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诱集植物在害虫治理中的最新研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
诱集植物作为一种传统的害虫治理工具,在农业生产中的应用越来越广泛,其重要性也随着时间推移日益凸显。本文结合国内外研究现状,从特点、应用、优势和发展前景等方面综述了诱集植物在害虫生态控制中的重要作用。同时以香根草为例具体说明了诱集植物的应用方法,为诱集植物的利用与开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Wolbachia are common vertically transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria found in < 70% of insect species. They have generated considerable recent interest due to the capacity of some strains to protect their insect hosts against viruses and the potential for this to reduce vector competence of a range of human diseases, including dengue. In contrast, here we provide data from field populations of a major crop pest, African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta), which show that the prevalence and intensity of infection with a nucleopolydrovirus (SpexNPV) is positively associated with infection with three strains of Wolbachia. We also use laboratory bioassays to demonstrate that infection with one of these strains, a male-killer, increases host mortality due to SpexNPV by 6-14 times. These findings suggest that rather than protecting their lepidopteran host from viral infection, Wolbachia instead make them more susceptible. This finding potentially has implications for the biological control of other insect crop pests.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran pest populations and crop yields in row intercropped broccoli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 To determine how the presence of non‐host plants impact populations of lepidopteran pests and yield of broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica L., broccoli was intercropped with tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, or yellow sweetclover (YSC), Melilotus officinalis L., and compared with broccoli monoculture grown at two densities (high and low).
  • 2 During a 1997 study, numbers of early instar imported cabbageworm, Artogeia rapae L., were greater in broccoli monoculture compared with intercropped plantings. In contrast, late instar A. rapae numbers were significantly higher in intercropped broccoli during most of the season, indicating greater survival of early instar stages in intercropped habitats.
  • 3 Cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Hübner, eggs and larvae were more abundant in broccoli monoculture than intercropped broccoli in 1997. In addition, T. ni populations were found at significantly lower levels in broccoli‐YSC compared with broccoli‐tomato habitat throughout the season.
  • 4 During a 1998 study, numbers of early and late A. rapae instars were greater in intercropped broccoli on most sampling dates.
  • 5 The mean percentages of harvested broccoli heads infested with insects and associated frass were higher in monocultures than intercropped treatments in 1997. Additionally, a significantly lower number of contaminants were found in the crowns of broccoli harvested from broccoli‐YSC (YSC) compared with broccoli‐tomato (tomato) habitat. However, broccoli heads were significantly smaller in intercropped habitats.
  • 6 Variations in insect responses and challenges to using crop diversification as a management tool are discussed.

Vertical farming is an emerging area of food production that aims to provide sustainable intensification of agriculture by maximising the obtainable yield per unit area of land. This approach commonly utilises stacked horizontal levels of crop growth in glasshouse or controlled environment (CE) facilities. Vertical farming has, however, received relatively little scientific investigation to date. Consequently, important factors such as economic feasibility, system design and optimisation of production methods are still being evaluated. Vertical farming methods bring additional considerations for the effective management of pests and diseases compared with conventional protected horticulture, such as movement of both pest and beneficial insects between growth levels. This article aims to provide a perspective on the positive and negative issues facing pest and disease control in Vertical farming systems. We highlight important considerations for system optimisation and areas for future investigation.  相似文献   

Insect conservation and pest management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The issue of insect conservation in pest management has many conflicting aspects. For instance, it is desirable to conserve a pest residue in order to maintain natural enemy population and it is imperative to conserve natural enemies. However, conservation of pest species is not relevant if the pest species is an exotic invader and a candidate for eradication, mainly because eradication, if successful, achieves only regional extinction. Conservation of native pests depends, to a large extent, on whether the species is a direct pest of a high value crop or an indirect pest with an acceptable economic injury level. In this paper, integrated pest management is defined in terms of sustainable agriculture and the conservation of biodiversity, and give five premises that stress the level of disturbance of agricultural communities and the dynamics of pest status for arthropod species in the community. The possible impacts of the main integrated pest management tactics on arthropod conservation are tabulated and the results reached stress that diversification of agricultural systems through maximum use of native plants should benefit both integrated pest management and regional arthropod conservation.  相似文献   

Studies in polytunnels were conducted to investigate the effects of ultraviolet (UV)‐blocking films on naturally occurring insect pests and their arthropod natural enemies on a cucumber crop. Within tunnels clad with Antibotrytis (blocks light < 400 nm) and UVI/EVA (UV transmitting), 5.8 and 23.4 times more aphids, respectively, were recorded on traps compared with those on traps within tunnels clad with XL 385 (blocks light < 385 nm). When all plants within the UVI/EVA tunnels had become heavily infested with aphids, half of the plants in XL 385 tunnels were uninfested. More Coleoptera and thrips (approximately two times) were recorded under the UVI/EVA film than under the UV‐blocking films, but for other arthropod pests (e.g. whitefly, leafhoppers), clear conclusions could not be drawn as low numbers were recorded. Substantial numbers of chalcid parasitoids and syrphids were found under the UV‐blocking films, but further research is needed to evaluate fully the effect of such films on biological control of aphids. Higher syrphid numbers and more aphid mummies were recorded under the UVI/EVA film, probably because of the higher numbers of aphids present in tunnels clad with this film. The potential that UV‐blocking films have as an effective component of commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems, for protected horticultural crops, is discussed.  相似文献   

Although the densities of tobacco pests have been decreased in garlic‐tobacco fields, further studies are needed to judge the effects of garlic transplanting densities or times on tobacco pests in tobacco fields. Therefore, field experiments were conducted in Liancheng County in Longyan City, Fujian Province, in China in 2014 and 2015. Myzus persicae (Sulzer) abundance, the species or abundance ratios of enemies and pests, the intercropping effects and the tobacco yield and crop value showed that the effects of transplanting tobacco 10 days after garlic transplantation at a density of 5.85 individual plants per square meter on pests were stronger than those of other treatments. Aphid abundance was significantly lower in transplanting tobacco 10 days after garlic transplantation at a density of 5.85 individual plants per square meter than in the other treatments. The ratio between enemies and pests in transplanting tobacco 10 days after garlic transplantation at a density of 5.85 individual plants per square meter was higher than those in the other treatments. The intercropping effects of transplanting tobacco 10 days after garlic transplantation at a density of 5.85 individual plants per square meter on Myzus persicae, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius), Heliothis assulta Guenee and Nezara viridula Linnaeus were significantly stronger than those of the other treatments, whereas the effects of transplanting tobacco 15 days after garlic transplantation at a garlic density of 5.85 individual plants per square meter on Agrotis ypsilon (Rottemberg) were significantly stronger. Additionally, the yield and crop value of transplanting tobacco 10 days after garlic was transplanted at a density of 5.85 individual plants m?2 were higher than those of the other treatments. Therefore, our study demonstrated that the model of transplanting tobacco 10 days after garlic was transplanted at a density of 5.85 individual plants m?2 is an optimal management strategy to control flue‐cured tobacco pests and to acquire higher crop yield in garlic‐tobacco fields.  相似文献   

农田生物多样性与害虫综合治理   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:59  
在现代农田生态系统中 ,人类为了满足自身的需要 ,通常把自然界的植物群落改造成大面积种植单种特定的作物 ,人为地排除其他植物种类的竞争以提高作物的产量。由于单一化的作物不断取代自然植被 ,降低了农田的物种和生境多样性 ,结果导致农田生态系统的不稳定和害虫问题的更加恶化。影响农田生物多样性的因素很多 ,如地理位置、气候类型、环境条件、作物品种、种间关系、人类的栽培活动等。根据现有的生态学原理和研究成果 ,人类可以通过采用适当的措施来恢复和强化农田生物多样性 ,提高天敌的控制潜能 ,减少害虫发生的可能性 ;这些措施包括合理安排混作的时空格局 ,通过轮作进行间断性耕种 ,对多年生作物采用地面覆盖植被 ,利用不同品种以提高作物的遗传多样性 ,等等。在设计农田生物多样性的管理策略时 ,必须同时考虑当地气候、地理 ,植被 ,作物 ,土壤等因素的变化 ,因为在特定的生境条件下 ,这些因素可能增加或减少害虫发生的机会  相似文献   

谢慧琴  姚志伟 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):584-586
开发研究了把数字技术应用到农业生产以及农业教育中,并结合农业生产实际,建立了“农作物害虫数据库”。该数据库包括鳞翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目、同翅目、双翅目、膜翅目、直翅目、蜱螨目和缨翅目等149种新疆主要农作物害虫,812幅原色图和害虫防治技术信息,用户可通过8种检索途径,采用9种检索方法方便地查询相关信息。  相似文献   


Economics is the study of how people allocate scarce resources among competing needs. It is applicable to pest control because managers must often make difficult choices about how to allocate a limited budget among many possible control programmes. Therefore, pest managers are required to make economic decisions, and pest management is not an exclusively biological problem. Economics offers a structured theoretical framework within which pest management issues can be critically examined, and offers quantitative tools to decision-makers faced with complex choices.

Economic theory suggests that individual selfinterested land owners are unlikely to provide pest management services at a level acceptable to the community. This line of analysis provides a justification for active Government involvement in the provision of pest management services. Quantitative tools developed by applied economists assist with the identification of socially desirable public policies, and suggest profitable areas of future research.  相似文献   

Integration in pest management may be conceived at three distinct levels: (a) integration of tactics, (b) integration of the effects of multiple pest stresses, and (c) systems integration. The ecological basis of each is found in population, community or ecosystems processes, respectively. Most current IPM programs are attempts to integrate control tactics into management strategies and therefore only require knowledge of species and population ecology. Further advancement of IPM will require higher levels of integration but the experimental basis of and information on community and ecosystems processes are insufficient to permit reaching these levels. Mostly entomological examples in the grain legumes are used to demonstrate achievements of IPM at level a (tactical integration), and the difficulties involved in advancing towards integration of multiple pest stresses and systems integration (levels b and c). General requisites towards the design and implementation of IPM programs are outlined.  相似文献   

In aphids, reproductive mode is generally assumed to be selected for by winter climate. Sexual lineages produce frost-resistant eggs, conferring an advantage in regions with cold winters, while asexual lineages predominate in regions with mild winters. However, habitat and resource heterogeneities are known to exert a strong influence on sex maintenance and might modulate the effect of climate on aphid reproductive strategies. We carried out a hierarchical sampling in northern France to investigate whether reproductive mode variation of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi is driven by winter climate conditions, by habitat and resource heterogeneities represented by a range of host plants or by both factors. We confirmed the coexistence in R. padi populations of two genetic clusters associated with distinct reproductive strategies. Asexual lineages predominated, whatever the surveyed year and location. However, we detected a between-year variation in the local contribution of both clusters, presumably associated with preceding winter severity. No evidence for host-driven niche differentiation was found in the field on six Poaceae among sexual and asexual lineages. Two dominant multilocus genotypes (∼70% of the sample), having persisted over a 10-year period, were equally abundant on different plant species and locations, indicating their large ecological tolerance. Our results fit theoretical predictions of the influence of winter climate on the balance between sexual and asexual lineages. They also highlight the importance of current agricultural practices which seem to favour a small number of asexual generalist genotypes and their migration across large areas of monotonous environments.  相似文献   


When is a pest a pest? Children are at times called pests, while at other times we call them darlings. Possums were, not so long ago, considered a resource to New Zealand society, in that they provided skins and recreational opportunities. The annual report of the Auckland Acclimatization Society 1916-1917 stated.  相似文献   

A version of the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with logistic crop growth is modified to explore the rate of adaptation of a herbivore to a pest-resistant crop. This provides a phenotypic model for the evolution of resistance in a population comprising three different pest types each defined by differing parameter values for respiration rate and crop palatability. Expressions estimating the rates of increase of the fitter pest types are obtained as a function of the food qualities, and respiration and mortality rates. Potential strategies for delaying the rate of adaptation with regard to the expressions derived above, via the use of pest-susceptible refugia and natural enemies, are discussed. Although the model is formulated as one in which a single gene is the factor conferring resistance it can be interpreted and used independently of this.  相似文献   

RNAi technology: a new platform for crop pest control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The insect pests are big threat in meeting the food demands for future generation. The present pest control strategies, including the existing transgenic approaches show certain limitations and are not completely successful in limiting the insect pests. However, the sequence-specific gene silencing via RNA interference (RNAi) holds a great promise for effective management of agricultural pests. RNAi is naturally occurring conserved process responsible for gene regulation and defense against pathogens. The efficacy of RNAi varies among different insect orders and also depends upon various factors, including the target gene selection, method of dsRNAs delivery, expression of dsRNAs and presence of off-target effects. RNAi-mediated silencing of different insect genes involved in various physiological processes was found to be detrimental to insects growth, development and survival. In this article, we have reviewed the potential of RNAi-based strategies for effective management of insect pests. We have also discussed the various parameters, which are to be considered for host-induced RNAi-mediated control of insect pests without producing any effect on non-target organisms and environment.  相似文献   

Many studies in recent years have investigated the relationship between landscape complexity and pests, natural enemies and/or pest control. However, no quantitative synthesis of this literature beyond simple vote-count methods yet exists. We conducted a meta-analysis of 46 landscape-level studies, and found that natural enemies have a strong positive response to landscape complexity. Generalist enemies show consistent positive responses to landscape complexity across all scales measured, while specialist enemies respond more strongly to landscape complexity at smaller scales. Generalist enemy response to natural habitat also tends to occur at larger spatial scales than for specialist enemies, suggesting that land management strategies to enhance natural pest control should differ depending on whether the dominant enemies are generalists or specialists. The positive response of natural enemies does not necessarily translate into pest control, since pest abundances show no significant response to landscape complexity. Very few landscape-scale studies have estimated enemy impact on pest populations, however, limiting our understanding of the effects of landscape on pest control. We suggest focusing future research efforts on measuring population dynamics rather than static counts to better characterise the relationship between landscape complexity and pest control services from natural enemies.  相似文献   

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