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Rates of diffusion of uncharged and charged solute molecules through porin channels were determined by using liposomes reconstituted from egg phosphatidylcholine and purified Escherichia coli porins OmpF (protein 1a), OmpC (protein 1b), and PhoE (protein E). All three porin proteins appeared to produce channels of similar size, although the OmpF channel appeared to be 7 to 9% larger than the OmpC and PhoE channels in an equivalent radius. Hydrophobicity of the solute retarded the penetration through all three channels in a similar manner. The presence of one negative charge on the solute resulted in about a threefold reduction in penetration rates through OmpF and OmpC channels, whereas it produced two- to tenfold acceleration of diffusion through the PhoE channel. The addition of the second negatively charged group to the solutes decreased the diffusion rates through OmpF and OmpC channels further, whereas diffusion through the PhoE channel was not affected much. These results suggest that PhoE specializes in the uptake of negatively charged solutes. At the present level of resolution, no sign of true solute specificity was found in OmpF and OmpC channels; peptides, for example, diffused through both of these channels at rates expected from their molecular size, hydrophobicity, and charge. However, the OmpF porin channel allowed influx of more solute molecules per unit time than did the equivalent weight of the OmpC porin when the flux was driven by a concentration gradient of the same size. This apparent difference in "efficiency" became more pronounced with larger solutes, and it is likely to be the consequence of the difference in the sizes of OmpF and OmpC channels.  相似文献   

A porin preparation from Escherichia coli 0111:B4 consisting of Omp F and Omp C (with Omp F in excess) was purified by salt extraction procedures and investigated in bilayer lipid membranes formed according to the Montal-Mueller technique. The porin preparation was added to the KCl electrolyte compartment of the Montal-Mueller cell which was connected to the voltage source. As the porin incorporated into the membrane, asymmetric, voltage-gated ion channels were formed. Transmembrane voltages greater than +50 mV (measured with respect to the side of porin addition) caused channel closing, while negative voltages, on the other hand, had no effect on channel behaviour but did increase the rate of porin incorporation at higher voltages. With porin added to both compartments voltage gating no longer occurred. Single-channel conductances corresponded to effective pore diameters of 1.5 nm for opening events and 1.18 nm for channel closing events. The number of charges involved in gating was approximately 2.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes isolated from the rat cerebral cortex were mixed with sonicated phospholipid vesicles and subjected to freezing-thawing to acquire giant proteoliposomes. Membranes of these giant proteoliposome could thus be studied using patch-clamp techniques. Single-channel currents were measured with the inside-out patch of the membrane, in KCl solutions. Three different potassium channels were detected and unit conductances were 15.1, 28.6 and 91.0 pS, respectively, in a symmetrical 150 mM KCl solution. All these channels are more permeable to potassium than to sodium ions, the permeability ratio being about 2:1. Tetraethylammonium ions blocked these channels. The gating of these potassium channels is independent of the membrane potential, Presumably, these channels play a role in the resting membrane potential of presynaptic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes isolated from the rat cerebral cortex were mixed with sonicated phospholipid vesicles and subjected to freezing-thawing to acquire giant proteoliposomes. Membranes of these giant proteoliposomes could thus be studied using patch-clamp techniques. Single-channel currents were measured with the inside-out patch of the membrane, in KCl solutions. Three different potassium channels were detected and unit conductances were 15.1, 28.6 and 91.0 pS, respectively, in a symmetrical 150 mM KCl solution. All these channels are more permeable to potassium than to sodium ions, the permeability ratio being about 2:1. Tetraethylammonium ions blocked these channels. The gating of these potassium channels is independent of the membrane potential. Presumably, these channels play a role in the resting membrane potential of presynaptic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The receptor protein for bacteriophage λ was purified to homogeneity from a mutant strain of Escherichia coli K-12 producing reduced amounts of porin. In the reconstituted vesicle membranes the λ-receptor formed permeability channels that allowed the diffusion of maltose, lactose, sucrose, raffinose, amino acids, and nucleosides, but essentially not of stachyose. The permeability channels made of λ-receptor thus had a relatively low specificity for solute molecules. The active form of the protein seemed to be an oligomer of λ-receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Inner and outer membranes of Escherichia coli and contact zones were isolated and fused separately with giant liposomes amenable to patch-clamp recording. Different types of large pressure-activated channels were localized in the inner membrane fraction which also contained smaller, pressure-insensitive channels. The outer membrane contained pressure-insensitive channels with large conductances and long opening and closing times which are likely to be porins. Large channels were also observed in contact zones.  相似文献   

Direct gene transfer is achieved in Escherichia coli by use of square wave electric pulsing. As observed by video monitoring, the field pulse causes bacteria to orientate parallel to the field lines. Rapid kinetic turbidity changes indicate that this process happens quickly. In these circumstances, and in pulsing conditions prone to inducing transformation, only caps are affected by the field. Considerable cytoplasmic ion leakage occurs during the pulse, affecting the interfacial ionic concentration. The pulsing-buffer osmolarity has to be close to that used with protoplasts. Contact between the plasmid and the bacteria can be very short before the pulse but must be present during the pulse. The plasmid remains accessible to externally added DNases up to 5 days after the pulse, suggesting that the transfer step is slow. Electric-field-mediated transfer can be described in two steps: the anchoring process during the pulse, followed by the crossing of the membrane.  相似文献   

The voltage dependence of rat liver gap junctions was investigated using non-denaturing solubilization and reconstitution of gap-junction protein into proteoliposomes in controlled conditions of connexon aggregation. The presence of liver connexin 32 in reconstituted proteoliposomes was checked with specific antibodies. The proteoliposomes were inserted into planar lipid bilayers by fusion. The single-channel conductance was voltage independent, and its magnitude was 700-1900 pS in 1 M NaCl, as expected from other reports, assuming that conductance is linear with ion activity. The channels were open at zero voltage and completely closed above 40 mV in either direction. This steep voltage dependence corresponded to an open/closed-state voltage difference of 19 mV and to 3.5 gating charges moving through the field. When several channels were inserted into the bilayer, a large fraction of the membrane conductance became voltage insensitive. These results show that the isolated channel units are highly voltage dependent and are consistent with the assumption that aggregated connexons interact through links which prevent voltage-sensitive conformational changes.  相似文献   

We have modified the procedure of Criado and Keller (1987) to study ion channels of Escherichia coli reconstituted in liposomes. The modifications include (a) excluding the use of any detergent and (b) inducing blisters from liposomes with Mg2+. These blisters, which appear to be unilamellar, are stable for hours. They could be repeatedly sampled with different patch-clamp pipettes each achieving seal resistance greater than 10 GOhms. Activities of three types of ion channels are often observed by use of this method, including two voltage-sensitive cation channels of different conductances. Even the mechanosensitive channel, previously recorded from live E. coli cells (Martinac et al., 1987), was also detected in these blisters. Apparently the channel protein and any accessory structures, postulated to be needed for mechanotransduction, can be reconstituted together by this method.  相似文献   

Trigonal crystals of porin from Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Trigonal crystals of the integral membrane protein porin from Escherichia coli have been grown and characterized. They belong to space group P321 with unit cell constants a = b = LL8.4, c = 52.7 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees. The crystals grow as well-defined hexagonal prisms to a size of 0.25 mm in all dimensions, and diffract to 2.7 A. The molecular symmetry coincides with 3-fold crystallographic symmetry, giving two trimers per unit cell (1 monomer/asymmetric unit). This corresponds to VM = 2.9 A3/Da. Native X-ray data to 3.0 A resolution have been collected on a FAST area detector and a search for heavy atom derivatives is underway.  相似文献   

A M Correa  F Bezanilla  W S Agnew 《Biochemistry》1990,29(26):6230-6240
We report here a characterization of the voltage-activated behavior of sodium channels purified from the electroplax of Electrophorus electricus. Single-channel activity in response to depolarizing pulses was recorded from patches excised from liposomes containing the reconstituted channel. Strong hyperpolarizations were required to elicit channel activity. Channels exhibited two typical gating patterns. They either would open in brief bursts upon depolarization and then inactivate (fast) or would stay opened for prolonged periods that frequently lasted several consecutive depolarizations and showed intense flickering (slow). The single-channel conductance estimated from the slope of the I-V curves ranged between 15 and 30 pS under several experimental conditions. Channels gating in either mode, fast or slow, were indistinguishable in terms of their sizes. No clear difference in their mean open times was observed. In addition to the two gating patterns, we also found a very clear tendency of the channels to stay quiet for long periods.  相似文献   

Nuclear ionic channels (NICs) represent ubiquitous structures of living cells, although little is known about their functional properties and encoding genes. To characterize NICs, liver nuclear membrane vesicles were reconstituted into either planar lipid bilayers or proteoliposomes. Reconstitution of nuclear envelope (NE) vesicles into planar lipid bilayer proceeded with low efficiency. NE vesicle reconstitution into proteoliposomes led to NIC observations by the patch-clamp technique. Large conductance, voltage-gated, K(+)-permeant and Cl(-)-permeant NICs were characterized. An 80-105-pS K(+)-permeant NIC with conducting sub-state was also recorded. Our data establish that NICs can be characterized upon reconstitution into giant proteoliposomes and retain biophysical properties consistent with those described for native NICs.  相似文献   

The conductance properties of three members of the porin family which form channels across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria were compared. With their endogenous lipopolysaccharide (LPS) bound, the closely related porins F and C from Escherichia coli reveal significantly different conductance steps and closing potentials, with values of 0.82 nS (nanosiemens) and 89 mV for F-type channels, and 0.49 nS and 158 mV for C-type pores (1 M NaCl), respectively. On the basis of their closing potentials, the two channel types can be distinguished unequivocally. If reconstituted in asolectin and extraneous LPS, porin C forms F-type in addition to C-type channels. Substitution of asolectin by mitochondrial lipids yields the native C-type pores only. Both channel types can be induced to assume the mutually other channel configuration by variation of ionic strength. A multiplicity of channel subtypes is observed by variation of the pH of the medium. The three channels within a trimer are, however, consistently of the same type. Since structural studies have revealed a single channel per monomer, the several conductance steps observed are likely to reflect distinct configurations of the same channel. Best channel recoveries were observed if endogenous LPS remained associated to porin during purification. Significant yields could nevertheless be obtained also if LPS was removed from porin and replaced with various precursors or chemically synthesized analogues. As function requires the presence of glycolipids, yet crystallization is perturbed by heterodisperse endogenous LPS, the smallest monodisperse analogues yielding good channel recovery were determined. The minimal synthetic moiety is a monoglucosaminetetraacyl compound. The characteristics of porin B from E. coli BE are shown to be indistinguishable from those of porin F. The conductance properties of this porin, refolded from random coil configuration, are indistinguishable from those exhibited by native protein. The formation of channels is thus encoded by the sequence of the mature polypeptide alone.  相似文献   

S Fischer  P Gr?ber 《FEBS letters》1999,457(3):327-332
The H(+)-ATPases from Escherichia coli, EF(0)F(1), and from chloroplasts, CF(0)F(1), were reconstituted in liposomes from phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid. The proteoliposomes were energized by an acid-base transition and a K(+)/valinomycin diffusion potential and the initial rate of ATP synthesis was measured as a function of the transmembrane pH difference, DeltapH, and the electric potential difference, Deltaφ. With EF(0)F(1), a rate of 80 s(-1) is observed at DeltapH=4.1 and Deltaφ approximately 140 mV. The rate decreases sigmoidally with Deltaφ and at Deltaφ approximately 0 mV, the rate is about 1 s(-1) although DeltapH is still 4.1. Under the same conditions with CF(0)F(1), a rate of 280 s(-1) is observed which decreases to 190 s(-1) when Deltaφ is abolished, i.e. ATP synthesis catalyzed by EF(0)F(1) and CF(0)F(1) depends in a different way on DeltapH and Deltaφ. EF(0)F(1)-catalyzed ATP synthesis was measured as a function of DeltapH at a constant Deltaφ. The rate depends sigmoidally on DeltapH reaching a maximal rate which cannot be further increased by increasing DeltapH. However, this maximal rate depends on Deltaφ, i.e. DeltapH and Deltaφ are not kinetically equivalent in driving ATP synthesis. We assume that EF(0)F(1) must be converted into a metastable, active state before it catalyzes proton transport-coupled ATP synthesis. For EF(0)F(1), this activation step depends only on Deltaφ, whereas for CF(0)F(1), the activation depends on DeltapH and Deltaφ.  相似文献   

One of the major proteins of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, the matrix protein (porin), has been isolated by detergent solubilisation. When the protein is added in concentrations of the order 10 ng/cm3 to the outer phases of a planar lipid bilayer membrane, the membrane conductance increases by many orders of magnitude. At lower protein concentrations the conductance increases in a stepwise fashion, the single conductance increment being about 2 nS (1 nS = 10(-9) siemens = 10(-9) omega -1) in 1 MKCl. The conductance pathway has an ohmic current vs. voltage character and a poor selectivity for chloride and the alkali ions. These findings are consistent with the assumption that the protein forms large aqueous channels in the membrane. From the average value of the single-channel conductance a channel diameter of about 0.9 nm is estimated. This channel size is consistent with the sugar permeability which has been reported for lipid vesicles reconstituted in the presence of the protein.  相似文献   

Regulation of ompF porin expression by salicylate in Escherichia coli.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
J L Rosner  T J Chai    J Foulds 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(18):5631-5638

Outer membrane protein F, a major component of the Escherichia coli outer membrane, was crystallized for the first time in lipidic mesophase of monoolein in novel space groups, P1 and H32. Due to ease of its purification and crystallization OmpF can be used as a benchmark protein for establishing membrane protein crystallization in meso, as a "membrane lyzozyme". The packing of porin trimers in the crystals of space group H32 is similar to natural outer membranes, providing the first high-resolution insight into the close to native packing of OmpF. Surprisingly, interaction between trimers is mediated exclusively by lipids, without direct protein-protein contacts. Multiple ordered lipids are observed and many of them occupy identical positions independently of the space group, identifying preferential interaction sites of lipid acyl chains. Presence of ordered aliphatic chains close to a positively charged area on the porin surface suggests a position for a lipopolysaccharide binding site on the surface of the major E. coli porins.  相似文献   

Using 'inside-out' membrane patches obtained from reconstituted giant liposomes containing purified glycine receptor from rat spinal cord, we have detected chloride currents elicited in response to the presence of the agonists glycine or beta-alanine. Regardless of the agonist employed, two different patterns of single channel currents could be detected, which differ in their main conductance, complexity of substates and opening frequency. In agreement with the expectations of glycine receptor heterogeneity suggested recently at the mRNA and cDNA level, our results indicate the existence of functionally different glycine receptors in the adult rat spinal cord.  相似文献   

The well-characterized integral membrane protein lactose (lac) permease from Escherichia coli was reconstituted together with trace amounts (molar fraction X = 0.005 of the total phospholipid) of different pyrene-labeled phospholipid analogs into 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac'-glycerol (POPG) liposomes. Effects of lac permease on bilayer lipid dynamics were investigated by measuring the excimer-to-monomer fluorescence intensity ratio IE/IM. Compared to control vesicles, the presence of lac permease (at a protein:phospholipid stoichiometry P/L of 1:4.000) increased the rate of excimer formation by 1-palmitoyl-2[6-(pyren-1-yl)]decanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PPDPC) by approximately fivefold. Decreasing P/L from approximately 1:4.000 to 1:7.600 decreased the IE/IM for PPDPC from 0.16 to 0.05, respectively. An increase in bilayer fluidity due to permease is unlikely, thus implying that the augmented IE/IM should arise from partial lateral segregation of PPDPC in the vesicles. This notion is supported by the further 38% increase in IE/IM observed for the pyrene-labeled Cys-148 lac permease reconstituted into POPG vesicles at P/L 1:4000. The importance of the length of the lipid-protein boundary is implicated by the reduction in IE/IM resulting from the aggregation of the lac permease in vesicles by a monoclonal antibody. Interestingly, excimer formation by 1-palmitoyl-2[6-(pyren-1-yl)hexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PPHPC) was enhanced only fourfold in the presence of lac permease. Results obtained with the corresponding pyrenyl phosphatidylglycerols and -methanols were qualitatively similar to those above, thus indicating that lipid headgroup-protein interactions are not involved. Inclusion of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamino-N-(5-fluoresce inthio- carbamoyl) (DPPF, X = 0.005) into reconstituted lactose permease vesicles containing PPDPC caused a nearly 90% decrease in excimer fluorescence, whereas in control vesicles lacking the reconstituted protein only 40% quenching was evident. The addition of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac'-glycerol (DPPG) decreased IE/IM for PPDPC, revealing the driving force for the lateral segregation of this probe to become attenuated. More specifically for protein-free bilayers at XDPPG = 0.10 the rate of lateral diffusion of PPDPC in POPG is diminished, as evidenced by the 24% decrement in IE/IM, under these conditions the increase in IE/IM due to lac permease was strongly reduced, by approximately 84%. The present data are interpreted in terms of the hydrophobic mismatch theory, which predicts that integral membrane proteins will draw lipids of similar hydrophobic thickness into their vicinity. In brief, the approximate lengths of most of the predicted 12 hydrophobic, membrane-spanning alpha-helical segments of lactose permease range between 28.5 and 37.5 A and thus exceed the hydrophobic thickness of POPG of approximately 25.8 A. Therefore, to reduce the free energy of the assembly, longer lipids such as PPDPC and DPPF are accumulated in the immediate vicinity of lactose permease in fluid, liquid crystalline POPG bilayers.  相似文献   

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