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AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate some of the parameters likely to influence mebrofenin-99mTc hepatic clearance calculation and inter-and intra-observers reproducibility.Materials and methodsHepatic clearance (%/min m2) of 30 scintigraphies was calculated from the values of hepatic, cardiac, and total activities, according to the method recommended in the literature. We studied: 1) impact of injection–acquisition delay variations; 2) acquisition type: anterior face only (FA) or geometric mean (GM); 3) clearances calculated according to four different body surface area (BSA) formulas; 4) intra-and inter-observers reproducibility for three observers (two evaluations for each observer).Results1) Clearance differences between different studied intervals were statistically significant, more important if the studied interval was far from reference interval (150–350 secondes) and even more when the interval studied was too early (110–310 secondes). 2) There was a statistically significant difference between clearance calculated using either FA or GM datasets (0.85 %/min m2). 3) There were small but statistically significant differences for four of the clearance comparisons using different BSA formulas. 4) Despite differences in size of cardiac and hepatic regions of interest (ROI), intra-observer reproducibility of hepatic clearance was excellent for each observer. Inter-observers reproducibility was also excellent (r = 0.982).ConclusionHepatic clearance of mebrofenin-99mTc appears to be a highly reproducible method provided that acquisition and clearance calculation are standardized. It provides additionnal functional information to morphological and biological data usually performed before major hepatectomy. Thereby, the definition of a standardized protocol would enable realization of multicentric studies.  相似文献   

Metaphase plates from tailbuds of Pleurodeles waltlii embryos (stage 34) with or without preceding cold treatment were obtained by squashing followed by quinacrine mustard staining. In both cases, caryograms were established and sites of Q bands located. — Most of the secondary constrictions exhibit very high fluorescence. In general, it is the same for the centromeric parts, but their fluorescence is quenched very strongly by cold treatment. — The proximal part of the long arm of chromosome VII and satellites of chromosomes III and XI exhibit dull fluorescence. All these sites are compared with heterochromatin localization. The relation between banding and base composition or non-histone proteins interactions is discussed.

Remerciements. Ce travail a été effectué dans le cadre d'un contrat D.G.B.S.T. n 73-1-1145.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the contribution of the single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) in cancer patients and to evaluate its ability to correctly classify indeterminate lesions on planar bone scintigraphy (PBS).MethodsFrom November 2006 to August 2007, all patients with confirmed malignancy, whose PBS showed indeterminate lesions, underwent without delay a SPECT/CT. The study included 120 patients (67 men, 53 women), with a mean age of 69 ± 12 years (range 42–96 years). The patients with obvious metastases, important pains or who did not accept the examination were excluded from the study. The location of the lesions was described either as precise, probable or indeterminate. The lesions were classified either as definitely malignant, definitely benign or indeterminate.ResultsBreast, prostate, lung and kidney neoplasms represented approximately 80% of all cancers. The PBS highlighted 267 lesions of location either as precise (n = 29), probable (n = 129) or indeterminate (n = 109), classified either as definitely malignant (n = 28), definitely benign (n = 27) or indeterminate (n = 212). The SPECT/CT revealed 440 lesions, of location either as precise (n = 353), likely (n = 39) or indeterminate (n = 48), classified either as definitely malignant (n = 84), definitely benign (n = 305) or indeterminate (n = 51). Thoracic and lumbar spine and pelvis were the locations of 79% of the scintigraphic lesions and of 88% of the osseous metastases. SPECT/CT modified the final report of 80 patients, by excluding from metastases (n = 2), by showing metastases (n = 23) and by showing the benign character of indeterminate lesions (n = 55). Moreover, 69 patients out of 120 (> 57%) had an evolution confirmed with 35 true positives, 31 true negatives, one false negative and two patients with indeterminate lesions on SPECT/CT, without osseous metastasis.ConclusionThe assessment of the indeterminate scintigraphic lesions of oncologic patients benefits from the SPECT/CT. The lesion-based analysis showed that the SPECT/CT detected more lesions (+64%) and correctly classified 88% of the detected lesions. The patient-based analysis highlighted that SPECT/CT modified the final report for more than 66% of the patients. The follow-up showed that SPECT/CT correctly classified for more than 95% of the patients.  相似文献   

Resume 1. Le présent travail est consacré à l'étude écologique des plages abritées de la baie d'Arcachon (France). L'auteur tout d'abord, reconnaît et localise dans la région étudiée les quatres zones classiques qui partagent les estrans meubles abrités: slikke, haute slikke, schorre et zone parhalienne. Chacune d'entre elles est ensuite étudiée de manière plus détaillée, quant aux peuplements qui les occupent et aux structures édaphiques qui leur correspondent.2. Dans la slikke, l'auteur, reconnaît et décrit quatre faciès fondamentaux: les herbiers deZostera nana, les sables nus, type sables à arénicoles, les vases àNereis diversicolor et les vases à scrobiculaires. Chacun de ces faciès est analysé quant à sa teneur en eau, porosité, salinité, pH et oxygène dissous, répartition hypsométrique. En ce qui concerne la faune de ces slikkes sablo-vaseuses, l'auteur souligne l'importance de la macrofaune endogée, son caractère infralittoral, la faible mobilité de ses représentants.3. Dans la haute slikke, l'auteur reconnaît et décrit cinq faciès: les sables argileux àBledius spectabilis, les sables vaseux àCorophium volutator, les sables poreux àBledius arenarius, les aires àSpartina maritima et les microfalaises. De nouveau, sont étudiés successivement les caractéristiques abiotiques, puis les peuplements de chaque faciès; l'auteur souligne l'action réciproque des structures édaphiques sur la répartition des peuplements, mais aussi des peuplements sur les structures édaphiques. Par exempleCorophium volutator etBledius spectabilis édifient des galeries à parois stables, permanentes, qui ne peuvent être aménagées que dans certains types de sédiments; mais tandis que les galeries deB. spectabilis sont denses et étanches à la marée, celles deC. volutator sont plus dispersées et inondables; aussi la présence de l'insecte permet l'installation d'une faune d'accompagnement supralittorale, qui s'enterre au moment de la haute mer, celle de l'amphipode s'accompagne au contraire, d'une faune médiolittorale inondable.4. Enfin, dans le schorre et la zone parhalienne, l'auteur souligne l'absence de macrofaune endogée, la mobilité des peuplements vagiles épigés, leur balancement saisonnier lié au régime des marées. Il montre notamment qu'en été, le schorre abrite à la fois des espèces supralittorales marines ou halobies, et des espèces adlittorales haloxènes qui, venant de la zone parhalienne, sont attirées par la richesse trophique du Puccinellietum. En hiver, au contraire, la fréquence des immersions dans le schorre oblige la faune à refluer dans la zone parhalienne, où elle trouve son abri.5. Une classification des faciès étudiés en fonction de leur teneur en eau écologiquement utilisable par la macrofaune, un tableau de correspondance entre slikke, haute slikke, schorre et zone parhalienne d'une part, et étages intertidaux d'autre part, enfin une comparaison entre les peuplements des plages abritées et plages semi-abritées, complètent l'ensemble du travail.
Ecological research on the faunas of the sheltered beaches of the region of Arcachon
In these ecological studies of the sheltered beaches of the bay of Arcachon (France), the author distinguishes and locates four traditional zones: slikke, upper slikke, schorre and parhalian zone. Animal communities and edaphic structures of each zone are treated in detail. In the slikke, four fundamental facies are distinguished:Zostera nana zones, bare sands (such asArenicola sands),Nereis diversicolor slime andScrobicularia slime. Each facies is analyzed with regard to its amount of water, porosity, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen content, as well as its hypsometric distribution. With respect to the fauna of sand and slime slikkes, the importance of the endogeous macrofauna, its infralittoral characteristics and the low degree of mobility of its species are emphasized. In the upper slikke five facies are described:Bledius spectabilis clay sands,Corophium volutator slimy sands,Bledius arenarius porous sands,Spartina maritima areas and micro cliffs. Again, abiotic characteristics and animal communities of each facies are studied successively. The importance of edaphic structures for the distribution of animal communities, and vice versa, is stressed. For instance, the amphipodCorophium volutator and the coleopteranBledius spectabilis build tubes with firm and permanent inner surfaces only in certain types of sediment: yet, while theBledius spectabilis tubes are dense and watertight, those ofCorophium volutator are less tight and often flooded. Thus, the presence of the insect allows a supralittoral fauna to establish itself, whereas that of the amphipod is, in contrast, accompanied by a mediolittoral fauna resistant to flooding. In the schorre and parhalian zone, endogeous macrofauna elements are entirely absent; the vagrant epigeous species exhibit considerable degrees of mobility, migrating according to tidal rhythms. In summer, the schorre zone shelters both marine supralittoral or halobiotic species as well as adlittoral haloxene species which, coming from the parhalian zone, are attracted by the trophically rich Puccinellietum. In winter, however, frequent floodings of the schorre force the fauna to retreat to the parhalian zone for shelter. A classification is presented of the facies studied, based on the amount of water ecologically usable by their respective macrofaunas. The relationships between slikke, upper slikke, schorre and parhalian zone on the one hand, and the intertidal zones on the other are illustrated in the form of a synopsis. Finally, a comparison is made between animal communities of sheltered and of partly sheltered beaches.

Ce travail constitue la 2ème partie d'une thèse de Doctorat ès Sciences naturelles soutenue à la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Bordeaux (no d'ordre 197) et intitulée «Recherches écologiques sur les faunes des plages arbitées et des étangs saumatres de la region d'Arcachon». L'exemplaire dactylographié de la thèse in extenso a été déposé au C.N.R.S. et enregistré sous le no A.O. 1612.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(1):59-70
Background and aimsThe analysis of the left ventricular contractile function plays a major role in the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiopathies. The aim of our study was to compare gated blood pool SPECT and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for the assessment of the left ventricular wall contractility at the global and the segmental scales.Material and methodsThe data of 23 99mTc-Tetrofosmin perfusion scintigraphies, and 50 201Thallium perfusion scintigraphies were compared to those of gated blood pool SPECT performed at close interval.ResultsThe correlations were good (r = 0.81 to 0.94) concerning the global parameters (left ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes) in the two groups. Quite good correlations were also found at the segmental scale (r = 0.49 to 0.62), between the segmental ejection fraction calculated in gated blood pool SPECT and the wall thickening or the wall motion estimated in perfusion scintigraphy. These correlations were significantly lower in the “201Thallium perfusion scintigraphy” group than in the “99mTc-Tetrofosmin perfusion scintigraphy” group, especially for hypokinetic segments.ConclusionAlthough they use very different approaches, GBPS and MPS give data about global and segmental left ventricular wall contraction that are well correlated, but not strictly interchangeable.  相似文献   

Résumé Les mitoses de l'adénohypophyse du rat mâle ont été examinées comparativement après fixation par perfusion et après fixation par immersion.Après fixation par perfusion la répartition topographique des mitoses dans le parenchyme est homogène, et l'index mitotique est de 1,85 pour 1 000 cellules.Après fixation par immersion, la densité des mitoses décroit de la périphérie vers le centre, et l'index mitotique n'est que de 0,80 mitoses pour 1 000 cellules.La lenteur de pénétration du fixateur pendant l'immersion est tenue pour principal responsable des différences observées. Elle entraîne une modification de l'aspect des mitoses, telle que plus de la moitié d'entre elles ne sont pas identifiables et échappent aux comptages.
Influence of fixation on the observation of mitoses in the male rat adenohypophysis
Summary The mitoses of the adenohypophysis in male rats have been observed comparatively after fixation by perfusion and fixation by immersion.After fixation by perfusion, the topographic distribution of mitoses throughout the parenchyma is homogenous and the mitotic index is 1.85 for 1 000 cells.After fixation by immersion, the density of the mitoses is decreasing from the periphery towards the center and the mitotic index is only 0.80 for 1 000 cells.The slow penetration of the fixative during fixation by immersion is considered to be the main cause in the differences observed. This slow action causes a modification in the aspect of the mitoses, and more than fifty percent of them cannot be identified and escape to the counts.
Avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle J. Rameau.  相似文献   

First data about Halictidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in the región of Batna (Eastern Algeria) Investigations carried out on Halictidae bees in different localities in the region of Batna during the spring and summer seasons of 2009 and 2012 allowed the identification of 35 species; Lasioglossum musculum is reported for the first time in Algeria. The presence of Sphecodes puncticeps Thomson, 1870, a cleptoparasitic species, is confirmed. The flowers visited and the flight period of each species are noted.  相似文献   

J. Auger 《Andrologie》2011,21(1):7-23
In recent decades, numerous observations in wildlife of various anomalies of the male reproductive functions-some being reminiscent of experimental toxicology data-have raised questions about the possible role of environmental pollutants. A number of studies suggest an increased prevalence of reproductive disorders in adult humans in recent decades in many (but not all) Western countries. The best documented data concern testicular cancer, its increasing rate suggesting that environmental factors and/or changes in lifestyle may come into play. However, considerable regional and ethnic differences exist in absolute incidence rates, suggesting in turn the concomitant role of the genetic background. Finally, several studies suggest that semen quality has declined in many countries. In the early 2000’s, Skakkebæk’s group in Copenhagen postulated a common origin to these different abnormalities — the so-called testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) — all possibly related to abnormal testis development during gestation. Is there a causal link between these different conditions and deleterious environmental and/or lifestyle factors? The answer is far from being unequivocal, and the subject, a potential major public health problem, remains a source of hot debate both within the scientific community and in the media. The present review aims to provide an updated synthesis of these complex issues.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(1):14-17
As part of an overall review on the role of PSA and other emerging biomarkers in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, we present here a part of a review of the literature made by the working group Biologie de la Prostate (AFU, CNBH, SFBC, SFMN) on the use of PSA and other biomarkers in the early detection of prostate cancer with an assessment of the level of evidence.  相似文献   

A computational model based on finite element method is derived to examine how the simulated time-dependent signals are related to the presence of residual fluorescence in biological media surrounding a fluorescent object. We apply a subtraction technique on recorded data when imperfect uptake of fluorescing agent into the tumor is considered. We show the limits of the subtracting method for low target: background fluorescent absorption contrast by extracting the time to reach the half maximum and analyzing the maximum of the time-resolved signals versus target depth.  相似文献   

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