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Monoclonal anti-cryptococcal TsF (which inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages) and anti-picryl TsF use the same two circuits to block the transfer of contact sensitivity (CS). Both arm macrophages which then release a macrophage suppressor factor (MSF) when exposed to antigen. This MSF depresses the transfer of CS. The evidence suggests that a single molecular species of TsF (MW ca. 70 kDa), which bears an antigen-binding site and I-J determinant, is responsible for MSF production and inhibition of phagocytosis. Anti-cryptococcal TsF also arms the T acceptor cell which then releases nsTsF-1 after triggering with a specific antigen (SCPA). This nsTsF-1, which depresses the transfer of contact sensitivity, was authentic, as shown by its I-J positivity (in contrast to MSF) and its role in the production of nsTsF-2. As anti-picryl TsF also inhibits phagocytosis, it was concluded that anti-cryptococcal TsF, originally detected by the inhibition of phagocytosis, and anti-picryl TsF, originally detected by inhibition of CS, are functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

The passive transfer of contact sensitivity (CS) by immune cells into normal animals requires the interaction of two distinct Ly-1+ T cells, one which is Vicia villosa lectin (VV)-nonadherent, the other which adheres to VV. Functional deletion of either cell type abrogates the adoptive transfer of CS into normal animals, whereas VV-nonadherent cells alone can transfer CS into animals pretreated with cyclophosphamide (Cy). An antigen-specific T suppressor factor, designated TNP-TsF, inhibits the transfer of CS into normal adoptive recipients. TNP-TsF mediates its suppressive activity by inducing an I-J+ subfactor (designated I-J2) from the assay population by the interaction of PC1-F (a TNP-binding subfactor of TNP-TsF) with antigen-primed Ly-2+ T cells. This I-J+ subfactor then complements TNBS-F (an antigen-nonbinding subfactor of TNP-TsF) to form an antigen-nonspecific effector molecule which suppresses DTH responses in an antigen-nonspecific fashion. We report here that TNP-TsF suppresses the adoptive transfer of CS into normal animals but not into animals pretreated with Cy. TNBS-F + I-J2, the effector complex of TNP-TsF, also suppresses the transfer of CS into normal but not Cy-treated animals. When the Ly-1 immune cells were separated into VV-adherent and -nonadherent populations, the TNBS-F + I-J2 suppressor complex suppressed the functional activity of the VV-adherent cell population, but not the VV-nonadherent cells. This suppressive activity correlates with the need for VV-adherent cells in the transfer of CS into normal but not Cy-treated recipients. When an I-J+ molecule (I-J1) from an SRBC-specific TsF was used in place of I-J2 to form a suppressor complex with TNBS-F, this TNBS-F + I-J1 TsF suppressed the transfer of CS into both normal and Cy-treated recipients. This difference in functional suppressive activity correlated with a difference in target cell specificity: TNBS-F + I-J1 suppressed the VV-nonadherent TDTH cell, whereas TNBS-F + I-J2 suppressed the VV-adherent T cell of CS. Immune cells which are transferred under conditions which do not require the VV-adherent cell for transfer are not suppressed by TNBS-F + I-J2 or TNP-TsF, but are suppressed by the TNBS-F + I-J1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two types of suppressor cells regulate the contact sensitivity (CS) response to picryl chloride (PCL). Afferent suppressor T cells (Ts-aff) inhibit the generation of CS responses to PCL, while efferent suppressor T cells (Ts-eff) inhibit the activity of Th 1 cells that mediate CS reaction. Intravenous injection of mice with TNP-substituted peritoneal exudate cells (TNP-PEC) induces Ts-eff cells that block the adoptive transfer of contact sensitivity. The induction of Ts-eff cells is prevented by the presence of Ts-aff cells, which in turn are induced by the injection of TNP-PEC coupled with antibodies of the IgG2a and IgG2b isotype (TNP-PEC-Ab). If an animal is injected with TNP-PEC prior to or simultaneously with TNP-PEC-Ab, it generates only Ts-aff cells, while if it is injected with TNP-PEC alone or TNP-PEC prior to TNP-PEC-Ab, it generates Ts-eff cells. Ts-aff cells effect only the generation of Ts-eff cells, as the addition of Ts-eff cells to assays for Ts-eff cells has no inhibitory effect on the suppressive effects of Ts-eff cells in adoptive transfer. Our experiments show that Ts-aff cells induced by TNP-PEC-Ab are phenotypically either Lyt 1+2- or Lyt 1-2+, but only the latter inhibit the generation of Ts-eff cells in vivo. The Ts-aff cells that inhibit Ts-eff activity adhere to the lectin Vicia villosa (VV), while Ts-eff cells are VV nonadherent. In addition, Ts-aff cells can prevent the generation of Ts-eff to linked haptens presented on the same PEC. It appears that a cascade of Ts cell interactions are involved in the regulation of CS responses.  相似文献   

Experiments described in this report will characterize a monoclonal phenyltrimethylammonium (TMA) specific, first-order T-suppressor factor (TsF1) produced by a T-cell hybridoma, 8A.3. The hybridoma expressed the Thy-1, Lyt-1, Lyt-2 antigens as well as cross-reactive idiotypic (CRI) determinants but did not express I-J encoded epitopes. It was also found to bear determinants recognized by a monoclonal antibody raised against single-chain GAT-specific TsF1. The hybridoma-derived factor was capable of suppressing primary in vitro trinitrophenol (TNP)-specific responses induced with the Brucella abortus antigen, conjugated with TMA and TNP haptens (TMA-BA-TNP). In addition, in vivo administration of 8A.3 culture supernatant resulted in the specific suppression of TMA-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses. Analysis of this factor revealed it to be an induction-phase, antigen-binding, CRI+, and I-J+ single chain polypeptide. Our results represent only the second such described single chain, antigen binding, I-J+ suppressor factor derived from a monoclonal T-cell hybridoma.  相似文献   

Murine contact photosensitivity (CPS) to 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCSA) is a highly specific, T-cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Preexposure of the photosensitizing site to low doses of ultraviolet B(UVB) rendered mice unresponsive to challenge reaction. This unresponsiveness was associated with the generation of antigen-specific, afferent limb-acting, Lyt-1+2-,L3T4+ suppressor T cells (Ts-cps) in the spleen, thymus, and lymph node. Cell-free extract(s) obtained by freezing and thawing of these cells contained T-cell-suppressor factor (TsF) that inhibited the development of the induction phase of the CPS response to TCSA in vivo in an antigen-specific fashion. The treatments of TsF both with immunoadsorbent columns and with reduction and alkylation showed that the factor bore photoantigen-binding site(s), was reactive with monoclonal anti-I-Jd, anti-I-E alpha but not anti-I-Ad, and behaved as a single-chain factor containing both photoantigen binding and I-J molecules. By gel chromatography the majority of the suppressive activity was eluted in the fractions corresponding to molecular weights of 60-80 and 100-200 kDa. Our present study demonstrated clearly that UVB-induced unresponsiveness in the DTH reaction was mediated by a soluble suppressive factor derived from T cells.  相似文献   

Contact sensitivity (CS) reaction mediated by CD 4+8- Th 1 cells is under the control of several antigen-specific regulatory lymphocytes. Reaction is downregulated at the induction stage by T afferent suppressor T cells (Ts-aff) that prevent immunization and at the effector stage by efferent T suppressor cells (Ts-eff) that made immune Th 1 cells inoperative. Both suppressor cells are CD 4-8+ Th 1 effector cells and are protected against the suppressive action of Ts-eff cells by CD 4+8- contrasuppressor T cells (Tcs). As has been already shown there are also regulatory interactions between regulatory cells themselves and Ts-aff cells in addition to their effect on precursors of Th 1 cells, also preventing the induction of Ts-eff cells. The present experiments extend these findings and demonstrate that Ts-eff cells are also under negative control of Tcs lymphocytes. Likewise, antigen-specific factor produced by contrasuppressor T-T cell hybridoma, used in lieu of Tcs cells, impedes the activation of Ts-eff cells. In both cases regulation is aimed at the precursors of Ts-eff cells. Our experiments demonstrate that the outcome of immunization is dependent not only on the balance between immune cells and regulatory cells, but also on interactions between regulatory cells themselves.  相似文献   

Herein we described the direct suppressive effects of a monoclonal T cell hybridoma-derived, DNP-specific suppressor T cell factor (26.10.2 TsF) on the local transfer of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) by a DNP-specific BALB/c T cell clone (dD1.9). The L3T4+, Lyt-2- dD1.9 T cell clone proliferated in response to DNP-OVA and DNBS, but not TNP-OVA or TNBS, in association with I-Ed determinants present on antigen-presenting cells. Similarly, local injection of histopaque-purified dD1.9 cell blasts resulted in DNP-specific, radioresistant, I-Ed-restricted, mononuclear cell-rich ear swelling responses. Incubation in 26.10.2 TsF specifically suppressed local transfer of DNP-specific DTH by dD1.9, but not local DTH responses transferred by BALB/c T cell clones specific for TNP or GAT. The suppressive effect of 26.10.2 TsF correlated with targeting on DNP-major histocompatibility complex determinants associated with the DTH T cell (TDH) targets. 26.10.2 TsF-mediated suppression was most pronounced after exposure of dD1.9 target cells to antigen (after the stimulation phase of the T cell clone maintenance procedure), and greatly reduced when dD1.9 was cultured for long periods in the absence of DNP (after the rest phase of clone maintenance). In additional support of this hypothesis, GAT-specific TDH, normally resistant to 26.10.2 TsF-mediated suppression, were rendered susceptible to suppression after surface DNPylation. The results demonstrate a direct, antigen-specific, effector phase regulatory effect of a monoclonal TsF on a cloned, antigen-specific T cell target, and strongly suggest that suppression is mediated via targeting on DNP determinants associated with the TDH target. Simplification of complex Ts circuitry operating in suppression of the efferent limb of DTH by the use of monoclonal TsF and cloned T cell targets should provide a basis for the future study of the molecular mechanisms of immune suppression.  相似文献   

The T suppressor efferent circuit in the picryl (TNP) system, which inhibits the passive transfer of contact sensitivity, involves at least two antigen-nonspecific factors. The second nonspecific T suppressor factor (ns-2) bears I-A determinants of both the alpha and the beta chain as shown by affinity chromatography on immobilized anti-I-A monoclonal antibodies. Sequential absorption shows that the determinants of the alpha and beta chain occur on the same molecular complex. No absorption was obtained with anti-I-E antibody. There are two genetic restrictions associated with ns-2--the first is in its release from the second T suppressor efferent cell (on exposure to antigen) and the second is in its inhibitory interaction with its target cell. Both are MHC restricted and matching in I-A (but not I-E, or I-J) is sufficient. The question was asked whether the I-A of the ns-2 was directly responsible for the I-A genetic restriction in its action. F1 TsF was made in (H-2k X H-2b)F1 mice by injecting picrylated parental cells intravenously and triggering the release of ns-2 with the corresponding picrylated parental cells. Both I-Ak- and I-Ab-positive ns-2 were produced and were separated by affinity chromatography on immobilized anti-I-A monoclonal antibody. The I-A phenotype of these separated ns-2 of F1 origin determines the genetic restriction in their action; i.e., I-Ak+ ns-2 only inhibits passive transfer by H-2k cells and I-Ab+ ns-2 only acts on H-2b cells. In contrast, the I-A haplotype of the picrylated cell used to induce the Ts cell which makes ns-2 is unimportant. It was concluded that the I-A on the ns-2, and not a possible recognition site for I-A, serves as a restriction element. This finding suggests that ns-2 may act directly on the I-A-restricted T cell which mediates contact sensitivity.  相似文献   

This report defines a methodology for the production and characterization of an antigen-specific, monoclonal T cell hybrid-derived suppressor T cell factor (TsF) that suppresses the passive transfer of 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) contact hypersensitivity. Fusion of T cells from BALB/c (H-2d) mice tolerized with syngeneic DNP-spleen cells to BW 5147 thymoma cells resulted in several hybrids that constitutively produce a soluble regulatory molecule. One of these hybrids, 26.10.2, was subsequently cloned, and its soluble factor was characterized with respect to its antigen specificity, biochemical nature, MHC restriction pattern, and identity of its target cell. 26.10.2 TsF suppresses the passive transfer of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) mediated by DNP- but not trinitrochlorobenzene- or oxazalone-primed DTH T cells (TDH) after a 1 hr incubation at 37 degrees C. In contrast, 26.10.2 TsF had no suppressive effect on secondary in vitro DNP-specific T cell proliferative responses. 26.10.2 TsF therefore represents an antigen-specific factor with effector (efferent-acting) function. The monoclonal TsF was shown to consist of a two-chain, disulfide-bonded molecule, and to bear a receptor(s) specific for DNP and determinants encoded by the I region of the H-2 complex. Effector suppressive activity of 26.10.2 TsF was restricted by Class I H-2Dd determinants. One cellular target of this monoclonal factor was shown to be the DNP-specific TDH cell, because DNFB-primed lymph node cells from cyclophosphamide-pretreated donors (lacking Ts-auxiliary (Ts-aux) cells) were efficiently suppressed. The TsF appears to focus on passively bound, TDH receptor-associated, DNP-Class I determinants, as suggested by the observation that freshly prepared, but not overnight cultured, DNP-specific TDH cells were susceptible to suppression.  相似文献   

Tolerance in contact sensitivity to DNFB can be adoptively transferred to normal mice with lymph node cells from tolerant donors. This tolerance is antigen specific and is mediated by T cells, i.e., "suppressor" T cells. Experiments were carried out to investigate the mechanism(s) by which the suppressor T cells induce tolerance to DNFB contact sensitivity. The suppressor cells were effective only if they were present during the early stages of the afferent limb of sensitization. As measured by DNA synthesis, cell proliferation in the draining lymph nodes of recipients of suppressor cells was found to be significantly less than in control animals indicating that the suppressor cells acted, at least in part, by limiting or inhibiting DNFB-induced cell proliferation. This inhibition was shown to be antigen specific since the DNFB suppressor cells did not inhibit cell proliferation induced by oxazolone, an unrelated contact sensitizer. The ability to DNFB tolerant cells to block afferent sensitization pathways differs from the mechanism of tolerance to picryl chloride, reported by others, where efferent pathways are blocked.  相似文献   

Immunologic suppression was induced in a mouse model of contact sensitization to DNFB by using supraoptimal doses of antigen. In these studies, in vivo measurement of ear swelling as an indication of immunologic responsiveness correlated well with measurement of in vitro antigen-induced cell proliferation. This unresponsiveness was specific, since supraoptimal doses of DNFB did not interfere with the development of contact sensitivity to another contactant, oxazolone. The decrease in responsiveness is a form of active suppression, as lymphoid cells from supraoptimally sensitized donors transferred suppression to normal recipients. Furthermore, pretreatment with cyclophosphamide (Cy) reversed the suppression seen in supraoptimally sensitized animals but had no effect on the optimal sensitization regimen. These results indicate that supraoptimal doses of contactants can activate suppressor cells and that precursors of these cells are sensitive to Cy. Such suppressors regenerate within 7 to 14 days after Cy treatment. The ability of Cy pretreatment to affect supraoptimal sensitization without affecting optimal sensitization confirms other reports indicating that the observed results of Cy treatment depend critically upon the dose of antigen used.  相似文献   

Within populations of mitogenically (PWM) stimulated normal human lymphocytes, the proliferation of B lymphocytes is terminated by T cells. In contrast, T cells limit their own proliferation. T cells thus apparently measure and terminate the proliferation of B cells as well as themselves, suggesting an important role for them in limiting amplification during immune response. Under the culture conditions employed, PWM-induced B- and T-cell proliferation was uncoupled from B-cell differentiation into plasmacytes. Termination of B-cell proliferation in this in vitro model of humoral immune response is independent of B-cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of associative recognition, i.e., the recognition of antigen together with major histocompatibility complex products (MHC) was studied in a model system. T-acceptor cells armed with antigen-specific T-suppressor factor (TsF) released a nonspecific inhibitor of the transfer of contact sensitivity when exposed to antigen together with MHC. The MHC product occurred in a KCl extract of cells and behaved genetically and serologically as I-J. Cells armed with anti-picryl or anti-"oxazolone" TsF could be triggered by the corresponding "bis-picryl-L-lysine" and "bis-oxazolone-L-lysine" together with MHC. This suggested that cross-linking of antigen recognition sites on separate molecules of TsF might be required. To investigate this possibility the bifunctional "mixed" hapten "N alpha-picryl-N epsilon-oxazolone-L-lysine," which is univalent with respect to the picryl and oxazolone haptenic groups, was synthesized. This triggered cells armed with a mixture of anti-picryl and anti-oxazolone TsF but not cells armed with either TsF alone. It was concluded that both occupancy of the I-J recognition site and the cross-linking of separate molecules of TsF was required for triggering. Moreover the hapten and the KCl extract could be given sequentially and in either order. This finding suggested that the triggering of the release of nonspecific inhibitor was due to the separate recognition of I-J and antigen and not to new antigenic determinants produced by their interaction.  相似文献   

When cultured with DNP-labeled I-A+ cells, Lyt 2+ T suppressor cells (Ts) from 2,4,-dinitrobenzene sulfonate (DNBS)-tolerized mice are activated to synthesize and release a suppressor factor (SSF) which suppresses the transfer of contact sensitivity to DNFB. The signals required to activate the DNBS-primed Ts to produce SSF were studied in greater detail. As previously observed with fixed DNP-labeled spleen cell stimulators, the supernatants from cultures of DNBS-primed spleen cells and glutaraldehyde-fixed DNP-labeled P388D1 cell monolayers did not contain SSF. When the tolerant cells were harvested from these monolayers and were treated with IL-1, the Ts released the synthesized SSF. Synthesis and release of SSF required Ts recognition of DNP/class I MHC on the hapten-presenting cells followed by interaction with the costimulator IL-1. When the tolerant cells were cultured with fixed DNP-labeled I-A+ or I-A- stimulators to induce SSF synthesis, release was induced by adding either unlabeled or TNP-labeled unprimed spleen cells to the cultures. The release of SSF was blocked when the second stimulators were pretreated with anti-I-A antibody but not with anti-DNP or anti-class I MHC antibodies. These results indicate that the release of SSF by DNBS-primed Lyt 2+ Ts is regulated by the activity of a self-I-A-reactive (i.e., autoreactive) T cell in the tolerant spleen cell population.  相似文献   

A recently established thymic stroma-derived cell line (TSCL) supported the growth of the interleukin (IL) 2-dependent, antigen-specific helper T cell (Th) clone, 9-16, without requirement for IL-2 and antigen, and such growth was substituted by a factor produced into cultures by this established TSCL. This substance, thymic stroma-derived T cell-growth factor (TSTGF), was capable of inducing the proliferation of various Th clones including 9-16 Th clone, but not of cytotoxic T cell clones. TSTGF-induced growth promotion was obtained in a dose-dependent fashion and in maintaining antigen specificity of Th clones. The culture supernatant from the TSCL did not contain detectable level of IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, or interferon activity. The proliferation of 9-16 Th clone was stimulated by recombinant IL-2 and IL-4 as well as TSTGF, but not by IL-1, IL-3, or interferons. However, the proliferation of this Th clone by IL-2 or IL-4 was almost completely inhibited by anti-IL-2 receptor or anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody, respectively, whereas TSTGF-induced growth of 9-16 Th clones was not affected by either type of antibody, demonstrating that TSTGF is functionally distinct from IL-2 and IL-4. In addition, TSTGF activity was also obtained from the culture supernatant of the primary thymic explant, which was freshly prepared. These results indicate that the primary thymic explant as well as an established TSCL produce factors capable of promoting the growth of helper but not cytotoxic type of T cells in the absence of T cell growth factors thus far defined.  相似文献   

Soluble complexes of Ig and antigen have been detected in the serum of mice within 6 hr after immunization. Such complexes are taken up by a subpopulation of T cells. We present evidence which suggests that the complexes are formed through the mediation of a factor released from T cells, tentatively called Ig-antigen complexing factor or IACF. IACF is produced as a result of a macrophage/T-cell interaction, when macrophages are present in an optimal proportion in relation to T cells (4%). Particulate or aggregated substances stimulate macrophages to release a mediator which subsequently acts on Fc receptor-negative T cells to produce IACF. Free-SH groups are important for the activity of the macrophage mediator. Mercaptoethanol and l-cysteine can also release IACF from T cells in the absence of macrophages. Protein synthesis is necessary for the production of this factor, the activity of which is abolished by trypsin digestion. It is postulated that the complexes of Ig and antigen formed under the influence of IACF represent a mechanism of presentation of antigen to T cells.  相似文献   

Recognition that delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions, such as contact sensitivity (CS) in mice, are initiated by Ly-1+ T cell-derived, antigen-specific factors has led to identification of a new kind of suppressor T cell that regulates this initiation phase of CS. Regulation by these suppressor T cells is T cell isotype-like in that initiation of DTH of various antigenic specificities is suppressed, whereas, Ly-1+ T cells mediating the antigen/major histocompatibility complex-restricted, classic delayed phase of CS responses are not affected, nor are other T cell activities. This study shows that these isotype-specific suppressor T cells probably act by release of soluble, isotype-specific, suppressor factors. These isotype-specific T cell factors bind to and can be eluted from columns linked with antigen-specific Ly-1+ T cell factors that initiate CS, and are of different antigen specificities. These T cell regulating, anti-isotypic suppressor factors are derived from Lyt-2+ I-J- T cells and suppress CS-initiating T cells, but do not affect the delayed-acting T cells of CS. This is in contrast with antigen-specific T cell suppressor factors that affect the late-acting and not the early-acting T cells of CS. It is suggested that the antigen-binding, CS-initiating, T cell factors, and their regulatory, anti-isotypic T cell factors are, respectively, T cell analogues of immunoglobulin(Ig)E antibody, and IgE-binding factors, that regulate IgE antibody production by IgE+ B cells.  相似文献   

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