured to determine defoliation responses in a water-limited environment. We hypothesized that plants would maintain biomass and nitrogen flows despite removal of aboveground meristems and tissues by defoliation. Principal experimental results included a slight reduction (11%; P=0.08) of total biomass production by clipping ca. 1/3 or 2/3 of new leaves and stems and all apical meristems every month. Total aboveground production was not affected by clipping, while final root biomass was reduced 17% by the 2/3 clipping. The least water stressed plants were affected most negatively by defoliation, and the unclipped plants responded more negatively to greater water limitation. Plants achieved partial biomass compensation through alterations in shoot activity and continued allocation of photosynthate to roots. A smaller fraction of leaf production was directed to litter in clipped plants although clipping only removed the youngest tissues, suggesting that clipping increased leaf longevity. In turn, each leaf probably contributed a greater total quantity of photosynthate. Photosynthetic rates were also likely to have been increased by clipping water-stressed plants. In contrast to biomass, plants overcompensated for nitrogen lost to defoliation. Total nitrogen uptake by individual plants was stimulated by defoliation, as there was more total nitrogen in leaves and stems. Increased nitrogen uptake was achieved by clipping stimulation of total uptake per unit of root rather than of total root mass.  相似文献   

UDA (Urtica dioica agglutinin) contains two hevein like domains with two non-identical interacting sites and is specific for chitooligosaccharides. The binding of chitooligosaccharides to UDA was studied by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. Each site is composed of three subsites, each binding to a sugar residue. Thermodynamic parameters obtained show that while chitobiose has two independent non-interacting sites, chitotriose, chitotetrose and chitopentose have two interacting sites on each monomer of UDA. Values of binding enthalpy (H) increase almost by a factor of 7 in going from chitobiose to chitotriose indicating the existence of three subsites in the combining site of UDA. The binding constant for chitotetrose and chitopentose increase without any further enhancement in the values of H indicating that for oligomers larger than chitotriose interaction is favoured entropically.  相似文献   

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