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Cruciferous plants produce a wide variety of glucosinolates as a protection against herbivores and pathogens. However, very little is known about the importance of individual glucosinolates in plant defense and the regulation of their production in response to herbivory. When Myzus persicae (green peach aphid) feeds on Arabidopsis aliphatic glucosinolates pass through the aphid gut intact, but indole glucosinolates are mostly degraded. Although aphid feeding causes an overall decrease in Arabidopsis glucosinolate content, the production of 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate is induced. This altered glucosinolate profile is not a systemic plant response, but is limited to the area in which aphids are feeding. Aphid feeding on detached leaves causes a similar change in the glucosinolate profile, demonstrating that glucosinolate transport is not required for the observed changes. Salicylate-mediated signaling has been implicated in other plant responses to aphid feeding. However, analysis of eds5, pad4, npr1 and NahG transgenic Arabidopsis, which are compromised in this pathway, demonstrated that aphid-induced changes in the indole glucosinolate profile were unaffected. The addition of purified indol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate to the petioles of cyp79B2 cyp79B3 mutant leaves, which do not produce indole glucosinolates, showed that this glucosinolate serves as a precursor for the aphid-induced synthesis of 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate. In artificial diets, 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate is a significantly greater aphid deterrent in the absence of myrosinase than its metabolic precursor indol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate. Together, these results demonstrate that, in response to aphid feeding, Arabidopsis plants convert one indole glucosinolate to another that provides a greater defensive benefit.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of circadian clock function in Arabidopsis rely on the complex relationships among core clock components. The current model of the Arabidopsis oscillator comprises a myriad of repressors but the mechanisms responsible for activation remain largely unknown. In our recent studies, we have demonstrated that the rhythms in H3 acetylation (H3ac) and H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) are a key mechanism at the positive arm of the oscillator. H3K4me3 rhythmic accumulation is delayed compared to that of H3ac, which opens the possibility for separate roles for each mark. Indeed, the use of inhibitors that block H3K4me3 accumulation was concomitant with increased clock repressor binding, suggesting that H3K4me3 might control the timing from activation to repression. Plants mis-expressing the histone methyltransferase SET DOMAIN GROUP 2 (SDG2/ATXR3) displayed altered H3K4me3 accumulation, oscillator gene expression and clock repressor binding, suggesting that SDG2/ATXR3 is a key component contributing to proper circadian expression.  相似文献   

Elongation of hypocotyl cells has been studied as a model for elucidating the contribution of cellular expansion to plant organ growth. ZEITLUPE (ZTL) or LOV KELCH PROTEIN1 (LKP1) is a positive regulator of warmth-induced hypocotyl elongation under white light in Arabidopsis, although the molecular mechanisms by which it promotes hypocotyl cell elongation remain unknown. Microarray analysis showed that 134 genes were upregulated and 204 genes including 15 auxin-inducible genes were downregulated in the seedlings of 2 ztl T-DNA insertion mutants grown under warm conditions with continuous white light. Application of a polar auxin transport inhibitor, an auxin antagonist or an auxin biosynthesis inhibitor inhibited hypocotyl elongation of control seedlings to the level observed with the ztl mutant. Our data suggest the involvement of auxin and auxin-inducible genes in ZTL-mediated hypocotyl elongation.  相似文献   

Oxylipins derived from lipoxygenase (LOX) activity play important roles in plant growth, development and stress response. In a recent study, we provided evidence that infestation of Arabidopsis thaliana foliage by the green peach aphid (GPA; Myzus persicae), a phloem sap-consuming insect, was promoted by plant LOX5-derived oxylipins. In comparison to the wild-type (WT) plant, GPA population was smaller on the Arabidopsis lox5 mutant. The insect spent less time feeding from the sieve element and xylem of the lox5 mutant compared with the WT plant. In addition, compared with insects feeding on the WT plant, when on the lox5 mutant, the GPA was unable to suppress an antibiotic activity that is present in Arabidopsis vascular sap. Roots are the critical source of a LOX5-derived oxylipin(s) that promotes colonization of the foliage by GPA. Here we show that the 9-hydoxy-10E, 12Z-octadecadienoic acid (9-HOD), a LOX5-derived oxylipin, accumulated in GPA that were reared on the WT, but not the lox5 mutant plant. However, 9-HOD accumulated in insects reared on lox5 mutant plants that were irrigated with 9-HOD, thus indicating that the insect ingests oxylipins from the host plant. We further demonstrate that the host plant requires LOX5 function to promote expression of the defense regulatory gene PHYTOALEXIN-DEFICIENT4 in the foliage. Taken together, our previous observations and results presented here indicate that while the host plant utilizes LOX5-dependent factors for promoting defense mechanisms, GPA has evolved to utilize plant 9-LOX-derived oxylipins as cues to facilitate infestation, thus suggesting a complex involvement of oxylipins in Arabidopsis interaction with GPA.  相似文献   

Patterning of the polar axis during the early leaf developmental stage is established by cell-to-cell communication between the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and the leaf primordia. In a previous study, we showed that the DRL1 gene, which encodes a homolog of the Elongator-associated protein KTI12 of yeast, acts as a positive regulator of adaxial leaf patterning and shoot meristem activity. To determine the evolutionally conserved functions of DRL1, we performed a comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of DRL1 and its yeast homolog, KTI12, and found that while overall homology was low, well-conserved domains were presented. DRL1 contained two conserved plant-specific domains. Expression of the DRL1 gene in a yeast KTI12-deficient yeast mutant suppressed the growth retardation phenotype, but did not rescue the caffeine sensitivity, indicating that the role of Arabidopsis Elongator-associated protein is partially conserved with yeast KTI12, but may have changed between yeast and plants in response to caffeine during the course of evolution. In addition, elevated expression of DRL1 gene triggered zymocin sensitivity, while overexpression of KTI12 maintained zymocin resistance, indicating that the function of Arabidopsis DRL1 may not overlap with yeast KTI12 with regards to toxin sensitivity. In this study, expression analysis showed that class-I KNOX genes were downregulated in the shoot apex, and that YAB and KAN were upregulated in leaves of the Arabidopsis drl1-101 mutant. Our results provide insight into the communication network between the SAM and leaf primordia required for the establishment of leaf polarity by mediating histone acetylation or through other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons (RTEs) are a principal component of most eukaryotic genomes, representing 50%-80% of some grass genomes. RTE sequences have been shown to be preferentially present in disease resistance gene clusters in plants. Arabidopsis thaliana has over 1,600 annotated RTE sequences and 56 of these appear to be expressed because of the exact expressed sequence tag (EST) matches and the presence of intact open reading frames. Of the 22 represented in the Affymetrix ATH1 array, AtCOPIA4 was found to be expressed at a higher level than all other RTEs across different developmental stages. Since AtCOPIA4 is located in the RPP5 gene cluster and is adjacent to RPP4 which confers resistance to the downy mildew oomycete Hyaloperonospora parasitica isolate EMWA1, we evaluated AtCOPIA4 mutants for resistance to this pathogen. T-DNA insertional and antisense knockout of AtCOPIA4 was found to reduce the resistance of wild type plants by 2-4 folds. Our results suggest that retrotransposon can be exapted to participate in plant defense response.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl cell elongation has been studied as a model to understand how cellular expansion contributes to plant organ growth. Hypocotyl elongation is affected by multiple environmental factors, including light quantity and light quality. Red light inhibits hypocotyl growth via the phytochrome signaling pathways. Proteins of the FLAVIN-BINDING KELCH REPEAT F-BOX 1 / LOV KELCH PROTEIN 2 / ZEITLUPE family are positive regulators of hypocotyl elongation under red light in Arabidopsis. These proteins were suggested to reduce phytochrome-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. Here, we show that ZEITLUPE also functions as a positive regulator in warmth-induced hypocotyl elongation under light in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Land plants have evolved a cuticle-bearing epidermis to protect themselves from environmental stress and pathogen attack. Despite its important role, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating shoot epidermal cell identity. In a recent study, we found that the Arabidopsis thaliana ATML1 gene is possibly a master regulator of shoot epidermal cell fate. We revealed that ATML1 has the ability to confer shoot epidermis-related traits to non-epidermal cells of the seedlings. These data are consistent with the previous loss-of-function mutant analyses, which implied a positive role of ATML1 in epidermal cell differentiation. Importantly, ectopic epidermal cells induced in ATML1-overexpressing lines provide a novel tool to assess the intrinsic properties of epidermal cells and to study epistatic interactions among genes involved in epidermal/mesophyll differentiation. Using this system, we obtained data revealing that ATML1 negatively influenced mesophyll cell fate. In addition, we provided a working model of how division planes in epidermal cells are determined.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The putative FASCICLIN-LIKE ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEIN 4 (At-FLA4) locus of Arabidopsis thaliana has previously been shown to be required for the normal growth of wild-type roots in response to moderately elevated salinity. However, the genetic and physiological pathway that connects At-FLA4 and normal root growth remains to be elucidated.


The radial swelling phenotype of At-fla4 was modulated with growth regulators and their inhibitors. The relationship of At-FLA4 to abscisic acid (ABA) signalling was analysed by probing marker gene expression and the observation of the At-fla4 phenotype in combination with ABA signalling mutants.

Key Results

Application of ABA suppresses the non-redundant role of At-FLA4 in the salt response. At-FLA4 positively regulates the response to low ABA concentration in roots and is required for the normal expression of ABA- and abiotic stress-induced genes. The At-fla4 phenotype is enhanced in the At-abi4 background, while two genetic suppressors of ABA-induced gene expression are required for salt oversensitivity of At-fla4. Salt oversensitivity in At-fla4 is suppressed by the CYP707A inhibitor abscinazole E2B, and salt oversensitivity in At-fla4 roots is phenocopied by chemical inhibition of ABA biosynthesis.


The predicted lipid-anchored glycoprotein At-FLA4 positively regulates cell wall biosynthesis and root growth by modulating ABA signalling.  相似文献   

We identified loci responsible for natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) responses to a bacterial pathogen virulence factor, HopAM1. HopAM1 is a type III effector protein secreted by the virulent Pseudomonas syringae strain Pto DC3000. Delivery of HopAM1 from disarmed Pseudomonas strains leads to local cell death, meristem chlorosis, or both, with varying intensities in different Arabidopsis accessions. These phenotypes are not associated with differences in bacterial growth restriction. We treated the two phenotypes as quantitative traits to identify host loci controlling responses to HopAM1. Genome-wide association (GWA) of 64 Arabidopsis accessions identified independent variants highly correlated with response to each phenotype. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in a recombinant inbred population between Bur-0 and Col-0 accessions revealed genetic linkage to regions distinct from the top GWA hits. Two major QTL associated with HopAM1-induced cell death were also associated with HopAM1-induced chlorosis. HopAM1-induced changes in Arabidopsis gene expression showed that rapid HopAM1-dependent cell death in Bur-0 is correlated with effector-triggered immune responses. Studies of the effect of mutations in known plant immune system genes showed, surprisingly, that both cell death and chlorosis phenotypes are enhanced by loss of EDS1, a regulatory hub in the plant immune-signaling network. Our results reveal complex genetic architecture for response to this particular type III virulence effector, in contrast to the typical monogenic control of cell death and disease resistance triggered by most type III effectors.  相似文献   

Different subtypes of Influenza A virus are associated with species specific, zoonotic or pandemic Influenza. The cause of its severity underlies in complicated evolution of its segmented RNA genome. Although genetic shift and genetic drift are well known in the evolution of this virus, we reported the significant role of unique RNA palindromes in its evolution. Our computational approach identified the existence of unique palindromes in each subtype of Influenza A virus with its absence in Influenza B relating the fact of virulence and vigorous genetic hitchhiking in Influenza A. The current study focused on the re-assortment event responsible for the emergence of pandemic-2009 H1N1 virus, which is associated with outgrow of new palindrome and in turn, changing its RNA structure. We hypothesize that the change in RNA structure due to the presence of palindrome facilitates the event of re-assortment in Influenza A. Thus the evolutionary process of Influenza A is much more complicated as previously known, and that has been demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium longisporum (Zimmerman) Zare & Gams on three parameters of behaviour (feeding, reproduction and movement) of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) were investigated in the laboratory. Visual analysis of video tapes established that honeydew excretion events of mycosed aphids gradually declined from 2 d post inoculation and reproduction rate was significantly reduced 2 d prior to death (which occurred on day 6); both parameters were stable in controls over the same period. A detailed comparison was made between mobility of aphids during infection with two isolates of L. longisporum, using image analysis of video recordings. Both isolates caused an increase in activity at the beginning of mycosis (during fungal germination and cuticle invasion) though the intensity and the duration of this behaviour varied with the isolate. The possibility that increased movement in early mycosis helps disseminate disease is discussed in the light of the observation that saprophytic surface growth occurs on living M. persicae as it does in at least some other Lecanicillium spp-insect interactions.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are phytohormones controlling major aspects of plant growth and development. Although previous studies suggested the existence of a transport of GAs in plants, the nature and properties associated with this transport were unknown. We recently showed through micrografting and biochemical approaches that the GA12 precursor is the chemical form of GA undergoing long-distance transport across plant organs in Arabidopsis. Endogenous GA12 moves through the plant vascular system from production sites to recipient tissues, in which GA12 can be converted to bioactive forms to support growth via the activation of GA-dependent processes. GAs are also essential to promote seed germination; hence GA biosynthesis mutants do not germinate without exogenous GA treatment. Our results suggest that endogenous GAs are not (or not sufficiently) transmitted to the offspring to successfully complete the germination under permissive conditions.  相似文献   

Ribosomes account for a majority of the cell''s RNA and much of its protein and represent a significant investment of cellular resources. The turnover and degradation of ribosomes has been proposed to play a role in homeostasis and during stress conditions. Mechanisms for the turnover of rRNA and ribosomal proteins have not been fully elucidated. We show here that the RNS2 ribonuclease and autophagy participate in RNA turnover in Arabidopsis thaliana under normal growth conditions. An increase in autophagosome formation was seen in an rns2–2 mutant, and this increase was dependent on the core autophagy genes ATG9 and ATG5. Autophagosomes and autophagic bodies in rns2–2 mutants contain RNA and ribosomes, suggesting that autophagy is activated as an attempt to compensate for loss of rRNA degradation. Total RNA accumulates in rns2–2, atg9–4, atg5–1, rns2–2 atg9–4, and rns2–2 atg5–1 mutants, suggesting a parallel role for autophagy and RNS2 in RNA turnover. rRNA accumulates in the vacuole in rns2–2 mutants. Vacuolar accumulation of rRNA was blocked by disrupting autophagy via an rns2–2 atg5–1 double mutant but not by an rns2–2 atg9–4 double mutant, indicating that ATG5 and ATG9 function differently in this process. Our results suggest that autophagy and RNS2 are both involved in homeostatic degradation of rRNA in the vacuole.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Root hydrotropism is a response to water-potential gradients that makes roots bend towards areas of higher water potential. The gene MIZU-KUSSEI1 (MIZ1) that is essential for hydrotropism in Arabidopsis roots has previously been identified. However, the role of root hydrotropism in plant growth and survival under natural conditions has not yet been proven. This study assessed how hydrotropic response contributes to drought avoidance in nature.


An experimental system was established for the study of Arabidopsis hydrotropism in soil. Characteristics of hydrotropism were analysed by comparing the responses of the miz1 mutant, transgenic plants overexpressing MIZ1 (MIZ1OE) and wild-type plants.

Key Results

Wild-type plants developed root systems in regions with higher water potential, whereas the roots of miz1 mutant plants did not show a similar response. This pattern of root distribution induced by hydrotropism was more pronounced in MIZ1OE plants than in wild-type plants. In addition, shoot biomass and the number of plants that survived under drought conditions were much greater in MIZ1OE plants.


These results show that hydrotropism plays an important role in root system development in soil and contributes to drought avoidance, which results in a greater yield and plant survival under water-limited conditions. The results also show that MIZ1 overexpression can be used for improving plant productivity in arid areas.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Uptake of heavy metals by plant root cells depends on electro-physiological parameters of the plasma membrane. In this study, responses of the plasma membrane in root cells were analysed where early reactions to the metal ion-induced stress are localized. Three different Arabidopsis species with diverse strategies of their adaptation to heavy metals were compared: sensitive Arabidopsis thaliana and tolerant A. halleri and A. arenosa.


Plants of A. thaliana Col-0 ecotype and plants of A. arenosa and A. halleri originating from natural metallicolous populations were exposed to high concentrations of Zn2+. Plants were tested for root growth rate, cellular tolerance, plant morphology and cell death in the root apex. In addition, the membrane potential (EM) of mature cortical root cells and changes in the pH of the liquid culture media were measured.

Key Results

Primary roots of A. halleri and A. arenosa plants grew significantly better at increased Zn2+ concentrations than A. thaliana plants. Elevated Zn2+ concentrations in the culture medium induced rapid changes in EM. The reaction was species-specific and concentration-dependent. Arabidopsis halleri revealed the highest insensitivity of the plasma membrane and the highest survival rate under prolonged treatment with extra-high concentrations. Plants were able to effectively adjust the pH in the control, but much less at Zn2+-induced lower pH.


The results indicate a similar mode of early reaction to Zn2+, but with different extent in tolerant and sensitive species of Arabidopsis. The sensitivity of A. thaliana and a high tolerance of A. halleri and A. arenosa were demonstrated. Plasma membrane depolarization was lowest in the hyperaccumulator A. halleri and highest in A. thaliana. This indicates that rapid membrane voltage changes are an excellent tool to monitor the effects of heavy metals.  相似文献   

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