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The diets of slender snipefish Macroramphosus gracilis, longspine snipefish Macroramphosus scolopax and boarfish Capros aper, three very abundant species on the Portuguese coast, were studied from samples collected between July 2002 and April 2003. Variations in the diet with fish size, season and area, as well as diet overlap and diversity, are explored in this study. The diets of slender snipefish and boarfish were mainly composed of copepods, with the main prey being Temora spp. and Calanus spp., respectively. Mysid shrimps were the most important food item in the diet of longspine snipefish. During the summer season, when the availability of different prey items was highest, the two species of snipefish and the boarfish fed on different prey. Temora spp. were the most important prey in the stomachs of slender snipefish in the summer on the south‐west coast, while Calanus spp. started appearing in the stomachs of boarfish in the spring in the north, increasing their abundance in the summer on the south and south‐west coasts. The abundance of mysids appeared to increase in the autumn on the south‐west coast, being at that time an important food item for both longspine snipefish and boarfish. For slender snipefish and boarfish, the differences in stomach species diversity were explained firstly by the season and then by the area and fish size. For longspine snipefish, the area did not explain the species diversity variability, season being the first variable determining the differences. Of all three species, slender snipefish was the one with highest diversity of stomach contents, particularly in spring and summer on the north and south‐west coasts. Diet overlap between species was very low. No predation on eggs and larval stages of fishes was found for any of these fish species. This work is the first to address the diets of snipefish species and boarfish in the south‐east North Atlantic, in a large spatio‐temporal coverage. These species are important prey for many commercial species on the Portuguese coast and, given their abundance, may have a great impact on zooplankton communities, thus assuming a pivotal position in marine food webs.  相似文献   

The dietary compositions of three medium to large targeted fish species, which co‐occur over reefs in temperate waters of south‐western Australia, were determined. These data were then used to ascertain statistically the extent to which body size, season and habitat influence the diets of these species and the degree to which food resources were partitioned among and within those species, and thus reduced the potential of interspecific and intraspecific competition. On the west coast, Bodianus frenchii (Labridae) and Epinephelides armatus (Serranidae) spent their whole life over prominent limestone reefs, as did Glaucosoma hebraicum (Glaucosomatidae) in all but juvenile life, when it lived over low‐relief, limestone substrata. The dietary composition of each species changed with increasing body size, which, in G. hebraicum, was particularly pronounced at c. 300 mm total length (LT) and therefore at the size when this species shifts habitat. When the three species co‐occurred over the same reefs, their dietary compositions were significantly different, with that of B. frenchii being by far the most discrete, reflecting a far greater contribution by sedentary taxa. Thus, the diet of B. frenchii was distinguished from those of the other two species in containing substantial volumes of bivalve and gastropod molluscs and echinoid echinoderms and essentially no teleosts. Although the diets of G. hebraicum and particularly E. armatus were dominated by teleosts, and especially for larger individuals, the former species ingested greater volumes of cephalopods and small crustaceans. The pointed jaws of B. frenchii, with their forwardly directed and interlocking anterior incisors, are ideally adapted for biting and retaining their invertebrate prey, which are attached to or reside within reef crevices. In contrast, the mouths of G. hebraicum and E. armatus are broader and rounder and contain numerous small, slender and inward‐pointing teeth. These teeth, in conjunction with prominent backward‐curved canines in E. armatus, facilitate the capture and retention of fish prey. Observations in situ indicate that G. hebraicum is a suction feeder, while E. armatus is predominantly a ram feeder. Although reef environments on the west and south coasts differ, the diet of B. frenchii on these coasts differed only slightly. Interspecific differences in diet, combined with size‐related changes in dietary compositions and the occupation of different habitats by juvenile and adult G. hebraicum, reduce the potential for competition for food resources among and within B. frenchii, G. hebraicum and E. armatus and thus helps facilitate the coexistence of these species which historically have been abundant over reefs in south‐western Australia.

This study has determined the extents and basis for variations in the composition of the prey ingested by the abundant species of a family highly adapted for ambush predation, i.e. Platycephalidae, in a region (south‐western Australia) where that family is found in different habitats and environments. Dietary data were thus collected for Leviprora inops and Platycephalus laevigatus from seagrass in marine embayments and for Platycephalus westraliae from over sand in an estuary. These were then collated with those recorded previously for Platycephalus speculator from over sand and in seagrass in an estuary and for Platycephalus longispinis from over sand in coastal marine waters. While crustaceans and teleosts together dominated the diet of all five species, their percentage volumetric dietary contributions varied greatly, with those of crustaceans ranging from 7% for L. inops to 65% for P. speculator and those of teleosts ranging from 29% for P. longispinis to 91% for L. inops. For analyses, the data were separated into two sets. The first comprised the 17 dietary categories of invertebrates and all identified and unidentified teleosts collectively, while the second consisted of the 23 identified teleost families, both of which were subjected to permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA), analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) and a new (two‐way) version of the RELATE procedure. The diets of three species changed seasonally, when using invertebrate dietary categories and teleosts collectively, but with only one species, when employing identified teleost families, probably reflecting a greater tendency for invertebrate than teleost prey abundance to change during the year. On the basis of dietary data for invertebrate taxa + teleosts collectively, the diets of three of the five species changed serially with body size, with a fourth species feeding, throughout life, predominantly on the carid Palaemonetes australis. Based on identified teleost families, the diets of the three species that fed predominantly on teleosts underwent serial size‐related changes. Although L. inops and the co‐occurring P. laevigatus both consume large volumes of teleosts, the former ingests larger, less demersal and more mobile prey, e.g. the labrids Haletta semifasciata and Neoodax balteatus, than the latter, e.g. the scorpaenid Gymnapistes marmoratus, reflecting the possession by L. inops of a far longer head and larger buccal cavity. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the large differences in the volumes of crustaceans and teleosts consumed by each platycephalid species are related to differences in the relative availability of these prey in the different habitats or environments of each species.  相似文献   

The dietary compositions were determined for Acanthopagrus butcheri in four estuaries and a saline, coastal lake, which vary in the extent, if any, of their connection to the sea and amongst which, in spring and summer, their salinities ranged from 2 to 7‰ in an intermittently open estuary to >40‰ in a normally closed estuary. The dietary compositions of A. butcheri in each of the five water bodies were significantly different, which reflected differences in the abundance of different components of the biota in those systems. Biotic differences amongst water bodies thus accounted for the far larger contributions made to the volume of the stomach contents by the macroalgae Cladophora sp. in the Moore River Estuary on the lower west coast of Australia, by amphipods and decapods in the Swan River Estuary 85 km further south and by polychaetes in the landlocked Lake Clifton a further 85 km further south. The diet of A. butcheri in the Nornalup/Walpole Estuary on the south coast of Western Australia contained atypically large volumes of the seagrass Ruppia megacarpa and teleosts, whereas that in the normally closed Wellstead Estuary, 260 km to the east was characterised by large volumes of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha sp. and a tube‐dwelling amphipod. However, there is evidence that A. butcheri selects certain prey, when two or more of the typical prey of A. butcheri are present in the environment, and that it prefers to feed on or above the substratum, rather than within the substratum. The dietary composition of A. butcheri underwent pronounced ontogenetic changes in each water body, these being progressive in estuaries on the lower west coast and abrupt in those on the south coast. Within the upper Swan Estuary, the dietary composition changed in an upstream direction, reflecting changes in the relative abundance of certain benthic macroinvertebrate prey, but did not undergo conspicuous seasonal changes, which is consistent with the lack of any clear cut seasonal changes in the abundance of their major prey.  相似文献   

We have compared the species composition and diversity of the diets of black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri, in three normally closed estuaries on the central south coast of Western Australia, which vary markedly in the extents to which they become hypersaline during dry periods. Although black bream was caught seasonally in Stokes Inlet during this 3-year study, it was obtained from the Hamersley and Culham inlets only during the earlier seasons because salinities in those two estuaries subsequently rose to levels that caused massive mortalities of this sparid. Although a wide range of taxa, including macrophytes, polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans, insects and teleosts, were ingested by A. butcheri in each estuary, the frequencies of ingestion and volumetric dietary contributions of these taxa varied greatly among the fish in these three estuaries. Thus, for example, in comparison with other estuaries, relatively greater contributions were made to the diet by polychaetes and crustaceans in Stokes Inlet, by macrophytes in Hamersley Inlet, and by insects (mainly chironomid larvae) in Culham Inlet. The relatively greater contribution of teleosts to the diets of black bream in the Hamersley and Culham inlets than in Stokes Inlet, and also differences in the main teleost species ingested in the first two estuaries, are consistent with differences in the densities of fish overall and of the main fish species in those estuaries. The diversity of the diet was far greater in Stokes Inlet than in the other two far more variably saline estuaries, presumably reflecting a greater diversity of food. The dietary compositions of black bream in upstream pools in the tributary of Culham Inlet, which offer refuge when salinities increase markedly in the main body of the estuary, differ from those in those downstream regions, further emphasising the opportunistic nature of the feeding behaviour of black bream. The dietary compositions of black bream underwent size-related changes, but the taxa contributing most to those changes varied greatly among estuaries. Size-related changes would be particularly beneficial in reducing intraspecific competition for food in the two estuaries that vary greatly in salinity and would thus be likely to contain a less diverse range of prey.  相似文献   

This study describes the diet composition, diet overlap and prey diversity in two economically and ecologically important marine catfish species: the bronze catfish (Netuma bilineata) and the blacktip sea catfish (Plicofollis dussumieri) collected between January and December 2015 from the northern Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan. Stomach data of 342 bronze catfish and 283 blacktip sea catfish were examined. Diet composition and feeding strategy of each species by identification of stomach contents were weighed and enumerated. Both species primarily consumed teleosts, Brachyura and small amounts of a wide variety of prey items; however, specialization was a more common trait for the bronze catfish than for the black tip sea catfish. The Morisita‐Horn index showed considerable diet overlap in percentage of mean weights (0.847) than in numbers (0.612) between co‐prey pairs of both species. The highest Bray‐Curtis similarity between the southwest monsoon (SWM) and south inter monsoon (SIM) was observed in bronze catfish and lowest between autumn inter monsoon (AIM) seasons in both species. While Bray‐Curtis dissimilarity was observed, both species share diet niches and diet overlap. The present study evaluation of the feeding strategy and potential competition between two sympatric species of marine catfishes can provide the framework for their conservation and management in the region.  相似文献   

Samples of the foxfish Bodianus frenchii, collected over reefs on the lower west and south coasts of Western Australia, contained individuals ranging up to 78 years old. Although B. frenchii is far smaller than many other species within the Labridae, its maximum age is the greatest yet recorded for this highly speciose family and, together with Achoerodus gouldii, provides an example of a temperate hypsigenyine with exceptional longevity. Length and age compositions of females and males and the histological characteristics of gonads of a wide length range of individuals demonstrated that B. frenchii is a protogynous hermaphrodite. Furthermore, as, on both coasts, the length of the smallest male was greater than that at which all females had become mature, B. frenchii is a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite, i.e. all of its males are derived from functional females. Attainment of maturity by females is related more to length than age, whereas the reverse is true for sex change. On the basis of Schnute growth equations and length‐to‐body mass regression equations, the predicted length at age and body mass at length of fish on the south coast were greater than those on the west coast throughout life. Although B. frenchii spawns daily during the main spawning season, which extends from October to February on both coasts, its fecundity at any given length is substantially greater on the south than on the west coast. The more rapid growth of juveniles and earlier attainment of maturity by B. frenchii on the south coast than on the warmer west coast, together with maturation at a similar size on both coasts, run counter to the trends observed in many species and certain ecological theories regarding the relationships between life‐cycle traits and latitude and temperature. The attainment by B. frenchii of a larger body length at age, of greater body mass at length and of greater fecundity at both length and body mass in fish on the south than on the west coast strongly suggests that conditions on the former, cooler coast are more favourable for this labrid, which belongs to a sub‐genus whose other species typically live in cool, deep, temperate waters.  相似文献   

The composition of the larval fish assemblage in the sound‐scattering layer of the continental shelf waters off the coast of south‐eastern Brazil (12 and 22° S), a research project that is part of the Brazilian programme Avaliação do Potencial Sustentável de Recursos Vivos na Zona Econômica Exclusiva (REVIZEE), is described. Samples were collected during daylight hours and at dusk at five oceanographic stations in the winter of 1999 using an Isaacs‐Kidd Midwater Trawl (IKMT). The oceanographic stations were chosen based on the detection of plankton layers by acoustic observation. A total of 2192 larval fish were identified, comprising 52 families and 62 species. Maurolicus stehmanni (Sternoptychidae) was the most abundant species found within the study area, comprising 18·5% of all identified larvae, followed by Psilotris celsus (Gobiidae) at 10·9%.  相似文献   

A diet analysis was conducted on 444 wahoo Acanthocybium solandri caught in the central North Pacific Ocean longline fishery and a nearshore troll fishery surrounding the Hawaiian Islands from June to December 2014. In addition to traditional observational methods of stomach contents, a DNA bar‐coding approach was integrated into the analysis by sequencing the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) region of the mtDNA genome to taxonomically identify individual prey items that could not be classified visually to species. For nearshore‐caught A. solandri, juvenile pre‐settlement reef fish species from various families dominated the prey composition during the summer months, followed primarily by Carangidae in autumn months. Gempylidae, Echeneidae and Scombridae were dominant prey taxa from the offshore fishery. Molidae was a common prey family found in stomachs collected north‐east of the Hawaiian Archipelago while tetraodontiform reef fishes, known to have extended pelagic stages, were prominent prey items south‐west of the Hawaiian Islands. The diet composition of A. solandri was indicative of an adaptive feeder and thus revealed dominant geographic and seasonal abundances of certain taxa from various ecosystems in the marine environment. The addition of molecular bar‐coding to the traditional visual method of prey identifications allowed for a more comprehensive range of the prey field of A. solandri to be identified and should be used as a standard component in future diet studies.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of fish on feeding grounds is an important factor in determining their prey composition. Of the factors that may influence the spatial distribution on the feeding ground and subsequent diet composition is the fish maturation stage. Using hairtail (Trichiurus japonicus) as an example, we evaluated the impacts of gonad development stage on diet composition. Hairtail supports one of the most valuable and largest fisheries in the East China Sea. As one of the top predators, it plays an important role in the ecosystem. We analyzed hairtail stomach samples collected on their feeding grounds from a fisheries-independent survey program in September 2005. Our analyses suggest that females in their third maturity stage tended to feed more intensively. Fish were the most important preys for hairtail, accounting for 72.6% of the total stomach contents in weight. The four most important fish species were juvenile hairtail (25.2%), Japanese scad (11.4%), Japanese jack mackerel (7.7%), and small yellow croaker (5.9%), suggesting strong cannibalism. A cluster analysis suggests that hairtail could be divided into three groups in their spatial distribution based on their diets: one group with similar percentages of fish and crustacean preys mainly distributed in the south of East China Sea far from the coast; one group mainly consuming fish and distributed over the north of East China Sea near the coast; and the third group consuming mainly crustacean species mainly distributed in the open sea. We hypothesize that gonadal development stage of hairtail may determine their movement from spawning ground to feeding ground, and subsequently spatial distribution on the feeding ground, which in turn results in different feeding intensities and prey compositions. Handling editor: Robert Bailey  相似文献   

Holohalaelurus regani was caught in 38% of the 3314 bottom trawls conducted during routine demersal surveys o. the South African west and south coasts from 1986 to 1999. An index of biomass for H. regani has increased on the west coast, from 1606 t in 1986–1993 to 3012 t in 1994–1999, despite c. 130 t being taken annually as by–catch in the demersal fishery. On the south coast, there has also been an increase over the same period, from 793 to 1350 t. Females and juveniles were generally found in shallower water (<300 m) than males, suggesting an inshore nursery area. Male H. regani become mature at 450–500 mm LT, whereas females become mature at 400–450 mm LT. There is reproductive activity throughout the year and fecundity appears to be high. This species is a generalist feeder, with the diet comprising teleosts, crustaceans and cephalopods. H. regani also scavenges offal opportunistically. Its high fecundity, the relative protection of females and juveniles in shallow water that is rarely trawled, its opportunistic diet and its robust nature that may allow it to survive after it has been discarded, have enabled H. regani to increase in numbers, despite indirect fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Analyses of the genetic population structure of spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus along the south‐eastern U.S. coast using 13 microsatellites suggest significant population differentiation between fish in North Carolina (NC) compared with South Carolina (SC) and Georgia (GA), with New River, NC, serving as an area of integration between northern and southern C. nebulosus. Although there is a significant break in gene flow between these areas, the overall pattern throughout the sampling range represents a gradient in genetic diversification with the degree of geographic separation. Latitudinal distance and estuarine density appear to be main drivers in the genetic differentiation of C. nebulosus along the south‐eastern U.S. coast. The isolation‐by‐distance gene‐flow pattern creates fine‐scale differences in the genetic composition of proximal estuaries and dictates that stocking must be confined to within 100 km of the location of broodstock collection in order to maintain the natural gradient of genetic variation along the south‐eastern U.S. coast.  相似文献   

Aim We discuss the hypotheses proposed by Kullman [Geo‐Öko 21 (2000) 141; Nordic Journal of Botany 21 (2001) 39; Journal of Biogeography 29 (2002) 1117] on the basis of radiocarbon‐dated megafossils of late‐glacial age from the central Swedish mountains that boreal trees survived the glaciation along the south‐west coast of Norway and subsequently migrated eastward early in the late‐glacial to early deglaciated parts of the central Swedish Scandes mountains. Methods We assess these hypotheses on the basis of glacial geological evidence and four lines of palaeoecological evidence, namely macrofossil records of the tree species, vegetation and climate reconstructions from plant evidence, independent climate reconstructions from other proxies for the late‐glacial environment of south‐west Norway, and the patterns of post‐glacial spread of the tree species. Location South and west Norway, central Swedish Scandes mountains (Jämtland). Results and conclusions South‐west Norway and the adjacent continental shelf were under ice at the last‐glacial maximum (LGM). The late‐glacial vegetation of south‐west Norway was treeless and summer temperatures were below the thermal limits for Betula pubescens Ehrh., Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. Instead of spreading immediately after the onset of Holocene warming, as might have been expected if local populations were surviving, B. pubescens showed a lag of local arrival of 600 to > 1000 years, Pinus lagged by 1500 to > 2000 years, and Picea only reached southern Norway c. 1500 years ago and has not colonized most of south‐west Norway west of the watershed. Glacial geological evidence shows the presence of an ice sheet in the Scandes at the LGM and in the Younger Dryas, which was cold‐based near or at the area where the late‐glacial‐dated megafossils were recovered by Kullman. We conclude that the samples dated by Kullman (2002) should be evaluated carefully for possible sources of contamination. All the available evidence shows that the biogeographical hypotheses, based on these radiocarbon dates taken at face value, of late‐glacial tree survival at the Norwegian coast and subsequent eastwards spread to the mountains, are unsupportable.  相似文献   

Stomachs from 511 Raja velezi and 340 Mustelus henlei captured as by‐catch in the commercial trawling fishery (2010–2012) were analysed to examine diet composition, ontogenetic shifts and degree of dietary overlap between species life stages in the Pacific Ocean of Costa Rica. Shrimps were the most important prey categories in the diet of R. velezi, while teleosts and cephalopods dominated the diet of M. henlei. Diet comparisons between different stages of R. velezi and M. henlei revealed clear ontogenetic dietary shifts: crustaceans (mainly shrimps, crabs and stomatopods) dominated the diet of immature individuals, and adults had a higher proportion of teleosts. The results suggest that R. velezi is an epibenthic predator that specializes in shrimps during early life stages, and to a lesser extent, teleosts as it matures, while M. henlei is an opportunistic predator with a highly diverse diet consisting of teleosts, cephalopods, shrimps and stomatopods. This study also found little evidence of dietary overlap between species or life stages and suggests that intra‐ and interspecific competition between R. velezi and M. henlei may be reduced by: (1) diet specialization in immature stages of R. velezi, (2) ontogenetic dietary shifts between immature and mature individuals, (3) prey‐size selectivity in larger individuals of R. velezi and (4) differences in depth utilization in overlapping geographical regions.  相似文献   

The composition, species richness and diversity of a coastal fish assemblage from the Kalpakkam coast of south‐east India are described along with temporal distribution patterns related to seasonal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH, chlorophyll‐a, phytoplankton and zooplankton species richness and density. A total of 244 fish species belonging to 21 orders, 87 families and 163 genera were recorded. The fish assemblage was dominated by reef‐associated species, followed by demersal species. The majority of the species (63%) are widely distributed in the western Indo‐Pacific as well as in the central Indo‐Pacific. Jaccard's coefficient analysis showed three distinct seasonal patterns of fish occurrence: pre‐monsoon (PrM), monsoon (M) and post‐monsoon (PoM). The maximum number of species was during the PrM period, followed by the PoM and M periods. Species occurrence analysis showed Sardinella longiceps to be dominant during PrM and M periods, Leiognathus dussumieri during the M period and Secutor insidiator and Secutor ruconius during the M and PoM periods. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that salinity and rainfall were the two most influential environmental factors strongly correlated with temporal variation in the fish assemblage. The physico‐chemical conditions, in combination with factors such as greater food availability and shelter, might control the seasonal local distribution of the ichthyofauna in these Indian coastal waters.  相似文献   

J. C. Xavier  J. P. Croxall  & K. Reid 《Ibis》2003,145(4):593-610
The diet and breeding performance of Grey‐headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma and Black‐browed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris breeding at Bird Island, South Georgia, were studied simultaneously during the chick‐rearing period between 1996 and 2000. When samples for all years were combined, cephalopods and crustaceans were the main components in the diet of Grey‐headed and Black‐browed Albatrosses, respectively. However, their diets exhibited interannual variations. Cephalopods were the most important component in the diet of Grey‐headed Albatrosses between 1996 and 1999 (60–75% by mass) but decreased significantly in 2000 (17%), when crustaceans dominated (61%). The Black‐browed Albatross diet varied greatly, with cephalopods being the most important component in 1996 (49% by mass) and 1997 (48%), fish in 1998 (32%) and 1999 (40%), and crustaceans in 2000 (63%). In 1998 and 2000 there was a significant change in the cephalopod species present in the diet of both albatross species, when their breeding success was low. The consumption of the ommastrephid Martialia hyadesi was significantly and positively correlated with Grey‐headed Albatross breeding success. For Black‐browed Albatrosses significant correlations were found between its consumption of the Icefish Champsocephalus gunnari and breeding success, and between its consumption of M. hyadesi and M. hyadesi CPUE (Catch per Unit Effort). These findings suggest that Grey‐headed Albatrosses are more reliant on Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone prey (M. hyadesi and Lamprey Geotria australis) whereas Black‐browed Albatrosses are more dependent on Antarctic prey (Icefish and Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba). The differences between diets of Grey‐headed and Black‐browed Albatrosses breeding on different islands of the Southern Ocean showed that Grey‐headed Albatrosses feed more on oceanic cephalopods (e.g. M. hyadesi) whereas Black‐browed Albatrosses feed primarily on shelf fish (e.g. Blue Whiting Micromesistius australis), suggesting that albatross diets are likely to be influenced by the geographical position of those islands, albatross foraging preference and prey availability.  相似文献   

In spite of their ecological and economic importance, reef fishes from the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico are rarely studied, therefore precluding their management and conservation. In order to identify the set of habitat characteristics/environmental conditions that predict major shifts in fish assemblages in space and time, a stationary census (5′, φ = 5 m) was conducted on a semi‐monthly basis from 2006 to 2009 at patch reefs along the coast. Habitat configuration was gathered using 25 m long point‐intersect transects (data every 25 cm), recording all underlying coral species and substrate characteristics (rocks, sand, algal mats, rubble or dead corals). Recorded were 65 452 fishes grouped in 11 orders, 36 families, 65 genera and 89 species. Labridae (nine species), Pomacentridae (eight species) and Serranidae (seven species) were the most frequent families. Abundance is severely skewed among species; four species Thalassoma lucasanum, Chromis atrilobata, Apogon pacificus and Stegastes acapulcoensis comprise nearly 59% of the fish abundance, 11 species contribute 30%, whereas most of the species (75) can be considered as rare since they contribute <1% each to the total. Species richness and family‐level assemblage composition are similar to those recorded elsewhere in the eastern Pacific. Non‐parametric multivariate analysis of variance demonstrated that changes of diversity metrics might be associated with environmental differences on the scale of hundreds of meters to kilometers, as well as coupled with major changes on oceanographic variables throughout time, exerting meaningful changes on reef‐related fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Data on developmental characteristics from fertilization to 2 days post‐hatching during captivity of the anoxia tolerant bearded goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus, one of the keystone prey species for many of the commercial fish populations, sea mammals and birds in south‐west Africa, are presented.  相似文献   

This study compares the diversity of the demersal fish assemblage of an isolated shelf sea, the Rockall plateau, with that of the nearest adjacent continental shelf sea ecosystem, the west coast of Scotland. Bottom trawl surveys were carried out between 1986 and 2008 on the Rockall plateau and the adjacent shelf sea to the west of Scotland. All demersal fish were identified and counted. Analyses of species richness and abundance were undertaken. The fish assemblage of the Rockall plateau was less diverse and the proportional representation of species was markedly different. A number of species common at Rockall were rare on the west coast shelf and, in general, there were fewer common and temporally stable species and more rare and ephemeral species at Rockall. Some species absent from Rockall have life‐history stages associated with inshore habitat. The Rockall plateau fish assemblage can be described as an impoverished subset of the north‐west European shelf sea fish assemblage. It is likely that there are constraints on diversity imposed by the relatively small area of the Rockall plateau and its degree of isolation by depth, distance and ocean currents. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 138–147.  相似文献   

The distributions of eight out of nine common species of waders (Charadrii) overwintering on UK estuaries have changed in association with recent climate change. These birds represent a high proportion of various populations from breeding grounds as far apart as Greenland to the west to high‐arctic Russia to the east. During warmer winters, smaller proportions of seven species wintered in south‐west Britain. The distributions of the smaller species show the greatest temperature dependence. The opposite was found for the largest species and no relationship was found for a particularly site‐faithful species. In north‐west Europe, the winter isotherms have a broadly north to south alignment, with the east being colder than the west. The average minimum winter temperatures across the UK having increased by about 1.5°C since the mid‐1980s, the temperatures on the east coast during recent winters have been similar to those of the west coast during the mid‐1980s. On average, estuaries on the east and south coasts of Britain have muddier sediments than those on the west coast and thus support a higher biomass of the invertebrate prey of waders. We suggest that, with global climatic change, the advantage gained by waders wintering in the milder west to avoid cold weather‐induced mortality is diminished. Consequently, more choose to winter in the east and thus benefit from better foraging opportunities. The implications of these results are considered in terms of a site‐based approach to wildlife protection used in Europe and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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