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Connexin mutations in skin disease and hearing loss   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Despite advances in identifying deafness genes, determination of the underlying cellular and functional mechanisms for auditory diseases remains a challenge. Mutations of the human K(+) channel hKv7.4 lead to post-lingual progressive hearing loss (DFNA2), which affects world-wide population with diverse racial backgrounds. Here, we have generated the spectrum of point mutations in the hKv7.4 that have been identified as diseased mutants. We report that expression of five point mutations in the pore region, namely L274H, W276S, L281S, G285C, and G296S, as well as the C-terminal mutant G321S in the heterologous expression system, yielded non-functional channels because of endoplasmic reticulum retention of the mutant channels. We mimicked the dominant diseased conditions by co-expressing the wild-type and mutant channels. As compared with expression of wild-type channel alone, the blend of wild-type and mutant channel subunits resulted in reduced currents. Moreover, the combinatorial ratios of wild type:mutant and the ensuing current magnitude could not be explained by the predictions of a tetrameric channel and a dominant negative effect of the mutant subunits. The results can be explained by the dependence of cell surface expression of the mutant on the wild-type subunit. Surprisingly, a transmembrane mutation F182L, which has been identified in a pre-lingual progressive hearing loss patient in Taiwan, yielded cell surface expression and functional features that were similar to that of the wild type, suggesting that this mutation may represent redundant polymorphism. Collectively, these findings provide traces of the cellular mechanisms for DFNA2.  相似文献   

The increased incidence of non-healing skin wounds in developed societies has prompted tremendous research efforts on the complex process known as “wound healing”. Unfortunately, the weak relevance of modern wound healing research to human health continues to be a matter of concern. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the cellular mechanisms that mediate wound closure in the skin of humans and laboratory animals. The author highlights the anatomical singularities of human skin vs. the skin of other mammals commonly used for wound healing research (i.e. as mice, rats, rabbits, and pigs), and discusses the roles of stem cells, myofibroblasts, and the matrix environment in the repair process. The majority of this review focuses on reepithelialization and wound closure. Other aspects of wound healing (e.g. inflammation, fibrous healing) are referred to when relevant to the main topic. This review aims at providing the reader with a clear understanding of the similarities and differences that have been reported over the past 100 years between the healing of human wounds and that of other mammals.  相似文献   

Melanocytes are derived from the neural crest (NC), which are transient multipotent cells arising by delamination from the developing dorsal neural tube. During recent years, signaling systems and molecular mechanisms of melanocyte development have been studied in detail, but the exact diversification of the NC into melanocytes and how they migrate, expand and disperse in the skin have not been fully understood. The recent finding that Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) of the growing nerve represents a stem cell niche from which various cell types, including Schwann cells, endoneural fibroblasts and melanocytes arise has exposed new knowledge on the cellular basis for melanocyte development. This opens for the identification of new factors and reinterpretation of old data on cell fate instructive, proliferative, survival and cell homing factors participating in melanocyte development.  相似文献   

Hidden hearing loss (HHL) is an auditory neuropathy characterized by normal hearing thresholds but reduced amplitudes of the sound-evoked auditory nerve compound action potential (CAP). In animal models, HHL can be caused by moderate noise exposure or aging, which induces loss of inner hair cell (IHC) synapses. In contrast, recent evidence has shown that transient loss of cochlear Schwann cells also causes permanent auditory deficits in mice with similarities to HHL. Histological analysis of the cochlea after auditory nerve remyelination showed a permanent disruption of the myelination patterns at the heminode of type I spiral ganglion neuron (SGN) peripheral terminals, suggesting that this defect could be contributing to HHL. To shed light on the mechanisms of different HHL scenarios observed in animals and to test their impact on type I SGN activity, we constructed a reduced biophysical model for a population of SGN peripheral axons whose activity is driven by a well-accepted model of cochlear sound processing. We found that the amplitudes of simulated sound-evoked SGN CAPs are lower and have greater latencies when heminodes are disorganized, i.e. they occur at different distances from the hair cell rather than at the same distance as in the normal cochlea. These results confirm that disruption of heminode positions causes desynchronization of SGN spikes leading to a loss of temporal resolution and reduction of the sound-evoked SGN CAP. Another mechanism resulting in HHL is loss of IHC synapses, i.e., synaptopathy. For comparison, we simulated synaptopathy by removing high threshold IHC-SGN synapses and found that the amplitude of simulated sound-evoked SGN CAPs decreases while latencies remain unchanged, as has been observed in noise exposed animals. Thus, model results illuminate diverse disruptions caused by synaptopathy and demyelination on neural activity in auditory processing that contribute to HHL as observed in animal models and that can contribute to perceptual deficits induced by nerve damage in humans.  相似文献   

Miller RA  Dolan D  Han M  Kohler W  Schacht J 《Aging cell》2011,10(2):362-363
Those mice whose skin-derived primary fibroblast cell lines resist lethal injury induced by hydrogen peroxide or UV light show lower age-related decline in hearing. Skin cell lines may provide an easily accessible surrogate index of intrinsic stress resistance that varies among individuals and influences the pace of neurosensory decline in aging mice.  相似文献   

Current understanding of neural processing in the auditory cortex has been shaped by a variety of experimental approaches in animals and humans. It remains a daunting challenge to reconcile data as diverse as synaptic properties recorded in a rodent brain slice and functional images of auditory cortex in a behaving human. Nevertheless, the gaps are narrowing through a renewed focus on humans and other primates, a continuing interest in evidence for functional pathways, a broader application of modern imaging techniques, a growing awareness of cortical sensitivity to dynamic features of sounds, and an improved understanding of auditory cortical circuitry.  相似文献   

Skin and soft tissue infections were studied in 21 seriously ill narcotic addicts who had been admitted to hospital. Subcutaneous abscesses were present in 14 patients; cellulitis was noted in 3, pyomyositis in 2 and necrotizing fasciitis in 2. In four patients there was septicemia. Infections in 14 patients (66.6 percent) were associated with anaerobic bacteria, which were the exclusive isolates in 6 patients. In seven patients (33.3 percent) isolates were exclusively aerobic bacteria and in eight both aerobes and anaerobes were present. The anaerobic isolates were clostridia (six), peptostreptococci (five), bacteroides (five), peptococci (three), and one of each of Veillonella, Propionibacterium, Eubacterium, Fusobacterium and Actinomyces. Staphylococcus aureus, generally thought to be the most common cause of subcutaneous infections in addicts, was found only in four (19 percent) patients. The other aerobic isolates were Klebsiella (five) and Enterobacter (four) species. When clinical features or the Gram stain of pus suggest that anaerobic bacteria may be present, antibiotic therapy should be directed against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria until culture results are available.  相似文献   

Precision medicine (PM) proposes customized medical care based on a patient's unique genome, biomarkers, environment and behaviors. Hearing loss (HL) is the most common sensorineural disorder worldwide and is frequently caused by a single genetic mutation. With recent advances in PM tools such as genetic sequencing and data analysis, the field of HL is ideally positioned to adopt the strategies of PM. Here, we review current and future applications of PM in HL as they relate to the four core qualities of PM (P4): predictive, personalized, patient-centered, and participatory. We then introduce a strategy for effective incorporation of HL PM into the design of future research studies, electronic medical records, and clinical practice to improve diagnostics, prognostics, and, ultimately, individualized patient treatment. Finally, specific anticipated ethical and economic concerns in this growing era of genomics-based HL treatment are discussed. By integrating PM principles into translational HL research and clinical practice, hearing specialists are uniquely positioned to effectively treat the heterogeneous causes and manifestations of HL on an individualized basis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction in hearing loss   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mitochondrial pathology plays an important role in both inherited and acquired hearing loss. Inherited mitochondrial DNA mutations have been implicated in both syndromic and non-syndromic hearing loss, as well as in predisposition to aminoglycoside ototoxicity. Acquired mitochondrial dysfunction in the absence of mitochondrial DNA mutations has also been proposed as playing an important role in noise-induced and toxin-induced hearing loss. Presbycusis, the hearing loss associated with aging, may be caused by mitochondrial dysfunction resulting from the accumulation of acquired mitochondrial DNA mutations and other factors. The pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Gap junctions facilitate direct cytoplasmic communication between neighboring cells, facilitating the transfer of small molecular weight molecules involved in cell signaling and metabolism. Gap junction channels are formed by the joining of two hemichannels from adjacent cells, each composed of six oligomeric protein subunits called connexins. Of paramount importance to CNS homeostasis are astrocyte networks formed by gap junctions, which play a critical role in maintaining the homeostatic regulation of extracellular pH, K+, and glutamate levels. Inflammation is a hallmark of several diseases afflicting the CNS. Within the past several years, the number of publications reporting effects of cytokines and pathogenic stimuli on glial gap junction communication has increased dramatically. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent observations characterizing the consequences of inflammatory stimuli on homocellular gap junction coupling in astrocytes and microglia as well as changes in connexin expression during various CNS inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

Age is the strongest independent risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis (OA) and for many years this was assumed to be due to repetitive microtrauma of the joint surface over time, the so-called ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. As our understanding of OA pathogenesis has become more refined, it has changed our appreciation of the role of ageing on disease. Cartilage breakdown in disease is not a passive process but one involving induction and activation of specific matrix-degrading enzymes; chondrocytes are exquisitely sensitive to changes in the mechanical, inflammatory and metabolic environment of the joint; cartilage is continuously adapting to these changes by altering its matrix. Ageing influences all of these processes. In this review, we will discuss how ageing affects tissue structure, joint use and the cellular metabolism. We describe what is known about pathways implicated in ageing in other model systems and discuss the potential value of targeting these pathways in OA.  相似文献   

Our multidisciplinary team obtained noise data in 27 San Francisco Bay Area restaurants. These data included typical minimum, peak, and average sound pressure levels; digital tape recordings; subjective noise ratings; and on-site unaided and aided speech discrimination tests. We report the details and implications of these noise measurements and provide basic information on selecting hearing aids and suggestions for coping with restaurant noise.  相似文献   

There has been nearly a century of interest in the idea that information is encoded in the brain as specific spatio-temporal patterns of activity in distributed networks and stored as changes in the efficacy of synaptic connections on neurons that are activated during learning. The discovery and detailed report of the phenomenon generally known as long-term potentiation opened a new chapter in the study of synaptic plasticity in the vertebrate brain, and this form of synaptic plasticity has now become the dominant model in the search for the cellular bases of learning and memory. To date, the key events in the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity are starting to be identified. They require the activation of specific receptors and of several molecular cascades to convert extracellular signals into persistent functional changes in neuronal connectivity. Accumulating evidence suggests that the rapid activation of the genetic machinery is a key mechanism underlying the enduring modification of neural networks required for the laying down of memory. The recent developments in the search for the cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory storage are reviewed.  相似文献   

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