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A common human epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) polymorphism, alphaT663A, is present in the cytoplasmic C terminus of the alpha-subunit, although it is unclear whether this polymorphism segregates with blood pressure. We examined whether this polymorphism was associated with differences in functional Na(+) channel expression. Whole cell amiloride-sensitive currents in Xenopus oocytes expressing wild type channels (alphaT663betagamma) were significantly approximately 1.3-2.0-fold higher than currents measured in oocytes expressing channels with an Ala, Gly or Leu, or Lys at position alpha663. In contrast, differences in functional human ENaC expression were not observed with oocytes expressing channels having Thr (wild type), Ser, or Asp at this position. The surface expression of channels, measured using an epitope-tagged beta-subunit, was significantly reduced in oocytes expressing alphaT663Abetagamma when compared with oocytes expressing alphaT663betagamma. The corresponding polymorphism was generated in the mouse alpha-subunit (malphaA692T) and was not associated with differences in functional alphabetagamma-mouse ENaC expression. The polymorphism is present in a region that is not well conserved between human and mouse. We generated a mouse/human chimera by replacement of the distal C terminus of the mouse alpha-subunit with the distal C terminus of the human alpha-subunit. Co-expression of this m(1-678)/h(650-669)T663A chimera with mouse betagamma led to a significant reduction in whole cell Na(+) currents and surface expression when compared with m(1-678)/h(650-669)T663-mbetagamma. Our results suggest that halphaT663A is a functional polymorphism that affects human ENaC surface expression.  相似文献   

It is known that 5'-untranslated sequences of eukaryotic mRNA often contain AUG triplets, which may serve as the sites of translation initiation. It is thought that these leader open reading frames can fulfil the regulatory functions and encode functionally active proteins. However, they have been incompletely characterized. The article deals with the context organization of leader reading frames of eukaryotic mRNAs. It has been shown that their characteristics correlate with the position relative to the protein-encoding sequence, which may be associated with the efficiency of initiation of translation.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) plays a critical role in the maintenance of alveolar fluid balance. It is generally accepted that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species can inhibit ENaC activity and aggravate acute lung injury; however, the molecular mechanism for free radical-mediated ENaC inhibition is unclear. Previously, we showed that the expression of the alpha-subunit of ENaC, alpha-ENaC, which is indispensable for ENaC activity, is repressed by Ras activation in salivary epithelial cells. Here, we investigated whether exogenous H(2)O(2) modulates alpha-ENaC gene expression in lung epithelial cells through a similar molecular mechanism. Utilizing transient transfection reporter assays and site-directed mutagenesis analyses, we found that the glucocorticoid response element (GRE), located at -1334 to -1306 base pairs of the alpha-ENaC 5'-flanking region, is the major enhancer for the stimulated alpha-ENaC expression in A549 lung epithelial cells. We further demonstrate that the presence of an intact GRE is necessary and sufficient for oxidants to repress alpha-ENaC expression. Consistent with our hypothesis, exogenous H(2)O(2)-mediated repression of alpha-ENaC GRE activity is partially blocked by either a specific inhibitor for extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway activation, U0126, or dominant negative ERK, suggesting that, in part, activated ERK may mediate the repressive effects of H(2)O(2) on alpha-ENaC expression. In addition, overexpression of thioredoxin restored glucocorticoid receptor action on the alpha-ENaC GRE in the presence of exogenous H(2)O(2). Taken together, we hypothesize that oxidative stress impairs Na(+) transport activity by inhibiting dexamethasone-dependent alpha-ENaC GRE activation via both ERK-dependent and thioredoxin-sensitive pathways. These results suggest a putative mechanism whereby cellular redox potentials modulate the glucocorticoid receptor/dexamethasone effect on alpha-ENaC expression in lung and other tight epithelia.  相似文献   

The activity of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is modulated by F-actin. However, it is unknown if there is a direct interaction between alpha-ENaC and actin. We have investigated the hypothesis that the actin cytoskeleton directly binds to the carboxyl terminus of alpha-ENaC using a combination of confocal microscopy, co-immunoprecipitation, and protein binding studies. Confocal microscopy of Madin-Darby canine kidney cell monolayers stably transfected with wild type, rat isoforms of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC revealed co-localization of alpha-ENaC with the cortical F-actin cytoskeleton both at the apical membrane and within the subapical cytoplasm. F-actin was found to co-immunoprecipitate with alpha-ENaC from whole cell lysates of this cell line. Gel overlay assays demonstrated that F-actin specifically binds to the carboxyl terminus of alpha-ENaC. A direct interaction between F-actin and the COOH terminus of alpha-ENaC was further corroborated by F-actin co-sedimentation studies. This is the first study to report a direct and specific biochemical interaction between F-actin and ENaC.  相似文献   

R Sarao  S K Gupta  V J Auld    R J Dunn 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(20):5673-5679
Two rat brain Na channel alpha-subunit cDNAs, named RII and RIIA, have almost identical coding regions, with a divergence of only 36 nucleotides (0.6%) over a total length of 6015 residues. A cluster of 20 divergent residues occurs within a 90 nucleotide segment of cDNA sequence. We now demonstrate that this 90 nucleotide segment is encoded twice in the RII/RIIA genomic sequence. Furthermore, the mutually exclusive selection of these two exons is developmentally regulated. RII mRNAs are relatively abundant at birth but are gradually replaced by RIIA mRNAs as development proceeds. The two mRNAs also appear to have different regional distributions in the developing rat brain. Strikingly, although 30 amino acids are encoded by each alternative exon, only amino acid position 209 is altered between the two, specifying asparagine in RII and aspartate in RIIA. Alternative RNA splicing may modulate the RII/RIIA sodium channel properties during neuronal development.  相似文献   

Here, we report the presence of two splice variants of the human epithelial sodium channel alpha subunit (h alpha ENaC) containing Alu cassette, namely h alpha ENaC+22 and h alpha ENaC+Alu, in various tissues. Functional expression of these splice variants with hENaC beta and gamma subunits produced loss-of-channel activity in the Xenopus oocyte expression system. Interestingly, coexpression of h alpha ENaC+22 or h alpha ENaC+Alu, respectively, with wild type hENaC alpha, beta, and gamma subunits enhanced the expression of amiloride-sensitive current in oocytes. The presence of Alu sequences in the 3'-untranslated region of h gamma ENaC was also identified.  相似文献   

The important role the untranslated regions of eukaryotic mRNAs may play in gene regulation and expression is now widely acknowledged. For this reason we developed UTRdb, a specialized database of 5'- and 3'-untranslated sequences of eukaryotic mRNAs cleaned from redundancy. UTRdb entries are enriched with specialized information not present in the primary databases, including the presence of functional patterns already demonstrated by experimental analysis to have some functional role. A collection of such patterns is being collected in UTRsite database (http://bio-www.ba.cnr.it:8000/srs5/) which can also be used with appropriate computational tools to detect known functional patterns contained in mRNA untranslated regions.  相似文献   

Expression patterns of neurotrophic factor mRNAs in developing human teeth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neurotrophic factors regulate survival, differentiation, growth and plasticity in the nervous system. In addition, based on their specific and shifting temporospatial expression patterns, neurotrophic factors have been implicated in morphogenetic events during tooth development in rodents. To determine whether these findings in rodents could be related to humans, we have now studied nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), neurotrophin-4 (NT-4), glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and neurturin (NTN) mRNA expression patterns in developing human teeth during gestational weeks 6.5-11. Using in situ hybridization histochemistry, we found distinct and specific patterns of neurotrophin and GDNF mRNA expression in the developing human teeth. NGF mRNA labeling was weak and confined predominantly to the dental papilla. BDNF mRNA labeling was stronger than NGF mRNA and was seen in the mesenchyme located lateral to the dental organ, as well as in epithelial structures (inner dental epithelium and enamel knot). NT-3 mRNA was observed in the dental papilla and in the area of the cervical loop. NT-4 mRNA was expressed in both oral and dental epithelia in all stages studied. GDNF mRNA was found in the dental follicle and at different sites in the inner dental epithelium. Weak NTN mRNA labeling was also found in the developing teeth. Based on these findings, we suggest that neurotrophins, GDNF and NTN might be involved in morphogenetic events during early stages of tooth development in humans. Protein gene product (PGP) 9.5-immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in the dental follicle by 11 weeks coinciding with the labeling for neurotrophic factor mRNAs in this structure. This suggests that these neurotrophic factors might be involved in the innervation of dental structures. The rich expression of neurotrophic factors in developing dental tissues suggests that developing, or possibly adult, dental tissue might be used as an allograft source of trophic support for diseases of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), a heterotrimeric complex composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, belongs to the ENaC/degenerin family of ion channels and forms the principal route for apical Na(+) entry in many reabsorbing epithelia. Although high affinity ENaC blockers, including amiloride and derivatives, have been described, potent and specific small molecule ENaC activators have not been reported. Here we describe compound S3969 that fully and reversibly activates human ENaC (hENaC) in an amiloride-sensitive and dose-dependent manner in heterologous cells. Mechanistically, S3969 increases hENaC open probability through interactions requiring the extracellular domain of the beta subunit. hENaC activation by S3969 did not require cleavage by the furin protease, indicating that nonproteolyzed channels can be opened. Function of alphabetaG37Sgamma hENaC, a channel defective in gating that leads to the salt-wasting disease pseudohypoaldosteronism type I, was rescued by S3969. Small molecule activation of hENaC may find application in alleviating human disease, including pseudohypoaldosteronism type I, hypotension, and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, when improved Na(+) flux across epithelial membranes is clinically desirable.  相似文献   

Acute lung injury (ALI) is a devastating syndrome characterized by diffuse alveolar damage, elevated airspace levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and flooding of the alveolar spaces with protein-rich edema fluid. Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is one of the most biologically active cytokines in the distal airspaces of patients with ALI. IL-1beta has been shown to increase lung epithelial and endothelial permeability. In this study, we hypothesized that IL-1beta would decrease vectorial ion and water transport across the distal lung epithelium. Therefore, we measured the effects of IL-1beta on transepithelial current, resistance, and sodium transport in primary cultures of alveolar epithelial type II (ATII) cells. IL-1beta significantly reduced the amiloride-sensitive fraction of the transepithelial current and sodium transport across rat ATII cell monolayers. Moreover, IL-1beta decreased basal and dexamethasone-induced epithelial sodium channel alpha-subunit (alpha ENaC) mRNA levels and total and cell-surface protein expression. The inhibitory effect of IL-1beta on alpha ENaC expression was mediated by the activation of p38 MAPK in both rat and human ATII cells and was independent of the activation of alpha v beta6 integrin and transforming growth factor-beta. These results indicate that IL-1beta may contribute to alveolar edema in ALI by reducing distal lung epithelial sodium absorption. This reduction in ion and water transport across the lung epithelium is in large part due to a decrease in alpha ENaC expression through p38 MAPK-dependent inhibition of alpha ENaC promoter activity and to an alteration in ENaC trafficking to the apical membrane of ATII cells.  相似文献   

The C-terminal protein-coding and the entire 3'-untranslated regions of a cDNA corresponding to human neurone-specific enolase mRNA have been sequenced. The 3'-untranslated region is 892 bases long and shows a high degree of homology with the 3'-untranslated region of rat neurone-specific enolase mRNA. This sequence conservation is not seen in non-neuronal enolase mRNAs. Features of the conserved sequence include an A-rich region approx. 250 bases from the stop codon at a point corresponding to the polyadenylation signal site in non-neuronal enolase mRNA, and a repeating ATTT sequence. This unusual motif in eukaryotic mRNAs has previously been reported in the 3'-untranslated regions of lymphokine and protooncogene mRNAs.  相似文献   

Sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PBA) has been shown to correct the cellular trafficking of several mutant or nonmutant plasma membrane proteins such as cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator through the expression of 70-kDa heat shock proteins. The objective of the study was to determine whether 4-PBA may influence the functional expression of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) in human nasal epithelial cells (HNEC). Using primary cultures of HNEC, we demonstrate that 4-PBA (5 mm for 6 h) markedly stimulated amiloride-sensitive sodium channel activity and that this was related to an increased abundance of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits in the apical membrane. The increase in ENaC cell surface expression (i) was due to insertion of newly ENaC subunits as determined by brefeldin A experiments and (ii) was not associated with cell surface retention of ENaC subunits because endocytosis of ENaC subunits was unchanged. In addition, we find that ENaC co-immunoprecipitated with the heat shock protein constitutively expressed Hsc70, that has been reported to modulate ENaC trafficking, and that 4-PBA decreased Hsc70 protein level. Finally, we report that in cystic fibrosis HNEC obtained from two cystic fibrosis patients, 4-PBA increased functional expression of ENaC as demonstrated by the increase in amiloride-sensitive sodium transport and in alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunit expression in the apical membrane. Our results suggest that in HNEC, 4-PBA increases the functional expression of ENaC through the insertion of new alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits into the apical membrane and also suggest that 4-PBA could modify ENaC trafficking by reducing Hsc70 protein expression.  相似文献   

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