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Chen SY  Duan ZY  Sha T  Xiangyu J  Wu SF  Zhang YP 《Gene》2006,376(2):216-223
To characterize the origin, genetic diversity, and phylogeographic structure of Chinese domestic sheep, we here analyzed a 531-bp fragment of mtDNA control region of 449 Chinese autochthonous sheep from 19 breeds/populations from 13 geographic regions, together with previously reported 44 sequences from Chinese indigenous sheep. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all three previously defined lineages A, B, and C were found in all sampled Chinese sheep populations, except for the absence of lineage C in four populations. Network profiles revealed that the lineages B and C displayed a star-like phylogeny with the founder haplotype in the centre, and that two star-like subclades with two founder haplotypes were identified in lineage A. The pattern of genetic variation in lineage A, together with the divergence time between the two central founder haplotypes suggested that two independent domestication events have occurred in sheep lineage A. Considerable mitochondrial diversity was observed in Chinese sheep. Weak structuring was observed either among Chinese indigenous sheep populations or between Asian and European sheep and this can be attributable to long-term strong gene flow induced by historical human movements. The high levels of intra-population diversity in Chinese sheep and the weak phylogeographic structuring indicated three geographically independent domestication events have occurred and the domestication place was not only confined to the Near East, but also occurred in other regions.  相似文献   

We assessed the molecular genetic diversity and population structure of Amaranthus species accessions using 11 simple sequence repeat markers. A total of 122 alleles were detected, and the number of alleles per marker (NA) ranged from 6 to 21 with an average of 11.1 alleles. The frequency of major alleles per locus ranged from 0.148 to 0.695, with an average value of 0.496 per marker. The overall polymorphic information content values were 0.436–0.898, with an average value of 0.657. The observed heterozygosity (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE) ranged from 0.056 to 0.876 and from 0.480 to 0.907, with average values of 0.287 and 0.698, respectively. The average HO (0.240) was lower than the HE and gene flow (Nm), and showed substantial genetic variability among all populations of amaranth accessions. The sample groupings did not strictly follow the geographic affiliations of the accessions. A similar pattern was obtained using model-based structure analysis without grouping by species type. Knowledge of the genetic diversity and population structure of amaranth can be used to select representative genotypes and manage Amaranthus germplasm breeding programs.  相似文献   

Iranian livestock diversity is still largely unexplored, in spite of the interest in the populations historically reared in this country located near the Fertile Crescent, a major livestock domestication centre. In this investigation, the genetic diversity and differentiation of 10 Iranian indigenous fat‐tailed sheep breeds were investigated using 18 microsatellite markers. Iranian breeds were found to host a high level of diversity. This conclusion is substantiated by the large number of alleles observed across loci (average 13.83, range 7–22) and by the high within‐breed expected heterozygosity (average 0.75, range 0.72–0.76). Iranian sheep have a low level of genetic differentiation, as indicated by the analysis of molecular variance, which allocated a very small proportion (1.67%) of total variation to the between‐population component, and by the small fixation index (FST = 0.02). Both Bayesian clustering and principal coordinates analysis revealed the absence of a detectable genetic structure. Also, no isolation by distance was observed through comparison of genetic and geographical distances. In spite of high within‐breed variation, signatures of inbreeding were detected by the FIS indices, which were positive in all and statistically significant in three breeds. Possible factors explaining the patterns observed, such as considerable gene flow and inbreeding probably due to anthropogenic activities in the light of population management and conservation programmes, are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic marker technology designed to detect naturally occurring polymorphisms at the DNA level had become an invaluable and revolutionizing tool for both applied and basic studies of fungi. To eliminate the confusion on the taxonomy of Ganoderma strains, in this study, a collection of 31 accessions representative of morphotypes and some unclassified types was used for analyzing molecular diversity using a novel molecular marker sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). This collection included commercial cultivars and wild varieties that represented the great diversification of types from different countries and regions. The experimental results showed that 50 out of 95 combinations of primers turned out to be polymorphic, and 85 polymorphism bands were obtained using six combinations. Based on the appearances of markers, the genetic similarity coefficients were calculated, and genetic variations were observed (0∼1) among the 31 different Ganoderma strains. The group of Ganoderma lucidum showed significant differences from the group of Ganoderma sinense. Moreover, G. lucidum in China was also different from G. lucidum in Yugoslavia. At the same time, cluster analysis successfully categorized these 31 Ganoderma strains into five groups. These results revealed the genetic diversity of Ganoderma strains and their correlation with geographic environments. It also suggested SRAP marker could be used in the taxonomic analysis of fungi. To our knowledge, this is the first application of SRAP marker on the systematics of Ganoderma strains within basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and prevalence of virtually all Theileria and Babesia species in a sheep population were studied using a specifically designed reverse line blot macroarray. The amplified hypervariable V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene was hybridised against generic and species-specific probes. In a first screening (Study I), 320 apparently healthy animals corresponding to 32 flocks located in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) were analysed. The survey demonstrated a high prevalence of subclinical infections (64.7%). Three Theileria genotypes were identified, sharing 96.7-97.0% similarity between their 18S rRNA gene sequences: Theileria ovis, Theileria sp. OT1 (99.6% similarity with the recently described pathogenic piroplasm Theileria sp. China 1), and Theileria sp. OT3. Two Babesia species sharing 91.5% similarity were also detected: Babesia ovis and Babesia motasi. The complete 18S rRNA gene sequences of these and other piroplasm species were phylogenetically analysed. Prevalence of piroplasms was also investigated in a second group of 80 sheep from 16 flocks reared in mountain areas that had been heavily exposed to ticks and had suffered a recent abortion episode (Study II). The screening revealed a significantly higher (P < 0.05) prevalence (78.7%) of piroplasm infections compared to Study I. Although the prevalence rates for some piroplasm species were significantly related to abortion (e.g. Theileria sp. OT3), decreases in the red cell parameters were not significant. The widespread distribution of Theileria spp. in the studied sheep population suggests that the parasites involved are of relatively low pathogenicity, in contrast to what has been reported for Theileria sp. China 1 in other countries.  相似文献   

We analyzed genetic diversity in the storage protein hordein encoded at Hor-1, Hor-2 and Hor-3 loci in seeds from 211 accessions of wild close relatives of barley, Hordeum vulgare ssp. agriocrithon and H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum. Altogether 32, 27 and 13 different phenotypes were found for Hor-1, Hor-2 and Hor-3, respectively. A comparison of our results with those of previous studies indicates that Tibetan samples reflect the highest diverse level of hordein phenotypes when compared to samples from Israel and Jordan. This high degree of polymorphism supports the hypothesis that Tibet is one of the original centers of H. vulgare L.Communicated by H.F. Linskens  相似文献   

Genetic diversity studies in domestic animals aim at evaluating genetic variation within and across breeds mainly for conservation purposes. In Sicily, dairy sheep production represents an important resource for hilly and mountain areas economy. Their milk is used for the production of traditional raw milk cheeses, sometimes protected designation of origin (PDO) cheeses. In some cases, the quality of these products is linked to a specific breed, i.e. mono-breed labelled cheeses and it is therefore important to be able to distinguish the milk of a breed from that of others, in order to guarantee both the consumer and the breed itself. In order to investigate the genetic structure and to perform an assignment test, a total of 331 individuals (Barbaresca, BAR n = 57, Comisana, COM n = 65, Pinzirita, PIN n = 75, Sarda, SAR n = 64, and Valle del Belice, VDB n = 70) were analysed using a panel of 20 microsatellite markers. A total of 259 alleles were observed with average polymorphic information content equal to 0.76, showing that the microsatellites panel used was highly informative. Estimates of observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.65 in the BAR breed to 0.75 in the COM breed. The low value of genetic differentiation among breeds (Fst = 0.049) may indicate that these breeds are little differentiated probably due to common history and breeding practices. The low Fis and Fit values indicated low level of inbreeding within and among breeds. The unrooted neighbor-joining dendrogram obtained from the Reynold's genetic distances, and factorial correspondence analysis revealed a separation between BAR and the other sheep breeds. Recent migration rates were estimated, showing that four out of the five breeds have not received a significant proportion of migrants. Only for the PIN breed a recent introgression rate from the VDB breed (7.2%) was observed. The Bayesian assignment test showed that BAR and SAR breeds had a more definite genetic structure (proportion of assignment of 92% and 86.6%, respectively), whereas the lowest assignment value was found in the PIN breed (67.1%). Our results indicated high genetic variability, low inbreeding and low genetic differentiation, except for BAR breed, and were in accordance with geographical location, history, and breeding practices. The low robustness of the assignment test makes it unfeasible for traceability purposes, due to the high level of admixture, in particular for COM, PIN and VDB.  相似文献   

Recent advances in environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis using high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) enable evaluation of intraspecific genetic diversity in a population. As the intraspecific genetic diversity provides invaluable information for wildlife conservation and management, there is an increasing demand to apply eDNA analysis to population genetics and the phylogeography by quantitative evaluation of intraspecific diversity. However, quantitative evaluations of intraspecific genetic diversity using eDNA is not straightforward because the number of eDNA sequence reads obtained by HTS may not be an index of the quantity of eDNA. In this study, to quantitatively evaluate genetic diversity using eDNA analysis, we applied a quantitative eDNA metabarcoding method using the internal standard DNAs. We targeted Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) and added internal standard DNAs with known copy numbers to each eDNA sample obtained from three rivers during the library preparation process. The sequence reads of each Ayu haplotype were successfully converted to DNA copy numbers based on the relationship between the copy numbers and sequence reads of the internal standard DNAs. In all rivers, the calculated copy number of each haplotype showed a significant positive correlation with the haplotype frequency estimated by a capture‐based survey. Furthermore, estimates of genetic indicators such as nucleotide diversity based on the eDNA copy numbers were comparable with those estimated based on a capture‐based study. Our results demonstrate that eDNA analysis with internal standard DNAs enables reasonable quantification of intraspecific genetic diversity, and this method could thus be a promising tool in the field of population genetics and phylogeography.  相似文献   

Earthworms are one of the most important and beneficial macrofauna, and are used extensively in organic farming. Earthworms mediate soil biological regulation systems, and produce biogenic structures. They help to maintain soil structure, water infiltration, and regulate the availability of nutrients assimilated by plants. The objectives of this study were to perform morphological and molecular characterizations of 24 earthworm individuals collected from geographically diverse locations to assess the level of genetic variation. For molecular analysis, the effectiveness of RAPD, ISSR, and Universal rice primers (URPs) markers was investigated to identify polymorphism among 24 isolates of earthworms. A total of 62 molecular markers were used for amplification of genomic DNA of earthworms. Of these, 10 RAPD, 10 ISSR, and 10 URPs markers were used for characterization, which showed 95.7%, 96.7% and 98.3% polymorphism, respectively. The dendrogram, generated from the DNA markers by the unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages, grouped all the isolates into two main clusters. All Eisenia fetida isolates were clustered in group A, whereas group B included three isolates belonging to Eudrilus eugeniae. Molecular markers allowed a rapid assessment of genetic variation among these closely related isolates of earthworms. These results suggest that molecular markers are a good choice for diversity analysis of earthworm individuals.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of 139 Lycium chinense accessions using 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In total, 108 alleles were detected. The number of alleles per marker locus ranged from two to 17, with an average of six. The gene diversity and polymorphism information content value averaged 0.3792 and 0.3296, with ranges of 0.0793 to 0.8023 and 0.0775 to 0.7734, respectively. The average heterozygosity was 0.4394. The model-based structure analysis revealed the presence of three subpopulations, which was consistent with clustering based on genetic distance. An AMOVA analysis showed that the between-population component of genetic variance was less than 15.3%, in contrast to 84.7% for the within-population component. The overall FST value was 0.1178, indicating a moderate differentiation among groups. The results could be used for future L. chinense allele mining, association mapping, gene cloning, germplasm conservation, and designing effective breeding programs.  相似文献   

Monitoring the rate of change in inbreeding and genetic diversity within a population is important to guide breeding programmes. Such interest stems from the impact of loss in genetic diversity on sustainable genetic gain but also the impact on performance (i.e. inbreeding depression). The objective of the present study was to evaluate trends in inbreeding and genetic diversity in 43 066 Belclare, 120 753 Charollais, 22 652 Galway, 78 925 Suffolk, 187 395 Texel, and 19 821 Vendeen purebred sheep. The effective population size for each of the six breeds was between 116.0 (Belclare population) and 314.8 (Charollais population). The Charollais population was the most genetically diverse with the greatest number of effective founders, effective ancestors, and effective founder genomes; conversely, the Belclare was the least genetically diverse population with the fewest number of effective founders, effective ancestors, and effective founder genomes for each of the six breeds investigated. Overall, the effective population sizes and the total genetic diversity within each of the six breeds were above the minimum thresholds generally considered to be required for the long-term viability of a population.  相似文献   

Perinereis aibuhitensis is found in the coastal waters of northwestern Pacific. Different ecotypes are distributed throughout the coastal sea beach based on their ecology and behavior, but relatively little is known about the population structure of this species. In this study, we estimated the genetic relationships within P. aibuhitensis using Target Region Amplified Polymorphisms (TRAP) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) that were derived from related populations on the coasts of China. All populations were uniquely fingerprinted using the TRAP and AFLP marker method. The mean genetic distance was estimated to be 0.1859 based on the TRAPs and AFLPs. Using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) by Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) 6.06 software, Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCA) and STRUCTURE analysis, the phylogenetic tree of the ten P. aibuhitensis populations was separated into four major clusters; however, the mantel test indicated that there was no significant correlation between the genetic and geographical distances due to gene differentiation and gene flow (P > 0.005). The genetic diversity was low for P. aibuhitensis at the population level compared with the species level. Finally, an appropriate strategy for conserving the P. aibuhitensis germplasm is proposed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of a species’ population genetic structure can provide insight into fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes including gene flow, genetic drift and adaptive evolution. Such inference is of particular importance for parasites, as an understanding of their population structure can illuminate epidemiological and coevolutionary dynamics. Here, we describe the population genetic structure of the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa, a parasite that infects planktonic crustaceans of the genus Daphnia. This system has become a model for investigations of host–parasite interactions and represents an example of coevolution via negative frequency‐dependent selection (aka “Red Queen” dynamics). To sample P. ramosa, we experimentally infected a panel of Daphnia hosts with natural spore banks from the sediments of 25 ponds throughout much of the species range in Europe and western Asia. Using 12 polymorphic variable number tandem repeat loci (VNTR loci), we identified substantial genetic diversity, both within and among localities, that was structured geographically among ponds. Genetic diversity was also structured among host genotypes within ponds, although this pattern varied by locality, with P. ramosa at some localities partitioned into distinct host‐specific lineages, and other localities where recombination had shuffled genetic variation among different infection phenotypes. Across the sample range, there was a pattern of isolation by distance, and principal components analysis coupled with Procrustes rotation identified congruence between patterns of genetic variation and geography. Our findings support the hypothesis that Pasteuria is an endemic parasite coevolving closely with its host. These results provide important context for previous studies of this model system and inform hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   

Kumar  Deepender  Chhokar  Vinod  Sheoran  Sonia  Singh  Rajender  Sharma  Pradeep  Jaiswal  Sarika  Iquebal  M. A.  Jaiswar  Akanksha  Jaisri  J.  Angadi  U. B.  Rai  Anil  Singh  G. P.  Kumar  Dinesh  Tiwari  Ratan 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(1):293-306

Genetic diversity is crucial for successful adaptation and sustained improvement in crops. India is bestowed with diverse agro-climatic conditions which makes it rich in wheat germplasm adapted to various niches. Germplasm repository consists of local landraces, trait specific genetic stocks including introgressions from wild relatives, exotic collections, released varieties, and improved germplasm. Characterization of genetic diversity is done using morpho-physiological characters as well as by analyzing variations at DNA level. However, there are not many reports on array based high throughput SNP markers having characteristics of genome wide coverage employed in Indian spring wheat germplasm. Amongst wheat SNP arrays, 35K Axiom Wheat Breeder’s Array has the highest SNP polymorphism efficiency suitable for genetic mapping and genetic diversity characterization. Therefore, genotyping was done using 35K in 483 wheat genotypes resulting in 14,650 quality filtered SNPs, that were distributed across the B (~?50%), A (~?39%), and D (~?10%) genomes. The total genetic distance coverage was 4477.85 cM with 3.27 SNP/cM and 0.49 cM/SNP as average marker density and average inter-marker distance, respectively. The PIC ranged from 0.09 to 0.38 with an average of 0.29 across genomes. Population structure and Principal Coordinate Analysis resulted in two subpopulations (SP1 and SP2). The analysis of molecular variance revealed the genetic variation of 2% among and 98% within subpopulations indicating high gene flow between SP1 and SP2. The subpopulation SP2 showed high level of genetic diversity based on genetic diversity indices viz. Shannon’s information index (I)?=?0.648, expected heterozygosity (He)?=?0.456 and unbiased expected heterozygosity (uHe)?=?0.456. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to include the largest set of Indian wheat genotypes studied exclusively for genetic diversity. These findings may serve as a potential source for the identification of uncharacterized QTL/gene using genome wide association studies and marker assisted selection in wheat breeding programs.


Iovenko VN 《Genetika》2002,38(12):1669-1676
Based on polymorphism of genes for antigen factors of six blood-group systems and four blood protein loci, genetic structure and the main variation parameters were studied in three sheep breeds and three sheep breed types constituting the basis of purebred sheep resources in Ukraine. Specific features of the distribution of genotypes and alleles of polymorphic loci were determined in each of the studied sheep groups depending on their origin and production type. The molecular-genetic markers used in the analysis of the genetic relationships between the sheep breeds and breed types were shown to objectively reflect their breeding history and evolution. Integrally, each of the studied gene pools had a specific profile of gene frequencies reflecting breeding specificity, breed history, and genetic differentiation of breeds.  相似文献   

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