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This study aimed to compare activity levels of male and female Hippocampus reidi and to relate the level of activity of the males to their height and brood pouch circumference. Females appeared to be highly active, while pregnant males were less active and non-pregnant males presented more balance in time investment between active and inactive behavior. There was a positive correlation between height, brood pouch circumference, and inactive behavior.  相似文献   

The freshwater gastropod Melanoides tuberculata broods its young in a pouch located in the anterodorsal region of the head-foot. The wall of the brood pouch is composed of smooth muscle surrounded by connective tissue. The lumen of the brood pouch is incompletely partitioned by trabeculae, formed by extensions or folds in the chamber wall that are composed of smooth muscle, connective tissue, nonciliated squamous epithelial cells, and some storage cells containing lipid and glycogen. The lumen of the chamber also contains a few cells with storage products. The general absence of secretory cells suggests that embryos derive little nutrition from the mother, and therefore embryonic development is probably ovoviviparous. Embryos in various stages of development were found within brood pouches, with later stage embryos varying in size. There was a negative relationship between embryo size and number of embryos in the brood pouch.  相似文献   

Testes morphology, spermatogenetic process and mature sperm ultrastructure were analysed in Hippocampus guttulatus, using both light and transmission electron microscopy. Both testes were organized in a single large germinal compartment, with a central lumen. Spermatocysts only contained spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes. Inside the testis lumen, together with mature sperm, two types of large mono‐nucleate cells, flagellate and aflagellate, were present. Both types of cells were interpreted as developing germ cells precociously released inside the testis lumen, where their maturation was completed. According to the different morphological features of the nuclei, such as chromatin condensation degree, aspect of the nuclear fossa and others, the flagellate cells were unquestionably developing spermatids. On the contrary, the developmental stage of the aflagellate was more difficult to interpreted. They could be secondary spermatocytes or young spermatids. No dimorphic sperm were recognizable, the only sperm type observed have features typical of the intro‐sperm reports in other syngnathids species. They had a cylindrical head, a short midpiece, characterized by two mitochondrial rings housed inside a cytoplasmic collar, and a long flagellum. These and previous data about the same topic reported on other syngnathids species were compared and discussed.  相似文献   

The mature oöcyte of Acanthoscelides obtectus is surrounded by three envelopes: an external layer, a chorion and a vitelline membrane. The external layer is secreted by the walls of the lateral oviducts. The chorion and vitelline membrane are secreted by the follicular cells. The vitelline membrane becomes very compact during the hour following fertilization and laying. The chorion is composed of three layers, one of which has a paracrystalline ultrastructure.Mature, unfertilized, chorion-containing oöcytes, whose vitelline membranes are loose, dehydrate rapidly in a dry atmosphere after laying or after removal from the lateral oviducts. Fertilized eggs are quite resistant to desiccation: after 12 days at 25°C and 5% relative humidity, viable larvae are obtained.The compact vitelline membrane is the most effective protection against dehydration. The chorion and the external layer are much less effective in preventing water loss from the egg.The retention of eggs in the lateral oviducts does not seem to lead to any modification of the structure of their envelopes.  相似文献   


The fatty acid composition, moisture, and total lipid of the eggs from the swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus, at three different embryonic stages (within 24 h, during the eye placode stage and the final heart beat stage), were measured. Results showed that the moisture and lipid content significantly increased and decreased (p < 0.05), respectively, as the stages progressed. The most prevalent fatty acids that were initially deposited included C16:0, C18:1n-9, and C18:0, while the most consumed fatty acids were C22:5n-6, C22:5n-3, and C20:1n-7. Among the major fatty acid groups, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) were consumed more than saturated fatty acids and significantly more (p < 0.05) than monounsaturated fatty acids (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, n-3 PUFA was deposited in significantly higher amounts (p < 0.05) than n-6 PUFA, but both were consumed at similar amounts at 43.4% and 41.3%, respectively. The relatively low amount of C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 consumption may indicate these fatty acids were conserved, while the essential fatty acids C18:3n-3 and C18:3n-6 were consumed at high amounts. These findings may have implications for broodstock nutrition in order to formulate a well-balanced diet.  相似文献   

We studied fecundity, survival, and growth of the seahorse Hippocampus ingens under semi-controlled conditions. Three wild brood stock mature males of 14.8, 24.5, and 32.0 g released 1,598, 1,703, and 1,658 juveniles. Juvenile stocking densities of 12 were settled in 60-1 aquariums in groups of 1, 12, and 20 days old organisms. The rate of survival was 21.5, 61.9, and 59.0%, respectively, in 35 days. Juveniles were fed a mix diet of rotifers B. plicatilis and Artemia nauplii, then they were transferred to a cement tank of 100,000 1 at a density of 50/1,000 1 and fed with live adult Artemia for 60 days more. They grew from an average of 0.7, 1.5, and 2.7 to 4.5, 5.4, and 6.7 cm, respectively, in 95 days. The seawater temperature varied from 17 to 23 degrees C.  相似文献   

The diet composition of the European seahorses, Hippocampus guttulatus and Hippocampus hippocampus was determined based on the analysis of 279 and 19 specimens, respectively, collected in the Aegean Sea. The diet of both species was mainly based on Crustacea, with Amphipoda, Anomura Decapoda and Mysidacea being the dominant prey categories. ANOSIM analyses, however, indicated statistically significant differences in the diet of the two species as well as differences in the diet composition of non-brooding males, brooding males and females within each species. In H. guttulatus , stomach fullness percentages and vacuity coefficient values indicated that female individuals seem to have a higher feeding activity in relation to males.  相似文献   

The morphological organization of the male brood pouch epithelium of Syngnathus abaster, before, during, and after the breeding period, was observed by light and electron microscopy. Before gestation, the epithelium of the pouch wall was compact and consisted of three kinds of cells: typical epithelial cells (pavement cells), mitochondria-rich cells (MR cells), and, presumably, differentiating MR cells. In this stage, very few capillaries were observed beneath the epithelium. During egg incubation, the capillaries increased in number and size, large intercellular spaces formed among epithelial cells at their basal sides, MR cells were abundant, and differentiating MR cells were only occasionally observed. After incubation, MR cells degenerated by necrosis and apoptosis. The intercellular spaces between the epithelial cells disappeared and the number and size of the capillaries beneath the epithelium decreased. The presence of MR cells during gestation and their degeneration after incubation suggest that these cells play a pivotal role in the physiological functions of the brood pouch. The similar cytological characteristics of syngnathid pouch MR cells and chloride cells of the teleostean gills suggests that the Syngnathidae brood pouch is involved in osmoregulation of the fluid surrounding the developing embryos.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of six constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C) on the post‐diapause embryonic development and the hatching time in three grasshopper species –Omocestus haemorrhoidalis (Charp.), Calliptamus abbreviatus Ikonn. and Chorthippus fallax (Zub.) – from the Inner Mongolian steppe. The results indicate that the species differ in the developmental rates, survival curves and cumulative hatching probabilities. The eggs of O. haemorrhoidalis had the fastest developmental rate with a low developmental threshold temperature of 9.9°C and the sum of effective temperature (SET) 211.2 degree‐days (DD). The corresponding values were 10.9°C and 210.6 DD for C. abbreviatus, 10.5°C and 240.2 DD for Ch. fallax respectively. The SET at which 50% of post‐diapause eggs hatched were 252.0 DD for O. haemorrhoidalis, 262.8 DD for C. abbreviatus, and 273.3 DD for Ch. fallax. The predicted maximal hatch ability of O. haemorrhoidalis (91.17%), C. abbreviatus (75.67%) and Ch. fallax (94.07%) occurred at 23.7, 29.0 and 31.3°C, respectively. The thermal death points of each species were reached at 43.3, 45.0 and 48.6°C. The optimal temperature ranges were 12.2–35.2°C for O. haemorrhoidalis, 21.7–36.3°C for C. abbreviatus and 20.9–41.7°C for Ch. fallax respectively. These results suggest that O. haemorrhoidalis adapt to hatch at a lower temperature range, C. abbreviatus adapt to mid‐temperature range, while Ch. fallax adapt to hatch at a higher temperature range. Although the SET of Ch. fallax is more than that of the other two species, it is not sufficient to explain the hatching sequence of the species in springtime. The results also indicate that Ch. fallax and O. haemorrhoidalis have wider adaptive temperature range than C. abbreviatus.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to describe histological development of the European long‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus, to increase understanding of the biology and physiology of the species. Most vital organs were present in juveniles by the time of their release from the male's pouch. Digestive tract specialization occurred at 89 effective day‐degrees (D°eff), corresponding to 15 days post partum (dpp), with development of the first intestinal loop and mucosal folding. At 118 D°eff (20 dpp), lipids were being mobilized from the liver and oocytes attained the perinuclear stage. The fovea emerged at 177 D°eff (30 dpp), contemporaneous with the shift from pelagic to benthic behaviour in juveniles. At this stage, the most interesting feature was the formation of the second intestinal loop. Male gonads were never observed during the study (from 0 to 354 D°eff; 0–60 dpp), but the first oogonia were present at 30 D°eff (5 dpp). In 354 D°eff (60 dpp) juveniles, oocytes were observed in a cortical alveoli stage, indicating maturity. Low digestive efficiency was observed at early stages, which was due to a poorly developed gastrointestinal tract and an immature digestive tract prior to 89 D°eff. The present study demonstrates that approximately 89 and 177 D°eff represent two important transitional stages in the early development of H. guttulatus. At a temperature of approximately 19 ± 1°C and an age of 1 month (177 D°eff), main organs were fully functional, suggesting that the adult phenotype was largely established by that age, with females becoming mature at the age of 2 months (354 D°eff).  相似文献   

运用酶解振荡压片技术和常规石蜡切片技术分别研究了无籽八月桔的胚囊育性及无籽八月桔自交和异交(无籽八月桔×台湾椪柑,无籽八月桔×有籽八月桔)的胚胎发育.结果表明:无籽八月桔胚囊可育,成熟胚囊具一个卵细胞、两个助细胞、三个反足细胞以及一个大的含二个极核的中央细胞;其自交和异交的胚胎发育均正常,授粉后2周出现球形胚和少量心形...  相似文献   

Aim To test the potential of two contrasting biogeographical hypotheses (‘Indian/Pacific Ocean Basin’ vs. ‘Wallace's Line’) to explain the distribution of genetic diversity among populations of a marine fish in Southeast Asia. Location The marine waters of Asia and Southeast Asia: from India to Japan, and east to the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Flores. Methods We sequenced a 696 base pair fragment of cytochrome b DNA of 100 individuals of Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach 1814 (three‐spot seahorse), obtained from across its range. We tested our hypotheses using phylogenetic reconstructions and analyses of molecular variance. Results Significant genetic divergence was observed among the specimens. Two distinct lineages emerged that diverged by an average of 2.9%. The genetic split was geographically associated, but surprisingly it indicated a major east–west division similar to the terrestrial Wallace's Line (ΦST = 0.662, P < 0.001) rather than one consistent with an Indian‐Pacific ocean basin separation hypothesis (ΦST = 0.023, P = 0.153). Samples from east of Wallace's Line, when analysed separately, however, were consistent with an Indian/Pacific Ocean separation (ΦST = 0.461, P = 0.005). The degree of genetic and geographical structure within each lineage also varied. Lineage A, to the west, was evolutionarily shallow (star‐like), and the haplotypes it contained often occurred over a wide area. Lineage B to the east had greater genetic structure, and there was also some evidence of geographical localization of sublineages within B. Main conclusions Our results indicate that the genetic diversity of marine organisms in Southeast Asia may reflect a more complex history than the simple division between two major ocean basins that has been proposed by previous authors. In particular, the east–west genetic division observed here is novel among marine organisms examined to date. The high haplotype, but low nucleotide diversity to the west of Wallace's Line is consistent with post‐glacial colonization of the Sunda Shelf. Additional data are needed to test the generality of these patterns.  相似文献   

Species-specific life-history information is critical for successful conservation, particularly in establishing an accurate baseline status. Obtaining such information is challenging for most species, but in particular for rare and threatened marine species. To facilitate future conservation of the endangered Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis) this study aimed to determine important life-history information for this species. Visible implant fluorescent elastomer (VIFE) tags were used to mark 78 seahorses within a residential marina estate in the Knysna estuary, South Africa, in February 2018. Using a mark-resight approach, the size and movement patterns of the population and growth rate of seahorses were determined over a 14-month period. The closed population estimate for H. capensis, within Thesen Islands Marina, was estimated to be 134 (118–152 95% C.I. ) in February 2018 compared to only 72 (48–108 95% C.I. ) in February 2019. The species showed rapid initial growth with males and females having similar rates of growth based on the specialised von Bertalanffy growth function model. The importance of Reno mattresses as a habitat for H. capensis was confirmed based on the high abundance and site fidelity of the population, which emphasises the conservation potential of heavily modified environments for threatened seahorse species. The use of VIFE tags was deemed effective in studying this endangered seahorse and allowed the collection of important information for this species which can be used in future Red List assessments and conservation actions.  相似文献   

Early development of the cephalic skeleton in the turbot   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At hatching Scophthalmus maximus shows no cartilaginous and no bony structure. Mecke?s cartilages appear when the fry are 1 day old, followed on day 2, by formation of the trabecular bars, fused at the outset to form a trabecula communis. Concurrently, the palatoquadrates complete the mandibular arch, and the first two pairs of ceratobranchials, associated with a pair of hyoid bars, form the beginnings of the hyobranchial system. By day 3, the parachordals have fused with the trabecular bars, the hyosymplectics have linked to the hyoid bars by interhyals, and the first four pairs of ceratobranchials have appeared. The first bony structures appear: the preoperculars. On day 8, the frontals develop above the orbits and the maxillaries and dentaries appear. On day 10, the primordia of the taeniae marginales appear, the palatoquadrates bear a pterygoid process, and to the branchial basket have been added the fifth pair of ceratobranchials and the four pairs of epibranchials. On day 12, both pairs of posterior pharyngobranchials are present. The premaxillaries develop in front of the maxillaires, and retroarticulars and the angulars complete the lower jaws. On day 13, a thin parasphenoid contributes to the floor of the neurocranium, and ectopterygoids and entopterygoids to the splanchnocranium. The set of opercular bones is complete. On day 15, the tectum synoticum closes the braincase posteriorly. The splanchnocranium possesses a basihyal and the pharyngobranchials of the first epibranchials. On day 18, the tectum posterius completes the dome of the braincase. The rear end and lateral walls of the skull are formed by the basioccipital, the exoccipitals, the pterotics, and the parietals. The suspensorium is nearly complete. From day 10, the first resorptions begin in parallel with the construction of the chondrocranium. Mecke?s cartilages each split in two, then the posterior part of the trabecular bars disappears. On day 23, the right taenia marginalis separates from the lamina orbitonasalis and curves towards the centre. Simultaneously, the right eye begins its migration to the left. This is the only metamorphosis-linked asymmetry to appear during the development of the chondrocranium. On day 25, many more bony structures appear, a characteristic of this stage: the nasals, lateral ethmoids, mesethmoid, sphenotics, prootics, pleurosphenoids, epiotics, and supraoccipital. From this stage on, the bony structures continue to develop, while the front of the neurocranium and the jaws undergo a deep remodelling due to metamorphosis. The left taenia marginalis does not appear reduced until day 29. By day 45, there remain only a few small elements of the cartilaginous skull.  相似文献   


The embryonic origin of the nervous system in Phialidium gregarium was investigated. Entoderm-free planulae, surgically produced by bisection at mid-gastrulation, and normal planulae were examined by light and electron microscopy to determine their cellular composition. The cell types that occur in the epidermis of the normal planula were described. The entoderm-free planulae were found to be devoid of interstitial cells and their derivatives, the nematocytes and ganglion cells. Neurosensory cells were present, however, indicating that they are derivatives of the ectodermal epithelium.

The role of nerve elements in the initiation of metamorphosis was also examined. Normal and entoderm-free planulae treated for four hours with 0.4% colchicine at two, three, or four days of development fail to undergo cesium-induced metamorphosis. Since such treatment in other hydrozoans eliminates interstitial cells and their derivatives [1-3], it might be argued that ganglion cells are necessary to initiate metamorphosis. The observation that entoderm-free planulae, devoid of interstitial cell derivatives, are capable of responding to induction by bacteria or cesium, however, indicates that in Phialidium the colchicine effect is on other cell types. The results are compared with findings for other Cnidaria.  相似文献   

The early intrauterine embryonic development of the bothriocephalidean cestode Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), a parasite of the teleost Merluccius merluccius (L., 1758), was studied by means of light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Contrary to the generic diagnosis given in the CABI Keys to the cestode parasites of vertebrates, the eggs of C. crassiceps, the type of species of Clestobothrium Lühe, 1899, are operculate and embryonated. Our LM and TEM results provide direct evidence that an operculum is present and that the eggs exhibit various stages of intrauterine embryonic development, and in fact represent a good example of early ovoviviparity. The intrauterine eggs of this species are polylecithal and contain numerous vitellocytes, generally ∼ 30, which are pushed to the periphery and remain close to the eggshell, whereas the dividing zygote and later the early embryo remain in the egg centre. During early intrauterine embryonic development, several cleavage divisions take place, which result in the formation of three types of blastomeres, i.e. macro-, meso- and micromeres. These can be readily differentiated at the TEM level, not only by their size, but also by the ultrastructural characteristics of their nuclei and cytoplasmic organelles. The total number of blastomeres in these early embryos, enclosed within the electron-dense eggshells, can be up to ∼ 20 cells of various sizes and characteristics. Mitotic divisions of early blastomeres were frequently observed at both LM and TEM levels. Simultaneously with the mitotic cleavage divisions leading to blastomere multiplication and their rapid differentiation, there is also a deterioration of some blastomeres, mainly micromeres. A similar degeneration of vitellocytes begins even earlier. Both processes show a progressive degeneration of both vitellocytes and micromeres, and are good examples of apoptosis, a process that provides nutritive substances, including lipids, for the developing embryo.  相似文献   

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