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1. Macroscopic and single-channel currents through several types of cloned rat brain Na+ channels, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, were measured using the patch-clamp technique. 2. For all cloned channel types and for endogenous Na+ channels in chromaffin cells, intracellular Mg2+ blocks outward currents in a voltage-dependent manner similar to that in rat brain type II Na+ channel (Pusch et al. 1989). 3. A sodium-channel mutant (cZ-2) with long single-channel open times was used to examine the voltage-dependent reduction of single-channel outward current amplitudes by intracellular Mg2+. This reduction could be described by a simple blocking mechanism with half-maximal blockage at 0 mV in 1.8 mM intracellular Mg2+ and a voltage-dependence of e-fold per 39 mV (in 125 mM [Na] i ); this corresponds to a binding-site at an electrical distance of 0.32 from the inside of the membrane. 4. At low Mg2+ concentrations and high voltages, the open-channel current variance is significantly elevated with respect to zero [Mg] i . This indicates that Mg2+ acts as a fast blocker rather than gradually decreasing current, e.g. by screening of surface charges. Analysis of the open-channel variance yielded estimates of the block and unblock rate constants, which are of the order of 2 · 108 M–1 s–1 and 3.6 · 105 s–1 at 0 mV for the mutant cZ-2. 5. A quantitative analysis of tail-currents of wild-type 11 channels showed that the apparent affinity for intracellular Mg2+ strongly depends on [Na] i . This effect could be explained in terms of a multi-ion pore model. 6. Simulated action potentials, calculated on the basis of the Hodgkin-Huxley theory, are significantly reduced in their amplitude and delayed in their onset by postulating Mg2+ block at physiological levels of [Mg] i .abbreviations [Na]i intracellular Na+ concentration - [K] i intracellular K+ concentration - [Mg] i intracellular Mg2+ concentration - HEPES N-2-hydroxylethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-[\-amino-ethyl ether] N,N-tetra acetic acid - TEA tetraethylammonium  相似文献   

Shaker B potassium channels undergo rapid N-type and slow C-type inactivation. While N-type inactivation is supposed to be mediated by occlusion of the pore by the N-terminal protein structure, the molecular mechanisms leading to C-type inactivation are less well understood. Considering N-type inactivation as a model for a protein conformational transition, we investigated inactivation of heterologously expressed Shaker B potassium channels and mutants thereof, showing various degrees of C-type inactivation, under high hydrostatic (oil) pressure. In addition to the derived apparent activation and reaction volumes (ΔV), experiments at various temperatures yielded estimates for enthalpic (ΔH) and entropic (TΔS) contributions. N-type inactivation was accelerated by increasing temperature and slowed by high hydrostatic pressure yielding at equilibrium ΔH = 76 kJ/mole, TΔS = 82 kJ/mole, and ΔV = 0.18 nm3 indicating that the transition to the N-type inactivated state is accompanied by an increase in volume and a decrease in order. N-terminally deleted ShΔ6–46 constructs with additional mutations at either position 449 or 463 were used to investigate C-type inactivation. In particular at high temperatures, inactivation occurred in two phases indicating more than one process. At equilibrium the following values were estimated for the major inactivation component of mutant ShΔ6–46 T449A: ΔH = –64 kJ/mole, TΔS = –60 kJ/mole, and ΔV = –0.25 nm3, indicating that the C-type inactivated state occupies a smaller volume and is more ordered than the noninactivated state. Thus, hydrostatic pressure affects N- and C-type inactivation in opposite ways. Received: 17 May 1997 / Accepted: 18 July 1997  相似文献   

The single-channel kinetics of extracellular Mg(2+) block was used to probe K(+) binding sites in the permeation pathway of rat recombinant NR1/NR2B NMDA receptor channels. K(+) binds to three sites: two that are external and one that is internal to the site of Mg(2+) block. The internal site is approximately 0.84 through the electric field from the extracellular surface. The equilibrium dissociation constant for this site for K(+) is 304 mM at 0 mV and with Mg(2+) in the pore. The occupancy of any one of the three sites by K(+) effectively prevents the association of extracellular Mg(2+). Occupancy of the internal site also prevents Mg(2+) permeation and increases (by approximately sevenfold) the rate constant for Mg(2+) dissociation back to the extracellular solution. Under physiological intracellular ionic conditions and at -60 mV, there is approximately 1,400-fold apparent decrease in the affinity of the channel for extracellular Mg(2+) and approximately 2-fold enhancement of the apparent voltage dependence of Mg(2+) block caused by the voltage dependence of K(+) occupancy of the external and internal sites.  相似文献   

Recent molecular dynamic simulations and electrostatic calculations suggested that the external TEA binding site in K+ channels is outside the membrane electric field. However, it has been known for some time that external TEA block of Shaker K+ channels is voltage dependent. To reconcile these two results, we reexamined the voltage dependence of block of Shaker K+ channels by external TEA. We found that the voltage dependence of TEA block all but disappeared in solutions in which K+ ions were replaced by Rb+. These and other results with various concentrations of internal K+ and Rb+ ions suggest that the external TEA binding site is not within the membrane electric field and that the voltage dependence of TEA block in K+ solutions arises through a coupling with the movement of K+ ions through part of the membrane electric field. Our results suggest that external TEA block is coupled to two opposing voltage-dependent movements of K+ ions in the pore: (a) an inward shift of the average position of ions in the selectivity filter equivalent to a single ion moving approximately 37% into the pore from the external surface; and (b) a movement of internal K+ ions into a vestibule binding site located approximately 13% into the membrane electric field measured from the internal surface. The minimal voltage dependence of external TEA block in Rb+ solutions results from a minimal occupancy of the vestibule site by Rb+ ions and because the energy profile of the selectivity filter favors a more inward distribution of Rb+ occupancy.  相似文献   

Classical electrophysiology and contemporary crystallography suggest that the activation gate of voltage-dependent channels is on the intracellular side, but a more extracellular "pore gate" has also been proposed. We have used the voltage dependence of block by extracellular Y(3+) as a tool to locate the activation gate of the alpha1G (Ca(V)3.1) T-type calcium channel. Y(3+) block exhibited no clear voltage dependence from -40 to +40 mV (50% block at 25 nM), but block was relieved rapidly by stronger depolarization. Reblock of the open channel, reflected in accelerated tail currents, was fast and concentration dependent. Closed channels were also blocked by Y(3+) at a concentration-dependent rate, only eightfold slower than open-channel block. When extracellular Ca(2+) was replaced with Ba(2+), the rate of open block by Y(3+) was unaffected, but closed block was threefold faster than in Ca(2+), suggesting the slower closed-block rate reflects ion-ion interactions in the pore rather than an extracellularly located gate. Since an extracellular blocker can rapidly enter the closed pore, the primary activation gate must be on the intracellular side of the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

Blockade of the KcsA potassium channel by externally applied tetraethylammonium is investigated using molecular dynamics calculations and Brownian dynamics simulations. In KcsA, the aromatic rings of four tyrosine residues located just external to the selectivity filter create an attractive energy well or a binding cage for a tetraethylammonium molecule. We first investigate the effects of re-orienting the four tyrosine residues such that the centers of the aromatic rings face the tetraethylammonium molecule directly. Then, we systematically move the residues inward in both orientations so that the radius of the binding cage formed by them becomes smaller. For each configuration, we construct a one-dimensional free energy profile by bringing in a tetraethylammonium molecule from the external reservoir toward the selectivity filter. The free energy profile is then converted to a one-dimensional potential energy profile, taking the available space between the tyrosine residues and the tetraethylammonium molecule into account. Incorporating this potential energy profile into the Brownian dynamics algorithm, we determine the conductance properties of the channel under various conditions, construct the current-tetraethylammonium-concentration curve and compare it with the experimentally determined inhibitory constant ki for externally applied tetraethylammonium. We show that the experimentally determined binding affinity for externally applied tetraethylammonium can be replicated when each of the four tyrosine residues is moved inward by about 0.7 Å, irrespective of orientation of their aromatic rings.  相似文献   

We studied the activation properties of members of the Shaker-related subfamily of voltage-gated K+ channels cloned from rat brain and expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We find that Kv1.1, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, and Kv1.6 have similar activation and deactivation kinetics. The K+ currents produced by step depolarisations increase with a sigmoidal time course that can be described by a delay and by the derivative of the current at the inflection point. The delay tends to zero and the logarithmic derivative seems to approach a finite value at large positive voltages, but these asymptotic values are not yet reached at +80 mV. Deactivation of the currents upon stepping to negative membrane potentials below -60 mV is fairly well described by a single exponential. The decrease of the deactivation time constant at increasingly negative voltages tends to become less steep, indicating that this parameter also has a finite limiting value, which is not yet reached, however, at –160 mV The various clones studied have very similar voltage dependencies of activation with half-activation voltages ranging between –50 and –11 mV and maximum steepness yielding an e-fold change for voltage increments between 3.8 and 7.0 mV The shallower activation curve of Kv1.4 is likely to be due to coupling with the fast inactivation process present in this clone. Correspondence to: O. Moran  相似文献   

Basic electrophysiological properties of the KcsA K(+) channel were examined in planar lipid bilayer membranes. The channel displays open-state rectification and weakly voltage-dependent gating. Tetraethylammonium blocking affinity depends on the side of the bilayer to which the blocker is added. Addition of Na(+) to the trans chamber causes block of open-channel current, while addition to the cis side has no effect. Most striking is the activation of KcsA by protons; channel activity is observed only when the trans bilayer chamber is at low pH. To ascertain which side of the channel faces which chamber, residues with structurally known locations were mapped to defined sides of the bilayer. Mutation of Y82, an external residue, results in changes in tetraethylammonium affinity exclusively from the cis side. Channels with cysteine residues substituted at externally exposed Y82 or internally exposed Q119 are functionally modified by methanethiosulfonate reagents from the cis or trans chambers, respectively. Block by charybdotoxin, known to bind to the channel's external mouth, is observed only when the toxin is added to the cis side of channels mutated to be toxin sensitive. These results demonstrate unambiguously that the protonation sites linked to gating are on the intracellular portion of the KcsA protein.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction between TEA and K+ ions in the pore of Shaker potassium channels. We found that the ability of external TEA to antagonize block of Shaker channels by internal TEA depended on internal K+ ions. In contrast, this antagonism was independent of external K+ concentrations between 0.2 and 40 mM. The external TEA antagonism of internal TEA block increased linearly with the concentration of internal K+ ions. In addition, block by external TEA was significantly enhanced by increases in the internal K+ concentration. These results suggested that external TEA ions do not directly antagonize internal TEA, but rather promote increased occupancy of an internal K+ site by inhibiting the emptying of that site to the external side of the pore. We found this mechanism to be quantitatively consistent with the results and revealed an intrinsic affinity of the site for K+ ions near 65 mM located approximately 7% into the membrane electric field from the internal end of the pore. We also found that the voltage dependence of block by internal TEA was influenced by internal K+ ions. The TEA site (at 0 internal K+) appeared to sense approximately 5% of the field from the internal end of the pore (essentially colocalized with the internal K+ site). These results lead to a refined picture of the number and location of ion binding sites at the inner end of the pore in Shaker K channels.  相似文献   

The properties of one ATP-inhibited and one Ca2+-dependent K+ channel were investigated by the patch-clamp technique in the soma membrane of leech Retzius neurons in primary culture. Both channels rectify at negative potentials. The ATP-inhibited K+ channel with a mean conductance of 112 pS is reversibly blocked by ATP (K i = 100 m), TEA (K i =0.8 mm) and 10 mm Ba2+ and irreversibly blocked by 10 nm glibenclamide and 10 m tolbutamide. It is Ca2+ and voltage independent. Its open state probability (P o) decreases significantly when the pH at the cytoplasmic face of inside-out patches is altered from physiological to acid pH values. The Ca2+-dependent K+ channel with a mean conductance of 114 pS shows a bell-shaped Ca2+ dependence of P o with a maximum at pCa 7–8 at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The P o is voltage independent at the physiologically relevant V range. Ba2+ (10 mm) reduces the single channel amplitude by around 25% (ATP, TEA, glibenclamide, tolbutamide, and Ba2+ were applied to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane).We conclude that the ATP-dependent K+ channel may play a role in maintaining the membrane potential constant—independently from the energy state of the cell. The Ca2+-dependent K+ channel may play a role in generating the resting membrane potential of leech Retzius neurons as it shows maximum activity at the physiological intracellular Ca2+ concentration.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (W.-R. Schlue) and by a fellowship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (G. Frey). We thank Dr. Draeger (Hoechst AG) for the gift of glibenclamide. The data are part of a future Ph.D. thesis of G. Frey.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the KcsA channel at different [K(+)] and [Rb(+)] provided insight into how K(+) channels might achieve high selectivity and high K(+) transit rates and showed marked differences between the occupancies of the two ions within the ion channel pore. In this study, the binding of kappa-conotoxin PVIIA (kappa-PVIIA) to Shaker K(+) channel in the presence of K(+) and Rb(+) was investigated. It is demonstrated that the complex results obtained were largely rationalized by differences in selectivity filter occupancy of this 6TM channels as predicted from the structural work on KcsA. kappa-PVIIA inhibition of the Shaker K(+) channel differs in the closed and open state. When K(+) is the only permeant ion, increasing extracellular [K(+)] decreases kappa-PVIIA affinity for closed channels by decreasing the "on" binding rate, but has no effect on the block of open channels, which is influenced only by the intracellular [K(+)]. In contrast, extracellular [Rb(+)] affects both closed- and open-channel binding. As extracellular [Rb(+)] increases, (a) binding to the closed channel is slightly destabilized and acquires faster kinetics, and (b) open channel block is also destabilized and the lowest block seems to occur when the pore is likely filled only by Rb(+). These results suggest that the nature of the permeant ions determines both the occupancy and the location of the pore site from which they interact with kappa-PVIIA binding. Thus, our results suggest that the permeant ion(s) within a channel pore can determine its functional and pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated EAG2 channel is abundant in the brain and enhances cancer cell growth by controlling cell volume. The channel contains a cyclic nucleotide-binding homology (CNBH) domain and multiple calmodulin-binding motifs. Here we show that a raised intracellular Ca2+ concentration causes proteolytic digestion of heterologously expressed and native EAG2 channels. A treatment of EAG2-expressing cells with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 for 1 h reduces the full-length protein by ∼80% with a concomitant appearance of 30–35-kDa peptides. Similarly, a treatment with the Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin for 3 h removes 30–35-kDa peptides from ∼1/3 of the channel protein. Moreover, an incubation of the isolated rat brain membrane with CaCl2 leads to the generation of fragments with similar sizes. This Ca2+-induced digestion is not seen with EAG1. Mutations in a C-terminal calmodulin-binding motif alter the degrees and positions of the cleavage. Truncated channels that mimic the digested proteins exhibit a reduced current density and altered channel gating. In particular, these shorter channels lack a rapid activation typical in EAG channels with more than 20-mV positive shifts in voltage dependence of activation. The truncation also eliminates the ability of EAG2 channel to reduce cell volume. These results suggest that a sustained increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration leads to proteolytic cleavage at the C-terminal cytosolic region following the CNBH domain by altering its interaction with calmodulin. The observed Ca2+-induced proteolytic cleavage of EAG2 channel may act as an adaptive response under physiological and/or pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The pore properties and the reciprocal interactions between permeant ions and the gating of KCNQ channels are poorly understood. Here we used external barium to investigate the permeation characteristics of homomeric KCNQ1 channels. We assessed the Ba(2+) binding kinetics and the concentration and voltage dependence of Ba(2+) steady-state block. Our results indicate that extracellular Ba(2+) exerts a series of complex effects, including a voltage-dependent pore blockade as well as unique gating alterations. External barium interacts with the permeation pathway of KCNQ1 at two discrete and nonsequential sites. (a) A slow deep Ba(2+) site that occludes the channel pore and could be simulated by a model of voltage-dependent block. (b) A fast superficial Ba(2+) site that barely contributes to channel block and mostly affects channel gating by shifting rightward the voltage dependence of activation, slowing activation, speeding up deactivation kinetics, and inhibiting channel inactivation. A model of voltage-dependent block cannot predict the complex impact of Ba(2+) on channel gating in low external K(+) solutions. Ba(2+) binding to this superficial site likely modifies the gating transitions states of KCNQ1. Both sites appear to reside in the permeation pathway as high external K(+) attenuates Ba(2+) inhibition of channel conductance and abolishes its impact on channel gating. Our data suggest that despite the high degree of homology of the pore region among the various K(+) channels, KCNQ1 channels display significant structural and functional uniqueness.  相似文献   

The antiarrhythmic agent flecainide appears beneficial for painful congenital myotonia and LQT-3/DeltaKPQ syndrome. Both diseases manifest small but persistent late Na+ currents in skeletal or cardiac myocytes. Flecainide may therefore block late Na+ currents for its efficacy. To investigate this possibility, we characterized state-dependent block of flecainide in wild-type and inactivation-deficient rNav1.4 muscle Na+ channels (L435W/L437C/A438W) expressed with beta1 subunits in Hek293t cells. The flecainide-resting block at -140 mV was weak for wild-type Na+ channels, with an estimated 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 365 micro M when the cell was not stimulated for 1,000 s. At 100 micro M flecainide, brief monitoring pulses of +30 mV applied at frequencies as low as 1 per 60 s, however, produced an approximately 70% use-dependent block of peak Na+ currents. Recovery from this use-dependent block followed an exponential function, with a time constant over 225 s at -140 mV. Inactivated wild-type Na+ channels interacted with flecainide also slowly at -50 mV, with a time constant of 7.9 s. In contrast, flecainide blocked the open state of inactivation-deficient Na+ channels potently as revealed by its rapid time-dependent block of late Na+ currents. The IC50 for flecainide open-channel block at +30 mV was 0.61 micro M, right within the therapeutic plasma concentration range; on-rate and off-rate constants were 14.9 micro M-1s-1 and 12.2 s-1, respectively. Upon repolarization to -140 mV, flecainide block of inactivation-deficient Na+ channels recovered, with a time constant of 11.2 s, which was approximately 20-fold faster than that of wild-type counterparts. We conclude that flecainide directly blocks persistent late Na+ currents with a high affinity. The fast-inactivation gate, probably via its S6 docking site, may further stabilize the flecainide-receptor complex in wild-type Na+ channels.  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular and intracellular Na(+) on the single-channel kinetics of Mg(2+) block was studied in recombinant NR1-NR2B NMDA receptor channels. Na(+) prevents Mg(2+) access to its blocking site by occupying two sites in the external portion of the permeation pathway. The occupancy of these sites by intracellular, but not extracellular, Na(+) is voltage-dependent. In the absence of competing ions, Mg(2+) binds rapidly (>10(8) M(-1)s(-1), with no membrane potential) to a site that is located 0.60 through the electric field from the extracellular surface. Occupancy of one of the external sites by Na(+) may be sufficient to prevent Mg(2+) dissociation from the channel back to the extracellular compartment. With no membrane potential; and in the absence of competing ions, the Mg(2+) dissociation rate constant is >10 times greater than the Mg(2+) permeation rate constant, and the Mg(2+) equilibrium dissociation constant is approximately 12 microM. Physiological concentrations of extracellular Na(+) reduce the Mg(2+) association rate constant approximately 40-fold but, because of the "lock-in" effect, reduce the Mg(2+) equilibrium dissociation constant only approximately 18-fold.  相似文献   

Copper is an essential trace element that may serve as a signaling molecule in the nervous system. Here we show that extracellular Cu2+ is a potent inhibitor of BK and Shaker K+ channels. At low micromolar concentrations, Cu2+ rapidly and reversibly reduces macrosocopic K+ conductance (G(K)) evoked from mSlo1 BK channels by membrane depolarization. GK is reduced in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 and Hill coefficient of 2 microM and 1.0, respectively. Saturating 100 microM Cu2+ shifts the GK-V relation by +74 mV and reduces G(Kmax) by 27% without affecting single channel conductance. However, 100 microM Cu2+ fails to inhibit GK when applied during membrane depolarization, suggesting that Cu2+ interacts poorly with the activated channel. Of other transition metal ions tested, only Zn2+ and Cd2+ had significant effects at 100 microM with IC(50)s > 0.5 mM, suggesting the binding site is Cu2+ selective. Mutation of external Cys or His residues did not alter Cu2+ sensitivity. However, four putative Cu2+-coordinating residues were identified (D133, Q151, D153, and R207) in transmembrane segments S1, S2, and S4 of the mSlo1 voltage sensor, based on the ability of substitutions at these positions to alter Cu2+ and/or Cd2+ sensitivity. Consistent with the presence of acidic residues in the binding site, Cu2+ sensitivity was reduced at low extracellular pH. The three charged positions in S1, S2, and S4 are highly conserved among voltage-gated channels and could play a general role in metal sensitivity. We demonstrate that Shaker, like mSlo1, is much more sensitive to Cu2+ than Zn2+ and that sensitivity to these metals is altered by mutating the conserved positions in S1 or S4 or reducing pH. Our results suggest that the voltage sensor forms a state- and pH-dependent, metal-selective binding pocket that may be occupied by Cu2+ at physiologically relevant concentrations to inhibit activation of BK and other channels.  相似文献   

C-type inactivation in the HERG channel is unique among voltage-gated K channels in having extremely fast kinetics and strong voltage sensitivity. This suggests that HERG may have a unique outer mouth structure (where conformational changes underlie C-type inactivation), and/or a unique communication between the outer mouth and the voltage sensor. We use cysteine-scanning mutagenesis and thiol-modifying reagents to probe the structural and functional role of the S5-P (residues 571-613) and P-S6 (residues 631-638) linkers of HERG that line the outer vestibule of the channel. Disulfide formation involving introduced cysteine side chains or modification of side chain properties at "high-impact" positions produces a common mutant phenotype: disruption of C-type inactivation, reduction of K+ selectivity, and hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage-dependence of activation. In particular, we identify 15 consecutive positions in the middle of the S5-P linker (583-597) where side chain modification has marked impact on channel function. Analysis of the degrees of mutation-induced perturbation in channel function along 583-597 reveals an alpha-helical periodicity. Furthermore, the effects of MTS modification suggest that the NH2-terminal of this segment (position 584) may be very close to the pore entrance. We propose a structural model for the outer vestibule of the HERG channel, in which the 583-597 segment forms an alpha-helix. With the NH2 terminus of this helix sitting at the edge of the pore entrance, the length of the helix (approximately 20 A) allows its other end to reach and interact with the voltage-sensing domain. Therefore, the "583-597 helix" in the S5-P linker of the HERG channel serves as a bridge of communication between the outer mouth and the voltage sensor, that may make important contribution to the unique C-type inactivation phenotype.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress in the molecular characterization of high-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (maxi-K) channels, the molecular identities of intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, including that of mature erythrocytes, remains unknown. We have used various peptide toxins to characterize the intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (Gardos pathway) of human and rabbit red cells. With studies on K+ transport and on binding of 125I-charybdotoxin (ChTX) and 125I-kaliotoxin (KTX) binding in red cells, we provide evidence for the distinct nature of the red cell Gardos channel among described Ca2+-activated K+ channels based on (i) the characteristic inhibition and binding patterns produced by ChTX analogues, iberiotoxin (IbTX) and IbTX-like ChTX mutants, and KTX (1–37 and 1–38 variants); (ii) the presence of some properties heretofore attributed only to voltage-gated channels, including inhibition of K transport by margatoxin (MgTX) and by stichodactyla toxin (StK); (iii) and the ability of scyllatoxin (ScyTX) and apamin to displace bound 125I-charybdotoxin, a novel property for K+ channels. These unusual pharmacological characteristics suggest a unique structure for the red cell Gardos channel.We thank Dr. Chris Miller of Brandeis University for generously providing recombinant ChTX mutants, Dr. Maria Garcia of Merck Research Laboratories for MgTX and Dr. Regine Romi of Laboratoire d'Ingenierie des Proteines (Marseille, France) for synthetic KTX,1–37 and KTX,1–38. This research was supported by grant HL-15157 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

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