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The Hox code of jawed vertebrates is characterized by the colinear and rostrocaudally nested expression of Hox genes in pharyngeal arches, hindbrain, somites, and limb/fin buds. To gain insights into the evolutionary path leading to the gnathostome Hox code, we have systematically analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox gene complement in an agnathan species, Lethenteron japonicum (Lj). We have isolated 15 LjHox genes and assigned them to paralogue groups (PG) 1-11, based on their deduced amino acid sequences. LjHox expression during development displayed gnathostome-like spatial patterns with respect to the PG numbers. Specifically, lamprey PG1-3 showed homologous expression patterns in the rostral hindbrain and pharyngeal arches to their gnathostome counterparts. Moreover, PG9-11 genes were expressed specifically in the tailbud, implying its posteriorizing activity as those in gnathostomes. We conclude that these gnathostome-like colinear spatial patterns of LjHox gene expression can be regarded as one of the features already established in the common ancestor of living vertebrates. In contrast, we did not find evidence for temporal colinearity in the onset of LjHox expression. The genomic and developmental characteristics of Hox genes from different chordate species are also compared, focusing on evolution of the complex body plan of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Retinoid signaling has been implicated in embryonic stem cell differentiation. Here we present a systematic analysis of gene expression changes in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), during their spontaneous differentiation into embryoid bodies and the effect of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on this process. We show that retinoic acid is present in the serum and is sufficient to activate retinoid signaling at a basal level in undifferentiated mESCs. This signal disappears during embryoid body formation. However exogenously added ATRA resets the spontaneous differentiation programs in embryoid bodies and initiates a distinct genetic program. These data suggest that retinoid signaling not only promotes a particular pathway but also acts as a context dependent general coordinator of the differentiation states in embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Because of their importance for proper development of the bilaterian embryo, Hox genes have taken center stage for investigations into the evolution of bilaterian metazoans. Taxonomic surveys of major protostome taxa have shown that Hox genes are also excellent phylogenetic markers, as specific Hox genes are restricted to one of the two great protostome clades, the Lophotrochozoa or the Ecdysozoa, and thus support the phylogenetic relationships as originally deduced by 18S rDNA studies. Deuterostomes are the third major group of bilaterians and consist of three major phyla, the echinoderms, the hemichordates, and the chordates. Most morphological studies have supported Hemichordata+Chordata, whereas molecular studies support Echinodermata+Hemichordata, a clade known as Ambulacraria. To test these competing hypotheses, complete or near complete cDNAs of eight Hox genes and four Parahox genes were isolated from the enteropneust hemichordate Ptychodera flava. Only one copy of each Hox gene was isolated suggesting that the Hox genes of P. flava are arranged in a single cluster. Of particular importance is the isolation of three posterior or Abd-B Hox genes; these genes are only shared with echinoderms, and thus support the monophyly of Ambulacraria.  相似文献   

We report a novel developmental mechanism. Anterior-posterior positional information for the vertebrate trunk is generated by sequential interactions between a timer in the early non-organiser mesoderm and the organiser. The timer is characterised by temporally colinear activation of a series of Hox genes in the early ventral and lateral mesoderm (i.e., the non-organiser mesoderm) of the Xenopus gastrula. This early Hox gene expression is transient, unless it is stabilised by signals from the Spemann organiser. The non-organiser mesoderm and the Spemann organiser undergo timed interactions during gastrulation which lead to the formation of an anterior-posterior axis and stable Hox gene expression. When separated from each other, neither non-organiser mesoderm nor the Spemann organiser is able to induce anterior-posterior pattern formation of the trunk. We present a model describing that convergence and extension continually bring new cells from the non-organiser mesoderm within the range of organiser signals and thereby create patterned axial structures. In doing so, the age of the non-organiser mesoderm, but not the age of the organiser, defines positional values along the anterior-posterior axis. We postulate that the temporal information from the non-organiser mesoderm is linked to mesodermal Hox expression.  相似文献   

Cho SJ  Vallès Y  Kim KM  Ji SC  Han SJ  Park SC 《Gene》2012,493(2):260-266
Annelida is a lophotrochozoan phylum whose members have a high degree of diversity in body plan morphology, reproductive strategies and ecological niches among others.Of the two traditional classes pertaining to the phylum Annelida (Polychaete and Clitellata), the structure and function of the Hox genes has not been clearly defined within the Oligochaeta class. Using a PCR-based survey, we were able to identify five new Hox genes from the earthworm Perionyx excavatus: a Hox3 gene (Pex-Hox3b), two Dfd genes (Pex-Lox6 and Pex-Lox18), and two posterior genes (Pex-post1 and -post2a). Our result suggests that the eleven earthworm Hox genes contain at least four paralog groups (PG) that have duplicated. We found the clitellates-diagnostic signature residues and annelid signature motif. Also, we show by semi-quantitative RT-PCR that duplicated Hox gene orthologs are differentially expressed in six different anterior-posterior body regions. These results provide essential data for comparative evolution of the Hox cluster within the Annelida.  相似文献   

We cloned eight Hox genes (MrHox1, MrHox2, MrHox4, MrHox5, MrHox7, MrHox8, MrHox9/10, and MrHox11/13c) from the sea lily Metacrinus rotundus, a member of the most basal group of the extant echinoderms. At the auricularia stage, before the formation of the pentaradial rudiment, four MrHox genes were expressed sequentially along the anteroposterior (AP) axis in the straightened mesodermal somatocoels in the order MrHox5, MrHox7, MrHox8, and MrHox9/10. The expression of MrHox7 and MrHox8 was detected as early as the hatching stage in the presumptive somatocoel region of the archenteral sac. MrHox5 was expressed in the anteriormost region of the somatocoels, where a stalk-related structure (the chambered organ) forms later. In addition to the mesodermal somatocoels, MrHox7 was expressed in the oral hood ectoderm, which gives rise to the adhesive pit. The expression of four other MrHox genes (MrHox1, MrHox2, MrHox4, and MrHox11/13c) was not detected in any of the larval stages we examined. In comparison with the mesodermal sea urchin Hox genes, the MrHox genes are expressed more posteriorly along the AP (oral–anal) axis than the sea urchin orthologs, implying that the evolution of the eleutherozoans was accompanied by a posteriorization of the larval body. Our study illuminates the possible body plan and Hox expression patterns of the ancestral echinoderm and sheds light on the larval body plan of the last common ancestor of the echinoderms and chordates.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans contains a set of six cluster-type homeobox (Hox) genes that are required during larval development. Some of them, but unlike in flies not all of them, are also required during embryogenesis. It has been suggested that the control of the embryonic expression of the worm Hox genes might differ from that of other species by being regulated in a lineal rather than a regional mode. Here, we present a trans-species analysis of the cis-regulatory region of ceh-13, the worm ortholog of the Drosophila labial and the vertebrate Hox1 genes, and find that the molecular mechanisms that regulate its expression may be similar to what has been found in species that follow a regulative, non-cell-autonomous mode of development. We have identified two enhancer fragments that are involved in different aspects of the embryonic ceh-13 expression pattern. We show that important features of comma-stage expression depend on an autoregulatory input that requires ceh-13 and ceh-20 functions. Our data show that the molecular nature of Hox1 class gene autoregulation has been conserved between worms, flies, and vertebrates. The second regulatory sequence is sufficient to drive correct early embryonic expression of ceh-13. Interestingly, this enhancer fragment acts as a response element of the Wnt/WG signaling pathway in Drosophila embryos.  相似文献   

Hox genes are highly conserved segmental identity genes well known for their complex expression patterns and divergent targets. Here we present an analysis of cis-regulatory elements in the Caenorhabditis elegans Hox gene egl-5, which is expressed in multiple tissues in the posterior region of the nematode. We have utilized phylogenetic footprinting to efficiently identify cis-regulatory elements and have characterized these with gfp reporters and tissue-specific rescue experiments. We have found that the complex expression pattern of egl-5 is the cumulative result of the activities of multiple tissue or local region-specific activator sequences that are conserved both in sequence and near-perfect order in the related nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae. Two conserved regulatory blocks analyzed in detail contain multiple sites for both positively and negatively acting factors. One of these regions may promote activation of egl-5 in certain cells via the Wnt pathway. Positively acting regions are repressed in inappropriate tissues by additional negative pathways acting at other sites within the promoter. Our analysis has allowed us to implicate several new regulatory factors significant to the control of egl-5 expression.  相似文献   

Ahn D  Ho RK 《Developmental biology》2008,322(1):220-233
During development of the limbs, Hox genes belonging to the paralogous groups 9-13 are expressed in three distinct phases, which play key roles in the segmental patterning of limb skeletons. In teleost fishes, which have a very different organization in their fin skeletons, it is not clear whether a similar patterning mechanism is at work. To determine whether Hox genes are also expressed in several distinct phases during teleost paired fin development, we re-analyzed the expression patterns of hox9-13 genes during development of pectoral fins in zebrafish. We found that, similar to tetrapod Hox genes, expression of hoxa/d genes in zebrafish pectoral fins occurs in three distinct phases, in which the most distal/third phase is correlated with the development of the most distal structure of the fin, the fin blade. Like in tetrapods, hox gene expression in zebrafish pectoral fins during the distal/third phase is dependent upon sonic hedgehog signaling (hoxa and hoxd genes) and the presence of a long-range enhancer (hoxa genes), which indicates that the regulatory mechanisms underlying tri-phasic expression of Hox genes have remained relatively unchanged during evolution. Our results suggest that, although simpler in organization, teleost fins do have a distal structure that might be considered comparable to the autopod region of limbs.  相似文献   

Lineage-specific regulatory elements underlie adaptation of species and play a role in disease susceptibility. We compared functionally conserved and lineage-specific enhancers by cross-mapping 5042 human and 6564 mouse heart enhancers. Of these, 79 per cent are lineage-specific, lacking a functional orthologue. Heart enhancers tend to cluster and, commonly, there are multiple heart enhancers in a heart locus providing a regulatory stability to the locus. We observed little cross-clustering, however, between lineage-specific and functionally conserved heart enhancers suggesting regulatory function acquisition and development in loci previously lacking heart activity. We also identified 862 human-specific heart enhancers: 417 featuring sequence conservation with mouse (class II) and 445 with neither sequence nor function conservation (class III). Ninety-eight per cent of class III enhancers were deleted from the mouse genome, and we estimated a similar-sized enhancer gain in the human lineage. Human-specific enhancers display no detectable decrease in the negative selection pressure and are strongly associated with genes partaking in the heart regulatory programmes. The loss of a heart enhancer could be compensated by activity of a redundant heart enhancer; however, we observed redundancy in only 15 per cent of class II and III enhancer loci indicating a large-scale reprogramming of the heart regulatory programme in mammals.  相似文献   

Retinogenesis is a developmental process that is tightly regulated both temporally and spatially and is therefore an excellent model system for studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurogenesis in the central nervous system. Understanding of these events in vivo is greatly facilitated by the availability of mouse mutant models, including those with natural or targeted mutations and those with conditional knockout or forced expression of genes. This article reviews these genetic modifications and their contribution to the study of retinogenesis in mammals, with special emphasis on conditional gene targeting approaches.  相似文献   

Summary Nucleolus-associated bodies (NABs) occur in interphase nuclei of many plant species. The present work shows that, inZea mays, NABs are present in dry seeds as well as in germinating tissues. The frequency of these nuclear bodies remains more or less constant during the first 24 h of imbibition but decreases significantly during the next 24 h. By the time the nucleolus reaches maturation and contains granular zones, these bodies are still found in close association with the surface of this organelle, as is the case in mature root meristematic cells. Immunocytochemical observations on both dry seeds and germinating tissues further revealed that NABs reacted positively with a monoclonal antibody (mAbK121) recognizing the m3G cap of sn(small nuclear)RNAs. It is, therefore, concluded that the NABs present in such tissues already contain components characterizing snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins) in mature tissues. The possible function of NABs as storage deposits of snRNPs in dry seeds and early germinating tissues is discussed. In view of their many similarities with the coiled bodies described in both animal and plant cells, it is most likely that NABs correspond to those structures.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DABCO 1,4-diazabicyclo (2.2.2)octane - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - IgM immunoglobulin M - NAB nucleolus-associated body - AO acridine orange - NAC nucleolus-associated chromatin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - snRNA small nuclear ribonucleic acid - snRNP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein  相似文献   

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