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Early development of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri was divided into two different phases, the prelarval stage between hatching (10·4–11·1 mm LT) and first feeding (19·6–21·0 mm LT), and the larval stage between the initiation of external feeding and metamorphosis (28·6–32·4 mm LT). Morphogenesis and differentiation were more intense during the prelarval than larval and early juvenile stages; the prelarval period was characterized by the replacement of embryonic adaptations and functions by definitive ones, such as branchial respiration, exogenous feeding, and active swimming. The positive allometry of the head for feeding, sensorial and respiratory functions (inflexion point at 20·0 mm LT), and the tail for reducing costs of transport, routine swimming and escape reactions from predators (inflexion point at 20·2 mm LT) confirmed the hypothesis that growth patterns of early life stages closely match specific needs.  相似文献   

We investigated acoustic and visual communication concurrently in wild caught adult and captive-born, first generation offspring of the East African Rift Lake cichlid fish Tramitichromis intermedius. Only males emit sound during courtship. Sound production is always accompanied by quivering, but quiver behavior is not always accompanied by sound. This separation of quivering and sound supports the hypothesis that sound production is intentional serving a communicative role. As spawning nears, both sound production and quiver behavior increase. In terms of the ontogeny of sound production, the first observation of courtship occurs just days before the first spawning event and the first sound emission accompanies the first courtship activity. The accompaniment of quivering with sound as well as the escalation of the two behaviors with the approach of spawning follows similar patterns in wild caught and captive-born males. The tight correlation between behavior and sound production in both groups indicates their simultaneous performance plays an important role in reproduction. It is probable that the ability to produce sound and perform quiver behavior at the same time may be a measure of mate quality.  相似文献   

Genetic techniques and long‐term behavioural observations were combined to investigate dispersal patterns and changes in social position in Neolamprologus pulcher , a co‐operatively breeding cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Comparisons of genetic variance ( F ST) across sub‐populations demonstrated that fish were genetically more similar to individuals from proximate sub‐populations compared to individuals from distant sub‐populations. Microsatellite analyses revealed year‐long philopatry for some individuals and that other individuals dispersed to new territories and sub‐populations. Individuals appeared to disperse farther (across many territories in a sub‐population or to new sub‐populations) to achieve breeding status. Non‐breeding group members (or helpers) were observed to inherit breeding positions and male breeders were replaced faster than female breeders. These results demonstrate that important and difficult to obtain life‐history information can be obtained from genetic sampling.  相似文献   

Huysseune A  Sire JY 《Tissue & cell》1997,29(6):679-697
In order to build a reference system to assess results of ongoing in vitro experiments on the study of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during odontogenesis in actinopterygians, we have chosen to study the first-generation teeth of the cichlid Hemichromis bimaculatus from initiation until attachment both at the light and transmission electron microscopical level. Although their development follows the general pattern of teleost tooth formation, first-generation teeth show peculiarities compared with later tooth generations, including their size, bare emergence from the epithelium, absence of dentinal tubules and of nerves and capillaries in the pulp cavity, and organization of the outer dental epithelium. Four developmental stages (a to d) prior to attachment (stage e) have been distinguished. The oral epithelium invaginates into the underlying mesenchyme (stage a) and is later folded to form a bell-shaped dental organ (stage b) without any primordial thickening, or any other morphological indication of imminent invagination. Then, the collagenous enameloid matrix is laid down, most probably by the odontoblasts (early stage c), soon followed by predentine deposition and the beginning of enameloid mineralization (late stage c). With ongoing dentinogenesis, the enameloid matrix matures (stage d), i.e. the organic constituents are removed and the matrix further mineralizes. Finally (stage e), an annular collar of attachment bone is deposited to fix the tooth onto the underlying bone.  相似文献   

A series of Astatotilapia burtoni photographs were used to investigate the ontogenetic development of male egg-spots, a putative evolutionary key innovation of haplochromine cichlids. Four stages of egg-spot development were defined and all males had developed true egg-spots (stage 4) before reaching a standard length of 25 mm. Raising condition only slightly influenced the timing of the first appearance of true egg-spots.  相似文献   

The morphological development and allometric growth patterns in the juvenile spotted seahorse Hippocampus kuda were studied under hatchery rearing conditions. Newborn spotted seahorses [mean ± s.d . standard length ( L S) 9·33 ± 0·79 mm] were raised till the age of 124 days (119·35 ± 6·04 mm). Growth was characterized by three stages with two inflexion points occurring at day 21 and 76. The mean growth rates in the first, second and third stages were 0·68, 1·16 and 0·71 mm day−1, respectively. The growth rate was most rapid in the second stage and was probably influenced by a behavioural shift from pelagic to benthic form. The mass ( M ) and L S relationship was exponential ( M = 7·14 × 10−6 L S2·76), but the slope, b = 2·76, reflected negative allometric growth. Sexes could be distinguished at c. 110 days, and the sex ratio was unbiased. The L S in males and females did not differ significantly. Morphological stageing series is proposed, which divides H. kuda juvenile development into eight stages based on the development of coronet, cheek and eye spines, keel and pigmentation. The morphometric ratios for all the body parts, except trunk length, showed considerable changes at a transition point occurring at c. 25 mm L S. The high proportional growth in head length, head depth, pectoral fin base length, dorsal fin base length, snout length, snout depth and eye diameter at the initial stages, and the abrupt increase in tail length only after the first 2 weeks, possibly reflect development priorities during early development where important organs are being developed first for the enhancement of juvenile survival.  相似文献   

Morphological development, allometric growth and behaviour of hatchery-reared California halibut Paralichthys californicus were studied from hatching to metamorphosis (42 days post hatch, dph) at 187° C. Mean standard length ( L S) of larvae and juveniles increased from 2.1 mm at hatching to 10.5 mm at metamorphosis with the increase in length being approximately linear. Stages of morphological development were described using the alphabetic staging (A–I) used for other flatfish species. Organogenesis and differentiation were more rapid and complex in yolk-sac (hatching, stage A–3 dph, stage B), preflexion (3–19 dph, stages B–C), and flexion larvae (from 20 to 23 dph, stages D–E), as larvae developed most of their sensory, feeding, respiratory and swimming systems. After notochord flexion at 24–25 dph (stage F), most morphological changes were related to the progressive transformation from a bilateral symmetrical larva to an asymmetrical benthic juvenile (42 dph, stages G–I).  相似文献   

The development of two of the cranial lateral line canals is described in the cichlid, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Four stages of canal morphogenesis are defined based on histological analysis of the supraorbital and mandibular canals. "Canal enclosure" and "canal ossification" are defined as two discrete stages in lateral line canal development, which differ in duration, an observation that has interesting implications for the ontogeny of lateral line function. Canal diameter in the vicinity of individual neuromasts begins to increase before ossification of the canal roof in each canal segment; this increase in canal diameter is accompanied by an increase in canal neuromast size. The mandibular canal generally develops later than the supraorbital canal in this species, but in both of these canals development of the different canal segments contained within a single dermal bone is asynchronous. These observations suggest that a dynamic process requiring integration and interaction among different tissues, in both space and time, underlies the development of the cranial lateral line canal system. The supraorbital and mandibular canals appear to demonstrate a "one-component" pattern of development in Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, where the walls of each canal segment grow up from the underlying dermal bone and then fuse to form the bony canal roof. This is contrary to numerous published reports that describe a "two-component" pattern of development in teleosts where the bony canal ossifies separately and then fuses with an underlying dermal bone. A survey of the literature in which lateral line canal development is described using histological analysis suggests that the occurrence of two different patterns of canal morphogenesis ("one-component" and "two-component") may be due to phylogenetic variation in the pattern of the development of the lateral line canals.  相似文献   

An analysis of mass ( M ) and standard length ( L S) data for larval, juvenile and adult sprat ( Sprattus sprattus ; Clupeidae) revealed marked changes in the allometric scaling factor ( b in     ). For sprat <44 mm L S, b was 5·0, whereas in larger juveniles and adults, b was c. 3·4 indicating a relatively protracted metamorphic period for this species.  相似文献   

Histochemical properties of intestine goblet cells in firemouth cichlid, zebra mbuna, freshwater angelfish and platyfish are described. Goblet cells occurred regularly in the epithelial cell layer throughout the entire intestine, they were strongly coloured by alcian blue at pH 2.5. This colour got gradually weaker when the pH was reduced, but still after alcian blue at pH 0.2 these cells displayed a distinct blue colour. When the goblet cells were treated with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), they displayed a strong purple-magenta colour. The findings that a number of goblet cells displayed various colours between blue and purple-magenta when acidic alcian blue was followed by PAS, and between blue and red-brown when acidic alcian blue was followed by neutral red, may reflect different ages or stages of development and differentiation for these cells. However, such results may also suggest a true cellular heterogeneity in the present population of goblet cells, reflecting that the intestine mucus layer has a number of roles in teleosts like lubrication, protection, immunological defence, digestion and absorption.In the ferritin injected specimens of firemouth cichlid and platyfish, a number of macrophage-like cells in intestine wall displayed Prussian blue precipitations in tissue treated with acid ferrocyanide, suggesting that these cells play a cleansing role in the intestinal wall. No ferritin uptake was seen in the intestine goblet cells and eosinophilic granule cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether apparent social monogamy (where a species forms a pair bond but may participate in copulations outside the pair bond) corresponds with genetic monogamy (where individuals participate only in copulations within a pair bond) in a biparental mouthbrooding cichlid fish, Eretmodus cyanostictus, from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Our findings suggest that E. cyanostictus is both socially and genetically monogamous and that monogamy may result from limited opportunities for polygyny, rather than from reproductive benefits of monogamy. Mating systems are believed to influence the relative rate of dispersal of the sexes, and our results suggest that E. cyanostictus displays female-biased dispersal, providing some support for the 'resource competition' hypothesis driving sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

  1. Post‐maturation growth leading to indeterminate growth patterns is widespread in nature. However, its adaptive value is unclear. Life history theory suggests this allocation strategy may be favored by temporal pulses in the intensity of mortality and/or the capacity to produce new tissues.
  2. Addressing the origin of indeterminate growth and the variability of growth patterns, we studied the growth of duck mussels, Anodonta anatina, a pan‐European unionid, in 18 Polish lakes. For each population, the sex, size, and age of collected mussels were measured to estimate Bertalanffy''s growth curve parameters. We integrated information on A. anatina mortality rates, lake trophy, biofouling by zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, and the prevalence of parasitic trematode larvae to identify selective conditions in lakes.
  3. We found two sources of mortality in A. anatina populations, pertaining to adverse effects of zebra mussel biofouling and trophy state on mussel survival. Additionally, populations with heavier biofouling presented a smaller abundance of parasites, indicative of a relationship between filtering intensity and contraction of water‐borne trematode larvae by filtering A. anatina.
  4. Consistently for each sex, populations with a greater trophy‐related mortality were characterized in A. anatina by a smaller asymptotic size Lmax, indicative of a life history response to mortality risk involving early maturation at a smaller body size. In all populations, females featured higher mortality and larger asymptotic size versus males.
  5. Our findings support a theoretical view that adaptive responses to selection involve adjustments in the lifetime resource allocation patterns. These adjustments should be considered drivers of the origin of indeterminate growth strategy in species taking parental care by offspring brooding in body cavities.

The lack of sexual size dimorphism among lemurs is puzzling given the high degree of polygyny in this clade. It has been proposed that the unique ecological conditions of Madagascar favour rapid completion of growth, limiting the opportunities for bimaturism and sexual size dimorphism in lemurs. Using recently compiled large data sets on many species across the lemur clade, I examined the prevalence of sexual size monomorphism of body mass among lemurs and tested the hypothesis that limited growth durations constrain sexual size dimorphism. I used segmented regression analyses to accurately model growth in each species. The majority of species analysed exhibited a period of rapid growth followed by a distinct period of slow growth prior to attainment of adult body mass. Whereas the first period of growth was constrained by the need to attain the majority of adult body mass prior to the onset of the infant's first dry season, the subsequent period of slow growth was unconstrained and sufficiently long to promote sexual bimaturism. Sex differences in the duration and rate of growth during this second growth phase appeared to account for the sexual size dimorphism exhibited by three lemur species. Therefore, constraints on growth processes do not limit sexual size dimorphism in lemurs, and other explanations for the prevalence of sexual size monomorphism in this clade should be examined. The importance of considering ontogeny in future investigations of sexual size monomorphism in lemurs is highlighted.  相似文献   

Cichlidogyrus (including Scutogyrus) is the most speciose dactylogyridean monogenean genus known from African and Levantine cichlid fishes (Cichlidae). While its taxonomy is well established, little is known about the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of this ectoparasite, especially from hosts belonging to one of the most impressive vertebrate radiations, the cichlid fishes from the East African Great Lakes and surrounding hydrological systems. Phylogenetic inference based on DNA sequences of the nuclear 18S, internal transcribed spacer 1 and 28S rDNA genes revealed that Cichlidogyrus parasitizing mainly West African cichlid tribes is paraphyletic with respect to species parasitizing hosts belonging to the East African cichlid radiation, which constitute a well-supported monophylum. Members of Cichlidogyrus from tylochromine and oreochromine hosts that colonised Lake Tanganyika only recently, cluster with their non-Lake Tanganyika relatives, indicating that they colonised Lake Tanganyika with their current host species, and did not jump over from any of the many cichlid species already present in the lake. The diversification of Cichlidogyrus in Lake Tanganyika seems to be driven by failure to diverge in old lineages of cichlids, cospeciation in more recently evolved ones, and host switching followed by parasite duplication at the level of the various host tribes. Evaluation of host specificity and structural evolution of haptoral and reproductive organs in Lake Tanganyika Cichlidogyrus revealed that strict specialist species together with larval hook size represent the ancestral state of haptor configuration, suggesting that members of Cichlidogyrus in this system evolved from a very simple form to a more complex one similarly to their West African congeners. Generalist species among Cichlidogyrus with a sclerotized vagina parasitizing ancient Lake Tanganyika lineages seem to have developed a different hook configuration, most probably to ensure successful colonisation of new, phylogenetically unrelated hosts.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were used to evaluate the level of polyandryand intraspecific brood mixing in Protomelas c.f. spilopterus,a paedophagous, maternal mouth-brooding cichlid from Lake MakaiAfrica. We found that broods were fertilized by one to threemales, which was a reduced level of multiple paternity comparedto other mouth-brooding cichlids. Low density of breeding malesand the risk of intraspecific predation are likely explanationsfor reduced polyandry. Intraspecific brood-mixing was foundin four out of the six broods examined, with the proportionsof foreign fry ranging from 6% to 65%. The potential originsof brood mixing are discussed, although no firm conclusionscan be drawn given the limited behavioral observations for thisspecies.  相似文献   

Body and fin shapes are chief determinants of swimming performance in fishes. Different configurations of body and fin shapes can suit different locomotor specializations. The success of any configuration is dependent upon the hydrodynamic interactions between body and fins. Despite the importance of body–fin interactions for swimming, there are few data indicating whether body and fin configurations evolve in concert, or whether these structures vary independently. The cichlid fishes are a diverse family whose well‐studied phylogenetic relationships make them ideal for the study of macroevolution of ecomorphology. This study measured body, and caudal and median fin morphology from radiographs of 131 cichlid genera, using morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods to determine whether these traits exhibit correlated evolution. Partial least squares canonical analysis revealed that body, caudal fin, dorsal fin, and anal fin shapes all exhibited strong correlated evolution consistent with locomotor ecomorphology. Major patterns included the evolution of deep body profiles with long fins, suggestive of maneuvering specialization; and the evolution of narrow, elongate caudal peduncles with concave tails, a combination that characterizes economical cruisers. These results demonstrate that body shape evolution does not occur independently of other traits, but among a suite of other morphological changes that augment locomotor specialization.  相似文献   

The scale‐eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis, from Lake Tanganyika are a well‐known example of an asymmetry dimorphism because the mouth/head is either left‐bending or right‐bending. However, how strongly its pronounced morphological laterality is affected by genetic and environmental factors remains unclear. Using quantitative assessments of mouth asymmetry, we investigated its origin by estimating narrow‐sense heritability (h2) using midparent–offspring regression. The heritability estimates [field estimate: h2 = 0.22 ± 0.06, = 0.013; laboratory estimate: h2 = 0.18 ± 0.05, = 0.004] suggest that although variation in laterality has some additive genetic component, it is strongly environmentally influenced. Family‐level association analyses of a putative microsatellite marker that was claimed to be linked to gene(s) for laterality revealed no association of this locus with laterality. Moreover, the observed phenotype frequencies in offspring from parents of different phenotype combinations were not consistent with a previously suggested single‐locus two‐allele model, but they neither were able to reject with confidence a random asymmetry model. These results reconcile the disputed mechanisms for this textbook case of mouth asymmetry where both genetic and environmental factors contribute to this remarkable case of morphological asymmetry.  相似文献   

The discus fishes (Symphysodon spp.) are economically important ornamental species. Thirteen microsatellite markers were developed from a CT(12) - and CA(12) -enriched whole genomic DNA library of Symphysodon discus. Allelic variability was tested on 44 individuals of two species (S. discus and S. aequifasciatus). Allelic richness ranged from two to 11 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities from 0.083 to 0.998. All loci were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and no pair of loci showed linkage disequilibrium within a species. Cross-species amplification was also successfully performed in the Neotropical cichlids Uaru amphiacanthoides, Hoplarchus psittacus, Hypselecara coryphaenoides, Pterophyllum sp., Mesonauta sp. and Heros sp.  相似文献   

The growth of most mensural characters of Krobia guianensis and Crenicichla saxatilis during early development was explained by a split regression indicating inflection in allometry at specific standard lengths. Double-centred PCA revealed morphological transformations during ontogeny mostly under the influence of the maximum body depth and the maximum caudal peduncle width, the area of the caudal fin and the horizontal diameter of the eye contributing also, but to a lesser extent. Young K. guianensis switched to larger prey at the end of the period when the growth of most of their studied mensural characters demonstrated an inflection, but young C. saxatilis changed their diet at a much smaller size than that at which an inflection occurred. However, in the lower reservoir sites, most young juveniles of K. guianensis and C. saxatilis did not switch to larger items during their ontogeny and micro-crustaceans occurred more frequently in their diet. It is hypothesized that the low net energy gained when eating such small prey may explain why the young of both species were thinner at these sites than in their undisturbed habitats. If food resources of young cichlids do not improve in the Petit-Saut reservoir, it is hypothesized that these species will develop stunted populations there.  相似文献   

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