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Proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C-A-T-G-G-G-T-A-C).d(G-T-A-C-epsilon A-C-A-T-G) nonanucleotide duplex (designated epsilon dA.dG 9-mer duplex), which contains exocyclic adduct 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine positioned opposite deoxyguanosine in the center of the helix. The present study focuses on the alignment of dG5 and epsilon dA14 at the lesion site in the epsilon dA.dG 9-mer duplex at neutral pH. This alignment has been characterized by monitoring the NOEs originating from the NH1 proton of dG5 and the H2, H5, and H7/H8 protons of epsilon dA14 in the central d(G4-G5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment of the epsilon dA.dG 9-mer duplex. These NOE patterns establish that epsilon dA14 adopts a syn glycosidic torsion angle that positions the exocyclic ring toward the major groove edge while all the other bases including dG5 adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles. We detect a set of intra- and interstrand NOEs between protons (exchangeable and nonexchangeable) on adjacent residues in the d(G4-G5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment which establish formation of right-handed helical conformations on both strands and stacking of the dG5(anti).epsilon dA14(syn) pair between stable dG4.dC15 and dG6.dC13 pairs. The energy-minimized conformation of the central d(G4-G5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) segment establishes that the dG5(anti).epsilon dA14(syn) alignment is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds from the NH1 and NH2-2 of dG5(anti) to N9 and N1 of epsilon dA14(syn), respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The NMR parameters for the 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine (X) opposite deoxyadenosine positioned in the center of the complementary d(C1-A2-T3-G4-X5-G6-T7-A8-C9).d(G10-T11-A12-C13-A14-C15-A 16-T17-G18) X.A 9-mer duplex are pH dependent. A previous paper established protonated X5(syn).A14(anti) pairing in the X.A 9-mer duplex at pH 5.8 [Kouchakdjian, M., Marinelli, E., Gao, X., Johnson, F., Grollman, A., & Patel, D. J. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 5647-5657]; this paper focuses on the pairing alignment at the lesion site at pH 8.9. The observed NOEs between specific exocyclic CH2 protons and both the imino proton of G6 and the sugar H1' protons of C13 and A14 establish that X5 is positioned toward the G6.C13 base pair with the exocyclic ring directed between C13 and A14 on the partner strand. The observed NOE between the H2 proton of A14 and the imino proton of G4, but not G6, establishes that A14 at the lesion site is directed toward the G4.C15 base pair. NOEs are detected between all exocyclic CH2 protons of X5 and the H2 proton of A14, confirming that both X5 and A14 are directed toward the interior of the helix. The X5(anti).A14(anti) alignment at pH 8.9 is accommodated within the helix with retention of Watson-Crick pairing at flanking G4.C15 and G6.C13 base pairs. The energy-minimized conformation of the (G4-X5-G6).(C13-A14-C15) segment at pH 8.9 establishes that X5 and A14 are directed into the helix, partially stack on each other, and are not stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The X5 base is partially intercalated between C13 and A14 on the unmodified strand, while A14 is partially intercalated between G4 and X5 on the modified strand. This results in a larger separation between the G4.C15 and G6.C13 base pairs flanking the lesion site in the basic pH conformation of the X.A 9-mer duplex. The midpoint of the transition between the protonated X5(syn).A14(anti) and X5(anti).A14(anti) conformations occurs at pH 7.6, establishing an unusually high pKa for protonation of the A14 ring opposite the X5 exocyclic adduct site. Thus, the interplay between hydrophobic and hydrogen-bonding contributions modulated by pH defines the alignment of 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine opposite deoxyadenosine in the interior of DNA helices.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C-A-T-G-T-G-T-A-C).d(G-T-A-C-epsilon A-C-A-T-G) nonanucleotide duplex (designated epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex) containing 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine (epsilon dA), a carcinogen-DNA adduct, positioned opposite thymidine in the center of the helix. Our NMR studies have focused on the conformation of the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex at neutral pH with emphasis on defining the alignment at the dT5.epsilon dA14 lesion site. The through-space NOE distance connectivities establish that both dT5 and epsilon dA14 adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles, are directed into the interior of the helix, and stack with flanking Watson-Crick dG4.dC15 and dG6.dC13 pairs. Furthermore, the d(G4-T5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment centered about the dT5.epsilon dA14 lesion site adopts a right-handed helical conformation in solution. Energy minimization computations were undertaken starting from six different alignments of dT5(anti) and epsilon dA14(anti) at the lesion site and were guided by distance constraints defined by lower and upper bounds estimated from NOESY data sets on the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex. Two families of energy-minimized structures were identified with the dT5 displaced toward either the flanking dG4.dC15 or the dG6.dC13 base pair. These structures can be differentiated on the basis of the observed NOEs from the imino proton of dT5 to the imino proton of dG4 but not dG6 and to the amino protons of dC15 but not dC13 that were not included in the constraints data set used in energy minimization. Our NMR data are consistent with a nonplanar alignment of epsilon dA14(anti) and dT5(anti) with dT5 displaced toward the flanking dG4.dC15 base pair within the d(G4-T5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) segment of the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional proton NMR studies were undertaken on the d(C-G-A-G-A-A-T-T-C-C-C-G) duplex (designated A.C 12-mer) where the A at the mismatch site is flanked by G residues and the d(C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-A-C-G) duplex (designated C.A 12-mer) where the A at the mismatch site is flanked by C residues in an attempt to elucidate the role of flanking base pairs on the structure of the A.C mismatch. The exchangeable and nonexchangeable proton spectra of these two dodecanucleotides have been completely characterized by two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) experiments in H2O and D2O solution at acidic pH. The NOE distance connectivities demonstrate that both A and C at the mismatch site are stacked into a right-handed helix between flanking G.C base pairs and exhibit anti-glycosidic torsion angles. The proton chemical shifts and NOE patterns are consistent with Wobble A.C pairing for the A.C 12-mer and C.A 12-mer duplexes in solution and demonstrate that the A.C mismatches introduce local conformational perturbations that do not extend to the central AATT segment. We detect that amino protons of adenosine (approximately 9.2 ppm) but not of cytidine at the A.C mismatch site in both duplexes on lowering the pH below 6.  相似文献   

Proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C1-C2-A3-C4-T5-A6-oxo-G7-T8-C9-A10-C11-C12).d(G13-G14-T15- G16-A17-A18-T19- A20-G21-T22-G23-G24) dodecanucleotide duplex (designated 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer), which contains a centrally located 7-hydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxo-7H-dG) residue, a group commonly found in DNA that has been exposed to ionizing radiation or oxidizing free radicals. From the NMR spectra it can be deduced that this moiety exists as two tautomers, or gives rise to two DNA conformations, that are in equilibrium and that exchange slowly. The present study focuses on the major component of the equilibrium that originates in the 6,8-dioxo tautomer of 8-oxo-7H-dG. We have assigned the exchangeable NH1, NH7, and NH2-2 base protons located on the Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen edges of 8-oxo-7H-dG7 in the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex, using an analysis of one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) data in H2O solution. The observed NOEs derived from the NH7 proton of 8-oxo-7H-dG7 to the H2 and NH2-6 protons of dA18 establish an 8-oxo-7H-dG7(syn).dA 18(anti) alignment at the lesion site in the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex in solution. This alignment, which places the 8-oxo group in the minor groove, was further characterized by an analysis of the NOESY spectrum of the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex in D2O solution. We were able to detect a set of intra- and interstrand NOEs between protons (exchangeable and nonexchangeable) on adjacent residues in the d(A6-oxo-G7-T8).d(A17-A18-T19) trinucleotide segment centered about the lesion site that establishes stacking of the oxo-dG7(syn).dA(anti) pair between stable Watson-Crick dA6.dT19 and dT8.dA17 base pairs with minimal perturbation of the helix. Thus, both strands of the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex adopt right-handed conformations at and adjacent to the lesion site, the unmodified bases adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles, and the bases are stacked into the helix. The energy-minimized conformation of the central d(A6-oxo-G7-T8).d(A17-A18-T19) segment requires that the 8-oxo-7H-dG7(syn).dA18(anti) alignment be stabilized by two hydrogen bonds from NH7 and O6 of 8-oxo-7H-dG7(syn) to N1 and NH2-6 of dA18(anti), respectively, at the lesion site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Structural features of pyrimidine.pyrimidine mismatches in the interior of oligonucleotide duplexes have been investigated by high resolution two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy. These studies were conducted on the self-complementary d(C-G-C-T-A-G-C-T-T-G-C-G) duplex (designated T.T 12-mer) and the self-complementary d(C-G-C-C-A-G-C-T-C-G-C-G) duplex (designated C.C 12-mer) containing T.T and C.C pairs located at identical positions four base-pairs from either end of the duplex. Proton n.m.r. studies on the T.T 12-mer duplex were undertaken in the neutral pH range, while studies on the C.C 12-mer duplex were recorded at acidic pH. The proton spectra narrowed considerably on lowering the pH below neutrality for the C.C 12-mer duplex. Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) data sets have been recorded on the T.T 12-mer and C.C 12-mer duplexes in high salt H2O and D2O solution. The magnitude of the NOE crosspeaks and the directionality of the NOE connectivities demonstrate that both duplexes are right-handed with all bases, including those at the mismatch site, adopting an anti configuration about the glycosidic bond. The observed base and sugar proton chemical shifts suggest structural similarities for the trinucleotide segments centered about the T.T and C.C mismatches. A NOE is detected between the resolved imino protons of T4 and T9 at the mismatch site, consistent with formation of a stacked "wobble" T4(anti).T9(anti) pair in the T.T 12-mer duplex. A comparison of the imino proton chemical shift and NOE data suggests that the imino-carbonyl hydrogen bonds in the wobble T.T mismatch are weaker than the corresponding imino-carbonyl hydrogen bonds in the wobble G.T mismatch. The 4-amino protons of C4 and C9 at the mismatch site in the C.C 12-mer duplex do not exhibit the pattern of hydrogen-bonded and exposed protons separated by approximately 1.5 parts per million characteristic of cytidine amino protons involved in Watson-Crick G.C pairing. The experimental data are insufficient to differentiate between wobble C(anti).C+(anti) and other pairing possibilities for the mismatch in the C.C 12-mer duplex at acidic pH.  相似文献   

The synthetic dodecanucleotide d(CGCAAATTGGCG) has been analysed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques and the structure refined to R = 0.16 and 2.25 A resolution, with the location of 94 solvent molecules. The sequence crystallizes as a full turn of a B-DNA helix with ten Watson-Crick base-pairs and two adenine-guanine mispairs. The analysis clearly shows that the mismatches are of the form A(anti).G(syn). Thermal denaturation studies indicate that the stability of the duplex is strongly pH dependent, with a maximum at pH 5.0, suggesting that the base-pair is stabilized by protonation. Three different arrangements have been observed for base-pairs between guanine and adenine and it is likely that A.G mismatch conformation is strongly influenced by dipole-dipole interactions with adjacent base-pairs.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a combined two-dimensional NMR and energy minimization computational characterization of the conformation of the N-(deoxyguanosyl-8-yl)aminofluorene adduct [(AF)G] positioned across adenosine in a DNA oligomer duplex as a function of pH in aqueous solution. This study was undertaken on the d[C1-C2-A3-T4-C5-(AF)G6-C7-T8-A9-C10-C11].[G12-G13-T14 -A15-G16-A17-G18- A19-T20-G21-G22] complementary undecamer [(AF)G 11-mer duplex]. The modification of the single G6 on the pyrimidine-rich strand was accomplished by reaction of the oligonucleotide with N-acetoxy-2-(acetylamino)fluorene and subsequent deacetylation under alkaline conditions. The HPLC-purified modified strand was annealed with the unmodified purine-rich strand to generate the (AF)G 11-mer duplex. The exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons are well resolved and narrow in the NMR spectra of the (AF)G 11-mer duplex so that the base and the majority of sugar nucleic acid protons, as well as several aminofluorene ring protons, have been assigned following analysis of two-dimensional NOESY and COSY data sets at pH 6.9, 30 degrees C in H2O and D2O solution. The NOE distance constraints establish that the glycosidic torsion angle is syn at (AF)G6 and anti at A17, which results in the aminofluorene ring being positioned in the minor groove. A very large downfield shift is detected at the H2' sugar proton of (AF)G6 associated with the (AF)G6[syn].A17[anti] alignment in the (AF)G 11-mer duplex. The NMR parameters demonstrate formation of Watson-Crick C5.G18 and C7.G16 base pairs on either side of the (AF)G6[syn].A17[anti] modification site with the imino proton of G18 more stable to exchange than the imino proton of G16. Several nonexchangeable aminofluorene protons undergo large downfield shifts as do the imino and H8 protons of G16 on lowering of the pH from neutrality to acidic values for the (AF)G 11-mer duplex. Both the neutral and acidic pH conformations have been defined by assigning the NOE constraints in the [C5-(AF)G6-C7].[G16-A17-G18] segment centered about the modification site and incorporating them in distance constrained minimized potential energy calculations in torsion angle space with the DUPLEX program. A series of NOEs between the aminofluorene protons and the DNA sugar protons in the neutral pH conformation establish that the aminofluorene ring spans the minor groove and is directed toward the G16-A17-G18 sugar-phosphate backbone on the partner strand.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

UV absorption and CD spectroscopy, along with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, were used to study conformational properties of DNA fragments containing the trinucleotide repeat (GCC)n (n = 4, 8 or 16), whose expansion is correlated with the fragile X chromosome syndrome. We have found that the conformational spectrum of the (GCC)n strand is wider than has been shown so far. (GCC)n strands adopt the hairpin described in the literature under a wide range of salt concentrations, but only at alkaline (>7.5) pH values. However, at neutral and slightly acid pH (GCC)4 and (GCC)8 strands homodimerize. Our data suggest that the homodimer is a bimolecular tetraplex formed by two parallel-oriented hairpins held together by hemi-protonated intermolecular C·C+ pairs. The (GCC)16 strand forms the same tetraplex intramolecularly. We further show that below pH 5 (GCC)n strands generate intercalated cytosine tetraplexes, whose molecularity depends on DNA strand length. They are tetramolecular with (GCC)4, bimolecular with (GCC)8 and monomolecular with (GCC)16. i-Tetraplex formation is a complex and slow process. The neutral tetraplex, on the other hand, arises with fast kinetics under physiological conditions. Thus it is a conformational alternative of the (GCC)n strand duplex with a complementary (GGC)n strand.  相似文献   

The average conformation of GpU and UpG in neutral aqueous solutions has been investigated by proton chemical shifts and coupling measurements as well as T1 relaxation time experiments. The proportion of the N and S pseudorotational conformers of the ribose ring has been derived from the vicinal coupling constants. The relaxation data provide information about the syn--anti equilibrium of the orientation of the base about the glycosidic bond. This orientation is predominantly syn for the Guo base in both dinucleoside phosphates, that of Urd is anti in the case of GpU and shows an almost equivalent syn and anti character for UpG.  相似文献   

The pyrimidopurinone adduct M1G [3-(2'-deoxy-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)pyrimido[1,2-a]-purin-10(3H)-one], formed in DNA upon exposure to malondialdehyde or base propenals, was incorporated into 5'-d(ATCGCMCGGCATG)-3'-5'-d(CATGCCGCGAT)-3', where M = M1G. This duplex contained a two-nucleotide bulge in the modified strand, and was named the M1G-2BD oligodeoxynucleotide. It provided a model for -2 bp strand slippage deletions associated with the (CpG)3-iterated repeat hotspot for frameshift mutations from the Salmonella typhimurium hisD3052 gene. M1G was chemically stable in the M1G-2BD duplex at neutral pH. The two-base bulge in the M1G-2BD oligodeoxynucleotide was localized and consisted of M1G and the 3'-neighbor deoxycytosine. The intrahelical orientation of M1G was established from a combination of NOE and chemical shift data. M1G was in the anti conformation about the glycosyl bond. The 3'-neighbor deoxycytosine appeared to be extruded toward the major groove. In contrast, when M1G was placed into the corresponding fully complementary (CpG)3-iterated repeat duplex at neutral pH, spontaneous and quantitative ring-opening to N(2)-(3-oxo-1-propenyl)-dG (the OPG adduct) was facilitated [Mao, H., Reddy, G. R., Marnett, L. J., and Stone, M. P. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 13491-13501]. The structure of the M1G-2BD duplex suggested that the bulged sequence lacked a cytosine amino group properly positioned to facilitate opening of M1G and supports the notion that proper positioning of deoxycytosine complementary to M1G is necessary to promote ring-opening of the exocyclic adduct in duplex DNA. The structure of the M1G-2BD duplex was similar to that of the structural analogue 1,N(2)-propanodeoxyguanosine (PdG) in the corresponding PdG-2BD duplex [Weisenseel, J. P., Moe, J. G., Reddy, G. R., Marnett, L. J., and Stone, M. P. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 50-64]. The fixed position of the bulged bases in both instances suggests that these exocyclic adducts do not facilitate transient bulge migration.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) directed triplex formation has therapeutic importance and depends on Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds between a duplex DNA and a third DNA strand. T*A:T triplets are formed at neutral pH and C+*G:C are favoured at acidic pH. It is demonstrated that spermine conjugation at N4 of 5-Me-dC in ODNs 1-5 (sp-ODNs) imparts zwitterionic character, thus reducing the net negative charge of ODNs 1-5. sp-ODNs form triplexes with complementary 24mer duplex 8:9 show foremost stability at neutral pH 7.3 and decrease in stability towards lower pH, unlike the normal ODNs where optimal stability is found at an acidic pH 5.5. At pH 7.3, control ODNs 6 and 7 carrying dC or 5-Me-dC, respectively, do not show any triple helix formation. The stability order of triplex containing 5-Me-dC-N4-(spermine) with normal and mismatched duplex was found to be X*G:C approximately X*A:T > X*C:G > X*T:A. The hysteresis curve of sp-ODN triplex 3*8:9 indicated a better association with complementary duplex 8:9 as compared to unmodified ODN 6 in triplex 6*8:9. pH-dependent UV difference spectra suggest that N3 protonation is not a requirement for triplex formation by sp-ODN and interstrand interaction of conjugated spermine more than compensates for loss in stability due to absence of a single Hoogsteen hydrogen bond. These results may have importance in designing oligonucleotides for antigene applications.  相似文献   

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