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Aim Various data sets and methods of analysis were combined to produce the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the genus Tuber and to analyse its biogeography. Location Europe, North Africa, China, Asia, North America. Methods Phylogenetic relationships among Tuber species were reconstructed based on a data set of internal‐transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and various phylogenetic inference methods, specifically maximum parsimony, Bayesian analysis and neighbour joining. Tajima’s relative rate test showed that Tuber 18S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, 5.8S‐ITS2 rRNA and β‐tubulin sequences evolved in a clock‐like manner. These genes, combined or not, were employed for molecular clock estimates after construction of linearized trees using mega 3.1. We reconstructed ancestral areas in the Northern Hemisphere by means of a dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva 1.1) based on current distribution patterns of the genus Tuber determined from the literature. Results The resulting molecular phylogeny divided the genus Tuber into five distinct clades, in agreement with our previously published studies. The Puberulum, Melanosporum and Rufum groups were diversified in terms of species and geographical distribution. In contrast, the Aestivum and Excavatum groups were less diversified and were located only in Europe or North Africa. Using a global molecular clock analysis, we estimated the divergence times for the origin of the genus and for the origin of several groups. diva inferred nine dispersal events and suggested that the ancestor of Tuber was originally present in Europe or was widespread in Eurasia. Equally optimal distributions were obtained for several nodes, suggesting different possible biogeographical patterns. Main conclusions Our analyses identified several discrepancies with the classical taxonomy of the genus, and we propose a new phylogenetic classification. According to molecular clocks, the radiation of the genus Tuber could have started between 271 and 140 Ma. Used in combination with the results obtained from time divergence estimates, this allows us to propose two equally probable scenarios of intra‐ and inter‐continental diversification of the genus according to the geographic distribution of the most recent common ancestor in Europe or Eurasia. The biogeographical patterns imply intra‐continental dispersal events between Europe and Asia and inter‐continental dispersal events between North America and Europe or Asia, which are compatible with land connections during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

朱新宇  谢晓玲  陈佩林 《遗传》2004,26(4):505-508
提供一组新编分子进化实验。通过该实验使学生了解重建分子进化树的基本过程,获得使用不同建树方法、建树材料和建树参数对建树结果影响的正确认识。本实验同时具有开放性和研究性特点,符合实验教学改革的方向和要求。Abstract: This paper presents a group of new experiments on molecular evolution. It allows students to get acquaint with the basic process of the reconstruction of phylogenetic tree using DNA or protein sequences, and to acquire the correct viewpoint how to affect the result of reconstruction when different tree-building methods, materials and parameters were used. This group of experiments are also characteristic of the opening and exploring, which accords with the direction and demand of experimental teaching reform.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of Limoniastrum and other genera of subfamily Staticoideae (Plumb-aginaceae) were studied using parsimony analysis of the plastid gene rbc L, the intron of trn L and the intergene spacer of trnL-trn F. Our analysis showed that Limoniastrum was polyphyletic. Limoniastrum ifniense , in both rbc L and combined data analyses, is sister to Armeria and Psylliostachys , whereas in the trn L-F (intron and spacer combined) analysis it is sister to a clade composed of Acantholimon, Dictyolimon and the remaining species of Limoniastrum . In all analyses, the five remaining species of Limoniastrum (excluding Limoniatrum ifniense ) formed a clade with two groups of species: L. monopetalum+L. guyonianum and those sometimes considered as the segregate genus Bubania ( L.feei, L. weygandiorum and L. rechingeri ). Levels of sequence divergence among these three groups of Limoniatrum were greater than for other well supported genera in the family and, in combination with morphological differences and paucity of synapomorphies, led us to conclude that separate generic status for each of the three clades is warranted.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the systematics of selected orders and families based on morphology and other “classical” characters on the one hand, and the results of molecular methods on the other hand. It can be shown that taxa defined by a broad array of characters from morphology, anatomy, embryology and phytochemistry usually are confirmed by molecular results. On the other hand a family like the Saxifragaceae s.l. delimited solely on the basis of floral morphology has been shown to be grossly polyphyletic. Some quite surprising results of the molecular analyses usually agree with some embryological or phytochemical characters, and sometimes even with characters of vegetative morphology and anatomy. As a special case “unequal ancient splits” are discussed, where one clade contains few genera and species usually retaining many primitive characters, and the other shows great diversity and contains the more advanced members.  相似文献   

In just the past 20 years systematics has progressed from the sequencing of individual genes for a few taxa to routine sequencing of complete plastid and even nuclear genomes. Recent technological advances have made it possible to compile very large data sets, the analyses of which have in turn provided unprecedented insights into phylogeny and evolution. Indeed, this narrow window of a few decades will likely be viewed as a golden era in systematics. Relationships have been resolved at all taxonomic levels across all groups of photosynthetic life. In the angiosperms, problematic deep-level relationships have either been largely resolved, or will be resolved within the next several years. The same large data sets have also provided new insights into the many rapid radiations that have characterized angiosperm evolution. For example, all of the major lineages of angiosperms likely arose within a narrow window of just a few million years. At the population level, the ease of DNA sequencing has given new life to phylogeographic studies, and microsatellite analyses have become more commonplace, with a concomitant impact on conservation and population biology. With the wealth of sequence data soon to be available, we are on the cusp of assembling the first semi-comprehensive tree of life for many of the 15,000 genera of flowering plants and indeed for much of green life. Accompanying these opportunities are also enormous new computational/informatic challenges including the management and phylogenetic analysis of such large, sometimes fragmentary data sets, and visualization of trees with thousands of terminals.  相似文献   

The green lineage (Viridiplantae) comprises the green algae and their descendants the land plants, and is one of the major groups of oxygenic photosynthetic eukaryotes. Current hypotheses posit the early divergence of two discrete clades from an ancestral green flagellate. One clade, the Chlorophyta, comprises the early diverging prasinophytes, which gave rise to the core chlorophytes. The other clade, the Streptophyta, includes the charophyte green algae from which the land plants evolved. Multi-marker and genome scale phylogenetic studies have greatly improved our understanding of broad-scale relationships of the green lineage, yet many questions persist, including the branching orders of the prasinophyte lineages, the relationships among core chlorophyte clades (Chlorodendrophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae and Chlorophyceae), and the relationships among the streptophytes. Current phylogenetic hypotheses provide an evolutionary framework for molecular evolutionary studies and comparative genomics. This review summarizes our current understanding of organelle genome evolution in the green algae, genomic insights into the ecology of oceanic picoplanktonic prasinophytes, molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of complexity in volvocine green algae, and the evolution of genetic codes and the translational apparatus in green seaweeds. Finally, we discuss molecular evolution in the streptophyte lineage, emphasizing the genetic facilitation of land plant origins.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies on Elymus have added to our understanding of the origination of Elymus species. However, evolutionary dynamics and speciation of most species in Elymus are unclear. Molecular phylogeny has demonstrated that reticulate evolution has occurred extensively in the genus, as an example, the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (rpb2) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (pepC) data revealed two versions of the St genome, St1 and St2contributing to speciation of E. caninus. Phylogenetic analyses of E. pendulinus uncovered additional genome-level complexity. Our data indicated that both chloroplast and nuclear gene introgression have occurred in the evolutionary process of E. pendulinus. Non-donor species genomes have been detected in severalElymus species, such as in allohexaploid E. repens (StStStStHH), a Taeniatherum-like (Ta genome in Triticeae) GBSSI sequence, Bromus- (Bromeae) and Panicum-like (Paniceae) ITS sequences have been detected. The chloroplast DNA data indicated that Pseudoroegneria is the maternal genome donor to Elymus species, but whether different Elymus species originated from different St donors remains an open question. The origin of the Y genome in Elymus is puzzling. It is clear that the Ygenome is distinct from the St genome, but unclear on the relationships of Y to other genomes in Triticeae. Introgressive hybridization may be an important factor complicating the evolutionary history of the species in Elymus. The extent of introgression and its role in creating diversity in Elymus species should be the objective of further investigations.  相似文献   

Complete 18S rDNA sequences and sequences of domain III of mitochondrial 12S rDNA were obtained to assess phylogenetic relationships among major suprageneric taxa of leeches and the possibly closely related clitellate taxa Branchiobdellida and Acanthobdellida. The monophyly of the families Erpobdellidae, Piscicolidae, and Glossiphoniidae, the suborders Erpobdelliformes and Hirudiniformes, and the order Arhynchobdellida have been confirmed by parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of separate and combined data sets. Both the nuclear 18S rDNA sequences and the mitochondrial 12S rDNA sequences were consistent in not supporting a monophyletic order Rhynchobdellida, represented by the families Piscicolidae and Glossiphoniidae. A topology with the Piscicolidae as the first branch in the leech tree followed by the Glossiphoniidae received the highest support in terms of taxonomic, character, and outgroup congruence. According to this topology, the putative apomorphies of the Rhynchobdellidae (e.g. the proboscis) can be parsimoniously explained as plesiomorphies already present in the ancestral leech. This common ancestor was probably a bloodsucking leech with a proboscis rather than an unspecialized ectocommensal, as suggested by previous hypotheses. During the course of leech evolution, a reduction of the proboscis could have taken place in predatory arhynchobdellid ancestors to enable swallowing of larger prey. A second gain of sanguivory by the jawed Hirudiniformes could have been facilitated by pre-adaptations to ectoparasitic blood feeding. The 18S rDNA analysis further indicates a close relationship between the clitellate groups Branchiobdellida and Acanthobdellida, although this relationship is not strongly supported.  相似文献   

Representations of the Natural System in the Nineteenth century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘The Natural System’ is the abstract notion of the order in living diversity. The richness and complexity of this notion is revealed by the diversity of representations of the Natural System drawn by ornithologists in the Nineteenth Century. These representations varied in overall form from stars, to circles, to maps, to evolutionary trees and cross-sections through trees. They differed in their depiction of affinity, analogy, continuity, directionality, symmetry, reticulation and branching, evolution, and morphological convergence and divergence. Some representations were two-dimensional, and some were three-dimensional; n-dimensional representations were discussed but never illustrated. The study of diagrammatic representations of the Natural System is made difficult by the frequent failure of authors to discuss them in their texts, and by the consequent problem of distinguishing features which carried meaning from arbitrary features and printing conventions which did not. Many of the systematics controversies of the last thirty years have their roots in the conceptual problems which surrounded the Natural System in the late 1800s, problems which were left unresolved when interest in higher-level systematics declined at the turn of this century. From the symposium ‘Making Sense of Science Making Diagrams’, held at the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology meeting, London, Ontario, 1989.  相似文献   

以亲缘关系极近的近缘种类群、中等距离的远缘种类群为对象,分析生物钟基因period的Thr-Gly区段的分子进化特征,发现Thr-Gly区段在果蝇和部分双翅目昆虫中未曾经历性选择和其他定向的正选择。Thr-Gly区段在果蝇nasuta亚群中的分子进化速率为10.4×10  相似文献   

An extended molecular phylogenetic analysis of Uvaria (Annonaceae) is presented, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, based on sequences of four plastid DNA regions (matK, psbA‐trnH spacer, rbcL and trnL‐F). The additional taxa include the monotypic West African genus Balonga, the monotypic South‐East Asian genus Dasoclema and seven Australian representatives of the genus Melodorum. The results indicate that all of these taxa are nested within a well‐supported clade otherwise consisting of Uvaria species, indicating that their taxonomic treatment needs to be reassessed. The distinguishing morphological characteristics of the taxa are re‐evaluated and interpreted as specialized adaptations of the basic Uvaria structure. The genus Uvaria is accordingly extended following the transfer of these species, necessitating six new nomenclatural combinations and two replacement names. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 33–43.  相似文献   

The system of classification of the Polemoniaceae currently in use was published by Grant in 1959. Much new evidence concerning relationships in the family has been obtained by numerous workers since 1959, and the old system is in need of revision. A revised system down to the genus level, based on conventional and unconventional characters, including molecular evidence, is presented here. Nineteen genera are grouped into eight tribes and two subfamilies. Three new tribes are described: Acanthogilieae, Loeselieae, and Leptodactyloneae. Several genera are transferred to new groups. The phylogeny of the family is discussed in the light of both the older and new evidence. The approach used in constructing both the 1959 and new systems is that of evolutionary systematics. Two recent (1996, 1997) family-wide surveys of cpDNA and rDNA use cladistic methods of analysis to arrive at sets of major groups. Some of this molecular evidence has been adopted for the present revised system. However, much incongruence still exists between the new sets of clades, on the one hand, and the present revised system or the still-viable parts of the 1959 system on the other hand. The incongruences call for an examination and comparison of the contrasting methods of evolutionary systematics and molecular cladistics. A fundamental flaw in the 1996 and 1997 treatments is the attempt to classify plants on the basis of single-gene gene trees.  相似文献   

漆酚是漆树科植物独有的化学成分,具有良好的抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等生物活性,极具药物和工业生产开发价值。该研究通过对国内外有关漆树科各类群有关漆酚数据的搜集和整理,开展漆树科漆酚的多样性与分布情况的综合统计;同时在利用核基因ETS和叶绿体基因rps16和trnL-F重建漆树科系统发育树的基础上,探讨漆酚在漆树科及各属间的起源和演化关系。结果表明:(1)漆树科漆酚具有较高的多样性,在其苯环和-R链上都有很大的变异。(2)发现漆酚仅存在于Anacardioideae亚科中,是该亚科的一个重要界定特征。(3)基于漆酚苯环结构和-R链特征的祖先性状重建分析表明,漆树科的漆酚是由邻苯二酚向间苯二酚演化,而漆酚-R链的十五烃(烯)基则是向十七烃(烯)基平行演化。  相似文献   

Parergodrilidae and Hrabeiella periglandulata are Annelida showing different combinations of clitellate-like and aclitellate characters. Similarities between both of these taxa and Clitellata have widely been regarded as the result of convergent evolution due to similar selection pressures. The position of the three taxa in the phylogenetic system of Annelida is still in debate. However, in analyses based on 18S rDNA sequences a close relationship of Parergodrilidae with Orbiniidae and Questidae was suggested. To infer their phylogeny the sequences of the 28S rDNA and of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of Stygocapitella subterranea , Parergodrilus heideri and H. periglandulata were determined. The data were extended by sequences of various species including species from Clitellata and Orbiniidae. Prior to tree reconstruction the dataset was analysed in detail for phylogenetic content by applying a sliding window analysis, a likelihood mapping and Modeltest V.3.04. Subsequently, generalized parsimony and maximum likelihood methods were employed. Clade robustness was estimated by bootstrapping. In addition, combined analyses of the sequences of 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA as well as of 18S rDNA, 28S rDNA and COI were performed. The combination of the data of the two structure genes and a mitochondrial gene improved the resolution obtained with the single datasets slightly. These analyses support a close relationship of Parergodrilidae and Orbiniidae but cannot resolve the position of H. periglandulata . In every analysis Clitellata cluster within 'Polychaeta', confirming previous investigations.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny and evolution of the freshwater eel, genus Anguilla   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A molecular phylogenetic analysis was conducted on all of the known catadromous eel species of the genus Anguilla to assess their relationships and evolutionary history. The analyses of a total of 1427 bp of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and 1140 bp of the complete cytochrome b gene sequences suggested that the genus Anguilla was monophyletic in origin, with A. borneensis as the most basal species. Four clades/species groups that correspond to their geographical ranges were indicated, Indo-Atlantic (three species), Oceania (two species), tropical Pacific (two species), and Indo-Pacific (five species), with ambiguous positions for A. japonica and A. reinhardti. This grouping conflicts with that of a previous morphological study, since the broad undivided maxillary and short-fin type, which were thought to be phylogenetically important, were paraphyletic in the molecular analysis. However, the molecular phylogeny and the present geographic distribution of species suggested historical dispersion of the genus Anguilla according to the Tethys corridor hypothesis, which proposed that anguillid eels originated near present-day Indonesia and dispersed westward along paleo-circumglobal equatorial currents. The westward-moving strain entered the paleo-Atlantic through the Tethys Sea and was ancestral to present-day European and American species.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of gekkotan lizards was derived from C- mos nuclear DNA sequence data. Forty-one currently recognized genera, representing all major gekkotan lineages, were included in the study. A total of 378 bp of partial C- mos gene sequences was obtained and aligned. Maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) trees were generated based on unweighted analysis using P AUP *; similar tree topologies were recovered by both methods. The Eublepharidae were monophyletic and its relationship to other major clades was poorly resolved. The Pygopodidae of Kluge (1987) was monophyletic, but relationships within this group differed from those retrieved by previous analyses. The Diplodactylini + padded carphodactylines were the sister group of pygopods + padless carphodactylines. The Gekkonidae were monophyletic, but we found no evidence in support of the Teratoscincinae, as Teratoscincus was embedded well within the gekkonids. Both MP and ML analyses supported the basal position of Sphaerodactylus within the gekkonids, in contrast to morphologically based hypotheses. We propose a new higher order classification of the Gekkota that reflect these results. Five gekkotan families: Eublepharidae, Gekkonidae, Pygopodidae, Diplodactylidae, and Carphodactylidae are recognized. The higher order status of the sphaerodactyls will require more intensive sampling of this group. Our results support the hypothesis that the early cladogenesis of the Gekkota was associated with the split of Eastern Gondwanaland from Western Gondwanaland. Divergences among living genera in the Eublepharidae and the Eastern Gondwanan lineages (Diplodactylidae, Pygopodidae and Carphodactylidae) may be older than those in the Gekkonidae.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 353–368.  相似文献   

核基因在两栖爬行动物分子系统学中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从DNA水平探索生物进化的理论、生物类群的演化历史具有重要的意义,应用DNA序列研究生物的系统发育和进化规律成为当前分子系统学研究的热点,与线粒体DNA相比,核基因由于包含有更加丰富的生物学信息,运用核基因序列或将核基因序列与线粒体基因序列相结合研究两栖爬行动物的系统发育,正成为分子系统学领域的新的发展趋势.Rag-1、Rag-2、tyrosinase、rhodopsin、C-mos等核基因已在两栖爬行动物分子系统学中得到了广泛的应用.由于目前的技术手段等诸多因素,限制了更多的核基因用于两栖爬行动物分子系统学研究.为此简要介绍了目前核基因在两栖爬行动物分子系统学方面的研究进展,并分析了核基因序列在分子系统学应用上面临的问题和应用前景.  相似文献   

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