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Anabaena volzii Lemm. is a rare species of Cyanophyta. It possesses characteristics of prokary0tes. Young filaments of A. volzii consist of only vegetative cells. The filament leng- thens by the increase of its cell number owing to amitosis. A mature filament contains vegetative cells, heterocysts and akinetes; the latter two differentiate from the vegetative cells. Vegetative cells and heterocysts are short-cylindric shaped. An akinete in longitudinal sections of appear to be elliptical. Viewed with a transmission electron microscope, an electron-dense cell wall, plasmolemma, thylakoids (photosynthetic lamellae), nucleo-plasmic region and polyhedral bodies can be seen in the vegetative cell. The nucleo-plasmic region, which lacks a nuclear envelope, is surrounded or dissected, but often connected with the thylakoids. There are also some extremely electron-dense (if samples were post-fixed in osmic acid) cyanophycin granules in its cytoplasm. Heterocyst is larger than vegetative cells. Its remarkable features are a thick envelope, an electron-transparent cell wall and a distinctive plug-like body at both ends of the cell respectively. In the plug-like body is seen an irregular narrow channel. Somewhat dilated thylakoids in the heterocyst appear to be more winding and contorted (than those in vegetative cells), making a dedicate pattern. A long ellipticring-shaped membrane structure is formed in a heterocyst ,composed, of an electron-dense rod core surrounded by 14 concentric layers of lamellae. Akinete forms thick cell wall. A nucleo-plasmic region, fine and contorted thylakoids, many cyanophycin granules, and abundant ribosomes are found in akinetes.  相似文献   

BOWES  B. G. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(3):423-432
The day 0 secondary phloem of Taraxacum officinale root segmentscontains wide bands of parenchyma alternating with thin cylindersof conducting tissue composed of discreet conducting strands.At day 1 in the inner distal phloem (and by day 2 proximally)the initially-flattened nuclei of some parenchyma cells becomerounded, more densely stainable and a few have migrated fromthe peripheral cytoplasm to a suspended position in the vacuole.Cell division occurs asynchronously and gradually extends tothe midphloem. By day 4 nodules of primary meristematic cellsoccur proximally and numerous young leaves are visible externallyat days 5–6. Distally, callusing of the phloem is moreextensive and links with that developing from the secondaryxylem. Proximally adventitious buds form and these are bothmore abundant and quicker growing than the distally locatedadventitious roots. Although proliferation is initially mainly confined to the companioncells it increasingly involves activation of the parenchymatissue. These cells undergo a cytological de-differentiationwith the daughter cells showing a progressive decrease in cellsize and vacuome (with cytoplasmic strands, perhaps indicativeof lysosomal activity, often visible in the vacuoles), accompaniedby an increase in nucleolar size and cytoplasmic density.  相似文献   

Cells of Amoeba proteus and Chaos carolinensis that were in the process of phagocytosing large prey organisms were studied to find a structural basis for the generation of mechanical forces exerted by newly forming food cups. It was found that the food-cup walls facing prey organisms have a more prominent network of thin filaments inside the plasmalemma and that the glycocalyx covering the area is more condensed than usual.  相似文献   

A cluster of centrioles has been found in the early Drosophila oocyte. Since the oocyte is connected to 15 nurse cells by a system of intercellular bridges or ring canals, the possibility that the cluster of centrioles arose in the germarium from an intercellular migration of centrioles from the nurse cells to the oocyte was analyzed in serial sections for the electron microscope. Initially, all of the 16 cells of the future egg chambers possess centrioles, which are located in a juxtanuclear position. At the time the 16 cell cluster becomes arranged in a lens-shaped layer laterally across the germarium, the centrioles lose their juxtanuclear position and move towards the oocyte. By the time the 16 cell cluster of cells is surrounded by follicle cells (Stage 1), between 14 and 17 centrioles are found in the oocyte. Later, these centrioles become located between the oocyte nucleus and the follicle cell border and become aggregated into a cluster less than 1.5 µ in its largest dimension. The fate of these centrioles in the oocyte is not known. The fine structure of the germarium and the early oocyte is also described.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the rabbit gallbladder has been studied in specimens whose functional state was undetermined, which were fixed either in situ or directly after removal from the animal; in specimens whose rate of fluid absorption was determined, either in vivo or in vitro, immediately prior to fixation; and in specimens from bladders whose absorptive function was experimentally altered in vitro. Considerable variation was found in the width of the epithelial intercellular spaces in the bladders whose functional state was undefined. In bladders known to be transporting fluid, either in vivo or in vitro, the intercellular spaces were always distended, as were the subepithelial capillaries. This distension was greatest in bladders which had been functioning in vitro. When either Na+ or Cl- was omitted from the bathing media, there was no fluid transport across the wall of the gallbladder studied in vitro. The epithelial intercellular spaces of biopsies taken from several bladders under these conditions were of approximately 200 A width except for minor distension at the crests of mucosal folds. The addition of the missing ion rapidly led to the reestablishment of fluid transport and the distension of the intercellular spaces throughout most of the epithelium of these bladders. Studies of sodium localization (by fixation with a pyroantimonate-OsO4 mixture) showed high concentrations of this ion in the distended intercellular spaces. Histochemical studies of ATPase activity showed that this enzyme was localized along the lateral plasma membrane of the epithelial cells. The analogy is drawn between the structure of the gallbladder mucosa and a serial membrane model proposed by Curran to account for coupled solute-solvent transport across epithelia. It is concluded that the intercellular compartment fulfills the conditions for the middle compartment of the Curran model and that active transport of solute across the lateral plasma membrane into the intercellular space may be responsible for fluid absorption by the gall bladder.  相似文献   

The intraepidermal innervation of the snout skin of the opossum has been studied with the light and electron microscope. Numerous large nerve fibers loose their myelin sheath in the superficial dermis and pass into the epidermis. The basement membranes of the epidermis and Schwann cell become continuous at the point of entry of the neurite into the epidermis. Within the epidermis, the neurite is associated with a specialized secretory epidermal cell, termed a Merkel cell. This cell has many secretory granules apposed to the neurite. The Merkel cells are epidermal cells since they have desmosomes between them and adjacent epidermal cells. The neurite in the stratum spinosum is enveloped by Schwann cells in a manner analogous to the Schwann cell investment of unmyelinated neurites. In the upper stratum spinosum the nerve fiber evidences changes which can be interpreted as degenerative. The Merkel cell-neurite complex is interpreted as representing a sensory receptor unit.  相似文献   

Measurements of the uptake of compounds that ordinarily do not penetrate into cells have been a source of data on the size of the extracellular space in nervous tissue. The distribution of one such compound, ferrocyanide, has been studied in the toad retina by means of the light and electron microscopes. At the level of the light microscope, ferrocyanide, detected as Prussian blue, appears to penetrate predominantly within the inner processes of Müller cells. A diffuse background staining by Prussian blue can be noticed also at the inner retinal layers. At the level of the electron microscope, Müller cells exhibit an extensively developed system of channels which are formed by infoldings of the plasma membrane. Ferrocyanide, detected as copper ferrocyanide deposits, is found occupying the lumina of these channels and in the narrow intercellular gaps of the retina. These observations indicate that in the toad retina the extracellular medium includes the intercellular spaces plus a glial compartment formed by the infoldings of the plasma membrane of the Müller cells.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, the sites of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and the fate of labeled deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP) were studied in autoradiographs of ultrathin sections viewed with the electron microscope. Tritiated thymidine was employed as a label for DNA in the nuclei of proliferating cells of regenerating salamander limbs. In the autoradiographic method reported here, dilute NaOH was used to remove the gelatin of the emulsion after exposure and development. The exposed silver grains are not displaced by this treatment and the resolution of fine structure in the underlying section is greatly improved. Our observations suggest that the DNP component is a meshwork of interconnected filaments 50 to 75 A in diameter, which may be cross-linked to form what Frey-Wyssling would term a "reticular gel." The filamentous DNP meshwork is dispersed throughout the interphase nucleus during DNA synthesis, whereas in chromosomes, which are relatively inert metabolically, the meshwork is denser and is aggregated into compact masses. Dense chromatin centers in interphase nuclei are similar in fine structure to chromosomes and are also inert with respect to DNA synthesis. In the Discussion, the structure of the filamentous meshwork in chromatin is compared with that in chromosomes, and speculations are made as to the functional significance of the variations in DNP fine structure observed.  相似文献   

目的:目前国内外对氟斑牙的研究主要集中在流行病学调查和临床疗效分析,对其漂白后釉质表面脱矿程度的研究却鲜有报道.观察不同程度人氟斑牙电镜下微观结构的特点,了解冷光美白对不同程度人氟斑牙釉质表面的影响,探讨冷光美白对重度氟斑牙的安全性.方法:选择因牙周病拔除的完整无龋坏的正常牙10颗,人各型氟斑牙50颗,选取颊侧典型区域制备标本.氟斑牙标本按Dean氏分类法分为轻、中、重度3组,正常牙标本作为对照组.各组标本随机分为4个亚组,A组:不做任何处理;B组:釉质表面蚀刻;C组:釉质剖面蚀刻;D组:釉质表面冷光美白,扫描电镜下观察标本的表面形貌.结果:轻度氟斑牙釉柱间隙增宽,少量晶体排列紊乱,晶间隙增宽.重度氟斑牙釉质表面凹凸不平,呈弹坑状或蜂窝状,釉柱轮廓不清,晶体排列紊乱甚至消失.中度氟斑牙居于二者之间.冷光美白后,正常牙和氟斑牙釉质表面低倍镜下均未见明显改变,高倍镜下散在浅碟状凹坑;中重度氟斑牙还伴有大量粟粒状小孔.结论:随着氟斑牙严重程度的加重,釉质表层损害程度加重.冷光美白造成釉质表层的轻微脱矿,氟斑牙稍重于正常牙.从结构和漂白后釉质表面脱矿程度方面进一步探讨氟斑牙的表面结构特点,从而为氟斑牙的临床治疗提供基础数据.  相似文献   

Douglass Hanly Moir is a large Australian laboratory which has recently introduced the ThinPrep Imaging System (TPI) for reading ThinPrep slides, which is still performed using a split-sample technique. The Imager is a computerized system which identifies 22 fields for the cytologist to review using automated light microscopy. We compared the accuracy of TPI and conventional cytology (CC) during normal laboratory operation. The ThinPrep sample was prepared after taking a conventional Pap smear. TPI and CC reading was done without knowledge of the result of the other reading. The final cytology report issued to the referring doctor reflected the more severe of these two results. Histology results for all cases in which TPI and CC cytology results showed more than minimal disagreement were sought from the NSW Pap Test Register. Of 55 164 split sample pairs, 3.1% of CC of slides and 1.8% of TPI slides were unsatisfactory. There were 1758 women for whom there was more than minimal discrepancy between TPI and CC cytology results. TPI gave the more severe result in 1193 of the 1758 cases. In cases where only one of each pair of discrepant cytology results was CIN1 or higher grade, TPI detected 133 cases of high-grade histology among 380 biopsies (35%), whereas CC detected 62 cases among 210 biopsies (29.5%). A repeat analysis based on reading of histology by one pathologist blinded to initial Pap smear result showed a similar result. Reading times were measured over 5 months for both TPI and CC for twenty cytologists who read both types of smears. On average, they read 13.3 TPI slides per hour and 6.1 CC slides per hour. This study provides evidence that cervical cytology read using the TPI detects more histological high-grade disease than does CC. Further evidence shows that reading times are significantly reduced for cytologists using the TPI.  相似文献   

Iron dextran (molecular weight 7,000) diffuses rapidly from the joint cavity through the synovium, along lymphatics and extracellular tissue spaces; articular cartilage is impermeable to iron dextran. There is also rapid cellular uptake by synovial lining cells, particularly of the vacuolar type; endoplasmic reticulum-containing lining cells rarely take up iron dextran. Cellular uptake is probably effected by pseudopodial folds projecting from the cell surface and enclosing extracellular material. Cells containing iron may degenerate and be ingested by phagocytes, and this may account for the concentration of iron in a smaller proportion of cells on or below the synovial surface in the later stages. At 6 to 18 hours after injection there is a mild inflammatory reaction and some synovial proliferation; from this stage onwards intracellular iron occurs in the form of haemosiderin. Granules of haemosiderin are present in the synovium 3 months after injection and possibly longer.  相似文献   

The distribution of radioautographic grains over organelles within the beta cells of rat islets of Langerhans was investigated at various times after pulse labeling of the isolated islets with tritium-labeled amino acids. Ten minutes after the start of labeling most of the grains were situated over the endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasm; by contrast, 60 min from the start of labeling the majority of the grains were associated with the beta granules. At 20, 30, and 45 minutes after pulse labeling the proportion of grains associated with the Golgi complex was increased two- to three-fold over the 10- or 60-minute values. The distribution of radioautographic grains over granules in the intact cells did not suggest that the electron-lucent type of secretory granules were precursors of the electron-opaque granules. Furthermore, studies of the pattern of grains over granules isolated by centrifugation 60 min after pulse labeling showed no preferential labeling of the electron-lucent type of granule. It is concluded that labeled amino acids are incorporated initially in the endoplasmic reticulum, and that the label subsequently appears in the beta granules. The Golgi complex participates either in the formation of the beta granule or in the translocation of the granule through the cytoplasm of the cell.  相似文献   

Resting cysts and the excystment process in the freshwater ciliate Euplotes muscicola were studied by both light and scanning electron microscopy. Groups of distinctly crested resting cysts adhere to the substrate. Silver-stained preparations reveal surface conservation of dorsal kinetosomes and dorsal argyrome while ventral organelles are directed inward. Excystment involves the development of an expanding excystment vacuole concurrent with a localized thinning on the dorsal cyst wall surface. Cells exit through the pre-formed ostiole, mid-dorsal region first, initially by the force of cytoplasmic streaming, but later aided by cirral movement. Newly emerged cells retain the excystment vacuole and show no dorsal ridging. As the cell expels its excystment vacuole and partially unfolds, normal trophont morphology is re-established. Both cyst structure and cyst typology have implications for hypotrich taxonomy.  相似文献   

The effect of two inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis, triparanol and AY 9944, on peripheral nerve myelination, was studied. Suckling mice were intraperitoneally injected with both drugs on 3 consecutive days and were sacrificed 6 hr after the last injection; others were suckled by an injected mother and sacrificed at 2½ days of age. A single mouse which had been injected with both drugs at 1, 2, and 3 days of age was sacrificed 2 wk after the last injection. Membranous and crystalline intracytoplasmic inclusions were observed in the Schwann cells of the sciatic nerves of all the experimental animals. Both the number of unmyelinated single axons and the number of myelin lamellae around each myelinating axon in the sciatic nerves were recorded for treated mice and of mice suckled by treated mothers. The sciatic nerve of the experimental mice contained a larger proportion of unmyelinated single axons and smaller numbers of myelin lamellae around the myelinating axons, when compared with age-matched controls. The results suggest that a decrease of endogenous cholesterol in suckling mice may affect peripheral nerve myelination in two ways: by retarding the "triggering" of myelination in unmyelinated axons and by decreasing the rate of myelination already in progress.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A membranous closing apparatus shuts the lorica opening in disturbed tintinnids of six genera belonging to four families. The homology of the apparatuses is investigated, using data from the literature and Mediterranean tintinnids studied in vivo and by scanning electron microscopy. Morphological and functional similarities indicate that the foldable closing apparatus is not only a synapomorphy of the genera Codonella (Codonellidae) and Dictyocysta (Dictyocystidae), as suggested 80 years ago, but also of Codonaria (Codonellidae) and Codonellopsis (Codonellopsidae). In Codonaria, Codonella, and Dictyocysta, the apparatuses merge posteriorly into membranous lorica sacs, which probably represent homologous structures. The diagnoses of these genera are improved according to the new findings. The close relationship of Codonella, Codonellopsis, and Dictyocysta is also inferred from small subunit rRNA phylogenies and the ultrastructure of the capsules. It contradicts the current lorica‐based classification of the tintinnids. The assumption that the diaphragm‐like apparatus in the genera Salpingacantha and Salpingella is not homologous to the foldable ones in the genera mentioned above is supported by molecular and cytological features.  相似文献   

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