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Ecologists, economists and other social scientists have much incentive for interaction. First of all, ecological systems and socioeconomic systems are linked in their dynamics, and these linkages are key to coupling environmental protection and economic growth. Beyond this, however, are the obvious similarities in how ecological systems and socioeconomic systems function, and the common theoretical challenges in understanding their dynamics. This should not be surprising. Socioeconomic systems are in fact ecological systems, in which the familiar ecological phenomena of exploitation, cooperation and parasitism all can be identified as key features. Or, viewed from the opposite perspective, ecological systems are economic systems, in which competition for resources is key, and in which an evolutionary process shapes the individual agents to a distribution of specialization of function that leads to the emergence of flows and functionalities at higher levels of organization. Most fundamentally, ecological and socioeconomic systems alike are complex adaptive systems, in which patterns at the macroscopic level emerge from interactions and selection mechanisms mediated at many levels of organization, from individual agents to collectives to whole systems and even above. In such complex adaptive systems, robustness must be understood as emergent from selection processes operating at these many different levels, and the inherent nonlinearities can trigger sudden shifts in regimes that, in the case of the biosphere, can have major consequences for humanity. This lecture will explore the complex adaptive nature of ecosystems, and the implications for the robustness of ecosystem services on which we depend, and in particular examine the conditions under which cooperative behavior emerges. It will then turn attention to the socioeconomic systems in which environmental management is based, and ask what lessons can be learned from our examination of natural systems, and how we can modify social norms to achieve global cooperation in managing our common future. Of special interest will be issues of intragenerational and intergenerational equity, and the importance of various forms of discounting.  相似文献   

The notion of adaptive evolution of social systems as of a real process of selection of the properties of such systems implies group selection. But strong evidences of effective group selection seem impossible, at least in vertebrates. However, understanding the origin of social systems adaptivity based on individual selection is difficult, as well, without analyzing the proximal mechanisms of the formation of such systems. I suppose that social systems change due to changes of individual features that underlie the proximal mechanisms of the system formation. These features are the characteristics of neurophysiological and hormonal regulatory mechanisms. They are strongly associated with intrinsic biochemical processes and are coded in the genome. Thus, the evolution of social systems is the evolution of their proximal mechanisms. At the same time, the specificity of neurophysiological and hormonal regulation determines not only social interactions, but also the individual behaviour of animals. The most important characteristics of life history, such as the regime of activity, foraging strategy, etc., are strongly affected by the same regulatory mechanisms. This view is useful for understanding the relations combining many features into an integrated and adaptive species-specific life form. I suppose that such forms emerged as evolutionary consequences of changes in regulatory mechanisms adaptive to specific environment. Thus, we have as substantial reasons to discuss adaptations of social systems to ecological features as to discuss ecological features adapted to particular social systems. The species-specificity of regulatory mechanisms is probably based on different kinds of evolutionary choice between the rapidity and the perfection of adaptation, between flexibility and stability, and between sensibility and resistibility. I think that this choice depends largely on the predictability of the environment. The less predictable it is, the more it increases the selective value of sensibility, flexibility, and rapidity of evolution. On the contrary, stable and predictable environment stimulates less rapid but more perfect adaptations. Such choices consolidate in the genome during evolution as specific features of neurophysiological and hormonal regulation systems. These specific features, in their turn, determine ecological, behavioural, and physiological species-specificity. From this point of view, evolutionary changes in social systems can be readily perceived as consequences of the selection of individuals, promoting optimal properties under particular conditional features of regulation systems. The boundary condition for this model is the absence of specificity of the characteristics of regulation systems to different forms of stress. This condition needs to be considered closely.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of socio‐ecological systems is crucial to the development of environmentally sustainable practices. Models of social or ecological sub‐systems have greatly enhanced such understanding, but at the risk of obscuring important feedbacks and emergent effects. Integrated modelling approaches have the potential to address this shortcoming by explicitly representing linked socio‐ecological dynamics. We developed a socio‐ecological system model by coupling an existing agent‐based model of land‐use dynamics and an individual‐based model of demography and dispersal. A hypothetical case‐study was established to simulate the interaction of crops and their pollinators in a changing agricultural landscape, initialised from a spatially random distribution of natural assets. The bi‐directional coupled model predicted larger changes in crop yield and pollinator populations than a unidirectional uncoupled version. The spatial properties of the system also differed, the coupled version revealing the emergence of spatial land‐use clusters that neither supported nor required pollinators. These findings suggest that important dynamics may be missed by uncoupled modelling approaches, but that these can be captured through the combination of currently‐available, compatible model frameworks. Such model integrations are required to further fundamental understanding of socio‐ecological dynamics and thus improve management of socio‐ecological systems.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis of ecological time series   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wavelet analysis is a powerful tool that is already in use throughout science and engineering. The versatility and attractiveness of the wavelet approach lie in its decomposition properties, principally its time-scale localization. It is especially relevant to the analysis of non-stationary systems, i.e., systems with short-lived transient components, like those observed in ecological systems. Here, we review the basic properties of the wavelet approach for time-series analysis from an ecological perspective. Wavelet decomposition offers several advantages that are discussed in this paper and illustrated by appropriate synthetic and ecological examples. Wavelet analysis is notably free from the assumption of stationarity that makes most methods unsuitable for many ecological time series. Wavelet analysis also permits analysis of the relationships between two signals, and it is especially appropriate for following gradual change in forcing by exogenous variables.  相似文献   

Water pollution by agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agriculture disrupts all freshwater systems hugely from their pristine states. The former reductionist concept of pollution was of examining individual effects of particular substances on individual taxa or sub-communities in freshwater systems, an essentially ecotoxicological concept. It is now less useful than a more holistic approach that treats the impacts on the system as a whole and includes physical impacts such as drainage and physical modification of river channels and modification of the catchment as well as nutrient, particulate and biocide pollution. The European Water Framework Directive implicitly recognizes this in requiring restoration of water bodies to 'good ecological quality', which is defined as only slightly different from pristine state. The implications for the management of agriculture are far more profound than is currently widely realized.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic pressures increasingly alter natural systems. Therefore, understanding the resilience of agent-based complex systems such as ecosystems, i.e. their ability to absorb these pressures and sustain their functioning and services, is a major challenge. However, the mechanisms underlying resilience are still poorly understood. A main reason for this is the multidimensionality of both resilience, embracing the three fundamental stability properties recovery, resistance and persistence, and of the specific situations for which stability properties can be assessed. Agent-based models (ABM) complement empirical research which is, for logistic reasons, limited in coping with these multiple dimensions. Besides their ability to integrate multidimensionality through extensive manipulation in a fully controlled system, ABMs can capture the emergence of system resilience from individual interactions and feedbacks across different levels of organization. To assess the extent to which this potential of ABMs has already been exploited, we reviewed the state of the art in exploring resilience and its multidimensionality in ecological and socio-ecological systems with ABMs. We found that the potential of ABMs is not utilized in most models, as they typically focus on a single dimension of resilience by using variability as a proxy for persistence, and are limited to one reference state, disturbance type and scale. Moreover, only few studies explicitly test the ability of different mechanisms to support resilience. To overcome these limitations, we recommend to simultaneously assess multiple stability properties for different situations and under consideration of the mechanisms that are hypothesised to render a system resilient. This will help us to better exploit the potential of ABMs to understand and quantify resilience mechanisms, and hence support solving real-world problems related to the resilience of agent-based complex systems.  相似文献   

Spatial structure regulates and modifies processes at several levels of ecological organization (e.g. individual/genetic, population and community) and is thus a key component of complex systems, where knowledge at a small scale can be insufficient for understanding system behaviour at a larger scale. Recent syntheses outline potential applications of network theory to ecological systems, but do not address the implications of physical structure for network dynamics. There is a specific need to examine how dendritic habitat structure, such as that found in stream, hedgerow and cave networks, influences ecological processes. Although dendritic networks are one type of ecological network, they are distinguished by two fundamental characteristics: (1) both the branches and the nodes serve as habitat, and (2) the specific spatial arrangement and hierarchical organization of these elements interacts with a species' movement behaviour to alter patterns of population distribution and abundance, and community interactions. Here, we summarize existing theory relating to ecological dynamics in dendritic networks, review empirical studies examining the population- and community-level consequences of these networks, and suggest future research integrating spatial pattern and processes in dendritic systems.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are complex adaptive systems (CAS) by nature, which means that macroscopic patterns and properties emerge from, and feed back to affect, the interactions among adaptive individual ecological agents. These agents then further adapt (genetically) to the outcomes of those interactions. The concept of self-organization has become increasingly important for understanding ecosystem spatial heterogeneity and its consequences. It is well accepted that ecosystems can self-organize, and that resulting spatial structures carry functional consequences. Feedbacks from the outcome of spatial pattern to the individual agents from which patterns emerge, are an essential component of the definition of CAS but have been rarely examined for ecosystems. We explore whether spatial self-organization provides a mechanism for such feedback for ecosystems as CAS, that is, whether ecosystem-level outcomes of self-organized patterning could feed back to affect or even reinforce local pattern-forming processes at the agent level. Diffuse feedbacks of ecological and evolutionary significance ensue as a result of spatial heterogeneity and regular patterning, whether this spatial heterogeneity results from an underlying template effect or from self-organization. However, feedbacks directed specifically at pattern-forming agents to enhance pattern formation—reinforcing feedback—depend upon the level of organization of agents. Reinforcing evolutionary feedbacks occur at the individual level or below. At the ecosystem level, evidence for mechanisms of feedback from outcomes to patterning to agents forming the patterning remain tenuous. Spatial self-organization is a powerful dynamic in ecosystem and landscape science but feedbacks have been only loosely integrated so far. Self-organized patterns influencing dynamics at the ecosystem level represent “order for free”. Whether or not this free order generated at the ecosystem level carries evolutionary function or is merely epiphenomenal is a fundamental question that we address here.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology is a school of thought based, in part, upon a simple analogy between industrial systems and ecological systems in terms of their material and energy flows. This article argues for a more sophisticated connection between these diverse systems based on the fact that they are all complex self-organizing systems, operating far from thermodynamic equilibrium. As such, industrial and ecological systems have in common certain constraints and dynamic properties that move beyond the central metaphor of industrial ecology and could align these systems under a more comprehensive analytical framework. If incorporated at a fundamental level, the complex systems framework could add depth and sophistication to the field of industrial ecology.  相似文献   

The ratio of entropy generation rate to entropy embodied in structures relatively to the surroundings can be considered as an indicator of the ability of a self-organizing dissipative system to maintain itself far from equilibrium by pumping out entropy. The higher the ratio (which may be called the specific entropy production or the specific dissipation of a system), the lower the capacity of a system to convert the incoming low-entropy energy into internal organization. It appears that the ratio attains special significance for interpreting the evolution of biological systems, as the maximum expression of self-organizing systems, from the sub-cellular to the ecosystem scale. This paper proposes specific dissipation, written as the ratio of biological entropy production to exergy stored in the living biomass, as a thermodynamic orientor as well as an indicator of the development state of ecological systems. After having presented a method for estimating the specific dissipation in lakes, the adequacy of the proposed indicator is discussed and also tested by comparing its response to those of some classical ecological attributes (successional sequences of species, biodiversity, individual body size, structural organization and generation time of organisms) throughout the seasonal progression of the plankton community in Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, Italy). The results support the hypothesis that the minimization of specific dissipation is a primary criterion of evolution of ecological systems and also sustain the use of specific dissipation as an indicator of ecological maturity.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is inherent in extrapolating from effects upon the individual to alterations in ecological structure or function. Subtle differences in individuals within a population can give rise to significant evolutionary events. Populations are part of ecological structures, systems that are clearly complex, requiring an understanding of the interacting components, stochastic inputs and spatial scales. A series of patch-dynamic models is used to illustrate the importance of spatial arrangement and initial population size in predicting effects at a landscape level. The importance of understanding the spatial structure of a population in uncertainty reduction is addressed.  相似文献   

Describing resources and their relationships with organisms seems to be a useful approach to a ‘unified ecology’, contributing to fill the gap between natural and human oriented processes, and opening new perspectives in dealing with biological complexity. This Resource Criterion defines the main properties of resources, describes the mechanisms that link them to individual species, and gives a particular emphasis to the biosemiotic approach that allows resources to be identified inside a heterogeneous ecological medium adopting the eco-field model. In particular, this Criterion allows to couple matter, structured energy and information composing the ecological systems to the biosemiotic and cognitive mechanisms adopted by individual species to track resources, transforming neutral surroundings into meaningful species-specific Umwelten. The expansion of the human semiotic niche that is a relevant evolutionary process of the present time, assigns the role of powerful and efficient agency to the Resources Criterion to evaluate the effect of human intrusion into the natural systems with habits of key stone species, under the challenge of a growing use of alloctonous, immaterial and symbolic resources of the actual globalized societal models. The Resource Criterion interprets the ecological dynamics contributing to complete the epistemology of the ecology, to open a bridge toward economy and other societal sciences, and to contribute to formulate a General Theory of Resources.  相似文献   

Explaining the persistence of populations is an important quest in ecology, and is a modern manifestation of the balance of nature metaphor. Increasingly, however, ecologists see populations (and ecological systems generally) as not being in equilibrium or balance. The portrayal of ecological systems as “non-equilibrium” is seen as a strong alternative to deterministic or equilibrium ecology, but this approach fails to provide much theoretical or practical guidance, and warrants formalisation at a more fundamental level. This is available in adaptation theory, which allows population persistence to be explained as an epiphenomenon stemming from the maintenance, survival, movement and reproduction of individual organisms. These processes take place within a physicochemical and biotic environment that persists through structured annual cycles, but which is also spatiotemporally dynamic and subject to stochastic variation. The focus is thus shifted from the overproduction of offspring and the consequent density dependent population pressure thought to follow, to the adaptations and ecological circumstances that support those relatively few individuals that do survive.  相似文献   

Stability criteria have recently been developed for coevolutionary Lotka-Volterra systems where individual fitness functions are assumed to be linear in the population state. We extend these criteria as part of a general theory of coevolution (that combines effects of ecology and evolution) based on arbitrary (i.e. nonlinear) fitness functions and a finite number of individual phenotypes. The central role of the stationary density surface where species' densities are at equilibrium is emphasized. In particular, for monomorphic resident systems, it is shown coevolutionary stability is equivalent to ecological stability combined with evolutionary stability on the stationary density surface. Also discussed is how our theory relates to recent treatments of phenotypic coevolution via adaptive dynamics when there is a continuum of individual phenotypes.  相似文献   

Many real ecological systems show sudden changes in behavior, phenomena sometimes categorized as regime shifts in the literature. The relative importance of exogenous versus endogenous forces producing regime shifts is an important question. These forces’ role in generating variability over time in ecological systems has been explored using tools from dynamical systems. We use similar ideas to look at transients in simple ecological models as a way of understanding regime shifts. Based in part on the theory of crises, we carefully analyze a simple two patch spatial model and begin to understand from a mathematical point of view what produces transient behavior in ecological systems. In particular, since the tools are essentially qualitative, we are able to suggest that transient behavior should be ubiquitous in systems with overcompensatory local dynamics, and thus should be typical of many ecological systems. This work has been supported by NSF Grant EF-0434266.  相似文献   

Recently, Looijen & van Andel (1999) proposed a new definition of an ecological community by using two criteria: (1) restricting membership by taxonomic relatedness, and (2) defining boundaries by the intersection of the area of population range boundaries. I analyze the implications of their definition and explore the limitations of the approach. Overall, I show this definition to be highly scale-limited, to not encompass many ecological concepts developed for the community level, and to have hidden assumptions that are not met in natural systems. An alternative model of the ecological community is proposed as a contrast, a model based on the community of an individual, in which individuals and interactions are used to develop the larger entity of an ecological community. This alternative model illustrates that the principal problems Looijen & van Andel (1999) discussed about previous community concepts with respect to application to vegetation classification are not ‘problems’ but are characteristics of ecological communities. Any definition of an ecological community must be able to incorporate these characteristics as well as current ecological concepts used at the community level.  相似文献   

Analyzing complex dynamics of ecological systems is complicated by two important facts: First, phenotypic plasticity allows individual organisms to adapt their reaction norms in terms of morphology, anatomy, physiology and behavior to changing local environmental conditions and trophic relationships. Secondly, individual reactions and ecological dynamics are often determined by indirect interactions through reaction chains and networks involving feedback processes.

We present an agent-based modeling framework which allows to represent and analyze ecological systems that include phenotypic changes in individual performances and indirect interactions within heterogeneous and temporal changing environments. We denote this structure of interacting components as COmplex Interaction Network (COIN).

Three examples illustrate the potential of the system to analyze complex ecological processes that incorporate changing phenotypes on the individual level:

• A model on fish population dynamics of roach (Rutilus rutilus) leads to a differentiation in fish length resulting in a conspicuous distribution that influences reproduction capability and thus indirectly the fitness.

• Modeling the reproduction phase of the passerine bird Erithacus rubecula (European Robin) illustrates variation in the behavior of higher organisms in dependence of environmental factors. Changes in reproduction success and in the proportion of different activities are the results.

• The morphological reaction of plants to changes in fundamental environmental parameters is illustrated by the black alder (Alnus glutinosa) model. Specification of physiological processes and the interaction structure on the level of modules allow to represent the reaction to changes in irradiance and temperature accurately.

Applying the COIN-approach, individual plasticity emerges as a structural and functional implication in a self-organized manner. The examples illustrate the potential to integrate existing approaches to represent detailed and complex traits for higher order organisms and to combine ecological and evolutionary aspects.

Keywords: Phenotypic plasticity; Indirect interactions; Complex interaction networks (COIN); Agent-based modeling; Individual-based modeling; Plant morphology; Fish energetics; Time-energy budgets; Rutilus rutilus; Erithacus rubecula; Alnus glutinosa  相似文献   

Scaling up from measurements made at small spatial and short temporal scales is a central challenge in the ecological and related sciences, where predictions at larger scales and over long time periods are required. It involves two quite distinct aspects: a formulation of a theoretical framework for calculating space-time averages, and an acquisition of data to support that framework. In this paper, we address the theoretical part of the question, and although our primary motivation was an understanding of carbon accounting our formulation is more general. To that end, we adopt a dynamical systems approach, and incorporate a new dynamical formulation of self-thinning. We show how to calculate rates of change for total (and average) plant dry mass, volume, and carbon, in terms of the properties of the individual plants. The results emphasize how local scale statistics (such as, variation in the size of individuals) lead to nonlinear variation at larger scales. Further, we describe how regular and stochastic disturbance can be readily incorporated into this framework. It is shown that stochastic disturbance at patch-scales, results in (to first approximation) regular disturbance at ecosystem scales, and hence can be formulated as such. We conclude that a dynamical formulation of self-thinning can be used as a generic framework for scaling ecological processes in space and time.  相似文献   

River networks as biodiversity hotlines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For several years, measures to insure healthy river functions and to protect biodiversity have focused on management at the scale of drainage basins. Indeed, rivers bear witness to the health of their drainage basins, which justifies integrated basin management. However, this vision should not mask two other aspects of the protection of aquatic and riparian biodiversity as well as services provided by rivers. First, although largely depending on the ecological properties of the surrounding terrestrial environment, rivers are ecological systems by themselves, characterized by their linearity: they are organized in connected networks, complex and ever changing, open to the sea. Second, the structure and functions of river networks respond to manipulations of their hydrology, and are particularly vulnerable to climatic variations. Whatever the scale considered, river networks represent "hotlines" for sharing water between ecological and societal systems, as well as for preserving both systems in the face of global change. River hotlines are characterized by spatial as well as temporal legacies: every human impact to a river network may be transmitted far downstream from its point of origin, and may produce effects only after a more or less prolonged latency period. Here, I review some of the current issues of river ecology in light of the linear character of river networks.  相似文献   

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