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This study describes the development of a macroinvertebrate based multimetric index for two stream types, fast and slow running streams, in the Netherlands within the AQEM project. Existing macroinvertebrate data (949 samples) were collected from these stream types from all over the Netherlands. All sites received a ecological quality (post-)classification ranging from 1 (bad status) to 4 (good status) based on biotic and abiotic variables, using a combination of multivariate analysis and expert-judgement. A number of bioassessment metrics was tested for both stream types (fast and slow running streams) to examine their power to discriminate between streams of different ecological quality within each stream type. A metric was selected for inclusion in the final multimetric index when there was no overlap of the 25th and 75th percentile between one (or more) ecological quality class(es). Out of all metrics tested, none could distinguish between all four ecological quality classes without overlap of the 25th and 75th percentile between one or more of the classes. Instead, metrics were selected that could distinguish between one (or more) ecological quality class(es) and all others. Finally, 10 metrics were selected for the assessment of slow running streams and 11 metrics for the assessment of fast running streams. Class boundaries were established, to make the assignment of scores to the individual metrics possible. The class boundaries were set at the 25th and/or 75th percentile of the individual metric values. The individual metrics were combined into a multimetric index. Calibration showed that 67% of the samples from slow running streams and 65% of the samples from fast running streams were classified in accordance to their post-classification. In total, only 8% of the samples differed more than one quality class from the post-classification. The multimetric index was validated with data collected in the Netherlands from 82 sites for the purpose of the AQEM project. Validation showed that 54% of the streams were classified correctly.  相似文献   

Small headwater streams constitute a large proportion of the river channel network in many parts of the world. In this study, two multihabitat kick sampling methods (60-second and 20-second) were compared across 10 small headwater streams in the southwest and east of Ireland in spring and summer 2009 to determine the influence of sampling on various benthic macroinvertebrates in headwater streams. The performance of each method, over time and replication, was examined using a range of benthic macroinvertebrate metrics, as well as the community composition and structure recorded by both methods. The ability to recruit taxa, as well as the field sampling and laboratory processing effort required for each method, was also assessed. Results indicated that both kick sampling methods generally recorded similar metric scores with the exception of taxonomic richness (t = 180 s and n = 9 replicates test) where the 20-second kicks consistently out preformed those calculated for the 60-second kicks. All other metrics compared generally performed equally as well regardless of the method used. Multivariate analysis of macroinvertebrate community assemblage, using SIMPROF, RELATE and CS-SMC analyses, further highlighted the high similarity in the macroinvertebrate assemblage recorded between both methods. Finally, the 20-second kicks recruited taxa as efficiently as 60-second kicks samples so long as replication was equal but required less sampling effort (NSE) and processing time. Therefore, the shorter 20-second kicks can be used to assess the ecological health of headwater streams, provided that adequate replication is adopted, resulting in significant effort, cost and time savings.  相似文献   

Besides pollution, lakes are affected by human alterations of lake-shore morphology. However, ecological effects of such alterations have rarely been studied systematically. Hence, we developed tools to assess the ecological effects of anthropogenic morphological alterations on European lake-shores based on pressure-specific response patterns of littoral macroinvertebrate community composition. Littoral invertebrates were sampled from 51 lakes in seven European countries. Sampling covered a range of natural to heavily morphologically degraded sites including natural shorelines, recreational beaches, ripraps and retaining walls. Biological data were supplemented by standardized morphological data that were collected via a Lake Habitat Survey (LHS) protocol and subsequently used to develop a morphological stressor index. Two biotic multimetric indices were developed based on habitat-specific samples (Littoral Invertebrate Multimetric based on HAbitat samples, LIMHA) and composite samples (Littoral Invertebrate Multimetric based on COmposite samples, LIMCO) through correlations with the morphological stressor index. Similarity analyses showed strong spatial differences in macroinvertebrate community composition between four main geographical regions, i.e. Western, Northern, Central and Southern Europe. The morphological stressor index as well as LIMCO and LIMHA have been developed for each geographical region specifically, thereby optimizing correlations of LIMCO and LIMHA with the respective morphological stressor index. The metric composition of LIMCO and LIMHA and their correlation coefficients with the morphological stressor index are comparable to existing national and regional methods that assess morphological lakeshore degradation via macroinvertebrate communities. Hence, LIMCO and LIMHA indices constitute a new stressor-specific assessment tool that enables comparable lake morphology assessment across Europe, as it has been developed involving a uniform methodology followed by regionalized optimization. These tools fulfil the standards of the EU Water Framework Directive and thus may complement existing assessment approaches used in lake monitoring focusing solely on lake eutrophication so far.  相似文献   

Biotic indices are widely applied for conservation and management of aquatic resources since they allow water resources monitoring agencies to get insight in complex biological data and yield policy relevant information. Despite the worldwide popularity of biotic indices, little information on their use and applicability in Eastern Africa is available. Here, we develop a multimetric index based on macroinvertebrates to assess the ecological condition of natural wetlands in Southwest Ethiopia. Index development was based on a dataset of 222 samples collected during two consecutive years from 63 sites located at eight different wetlands. We used physico-chemical and hydro-morphological variables (land use pattern, habitat alteration, hydrological modification and chemical water quality) to classify sites as reference or degraded. We tested a total of 58 potential metrics representing various aspects of macroinvertebrate assemblages including family richness, composition, tolerance measures and presence and abundance of functional feeding groups. Metrics were selected for the development of a final index based on their sensitivity in discriminating reference from impaired sites, strength of correlation with the anthropogenic disturbance gradient, chemical measurements, and the degree of redundancy. Metrics retained for the final index were:overall family richness, family richness of Ephemeroptera, Odonata and Trichoptera (EOT), and percentage of filterer–collectors. The final index, derived from the sum of three metric scores, was divided into five water quality classes (very bad, bad, moderate, good and very good). Our final multimetric macroinvertebrate index (MMI) distinguished well between reference and impaired wetland sites and showed a significant negative response to a gradient of disturbances (R2 = 0.86, p < 0.05). Moreover, it classified a validation dataset accurately with a correctly classified instances of 80% and a Cohen's Kappa value of 0.6. This MMI can be considered as a robust and sensitive tool that can be applied to evaluate the ecological condition of natural wetlands in Ethiopia, where wetland resources are under high pressure as a result of agricultural activities such as grazing and urbanization.  相似文献   

Bioassessment of running waters should ideally be optimized to include sampling of the biota when and where they are most sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances, but direct comparisons of the responses of biota across habitats and seasons are lacking. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates from nine boreal streams situated along an agricultural land use gradient in two seasons (spring and autumn) and two habitats (pools and riffles). Univariate (e.g., diversity) and multivariate (ordination scores) metrics, as well as biological traits, were used to assess changes in assemblage composition associated with agricultural land use. Abundances were generally higher in agricultural compared to forested streams, and in riffles compared to pools. Spring samples had lower mean abundances of several insect taxa (e.g., chironomid midges) compared to autumn samples, while abundances of non-insects (e.g., oligochaetes and Pisidium spp.) remained unchanged. Community turnover (correspondence analysis) had higher precision and sensitivity compared to diversity metrics, and samples from the spring and from riffles responded more to the land use gradient than those from autumn and pool habitats, respectively. The finding that catchment land use resulted in macrohabitat differences and, ultimately, differences in taxonomic composition between agricultural and forested streams and between pool and riffle habitats can be used to optimize future bioassessment based on macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Dahl  Joakim  Johnson  Richard K.  Sandin  Leonard 《Hydrobiologia》2004,511(1-3):161-172
A 210Pb-dated sediment core from a small bay in the southern basin of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala documents recent cultural eutrophication. Increased sediment accumulation beginning ~1930 A.D. coincided with catchment population growth and was a consequence of watershed deforestation and increased surface run-off. At the same time, geochemical records from the Lake Petén Itzá sediment core indicate increased phosphorus loading and organic matter accumulation. High nutrient concentrations after 1965 A.D. coincided with lower sediment C/N ratios, suggesting an increase in the relative contribution of phytoplankton to the organic matter pool. This inference is confirmed by the dominance of eutrophic and hypereutrophic diatom species. Organic matter δ13C values decreased after 1965 A.D., seemingly contradicting other indicators of recent eutrophication in the southern basin of Lake Petén Itzá. Relatively depleted δ13C values in recent sediments, however, may reflect a contribution from 13C-depleted sewage effluent. Increased δ15N of organic matter after 1965 A.D. indicates changes in the dissolved inorganic nitrogen delivered to the lake. The relatively small increase in δ15N (~0.6‰ ) is less than might be expected with nitrate loading from sewage and soils, and might be offset by the presence of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria with low δ15N values.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Physicochemical conditions and benthic macroinvertebrates were studied in the Beaumont, Texas sewage treatment plant from August, 1973 to June, 1974. Physicochemical conditions...  相似文献   

The assumption that water pollution causes a depression in the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates as measured by the Shannon index and similar diversity indices is questioned. An interpretation of the community response of benthic macroinvertebrates to pollution in the Millers River, Massachusetts is developed from species presence-absence and abundance data in conjunction with published information on the species' environmental tolerances as compared to chemical water quality data. This interpretation is compared with one derived solely from diversity index values. The interpretations are quite different; the differences may be attributed to other environmental factors such as impoundments and flow reductions which influence the fauna and thus the diversity index value, but which are not related to pollution. In addition, several intrinsic features of the diversity indices increase their bias.Contribution No. 47 of the Massachusetts Cooperative Fishery Unit jointly supported by the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Game, the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and the University of Massachusetts.  相似文献   

This study describes the application of a protocol for biological assessment of water quality at first to third order streams at Serra dos órg?os, an area covered by Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Major impacts in the region are domestic effluents and deforestation. Our main objective is to establish biocriteria for the establishment of the Serra dos órg?os Multimetric Index (SOMI) based on benthic macroinvertebrates. We used data from previous studies, sampled by experienced biologists, from 1999 through 2002. The benthic macroinvertebrate community was sampled in 12 reference sites and seven impaired sites in three river basins: Guapimirim, Macaé and Grande, all from the same bioregion. From the 22 tested metrics, 6 were included in the SOMI (% Diptera, % Coleoptera, Family Taxa, EPT Taxa, BMWP-CETEC and % Shredders). Scores (5, 3 or 1) were developed for these metrics to allow for aggregation into the index. Seven intermediately impaired sites were used for evaluating the applicability of the multimetric index. We concluded that the SOMI is a robust easy-to-apply tool for biomonitoring programs in the Serra dos órg?os region, south-east Brazil. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorised users. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Reservoir manipulations and benthic macroinvertebrates in a Prairie River   总被引:14,自引:14,他引:0  
Samples were taken on the Tongue River, Montana, USA, during 1974 and 1975 to determine the distributions and abundances of the benthic fauna after various reservoir manipulations. The upper cold water section, influenced by hypolimnial discharge from the Tongue River Reservoir, was impoverished in insect fauna and dominated by the molluscs Physa and Sphaerium. The lower warm water sections of the river contained two communities determined primarily by turbidity and periphyton cover. The upper warm water area was dominated by Strophopteryx and hydropsychid caddis larvae. The lower river was dominated by Cheumatopsyche. The summer fauna, in the warm water area, was dominated by short-lived mayfly species. During the summer, 1975, the cold water section was invaded by many insects due to warming of the area when no hypolimnion was formed in the reservoir. Invasion was apparently due to increased thermal fluctuations which caused diapause eggs to hatch and influenced the upstream migration of older nymphs and larvae.Results of drift and distributional samples after closure of the Tongue River Reservoir Dam for repairs showed that massive drift of all invertebrates began at a discharge of 130 c.f.s. (3.68 m3/sec), a drop from 190 c.f.s. (3.38 m3/sec) over a period of three days. Community composition was radically altered by reduced discharge.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the colonization and succession of benthic macroinvertebrates in shallow areas (<7 m) of Lake Anna, a new mainstream impoundment in the southeastern U.S.A. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled for the first three years after filling by means of artificial substrates placed on the bottom and retrieved with SCUBA. Lake Anna was well colonized by benthic macroinvertebrates during the summer season immediately after impoundment. The total density of organisms increased in each of the first three years. Major changes in the fauna occurred between the first and second years, but the changes between the second and third years were more subtle. The fauna could be divided into two distinct groups based upon the time when the organisms were most consistently abundant. The first colonizers appeared to be dependent upon the components of the former terrestrial ecosystem for food and habitat. As autochthonous factors began to regulate succession, diversity increased and the dominant species shifted to an assemblage of second colonizers. These factors included: (1) decomposition of terrestrial vegetation and detritus leaving bare substrate, (2) sedimentation, (3) improved food quality of the organic matter in the sediment because of ingestion and egestion by the organisms themselves, (4) increased plankton populations, and (5) appearance of macrophytes. As the second colonizers became firmly established in the third year, distinct patterns of spatial distribution began to appear among species with similar niches.  相似文献   

This paper investigates spatial, seasonal and long-term changes in benthic macroinvertebrates in riffles of a cold tailwater. Cold tailwaters initially disrupt previously existing macroinvertebrate assemblages, but little is known about the long-term biological effects of a stable cold thermal regime. Assemblages at an upstream and downstream site of the Little Red River, Arkansas were investigated almost 30 years apart (1971 and 1999). Based upon published literature demonstrating the stability of benthic assemblages within unaltered environments, we predicted that the assemblages would be similar for each variable investigated. The benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages can be characterized as low diversity, with a total of 17 taxa identified. Isopods and Diptera comprised ~80% of all individuals. Other than chironomids, insects and particularly EPT taxa were poorly represented. Recent macroinvertebrate densities were significantly greater compared to the historical study period for the downstream site. Assemblage comparisons revealed moderate differences between study periods. Macroinvertebrate density was significantly greater upstream than downstream in the 1971 study period, yet taxa richness was significantly greater downstream for both study periods. Faunal composition was significantly different for upstream and downstream sites. Seasonal differences in numerical standing crop were identified for the 1971 upstream and 1999 downstream data sets. Low to moderate levels of seasonal, spatial and historical variation among benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were attributed to environmental (temperature and flow) stability. The lack of aquatic insects other than chironomids over a 30-year period is indicative of the extreme constraints placed upon insect development within this cold regulated river.  相似文献   

The lack of biological systems for the assessment of ecological quality specific to mountain ponds prevents the effective management of these natural resources. In this article we develop an index based on macroinvertebrates sensitive to the gradient of nutrient enrichment. With this aim, we sampled 31 ponds along a gradient of trophy and with similar geomorphological characteristics and watershed use in protected areas of the central Apennines. A bioassessment protocol was adopted to collect and process benthic samples and key-associated physical, chemical, and biological variables during the summer growth season of 1998. We collected 61 genera of macroinvertebrates belonging to 31 families. We calculated 31 macroinvertebrate metrics based on selected and total taxa richness, richness of some key groups, abundance, functional groups and tolerance to organic pollution. The gradient of trophy was quantified with summer concentrations of chlorophyll a. We followed a stepwise procedure to evaluate the effectiveness of a given metric for use in the multimetric index. Those were the pollution tolerance metric ASPT, three metrics based on taxonomic richness (the richness of macroinvertebrate genera, the richness of chironomid taxa, and the percentage of total richness composed by Ephemeroptera, Odonata, and Trichoptera), two metrics based on FFG attributes (richness of collector gatherer taxa and richness of scraper taxa) and the habit-based metric richness of burrowers. The 95th percentile of each metric distribution among all ponds was trisected for metric scoring. The final Pond Macroinvertebrate Integrity Index ranged from 7 to 35 and had a good correlation (R 2 = 0.71) with the original gradient of environmental degradation. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

Biotic indices based on soft-bottom macrozoobenthic communities are currently used throughout Europe to assess the ecological quality of coastal and transitional water bodies according to the European Water Framework Directive. However, the performance of the currently available biotic indices still has to be tested against a variety of different impact sources. In particular, physical perturbations have received much less attention than other kind of disturbances. This study consisted in testing the capacity of currently available uni- (BOPA, AMBI and BENTIX) and multivariate (M-AMBI) Biotic Indices to assess the ecological impact of the destruction of a Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Arcachon Bay (France) following sediment deposits. Changes of habitat after this physical perturbation were hardly assessed by any of these Biotic Indices whereas analysis of the benthic community showed drastic changes of structure following the perturbation and no recovery after 15 months. This study demonstrates that these Biotic Indices must be integrated into a multimetric approach which describes better the biological integrity of the benthic community by including a complementary set of metrics. A new multimetric approach, named MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered Systems) is proposed. MISS correctly highlighted the destruction of the seagrass beds, by using 16 metrics describing the biological integrity of the macrofauna.  相似文献   

1. To assess changes in stoichiometric constraints on stream benthos, we measured elemental composition of epilithon and benthic macroinvertebrates in intrinsically P‐limited mountain rivers, upstream and downstream of low‐level anthropogenic nutrient enrichment by effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants. 2. While there was a broad range in the elemental composition of epilithon (C : P ratios of 200–16 500, C : N ratios of 8–280, N : P ratios of 8–535) and heptageniid mayfly scrapers (C : P ratios of 125–300, C : N ratios of 5.1–7.2, N : P ratios of 20–60), the average C : P ratio of epilithon was 10‐fold lower and the average C : N ratio twofold lower at more nutrient‐rich downstream sites. Nutrient ratios in benthic macroinvertebrates were lower than in epilithon and varied little between relatively nutrient‐poor and nutrient‐rich sites. 3. We modified the existing definition of producer‐consumer elemental imbalance to allow for variation in consumer nutrient content. We defined this ‘non‐homeostatic’ imbalance as the perpendicular distance between the producer and consumer C : P, C : N, or N : P ratios, and the 1 : 1 line. 4. At P‐limited sites, the estimated mayfly N : P recycling ratio was higher than the N : P ratio in epilithon, suggesting nutrient recycling by consumers could accentuate P‐limitation of epilithon. 5. Measuring the degree of producer–consumer nutrient imbalance may be important in predicting the magnitude of effects from nutrient enrichment and can help elucidate the causes and consequences of ecological patterns and processes in rivers.  相似文献   

Brown  Arthur V.  Aguila  Yolanda  Brown  Kristine B.  Fowler  William P. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):119-125
We examined macroinvertebrate communities in small(0.1-1.0 m2) pools of intermittent streams (alwayscontainingsome water but without perennial flow) with small watersheds(2-6 ha) subjected to five types of forest harvest to assesspotential impacts of the different harvest methods. Bufferstrips10 m wide were left on each side of the streams. Each harvesttreatment was coupled with a similar unharvested referencestand.An incomplete block design included three 0.05 m2 vacuumsamples from each treatment paired with three from theadjacentreferences. There was a high degree of similarity amongreferencesfor parameters other than taxonomic composition (e.g.macroinvertebrate density, number of species, Shannondiversity,functional groups, etc.). Statistically significantdifferenceswere found between references and treatments and among harvestmethods but the responses varied among response variables(density,Shannon-Weiner diversity, species composition), differentspeciesassemblages (all invertebrates, chironomids,Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera [EPT], isopods), andfunctional group categories (shredders, collector-gatherers).Wecollected 56 taxa, 7–16 per site, with low communitysimilarity(mean Jaccards=0.18, mean Bray-Curtis percentdissimilarity=81). The most severe harvest treatmentsresultedin the highest diversities of total invertebrates in thesesmallspring pool communities.  相似文献   

Fifty-five macroinvertebrate metrics were tested for their response to pond condition in 41 ponds of northwest Spain to develop a preliminary multimetric index for ecological assessment of Mediterranean flatland ponds. Stressor specific response of individual attributes to eutrophication and habitat alteration was also investigated to identify differences in the responses of metrics to single stressors and elucidate how this might affect the performance of the final index. Several combinations were tested using discrimination efficiency (25th percentile of slightly impaired sites for metrics decreasing with perturbation and 75th percentile of slightly impaired sites for metrics increasing with perturbation) and Mann–Whitney U-test with Bonferroni adjustment (P < 0.001). The final index comprised five measures (generic richness of Chironominae, generic richness of Dytiscidae + Odonata + Tanypodinae, relative richness of Chironomidae, % Macropelopini and Shannon index) and discriminated between acceptable (good) and unacceptable (moderate) conditions with more than 86% efficiency. Moreover, all the five measures included in the final index showed unidirectional responses to eutrophication, decreasing as eutrophication increased. In contrast, the effect of habitat alteration was less clear, especially in ponds in best available conditions where a vegetation belt of shrubs and trees prevented growing of macrophitic vegetation on shores and consequently associated fauna. Interestingly, none of the functional groups (e.g. % predators and % collector–gatherers) were sensitive to degradation. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Erba  Stefania  Cazzola  Marcello  Kemp  Joanna Lynn 《Hydrobiologia》2004,516(1-3):313-329
In accordance with the aims of the E.U. funded AQEM Project, an assessment system module based on aquatic macroinvertebrates was developed for small sized rivers in the southern Apennines (south Italy). Eleven stream sites, impacted to a greater or a lesser extent by organic pollution and/or habitat impairment and chosen to cover the whole degradation gradient present in the geographical area were sampled in three seasons. The samples were collected following a proportional, multihabitat procedure, afterwards considering separately the replicates collected in the depositional (pool) and transport (riffle) areas for the analysis. A PCA multivariate analysis was performed to extract the main axes of variation of the biological community, which resulted in the first axis being strongly correlated to ecological quality. The final assessment module is based on a multimetric system, structured by selecting the best metrics in simulating the first axis gradient. The system considers a total of 15 different metrics, mainly providing information concerning tolerance to pollution, taxa richness, habitat features and trophic structure of the community. In accordance with the WFD requirements, some of these metrics are based on abundance classes of taxa. Depositional and transport units, due to the observed dissimilarity in the structure of their benthic communities, were kept separate during the development of the assessment system to retain this potentially useful information and to clear interpretation of the results. Both `riffle' and `pool' invertebrate data showed clear differences in ecological quality between sites. Nevertheless, the final assessment module is based on the macroinvertebrates inhabiting depositional areas of rivers only, because the metrics for these river units showed a better performance than those examined for the transport river units. The application of the assessment module requires 10 replicates to be quantitatively collected, for a total area of 0.5 m2. In terms of sampling and identification effort, the assessment module shows a good comparability with the standard Italian method presently in use and might thus be easily applied for river sites classification according to the Water Framework Directive in southern Italy. The site classification obtained with the proposed multimetric index shows a very good correspondence with the post-classification based on multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

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