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Alcohol abuse is known to result in clinical abnormalities of endocrine function and neuroendocrine regulation. However, most studies have been conducted on males. Only recently have studies begun to investigate the influence of alcohol on endocrine function in females and, more specifically, endocrine function during pregnancy. Alcohol-induced endocrine imbalances may contribute to the etiology of fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcohol crosses the placenta and can directly affect developing fetal cells and tissues. Alcohol-induced changes in maternal endocrine function can disrupt maternal-fetal hormonal interactions and affect the female's ability to maintain a successful pregnancy, thus indirectly affecting the fetus. In this review, we focus on the adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on neuroendocrine and immune function, with particular emphasis on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the concept of fetal programming. The HPA axis is highly susceptible to programming during fetal development. Early environmental experiences, including exposure to alcohol, can reprogram the HPA axis such that HPA tone is increased throughout life. We present data that demonstrate that maternal alcohol consumption increases HPA activity in both the maternal female and the offspring. Increased exposure to endogenous glucocorticoids throughout the lifespan can alter behavioral and physiologic responsiveness and increase vulnerability to illnesses or disorders later in life. Alterations in immune function may be one of the long-term consequences of fetal HPA programming. We discuss studies that demonstrate the adverse effects of alcohol on immune competence and the increased vulnerability of ethanol-exposed offspring to the immunosuppressive effects of stress. Fetal programming of HPA activity may underlie some of the long-term behavioral, cognitive, and immune deficits that are observed following prenatal alcohol exposure.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of a single intramuscular injection of 200 IU hCG (Chorulon) on Day 12 post-mating on ovarian function and subsequent lambing performance in ewes and ewe lambs bred at synchronised oestrus during the breeding season and on the lambing performance of ewes induced to breed during late anoestrus. All animals were mated to rams at synchronised oestrus and on Day 12 post-mating given normal saline or 200 IU hCG.In Experiment 1, laparoscopic results showed that hCG treatment induced accessory corpora lutea in ewes (control = 0/7; hCG = 5/7) but not in ewe lambs (control = 0/7; hCG = 0/7).In Experiment 2, hCG treatment did not improve the lambing rate (control = 50; hCG = 57) or the litter size (control = 1.80; hCG = 1.96) in ewes (control = 100; hCG = 91). However, hCG treatment significantly (P > 0.05) improved the lambing rate (control = 29; hCG = 58; P < 0.05) in ewes conceiving at the first oestrus after treatment. hCG treatment (control = 42; hCG = 42) also failed to improve the lambing rate in ewe lambs (control = 48; hCG = 41).In Experiment 3, hCG treatment had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on the lambing rate (control = 72; hCG = 62) or the litter size (control = 1.59; hCG = 1.58) in ewes (control = 111; hCG = 115) induced to breed during anoestrus or on ewes returning to oestrus and conceiving after treatment (lambing rate: control = 86; hCG = 72; litter size: control = 1.44; hCG = 1.35). In conclusion, the data obtained in this study suggest that during the breeding season hCG may, by stimulating ovarian function, improve embryo survival in ewes conceiving at the first post-treatment oestrus. This effect, however was not observed in ewe lambs.  相似文献   

A number of drugs cause marked increases in the steroid hydroxylase activity of hepatic microsomes. Beginning 2 days after estrus, 117 mature ewes were each given 14 injections over a 27-day period of phenobarbital sodium, diphenylhydantoin, chlorcyclizine HCl or phenylbutazone. Blood samples for luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone determination by radioimmunoassay (RIA) were taken on day 10 of the first estrous cycle (day 18 if no heat was observed) and on days 5 and 10 of the second cycle. On day 10 of the second cycle, the ewes were given an intravenous injection of 1 ml of 6% solution of pentobarbitol sodium anesthetic per 4.5 kg body weight, and the length of anesthetic sleep time was measured. The ewes were then killed and corpora lutea and liver were weighed.In 33 ewes treated with either phenobarbitol sodium or phenylbutazone, sleep time was shortened (18 min vs 29 min in untreated controls, P<.01), indicating that enzyme induction had occurred. For 41 ewes treated with either chlorcyclizine HCl or diphenylhydantoin, sleep time was lengthened to 93 min (P<.01 vs controls), indicating impaired liver function. Electron micrographs of liver cells verified that enzyme induction or hepatic degeneration had occurred.  相似文献   

Both the onset of puberty in the lamb and the annual resumption of reproductive activity in adult male and female sheep are characterized by increased secretion of LH due to reduced responsiveness to steroid inhibition. However, the timing of puberty is sexually differentiated, for males undergo a reduction in sensitivity to steroid feedback at 10 wk of age, whereas females remain highly responsive to steroid inhibition until 30 wk. This sex difference is determined by androgens in utero. The present study was conducted to determine whether a sex difference exists in the timing of seasonal transitions in adult males and females. We compared serum LH in gonadectomized, estradiol-treated males (n = 7), females (n = 6), and androgenized females (n = 5) from blood samples collected twice weekly for one year. As determined by changes in the pattern of LH secretion, the onset and termination of the autumn breeding season were not different between males, females, and androgenized females (termination: 1 February +/- 4 days, mean +/- SE all groups; onset: males, 22 August +/- 4 days; females, 5 September +/- 18 days; androgenized females, 16 September +/- 10.5 days). However, there was a transient increase in LH (20 May to 23 June) in males, but not in females or androgenized females. Although no effects of prenatal testosterone were evident in the control of LH secretion in adult androgenized females, LH secretion in androgenized males was elevated throughout the nonbreeding season in 3 of 5 animals, indicating that exogenous testosterone may reduce seasonal increases in responsiveness to steroid inhibition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the positive feedback mechanism of estrogen on gonadotropin release in women, the responses of plasma LH and FSH to the constant infusion of estradiol-17 beta for a prolonged period were studied. The infusion was initiated on various days of the follicular phase and maintained for 36-66 hr at a constant rate of 500 or 1,000 microgram/24 hr. When the stimulus of estradiol was sustained for more than 30 hr in the women of the middle or late follicular phase, a positive feedback effect to elicit gonadotropin surges was observed during the maintenance of the infusion. In contrast, the stimulus of estrogen was ineffective in the early follicular phase, even if sustained for a longer period up to 66 hr. Gonadotropin levels, also, increased after the end of infusion. The magnitude of the responses, however, was much smaller, as compared to spontaneous preovulatory gonadotropin surges. In all cases, the effect of estradiol was greater for LH than for FSH. It is suggested that: 1) Preovulatory gonadotropin surges are triggered by estrogen increments rather than the withdrawal of the negative feedback effect of estrogen. 2) Low levels of estrogen for a certain period of the early follicular phase may play an important role in priming the control system which responds to the positive feedback effect of estrogen.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated an age-related decline in gonadotropins and a decrease in pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, indicating that aging influences the neuroendocrine components of the female reproductive axis independently of changes in ovarian function. To determine whether aging might also affect the luteinizing hormone (LH) negative and positive feedback responses to gonadal steroids, we administered a controlled, graded sex steroid infusion to 11 younger (45-56 yr) and nine older (70-80 yr) postmenopausal women (PMW) in whom endogenous ovarian steroids and peptides are uniformly low. The doses of estradiol (E(2)) and progesterone (P) were chosen to mimic levels across the normal follicular phase and have been shown previously to induce negative followed by positive feedback on LH. Similar E(2) and P levels were achieved in younger and older PMW (P = 0.4 and 0.3, respectively) and produced a biphasic LH response in all subjects. The early decline in LH to 53% of baseline was not different in older vs. younger PMW. However, the positive feedback effect was attenuated in older compared with younger PMW (peak LH 144.4 ± 19.5 vs. 226.8 ± 22.3 IU/l, respectively, P = 0.01). In conclusion, these studies in PMW demonstrate preservation of short-term steroid negative and positive feedback in response to exogenous E(2) and P with aging. Attenuation of positive feedback in older compared with younger PMW is consistent with previous reports of declining GnRH responsiveness with aging.  相似文献   



Brain-derived ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDases) have been known as plasma membrane-incorporated enzymes with their ATP-hydrolyzing domain outside of the cell. As such, these enzymes are thought to regulate purinergic intercellular signaling by hydrolyzing ATP to ADP-AMP, thus regulating the availability of specific ligands for various P2X and P2Y purinergic receptors. The role of NTPDases in the central nervous system is little understood. The two major reasons are the insufficient knowledge of the precise localization of these enzymes in neural structures, and the lack of specific inhibitors for the various NTPDases. To fill these gaps, we recently studied the presence of neuron-specific NTPDase3 in the mitochondria of hypothalamic excitatory neurons by morphological and functional methods. Results from those studies suggested that intramitochondrial regulation of ATP levels may play a permissive role in the neural regulation of physiological functions by tuning the level of ATP-carried energy that is needed for neuronal functions, such as neurotransmission and/or intracellular signaling.  相似文献   



Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder associated with an increased risk of type II diabetes mellitus. The results of previous research about the association of the VNTR polymorphism in 5-prime flanking region of the insulin (INS) gene with PCOS have been inconsistent. The present study was to investigate the association of the INS-VNTR polymorphism with PCOS in a Han Chinese population.


The -23/HphI polymorphism as a surrogate marker of the INS-VNTR length polymorphism was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in 216 PCOS patients and 192 non-PCOS women as a control group. Allelic and genotypic frequencies were compared between patients and controls, and these results were analyzed in respect to clinical test data.


No significant differences were observed between the cases and controls groups either in allele (P = 0.996) or genotype (P = 0.802) frequencies of INS-VNTR polymorphism; Regarding anthropometric data and hormone levels, there were no significant differences between INS-VNTR genotypes in the PCOS group, as well as in the non-PCOS group.


The present study demonstrated for the first time that the INS-VNTR polymorphism is not a key risk factor for sporadic PCOS in the Han Chinese women. Further studies are needed to give a global view of this polymorphism in pathogenesis of PCOS in a large-scale sample, family-based association design or well-defined subgroups of PCOS.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of prenatal androgen exposure on the timing of onset of puberty, maintenance of cyclicity in the first breeding season, and the LH surge mechanism in female sheep. Pregnant sheep were injected with testosterone propionate (100 mg i.m.) twice each week from Day 30 to Day 90 (D30-90) or from Day 60 to Day 90 (D60-90) of gestation (term = 147 days). Concentrations of plasma progesterone and gonadotropins were measured in blood samples collected twice each week from control (n = 10), D60-90 (n = 13), and D30-90 (n = 3) animals. Rate of weight gain and initiation of estrous behavior were also monitored. After the first breeding season, when the animals entered anestrus, competency of the gonadotropin surge system to respond to estradiol positive feedback was tested in the absence or presence of progesterone priming for 12 days. Prenatally androgenized females had similar body weight gain and achieved puberty (start of first progestogenic cycle) at the same time as controls. Duration of the breeding season and the number of cycles that occurred during the first breeding season were similar between control and prenatally androgenized sheep. In contrast, prenatal exposure to androgens compromised the positive feedback effects of estradiol. Onset of LH/FSH surges following the estradiol stimulus was delayed in both groups of androgenized ewes compared with the controls in both the absence and presence of progesterone priming. In addition, the magnitude of LH and FSH surges in the two animals that surged in the D30-90 group were only one third and one half, respectively, of the magnitudes observed in the control and D60-90 groups. The present findings indicate that disruption of the surge system can account for the fertility problems that occur during adulthood in prenatally androgenized sheep.  相似文献   

The development of estrogen feedback system on gonadotropin release during sexual maturation in female rats was studied. Animals (Wistar strain rats) were divided into 6 groups according to their ages; 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 days. Both LH and FSH levels in serum increased significantly in response to ovariectomy in all age-groups studied when measured one week postoperatively, though in the rats aged 10-15 days the increase in FSH following castration was only slight. In rats older than 25 days, the postcastration gonadotropin rise, calculated as a percent increase from the basal figure, decreased gradually with increasing age. Ovariectomized rats injected with estradiol benzoate (EB, 5 micrograms/100 g BW) showed significantly lower levels of both LH and FSH than those in castrated controls. However, the inhibitory action of EB on postcastration gonadotropin output was found to be relatively less effective in rats older than 25 days. Ovariectomized rats primed with EB were again injected with a 2nd dose of EB (5 micrograms/100 g BW) at noon 3 days after priming. The 2nd EB injection induced a significant rise in LH 6 h later in 30- and 35-day-old, though not in younger, animals. On the other hand, the FSH response to EB was markedly enhanced during days 15-25 of age. These results indicate that the estrogen negative feedback action on gonadotropin release is already operating in female rats at a very early age, and that the brain sensitivity to estrogen decreases slightly during the late prepubertal phase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Preovulatory follicles were removed from ewes during estrus to determine hormonal, ovarian and behavioral responses. In Experiment 1, new follicles were recruited and ovulated within 4 days, and a second estrous period was observed in most ewes. In Experiment 2, follicles were removed at Day 0 (estrus), Day 3.5 and Day 7.0 to determine responses to repeated follicular removal in the absence of a corpus luteum (CL). Ewes in two groups were given exogenous progestin at the time of first or second surgery. Each follicular removal was followed by a surge of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and follicular growth, and in many cases, behavioral estrus and/or a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) was detected around the time of the next follicular removal. Although not necessary for display of estrus, treatment with progestin during follicular maturation increased the number of ewes showing estrus. When the newly developing follicles were allowed to ovulate, resulting corpora lutea produced low levels of progesterone or had a short life span.  相似文献   

Endometrial glands are present in all mammalian uteri and produce secretions that are hypothesized to support conceptus (i.e., embryo/fetus and placental membranes) survival and development. In sheep, endometrial gland morphogenesis occurs postnatally and can be epigenetically ablated by chronic neonatal exposure to a progestin from birth, thereby producing an adult uterine gland knock-out (UGKO) phenotype. This study determined the long-term effects of neonatal progestin exposure on adult ovine reproductive tract structure and function. Neonatal ewes were exposed to norgestomet (Nor) from birth to 32 wk of age. Unexposed ewes served as controls. After puberty, adult Nor-treated (n = 6) and control (n = 6) ewes were repeatedly bred at estrus (Day 0) to intact rams of proven fertility. In contrast to a pregnancy rate of 80% for control ewes, pregnancy was never detected on Day 25 after mating (or thereafter) in bred UGKO ewes. Control and Nor-treated ewes were then bred and necropsied on Day 9. Similar numbers of hatched blastocysts were present in uterine flushings from control and Nor-treated ewes. Weights of the ovaries and cervices were not affected by treatment. No histoarchitectural differences between control and Nor-treated ewes were detected for ovaries, oviducts, cervices, or vaginae. However, uterocervical and uterine weight as well as uterine horn length were less for Nor-treated ewes. The uteri of Nor-treated ewes were devoid of endometrial glands and lacked the stromal delineation characteristic of intercaruncular endometrium in control ewes. Endometrial width, area, and lumenal epithelial length were decreased in uteri from Nor-treated ewes, but myometrial width and morphology were not affected. Expression of a number of mRNAs that are expressed predominantly in the endometrial epithelia was not different between uteri from control and from Nor-treated ewes. Collectively, these results indicate that neonatal exposure of ewes to a progestin from birth appears to only affect development of the uterus and not any extrauterine reproductive tract tissues. The infertility of the UGKO ewes appears to result from a lack of endometrial glands and, by extension, of their secretions that are required to support growth and development of peri-implantation conceptuses.  相似文献   

Prenatal testosterone (T) excess leads to reproductive dysfunctions in sheep, which include increased ovarian follicular recruitment and persistence. To test the hypothesis that follicular disruptions in T sheep stem from changes in the developmental ontogeny of ovarian proliferation and apoptotic factors, pregnant Suffolk sheep were injected twice weekly with T propionate or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHT; a nonaromatizable androgen) from Days 30 to 90 of gestation. Changes in developmental expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), BCL2, BAX, activated CASP3, and FAS/FASLG were determined at Fetal Days 90 and 140, 22 wk, 10 mo, and 21 mo of age by immunocytochemisty. Prenatal T treatment induced changes in expression of proliferative and apoptotic markers in a follicle-, age-, and steroid-specific manner. Changes in BAX were evident only during fetal life and PCNA, BCL2, and CASP3 only postnatally. Prenatal T and not DHT increased PCNA and decreased BCL2 in granulosa/theca cells of antral follicles at 10 and 21 mo but decreased CASP3 in granulosa/theca cells of antral follicles at 22 wk (prepubertal) and 10 and 21 mo. Both treatments decreased BAX immunostaining in granulosa cells of Fetal Day 90 primordial/primary follicles. Neither treatment affected FAS expression at any developmental time point in any follicular compartment. Effects on BAX appear to be programmed by androgenic actions and PCNA, BCL2, and CASP3 by estrogenic actions of T. Overall, the findings demonstrate that fetal exposure to excess T disrupts the ovarian proliferation/apoptosis balance, thus providing a basis for the follicular disruptions evidenced in these females.  相似文献   

Transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was performed in 11 ewes from Days 10 to 26 and on Day 30 of pregnancy to record the number, size, and position of ovarian follicles > or = 3 mm in diameter and corpora lutea (CL). Transrectal and/or transabdominal ultrasonography of the uterus was performed on Days 10 to 26, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 of gestation to ascertain the number and position of the conceptuses. In a second experiment, ultrasonography was conducted in 15 ewes on Days 10, 25, 30, 45 and 50 of pregnancy and from Days 13 to 29 after parturition. Ovarian data were classified into ovaries without CL (Group 1), ovaries with the CL in 1 ovary (Group 2), and ovaries with the CL in both ovaries during pregnancy (Group 3). In early pregnant ewes, the total number of follicles and the diameter of all follicles > or = 3 mm were smaller (P < 0.05) in the CL-bearing ovaries (both Group 2, n = 7 and Group 3, n = 8) than in the non-CL-bearing ovaries (Group 1, n = 7), while the largest follicle diameter was significantly smaller in Group 3 than in Group 1 or 2 ovaries. The number of 3-mm follicles in Group 2 ovaries was lower (P < 0.05) than in Group 1 or 3 ovaries, but the mean number of follicles > or = 5 mm in diameter was significantly lower in Group 3 than in Group 1. The total luteal volume per ovary was higher (P < 0.001) in Group 2 than in Group 3 ovaries of early pregnant ewes. The total follicle diameter and the number of follicles growing from 3 to > or = 5 mm in diameter was lower (P < 0.05) for Group 2 ovaries of ewes that carried twins (n = 3) compared with Group 2 ovaries from ewes with singletons (n = 4). There were no differences in follicular dynamics between Group 3 ovaries and the ovaries of Group 2 in ewes that carried twins. No follicles > 3 mm were seen in the ovaries of postpartum ewes that contained CL during gestation, until Days 21 and 25 postpartum for Groups 2 (n = 10) and 3 (n = 8), respectively, and follicles reaching > or = 5 mm in diameter were detected in only 2 ovaries (Group 2), on Days 27 and 28 postpartum, respectively. We conclude that during early pregnancy in ewes there is a suppression of antral follicle growth which appears to be exerted primarily by the developing conceptus but remains confined to CL-bearing ovaries. Residual local inhibition of follicular development extends into the postpartum period.  相似文献   

Daily observation of ovarian activity in cycling ewes by laparoscopy shows that visual estimation of the age of corpora lutea must be primarily related to changes in their colour rather than to changes in either their shape or size. The shape and size of corpora lutea varies widely depending upon their depth of origin within the cortex of the ovary.A 36-day oestrous cycle in one ewe was found to be associated with the maintenance of a mature corpus luteum rather than with a silent ovulation. By contrast, a 6-day oestrous cycle in another ewe was associated with the premature regression of the corpus luteum.  相似文献   

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